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August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:22 am
by robertod
As soon as the disk is aligned, the prisms emit a strong white light which makes everything else around invisible. The light lasts a short time, like the flash of a camera, but for some incomprehensible reason this moment seems to last minutes.
When the light goes out, the investigators are in another place, in the dark. They turn on the flashlight and see that it works. The laws governing physics and human technology continue to function and have an effect on the world.
It is roughly square room, with a side of 40 feet, and with a ceiling height of six feet. They are in the middle of a circle engraved on the floor rock. Its diameter is about 25 feet. Four large stone boulders are placed at four equidistant points of the circumference. The boulders are twenty inches in height, and seems to be made of the same kind of rock as the walls and floor are, but they are detached from the ground.

They are triangular, prism shaped stones, similar to those they left behind in the tunnel. Here too, each prism has one of his angles directed towards the center of the circle. The four triangles are greenish brown, but in different shades of color, being one darker and, in a clockwise order, the other three gradually lighter.

The floor is covered with moss, algae, mollusks and fishes carcasses, suggesting this space gets regularly filled with sea water during high tide. Within the rock walls is a dampness that does not belong to the open air. The odour and humidity are different and difficult to describe, being somewhat unnatural. Three corridors start from the room, respectively from the North, South and West walls. The East wall has a huge metal door, apparently made of a sort of metal. It has the color and texture of iron, but apparently, does not show the slightest sign of rust. The lock is as big as the palm of one hand.
The room would be abandoned in complete darkness, were it not for a faint blue light coming from the West wall corridor. In the absence of other light sources, such a dimness give the impression of a strange and uncommon twilight effect occurring in the distance, far beyond the end of the West corridor. The walls and the floor appear to be made of the same strange stone, as if the room had been hollowed out from a monoblock. The ground covering is sparse, and those that grow are the flora of seaweed, interspersed with tufts of moss.


Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:28 am
by Mr. Handy

Kathryn finds being teleported disturbing, but compared to everything else she's seen, it seems downright mundane and understandable. She stows the disk back in her purse and inspects the lock's mechanism with her flashlight, seeing if it would be possible for her to pick it.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:53 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Kind of like what happened to that John Carter fella," Michael muses, more than a little dazed by the transition. "I wonder if that Tarzan guy knew somethin'. Maybe we're on Mars."

Happy to let Kathryn fiddle with the lock, since he's pretty clumsy with his hands, Michael decides to take a peek down the west corridor, where the light is coming from. The blue light protected them before, so maybe it's a good thing. Could it be where the friendly Martians live?

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 5:44 am
by robertod
The West corridor is short and leads the small group to a large hall. It is a huge space, apparently empty like a big arena, a squared area with a 150-foot side and a 40-foot high ceiling. It is illuminated by a strong monochromatic blue light, being emanated by a large pyramid on the ceiling, placed upside down, with its tip pointing at the floor. The floor has a long, 3-foot wide break that almost runs through the entire room from north to south. The light is concentrated in the center and prevents the group from seeing details of the walls. Three humanoid silhouettes with are standing at each of the two corners of the hall that are seeable form the corridor. They are standing still and do not seem to have noticed the investigators. Althought some light reaches their corridor, the characters can still hide in the darker part of it.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 6:00 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Michael makes a careful retreat back into the central room, to see how Kathryn is doing with the big door. He'll tell her what he saw to the west. Doesn't seem to be an immediate source of danger, but it would be better to get their bearing first. If they can't get the door open, he'll suggest they take a quick look at the north and south to see what they can see.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 6:08 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Can I roll Locksmith to try to pick the lock?

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 6:16 am
by robertod
The investigators can't understand how this door could be unlocked. The lock is something profoundly different than what ever seen before. They can't even imagine the kind of key. Certainly the key must be large, given the size of the lock. It is however possible to peek into the hole. The room beyond is illuminated by the sunlight. Through the hole they see a short corridor which ends with a door open to the sea.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 8:27 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Ain't gonna be easy to get out of this crazy joint," Michael says, pointing out the obvious. "We better check out the other two directions. Heads for north, tails for south."

He pulls a coin out of his pocket, tosses it into the air, and catches it.
"South it is." He heads in the direction.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:23 am
by Mr. Handy

Kathryn goes along to the south, gun in hand, trying to make as little noise as possible.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 5:52 am
by robertod
The cold damp air wraps around the group like a heavy coat of chain mail as they run through the corridor. The narrow corridor continues for 80 feet, then makes a right-angled curve.
Light reaches neither walls nor ceiling, confining vision to the small circle of flickering yellow cast by the flashlight. Cold humidity fills the air. The moss sits hedgehog-like on the stone surface, softly hibernating. Feels like walking through the dungeons of a castle which has been submerged under sea water for centuries. Every step in this corridor is a step towards the unknown. Something coming from the floor rock seems to pass through the body up to the intestines to generate a panic waves following each step. The tunnel goes on for another 80 feet, and finally leading the group to another room.

This room has a higher ceiling compared to the other the group has come from, about 40 feet over the head. A circular well filled with sea water lies in the center of the room. It is about ten feet in diameter. The water in the well seems pitch black. It would be still, were it not for the drops of water falling from the ceiling and making concentric circular waves on the water surface.
The strange and massive stone of the walls is adorned with its virescent mosses, soft to the touch, as if the rock has given life to the inanimate, as if the rock itself had something in its matter that allows vegetal grow.
Near the South wall are stairs rising to the top of the tower. They are three parallel flights of straight stairs joined by landing, with a 180 degree turn in the walk line.
Next to the North wall are two large glass elliptical cisterns, being the major axis about twenty feet. The cisterns reach up to the ceiling and are filled up to two thirds with greenish brown kelpy substance.
The cisterns are an artificial construction, but the materials used are unknown and unidentifiable. What appears to be glass is in truth much harder and more resistant, like a kind of transparent rock. There are no materials like this, in the whole history of human manufacture and industry.

The slurry is bubbling, and generating splashes that repeatedly wet the thin glass walls of the cistern. Without any source of heat being applied, the liquid particles are moving chaotically like microscopic living organisms willing to roam free. Bubbles appear and soon disappear with a pop. The pops noise is the sound dominating the room. It echoes and amplifies throughout the whole room, up to the high ceiling. The noise is repetitive and disturbing, and makes the room seem like a secret alchemical laboratory, which has finally produced something majestic and terrifying at the same time.
The lower part of the cisterns is made of something similar to metal, and a small pipe comes out and ends with a faucet. The tap can be can turned on, allowing the sludge to flow out onto the floor. Drops of dried and solidified liquid stained the floor, just below the taps mouth. Once dried, the liquid became as hard as the underlying rock.
Two cylindrical and transparent rock containers, one hundred inches high and fifty wide, are placed next to the big tanks. The containers are closed by a cover, made from a strange metallic material. This material is highly malleable, so that the containers are easily opened by folding the cover in specific points.

A white rubbery substance surround the lower edges of the cover. The same thing also cover the mouth of the glass containers, so that, when the cylinder is closed, the interior is isolated from the air contact.
Three corridors depart from the room. One going East, one going West and the last one heading North. A diffuse bluish light is coming from the North corridor and is beaming through the tanks, which made an eerie contrast with the slurry inside, and changing its color to dark blue. It is the same blue light the group saw when they were in the other room and, most likely, it comes from the same source, the big hall.


Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"I think this is where they brew their horrid stuff," whispers Kathryn. "I don't think we should mess with it, at least not yet. Later maybe we can drain it all, but we don't want anyone to know we're here yet. We don't want to go near it, and we don't want to go north toward the blue glow. Let's continue to the west."

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:54 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Suits me. Looks like most of this joint is deserted. Might as well find out as much as we can." Michael takes the precaution of sketching a rough map of the place with his pad and pencil, so they don't get lost.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 5:09 am
by robertod
The group goes west to take the other corridor. The corridor ends in another stone chamber. The temperature drops, sending violent chills down the spine. Then, the vision of something terrifying petrifies the them. The West half of the room is occupied by an unidentifiable number of unmentionable and terrifying big organisms, the same they have found in underground tunnels of the island. They are shapeless and senseless agglomerations of animals’ limbs and sensory organs. Such components seem to have been put together, after being randomly chosen within the whole marine animal evolutionary scale.
Since they are not a clear and definite form, it is not clear how many creature are there. Eyes of fish, fins, scaled skin and tentacles appear and disappear here and there. Where the mass does not generate something identifiable, it maintains a gelatinous consistency that resembles that of jellyfishes.

The different parts that make up the things seem somewhat autonomous, although there seems to be a general nervous system coordinating the interaction between some components
The creatures are constrained in a small space for their size. A grate with heavy iron bars, pulled down from the ceiling, the keeps things as prisoner in the West half the room. They form protuberances that move chaotically trying to conquer a little space through the bars.
Where an occasional mouth is generated, it cries as if desiring immediate nutrition, challenging the possibility of merciful feelings for something so monstrous that should be better off dead, or better, non-existent at all.
On the East wall is a big iron lever, which activates a mechanism inserted into the wall.
Corridors to the North and South depart from the room, while a corridor directed to the East provides a faint blue light that weakly illuminates the part of the room free from the presence of the horrible creatures.


Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 6:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"Keep that blue light handy," whispers Kathryn with a shudder. "I suppose that lever lets them out, but that sounds dangerous. The only reason to do that would be to send them after those things in the middle, but they have a blue light of their own. Let's head north."

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:10 am
by robertod
The group arrives to another room, similar to the others in term of size. In the center is a small pool of sea water. It seems like the top of a deep well. The diameter is about ten feets. The moss clung to the stone wall like green snow, lying all over the surface.
Four rectangular stone blocks are arranged in the room, each one at one of the corners. They are as tall as tables, ten feet wide and twenty long. Next to the North wall is a stone staircase going up, being composed by three parallel flights of straight stairs joined by U turn landings.

One small cylindrical transparent container is placed upon each rectangular stone. Each one is closed by an iron cover. The cylinders seem to have been made to reflect this type of light preferentially. The blue rays reflect between one cylinder and the other so to generate a celestial aura in the center of the stone chamber. The result is something shocking that displaces the human mind. The sea citadel is something old that lives in communion with marine life, and at the same time, it is the result of an advanced alien intelligence, which has proved to be ruthless and terrifying with human beings.
The transparent material used to produce the cylinder has the solidity and consistence of rock. The iron cover is extremely malleable, so that it can be easily folded to fit the vase´s mouth and close the container.

The cylinder placed in the Southwest corner is empty, but the others have objects inside. The vase in the Northwest corner contains a scalpel and a roll of thread. Thin but robust filaments obtained from seaweeds fibers are rolled around a piece of rock. There are also fragments of reptilian and fish scales, along with some peace of stone tools, as thin as needles, which seem to have been taken from an archaeological excavation site. In addition to these objects, the cylinder contains a small stone vase filled with a whitish oily substance similar to a balsam.

The cylinder placed on the Southeast corner has a round disk made of stone, the size of a book. It looks like an exact copy of the one the group already has. This one too has reliefs that draw four triangles, whose tip is directed towards the center of the disk.Triangles have different colors, being one of these darker and the other three gradually lighter.

Three objects are inside the container of the Northeast corner. Each object is composed of two buzzing globes of shivering blue, one encasing each hand. Thisey are copies of the same object the creature used to repell the chaotic mass.
The room opens up to three corridors, one leading south, towards the center of the tower, and the other two going East and West.

Here too, a blue light comes from the corridor that leads to the South. The light is weak but increases in intensity when it meets the transparent cylinders. Three humanoid figures are walking throught the South corridor, leaving the hall and going towards the characters.


Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Hide," whispers Kathryn ducking back down the hall and gripping her revolver. "Keep your light out of sight, around the corner if you can."

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 10:03 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Michael nods agreement, moving as quietly as his bulk allows him to do. It's obvious that these Martians, or whatever they are, are performing biological experiments on Earth creatures, and he doesn't feel like getting cut up. Maybe he'll be really lucky, and they'll be willing to talk to human beings, but no sense taking chances.

This place is becoming a labyrinth. I feel like a rat in a maze. What this all has to do with bootleggers and a missing kid is beyond me.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 5:20 am
by robertod
While the characters are hidden in the dark in a corner of the room, four huge humanoid figures, with bulbous eyes and scaly skin, enter and head towards the stairs. They are the same race that inhabited the caves under the mansion of the Andersons. They walk dripping with salt water, walking awkwardly towards the stairs. Then, they lift the weight of their body, so unsuitable to walk on earth, with difficulty, step by step up the stairs.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 5:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"We'll want to avoid them," whispers Kathryn. "Let's go the way they came from, to the south, toward the middle. Now that they're gone, maybe it's clear."

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 10:14 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Michael nods, just happy that the things that live down here have limbs. Things without arms or legs; that's what's really scary.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:57 am
by robertod
The group enters the squared 150-foot sided hall. Up their heads is a 40-foot high ceiling. A strong monochromatic blue light is emanated by a large pyramid on the ceiling, placed upside down, with its tip pointing at the floor. The floor has a long, 3-foot wide break that almost runs through the entire room from north to south.

The blue light is blinding, forcing anybody to take the eyes off the shining pyramid. The blight is so strong that one almost cannot distinguish the shades of colors and the differences of lightness, being everything transformed into the spectral monotony of a homogeneous ambiance. The color of the stone floor became blue, is similar to that of the air. The ceiling instead is invisible, being the light so strong that seems to be directly emanated by a big blue star.
The light seems to have an effect on noises, which are somewhat muted, as if the propagation of sounds occurred deep in the depths of the sea, following physical laws still incomprehensible to men.

Two humanoid creatures with features of amphibians and fish are standing at two farest corners, one at each. They´ve seen the characters and start runing in their direction.
The crack on the floor is full of water, dark water. There´s another space down below, being it the only thing that seems able to escape the bright light blue monopoly and accept other light sources. There is a sea environment down below. It houses something that no one would ever want to see.
They glimpse a labyrinth of stone corridors that get lost into the deep waters below. This hall .. all this structure ... seems to be the highest point of an entire submerged city.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 9:15 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Now we're in for it, Michael muses. Too late to turn back!

"We're Earth people!" he cries."Friendly! Welcome to our planet!"

The creeps probably don't even talk American. He keeps his pistol ready.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"Don't come any closer!" says Kathryn, raising her revolver, prepared to shoot if they continue to approach.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 1:23 am
by robertod
Suddenly, a noise takes everyone by surprise. A crack opens on the ceiling and a piece of it falls in the middle of the hall. The stone boulder falls right into the crack and sinks into the waters. Looking up, the investigators see the pyramid on the ceiling is shaking as if it had been moved by an unknown source of energy concentrated on it. The two amphibious beings stop their run. They go back out of the hall running, using the nearest exit. Meanwhile, the vibrations of the pyramid are spreading throughout the structure, and the investigators perceive a small tramble under their feet.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 2:05 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's get out of here!" cries Kathryn, already running back down the north tunnel. "Maybe we should go up those stairs."

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:41 pm
by robertod
The flights of stairs lead to the top of the tower, which opens towards the sky. The sky is free of clouds, allowing the passage of the shining light of the stars constellations. The stars light is stronger than one would expect. The group end up at the highest point of a tower, which is part of a citadel half submerged in the sea. All around them are stone monoliths, each measuring hundreds of feet in width and length, emerging at least 20 feet from the sea, covering an area of about one square mile, but looking like the tip of something much bigger submerged in the depths. Each appears as a monoblock with no discontinuities. Nothing suggests the presence of more blocks, but rather a single huge monolith that has been hollowed out and sculpted. Their features are absurd, a panorama of vast angles and stone planes too great to belong to anything right and proper for this earth, and impious with horrible images and disturbing hieroglyphs.
The geometry is abnormal, non-Euclidean, and loathsomely redolent of spheres and dimensions apart from ours. Surfaces that appear flat may actually be tilted, and angles of masonry that appear convex at first glance may actually be concave.
Everything is incredibly huge. Greenish stone blocks of unbelievable size and colossal statues and bas-reliefs induce frightening suggestiveness.
The stones make up a tangled labyrinth of water canals all around. The sea waters have no turbulences, and are unnaturally still and uniform like a mirror. he strange architectures makes navigation through them disorienting and treacherous. The view of the citadel is clear, but beyond its perimeter, a dense fog has risen, isolating the citadel from anything beyond it, turning the whole place into an unnatural, surreal world, somewhat out of time and space.

The group ended up at the central point of the citadel, at the top of a squared tower 200 feet wide and 90 high. It is is made of a dark gray rock, which takes on brown and greenish tones in various points. The surface is incredibly smooth, like that of a cold metal plate.

The stars of the night sky stand above the group´s head in all their splendor, and the shadows of the citadel stones look like a large and gloomy cemetery, whose gigantic gravestones were somehow stuck into the water. Seen from here, the citadel is majestic and solemn, appearing as made of gigantic stones drawing a tortuous spiral, which finds its center in the tower. The tower roof is a large dome, covered by a cross-shaped terrace, being the two stairs placed at the north and south ends of the cross. The cross has a central square, whose side is about 70 feet in diameter.

The constellation of Virgo appears as imposing its lights over anything else on Haven and Earth, as if it shining with living light, as if the other stars had reduced their lightness, paying homage to the majesty of the virgin´s stars.

Four humanoid creatures of the abysses are standing in the square. With them are three smaller bodies. One of those is a small child which corresponds to Timothy´s description and photos, althought the group should get closer to confirm. One of the four anphybian beings wears a large scarlet tunic and stands motionless. The four are observing the sky and did not realize about the investigator´s presence. The other two small bodies measure just over 4 feet. These are dressing childish clothes. Their figure is similar to a hybrid being, being the skin completely human. The face however took on the known repugnant features, the head of the fish with amphibians eyes.

Timothy and the hybrid children are on their knees, and form a small circle. They are also looking at the sky as if hoping to get a blessing from the stars. Their eyes are wide open and huge, seeming to be made to reflect all the firmament. The mouth is closed and has no facial expression, as if no face could represent this moment, whose catharsis is solely determined by infinitely superior forces. The creature with the tunic approaches the three little bodies while staring at the sky, as if expecting something from above.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:47 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's sneak closer," whispers Kathryn to the others.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:16 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Michael nods. If there's a chance to rescue the kid, even after what these space monsters did to him, they have to chance it.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 4:58 am
by robertod
The strange light of the stars illuminates the top of the tower with unnatural clarity. The presence of investigators could not have remained unnoticed for long. Shortly after they appear in the north arm, the four Deep Ones notice them and look at them with strange and disturbing naturalness. The priest takes the two hybrid children by the hand and the whole group walk towards the south arm, deliberately ignoring the investigators. Timothy is left behind. He seems to have woken up from a long sleep. He feels abandoned and confused, he looks at the four monsters going away and then turns to the investigators. He stares at them with frightened and petrified face, as if they were not less alien then the aphybious beings who has just abandoned him.

Meanwhile, the tide begins to rise fast. Faster than any natural tie whold be able to rise.

As terror conquers their mind, the investigators see something heartening. First because it belongs to the human world, second because appears as the only way to possibly leave this place. A small boat at the foot of the tower is going up together with the tide.


Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Where exactly on the map is the boat located?

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:00 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Michael gets ready to take the kid away from these Martians. (Although, come to think of it, they seem to like water. Maybe they're from Venus.) So far they don't seem to be openly hostile, so maybe there's a way to reason with them. If not, well, maybe he'll find out if they've got green blood. He gets the pistol ready and walks, slowly and calmly, towards the kid, trying not to look like a threat.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 6:19 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Don't be afraid, Timothy," says Kathryn in a soothing tone. "My name is Kathryn. Your father sent us to find you and bring you home. Your Aunt Emma is with us. You recognize her, right? And Michael here is a policeman, and this other lady is his assistant, Ivy. Please, come with us in the boat."
OOC,[b]Kathryn[/b]'s Charm roll (55% skill) to get [b]Timothy[/b] to join us: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:47 am
by robertod
The boat is located between the stairs and the center of the tower, it is going up with the water to the right of the investigators.

As the creatures leave the top of the tower, Timothy stays with the investigators and eventually follows them on the boat.

In a few minutes, the tide completely submerges the monolithic structures. The investigators find themselves with Timothy on a small motor boat with a cabin. The stars diminish their brightness, and a quiver of clouds cover the stary sky, leaving the group in the silent night of the open sea. The boat looks the one of a humble fisherman. There are some nets, a compass and a Bay of Fundy navigation map.

Timothy seems to already know the boat, finds something familiar in it. As soon as he gets on it, he curls up in a corner of the cabin. The boat appears to have enough fuel to travel many miles. However, investigators have no idea where they are. For the moment they see no lights of headlights on the horizon. This suggests the disturbing possibility that they are offshore.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:09 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, we know that if we go west, we'll eventually reach the shore," says Kathryn, checking to see if there's a compass on the boat. Failing that, she tries to tell from looking at the stars in the sky, knowing that the Big Dipper always points north.
OOC,Navigate roll (10% base skill) to find out which way is west: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 4:15 am
by robertod
The boat wanders throughout the night with orientation difficulties. A blanket of clouds covers the stars, and the group feels like a castaway in the middle of a sea of ​​black ink, wrapped by a no less blackened night.
At the first light of dawn, an image appears on the distant horizon, hardly visible from the fog.

In what they believe to be the southern direction, an island appears. The shape of the hills is that of Coney Island. If they are not mistaken they are moving away from the center of the Bay of Fundy.
While Emma takes the little Timothy on the deck, Ivy gathers with Michael and Kathryn inside the cabin.

Her face is serious and visibly traumatized.

"After all you have seen ... after that child has been returned to us from their hands .. do you really want to hand him over to his father?"

"I think we should go to Coney Island andtake him to Carson."

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 5:02 am
by Mr. Handy

"How can we do that?" asks Kathryn, equally distraught. "He's a child. Even if what Carson plans to do works, and we don't know that it will, it still feels so wrong."

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:24 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Kid needs a good home," Michael says. "With all this craziness goin' on, he's likely to be as shell-shocked as a doughboy at Verdun. We need to get him to a hospital."

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:02 am
by robertod
Ivy begins to raise her voice, her eyes are blinded with fear. She trembles as she speaks again.

"He is not a child, not anymore or maybe he has never been. Did you forget what you have seen. His mother has generated a hybrid. They left him with us... and they let us live and get away... because they want us to rescue him... they had to do something with him... and now they want him to grow up among the humans... This child is born to die. If you don't do it... I will."

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 10:49 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Forget it, lady. If the kid turns out to have somethin' wrong with him, well, they got institutions for stuff like that. It's a damned shame, but he don't need killin'."

Michael tries to make sure Ivy doesn't try any funny business.

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 7:51 pm
by Mr. Handy

Kathryn has seen Ivy kill before, and she knows she would do it. "Killing him now wouldn't accomplish anything anyway," she says. "Carson said he had to do it at a certain place, in a certain way, in order to flood the place. If you killed him now, that couldn't happen. I know his father is a monster, but his mother was human: Alyssa, Emma's sister. What does Emma think about what you're planning?"

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:49 am
by robertod
Ivy seems to calm down, although something still boils inside her. She´s still convinced that her decision would be the best, but she does know she would never be able to convince Kathryn and Michael. Emma stays with the boy and keeps him far from the trio, as far as a the boat space and the capin allows, so that nothing of this conversation reaches his ears.
Little Timothy remains silent and apatic. He just follows the investigators as if driven by a kind of natural inertia, something telling him he has to follow those adults currently taking care of him, whoever they are.

The four investigators return to Greyton in the early afternoon. The small coastal town of Maine is exactly how they left it. The tide falls as they arrive at the port, forcing the boat to stop on the beach. Meanwhile, the patch of fog falls behind them, over the whole bay of Fundy, like a pitiful veil that closes their adventure and misfortune. The fishermen of the first hovels turn their gaze to the small boat, with a glimmer of curiosity, but not enough to divert them from their work of building nets. A group of workers is preparing a scooner to sail to the Atlantic in the coming days. The seagulls scream on the pier, and their noise is confused with the playful screaming of a group of children, who are cackling somewhere in the middle of the houses. The indifferent simplicity of this small seaside town becomes something absurd, located at the mouth of the bay, a few miles away from the abysmal horrors the investigators will never forget.
OOC:   Let me know if the group interacts with someone in the city, or just leave to Boston  

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 5:02 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's not talk to anyone in Greyton," suggests Kathryn. "The less attention we draw to ourselves, the better."

Re: August 18 - 11.00 PM - The other side

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:35 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Jake with me. If I never see this place again, it'll be too soon for me."