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Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 7:40 pm
by SunlessNick
jp1885 wrote:"Hmmm... I daresay there are many secrets to discover here..." muses Tony, squinting at the map. "But perhaps we should focus on rescuing Zara."
OOC:   Part of the point of this was so you could do some damage to Faux Manchu's place along the way. (Not that rescue isn't an appealing idea)  

Vicki,After a bit of waiting, I change my mind about the vent. I keep the evening gown on, to keep up the illusion of being Kitten - but I push the cot over to the vent and try to get it open - any of those guys who come to stop me won't then be roaming the halls when the others get in.

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 8:17 pm
by jp1885
OOC:   Fair enough (I’ve been a good boy and haven’t been reading your spoilers so assumed Zara needs rescuing!  

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 1:31 am
by SunlessNick
OOC:   It's not a bad bet all things considered.  

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 2:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's take the most direct route to Zara, provided we don't hear any monsters along it," whispers Liz as she tinkers with her radio as Tony suggested. "She may need help sooner rather than later. Good thinking about the radio."
OOC,Same here. We can sabotage the place after we rescue [b]Zara[/b]. Three people can do more damage than two anyway.

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:08 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Zara,Let's try DEX = 13 for opening the vent without a problem.[dice]0[/dice] The attempt to open the vent causes it to fly off the wall, landing on the floor with a loud bang. This draws the attention of a pair of savage-looking fellows, as seen before, who enter the room. A few moments after they enter, blocking the way out, the portly man you saw on the TV comes in, wearing a surgical gown, mask, and gloves. "You anticipate me, Miss. I was just about to send my assistants after you, in order to take you to surgery." One of the two men murmurs, "The House of Pain." "Quiet," the surgeon replies. "There will be no punishment today. Come along, my dear." He leads you outside, where there is a very beautiful, darkly exotic-looking, young woman dressed as a nurse. "Lota will be present, to assure that there are no improprieties." The woman merely nods, eyeing you with open curiosity. The group directs you to follow them out of your room and down the hall.

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:31 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
By the time they discuss their plans and adjust the radio to produce a high-frequency wailing sound when desired, the pair of adventurers discover, via the tracker, that Zara has moved out of the room at the top of the map, and down to where the corridor continues both straight down, and to the left (from your point of view.) Given this fact, there are two paths, of equal length, to reach her current position. Either by turning up and going through the pale gray four-way intersection near Exit B, or by going to the right, then turning up. The former avoids any rooms marked with the illegible lettering, but goes through what must be the most frequently traveled area. The latter avoids the major intersection, but goes through a couple of the marked rooms. It is not yet evident which way Zara will go when reaching the first intersection ahead of her.

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:33 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Lew,While keeping in contact with the two underground, so you can keep track of what's going on, a policeman on foot patrol enters the abandoned tavern. Casting a flashlight in your direction, he asks "Sure, and what's all this now?"

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:04 pm
by jp1885

"A road less travelled, don't you think my dear?" Tony declares, pointing to the latter option on the map. "Less conspicuous and also gives us the opportunity to mooch around as we press on."

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 1:03 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
Zara,Let's try DEX = 13 for opening the vent without a problem.[dice]238508:0[/dice] The attempt to open the vent causes it to fly off the wall, landing on the floor with a loud bang. This draws the attention of a pair of savage-looking fellows, as seen before, who enter the room. A few moments after they enter, blocking the way out, the portly man you saw on the TV comes in, wearing a surgical gown, mask, and gloves. "You anticipate me, Miss. I was just about to send my assistants after you, in order to take you to surgery." One of the two men murmurs, "The House of Pain." "Quiet," the surgeon replies. "There will be no punishment today. Come along, my dear." He leads you outside, where there is a very beautiful, darkly exotic-looking, young woman dressed as a nurse. "Lota will be present, to assure that there are no improprieties." The woman merely nods, eyeing you with open curiosity. The group directs you to follow them out of your room and down the hall.
Vicki,Remembering to maintain Kitten's accent, I say in a mocking tone, and borrowing some flowery dialogue from old movies, "[color=#004000]Improprieties? You demanded improprieties with your first words to me, and do so still. Do not pretend to honour.[/color]" I don't try to go slow - I figue they'll just drag me if I do - I keep telling myself in my head that they'll realise I'm not Kitten as soon as they undress me.

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 3:57 pm
by Starspawn338
Vicki,[b]Lew[/b] looks up at the light and squints. [color=#FF00FF]"Good day officer. I am reviewing this location for an investment. I'm surprised to see that a closed business still warrants patrols from the police but there's nothing going on here. Thank you so much for investigating."[/color] He says in his most elderly but matter of fact tone. I will walk around and peruse the bar and anything else which looks like it might be of interest to someone looking to purchase the building, perhaps making comments to myself about how much it will cost to remodel the place to suit my needs.

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 7:17 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Quite," agrees Liz. "And that has made all the difference."

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 9:34 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Tony and Liz,After passing through a few doors, bypassing the four-way intersection, you see that your path forward leads through a long, narrow room which is apparently a laboratory of some sort. There are flasks full of colored liquids, centrifuges, microscopes, several tall storage cabinets, eyewash stations, fire extinguishers, over head showers, and so forth. You are able to enter from the left side easily enough, but the door on the right is locked. It bears the symbol created by Dow Chemical a couple of years ago that means "biohazard," a recently coined term. There is lettering that reads AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED. Meanwhile, the tracer tells you that Zara is heading straight down on the map, not turning.
Zara,Your tone of voice draws the attention of the doctor and the woman called Lota. The other men don't seem to understand what you're saying. The man advises you to keep calm. "It would be most unfortunate if you were to begin transforming at this time, so you must keep an even temper. I do not wish to have Lota restrain you while I am forced to administer a powerful sedative prematurely. That could cause complications during what will otherwise be fairly simple surgery." Lota does not speak, but removes one of the examination gloves she is wearing, revealing a set of nails that appear to resemble long, sharp, curved claws. You continue forward
Lew,Let's see if the cop swallows your story. CHA = 11, -1 for Suspected by Squares; Well Spoken and Bad Liar seem to cancel each other out in this situation. CHA = 10[dice]0[/dice] The officer appears to accept this story, after looking around and seeing that nothing seems to be out of order. "Faith, I'd fancy runnin' a proper pub meself, bucko. Nothin' like a pint o' Guinness, not this American swill. Good evenin' to ye, sir." He makes his exit, whistling tunelessly.

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 10:17 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
Zara,Your tone of voice draws the attention of the doctor and the woman called Lota. The other men don't seem to understand what you're saying. The man advises you to keep calm. "It would be most unfortunate if you were to begin transforming at this time, so you must keep an even temper. I do not wish to have Lota restrain you while I am forced to administer a powerful sedative prematurely. That could cause complications during what will otherwise be fairly simple surgery." Lota does not speak, but removes one of the examination gloves she is wearing, revealing a set of nails that appear to resemble long, sharp, curved claws. You continue forward
Vicki,I pause a moment and let out a long breath,as if regaining contol, then go where they lead me.

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:24 pm
by jp1885

Tony regards all the scientific gubbins with some bewilderment. He sighs, shrugging at Liz.

“Any idea what all this is about oh wise one?”

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 5:06 am
by Mr. Handy

"I understand the equipment," replies Liz. "More importantly, I understand the sign on the door. While I wouldn't mind poking about without authorisation, I think it would be an extremely bad idea to enter without protective equipment, which we lack. It sounds like our foe may be cooking up a biological weapon. I think we should keep heading toward Zara."

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:54 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Zara,You continue straight for a while, then turn left, then left again, and then right. This leads you to the operating theater, which is currently being prepared for surgery. A operating table is wheeled out. You are asked to lie down on it, cover yourself up with a sterile cloth, and disrobe under it (the surgeon being somewhat puritanical about these things, it seems.) Once completed, you will be given a sedative and anesthetics to knock you out during the procedure. All of this takes some time.
Tony and Liz,The tracker reveals that Zara has arrived at the room marked in the upper right corner of the map. Since there is no other way out of it, this seems to be her destination. Because there is no way to go straight without entering the room marked with the biohazard sign, to reach her you will have to backtrack, go past the large four-way intersection, and go around the long way. This will take quite a bit more time. Going straight would be a lot faster, but would it be safe?

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 9:23 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
Zara,You continue straight for a while, then turn left, then left again, and then right. This leads you to the operating theater, which is currently being prepared for surgery. A operating table is wheeled out. You are asked to lie down on it, cover yourself up with a sterile cloth, and disrobe under it (the surgeon being somewhat puritanical about these things, it seems.) Once completed, you will be given a sedative and anesthetics to knock you out during the procedure. All of this takes some time.
Vicki,Getting knocked out is further than I'm willing to take the act - dropping the accent,I say, "[color=#004000]I-I'm not her. This guy... he paid me to do this... it sounded like a lark, but it's not worth... please, I'm sorry, I just want to go home.[/color]"

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:45 am
by jp1885

“I think perhaps we should retrace our steps, before we lose Zara’s signal, or indeed ourselves. But first, a little mayhem perhaps?”

Tony looks for something suitably heavy to throw into the flasks and containers.

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:05 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I wouldn't advise that," says Liz. "We could release whatever plague he may be cooking up in there. Without protective equipment, we'd be exposed ourselves. No pathogen is going to stop at that doorway. But let's take the long way round like you suggested."

Re: Track 7:San Francisco-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Ha

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:51 pm
by jp1885
Tony lowers his makeshift weapon, somewhat sheepishly.