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Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"O-negative is the universal donor," says Liz over the radio, rolling her eyes at the medic's mistake, but relieved that at least it wouldn't have gotten Moonflower killed as a result. "She's O-positive, so she can safely receive any blood that's type O, whether it's positive or negative, but nothing else."

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:00 pm
by jp1885

Tony kicks himself - damn this aristocratic blood! He joins Zara.

"I'm sorry my dear, I've practically been ignoring you. How are you? You handled yourself marvellously." He raises his voice slightly. "I hope these two policemen haven't been hassling you - cocaine indeed! Maybe they'd like to have their blood type tested, hm?"

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:24 pm
by SunlessNick

"You can try mine," Zara says to the medics. "I've got some handy," she adds with a slightly hysterical laugh.

To Tony, she says, "I was sure he was going to kill me. Thankyou for coming after me." A little louder, "Thank all of you." Quiter again, "Where's Liz. Is she ok?"

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 4:43 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
After explanations of Liz's injuries and current whereabouts are offered, Zara's blood is tested.

"What is this," one cop murmurs to the other, "some freak hippie blood cult? If these two medics weren't here . . ."

"Come on," he says, more loudly, "we ain't got all day."
same as before[dice]0[/dice]
"A+," one of the medics says, a little chagrined by his previous error in calling Moonflower a universal donor. Obviously he forgot about the Rh factor. "Sorry, that won't work either. Anybody else?"

It's obvious that the medics will both be busy operating the transfusion equipment, so can't be spared. Neither one of the cops is willing to stop pointing his pistols at the adventurers; they're still pretty suspicious about the whole thing.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:57 am
by Rooter

Carson sighs and volunteers.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 10:29 am
by jp1885

While Carson's blood is being tested, Tony approaches the two cops.

"Put those dreadful guns down please. If we were, er, I believe the vernacular is 'smackheads', I hardly think we'd have built this elaborate set-up." He gestures around the chamber. "Radio your superiors and mention dear Agent Carson over there - yes, 'Agent' Carson, of the CIA. Now if you'll excuse me..."

Nodding curtly, he saunters off to search the place for clues, hoping that the cops don't shoot him first.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 2:09 pm
by SunlessNick

The cops' hostile words leave Zara feeling self-conscious about the minidress she's wearing. She retreats back to her spot by the wall and tries to curl up small.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 10:59 pm
by Starspawn338
"What kind of man would I be if I didn't volunteer to give up my blood to save a girl." Lew says as he offers up his arm.
"I believe I'm a universal donor."

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 3:14 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Roll for Carson:[dice]0[/dice]
"Another A+," the medic remarks after sampling Carson's blood.

Fortunately, Lew is the perfect donor. As the cops look on, ignoring Tony's suggestion that they put away their firearms with a sneer, the medics proceed to set up the transfusion. (It's a lucky break that these officers have worked with these medics before, and trust them, or they might not have let them go on with the procedure.)

After a while, Moonflower, although still weak and disoriented, is conscious enough to be transported, with great care, back up the stairs by the two medics.

"Now that we've got the lady stable," one cop says, "what's the real story here?"

Before anyone can answer, a very loud sound erupts from above the chamber. It sounds as if water, or some such substance, is rushing at a tremendous rate.

"We better get out of here," the other cop says. "Could be a flood coming. Sewer line broken or something. We're gonna have to run these folks in anyway, so let's move."

"OK, people," the other says. "Up the stairs, nice and slow. No tricks! We'll be right behind you."

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 4:31 am
by SunlessNick

Zara grabs the wetsuit and boots before leaving the room - she has no intention of going back into the sewage in bare legs and feet.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 9:47 am
by jp1885

Tony's immediate thought is that of the white liquid thing that attacked them in the 'viewing chamber' or the fluid in which those poor women in the tanks were preserved. He has no wish to come into contact with either of them, so obeys the cops' commands without argument.

Should a suitable container be at hand, he will use the distraction to scoop up some of the white dust for later analysis first.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:03 am
by Rooter

"There's an elevator," Carson points out. "That might be quicker."

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 1:34 pm
by SunlessNick

"Only a couple of us could fit in it," Zara says.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 7:32 pm
by Starspawn338
Lew will head up the stairs, although slowed by age and his recent donation of blood.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 10:00 am
by Rooter

Carson nods in reply to Zara and follows the others up the stairs.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 10:01 am
by jp1885

If Zara doesn't need assistance (ladies first), Tony will help Lew up the stairs.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 3:08 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Seeing that the suspects (as they think of them) are being co-operative, and have done the best they could to aid the medics in their work, the cops relax a little.

"O'Malley," says the one who is apparently in charge, "you take the elevator. I'll head up the stairs with these folks. That way nobody can pull a fast one and make a break for it."

"Right." O'Malley does as he is told, as the others head up the stairs. The other cop pauses long enough to gather some evidence, while keeping an eye (and a pistol) on the investigators. Since nobody can watch everything at once, Tony has a chance to gather a sample of the powder.

By the time the people climbing the stairs are almost up to the chamber from which they descended, they hear sounds as of several people sloshing through liquid, then inarticulate sounds coming from a man, as of someone too startled to speak clearly, then several pistol shots, then a man screaming.


Meanwhile, Moonflower has been rushed to the same hospital where Liz has been treated. Both women are stabilized and, as luck would have it, are in the same emergency room holding area. The ER is particularly busy, with extra staff being called in and patients going through triage to determine how critical it is to treat them in a timely manner. From the excited conversations of physicians, nurses, and other professionals, it seems that there has been a rash of severe burn cases from all over the city.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 4:38 am
by Mr. Handy

"Why are so many people suffering from burns?" Liz asks the next member of the staff who comes into her room.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 5:38 am
by SunlessNick

"That liquid!" Zara exclaims. "It must have attacked the other cop!" She frantically pulls the wetsuit on over the minidress before she has to step out into the sewer itself.

Re: Track Three: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:42 am
by jp1885

"I think you're right Zara - we must help the poor chap."

Tony turns to the other policeman.

"Officer, your colleague is under attack from forces none of us can yet understand, but nonetheless we must rush to his aid!

As Tony follows the screaming (presumably to the 'display chamber'), he looks for a plank or large piece of wood that he could possibly use to bridge the evil liquid.