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Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:34 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz is pleased to see the Rolls Royce arrive and drop off a fellow posh Brit. It's a small world after all, indeed, she thinks. As she dances, she looks over her partner's shoulder and catches Tony's eye.
OOC,The text below the spoiler button with the dice rolls hadn't been there when I posted, but I'd still do the same thing.

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:25 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
The loud music (which, by this time, is blasting out Wild Thing's notable ocarina solo) prevents anyone inside from hearing a siren's wail until just before it grinds to a halt. Two police officers enter Sospiri. The barkeep quickly removes the phonograph's needle from the record, resulting in an annoying screech.

One of the bikers, a tall, thin fellow whose name, it seems from snatches of shouts aimed in his direction during the party, is Loser, grins at them.

"Well, well. If it ain't the Dynamic Duo. Sorry, Batman, the Joker done left town."

The leader of the motorcycle gang (who has been addressed as Mister Blue) walks up to the officers.

"What's the hassle? We're just having a good time. We don't need the Man bugging us."

"This isn't the usual vandalism, public drunkenness, or disorderly behavior charge, Blue," one of the cops says. It's obvious the two have met many time before. "This time it's homicide."

"Come on, man. We haven't rumbled with the Dirty Saints for weeks, and that wasn't nothing but a few busted jaws."

The cop shakes his head, almost sadly. "This wasn't a rival gang. It was a fifteen-year-old girl. Maria Sanchez. Ran away from her home in San Diego. Wound up here. We've got witnesses say she was seen with some of your boys."

"Hell, we party with any chick who isn't a square. Maybe they get high, but they walk away alive."

"This one didn't. They found her body in one of the canals. Multiple wounds. Bled to death." He moves closer to the leader. "Look, Blue, I know you guys weren't responsible. None of them are sick enough to do what some maniac did to this girl. But I have to get statements from all of you. You know the drill. Where were you last night, when did you last see the victim, all that stuff."

The questioning of the bikers and their women proceeds with much grumbling and protest. Meanwhile, the other policeman approaches the others in the place, one by one.

"I need to get your names, see some ID, find out anything you might know about what happened last night. Let's not make this any harder than it has to be."

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"Of course, Officer," says Liz, taking out her passport and showing it to the cops. "I'll do whatever I can to help. I'm Dr. Liz North. Ph.D., not a medical doctor, though I've studied medicine some too. This is the first I've heard of the murder."

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:51 am
by SunlessNick

Zara visibly blanches at the policeman's description of the murder, and she swallows the rest of her drink quickly before asking for another (which I assume won't be forthcoming while the police are there). She will give her name, show what ID she has, and deny knowing anything about what happened. If asked why she's reacting with such clear nervousness if she knows nothing, she will answer that "It just sounds so horrible."

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 7:51 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Of course, Officer," says Liz, taking out her passport and showing it to the cops. "I'll do whatever I can to help. I'm Dr. Liz North. Ph.D., not a medical doctor, though I've studied medicine some too. This is the first I've heard of the murder."
"I see, Doctor. May I ask what brings you here, so far from home? This isn't exactly the Ritz."

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 7:57 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
Zara visibly blanches at the policeman's description of the murder, and she swallows the rest of her drink quickly before asking for another (which I assume won't be forthcoming while the police are there). She will give her name, show what ID she has, and deny knowing anything about what happened. If asked why she's reacting with such clear nervousness if she knows nothing, she will answer that "It just sounds so horrible."
"That's understandable, miss. Just don't leave town for a while, OK? We may be back in contact." He seems to know something about her, possibly from the unwanted publicity brought about by some of her paintings in trashy tabloids. (Artist Draws Crimes Before They Happen!)

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:04 am
by jp1885

Before the arrival of the police, Tony had contented himself with watching Dr. North and her dance partner. He chuckled, not at her plight, for she was showing admirable poise, but at the chap she was with, who obviously couldn't believe his luck that he was dancing with such a fine filly. His smile faded however at the news of the murder.

He listens as Dr. North and Zara are interviewed. When she gives her name, he finally places Dr. North: one of the East Anglia Norths, heiress and descendant of the Earls of Dunwich - a fine prize indeed.

He also notes Zara's reaction: naturally troubled at such news, but somehow there was more to it than that. Perhaps there was something to the lurid stories of her gift of prophecy?

When his time comes to be interviewed, he shows the policeman his passport.

"Anthony Barrington Mortimer Patchpole if you wish to be formal - Tony to my friends. I'm afraid I've only just arrived in the area, looking to buy a painting from the delightful Miss James." He says this loud enough so that she can hear her, thus facilitating a forthcoming introduction.

"As for last night, well I was in Bel-Air, dining with a very good friend of mine at Les Brûlures d'Estomac, a delightful French restaurant that I have been thinking of investing in. I'm sure she, or indeed anyone else there last night will vouch for me."

"Officer, please may I ask what the location and nature of the poor girl's wounds were? I suspect the find was a somewhat grisly one." He smiles apologetically. "I am something of a, as you would say, 'P.I'. My services are at your disposal, should you require them."

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:19 am
by evil_scientist
Bill Ferris

It's not the first time Hells Angels or their ilk crash a place Bill is supposed to play at. It's almost became a staple for The Amazing Houdinis shows. But turns out, these bikers aren't here to hassle him as a solo artist. He takes a look at their insignia and patches, and tries to remember anything about this particular chapter or gang.
VictoriaSilverwolf,Does Bill know anything about the DAMNED SOULS M.C. gang? He is moving around in underground circles, picks up rumors here and then... I'm thinking of retroactively adding a "Streetwise" Asset (and one more Affliction) - would that be alright?
The events take another turn when the police arrives.

"Name's Bill Ferris. Playing a show here tonight. I plan to, at least, if the coast clears up a bit. Last night I had a gig at Smoke and Mirrors," he identifies himself when approached by the policeman.

When he overhears the other officer's story about the dead girl, he feels the onset of nausea. Multiple wounds... bled to death... The flashbacks kick in. He sees the white, exsanguinated body of Helen, his love and muse, laid out on a slab in the morgue... The stab wounds forming a ritualistic circle on her stomach...

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:41 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Tony's CHA = 13 + 3 for Well-Spoken = 16[dice]0[/dice]
The policeman, who happens to be a fan of Roger Moore as The Saint (that series having been shown on the American television network NBC as a summer replacement just last year), is impressed with Tony's accent and suave manners. Glancing around to make sure no one is listening, he whispers to him.

"The cuts were little tiny ones, all over her body. But here's the weird part. Don't let this get around, but the coroner says that she was embalmed right after she bled to death. Before her body was found, see? By some wacko who thought he was an amateur mortician. Seems he botched the job and tossed her into the canal. We're keeping it out of the press, so this is strictly on the QT."

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:52 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
I'll give Bill the Asset Streetwise; choose your own Affliction to balance it out.

int = 9 + 3 for streetwise = 12[dice]0[/dice]
Despite his many encounters with motorcycle gangs in the past, Bill is not familiar with the Damned Souls. As far as he knows, they might be anything from relatively harmless, if vulgar and temperamental, Knights of the Road with their own twisted moral code, to cold-blooded killers.

The policeman takes down Bill's contact information for while he's in town. There's still time to for him to perform tonight, once all the excitement dies down.

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 12:08 pm
by jp1885

Tony taps his nose conspiratorially. "Mum's the word officer." He hands him his card. "Thank you for being so forthcoming. Should you ever wish to secure a reservation at Les Brûlures d'Estomac, you need only mention my name. Oh, and my secretary's number is on the back, should anyone wish to avail themselves of my services."

Assuming the good officer has no further questions, Tony bids him good-day and heads towards Zara. However en-route he pauses by Dr. North.

"That's your Aston outside I assume? Not many left-hand drive cars around here I'll wager. I'm afraid to report that your bonnet has been somewhat dented by the local youth." He rolls his eyes. "Kids of today eh?" He bows. "Tony Patchpole at your service. I have business with Miss James as, knowing your profession, I suspect you do too. Shall we join her?"
OOC,Being in the same exclusive social circle, I'm guessing Tony will have known of Dr. North, if only by reputation.

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:39 pm
by Rooter

Out of earshot, Carson takes the lead policeman aside and flashes his CIA warrant. "I'm running a surveillance operation here, Officer. Let me assure you if any of these people are linked to your murder investigation it will be handled. Did the bikers give you anything about the victim's known associates here in Venice? Any connections to this place? And speaking of Sospiri, right now I'd be obliged if you and your men would move this gang of hoodlums along. The Company will take care of these others."

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:51 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
CHA = 9[dice]0[/dice]
"I didn't think the CIA was supposed to do domestic work," the policeman whispers back. Apparently he doesn't approve of another outfit butting into the investigation. "You've already heard everything we're releasing to the public. And I was gonna get these bums out of here anyway."

The motorcycle gang are escorted outside, some taken downtown for further questioning.

Now that the place is quieter, there remains a little time until Bill is scheduled to perform.

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 5:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm also here to meet Zara James," replies Liz to the officer. "She's quite popular, it seems."

"Yes, that's my Aston," Liz says when Tony introduces himself. "I'm sure I can get the dents mended. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Patchpole. I'm Dr. Liz North. It's quite a coincidence meeting you halfway around the world from home - or it would be, except I don't believe in coincidence." She extends her hand. "Yes, let's go join Miss James."

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 6:42 am
by SunlessNick

Zara smiles wanly at Liz, "Heavy guys, huh. That was cool, what you did." She flashes another smile at Tony, "Hey there. Did I hear you saying you want a painting? You're welcome, for sure.." Looking between them and Bill, and noting his reaction to the news, she turns back to the bar. "Bit of a party now," she says to the bartender - "maybe a bottle of wine for us all to share? Looks like a couple of us could use it."
Victoria Silverwolf,Zara's on her second gin, and with wine on top, I rolled against CON 8 to resist getting drunk and got a 15.

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 8:45 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Once all those interested in Zara are assembled at her table (although few, if any, are as heavily under the influence of alcohol as she appears to be), the barkeep claps his hands together for attention.

"OK, folks. We got a guy here who wants to lay down some vibes. Let's give a big California welcome to, uh." He glances at a slip of paper in his fist. "Bill Ferry, from those great old hit makers the Amazing Whodunits."

He walks away from a large piece of cardboard on the floor (which serves as the stage) muttering to himself.

"Hope this guy knows some Coltrane."

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 11:07 am
by Starspawn338
Lew shows his ID to the police as they go around and doesn't say much in response to their questions other than to deny knowing anything about the murder. Although he does not introduce himself to the other bar patrons, his ears perk up as he hears British accents. Because they appear to be more dignified that the other rabble in this place, Lew graciously bows his head in acknowledgement to them as he repositions himself at a table next to theirs, ostensibly to better watch the show. He taps his cane on the ground instead of clapping as Bill Ferris is introduced.

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:16 pm
by jp1885

Tony accepts a glass of wine, hoping that despite the less-than-salubrious venue, it's a decent vintage. It certainly seems potent enough to get the young artist tipsy.

"Ah, capital. Perhaps we'll discuss business after the performance Miss James - cheers..."

He settles in his seat and, smiling cordially at Bill, leans back to enjoy the performance. Noticing the gentleman sitting at the table next to them, he returns his gracious bow by raising his glass.

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 5:51 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Cheers," Liz says to Zara. "I knew I could defuse the situation, so I did." She settles into the seat next to her and pours the wine. "It is frightening, that murder. The poor girl..." She raises her glass too and prepares to listen to the music.

Re: Track One: Are You Experienced?

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 7:13 pm
by SunlessNick

"He's going to do it again," Zara blurts out, though she clearly regrets the words a second later.