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Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:29 am
by Philulhu
Date unknown. 1.00am.
Location unknown.

Outside the wood-panelled room they found themselves in a hallway with an ancient-looking wooden door that lead to the outside. Exiting through the door, they found themselves stood in a large courtyard outside a dark manor house, lit only by the moonlight. In the distance, there was a solitary chime of a church bell.

Snaking from front door, across the gravelled courtyard and through a gate in the opposite wall, two heavy tendrils cast a dark shadow against the lighter stone.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 1:24 am
by Mr. Handy

"We need to find out where we are," says William once the three of them are alone. "I think we've been transported to somewhere in England judging from her accent and the reference to a constable, but I'm not sure exactly where. England's five hours ahead of us, which might explain why it's the middle of the night instead of evening. Brophy, in Miss Dufresne's body, is around here somewhere too. We'll need to track him down. In the morning we can try to find somewhere we can send a telegram to Miss Ripley to let her know what happened to us."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:32 am
by Bullfrog
"We ought to find some place to stay while we're still stranded here; even if we do find Brophy quickly, and that's wishful thinking, it'll still take time to get some transport back home." Lawrence responds, looking around the manor grounds; if this was England, he certainly would have liked to visit under less urgent circumstances.
"Have a look at that." Lawrence notifies the others, pointing out the strange tendrils that wormed across the courtyard; they must lead somewhere, probably somewhere of some relevance to the man they pursued.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:56 am
by Silver Priest
"You both seem to be taking this rather well," Alex remarks skeptically. "I'm assuming this isn't the first time you've traveled through time?" There's a slight tremor in his left hand, a clear sign that the detective is trying to remain calm despite the impossible events that have just occurred. "I'm willing to listen for now, but after this is all over I will have some questions for the both of you."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 6:18 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm not sure if we've traveled in time or not," says William. "We may have just been moved to a new location. Finding a newspaper will sort that out quickly enough. It'll have the date it was printed at the top. If we have traveled in time, at least we can't be very far from our own. Shotguns have clearly been invented."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 1:43 pm
by Philulhu
OOC,Where are you heading?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:51 pm
by Bullfrog
"It's funny that you ask, Detective, because I was going to tell you something: I'm very sure you've figured this out, but Brophy is not a normal criminal, and that story I gave you back at the mansion is not entirely true. When we were marched out to Squatter's Lake at gunpoint, we weren't being robbed; we were being sacrificed." Lawrence uneasily admits, sure that now was as good a time as any to let the truth of this whole fiasco be known; Alex wasn't exactly in any position to doubt him, especially after what they'd all experienced!
"There was this awful, awful thing in the lake- a monster, for lack of any better words. It damn near killed us, and it probably would succeeded if we hadn't driven out of there." Even now, Lawrence dreaded to think of that night out on the lake; that motel was the cause of this all, the catalyst of this entire mess of events that had taken up the past few months. He wished he could burn the whole place to the ground.
OOC,I say we head through the gate and see where those tendrils lead us.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 7:39 pm
by Mr. Handy

"It's true," confirms William. "We've seen a lot of weird stuff. Being sent instantaneously across the Atlantic isn't that strange in comparison."
OOC,Okay, we can check out the gate first. We might also want to check out the church after that, seeing as we heard its bell.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 8:14 pm
by Philulhu
On closer inspection, the tendrils turned out to far less sinister than first anticipated. It was a heavy duty electric cable running from the house to a generator parked up on a trailer on the other side of wall.

Some sort of vehicle was parked nearby, but the configuration was different to anything they had seen before. Over in a nearby field were half a dozen bell tents, such as the men recognised from the war.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 9:14 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I don't think we've gone back in time at all," says William. "They probably wouldn't have had electrical equipment like this during the war. Maybe we've gone forward in time instead? Could there be another war?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:41 am
by Bullfrog
"God, I hope not! It's probably just military surplus; it doesn't cost much, and it's made to last." Lawrence remarks; he'd never actually fought in the Great War, being too young to fight even by the time it ended, but he'd certainly heard and read much about just how terrifying it was. He curiously inspects the odd vehicle as he draws near; he had a pretty decent knowledge on motor vehicles and their inner workings, but he hadn't the slightest idea as to what he was looking at.
OOC,Could [b]Lawrence[/b] use his Mechanical Repair or Op. Heavy Machinery skills to ascertain what the vehicle's purpose is?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:44 am
by Silver Priest
OOC:   Posts may be irregular the next few days, getting a new computer.  
Alex looks between his companions, his face blank. Finally, he nods. "You're right; I'm not in a position to doubt either of you. Much as I wish I was," He sighs, the impact of the day's events clear on his face. He follows behind the others.

"Shall we inspect the tents?" He offers. "I recognize them from the war. There's also the church; I admit, I'm both curious and a bit hesitant to see what we find in there."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:05 pm
by Philulhu
Alex,no problem.
Lawrence looked at the vehicle as he approached. It was a clearly a motor van of some description but the styling wasn’t familiar to him. Unlike anything he had previously seen, the cabin and the cargo area was merged into one; he could see all the way to the rear doors through the windscreen.

The vehicle was a dull red colour and the paintwork was scratched and chipped in places, with rust showing through.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:36 pm
by Bullfrog
Op. Heavy Machine 60%,0
Lawrence, for all his expertise, has absolutely no idea what this thing is for.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:09 pm
by Philulhu
Lawrence,It’s a van-type vehicle. It has four wheels and a steering wheel. The styling is very different to anything that Lawrence has seen before (unless he’s a science fiction fan, in which case he might have seen something in films or comics). Compared to the vehicles he has seen, it looks sleek and contoured.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"This is like no vehicle I've ever seen," says William. "That suggests we have gone into the future and not the past. Perhaps far into the future, as it appears to be old now. Let's examine the tents next."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:52 am
by Bullfrog
"It sure as hell isn't anything on the market now; it's just about the smoothest vehicle I've seen in my life. I'd pay a mint just to get to take the thing apart and see how it works." Lawrence notes in fascination, looking over the vehicle for a little longer; just how far into the future had they gone if this thing was old and rusty by now? He reluctantly walks away from the vehicle over to the tents, keeping an eye out for any other human occupants.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:36 am
by Silver Priest
"At least we know this place still has people," Alex notes somewhat wryly. "And that they're not hostile."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 11:22 am
by Philulhu
There is a stile over a low stone wall into the field where the tents are located. Most are quiet, although a couple appears to have some sort of light inside and there are voices coming from one one of them. Burning embers from a communal fire cast a reddish glow, although barely enough to light up the tents, which are arranged in a rough horseshoe around it.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 3:59 am
by Mr. Handy

William tries to make out what the voices in the tent are saying.
OOC,Listen roll (68% skill) to overhear the voices: 0

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:58 am
by Silver Priest
Alex does the same.His gun is out and he's cautious.
Listen 60%,0

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:15 am
by Bullfrog
Lawrence also listens in on the conversation held within the tent, though not before quietly creeping closer to it.
Llisten 25%,0

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:43 pm
by Philulhu
They can’t make out the details of the conversation. Whoever is speaking is keeping their voice low because they don’t want to be overheard or out of deference to people nearby because of the lateness of the hour.
OOC,I’ll take a Sneak roll if anyone wants to try to get up to the tent to listen in.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 3:42 am
by Mr. Handy

William stays away from the tent, knowing that he's not very sneaky.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 6:16 am
by Silver Priest
Alex adjusts his gun and waits to see if Lawrence wants to try his luck with sneaking.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 6:30 am
by Bullfrog
Sneak 10%,0
Lawrence tries his hand at stealthily getting over to the tent, despite an utter lack of skill in such things. As it would happen, a man of Lawrence's size isn't really the best sort for such clandestine matters.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 10:52 am
by Philulhu
Lawrence heard the words, ”... we’re behind schedule. We need to push on...” before his foot caught on of the tent’s guy ropes, causing it to come loose and part of the tent wall to sag. The tent flap was pushed open and a young woman with black-rimmed glasses and shoulder-length red hair looked out. Except it wasn’t a woman - it was a man, wearing his hair longer than any of the three of them had ever seen on a man before.

”Who are you?” he asked in an exasperated tone. ”Are you the ones William was sending? You’re a bit late, aren’t you?”
OOC, Spot hidden - 0

He doesn’t appear to have noticed Alex’s pistol.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:14 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'm sorry, we were unavoidably delayed," says William. "What have we missed?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 11:58 pm
by Philulhu
The young man glanced at his watch. ”You’re not wrong,” he said dryly. A young woman pushed open the other tent flap and slipped her arm around the waist of the young man. She was brown skinned with a wide smile and was wearing an army great coat which was open to her navel, exposing bare flesh beneath.

“Look, I’m Derek,” said the young man. “We can catch up in the morning. For now, you can sleep in the tent at the end. I don’t think that’s being used, OK?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 12:06 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks, see you in the morning," says William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 3:53 am
by Silver Priest
Alex very much wants to say something more, but instead looks questioningly at William before addressing Derek with a bluff. "Do you happen to know,where Brophy is now? We need to tell him about the delay"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:00 am
by Bullfrog
"So, Derek, how do you happen to know William?" Lawrence quizzes in a friendly matter, though speaking of his hated enemy like an associate left him feeling rather strange.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:25 am
by Philulhu
Derek looked puzzled. William,” he said, slowly, William Jones?” He ducked back into the tent and re-emerged a few second later with a rather dog-eared business card. The card read “William Jones, Casting Agent” and had a London address on the back.

“That’s William,” he said. ”I don’t know anyone called Brophy.” The girl leaned in, causing the front of her coat to gape most alarmingly, and whispered something in his ear, and Derek took a moment to study them in more detail. “Err, you are the ones sent by William, aren’t you?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 7:56 pm
by Silver Priest
"Yes, sorry. Brophy is his nickname. Long story, from his childhood." Alex forces a smile. "Probably best you don't let him hear it."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:28 pm
by Philulhu
“Ok...” said Derek, slowly, looking at them suspiciously. Next to him, the young woman yawned and tugged at his arm. He smiled at her and said, “Look, we’ll sort out the details tomorrow. Like I said, the tent over there is free for you to use. You’ll find camp beds and blankets if you need them.”

He nodded and the young woman waved, and they went back into their tent, leaving Alex, Lawrence and William standing in the dark.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:30 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Let's get to our tent," says William, who isn't surprised by the confusion. His own name is William too, after all.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 12:31 am
by Philulhu
The tent was a large bell tent. Khaki in colour, it looked like army surplus. Inside, four camp beds were arranged in a semi-circular pattern around the central pole, and a large trunk - which also appeared to be ex-army - sat to one side. On the trunk was an unlit paraffin lamp.
OOC,As mentioned previously, I’m happy to assume you have matches or lighters, as required. You’ll be able to see the above by the light they give off.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 1:03 am
by Mr. Handy

"Looks like they're making a movie," says William. "That explains a lot of things."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:11 am
by Bullfrog
"That seems to be the case. I'm not much of an actor, and we're looking for a different William entirely, so I say that we hit the road before our lady-haired friend starts asking too many questions." Lawrence utters in a hushed tone, reaching for the lamp so that he may light it; it certainly was the unfamiliar future, but at least good old combustion lighting was still around to stay.
"Once we get out of here, I think our first priority should be finding out where- and when- we are."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"There are a lot of us Williams," says William. "I think we need to at least spend the night here. Leaving now will accomplish nothing. We won't be able to do anything until morning, and we need sleep. We need to pick up Brophy's trail, or we'll just be wandering around lost. To find out where and when we are, we need a newspaper. That will come in the morning as well."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 2:26 pm
by Philulhu
Date unknown. 6.45am.
Location unknown.

The lamp had given out light but not much heat (and in any event appeared to have run out of fuel during the night) so they awoke cold and stiff the next morning. Lying under the blankets, they could hear the occasional noise from outside the tent, some low murmured greetings but mainly birdsong from a few trees nearby.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:02 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex lets out a groan-- much of the man's traditional enthusiasm for police work is nonexistent without his first cup of coffee. But when he remembers what happened, he quickly forces himself awake. He checks to make sure the others are still with him.

"What's our current objective? I suppose finding a paper or something like William suggested to tell us where-- and when-- we are. We need to be careful however. For all we know everyone here is involved with Brophy in someway, so keep your guard up, gentleman."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:24 am
by Bullfrog
"Our objective is getting out of here, immediately. Preferably without anyone noticing, but there's no guarantees." Lawrence quietly replies, having awoken very recently. He gets up to peek out of the tent flap, looking around to see how many people are now in the camp.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:51 am
by Mr. Handy

"And go where?" asks William. "We must at least get our bearings first. We can bluff being actors like the others, as long as we avoid giving away information. There is a reason Brophy came here and now. We must find out what that is so we can get back on his trail. We also must find a way back home, and only he knows how to do that. The first thing we should do is find a copy of the morning paper. Some breakfast would be nice too."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:20 pm
by Philulhu
Outside the tent, Lawrence can see a couple of people sat around a fire, smoking and trying to get it going to heat a kettle of water perched on a makeshift frame. Whatever the film is that is being made, accommodation and catering arrangements don’t appear to have been a high priority...

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:03 am
by Bullfrog
"Well, it doesn't look like there's much when it comes to breakfast here." Lawrence states after closing the tent flap behind him.
"Bluffing is only going to get us so far, William, so it's best that we find somewhere else to stay in case our stay here ends up being longer than expected. There's a church somewhere around here, so there's bound to be some kind of settlement in the area."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:26 am
by Silver Priest
"Good idea. Brophy only came through a few seconds before us, so he couldn't have gotten far. Perhaps in the future we should describe him rather than use his name however; he is likely operating under a pseudonym."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:46 am
by Philulhu
OOC,What’s your plan of action?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"Don't forget that Brophy is in Miss Dufresne's body," says William. "I think we should go out there where the others are and find out what's going on here, and preferably find a newspaper. We're adrift otherwise. We need information."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 5:27 am
by Bullfrog
"What if we had only one person go out there and ask questions, then relay the information to the other two of us? That way, if the one person asks questions that seem weird and obvious, these film people will only find that one person to be strange." Lawrence suggests, quite proud of his own plan.
"Though I'm not really sure about what the other two of us would do. I only came up with this a few seconds ago."
OOC,I think our plan of action is still up in the air.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:33 pm
by Silver Priest
"Sounds reasonable. I'd go, but they may already be a little suspicious of me given the questions I asked last night. As for the otyher two, we're new here anyway, so maybe asking where we're supposed to set up and be would seem normal."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 5:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe I should go," says William. "I think I've aroused the least suspicion."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:45 am
by Philulhu
It was still quiet outside, with the two sat around the fire being the only people visible.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 10:18 am
by Bullfrog
"You may as well, seeing as you're the best talker out of the three of us. While you're out there speaking with the cast and crew, I'll tell Reynolds a bit more about what we're dealing with, then have a look around the camp." Lawrence concurs with William's suggestion, being a bit lacking in persuasive talent in comparison to his compatriots; he has his skills, they have theirs, that's just how it goes. Out of curiosity, he tries to open up the ex-army trunk to see what's inside; perhaps the contents would explain what he and the others were apparently sent here to do.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 10:33 am
by Philulhu
Inside the trunk, Lawrence found some neatly folded clothes. Both men’s and women’s, they looked to be in reasonable condition, worn, but serviceable. The only thing of note was the design. Lawrence thought they looked like something his parents or even his grandparents may have worn to church on Sunday.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 3:38 am
by Mr. Handy

"Those must be costumes for the movie," says William. "Must be a historical picture." He examines the clothing to try to determine what era based on the style. "Probably from late in the last century."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 9:06 am
by Philulhu
The style of the clothes certainly suggested that era to William.

From outside another voice could be heard. Louder, with seemingly little consideration for anyone who might still be asleep. ”’Morning, Barry! Have you got a fag I can cadge? I’ll be buggered if I’m walking to the village at this time of the morning!”
William,Spot hidden, please.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 9:33 pm
by Mr. Handy

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 11:54 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex looks to Lawrence. "So, what exactly are we dealing with?" He asks.
OOC:   I've read the past games, so feel free to give just a brief summary.  

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 1:50 am
by Bullfrog
"Honestly? I don't know much, but I know this for sure: there is a hell of a lot more to the world than most people would think. There are other things besides what was living in Squatter's Lake: awful insect-things that can disguise themselves as men, a creature that was just a pile of meat covered in eyes, and dead-looking people that walked like they were still alive." Lawrence feverishly explains the awful and unnatural things he's seen; there was a sense of catharsis in letting other people know what he'd experienced without the risk of getting called insane.
"But there's worse out there: gods, or things that are worshipped just like them. Yig, the god of serpents; the Egyptians, the Aztecs, the Indians, they all praised it under different names. There was this thing Brophy worshipped, he called it Gla'aki; he said it granted knowledge and eternal life."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 5:15 am
by Silver Priest
"I've just traveled to a different land, and perhaps time, so I have a bit of an open mind at the moment."" Alex admits. He listens to the tale with somberness. If even half of it was true, he's not at all sure what he could hope to do. But he puts on a brave face.

"Apparently this Gla'aki very well may have; you both seemed pretty certain Brophy was dead last time. Do you have any idea how we can even begin to go about defeating him for good?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 11:45 pm
by Mr. Handy
William exits the tent and heads over to where the others are gathering.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 12:31 am
by Philulhu
”Aye, Aye! There’s a new chap in camp!” said the man standing by fire. He wore some blue denim work trousers and a waist length jacket made of leather. His dark brown hair reached his collar and he had a smile on his face.

”What’s your name, squire?” he asked. The two men sat on wood stumps by the fire looked over with mild curiosity.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 12:50 am
by Bullfrog
"That's the real problem. Killing Ms. Dufresne would cause more problems then it would solve, being both illegal and just an awful thing to do. What we have to do is find some way to force the old bastard out, and make sure he stays out of anyone else." Lawrence uncertainly answers, not sure how they would actually go about doing such a thing; surely, if travelling through time was possible, so was forcing Brophy out of his stolen body.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"William," says William as he approaches, his hand held out to shake. "What's yours?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:15 am
by Silver Priest
"I suppose our best option at the moment is to do what William is doing; try to blend in and learn all we can. Where and when we are, for a start." Alex offers. "Shall we go out and see what's going on?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:40 pm
by Philulhu
Jim. Jim Fearon,” said the man in the leather jacket, shaking William’s hand. He didn’t bother to introduce the two others sat by the fire.

”Is that an American accent?” he asked, his face creasing into a smile. Barry didn’t say anything about having any Yanks on board!” He picked up an empty beer can from beside the file and lobbed it onto the tent where William had spoken to the man and woman the night before. Baz! You’ve got one of our American cousins out here!” he called out.

From the tent, there was some muffled swearing and Barry stuck his head out, glasses all askew. “You’re American?” he asked with incredulity. He clearly hadn’t picked up on it the night before. “What the hell was he thinking of, sending me Americans?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"That's right, I'm a Yank," says William. "Say, is there any breakfast around here? I usually drink coffee, but I'll gladly have a cup of tea if there's any to be had. I don't suppose there's a copy of the morning paper lying around, is there?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:17 am
by Bullfrog
"May as well, as I haven't got a whole lot more I can tell you; all of this is just as much of a mystery to me as it is to you." Lawrence concludes, with nothing else left for him to recount; at least, nothing left that he wanted to recount. With that said, he exits the tent to go meet with the people outside.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 12:27 am
by Philulhu
One of the men by the fire wordlessly poured William his tea into a white enamelled mug. It was a deep brown and looked as if had been stewing for a while. Fearon glanced around and said, ”No morning paper here. Don’t think anyone’s been off-site yet. You might find yesterday’s in there, though!” He nodded in the direction of a tall, singular tent set back from the rest, which William reckoned must be the latrine. Whether it had been left there as reading material to pass the time or whether toilet paper was something else that was being economised upon, was anyone’s guess...

As Alexand Lawrence pushed open the flap on their tent, the man standing by the fire caught sight of them. With an amused look in his eye, he said, ”Who’s this then? Are you two Yanks as well? Was there a sale on?” He nudged one the men sat by the fire and laughed at his own joke.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 2:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says William. He goes over to the indicated tent to see if there's a copy of yesterday's paper as he sips the tea. All he really needs are the date and the name of the city it's from, though he wouldn't mind getting some news from the future.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 4:16 am
by Bullfrog
"We're cheaper to hire; no need to pay for tea breaks." Lawrence dryly remarks, a wry smile crossing his face; it was good to meet with a friendly individual, even (or, perhaps, especially) when he was transplanted into some other place and time.
"It's a pleasure to meet you; my name is Lawrence."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 6:43 am
by Silver Priest
"My name is Alex. I do a very good English accent." The detective attests. "Hoy, Govnir!" It's hard to tell if he's being serious or not.

"What exactly is this production for? This is my first acting role so I didn't fully read the details, I was so excited."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 12:51 pm
by Philulhu
It did indeed appear to William that toilet paper was being economised upon, as yesterday’s paper was torn into squares and tucked into a pocket on the tent wall. Nevertheless, there was enough to be able to tell that it was a copy of the Daily Mirror - it had a red banner with the name at the top - which said that an IRA boss was help in a sea swoop and that a new curb on guns was planned, and that the date yesterday was 30 March 1973!

By the fire, Alex’s attempt at an English accent had induced howls of mirth. ”’Allo, Mary Poppins!” shouted the man in the leather jacket, before breaking into a bizarre, high kicking, elbow waving dance, much to the amusement of the men sat by the fire. ”When dukes or maharajahs pass the time o' day wi' me, I say me special word and then they ask me out to tea! Oh, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious, if you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!“ he sang and one of the others got up, took his arm and they danced a reel.

The young woman from the night before stuck her head out of the tent she shared with Barry. ”What on earth is going on?!” she asked, with a incredulous look on her face. Anu, me darlin’!” cried the leather-jacketed man. ”This is Alex and Lawrence - two more Yanks to join our merry band! Just don’t tell Baz they haven’t read the script!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 2:47 am
by Mr. Handy

William actually uses the toilet while he's in there, as it's been a while, and he might as well take the opportunity. Once he finishes, he emerges and rejoins the others.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:54 am
by Silver Priest
Alex frowns a little at the reaction-- evidently he had honestly thought he had pulled a compelling one off!

"A pleasure to meet all of you," he nods, the reference being lost on him as the book had not been written yet, to say nothing of the movie.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 7:27 am
by Bullfrog
Lawrence had no idea why the leather-jacket-clad man and his friend broke into a song and dance number about some sort of nonsense word, but he found it incredibly amusing nonetheless, if just for how absurd it was.
"Now that it comes to my mind, do you suppose my friends and I could get some scripts?" Lawrence requests.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 1:01 am
by Philulhu
”We’re just pulling your leg,” grinned the man in the leather jacket, who introduced himself as Jim.

From inside his jacket, he pulled out a rather creased script and handed it over. On the front was written ‘Demon in the Dungeon’, except ‘Demon’ had been crossed out, with ‘Danger’ written in pen above it, which in turn had also been crossed out and replaced with a question mark. Beneath the title it stated ‘Script by Georges Goldstein’ and ‘Produced & Directed by Barry Palmer’.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 2:09 am
by Mr. Handy

"Pulling pranks already?" asks William as he returns. "I thought April Fool's Day wasn't until tomorrow."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:50 am
by Silver Priest
Alex realizes that this was William's way of telling them the date-- evidently they had skipped a few weeks.

"No harm done," He tells Jim. "I've never acted before, but I like to think myself a fast learner."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 10:47 am
by Philulhu
Jim glanced at the tent but Barry and Anu had gone back inside. He said quietly, ”You’re not the only one. I’ve been on the big screen before but most of the others...” He shrugged and gave a wry smile. ”I think Georges and Barry fancy themselves as the new Rusoff and Corman but they just ain’t got the money behind them.”

”So, whereabouts in the States are you fellows from? And is that what they’re wearing there, nowadays?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 4:15 am
by Bullfrog
"Arkham, Massachusetts; it's not a very large town, but it's my home just the same. You know how small towns are, when it comes to clothes: always behind the times." Lawrence explains, just now realizing that his group's choice of clothing probably stuck out like a sore thumb; that would have to be dealt with later, as there were more pressing matters to deal with now. He thumbs through the script, trying to get an idea of what this film is about.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe we should get more with the times and not be so old-fashioned," says William. "It is 1973, after all."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:39 am
by Silver Priest
Alex's eyes grow wide, and he appears shocked. He opens and closes his mouth a few times before giving a brief nod.

"Sometimes I feel I was born in a different time," He offers.
keeper, Can I have Alex make a san roll? I feel like he'd have trouble processing all of this.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 9:58 pm
by Philulhu
OOC, If Alex is feeling the strain of the discovery that they have indeed travelled in time, then a SAN roll would be appropriate.
The script could only be described as a work in progress. Like the frontispiece, it was full of crossings-out and changes, but the story seemed to revolve around a character called Steve Parrish, a handsome young racing driver, and his girlfriend, reporter Jamie Stevens, who had been staying at a country house, left to them by Jamie’s father. He was a sorcerer - unknown to them - and when they find his spell book and Jamie wants to bring her beloved father back, things start to unravel quickly...

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 11:41 pm
by Bullfrog
OOC, I think I'll throw a SAN roll at Lawrence, too; being hurled 43 years into the future is a bit much, even for a semi-experienced investigator like him.
SAN roll,
Lawrence takes the news of just how far into the future he has travelled surprisingly well, in that he does not immediately begin to panic; experience has got a way of instilling (possibly false) confidence into a man.

"I'm not much of an expert on the making of movies, but this thing looks unfinished, and that's a bit worrying." Lawrence notes, still flipping through the script's pages; it seemed that three of the actors being from almost half a century ago would not be this film's greatest issue.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 3:39 am
by Silver Priest
san roll failed, [url=]San 73[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]86[/b]

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 10:54 am
by Philulhu
”Are you ok?” Jim asked Alex. ”You’ve gone as white as a sheet. I know the script isn’t great, but surely it isn’t as bad as all that!” He laughed but there was an uneasy look in his eyes.

He glanced at Barry’s tent and nodded away to indicate that they should move out of earshot. Once clear of the tent, he dropped his usual bombast and said quietly. ”Between you and me, things haven’t been going well. One of the backers dropped out but things were too far gone to pull out. Filming has started but...” He shrugged. Georges is apparently on his way out here to try to rescue the situation. Frankly, I’m just hanging around until I get paid!”

At that point, Barry and Anu emerged from their tent. Barry eyed Jim suspiciously, wondering what they were talking about, but Jim gave him a winning smile and the bonhomie returned. Baz! Anu! Just bringing the new chaps up to speed! Looking forward to another day’s filming? Should be a good one!”
OOC, SAN loss is 1d4 if you failed your roll.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 7:13 pm
by Silver Priest
San loss, [url=]San loss[/url]: [u]1d4[/u] [b]1[/b]
"No, I'm fine. Just... my allergies are bad today." Alex asserts, recovering quickly. "I think the script has potential." He says, being nice. But his stare grows serious as Jim confides in them. "What sort of problems?" He asks. When the others emerge from the tent he also puts on a show of being in good spirits.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:24 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Are we the only new people who have shown up, or are there others?" asks William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:57 am
by Philulhu
”Later,” said Jim, through the side of his mouth, his grin fixed on Barry.

Barry approached the fire to warm himself while Anu passed eggs, bacon, sausages and tinned tomatoes to the two men by the fire so they could start breakfast. More people were starting the emerge from the tents and soon there was lively chatter going back and forth. As the food was served, Barry spoke up. Georges will be joining us later for some err... script edits,” he said, looking somewhat embarrassed. ”Obviously, there’s no point in filming at this stage, so the cast can take the morning off. Be back here at one ‘o’ clock.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"Where is there to go around here?" asks William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:07 am
by Bullfrog
"Preferably someplace we can eat; the journey here wasn't very pleasant, and we've not had a meal in a while." Lawrence adds, quite relieved to have some time off to do what he actually came here to do; never before had he been glad to be in a potentially delayed and questionably competent production, but he'd never been in a film before in the first place.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:25 am
by Philulhu
The two men by the fire looked mildly affronted at Lawrence’s suggestion that they might go somewhere to eat, given that they were about to start cooking breakfast. ”I hasn’t poisoned anyone yet!” grumbled one of them, to which a grinning Jim commented sotto voce, ”“Not for want of trying...!”

~ ~ ~

The cooked breakfast had turned out to be better than expected and there was plenty of it. Even Lawrence had had enough to eat. Once finished, Jim announced that he was going to nip into town and persuaded Barry to loan him the van that they had seen parked next to the house the day before. Barry had reluctantly agreed and soon Alex, Lawrence and William, with Jim at the wheel, found themselves bouncing along the road to the nearest town, which the road sign they passed identified as “Brichester (6 miles)”.

As he drove, Jim said, ”It’s a bit of a mess! I think Baz has bitten off more than he can chew. He wants to step up to the big league but hasn’t made a name for himself yet. One of the backers got jittery and pulled out and now he’s not sure he’s got the money for the special effects - it could look a bit shit without them!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:52 am
by Mr. Handy

William pretends to ignore the profanity, wondering if everyone in the future curses like a sailor. He has to wonder if he'll have to put up with it all the time when he's an old man, but that would presume he gets home. If he doesn't, he won't have to wait until he gets old.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:27 am
by Silver Priest
"I see." Alex offers, wondering just how much he should tell the man and if he should reveal he's a police officer. But first he'd have to ask the others. "Is there any reason the backer got spooked?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:06 pm
by Philulhu
”You saw Georges’ script, didn’t you? The problem was, so did the backer!” laughed Jim, somewhat ironically. ”So I heard, he took one look at it and walked out, taking a chunk of the budget with him. Apparently Baz tried to talk him around, claiming that the fact that the script wasn’t finished wasn’t a concern, but the backer wasn’t buying it. Called them ‘unprofessional’ apparently!”

Jim shook his head. ”I mean, it’s not uncommon for the script to be changed during filming but everything else was in place so Baz and Georges decided the show must go on. Our leading lady has got another job starting soon - so it was film now or miss the slot and have to re-cast. She’s a bit of a corker and I reckon she’ll go far. She’s got a part in the next ‘Carry on’ film, apparently. If she does well in that, they’re hoping that’ll rub off on ours ... ...”

The van came around a corner to find a herd of cows blocking the road, with a couple of farmers trying to usher them into a field. Jim applied the brakes and the van coasted to a halt. He sat tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, waiting for the road to clear. ”So, is there anything you’re after in town?” he asked.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:49 pm
by Bullfrog
"I can't blame the backer; I'm no businessman, but an unfinished script isn't what you'd want to see from something you're about to sink a wad of cash into." Lawrence plainly expresses, not very surprised by that turn of events; it was the actual film crew's problem, anyways, and there wasn't a whole lot this temporally displaced farmer could do about it.
"We don't really know what's around here, so we're relying on your judgement; I'd like to go someplace where we could have breakfast, or perhaps a library."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:57 am
by Mr. Handy

"Is there somewhere we can exchange our money?" asks William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 11:34 am
by Philulhu
”A library? You guys certainly know how to party!” laughed Jim, looking over at Lawrence. ”I’m pretty sure I saw one the other day and there’s a bank as well, so you should be able to change some of your Yankee dollars!”
OOC, How much money are you wanting to exchange? I’ve got my index-linked currency converter on standby...

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 1:31 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC, How much do we have?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 3:39 am
by Bullfrog
OOC, Likely only what we had on hand when we headed through the portal. I believe it's calculated as Credit Rating × $2 if your CR is between 10-49, but that's based off of the 7E rulebook's table so I could be wrong. In any case, I'm exchanging all of the money I have, since there's no telling how long we're going to be stuck here.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:00 am
by Silver Priest
ooc, Sure, Alex will do the extent of his wallet as well. Shame he's not money obsessed enough to look up how the stock market's doing.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:42 pm
by Philulhu
OOC, I’m happy to use CR x $2 as I couldn’t find an alternative in the 6e rules. Can I also have a CR roll from one of you to see how well you get on in the bank.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:21 am
by Bullfrog

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:38 am
by Mr. Handy

William might be classy in 1930 America, but in 1973 England he just comes across as strange.
OOC, The $2 per CR is only for CR up to 49%. I'm not sure what it is for 50% plus. I have 55%, and I think [b]Alex[/b] has 50%. I'll also convert all my cash.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:09 am
by Silver Priest
ooc, I think only one of us is supposed to roll, but just in case I rolled an extreme success.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:39 am
by Philulhu
OOC, Alex seems to have saved the day. I couldn’t find anything in 6e rules but 7e rules state for CR between 10% and 49%, cash is CR x 2, so for Lawrence, that equates to CR40 x 2 = $80. Allowing for inflation (1930 >>> 1973 = $30). For CR between 50% and 89%, cash is CR x 5. For Alex, that is CR50 x 5 = $250 ($94); for William CR55 x 5 = $275 ($103). According to Treasury reports (, the exchange rate at the time was 0.4037, giving you: Lawrence - £30 Alex - £101 William - £111
Staff at the Midland Bank on Brichester High Street were taken aback at the three somewhat anachronistically-dressed Americans who turned up to exchange their money on a Saturday morning. Some discussion took place between the cashier and the bank manager but when the assistant manager came over to talk to them, he and Alex seemed to hit it off and everything went much more smoothly after that.

While the staff counted and checked the various bills that were presented, the assistant manager chatted to them, saying how much he had always wanted to visit America and asked if it was anything like the films. He asked how they had arrived in England and spoke about a plane that was being developed called Concorde that would fly over the Atlantic in about 3-4 hours. Given the distance, it seemed barely believable, but then they were standing in a bank half way around the world, more than forty years into their future so they had to concede that it was possible...

With the money exchanged, they made their way outside to find Jim hanging around, smoking a cigarette and chatting up one of the cashiers. With a wink he said goodbye to her as they approached and said, “All sorted, gents? Where to next?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 4:03 am
by Mr. Handy

"How about the library?" suggests William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 5:11 am
by Silver Priest
If Alex can get a moment of relative alone time with the other two men, he will quickly speak to them.
"I still have my badge, and Jim already seems to have misgivings. Maybe I can say we're police investigating a counterfeiter or smuggler potentially involved with the movie and describe the woman we saw and Brophy, and see if he's seen either of them. Of course if you think it's too risky I can refrain, but we're sort of adrift without a lead here otherwise, it would seem."

He has no objection to going to the library and nods in agreement.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:33 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I don't know, it might arouse more suspicion," says William. "We have obvious American accents, so we'd be out of our jurisdiction here."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 8:54 pm
by Bullfrog
"If all else fails, we could give him a piece of the truth; leave out the fact we came from the past, obviously, but say that the people we're looking for are some awful bastards who managed to slip past the law in America." Lawrence suggests, quite used to the solution of telling only pieces of the true story; it had worked in Arkham, so why wouldn't it work here?

He obviously has no problem with going to the library, as it was his suggestion in the first place.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 3:45 pm
by Philulhu
OOC, Are you heading to the library or elsewhere? Are you going to tell Jim why you’re here?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:25 pm
by Silver Priest
"I also think we could say we're from America, and that the people we're looking for are criminal figures who have fled America and restarted their business here-- it may even be true." Alex says, before looking at William."But I only want to do it if we're all on the same page. I trust Jim to know how to keep a secret, and he already seems to have misgivings as to what is going on here. But if you think it's a bad idea, we can look to see what we discover on our own first."
OOC:   Library seems like our next move either way.  

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:56 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Let's see what we can find out on our own first," suggests William. "We can always reveal that later. We can't take it back once we've revealed it, though. Well, tomorrow we could if we did it then. We could say it was all an April Fool's joke."
OOC, Yes, let's go to the library.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:03 pm
by Philulhu
The library was housed in a old, red brick building just off the market square. Above the door were the words ‘Free Public Library’ and the date ‘1887’ - presumably the year it first opened.

Entering via a small lobby lined with public notices - council meetings, gardeners, babysitters wanted and even a drummer looking for a band - the main room of the library was high-ceilinged and cathedral in its quietness. A middle-aged woman with prematurely-greying hair and round glasses looked up from behind the desk as they entered. ”May I help you?” she asked.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:27 am
by Bullfrog
"I'm looking for books about history. Preferably American, but I'll read anything you've got." says Lawrence; if this was the future, knowing what happened between now and the past could prove indispensable.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 4:42 am
by Silver Priest
"I'm also interested," Alex says, thinking this was a good idea. "Anything from the 1920's on is of particular focus." The officer has to admit that even with the seriousness of whatever Brophy is planning and they were trying to stop, he was a little interested to learn how the last 50 years had gone. He wondered how Prohibition was going; it had gotten off to a bit of a rocky start, but surely by now everyone had committed to sobriety.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"As I'm I," says William, "though I'd be interested in British history as well." As long as they're here, they ought to know more about what's happened in Britain in recent decades.
OOC, We're from 1930, so we can probably start with the 1930s, though stuff written about the 1920s with knowledge of what happened afterwards would help us understand our own time better. I've heard [u]Only Yesterday[/u] is very good, and that was published in 1931.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:50 pm
by Silver Priest
ooc, Oops, misremembered the year. In that case yeah Alex would be interested in anything from 1930 on. Luckily my joke still works:P

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:38 pm
by Bullfrog
OOC, I can't wait to read about how well prohibition went, and how we all learned our lesson from the Great War and never had a conflict that large again!

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 12:19 am
by Philulhu
The librarian showed the three men to the reference section, pointing out the rather small history section.

The book on British history was relatively recent, having been printed in 1970. It detailed the ascension to the throne of King Edward IIIV in 1936 and his subsequent abdication because of his desire to marry an American divorcee called Wallis Simpson. Scandalised by the development, William read on.

With mounting dread, he realised that for those in this time period, The Great War was not the last war. It had just been a precursor to an even more widespread confrontation, spanning the globe, with the systematic and industrialised murder of civilians and soldiers alike. Britain and its Empire stood as the sole bastion of freedom, holding out as other nations crumbled under Nazi tyranny. Reading through the timeline of the war, the horrors mounted with its progress, culminating with the discovery of the death camps and the detonation of the Atom Bomb over Hiroshima, Japan.

From that nadir of human history, it seemed that Britain had struggled to recover. Rationing had lasted for more than a decade and the county went through some considerable changes before it started to re-emerge into the 1950s and 1960s. A young Queen ascended to the throne and the drab colours of post-war years (although the wars never really went away - they were just fought on a smaller scale), gave way to the bright colours of the Swinging Sixties, as they were styled, with music and young people coming to the fore, looking to finally put the war years behind them.

Lawrence and Alex had chosen books about American history and were troubled to learn about the global recession that loomed over their own time back home. The photographs of the destitute living in camps and the soup kitchens for those down on their luck were particularly concerning. Lawrence especially wondered how his family might survive if the bank foreclosed on the mortgage on his farm.

Towards the end of that decade, things had started to improve again, even as it looked like Europe might be dragged into another war. President Roosevelt condemned German aggression and supplied ships and materiel to the British, even as America pursued a non-interventionist strategy, refusing to send its boys to die in another European war.

That approach came to a violent and abrupt halt one December day in 1941 when the Pearl Harbour naval base was attacked by the Japanese without warning. Mutual declarations of war brought Japan into Germany’s Axis fold and America firmly into the Allied camp with the British and the Russians, spreading war around the globe for the second time in little over a generation...

America’s industrial might changed the course of the way, with the map of Axis-controlled countries shrinking as the war progressed. Like William, they read of the horrors of the slaughter of the death camps and the final mushroom clouds of thermonuclear doom that finally brought the war to an end.

Except in didn’t; the protagonists just changed. Instead of fighting the Germans, the Americans found themselves facing their erstwhile allies - Russia - in a series of proxy wars in Asia and Africa, and in potential flashpoints in Berlin and Cuba that seemed to take humanity to the very brink of World War III, a war that threatened to rain fire upon the Earth and from which there would be few survivors...

And yet, somehow, America managed to emerge from this with a technological achievement that Alex and Lawrence could barely believe. Even as their county was racked with fears over communism and race riots, it had managed to send men to the moon. A double page, full colour photo showed a man in a metallic suit, stood on a grey rocky surface next to an American flag, with the Earth illuminated in blues and greens against the blackness of deep space...

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 1:22 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's hard to believe the mighty British Empire fell so low," says William to the others after they finish their research. "Still, it seems to be on the upswing. How did America turn out?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:00 am
by Bullfrog
Lawrence stares at the picture of the man on the moon for a few moments, utterly stunned; just as that man had travelled through space, he had travelled through time, although nobody aside from himself and his companions would ever know of this wondrous deed.

"Good god, it's insane; the economy goes all to hell for a few years after 1929 thanks to that stock market crash, then in 1941 we get in a war with Germany, Japan, and Italy. We created a bomb, stronger than any that has ever existed before, a bomb so strong that dropping only two of them on Japan was needed to end this second great war; there was nearly a war with Russia afterwards, a war that could have wiped out much of mankind with the very same sort of bombs." Lawrence explains in an anxious whisper; the world of the future was just as fearful as it was incredible, and he would have to return to deal with the consequences of economic recession after this excursion was over. Staying in the future seemed almost tempting, for a moment.
"But there is something good, William: we put a man on the moon."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:23 am
by Silver Priest
After reading all of this, Alex is rather somber. "I can't believe it... another war, and against Germany again," He whispers. "And Japan and Italy, weren't they our allies in the last one?

"It's awful to read about and know so much destruction is coming in the future, but there seem to be some positive things as well. And at least we can change some things; I'm going to encourage my family to take our money out of the market."
Like Lawrence he was briefly tempted to stay in their current time-- his relationship with his family was not close, and he's not sure he wants to live through the next four decades powerless to really change anything...

"Still, nothing I read seems to suggest Brophy or whatever he's planning ever becomes known to the wider world. I'm wondering if we're even still in the same time as him. We followed right after him and have seen no sign of him so far. Is it possible he's somewhere else?" He's uncertain if this is a good or bad thing.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 5:48 pm
by Mr. Handy

"A man on the moon," says William, looking at the picture. "I don't believe it. The world's going to go through some terrible times, but there are at least some good things coming, and it could have been worse. That Third Great War never happened. Yet. And maybe we can change some larger things too if we can get back, but even if we can't, at least we can position ourselves to weather the storms. I actually got out of the market myself back in November. I took a loss, but I can see I made the right move. It's only going to get worse for the next several years. I have no idea how we're supposed to find Brophy here. He has a big headstart on us, and we don't know what his plan is. Did he choose to come here at random merely to escape, or does he have a specific goal in mind? Maybe we should read up on the local area and see if there's any weirdness going on. If there is, there's a good chance he'll be there."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:38 pm
by Philulhu
OOC, Can I have a Library Use roll?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:08 pm
by Mr. Handy

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 9:07 pm
by Bullfrog
"The location couldn't have been a complete coincidence; we know that he's from England, so this could be some place important to him, like a home town.I don't know why he'd want to go forward 43 years, but I don't think that's a coincidence either; Brophy is a lot of awful things, but stupid is not one of them." Lawrence speculatively states, joining William's search for any odd information, although with less success than his colleague.
Library Use 25%, [url][/url]

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 11:53 pm
by Philulhu
Alongside the History section, an even smaller section - little more than a box file - was marked Local History. Inside the box file were a handful of cheaply printed pamphlets. A couple were about the history of Brichester, one about the Siege of Gloucester in the English Civil War and the last pamphlet was mythical tales about ghosts and ghouls to be found in the Gloucestershire countryside.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 12:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"This might be what we want," says William, reading the pamphlet about ghosts and ghouls.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:58 am
by Silver Priest
"Ghosts?" Alex pales. With everything else that was strange going on it made sense, but that didn't make him happier about it. "I suppose that could be it. You're both sure Mr. Brophy is deceased, correct?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:02 am
by Mr. Handy

"Quite sure," says William. "Which I suppose makes him a ghost too."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:52 pm
by Bullfrog
"I saw him die in that wreck with my own two eyes." Lawrence attests, conveniently leaving out the fact that he'd also kicked Brophy to death in a ditch with his own two feet. It seemed that ghosts would have to be added to the imaginary "Things that are real" list, although they seemed almost quaint in comparison to some of the horrors he'd seen and heard of.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:14 pm
by Philulhu
The pamphlet detailed a number of sites around the county where ghosts and ghouls abounded.

Berkeley Castle echoed with the ghostly screams of Edward II who died a hellish death at the behest of his wife’s lover and usurper, Roger Mortimer. In Brichester, the shade of Aggie Skerne, the witch of the lake who had been tried for witchcraft in the 1800s, was reputed to curse those who walked the lake shore but did not throw a penny in for the privilege.

In Dursley, locals could go missing for days in Hetty Peglar’s Tump - a pre-historic barrow where time is said to move at a different speed, and at Chavenage, another King - this time Charles I - was said to drive a ghostly hearse to collect the souls of the head of the family when they died, in revenge for their acquiescence in his regicide.

In Winchester, the bloody Psalter of the evil Quendreda could be seen. Legend had it that her eyeballs exploded as she recited Psalm 109 backwards to curse the cortège that bore the body of the young prince who she had had murdered. In Woodchester, a mansion was left abandoned, unfinished because of murder on-site and was also reputedly haunted by Canadian soldiers from WWII who had died there while preparing for the invasion of Europe.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:46 pm
by Mr. Handy

"There seems to have been a lot of supernatural activity in the area," says William. "I can't be sure which of these places, if any, would interest Brophy. Maybe Hetty Peglar's Tump, with time moving at a different speed. Let's see what the rest of these things say." He reads the pamphlets about the history of Brichester next.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 3:44 am
by Silver Priest
"It doesn't seem to pay to be royalty" Alex adds, noting the number of legends concerning them.

"That could be related to what we're going through,' he nods at William. "But Brophy was interested in lakes, correct? Maybe this lake in Brichester could also be of interest." He joins the man in reading the pamphlet.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 4:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yeah, that's a good point," says William. "We should check out the lake when we get a chance. At least we now have pennies to throw into it. Funny thing about the money here. I never thought they'd go decimal."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 3:21 pm
by Philulhu
The librarian coughed politely. ”We will be closing shortly, gentlemen. Is there anything else I can help you with?” she asked.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:45 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says William. "Do you have a map of the area?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 1:28 pm
by Philulhu
The librarian fetched a file from under the desk and thumbed through until she found the map she was looking for. She turned to a boxy, white machine where she lifted one part of it and placed the map on the glass sheet underneath. She closed the lid and pressed a button on the front of the machine. The was a ‘clonk’ and a whirring noise, a white light moved across the front of the machine and then a sheet of paper emerged from the side. The librarian picked up the sheet of paper and placed it on the desk - it was a map of Brichester and the surrounding area.


”Clever, isn’t it?” said the librarian. ”I must confess I don’t know how it works, but it’s very popular with people who use the library.”

She turned back to the machine to remove the original map. ”I can’t help but notice your accents,” she said, conversationally. ”Are you here on holiday? We often get people coming here trying to trace their ancestors.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 5:30 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says William, accepting the map with a smile. "Yes, it's very clever. I don't know how it works either, but I'm very glad they invented it." He had of course used mimeograph machines in his work many times before, but this was so much more convenient. "We're actually working on a movie, but I wouldn't mind knowing more about my ancestors."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:23 pm
by Philulhu
The librarian glanced at the clock again, but then smiled. ”Well, we should be closing but my hubby will be off watching the football this afternoon, so it’s this or the ironing....” she said.

”I presume your family were local to Gloucestershire. Do you have a name?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 7:05 pm
by Mr. Handy

"My family name is Preston," says William. "I know I have some English ancestry, but I'm not entirely sure from where in England my ancestors came. They settled in Boston in colonial times, centuries ago, and I haven't traced them back further than that."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:00 pm
by Philulhu
”We have local records, but beyond that, you’ll need Somerset House in London. That’s where the central records are kept.” replied the librarian.

”Would you like to check the local records?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:14 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex gets an idea. "Brophy is mine, if you could find out some,thing about that it would be great to share with my relatives. Can I check the local records?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:17 pm
by Mr. Handy

"It's worth a look," says William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 11:34 pm
by Philulhu
”Err, yes. If you’d to come over here, I’ll bring them to you.” She lead the way to a large table with four chairs towards the rear of the library. She returned shortly with an armful of records.

”Here you go,” she said.
OOC, Psychology roll, please.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 12:11 am
by Mr. Handy

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 2:03 am
by Bullfrog
"Would you happen to know of any good places to visit in the Brichester area? I'm just a mutual family friend of these two, and I'd like to get know this place better." Lawrence innocuously asks, looking curiously at the strange paper-copying machine; calling such a fascinating device a novelty would be an understatement. He picks up the copied map and looks over it; yet again, it seemed that their pursuit of Brophy would take then near a lake. At this rate, it wouldn't surprise him if that old bastard tried to create another hotel.
"You wouldn't mind if I borrowed this map, would you?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 1:18 am
by Philulhu
”That’s your copy. There’s no charge,” said the librarian to Lawrence.

William noticed that something in the librarian‘s demeanour had changed. Like a switch had been pulled, the friendliness had gone and she was stony-faced.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 2:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"Do you have something against the Brophy family?" asks William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 10:56 am
by Philulhu
The librarian turned back, her face flushed. ”I’m sorry,” she said. “A Brophy did my family a great disservice many years ago.”

She looked at Alex. ”It was a long time ago. I’m sure much water has passed under the bridge by now. Please forgive me.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 7:12 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex nods in understanding. He leans in close and whispers to her, trying to appear casual.

"We're on the same page, then. I'm a detective from America. Mr. William Brophy is wanted for several crimes in that country. We have reason to believe he fled here and may be attempting to resume his criminal activities. Anything you could tell us about him or his family would be a great service; he knows the area far better than us, and without assistance he could easily disappear."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 7:24 pm
by Philulhu
A look of confusion crossed the librarian’s face and she stepped back, with her arms crossed defensively. ”I thought you said that your name was Brophy,” she said to Alex.
OOC, I think you’ll need a Persuade roll or similar to get her back onside.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"He should not have deceived you," says William. "I think he was concerned that some of the locals might be friendly with the Brophy family and wasn't sure whom to trust. We believe Mr. Brophy may be protected by his kinfolk." However, she doesn't seem convinced.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:04 am
by Bullfrog
"Whatever the Brophys did to your family, we can make at least one of them pay for it; all we need is your help, to learn what you know about the family." Lawrence offers, trying to appeal to whatever sense of vengeance the librarian might have for the Brophy family.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:30 am
by Silver Priest
"I am sorry about that. But Mr. Brophy is very dangerous; we'd not be tracking him across the Atlantic if he was a run of the order criminal. Anything you can tell us about him, or at least pointing us at anyone who may know more about him or his family, will go a long way to bringing him to justice. And of course your name would be kept out of it."
Persuade hard success, [url=]33 of 75[/url]

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:17 pm
by Philulhu
The librarian looked uncertain but didn’t walk away. She pointed at the pamphlet that William had read. Aggie Skerne was a relative of mine - from a long time ago, obviously. She was tried as a witch - a man called Thomas Lee accused her, but my grandma always said there was a William Brophy and his brother behind the scene, pulling Thomas Lee’s chain, as it were. She’d heard that from her grandma, who’d heard it from old Aggie herself.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:50 am
by Mr. Handy

"Are there any members of the Brophy family still around here today?" asks William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:54 am
by Philulhu
The librarian shook her head. ”Not that I know of,” she replied. ”As far as I’m aware, there was just the two of those Brophy brothers. They left after the trial. Aggie’s family had been living away but when they heard about her troubles they came back to town to help her out.”

“I don’t know the details. According to my grandma, none of the family would ever talk about it.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:13 pm
by Silver Priest
"And what year was this around if you recall it, ma'am?" Alex asks. "In any event, it gives me no pleasure to tell you the family's still rotten to the core. We'll do everything we can to bring them to justice."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:06 pm
by Philulhu
”Oh, it was more than 100 years ago. Those Brophy brothers will be long dead by now. I don’t think they were young men when they left Brichester,” replied the Librarian.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:27 pm
by Bullfrog
"The Brophy we're after must have been named after the old William, though I find it a bit odd that he'd be able to sire children at such an age; to be honest, I'd prefer not to think about it." Lawrence observes. "What became of Thomas Lee? If he has any living descendants, our William Brophy may try to manipulate them; he did it once before, back in the United States."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:58 pm
by Philulhu
”He disappeared about the same time as the Brophys did,” explained the Librarian. ”With them gone, Lee had no-one to look after him, so he upped sticks and left, as I heard it. He wouldn’t have been missed - they were a bad lot...”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:15 am
by Mr. Handy

"What do you know about the lake?" asks William. "The Brophy we're looking for seems to be obsessed with lakes, and that lake's history would probably draw him."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:50 pm
by Philulhu
”Brichester Lake?” asked the Librarian. ”Well, technically it’s called Deepfall Waters but everyone around here refers to it as ‘The Lake’. It’s been there for time immemorial - Thomas Lee and the Brophys lived in an old Manor House up there apparently, although that’s long gone and there’s houses on there now.”

Outside they heard the strident ringing of a bell like you might hear on a police car or fire tender, followed by the town clock sounding a quarter past noon.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 8:15 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex exchanges a look with the others. He suspects they may want to go up to the lake and see if anything from the house remained.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you for your help," says William. "I think that's all we need for now."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:30 am
by Bullfrog
"I'm not particularly familiar with the area; about how long would a drive to the lake take us?" Lawrence asks, concerned with the waning amount of time until they would have to return to the film set; with any luck, he wouldn't have to do any acting just yet.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:18 am
by Philulhu
”Around twenty minutes in the car, I would think,” replied the Librarian. ”Not many go up there, to be honest. Just a few kids in the summer, swimming. We lose one every three or four years, sadly. There’s warning signs up there but you know kids. Always think nothing bad will happen to them.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:58 pm
by Silver Priest
"They drown?" Alex asks with alarm. Of course, he's beginning to suspect a more nefarious fate is befalling them.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:42 pm
by Philulhu
She nodded. It’s quite common, sadly. But yes, you lose one and everyone says we must do something about it, but then time passes and people forget again. It’s probably been a couple of years since we lost a young lad called Nigel up there.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:01 am
by Silver Priest
"A tragedy to the community I am sure. Did Nigel's family remain in the area or did they move away after the loss? ?" Alex asks delicately. These deaths may very well be random, but they could also be part of Brophy's machinations. It might be worth it to speak with them.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 2:51 am
by Mr. Handy

"Did they find his remains?" asks William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:27 pm
by Philulhu
The librarian shook her head sadly. ”No, they never did. Some people say that the lake has no bottom, but that’s just local nonsense. As for his parents, the stress of it all caused them to divorce and they both moved away soon after. Nice couple, but they couldn’t get over not finding his body and being able to give him a proper funeral.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:47 am
by Bullfrog
"Must be one hell of a tragedy to outlive your own son. I couldn't ever imagine it." Lawrence mournfully states, shaking his head. "Why do you suppose it happens there so often? I imagine that 'bottomless' myth was probably created as a way to explain drownings in the past, but this is the modern day, so there must be some scientific reason behind it."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:43 am
by Philulhu
”I’m not sure it happens more than anywhere else,” she shrugged. ”The local kids like going up there because it’s a nice place for a dip on a warm day and it’s far enough away from town that parents aren’t likely to be watching over them. My husband and I are local to the town and we both went up there when we were younger.”

”As for it being bottomless, that’s just what everyone around here says about it. I shouldn’t imagine anyone actually knows. It’s not like Loch Ness where it’s been surveyed to death by Uncle Tom Cobley and all!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 7:04 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you for all your help," says William, waiting to see if the others have anything further to ask before they go.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 7:05 pm
by Silver Priest
"Thank you for your help," Alex says. "And if we do happen upon any of the Brophy's involved with nefarious activities, we'll be sure to bring them to justice for Aggie and all of the family's other victims."

He looks to see if the others have any further questions.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:28 pm
by Bullfrog
"Well, if it isn't too late, I'd like to borrow a book." Lawrence politely requests; the information held in that history book he'd read would be valuable beyond any known price once he returned to 1930, especially if he brought back the book itself.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:17 pm
by Philulhu
”Sorry,” replied the Librarian, apologetically. ”You need to be a member, but if you’re only here visiting, you’re not eligible for membership.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:56 pm
by Bullfrog
"That's a bit disappointing, but we need to get going anyways." Lawrence remarks; it seemed that he would just have to return another day, but such an option was limited by the many other things he and his fellow temporal castaways would have to do. Hunting Brophy always had to take the first priority.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 9:16 pm
by Philulhu
The librarian showed them to the door, explains that the library would re-open at 9.00am on Monday morning. Outside, they found Jim waiting with the transit van, another cigarette on the go. He grinned when he saw the three men. ”The public library!” he chortled. “You boys certainly know how to let your hair down!”

He pushed the door open. “We’d better be getting back. Baz will be losing the plot if we’re late!”
OOC, Anything you want to say/do before heading back?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks," says William, getting into the van. They'll just have to check it out when they next have some free time.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:19 am
by Silver Priest
"The librarian was telling us about Deepfall Waters," Alex admits when they get back in the van. "It seems like that's the sort of location that has a bit of a history behind it."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:13 pm
by Bullfrog
"The whole town's got some interesting history behind it, but that's to be expected of most old towns here in England." Lawrence observes as he hauls his lanky frame back into the van. "Jim, have you ever heard of Aggie Skerne? That's an interesting bit of legend, right there."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:05 am
by Mr. Handy

"It could make for a good movie," adds William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:14 pm
by Philulhu
”Aggie? I don’t think so,” replied Jim with a grin. “Unless that’s the name of the barmaid from the pub the other night!” He laughed uproariously, as if it was the funniest joke he’d ever heard.

The journey back to the site was uneventful. They could see the road up towards the lake but judging by the speed Jim was driving, there wasn’t time for a diversion. As they pulled up to the house, they could see a stony-faced Barry waiting for them. It was after one ‘o’ clock but it wasn’t them with whom he was angry.

“Have you seen Georges?!” he snapped. “He should have bloody well been here by now!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:20 pm
by Silver Priest
"When was the last time you saw him, and did he mention anything about where he was going?" Alex asks, slipping into detective mode.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 11:21 pm
by Philulhu
“What are you?!” snapped Barry. “A policeman?!”

He shook his head. “I saw him last week in London. I spoke to him yesterday and he was heading up today, straight after breakfast. He should have been here by now. I need to know which parts of the script are changing and which parts aren’t so we can at least get on and doing some filming,” he said, slowly, as if talking to a child.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe something happened on his way here," says William. "He could have broken down or something. If we retrace his route, we might be able to spot his car, if you know what it looks like."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 3:22 am
by Bullfrog
"About how long is a jaunt between London and Brichester?" Lawrence inquires, giving William a knowing glance. This situation seemed familiar: someone disappearing while travelling on the road, a lake, and Brophy possibly being in the area; it looked like they could be dealing with a repeat of the Squatter's Lake incident.
"Are there any places Georges could have stopped over at on the way?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 6:51 pm
by Philulhu
“He lives this side of London so two hours? Maybe less?” grumbled Barry. “If he left after breakfast, I expect him to be here by eleven at the latest! And we need to get this sorted out - he hasn’t got time to stop off for sightseeing!” He threw his hands in the air in exasperation and stomped off towards his tent.

”We could have stopped off on the way. I could have found out the name of that barmaid...” said Jim with a wry smile.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 2:52 am
by Mr. Handy

"You might get your chance, if we go now and retrace the route," says William, nodding to Lawrence.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 9:02 am
by Philulhu
”I’ll ask him,” said Jim, and he went to have a word with Barry.

He was back seconds later. ”He told me to bugger off, so I’m going to take that as filming is suspended for the day!” he grinned. Around him some of the crew groaned, bored with the inactivity, but it didn’t both Jim who just smiled and rubbed his hands together gleefully.

“What’s it to be?” he asked, juggling the keys to the van. “The pub, or the fleshpots of Brichester?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 3:31 pm
by Mr. Handy

"As tempting as that is," says William, "we really should look for Georges. We can stop off at pubs along the way, of course, to ask if anyone's seen him."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 10:43 pm
by Bullfrog
"I'm all for some moderate debauchery," Lawrence rather unconvincingly states; even in his native time and place, he was no rapscallion. "but I'll have to agree with William. This film has enough problems as is, and losing Georges is just another albatross 'round its neck."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 12:10 am
by Silver Priest
"I agree," Alex says. "Someone must have seen him on his way in; we can retrace his route like William suggested."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:39 am
by Philulhu
Jim disappeared to talk to Barry, returning shortly with a phone number on a scrap of paper. Baz has got the right hump but I got Georges’ number from Anu so we’ve got the ok to take the van as long as I give him a ring.”

Leading the way back to the van, he said, “Right, where do you want to go first?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:52 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Do you have a map?" asks William. "We should follow the route he would have taken in reverse. Anywhere you think he might have stopped off, we can stop there and ask around about him. We'll also keep an eye out for his car."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 11:37 pm
by Philulhu
Jim produced a rather tatty map from the back of the van and spread it out on the bonnet so they could see the route Georges may have taken. ”I think he would have come up the M40 as far as he could from Ruislip to Oxford, across to Gloucester and then down the M5,” said Jim. “We could go up towards Gloucester and take a look.”

With the route decided, they piled into the van again. About a mile towards Brichester, he spotted a phone box by the side of the road and pulled over to try calling Georges at home. He returned shortly after, shaking his head. “I spoke to his housekeeper,” he reported. “He set off before nine this morning. He’s driving his Jag - a red E-type, so he shouldn’t be hard to spot!”

He got back behind the wheel and continued their journey north towards Gloucester.
OOC, Sot hidden rolls, please.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 12:09 am
by Mr. Handy

William looks around, but he isn't sure for what to look. "A 'Jag E-type?'" he asks. "I'm not sure what that looks like. I guess we don't get a whole lot of those in America."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 3:39 am
by Silver Priest
Alex isn't sure either, but keeps his eyes open all the same.
Regular success,

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 5:42 am
by Bullfrog
"Sounds fancy; certainly not the sort of thing we'd see in Arkham." Lawrence notes, though his attention is soon captured by something he manages to notice.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:41 pm
by Philulhu
”You’ve not seen the E-type?!” exclaimed Jim. “I though they were selling them in the States. Beautiful car - a real babe magnet and it goes like shit off a shovel!” He continued in a similar vein for the next ten minutes, talking about various cars he would love to drive, how they performed and how much they would attract members of the opposite sex!

He drove through Brichester, criticising his fellow drivers (who were adapt to drive too slow, or to turn without signaling) and pedestrians (apt to step out into the road without looking), and everyone was relieved to get through the town and into the countryside beyond. Jim put his foot down and the van ate up the miles to Gloucester.

As they reached the outskirts, they were overtaken by an ambulance with its lights flashing and bell sounding to clear the way. As they entered town, Jim said, “Keep ‘em peeled! Georges has got a red Jag - you can’t miss it!” As he spoke, a red car matching the Jag’s description emerged from a side street opposite and passed them, heading back in the direction of Brichester.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 1:51 am
by Bullfrog
"Speak of the devil- I just saw one, driving off towards Brichester!" Lawrence uttered suddenly, urging Jim to turn the van around. "If that's him, he must have had some business in Gloucester that was important enough to delay his trip for."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"You weren't kidding about how fast it is!" says William, who had blinked and nearly missed it. "We'd better get turned around and follow him, but we'll never catch up to him until he stops."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 5:48 am
by Silver Priest
"I'm glad he seems to be alright, at least," Alex says, having already written Georges off as one of Brophy's victims. "I don't envy him Barry's tirade however."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 10:21 am
by Philulhu
Whatever its other merits, the Transit wasn’t blessed with a decent turning circle, so it took a couple of minutes before Jim could find somewhere to turn around, by which time the red car was out of sight.

”I suppose we’d better get back,” he sighed. “I guess the fleshpots of Gloucester will have to wait for another day. Unless you fancy stopping off on the way, that is?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 2:07 am
by Mr. Handy

"No, you're right, we'd better get back," says William. "Now that Georges is finally arriving, we'll have work to do."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:12 pm
by Philulhu
Traffic had built up while they had been in Gloucester so it was more than an hour before they got back to the site. There was no sign of the red car and Barry was waiting for them when they returned.

“Well? Any sign of Georges?” he asked testily.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 11:44 pm
by Bullfrog
"We saw a car just like his heading this way, but couldn't catch up to it; the traffic on the way certainly didn't help, either." Lawrence straightforwardly reveals, paradoxically both relieved and concerned that Georges hadn't already arrived. Hopefully, the absence was due to the scriptwriter shirking his duty and not the malicious designs of Brophy!

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 2:22 am
by Mr. Handy

"I was surprised he wasn't here yet," says William. "He must have stopped off somewhere first, but where would he have gone?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:15 am
by Silver Priest
"We never actually saw him, but his car was hard to miss." Alex reports.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:22 pm
by Philulhu
”I didn’t see his car parked up anywhere,” said Jim with a shrug. “Unless he went down on of the farm tracks or up towards the lake, I’ve no idea where he went.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 9:02 pm
by Bullfrog
"We may as well go and checkfor him around the lake; without Georges, there isn't much else we can do here." Lawrence suggests, already starting to edge towards the van.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 11:47 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex has a bad feeling Georges is by the lake as well. " The question is what would lead him there; he wasn't coming such a long distance he'd need to stop there, surely?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 3:17 am
by Mr. Handy

"All right, let's go," says William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:00 am
by Philulhu
Jim looked to Barry but the director just shrugged and stomped back to his tent. ”Let’s get out of here,” Jim said. “He’s a right touchy bugger when he’s in one of these moods so we’re better off out of the way.”

He drove them back along the main road towards Brichester but took the turn for Deepfall Lake before they reached the town. The road was narrow and winding, barely single track with occasional passing places. Not that they needed those; they didn’t pass anyone else on the way there. Eventually, the road came to an end at a small car park, probably enough for a dozen cars, though no others were present. In front of them was Deepfall Lake, its waters dark and still.

Jim pulled into one of the parking spaces and switched off the engine. Leaning on the steering wheel, he peered around. Well,” he commented. “There’s no sign of Georges...”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"If none of these cars is his," says William, looking them over, "then I guess he's not here. Where else could he have gone, though?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:01 am
by Silver Priest
"If we have no other clues, this will be like looking for a needle in a haystack. For all we know in the time it took us to travel there he's returned to work."

Something was nagging at Alex, but he's not sure how to approach it. It seemed too much a coincidence that Brophy appears and a man goes missing near a lake.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 11:08 am
by Philulhu
William, “... probably enough for a dozen cars, though no others were present.” The car park is empty ;)

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:02 pm
by Mr. Handy

"There's nobody else here," says William. "What about those farm tracks? Is there any reason he might have gone down one of them?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:37 pm
by Bullfrog
"He could have taken the wrong road on the way, but like Alex said, it's a needle in a haystack." Lawrence responds; he knew this lake had to have some significance to Brophy, but was he just jumping at shadows? "I say we drive around town and look for him, maybe get something to drink; if we can't find him, there's not much else we can do."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 10:08 pm
by Philulhu
”I can’t see why he’d have gone to one of the farms,” said Jim.”Besides, most of the farm yards were visible from the road. A red car would have stood out a mile!”

He perked up at Lawrence’s idea of going back into town for a drink. “Sounds like a good idea to me!’ he grinned.
OOC, Anything else you want to do at the lake or do you want to head back into town?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 11:17 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I don't see what else we can do here," says William, "except maybe throw a penny in the lake."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:55 am
by Bullfrog
"We may as well, as it's a bit of quaint local tradition. I don't imagine any of us would want to be cursed!" Lawrence jokingly remarks, not actually confident that curses were just superstition. He fishes a penny from the bottom of his pocket and briefly exits the van to toss it into the lake.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 11:58 pm
by Philulhu
The penny broke the surface of the water with an audible ‘plop’ and briefly reflected the sunlight before it slid out of sight. From across the water, there was a ‘crack’ as if a branch had broken, although no-one appeared to be there.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:14 am
by Mr. Handy

William also gets out and tosses a penny into the lake.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:41 am
by Silver Priest
Alex gets out of the car and starts to head across the lake to where he heard the branch crack. He walks slow, ready to draw his weapon at the first sight of anything unusual.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:58 am
by Bullfrog
Lawrence shoots a glance at the detective, gesturing that he'll go around the other side of the lake, and then proceeds to do so; he'd thrown his penny in and was thus safe, assuming there even was a ghost in the first place.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:04 am
by Mr. Handy

William follows Alex. "You should throw a penny in too," he says. "Just in case."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 5:17 am
by Silver Priest
Alex looks blankly at William, but figures the other man has more experience with this than he does. After a moment he nods, tosses a coin in, and continues on.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:58 pm
by Philulhu
Further coins elicited no more sounds, other than the plop as they broke the surface. The lake was approximately 300-400 yards wide and at least twice as long, and while the area near the car park was clear, further along trees fringed the sides, casting deep shadows and making progress difficult.

Jim watched as the three men started to move along the sides of the lake. ”Ermmmm.... what are you doing?” he asked with a puzzled tone.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 1:37 am
by Mr. Handy

"We heard a noise on the far side of the lake," says William. "We're going to see what made it."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 4:20 am
by Silver Priest
"Wait by the car," Alex tells Jim. "It's probably nothing, but I could have sworn someone was watching us."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 9:35 am
by Philulhu
OOC, Can I have a Track roll, please?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 5:06 pm
by Bullfrog
OOC, I never thought I'd ever get the chance to use it!
Track 40%,
Lawrence, being a fairly experienced hunter in his spare time, manages to catch the trail of something.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:01 am
by Philulhu
Jim did as Alex asked, with a slight look of concern as he glanced about the car park.

Lawrence explored further. Although the undergrowth looked impenetrable, he could see where animals - so he presumed - had made their way through. He wondered what type of animal made the tracks - deer perhaps? Do they still have bears here?!

He reassured himself that the tracks weren’t big enough for a bear (well, not a fully grown one) but he would be able to push through, if he wanted to.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:41 am
by Bullfrog
Lawrence, having already encountered a vaguely bear-sized creature that dwelled in a lake before, decides not to press on until he can identify the tracks of what he may be following.
Natural History 50%,

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 1:37 am
by Mr. Handy

William can't find any tracks, so he just keeps going around the lake until he meets up with Lawrence.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:33 pm
by Philulhu
William found his progress limited on the southern side of the lake. No matter which way he turned, he could not find a way through.

Lawrence had more success around the other side. As brush gave way to trees, he could see a track snaking through the grass. He paused to examine the tracks on the floor but found them confusing. The tread was long, beyond that of any animal he knew of, and tipped with sharp claws, albeit unevenly, with three on one foot and four on the other.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:36 am
by Bullfrog
Lawrence takes a mental note of this spot and decides to cautiously make his way back across the lake to rendezvous with the rest of the group back at the van; whatever those tracks belonged to, he did not want to meet with it, much less while alone and unarmed.

"I found some tracks out in the trees; I'm not sure what they belonged to, but it was big and had claws." Lawrence reports after he returns to the van.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:28 am
by Mr. Handy

William makes his way back to the van. "Not the sort of thing we want to run into," says William, "unless we're armed for bear, which we're decidedly not."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:25 am
by Silver Priest
"I do carry a gun. For, uh, hunting." Alex offers. "Though I don't want to get mauled by a bear today!"

He turns to Jim. "Do you know what this could be?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 11:48 am
by Philulhu
Jim shrugged. ”Not a clue!” he said. “I’m not local - I’m just here for the film.”

He looked out across the lake. “I shouldn’t think it’s a bear though. They all died out in England in the Middle Ages.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 8:08 pm
by Silver Priest
"Maybe it was brought in for the movie shoot," Alex quips.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:55 pm
by Bullfrog
"Considering how well the movie's been going so far, it wouldn't come as a surprise to me if a bear was actually let loose." Lawrence joins in with a joke of his own; he'd discuss the footprints more later, once they got away from the prying ears of those who hadn't "seen the elephant", as his grandfather used to say.
"I suppose we ought to get going, now; Georges isn't going to find himself."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 11:23 pm
by Philulhu
OOC, Where would you like to go?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 1:57 am
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe we should drive through town and see if we can spot his car somewhere," suggests William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 12:24 am
by Philulhu
Another turn through town yielded no more sightings of a red car and Jim eventually said they had better return lest Baz think his leading man had gone AWOL too!

The temperature had dropped as the afternoon had gone on and the heaters in the van were struggling to keep the windows clear. As Jim guided the van into the courtyard, he narrowly avoided a black taxi cab, from which a short, dapper gentleman in a pinstripe suit and a red beret set at a jaunty angle, had just emerged. As the van crunched to halt on the gravel drive, Jim said, ”Well, bugger me! That’s Georges!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 12:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"Looks like we got here just in time," says William. "I wonder what happened to the Jag?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 1:52 am
by Bullfrog
"To think we spent all that time looking for him, just for him to arrive late." Lawrence observes, a bit annoyed that their search had ultimately proved futile. He'd found those tracks at the lake, but considering what they could have belonged to, that was hardly any consolation. "I wonder how Barry will take it?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 5:10 am
by Silver Priest
"We did see his car earlier." Alex frowns. Something felt wrong about this, but the detective chided himself. He was being paranoid. "Though we could have been wrong, I suppose; none of us are car experts."

The movie could now go on, something he had mixed emotions about. After all, Brophy was still out there, and it was unlikely he would be taking a break from his fiendish activities.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 11:02 pm
by Philulhu
Climbing out of the van, they could hear Georges talking excitedly to Barry, complaining that his car had broken down in Oxford and that he’d been forced to complete his journey by train, a most disagreeable form of transport as far as he was concerned, and the sandwiches? ”Mon Dieu!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 12:04 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, he's all right," says William, "and he's here now. I'm not fond of trains myself." Especially after that last trip, he thinks.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 12:55 am
by Bullfrog
"I don't care much for rail travel, either; I fell off a train once." Lawrence adds, leaving out some important details that only William was aware of. That train ride was the strangest experience he'd ever been through, bar none.
"I suppose the car we saw could have belonged to someone else."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 5:06 am
by Silver Priest
"Well, I'm glad this all had a happy ending. I was worried for a bit that something had happened." Alex responds.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 9:19 am
by Philulhu
As they approached, Barry spotted them and pointed them out to Georges. “These are the three gentlemen sent by the casting agent. They’re American...”

Georges turned around to study them with a raised eyebrow and a critical eye. ”And where have you three gentlemen come from?! Any acting experience?!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 2:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm from Boston," says William. "I've never been in a movie before, but I've done a little stage acting. Shakespeare, mostly."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 12:35 am
by Bullfrog
"I don't have much experience, but the agent said I had promise." Lawrence cordially responds, knowing full well that the latter would have been untrue if he had even spoken to the casting agent. "I am Lawrence Gilman, and I'm from Arkham. Bit of a small city, you probably haven't heard of it."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 7:31 pm
by Silver Priest
"As am I. I'm a newcomer but really eager to show what I can do." Alex says, trying to appear enthusiastic.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 11:36 pm
by Philulhu
Georges nodded as they explained where they were from and summarised their acting experience. ”I have some minor adjustments to make to the script,” he said airily, “So I will bear you in mind.” He turned back to Barry and they were soon deep in a discussion about the script and the following day’s shooting.

After ten minutes, Barry announced that Georges was kindly going to pay for fish and chips for everyone and a couple of the crew were dispatched in the van to pick them up. Half an hour later, everyone was sat around the campfire, tucking into the great British delicacy and drinking a fizzy, bland beer from a Watney’s Party Seven can, which Jim had somehow opened with a screwdriver...
OOC, Any questions you want to ask of anyone before we move onto the following day?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 12:17 am
by Mr. Handy

William is just glad to have any beer. Back home this would be illegal, and he isn't one to break the law, unless it's for a very good reason. He appreciates the fish and chips as well.
OOC, No questions from me.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 12:44 am
by Silver Priest
Alex resists the urge to arrest everyone present, and declines the beer. It was still illegal where he came from after all.

"Do we agree that there was something weird going on up at that lake?" He whispers to the other two. "Maybe we should go up there alone and take a look sometime-- if Brophy's here and causing trouble, he's probably doing it at a lake."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 4:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, but it's probably not a good idea to go there at night," says William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 6:07 am
by Bullfrog
"We've never had good luck around lakes at night. It's like stepping directly onto a beartrap to find out who set it." Lawrence quietly responds, not eager to hold this conversation while in the proximity of strangers. "We'd best save this talk for later."

Lawrence, who had been quite young when the Volstead Act was passed, readily accepted the beer but ultimately found it a bit disappointing; he wished he could have got the chance to try finer stuff, but this would suffice. At least the fish and chips was great.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 7:21 pm
by Philulhu
Sunday May 1st, 1973 4.15pm.
Purton Manor, Brichester, England.

With Georges in situ, Sunday had turned out to be a busy day. Filming had taken place in the Manor House with Jim and his leading lady in fine form. The frustration of the delays of the previous days meant that everyone was eager to get as much done as they could and filming had gone smoothly, with everyone pitching in.

There wasn’t much call for extras so Alex, Lawrence and William found themselves employed holding microphones, moving props and generally running errands, but Georges and Barry were so appreciative of their help, it didn’t feel like a chore at all.

Tired but satisfied with their days’ work, they returned to the campsite, where a pile of sticks and a newspaper were ready to get the campfire going again. As they walked toward’s their tent to freshen up, the headline - Mystery Surrounds Accident Victim - caught their attention...


Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 12:19 am
by Mr. Handy

"That must have been the red car we saw speeding past yesterday," says William. "I wonder if the dead woman is Miss Dufresne. We should go have a look."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 5:02 am
by Silver Priest
"The chances of a car that looks just like Georges' hitting someone and his own vehicle breaking down the very same day strikes me as too big a coincidence," Alex says. "He might be worth looking into as well."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 6:03 am
by Bullfrog
"If it was his car that hit that woman, then I don't think it broke down; I'm not the detective here, but he could have hidden the car somewhere to keep out of any trouble." Lawrence soberly adds. "And if the lady was Ms. Dufresne, and she probably is, then we've got a whole other problem: we don't know what happened to Brophy. He's already come back from the dead once, and God only knows if he can do it again."
He felt disheartened knowing that Brophy could have claimed another life as collateral damage, but that was a frustrating reality of these events that had consumed his life for the past months.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 7:00 am
by Philulhu
OOC, How do you plan to investigate?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 6:27 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC, We could come forward like the newspaper article said and say we think she may be a missing fellow American, then ask to look at her to see if we can identify her.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 7:37 pm
by Silver Priest
ooc, We could also give the police Georges name and have them interview him and make him produce the car to see if he's involved. Not that I think this will totally solve the problem, given this is CoC and not Law and Order. ;)

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 2:23 am
by Bullfrog
OOC, I think a combination of those two ideas should work pretty well. Knock on wood, of course.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 5:11 pm
by Philulhu
Sorry for the delay - issues logging in.

So what’s your plan? Where/who are you going to see?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 6:36 pm
by Mr. Handy

I was thinking we would go to see the police first.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 7:17 pm
by Silver Priest

Sounds good. Asking if the victim was Dufresne and then letting the cops know Georges has a car like the one involved in the accident.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 11:38 pm
by Philulhu
Reluctantly, Jim agreed to drive them into Brichester again, grumbling how it seemed he was the chauffeur, not the star of the show. In town, he pulled up at the police station and said he’d wait while they spoke to the police.


The Police Station was a modern two-storey building that looked more like an office than a police station, but inside they were greeted by the desk sergeant, an older, bearded officer with thinning brown hair. The buttons on his blue serge jacket had recently been polished and glinted in the sterile strip lighting of the reception area.

”How can I help you, gentlemen?” he greeted them as they entered.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 12:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Sergeant," says William. "My friends and I are here from America. We were expecting to see an American acquaintance of ours, a Miss Dufresne, but she never showed up. When we saw the article in the newspaper about the American woman who had been struck by a car, we had to wonder if it was her."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 3:34 am
by Bullfrog
"And we have reason to believe that we may know who ran her down. We're working on the set of a film, and the writer, Georges, showed up late in a taxi even though we saw a car just like his, a red Jag E-Type, coming in to town." Lawrence frankly adds. "It could just be a coincidence, but that would be a damned strange coincidence."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 4:55 am
by Silver Priest
Alex spends time looking around the police station, marveling at all that had changed in these last 50 years.

"Indeed," He speaks up. "He mentioned his car broke down in Oxford, I believe." He debates showing his badge but decides that the risk of someone learning he's not an actual Arkham detective at present was too high. Though it did make him wonder what the news had to say about the three of them who vanished all those years ago. Perhaps it would be worth looking into.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 11:11 pm
by Philulhu
The desk sergeant picked up the receiver on his desk phone and they were soon joined by a young, bespectacled police detective who introduced himself as Detective Constable Simms. Taking them into a nearby interview room, he listened to what they had to say, making notes in his notebook as he did so.

”So, this Miss Dufresne,” he said. ”Can you describe her to me, and also, how do you know her? It seems odd that you describe her as an acquaintance but it seems you don’t know her first name...”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 11:35 pm
by Mr. Handy

"We only met her once," says William. He describes her appearance. "She never told us her first name. She was working in a sanitarium back in America when we went to visit a patient there."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 4:30 am
by Silver Priest
"She seemed to desire a career in pictures," Alex adds. "Or at least an interest in them. When she heard we were coming over here to work on one, she seemed excited, and decided she'd take a break from work and watch the film being made. We were supposed to meet up with her yesterday, but we've not been able to get in touch with her and fear the worst. Combine this with Georges suspicious behavior-- he was late to the movie set yesterday-- and we wondered if the events were related."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 6:48 pm
by Philulhu
DC Simms nodded and continued to make notes as they spoke. ”So where and what time were you due to meet her? Oh, and I assume you have alibis for the time she went missing?” He looked up, pen ready to make further notes.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 1:40 am
by Bullfrog
"Well, there wasn't a set time for meeting yesterday, since her visit wasn't too well planned out, but she was set to meet us at the filming site." Lawrence states. "We spent most of yesterday working on the set or out driving around looking for Georges. His absence threw quite a wrench into our plans for the day."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 1:52 am
by Mr. Handy

"We were with other people working on the film," adds William. "We don't have our own car, so we needed one of them to drive us anywhere."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 2:31 am
by Silver Priest
"Indeed." He looks at the others. "I think we were busy at the filming site most of yesterday? We stopped at the library to check out some books on UK history; it's a hobby of mine.When Georges was late we went into town to look for him, then up to the nearby lake.

Alex has a bad feeling the officer is beginning to suspect them, but he hopes Jim's presence with them most of yesterday would bolster their story.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 5:28 pm
by Philulhu
”The lake, eh? Why did you go there?” Simms hadn’t looked up, he sat sat there with his pencil poised to record their response.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 8:25 pm
by Silver Priest
"We had heard it's a popular relaxation spot. Given our man was late, we wondered if he stopped off there for a spell, as there's not many other locations in the area he could have gone to. But no one was there so we left pretty quickly, and by the time we had gotten back to the filming set Georges had just arrived."

Alex really is not trusting the man now. He tries to gauge his emotional state.

Psychology 60,


Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 8:29 pm
by Silver Priest

Messed up the last roll, trying again.


OOC:   Failure in any case. But why am I getting two different rolls per post?  

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 12:24 am
by Mr. Handy

William also tries to figure out what makes the detective tick.

Psychology roll (55% skill) about the detective:
I only see one roll each in your two posts, though it lists each result twice. I think you may have quoted the first one instead of editing.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time.”

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 11:59 pm
by Philulhu
I can see different rolls. It’s a bit confusing!

Simms seems suspicious of your answers so far, although he doesn’t appear to jumping to any conclusions just yet.

Detective Constable Simms studied them carefully. ”Mmm, hmmm,” he said in response to their explanation about why they had visited the lake.

”Anything else you want to tell me? It does seem a bit strange that you’re here apparently shooting a film, but you spent most of yesterday just driving around.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 1:19 am
by Silver Priest
"Mr. Georges was supposed to arrive yesterday afternoon, so we had the morning off. Another cast member offered to show us around, so we went into town. When we arrived back at the site we had learned that Georges was late, so we went back out to look for him." Alex explains. "I'm sure others on the film shoot would be happy to collaborate all of this, Detective."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 3:04 am
by Mr. Handy

"That's right," says William. "It was Jim who drove us around in his van. You can ask him."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 7:34 am
by Philulhu
”Ah, yes. ‘Jim’,” said Simms, writing the name in his notebook. He pointedly looked around the room. ”Who, unfortunately, isn’t here today to corroborate your story...”

Simms studied them a moment longer, then stood up. ”Wait here, please,” he said, and he left the room.

It was a long ten minutes before Simms returned with a buff folder. He sat back down and put a hand on the folder, as if to prevent it being opened prematurely. ”I must warn you that this is a post mortem photograph,” he said. ”But if you can confirm her identity then that would be a help to our investigation.” He waited until they had all nodded their assent before opening the folder and producing a 8’ x 10’ headshot of a dark-haired woman.

Her skin was waxen, her eyes closed and she had a graze above her left eye. It was, without doubt, the same Miss Dufresne that they had last seen entering that strange portal at Oakwood House.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 12:39 am
by Bullfrog
"That's her, alright." Lawrence solemnly confirms, giving a slight nod. He'd anticipated this unpleasant outcome by now, but what could this mean for Brophy? Death clearly was no hindrance for the sorcerer, so could he have latched on to some other hapless victim?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 3:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, that's her," says William. "If you'd like to talk to Jim, you can. He's the one who gave us a ride here."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 7:47 pm
by Philulhu
”Yes, we’ll be talking to him,” replied Simms. ”We’ll have to notify your embassy so they can inform her next of kin.”

He looked up. ”I’d ask you not to leave town without informing us first. Just in case we have any further questions, obviously.”

He closed the file. ”Have you any questions or anything you wish to add?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 2:29 am
by Mr. Handy

"Georges's car is a red Jag E-Type," adds William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 7:14 pm
by Silver Priest
"Nothing from me. Thank you for your time, officer. If there's anything else we can do please let us know. "

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 11:32 pm
by Philulhu
DC Simms made a note in his file about Georges’ car and then showed them to the door. The van was parked nearby but their was no sign of Jim, although loud music could be heard from a nearby public house so there was a good chance he could be found there.

Any lines of enquiry/places you want to visit?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 12:39 am
by Mr. Handy
Maybe we can make enquiries in the pub ;) We could always ask Jim questions, and he may be more forthcoming when he's had a few. Of course, we don't want him too drunk - he is driving.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 4:19 am
by Silver Priest
When a safe distance away from the others, Alex confers with his colleagues.

"That could have gone better, but at least we confirmed some things. I have a feeling Mr. Brophy is not so easily dispatched, however. We may want to try and investigate Georges ourselves.

"On another note, I'm curious what our fates were back in our home time. I imagine we must have been declared dead, but so many people going missing out of nowhere; perhaps the press covered it. If we get a chance I'd like to go back to the library and see if the tale was recorded anywhere. It's probably not likely given we are in another country, but perhaps it's made its way into folklore. And I admit I'd like to know what happened to my family, and I'm sure you both have loved ones you wish to learn of. If any of them are still alive, and we can't ever get back home
..." He leaves the rest unstated.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 5:59 am
by Bullfrog
"Hell, I'd prefer not to think of it. Time is confusing; is everything set in stone, or can history be changed? If Brophy can can travel through time, are there others that can do it too? God, it's all a mess, and I want out." Lawrence admits; there wasn't much waiting for him back in his home time, but it was better than being stranded in this world that wasn't his. There had to be some way back, and Brophy must have known it. The only thing worse than the alternative was death.
"I never imagined that my life would take me here. None of us did."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 1:01 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm not giving up on us getting home," says William. "If Georges did run her over, we need to help prove it. And if Brophy did switch bodies and take him over, it's even more important to make him answer for it. We should try to find out what we can about time travel too. Since we know it's possible, others must have figured out how to do it too. Traveling back in time is trickier than going forward, which we all do all the time, but there may be a way."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 5:25 am
by Bullfrog
"We'll find out a way back, even if we have to beat it out of Brophy." Lawrence declares, quite obviously thinking of beating the tar out of Brophy not as the last resort, but the first. He rather relished that thought of revenge.
"Both of you know all about how the law works; if Georges gets convicted, how long do you suppose his sentence would be?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 3:44 am
by Mr. Handy

"I know how the law works in America in 1930," says William. "I have little knowledge of how it works in the United Kingdom, and virtually none of how it works in 1973. Still, given my limited knowledge, I'd say the sentence would be much higher if Georges could be shown to have intentionally hit her. Then it's second degree murder, which could carry a life sentence. But intent is very hard to prove. If he ran her over unintentionally and then fled the scene, that would probably be considered manslaughter. He could be out in a few years."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 4:16 am
by Silver Priest
"Knowing what we know of Mr. Brophy, I'd not be surprised if he threw the poor woman in front of Georges car for some reason. I believe in the law, understand, but I don't think we can count on the courts to deal with Georges if he's working for Brophy or otherwise influenced by him. The man seems able to escape even death, after all." .

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 2:11 pm
by Philulhu
The noise from the pub grew louder as the door opened and someone staggered off in the direction of nearby alleyway to throw up.

Through the open door, Jim could be seen, pint in hand, chatting up a couple of young women who seemed to hang off his every word.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 10:32 pm
by Bullfrog
"There's no telling what we're going to have to do with Brophy; there's no laws out there regarding the kinds of things he's done, and nobody would ever believe what we have to say about him. As far as I know, the best solution is to find some way to force him out of whatever person he's controlling right now and send him back into the past." Lawrence states. "God only knows how we're going to manage that, but we need to find him as soon as we can. I suppose we'd best go meet back up with Jim, now, before he starts wondering where we've gone."

Obviously, meeting Jim was not the only reason Lawrence wanted to stop by the pub.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 10:51 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Agreed," says William. "Let's go see him."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 12:19 am
by Philulhu
As they entered the pub, they were assailed by the noise of the band, people talking over the band and the acrid smell of stale beer and cigarette smoke. Jim spotted them as they entered and waved them over. ”Sorted with Old Bill, are you?” he shouted, as the band launched into another song. The noise from the stage was deafening and the drummer seemed to be trying to use every part of his drum kit at once, apparently to the delight of everyone else in the pub.

Jim attracted the attention of the barmaid and ordered a round of drinks, before he introduced the two women he was talking to. As he handed around frothy-topped pints of ale, he said, “What was it you were so keen to talk to the rozzers about, anyway?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 1:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"We saw an article in the morning paper about an unidentified American woman who was run over by a car and killed," says William, "and we thought she might be someone we knew, so we went down to see if we could identify her. It was her all right. The police are going to want to ask you some questions about it too. She was struck by a red car moving at a high rate of speed, like the one that went past us when we were looking for Georges. I'm wondering if maybe it was his car."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 5:05 am
by Silver Priest
"The fact that his car broke down the same time that the same model was involved in an accident is highly suspicious," Alex says, shouting over the loud noise that these people called music. The future truly was dreadful!

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 9:22 pm
by Philulhu
Jim passed around the drinks as they were poured by the barmaid. ”Sorry about your friend,” he said. ”But do you really think that Georges is involved? It doesn’t seem like him at all.” He shook his head.

“We saw the car yesterday but are you sure it belonged to him?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 10:02 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I can't be sure," says William. "I didn't get a look at the car myself, it went by so fast. But it should be a simple matter for the police to look at Georges's car and see if it has any damage or not."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 4:37 pm
by Bullfrog
"Could have been accident, Jim, for all we know. He could have accidentally struck her and fled in a panic." Lawrence explains, barely audible over the uproar of the music; it was completely unlike the jazz he usually enjoyed, and he would have charitably described it as "interesting". "Accident or not, Georges is the most likely suspect; how many other people in town own a fast-moving red car?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 7:12 pm
by Silver Priest
"That breaks down the same day," Alex adds.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 9:56 am
by Philulhu
Jim shrugged. ”I admit, it sounds unlikely,” he said. ”Without his car, though, you’re not going to prove any of this. How are you going to find that?”

On stage, the music reached a temporary crescendo and a dark-eyed, raven-haired young woman strutted to the front and began to sing, a high-pitched wailing noise that began sawing away at Lawrence’s frayed nerves...

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:18 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I imagine the police will have to ask him where his car is and ask to have a look at it," says William, trying his best to ignure the "music," or what passes for it. He has no idea what has happened to music in the past few decades, but he'll take jazz any day over this. "If he cannot or will not show them his car, that would just make them even more suspicious."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 6:38 pm
by Philulhu
”I guess that makes sense,” Jim replied. ”We’ll have to see what the Old Bill do...” He took a sip of his pint and looked towards the stage, his heading bobbing in time to the music.

Eyes fixed to the stage, where the singer sounded as if she was trying to wrestle an injured cat into submission, he continued, ”Alternatively, you could start making your own enquiries - not sure I’d leave it to the local Plod if you think it’s important...”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"That's a good thought," says William. "Someone's dead, so I'd definitely consider that important. What do you know about Georges? That's a good place to start."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 6:49 am
by Silver Priest
"You don't have much faith in the police in England?" Alex asks. "Your detective already seemed a bit suspicious of us; I'd hate to step on his toes and give him more reason to distrust us. But given the seriousness of the matter here, we may have little choice." He shares a meaningful look to his time drift companions.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 7:25 am
by Bullfrog
"You know, Jim, we've done investigating like this before; sometimes, people just have to take the law into their own hands. This could be one of those times." Lawrence states, yet again conveniently leaving out the fact that those past investigations were far from any orthodox detective work. At this point, he was trying to find some enjoyment in this strange future music, if only because hating every second of it would only make listening to it worse. It was novel! It was energetic! It was horribly, horribly loud.
"I think it would help us to figure out where the hit-and-run happened; someone there had to have seen it happen."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 12:08 am
by Philulhu
”I don’t know a lot about Georges, to be honest. I’ve worked with him before but it’s not like we’re friends. As for the scene of the accident, the rozzers could tell you that, although I’m not sure they’d be happy to share.” said Jim. Then he grinned and nudged William. ”Although I know a man who can...” he said, and he pointed to where a young man stood off to one side of the stage, his brown cords and tank top causing him to stand out from the rest of the crowd. He had a camera around his neck and was making notes in a notebook as he watched the band.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 2:58 am
by Mr. Handy

"Who is he?" asks William, glancing over at the man. He'll never understand the fashions of this time, he realizes. The style of dress is strange, and when did people stop wearing hats? Why do men have hair that's sometimes longer than women's hair? Although he has to admit that the mustaches are a nice touch. "Is he a reporter?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 3:28 am
by Silver Priest
Alex looks at the man. His fashion sense is absurd, but the detective had to admit he was very attractive. He takes a sip of his drink and watches the others, hoping to conceal his reaction and focus on the mission.

"And he would be anymore willing to talk to us than the police? I'd rather not have the strange Americans put on the front page of the local paper tomorrow."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:05 am
by Philulhu
”I’ve no idea who he is,” replied Jim, ”But look at him. He stands out like a sore thumb in here! Well, present company excepted...” He grinned.

”He doesn’t look like he’s with Sounds or the NME - they dress like they’re in the band, ponce around like the own the place and they wouldn’t be seen dead taking their own photos.” Jim took a swig of his pint, as he built up to his big reveal. ”And, let’s be honest, the band’s pretty tight but that lass they’ve got singing for them has a voice that could strip paint, so they’re not attracting any national attention anytime soon! So I reckon he’s your trainee reporter with the local press send out to get a report on the local music scene...”

‘Elementary, my dear Watson,”
he said with a theatrical bow.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 1:53 am
by Mr. Handy

"Then maybe he'd like to get involved in a bigger story," says William, glad that someone from this time doesn't care for what passes for music in this place. "Let's go talk to him."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 9:59 am
by Bullfrog
"Agreed." concurs Lawrence; with that said, he peels off from the rest of the group and makes his way through the crowd towards the young man. "Excuse me, but my friends and I would like to speak to you for just a moment; it's some important business!"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 12:05 pm
by Philulhu
The reporter looked around, unsure if Lawrence really meant to address him. ”Me?” he said, pointing to himself. Satisfied that it was him that Lawrence wanted, he shrugged and followed him back to the bar.

”What can I do for you?” he asked, studying them all casually.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 5:53 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Have you heard about the hit and run that killed an American woman?" asks William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:10 pm
by Philulhu
The man nodded. ”I’d hope so, I’m the reporter for the Brichester Gazette.” He held out a hand to shake. Sean Matthews,” he introduced himself.

The singer on stage attempted a particularly high note and he winced audibly. ”So, you’re Americans,” he said. ”And you’re interested in an accident where an American woman was killed. So what can you tell me about her?” he asked.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 8:45 pm
by Mr. Handy

"William Preston," says William, shaking his hand - and relieved that people in the future still shake hands. He can't imagine a time when that doesn't happen any more. "My friends and I were just at the police station identifying her. Her name is Miss Dufresne, but we don't know her first name. We've only met her once before."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:01 am
by Philulhu
Dufresne, you say?” said Matthews, flicking over a page in his notebook and starting to make a few notes. ”Was she local? How did you meet her?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 8:25 pm
by Mr. Handy

"No, she's not local," says William. "She's American too, from the Boston area. We met her when she was working in a sanitarium. We were visiting a patient there."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:35 pm
by Philulhu
”A sanitarium, you say. Is that like a health spa?” asked Matthews. ”And was that in America or over here?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:07 am
by Mr. Handy

"It was in America," says William, "and there a sanitarium means a hospital for mentally ill people."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:35 am
by Bullfrog
"You wouldn't happen to know where the accident happened, would you Sean? You are a reporter, after all." Lawrence inquires. "We're considering looking into this ourselves."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:21 pm
by Silver Priest
"Any help you could offer would be appreciated." Alex says.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:45 pm
by Philulhu
”Sure,” replied Matthews, who seemed to study Alex a fraction longer than the others. ”It happened on Saturday evening, so I understand. Your Miss Dufresne was walking along the Brichester Road, towards Brichester from Severnford. She was hit by a car and the driver didn’t stop. Another driver reported a red car leaving the scene, with damage to the bonnet and a cracked windscreen. She was taken to hospital but died on route according to the police reports… …”

He paused, with a frown on his face, as if something had just occurred to him.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 12:13 am
by Silver Priest
This causes Alex to frown, nervousness replaced by police inquisitiveness. "What's wrong?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:06 am
by Philulhu
”I’m not sure,” said Matthews. He flipped back a few pages in his notebook and frowned. ”Yeah, the witness said she was walking to Brichester and the car hit her from behind… …”

He paused in thought. ”If she was walking to Brichester and got hit from behind, why were the injuries to the front of her body?!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"That is odd," says William. "Any ideas how that could have happened?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 4:42 am
by Silver Priest
"We have reason to suspect her death was an act of foul play," Alex admits. "Though we've already shared our suspicions with the police. It may be worth trying to track down this witness."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 6:09 pm
by Philulhu
”I’ve got her details here,” replied the reporter, tapping his notebook. ”We’re like old friends, there isn’t much gets past him in his neck of the woods, to be honest. Knows everyone‘s business!”

Matthews glanced at his watch. ”It probably isn’t too late if you want to go & see him?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, that would be good," says William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:42 am
by Bullfrog
"We have plenty of time." Lawrence remarks. "You got anything of interest to tell us about this witness before we go see him?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:28 pm
by Philulhu
Matthews smiled wryly. Dave’s retired. He spends all his time in his garden - or other people’s gardens! What he doesn’t know about the comings and going’s around there isn’t worth knowing. He probably know stuff about his neighbours that even they aren’t aware of!” he replied. ”It’s only about ten minutes so we can take a walk over if you like?”

The reporter led the way until they arrived at a neat row of cottages set back from the main road. In the fading light, an older man was pottering in his garden, snipping away with a pair of secateurs at any of the early growth that dared to grow out of place. He looked up as they approached and gave Matthews a friendly wave.

”’Evening, Sean,” he said, in a pronounced, drawling accent. ”What brings you over here at this time o’ night?”

Matthews smiled and said, ”These fellows knew the woman who got knocked down and they’ve got some questions for you,” to which Dave nodded and waited for them to speak.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:43 pm
by Silver Priest
"Good evening Mr. ah, Sean." Alex says, not accustomed to using first names with a person he's just met.

"Could you just tell us everything that happened as you saw it? We knew the poor woman as Matthews says, and there have been some reports of discrepancies in how her death was reported."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:18 pm
by Philulhu
Dave,” replied Dave. ”’e’s Sean,” he said, pointing at the reporter and rolling his eyes good humouredly.

”Anyways, I saw that young girl walkin’ into town on ‘er own an’ I thought it a bit strange on account o’ there not really being anywhere to walk from, if you see what I mean, apart from a few farms an’ campsites an’ she didn’t look like she belonged either o’ them, but anyways, I was just tendin’ to my daff’s and I ‘eard a car approachin’ an’ the next thing I know there’s the sound of a collision an’ I turn around to see that poor girl bein’ ‘it by the car an’ fallin’ to the ground. The driver didn’t stop so I rings for an ambulance for ‘er but it didn’t look good.”

“I saw in Sean’s article that she died, poor lass.”
He shook his head. ”Such a waste.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 12:42 am
by Mr. Handy

"Was she struck from behind or from the front?" asks William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:34 am
by Bullfrog
"Did you get much of a look at the car? Did you see the number plate, by any chance?" Lawrence queries; there could have been several red sports vehicles in Brichester, but there was only one number plate for Georges.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:20 pm
by Philulhu
Dave looked at William with a puzzled look. ”I didn’t actually see the car ‘it ‘er,” he said. ”But judgin’ by the looks o’ ‘er, it’s quite possible she was ‘it from the front. Tell you what was strange, though, was that she ‘ad a smile on ‘er face. She didn’t ‘ave much to smile about if you ask me!”

He shivered at the recollection, then looked to Lawrence. ”I didn’t see the number plate clearly but I think it was a G plated red sports car. It looked like on of those Jaguar’s, if I got that right…”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, it was a Jaguar," says William. "Were you able to tell what type?" So Brophy deliberately got her killed, he thinks, then probably took over Georges's body.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:00 am
by Silver Priest
"My mistake." Alex says, blushing in embarrassment.

He is thinking much the same as William, and frowns. "I see. That is concerning. But thank you for your time, sir."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:05 am
by Bullfrog
"About what time did the accident happen?"
Lawrence inquires, noticeably quite perturbed by this unsettling turn of events; it seemed that his worst suspicions had just been confirmed, although it was still a definite lead in this investigation.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:09 pm
by Philulhu
Dave scratched his chin then shook his head. ”I know it was a Jaguar but couldn’t tell you what model it was.” he said. ”As for the time, it was still light so I think it would be around five ‘o’ clock, maybe a bit later.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 12:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, you've been a great help," says Wiliam.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:18 am
by Philulhu
Any other questions before you move on?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:07 pm
by Bullfrog
OOC,That should be about it. As a note, about what time was it when we saw the red Jaguar heading towards Brichester?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:30 pm
by Mr. Handy
Yes, I can't think of anything else to ask.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:41 pm
by Philulhu
Sean thanked Dave, promising he would call again and see him soon. As they walked down the path towards to main road, he said, ”What now? Are you going to pass on your suspicions to the police?”

I don’t think I gave a specific time for when Georges arrived at the camp. It would have been late afternoon, between 5pm & 7pm.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 12:07 am
by Mr. Handy

"We already told them our suspicions of Georges," says William. "Of course, they'll probably want to talk to you, as you were with us and also saw the red car."

At what time did the red car pass us on the road?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:00 am
by Silver Priest
"Indeed," Alex says. "I'm confident the law will get to the bottom of things. Could you excuse us for just a moment, Sean?"

Provided the reporter does so, he takes his friends aside.

"This complicates things. If Balfour changed bodies once, we have to assume he'll do it again if the police question him. I fear Georges is not long for this world, and who knows what mischief Balfour could get up to with police resources. We may have to act against him before he can slip away again. Unfortunately, I don't know how to prevent him from possessing one of us." He frowns.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 7:24 am
by Philulhu
OOC, Sean will step aside so they can talk.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 7:50 am
by Bullfrog
"If Brophy had to throw Ms. Dufresne in front of a car to get into Georges, I'd guess that he can only leave a body when it's dead. Either that, or he just wanted to make sure she wouldn't be able to say anything once he found a new person to drive around." Lawrence speaks in a low tone, unsure in his conclusion; he'd dealt with the supernatural more times than most people, or so he assumed, but he didn't truly understand what was going on. He'd spent most of those escapades just fighting for his own survival!
"Our greatest problem here is what we don't know, which if I had to guess is a lot. We need to learn more Brophy himself before we take any action against him; he used to live here with his brother, so there's got to be some history on the family somewhere."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 9:03 pm
by Philulhu
While Ivy recovers, JP will be taking over Sean Mathews in this thread.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:00 pm
by jp1885

Chewing the end of his Biro, Sean watches the Americans talking among themselves.

‘This is it Seanie,’ he thinks to himself. ‘A bunch of Yanks dressed like gangsters; a hit and run; maybe a flippin’ murder if my gut feeling is right. This’ll get me in with the Western Evening Herald. Maybe even bloody Fleet Street!’

Taking a deep breath, he walks towards the trio.

“Excuse me fellas, but d’you want a hand with this thing? I live here y’know and, well, as you saw with Dave, I could get you in with the locals an’ that.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"Now there's an idea," says William. "You could come with us to the movie set, and we could pretend we brought you there to gin up some publicity for the movie we're making. You could poke around there better than any of us and interview whoever you like, including Georges himself."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:56 am
by Silver Priest
"I'm not opposed either," Alex says, "But you should know this could well be dangerous. We have a few reasons to think this may have been no accident."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:49 am
by jp1885

“Danger is my middle name!” Sean declares. He grins, blushing slightly. “Actually it’s Nigel. Listen, it beats covering whist drives and jumble sales, so count me in.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:35 pm
by Philulhu
Ok, so Sean has joined your merry gang. What’s your plan of action?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:04 pm
by Bullfrog
"Well, I suppose we'd best get back to the set." Lawrence announces, checking his wristwatch for the time; he wasn't too eager to have a reporter around, but the benefit of having someone ask questions without raising as much suspicion was somewhat of a plus.
"We'll fill you in on some of our suspicions on the way there, Sean."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 2:28 am
by Mr. Handy

"Georges eventually showed up at the film site in a taxi early in the evening," says William. "He claimed his car had broken down."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:41 pm
by Philulhu
OOC, It’s early evening so is Sean planning to stay at the site overnight (which might seem a bit odd)?

As a reporter, he will have his own vehicle for getting around - probably an elderly Citroen 2CV, VW Beetle or a Mini.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 8:07 am
by jp1885

Sean looks at his watch and sighs.

“It’s a bit late in the day for me to start now, and besides I’d better finish off my piece on the band. I’ll drive over to see you tomorrow morning, how’s about that?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"All right, that's good," says William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:19 am
by Silver Priest
"We'll be waiting," Alex says. "Have a good night."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:32 am
by Bullfrog
"There shouldn't be any problem with that." Lawrence replies with a nod. "Show up whenever you think the best time would be, since we'll probably be spending most of the day at the set."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:28 pm
by jp1885

After driving back to his modest flat, Sean quickly types up his piece on the band. Then, if it’s not too late, he’ll look through his old(ish) notepads to see if they contain anything, considering there’s possibly a dangerous killer on the loose, unusual. In other words, any hit and runs or disappearances that have yet to be solved.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 12:25 am
by Philulhu
Monday May 2nd, 1973 8.30am.
Purton Manor, Brichester, England.

The night had passed uneventfully and there was no clamour for an early start, so everyone had been able to catch up on their sleep. As they began to stir, they heard the Transit van starting up, then the crunch of the tyres on the stones as it left the courtyard.

Looking out, Jim was sat by the fire, drinking tea and smoking his first cigarette of the day. ”’Morning!” he called out, oblivious to anyone who may have been trying to get a lie-in. ”There’s no rush - Georges and Baz have taken the van to go scouting a new location. Georges reckons he’s come up with a new finale for the film!”

- - -

Across town, Sean had risen early to finish reading through his notebooks. Brichester being a town surrounded by countryside made for a fair few accidents as townies got into scrapes with some of the farmers (who generally tanked around the back roads as if no one else ever used them) but there was nothing to suggest any sort of pattern of unsolved crimes. Nor was there anything to indicate that a hitherto undiscovered serial killer had been operating. Murders happened infrequently in the town and when they did, for the all too human of reasons; domestic violence, drink, and the shagging of someone else’s wife… …

Any lines of enquiry you wish to follow up?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 2:06 am
by Mr. Handy

"Which location is he scouting?" asks William, though he already has a feeling he knows. "Is it the lake?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:58 am
by Bullfrog
"It would make sense if he chose it, since the lake's about the only natural landmark in the area, not to mention the legend behind it." Lawrence adds as he exits the tent; much like his lawyer friend, he believed to already know what answer would be coming.
"Any word on what happens in the new finale?"

OOC: I'll just say that Lawrence, during the night, told William and Alex about the strange features of the tracks he found by the lake.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:41 am
by jp1885

At the same time that the others are contemplating their next move, Sean’s battered VW chunters into the yard.

The reporter emerges, camera slung over his shoulder and notebook flipped open in what he hopes is the style of a seasoned newshound.

Unless anyone stops him, he’ll make a beeline for his new acquaintances.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:17 am
by Philulhu
”Could’ve been,” replied Jim, scratching at his unshaven chin. ”That was that creepy place we went the other day, wasn’t it?” As he spoke, he spotted Sean approaching. ”Here’s your pal from last night,” he said.

”Want an interview with a film star?” he asked Sean, with a cheeky grin.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:52 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, that's the place," says William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:42 am
by jp1885

Sean tries to match Jim’s grin. After a quick glance to the others, he nods.

“Yeah, that’d be great. I’d like to talk to Georges too - he’s the top man, yeah?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:40 pm
by Philulhu
”Well, Baz is the Director but Georges is the writer and helps to bring in the money, so I guess he’s pulling the strings,” said Jim. ”He said they were off scouting a location but didn’t say what the finale was. He was poking around the house last night and complaining about the scale of the rooms - wants something bigger, more grand, apparently. He asked me if I could swim - I hope he was joking!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:03 pm
by Silver Priest
"I see," Alex exchanges a look with the others. He's tempted to warn Jim, and thinks the time to do so is fast approaching, but he wants to talk to the others first. "How many people went off with Georges?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:20 pm
by Philulhu
”Just Baz, I think. Anu’s still sleeping,” replied Jim, glancing over to the Director’s tent.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"If he asked if you can swim," says William, "they probably did go to the lake. We could try going there in Sean's car and see if we can catch up to them."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:44 am
by Bullfrog
"If we're going in his car, it's going to be a tight fit." Lawrence notes, already expecting the "fun" of having to cram himself into a car made for people much smaller than himself. "Did you get to speak much with Georges, Jim? Did he act strange or suspicious at all?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:29 am
by jp1885

Watching the others’ reaction and between the lines, Sean develops a bad feeling about this…

“Yeah, I can drive us to the lake. Perhaps we’d better see if Anu’s awake first though?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 10:03 am
by Philulhu
Jim wandered over to the tent Anu shared with Baz. ”Still sleeping,” he reported.

”We had a chat in his tent last night,” Jim nodded to a more modern tent at the end of the row of tents. ”He was wanting to know how filming was going, how things were on set, and the like. I put in a good word for you, Yanks! He was complaining about the set though, like I said, and I mentioned that I’d taken you up to the lake up the road and it had a spooky atmosphere. He seemed quite taken by that!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:29 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'll bet he was," says William. "Thank you, Jim. Let's go up to the lake again and see if he's there." And hope he hasn't murdered Baz yet, he thinks.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 5:54 am
by Silver Priest
"Right, the sooner the better." Alex says. Then, he looks to Jim. "After we get back, I think we'll need to have a talk. Given recent events, I think Georges may well be dangerous."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:09 pm
by jp1885

“Okay,” Sean smiles nervously. “Jump in.”

He opens the passenger door for Alex before climbing into the driving seat.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:32 pm
by Philulhu
I’m assuming you’re all going in the car but if not, let me know.

The journey up to Deepfall Waters didn’t take long and they were soon pulling into the car park. In one corner was the Transit van, with an ambulance and a handful of cars parked facing the lake. A couple of youngsters, their bikes on the grass nearby, were skimming stones across the dark waters, but of Baz and Georges, there was no sign.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:28 am
by Mr. Handy

"Looks like I guessed right," says William. "Let's ask the children if they've seen them, and which way they went."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:58 am
by Bullfrog
With a nod to William and no further words or delay, Lawrence awkwardly extracts himself from the VW to approach the children.
"Excuse me!" Lawrence calls out to them. "Did any of you see two men pass through here? I think they came here before that ambulance."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:17 am
by Philulhu
The youngsters - two lads who looked to be around 11 or 12 - tried not to laugh as Lawrence squeezed himself from Sean’s car, although their mirth died away as he headed in their direction. They picked up their bikes and cautiously waited to see what he did but when they realised that he was just asking about the men they saw they relaxed a bit.

”The van was here when we got here, but we saw two blokes walking up that way,” said the older looking boy, pointing to the north side of the lake. ”The ambulance got here about ten minutes ago and the driver went off in the same direction.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 3:10 pm
by jp1885

“I suppose we’d better follow, sharpish,” Sean declares. “If Georges is as dangerous as you say, the driver might be in trouble too!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:22 am
by Mr. Handy

William scrambles out of the car and hurries in the direction the men went, hoping they're not too late but fairly certain that they are.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:47 am
by Silver Priest
Alex also heads after them. "I might want to go first," he suggests, pulling out his gun.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:01 am
by jp1885

“Jesus! You guys don’t mess about!”

Balking at the sight of the gun, Sean lets his new comrades go first and, battling the instinct to scarper, follows nervously behind.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:05 am
by Philulhu
The trail that Lawrence had previously followed snaked into the woods on the northern side of the the lake. After ten minutes hard going, it emerged into a clearing by the waterside, where they could see a man dressed in the pale blue shirt of the ambulance service, tending to two men who lay apparently unconscious on the ground.

It was Baz and Georges… …

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:35 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex curses under his breath, mad at himself for being too late.

Acting on instinct, he aims his gun at the driver and announces himself. "Police! Step away from the bodies!"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:09 pm
by Bullfrog
"Jesus Christ, Reynolds, put the gun away!" Lawrence anxiously chastises as he comes into the clearing, not wanting to escalate this situation more than needed; the last thing he needed was for the actual police to get involved in this.
"What happened to those two?" He asks the paramedic, getting closer to Georges and Baz to get a better look at them.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:22 am
by Philulhu
The ambulanceman leapt to his feet and stepped away from the two men lying prone on the floor. His eyes widened as he took in Alex’s gun and he put up his hands in a calming gesture. “I heard shouting,” he said, “And I came to investigate. I found them lying on the floor like this!”

Both Baz and Georges looked to have sustained head injuries. A bloodied branch lay on the ground nearby.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"Are they still alive?" asks William. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:37 am
by Philulhu
“They’re… they’re still breathing,” replied the ambulanceman, still nervously looking at Alex’s pistol. “I’ve got a first aid kit in the ambulance. You wait here with them and I’ll go and get it.”

He stepped carefully around Baz and Georges and, keeping a wary eye on Alex moved backwards, almost stumbling until he reached the edge of the clearing where the path led back to the car park.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:53 am
by Silver Priest
"Stay where you are, Sir!" Alex yells, his tone authoritative. Knowing that Brophy could change bodies makes him unwilling to let anyone out of their sight. He speaks to the others, not taking his eyes off the paramedic. "Check both bodies, but be cautious. One of us can go and retrieve the kit if necessary."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 5:20 am
by Bullfrog
"Look, sir, look; just stay here, and I'll go run and get the first aid kit." Lawrence says, giving his best attempt at a reassuring tone to keep the paramedic from running off, which would not go well whether the man was possessed by Brophy or not.
"What were you doing here when you heard the shouting?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:09 am
by jp1885

“What the hell…?”

Completely flummoxed, Sean rushes over to the two unconscious men to check if they’re okay.

[14] = 14
First aid 30 d%: [ 14 ] = 14

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:45 am
by Philulhu
Both men were unconscious and breathing, but bloodied around the face.

The ambulanceman looked around fearfully. His eyes flicked between Lawrence and the gun Alex still held. “I… I’m on a break so I came here for a walk to clear my head. I heard shouting and then… it sounded like fighting. I got here and…” he shrugged warily and indicated the two unconscious men.

He looked like he was trying to pull himself together, trying to push his shoulders back and speak a bit more forcefully. “Now, I’ve got a job to do. I’ll get the first aid kit and use the… radio in the ambulance to call for help. You won’t know how to do that.”

He continued to step away, down the path. “One… one of you can come, if you must. But not you with the gun. One of the others.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:25 am
by jp1885

“I’ll look after these two,” volunteers Sean.

“They’re breathing but unconscious; what do should I do?” he asks the paramedic.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 10:15 am
by Philulhu
“Just make sure they can breathe properly,” called the ambulanceman as he turned and started to jog down the path.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:13 pm
by Mr. Handy

William also stays behind with the two men and treats whichever one Sean doesn't.

First Aid roll (50% skill) treating one of the men:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:36 pm
by Silver Priest
"Can you go with him, Lawrence?" Alex asks. "I don't trust anyone given we know what Brophy can do. I'll keep watch here."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:20 am
by Bullfrog
"Alright, but try not to scare the guy any more once we get back; he probably thinks we're crazy." Lawrence replies with a nod. "And you may as well give Sean a bit of an explanation, while you're at it."

With that said, Lawrence hastens off into the woods to go join the ambulanceman.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:43 am
by Silver Priest
Alex nods to himself, he supposed it was time.

"There's no easy way to say this, so I just will," He tells Sean. "I'm a police officer; we're all originally from the 1920's. We're chasing a man called Brophy, who possessed a woman and fled through a portal into this time period. The woman was the unfortunate victim of the hit and run accident, and we now suspect that man there," He motions to Georges," As being the new vessel of Mr. Brophy. But because he's now unconscious, either Baz or the paramedic could be possessed themselves, so we need to be vigilant."

"And despite what it may sound like, I'm not crazy. You can ask Lawrence when he gets back; he'll tell you the exact same story."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:29 am
by Philulhu
I’ll see how Sean responds before we move on, so the Alex/Sean/William and Lawrence timelines don’t diverge too much.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:43 am
by jp1885

The headline immediately forms in Sean’s minds eye:
‘Local journalist finds escaped lunatics.’

However, despite the urge to scarper and ring the police, the fact is that he has two injured and unconscious men in his inexpert care.

‘Film crew murdered by escaped lunatics after local journalist runs away like a big girl…’

“Um, okay…,” he replies. “That’s, um, interesting… listen, I’ll just keep an eye on these two and you guys do whatever it is you need to do…”

Studiously ignoring his crazy new friends, he continues to check over the unconscious pair, subtly looking for something he might use to protect himself if things go nuts.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:47 pm
by Philulhu
OOC: Brilliant!

After around ten minutes, Georges suddenly coughed and his eyes flickered open. He blinked and raised a tentative hand to large purpling bruise on his temple. He looked suspiciously at Alex, Sean and William. His eyes narrowed. “What are you doing here?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:45 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex can tell Sean doesn't believe him, but he can hardly blame the man. If he's around them long enough he'll learn the truth, for good or ill.

As Georges wakes he addresses him, deciding on a subtle approach. "Jim sent us up here to ask some questions about the film. We found you both like this. What happened?" His gun is still out, but not aimed at anyone at the moment.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:39 pm
by Mr. Handy

"We knew we'd find you here," adds William, "but not in your current state."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:01 am
by Philulhu
Georges eyes widened as he saw the gun, and he pushed himself up onto elbows and moved back warily. “What do you mean, you knew you would find me here? Have you been spying on me?!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"No, of course not," says William. "We just had been out here the other day, and this was the only place nearby where it made sense to film."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:58 am
by Silver Priest
"Yes, it makes sense for this climax Jim was going on about," Alex responds. "Now, what in the world happened here?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 2:04 pm
by Philulhu
Georges looked around and his eyes fell on Barry. “What have you done to him?!” he cried. “Did you shoot him with your gun?!” He stared accusingly at Alex.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 2:18 pm
by jp1885

"Oh no, we found you like this; with the ambulance guy," Sean cuts in hurriedly, trying to stop the situation from escalating.

"What happened? Did someone hit you?" he continues, as he leans over to check on Barry once more.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:09 pm
by Philulhu
Georges felt the bump on his temple and groaned in pain. “I was talking the Barry about the shoot, and… I don’t know! Perhaps someone did hit me.”

He looked again at Barry and then around the clearing. Looking back at Sean he said, “Wait! What ambulance guy?!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:18 pm
by jp1885

"Um, he was here when we arrived. Then he ran off to radio for help," Sean replies, somewhat uncertainly.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 2:51 am
by Mr. Handy

William looks around for any footprints or trails of blood.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:58 am
by Philulhu
Can I have a Tracking or Spot Hidden roll, please? Whichever is better.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 2:25 am
by Mr. Handy

William barely spots something out of the corner of his eye.

Spot Hidden roll (60% skill) looking for footprints and blood:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 11:34 pm
by Philulhu
As Alex and Sean attended to Baz and Georges, William took a look around the clearing. Morning dew still coated the undergrowth and it was evident that no one else had entered the clearing other than Baz, Georges or the ambulanceman. That meant that one of those must have attacked the other two - but who was it?!

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"Nobody else has been here before we arrived but the three men we found here," William says. "Shouldn't the fellow from the ambulance have returned with Lawrence by now?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:33 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex inwardly curses in frustration--one of these three men was Brophy and he had to figure out who. For now he ruled Baz out. Judging by Georges reaction, it was either the ambulance worker who had ambushed them or Georges himself attempting to mislead them.

"Tell me about that hit and run you were involved in yesterday," he asks. "A young woman is dead, though if my suspicions are correct she lept in front of the car."

To the others he voices his suspicions. "It's Georges or the paramedic.."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 11:03 pm
by Philulhu
Georges looked confused at Alex’s question - or was that ruse? - and with a puzzled frown, said “What accident? My car broke down - I told you that! How could I have been involved in an accident if my car was not working?!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 1:26 am
by Silver Priest
Alex looks carefully, trying to spot any sign the man was lying to them.

Believes this would be a psychology roll?

1d100 Psychology 60

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 2:53 am
by Mr. Handy

William can't read Georges. He'd hate to play poker with him.

Psychology roll (55% skill) about Georges:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:25 pm
by jp1885

As a journalist, albeit a junior one, Sean fares a little better in reading Georges.

[52] = 52
Psychology 60 d%: [ 52 ] = 52

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:49 pm
by Philulhu
Georges seemed genuine to Alex and Sean, even if William continued to have his doubts.

Next to Georges, Barry stirred and opened his eyes.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 1:39 pm
by jp1885

Sean nods to the others, indicating that he believes Georges.

When Barry opens his eyes, the reporter kneels down by him.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asks. “I think you got hit on the head.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 7:39 pm
by Silver Priest
Making a split second decision, Alex turns to William.

"I believe him. Watch them both-- I'm going to check on the others. If anything goes wrong, scream and I'll return." He jogs off in the direction they went.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 9:49 pm
by Mr. Handy

William nods and keeps an eye on the two men. "How are you feeling?" he asks Baz. "What happened to you?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 1:00 am
by Philulhu
Barry touched his scalp gingerly and looked bemusedly at his bloody hand. “We came down to look at a location for the film. Georges said he’d found out about some local coven that was in the area and he said it would add some extra verisimilitude to the film if we incorporated some of that. I’d come down the the water’s edge and someone hit my behind. There was only the two of us here though…”

He scowled at the writer, as if he were the one responsible.

The two threads are roughly synchronous so I’ll bring you in on that one once Alex has had time to travel between the two locations. Not long in actual time (around ten minutes), but in game time…?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 1:09 am
by Mr. Handy

"When we came here looking for you two we found an ambulance parked here," says William, "and the man from the ambulance was the only one here with you. Lawrence went with him back to the ambulance, and Alex went to join them. We suspect the ambulance man may be the one responsible. There was no sign anyone else had come here but the three of you when we arrived."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 9:17 am
by jp1885

Completely bewildered, Sean fusses over the two injured men.

“I s’pose the ambulance driver must’ve done it; you could hardly have simultaneously clobbered each other. Has anything weird happened to you over the last few days? Stuff you can’t really explain? Y’know, apart from what’s just happened…”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 11:33 pm
by Philulhu
Bleary-eyed, Barry looked from Georges to William and Sean. ”What ambulanceman are you taking about?” he asked. He tried to sit up but could only roll over onto his side. He retched loudly, waving away any attempts to help. When he had finished, he wiped his mouth on his sleeve and said, ”I didn’t see anyone else here. As far as I knew, there was just Georges and I here.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"He was here when we arrived," says William, describing the man's appearance. "Maybe he came up behind you."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 8:21 am
by Philulhu
“I saw no one else,” replied Georges. “We were talking about using the lake as a film location and… and I don’t remember any more.”

He rubbed the side of his head gently. “Why would someone attack us? We weren’t doing any harm.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:10 am
by jp1885

“You never know how many nutters are around,” mutters Sean, trying not to look at William.

“If you guys can walk, perhaps we’d better get you to the ambulance. We can maybe patch you up and if nothing else the driver can answer to you,”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:40 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, let's get you to the ambulance," says William. "You can lean on us while we walk if you need help."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 11:15 pm
by Philulhu
Georges and Barry were helped to their feet and started to make their way unsteadily back towards the car park. William and Sean found themselves having to support the two men, who were still feeling the effects of being knocked out cold. It was slow going… …

- - - - - - - - -

Alex had set off briskly down the path. The territory had seemed unfamiliar and once or twice he thought he might get lost but a careful study of the ground had kept him on the route towards the car park.

As he walked on, from up ahead he heard shouting. It sounded like Lawrence’s voice!

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:19 am
by Mr. Handy

Wiliam helps the man he's assisting toward the ambulance as quickly as he can.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 4:17 am
by Silver Priest
Hearing shouting alarms the already on edge Alex. He rushes towards the sounds, gun drawn.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:40 am
by jp1885

Being of slight stature, Sean struggles to keep up with his ‘patient’ leaning against him.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 12:01 am
by Philulhu
Alex rushed forward but there was no sign of Lawrence or the ambulanceman. Presumably they had continued towards the car park. Alex feared the worst…

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Sean and William found it very hard going. Georges was more or less able to walk by himself, but Baz required a lot more help, with a tendency to wander off at an angle and mumble to himself. If they didn’t know better they would have thought he was drunk - it seemed that the blow to his head may have done more damage than they had originally thought.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 12:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"I think Baz might have a concussion," says William. "He's going to need a doctor."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 5:06 am
by Silver Priest
Picking up his pace, Alex hurries towards the ambulance, fearing the worst. He would never forgive himself if he let Brophy get away and injure Lawrence-- or worse.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:55 am
by jp1885

“I think you’re right,” Sean replies to William.

“If we both help him, Georges, d’you think can you walk in your own?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:51 pm
by Philulhu
Georges nodded and let go of Sean so he could go to help William with Baz. “I think I can manage,” in a slightly melodramatic tone.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The path stretched ahead of Alex as he hurried through the wood. It certainly seemed longer to get back than it took to get there.

Just in case there’s any confusion, there isn’t anything supernatural happening, it’s just that Lawrence set off about ten minutes before Alex.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:29 pm
by jp1885

“Right then,” says Sean helping to bear Baz’s weight. “Let’s get a move on.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:55 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex continues to push forward, doing his best to be quick but not reckless.

True, but Alex is pretty sure Georges was being honest with him, and Baz was knocked out, so that leaves the ambulance driver who seemed pretty keen to get away, so right now he's his prime suspect.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:46 pm
by Mr. Handy

William nods and helps Baz along.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 11:03 pm
by Philulhu
With Sean and William’s help, Baz was able to keep to a straight line and they made better progress, even if it were accompanied by an unceasing monologue from Georges whose complaints alternated between English and his native French for their edification and amusement…
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ahead of Alex, he heard a scream of frustration and rage echo through the trees… …

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 12:49 am
by Silver Priest
The scream convinces Alex he's on the right path. He continues to move towards it, gun out and ready to fire.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 9:06 am
by jp1885

[88] = 88
Listen 60 d%: [ 88 ] = 88

Oblivious to the noise ahead of them, Sean continues to struggle onwards.

“C’mon mate, keep going,” he mutters to no one in particular.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 3:30 pm
by Mr. Handy

William also continues to help Baz progress toward the ambulance.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 1:30 pm
by Philulhu
Georges had continued to grumble but it was easy for Sean and William to tune him out as they struggled to keep Baz going forward in a straight line. It was about then that they realised that the woods around them had gone quiet…

- - - - - - - - -

Further along the track, Alex heard the sound of someone running towards him. With relief, he released it was Lawrence!

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 3:59 pm
by jp1885

It takes Sean a few seconds to notice the silence. His already laboured tread slows as he looks around in bewilderment.

May I try a Spot Hidden?
[49] = 49
Spot hidden 60 d%: [ 49 ] = 49

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:13 pm
by Silver Priest
Hearing the sound of running steps Alex lifts his gun and points it right in front of him. It's only his police training that prevents him from firing when he sees Lawrence, and the relief is visible on his face.

"What's going on?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:12 am
by Mr. Handy

William doesn't make a sound as he listens for any sign of anything.

Listen roll (68% skill) in the woods:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:18 am
by Bullfrog
"Brophy's the ambulanceman. He hit me in the head with a club and had a horrible creature take me over to the ambulance, but I managed to escape." Lawrence wearily explains, reflexively looking behind himself one last time to check if the creature was still shambling after him.
"The thing's probably still looking for me, though I managed to lose it."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:02 am
by Silver Priest
Guilt fills Alex for placing his friend in danger, as well as anger for letting Brophy slip through their fingers. I should have trusted my first instinct!

"The others are tending to Georges and Baz, can you make it back there? I'm going after Brophy. Whatever powers that man has he seemed plenty afraid of a gun."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:15 am
by Philulhu
The woods were still, except for a rustling noise in the undergrowth off to their left. Sean thought he could see something moving, but it was at ground level and the natural cover made it difficult to tell what it was.

“What are we slowing down for?!” demanded Georges, loudly and indignantly.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

In the distance, Lawrence and Alex saw the shambling creature emerge from around a bend in the path. To Alex, it struck him as being like a long-dead corpse that had somehow come to life, with a red hole in its chest and a web of red veins running across its torso!

It studied them for a long moment, then turned away and moved off into the woods.

SAN check, please.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:37 am
by jp1885

“Dunno…” Sean replies. “I think there’s something in the bushes ahead but… Huh, maybe I’m just a bit spooked…”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:56 pm
by Silver Priest


"Good God..." Alex is shocked by what he sees.He stares blankly ahead, seemingly paralyzed for a moment.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:12 am
by Bullfrog
"Brophy must have some way to make people into those things; he had a few at his hotel by Squatter's Lake." Lawrence states as he uneasily watches the creature take its leave; now that he thought of it, it probably wouldn't be wise to let the thing escape...
"How many bullets do you have in that gun of yours, detective?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:15 am
by Mr. Handy

"Then let's keep moving," whispers William, "but we'll need to stay quiet."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:52 pm
by Philulhu
Lose one point of SAN.

“What is it?! What did you see?!” demanded Georges, loudly. “Why are you ignoring me?! I’m not a child!”

In the undergrowth there was movement again, and it was definitely heading in their direction.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

As Alex and Lawrence looked down the path in the direction of the car park, they heard the sound of an engine being turned over.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"I didn't see it," whispers William, "but it's probably some sort of wild animal that will eat us if we let it hear where we are."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 3:28 am
by Silver Priest
The sound of the engine starting pushes Alex out of his stunned state.

"I'm going after Brophy." He tells Lawrence, taking off as fast as he can. As far as he knows, if that man drives off they'll never see him again. He had to stop him and force him to send them back to their time.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 11:32 am
by jp1885

“No one’s saying you’re a child mate,” Sean says to Georges. “Calm down will you? Let’s get to the ambulance before this gets any weirder.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 1:01 am
by Bullfrog
After a moment's hesitation, Lawrence runs down the path after Alex; he was sure that Brophy would be gone by the time they got there, but there was no telling if that creature would still be waiting around to ambush the detective.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:00 pm
by Philulhu
Georges let out a strangled yelp of fear! “There!” he cried, pointing into the undergrowth with a shaking hand, at a creature which dragged itself along the ground and through the bushes in their direction. It was naked and appeared to have lost its lower legs at some point, but the murderous look in its eye was unmistakable, as was - for William at least - the puckered red hole in the centre of its chest and the spider’s web of of red tendrils that were spread over its chest...

SAN rolls, please.

- - - - - - - - -

As Alex and Lawrence ran down the path, they heard an engine revving and the crunch of gears, then the noise of tyres on gravel. It sounded as if Brophy was getting away!

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 12:08 am
by Mr. Handy

William's eyes go wide with terror.

Sanity roll (current level 64) for seeing the creature:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 12:40 am
by Silver Priest
Alex continues to run. He's unlikely to be able to stop Brophy, but maybe he'll have time to get a shot off.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 8:36 am
by jp1885

[32] = 32
SAN 70 d%: [ 32 ] = 32

Sean’s gasps in terror at the creature, but, perhaps already inured to weirdness this morning, he manages to keep his nerve.

“What the bloody hell…?”

Buckling under Baz’s weight, he tries to take a step back, looking around for a fallen branch or something similar to defend himself with.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:03 am
by Philulhu
Can I have a luck roll, please?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:48 pm
by Silver Priest


Luck is with Alex-- perhaps.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:46 pm
by Philulhu
From up ahead, Alex heard a crunching, grinding noise. There was a moment of silence then the sound of raised voices.

”Oi! Where the bloody hell do you think you’re going?! Look what you’ve done to my car!”

- - - - - - - - -

Georges screeched in terror and bolted down the path, leaving Sean and William to face the creature on their own!

As Sean turned to find something to use as a club, Baz slipped off his shoulder, transferring all his weight onto William instead.

William - 1 point SAN loss. Can I have a strength roll to see what happens when Baz’s weight is transferred to him?

Sean - plenty of branches around.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 7:05 pm
by Silver Priest
Something was happening, and Alex wasn't about to question his good fortune. He continues to run forward towards the voices.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 9:54 pm
by jp1885

Sean hurriedly grabs the longest branch he can find, holding it out defensively in an attempt to keep the creature as far away as possible.

“K-keep back! Shoo! Bugger off!” he wails.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 10:29 pm
by Bullfrog
Still trailing behind Alex, Lawrence picks up his pace to catch up with the detective.
"What are we gonna do when we get to the lot, Reynolds?" Lawrence questions, having not heard the commotion that had occurred.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:55 am
by Mr. Handy

Somehow, William has no difficulty supporting Baz.

STR x 5 roll (40% stat) to support Baz:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 3:33 am
by Silver Priest
"Hopefully arrest Brophy. He's afraid of my gun which suggests he's not wanting to be killed-- again. If he gives us any trouble, I will fire upon him." The plan likely has several flaws, but this was out of the police officer's department so he reverts to his training. "It sounds as though someone may be holding him up, so perhaps we'll be able to enlist their help in detaing him."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:52 pm
by Philulhu
As they emerged into the car park, Alex and Lawrence could see the ambulance on the road leading back towards the Brichester Road. The road was narrow and it looked as if Brophy, in his impatience to escape, had collided with a car coming the other way.

The driver of the car - a middle-aged man in a fawn Macintosh jacket with a tweed cap - was stood next to his vehicle and was swearing fit to burst, much to his wife’s embarrassment. As Alex and Lawrence ran towards him, he spotted the gun the detective held.

”What’s going on? Who are you two?” he asked, suspiciously.

- - - - - - - - -

The creature ignored Sean’s entreaties and quickly pulled itself out of the bushes. It swung an arm, trying to snag the young reporter.

Creature’s attack: 1d100

That’s a successful hit. Would Sean like to try and dodge?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 12:34 am
by Mr. Handy
Can I take a swing (unarmed) at it on my turn, considering my excellent STR roll? Of course, it would probably be best for me to just drag Baz to safety, which I think I should also be able to do by myself considering my roll.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:15 am
by Silver Priest
"Get back in your car, sir!" Alex says. "That man is wanted for murder!" he moves towards the ambulance cautiously, waiting to catch sight of Brophy.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:30 am
by jp1885

[4] = 4
Dodge 25 d%: [ 4 ] = 4

Fuelled by terror, Sean leaps backwards.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:02 am
by Philulhu
The creature is crawling along the ground. William can see that its legs end in broken and splintered bones - it’s in much worse shape than similar creatures that he encountered at Squatters Lake. Given their relative positions, trying to kick it would probably be more effective.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 2:52 am
by Mr. Handy
That's what I was thinking too, but I think it might be a still better idea to run like hell! :shock:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 4:28 am
by Bullfrog
Well, you definitely have a leg up on the opposition in that case. :D

And on another note, is the ambulance moving down the road or is it currently sitting still?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:02 am
by Philulhu
The man’s colour drained from his face and he hurried to comply. As Alex and Lawrence approached the ambulance they could see that it was half-on and half-off the grass verge - Brophy appeared to have driven it over a tree stump in his haste to escape and got stuck.

- - - - - - - - -

As Sean and William danced out of the way, the creature continued to crawl towards them, obviously intent in doing harm. In the direction of the car park there was a frightened cry and they saw Georges running back towards them, with a another one of the creatures, upright this time, shambling after him…

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:09 am
by Mr. Handy

With another creature coming from the way William wants to go, running away is no longer an option. He kicks at the seemingly damaged one, hoping to eliminate it and even up the odds, but it's too awkward while he's still supporting Baz. "We've got another one!" he calls.

Kick roll (27% skill) to kick the injured creature:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:30 am
by Bullfrog
"I bet he's already run off into the woods already, if he isn't still in the ambulance." Lawrence suggests, picking up the pace in his approach as he nears the ambulance; Brophy had slipped through his fingers enough times already, and Lawrence wouldn't let get the old cultist get away again if he could help it.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:48 am
by Silver Priest
"He's likely agitated at this point, which means his trail should be easier to track if so. Though he could also be more dangerous." Alex notes, heading around the other side of the ambulance to flank Brophy if he remained inside.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:37 am
by jp1885

[21] = 21
Brawl 25 d%: [ 21 ] = 21
Pass! Can’t remember how much damage to roll.

Yelping in terror, Sean swings his branch wildly at the new creature, somehow managing to connect.

“What the hell are these things?” he yells.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:53 pm
by Mr. Handy
It depends on the size of the branch. If it counts as a small club, it's 1D6 plus damage bonus. If it counts as a large club, it's 1D8 plus damage bonus. Generally, I think of the difference as being whether it's a one-handed or two-handed club.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 4:48 pm
by jp1885
Thanks. Seeing as I wrote that Sean has grabbed the longest branch he can find, I'll roll a d8 (damage bonus 0).

[5] = 5
Damage 1d8: [ 5 ] = 5

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:41 pm
by Mr. Handy
You're welcome. I'm afraid that your damage bonus is technically -1D4, however, which happens when STR+SIZ is 13-16.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:52 pm
by jp1885
Well in that case…
[2] = 2
1d4: [ 2 ] = 2

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:02 pm
by Philulhu
1D8 damage is fine. Thanks, Mr Handy.

The branch opened up a deep bloodless cut on the skull of crawling creature. It sagged momentarily under the effects of the blow before continuing towards, swiping out agan, catching William a stinging blow on the ankle…

William - you can try to dodge the blow, if you wish.

- - - - - - - - -

The driver’s compartment of the ambulance was empty. The man in the car knocked on his windscreen, wound down his window about an inch and shouted, ”He ran off in that direction!” and he pointed to the path that swung around the south side of the lake.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:59 pm
by Silver Priest
"Thank you!" Alex gives a nod of appreciation and heads off, doing his best to follow the tracks.


Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:09 pm
by Mr. Handy

William is off-balance from the kick, and he cannot avoid the blow.

Dodge roll (22% skill) to avoid the attack:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:48 pm
by Bullfrog
Lawrence attempts to take the lead in tracking down Brophy, although he has no luck despite his experience.

Unable to come up with any other options, he decides to follow the path and keep looking for any trace of the paramedic.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:06 pm
by Mr. Handy
If you spend 5 Luck, that would succeed.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:33 pm
by Philulhu
Spending luck is 7th edition. We’re using the 6th Ed. rules.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:28 am
by Philulhu
Damage = 1d6 Damage is 1d3 but as the dice roller doesn’t a support a d3, half that and round up for two points of damage.

William’s ankle stung - the creature had caught him keenly. It showed no sign of giving up either, crawling closer for another go…

From down the path, the second creature shambled ever closer. Of Georges there was no sign - he had run away screaming…

- - - - - - - - -

The undergrowth around the southern side of the lake was dense and it was clear to Alex and Lawrence that there was no way that Brophy could have deviated from the path. Pushing on, they heard cries of pain and fear ahead, and could see movement through the trees…

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 1:01 am
by Mr. Handy

William knows they have to bring this creature down fast before the other one arrives if they're going to have a chance. "See how you like it!" he yells, kicking the thing that just bit him - and his kick is harder than its bite.

Kick roll (27% skill) attacking the creature:
Damage to creature:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 8:02 am
by Silver Priest
The screams redouble Alex's efforts. Reasoning that someone is in danger, he presses onward, gun out and ready to fire when he gets a clear site at anything that's a threat.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 8:19 am
by jp1885

[26] = 26
Brawl 25 d%: [ 26 ] = 26

Sean takes another panicky swing at the creature.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 11:53 pm
by Philulhu
William’s kick connected with the crawling creature’s forehead, causing it to roll onto its side. Any relief was temporary however, as it swiftly tried to right itself so its assault could continue.

The creature shambling towards them from the direction of the car park was closing rapidly. Sean reckoned they had about 30 seconds before it was upon them.

- - - - - - - - -

As Alex and Lawrence moved further down the path, they could see the source of the cries. Brophy had ahold of one of the boys who had earlier been in the car park - the other sat in a heap on the floor, with blood dripping from his nose.

As Brophy spotted his pursuers approaching through the trees, he gripped the boy tightly. There was a metallic glint in the hand he held at the boy’s throat. “That’s far enough!” he snarled. ”One step further and I’ll slit his throat!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 12:03 am
by Mr. Handy

With almost no time before the unhurt creature arrives, William realizes that they have to put the wounded one down fast. He kicks it again while it's down.

Kick roll (27% skill) attacking the creature:
Damage to creature:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:49 am
by Bullfrog
"Let the kid go, Brophy!" Lawrence demands, unsure of how he's actually going to he's going to back his demands up; he didn't have a gun, and even if he did, he would only have one shot. He had to find some clever way out of this, but that never had been one of his strengths.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 7:54 am
by Silver Priest
"You are truly vile!" Alex pronounces with all the moral outrage he can muster. "Threatening a child." He keeps his gun aimed at Brophy but stays where he is.

"How do you expect this to end up? The police are on there way; just drop your weapon and surrender."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 3:11 pm
by jp1885

[72] = 72
Brawl 25 d%: [ 72 ] = 72

Sean takes one more wild swing, before flinging his branch in the general direction of the approaching monster.

“We can’t fight ‘em off; let’s scarper!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 10:50 pm
by Philulhu
Creature: CON roll 1d100

William’s successful kicks are certainly harmed the crawling ghoul - it was certainly moving a lot more erratically and, temporarily at least, it was being more cautious in its approaches.

He was, however, still encumbered by Baz, who hung like a dead weight from his shoulder. As he watched the second ghoul shuffle towards them, he realised that there was no way he could escape while helping the stricken director…

- - - - - - - - -

Brophy looked at Alex and Lawrence for a long moment, then laughed sarcastically. He relaxed his grip on the boy, although he kept the scalpel blade close to his throat. “What are you going to do?” he asked, sardonically. “Kill me?! You can’t though, can you? Not if you want to get back home again!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"Help me with Baz, both of you!" William calls to Sean and Georges. "I can't move fast enough if I'm carrying him by myself!"

Not even with that critical success on my STR roll, or with someone helping me?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:00 am
by Bullfrog
"Do you really think I believe that you'd let us go back?" Lawrence skeptically replies. "I know you aren't a man of your word, Brophy; don't you remember Louisiana?"

Lawrence knew that Brophy couldn't be trusted, but killing him was indeed a poor option (unfortunately); who's to say the old cultist wouldn't just find another body?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 7:59 am
by Silver Priest
"So what's your plan?" Alex asks. "Even if you kill all of us you've left a trail and enough witnesses that there's no getting out of this one. You've brought a lot of heat down on yourself, Mr. Brophy. Whatever plans you had are in jeopardy, I think.

"Everyone back in 1929 thinks you're dead. The best way for you to avoid a long jail sentence or death is to go back there. Not without us, however; the dogged Ms. Ripley won't stop digging into all of this. I'm half surprised she's not found a way to make it to this time herself
." He smirks.

"Let the child go, Mr. Brophy. Then we can all go back to 1929. And you're going to leave Arkham. Leave Massachusetts altogether. As long as I never hear your name again that will be the end of it. It sickens me to make deals with you, but I know you're not an ordinary man, and we do need you to get back home. So let's stop this endless chase and work something out."


Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:02 am
by jp1885

Sean willingly helps William with Baz. The sooner they can get away, the better!

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:23 am
by Philulhu
On his own with no help, it would have been touch and go as to whether the creature caught up with him.

With Sean’s help, William was able to keep Baz stumbling onwards, even putting a bit more distance between themselves and the ghoulish creature. Within a few minutes, they were back at the clearing where they had first found Baz and Georges. Looking behind them, the creature that had been pursuing them was temporarily lost from view.

- - - - - - - - -

Down by the lake, Brophy grinned evilly. “What options do you have?” he asked. “I’m the only one who can get you home again! Kill me?! You can’t get back if you kill me so put up your gun and start talking sense.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 1:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Quick, back to the parking lot!" says William, not knowing that it was referred to as a car park in Britain.

It was actually 1930 when we left. I'm sure Ivy can find a way to follow us to 1973, even if it takes her 43 years.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:18 am
by Silver Priest
OOC:   Oops. Stress of the moment must be getting to Alex.  
"Not until you let the boy go," Alex says. "And I'll remind you every second we spend talking here reinforcements get closer."

"It seems we are at an impasse. I gather these individuals have been quite a nuisance to you, and I suppose I qualify in that category nowadays. If you're unwilling to leave here yourself It appears to me the easiest solution would be to send the rest of us back home. I don't know what you intend to do here, but once we're back in 1930 there's not a lot we can do to stop you. It's a good offer, and the best one you're likely to get."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:21 am
by jp1885

“Good idea!” huffs Sean as he wilts under his load.

“All of a sudden I believe your story: you’re not loonies after all. What are those things?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 4:00 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I honestly have no idea," says William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 7:41 am
by Philulhu
As William looked around the clearing where they had first found Baz, Georges and the ambulanceman, he realised that the car park was back in the direction from which they had come. Returning would mean running the gauntlet of the creature’s again.

To one side, he heard a noise and a trembling Georges peaked around the trunk of a tree. “Have they gone?!” he whimpered.

- - - - - - - - -

Brophy grinned, tightened his grip on the boy for a moment so that he yelped in pain, then he released him and pushed him to one side. “We have a deal, then. I get you home and we go our own ways. Agreed?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 10:22 am
by jp1885

“I dunno,” replies Sean. “Perhaps we should wait here for a bit?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 5:54 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I suppose we should," says William, taking a look at the bite on his ankle and trying to bandage it. "At least if they follow us, the hurt one won't be able to keep up and we won't have to face them both at the same time."

First Aid roll (50% skill) treating his injury:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 10:20 pm
by Bullfrog
"And how can you prove that you'll hold up your end of the deal, Brophy? How can I know that you aren't just waiting to stab us in the back once you get the chance?" Lawrence pointedly inquires in an interrogatory tone, keeping a close eye on Brophy in case he tries anything funny. Now that the kid was free, he was sorely tempted to knock some more of the man's teeth out, or just subdue him in a slightly less violent way.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 10:34 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex relaxes slightly when the boy is released, but keeps his gun trained on Brophy.

"You're not exactly the most trustworthy, but letting the child go is a good start. Let's go meet up with the others-- you'll forgive me if I inssit you lead the way."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:10 pm
by Philulhu
William checked his ankle but was unable to do anything with it. It was painful to walk on, but not broken.

“We should call the police! Or the army!” hissed Georges from his spot by the tree. “One of you should run for help while I stay here.”

- - - - - - - - -

“We’ll just have to learn to trust each other,” said Brophy mockingly, and he theatrically put his hands in the air and marched off in the direction of the car park.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:15 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm not really up to running," says William, indicating his ankle. "If we could get to a telephone and call the police, we can tell them about the assault, but I don't think they'd believe us if we told them about those things. Might as well call the nearest sanitarium and save some time."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:49 am
by jp1885

“We should stick together,” Sean declares.

“If those things come back, I don’t think we could fight them off on our own. If we call the police, then the three of us do it.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 4:44 am
by Silver Priest
"I'd say that will happen when hell freezes over, but I've learned enough these last few days to not tempt fate."

Alex follows Brophy, gun still trained on his head.

"So why did you want to kill the elder Fraser anyway? Or was that the work of James' girlfriend? I understand why she would harbor a grudge against him, but am not fully certain why you would."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:01 am
by Philulhu
William and Sean waited a while but there was no sign of the creatures following them. Baz began mumbling to himself and eventually Georges emerged from behind a tree to check on him. his ankle but was unable to do anything with it. “I think he needs to see a doctor,” he said, uncertainly. “He doesn’t look like he is getting any better.”

- - - - - - - - -

As Alex, Lawrence and Brophy arrived back in the car park, they saw the driver of the damaged car inspected the wing where he had collided with the ambulance.

”You got him, then! He looks like a vicious brute! What are you going to do with him now?” asked the driver.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 1:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"Then we'll have to carefully head back the way we came and get to that ambulance," says William. "Maybe we can give the clearing a wide berth. Hopefully those things have moved on."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 5:02 am
by Silver Priest
Alex frowns inwardly as he sees the man still there. Another civilian was a complication, but one he should probably have expected.

"Please stay back sir and wait for the authorities to arrive. This man is incredibly dangerous; we've been tracking him all the way from America, for what feels like decades." Being only human Alex cannot resist a moment of cleverness.

"Before he attempted to escape and hit your vehicle he assaulted two men deeper into the woods. My... partner was tending to them, and I need to make sure they're still all right." He explains. "As the men were unconscious when we found them, we also need to have them confirm this gentleman was their attacker."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 5:23 am
by Bullfrog
"Speaking of that partner, do you suppose I should go check on him?" Lawrence asks, wondering how things were going for William and company; since Alex had a gun trained to Brophy's head, there wasn't much of a chance that the old cultist would try anything. Then again, death didn't seem to be much of a deterrent for Brophy...

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:31 pm
by Silver Priest
"I think we should both go. I need to check on the state of the men anyway, and see if they can identify Mr. Brophy here." Alex says. He's also not keen to stay around a civilian and risk endangering him.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 8:34 pm
by jp1885

Sean readily agrees to William's suggestion.

"C'mon then, let's go. If we all help Baz, we should get there quicker."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 9:17 pm
by Philulhu
With Georges bravely leading from the rear, William and Sean helped Baz along the path towards the car park. As they carried the director, they couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched… …

Spot hidden, please.

- - - - - - - - -

”There’s a phone box back at the main road. Do you want me to call the police station for you?” called the driver.

“That sounds like a great idea!” interjected Brophy sarcastically. “You could drive there. Oh wait…!” He laughed cruelly as the man flushed with embarrassment and anger.

As he mocked him, out of the side of his mouth, Brophy said, “He’s a witness we don’t need. Want me to kill him?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 9:43 pm
by jp1885

[9] = 9
Spot hidden 60 d%: [ 9 ] = 9

His nerves stretched to breaking point, Sean is constantly on the lookout for threats.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:51 am
by Mr. Handy

William can't see anything. He takes that as a good sign.

Spot Hidden roll (60% skill) returning through the woods:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 4:04 am
by Silver Priest
"Yes, thank you." Alex says. While bringing the police in is a risk, he wants to ensure Brophy can't slip away this time. Hopefully it will put pressure on the man to make a deal as well."I believe we have things handled however, so you may wish to wait here until a constable arrives." He ignores the old cultist's taunts.

"Let's get moving."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 6:37 pm
by Bullfrog
"We have our own car in the lot, that little rounded one. Borrow it if you need to, though I don't know if it's locked or not." Lawrence states to the driver; it was Sean's car, yes, but Sean wasn't here and this was a very pressing matter. With that said, Lawrence heads off around the lake to go reunite with the others.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 11:30 pm
by Philulhu
Off to one side of the track through the woods, partially hidden in the shadows, Sean spotted the ghoulish creature that they had seen earlier. It had pushed itself up like a guard dog on its stumps, glaring at them balefully but making no attempt to approach them.

Beside William, Georges gave out a terrified “Eek!” of fear and there was the sudden, sharp tang of ammonia in the air…

- - - - - - - - -

The man nodded while his clearly shocked wife looked on from their car. As Alex and Lawrence pushed Brophy down the path towards the clearing where they had found Baz and Georges, he moved over to check the van. As they moved deeper into the woods, they heard the sound of the van turning over before the noise was deadened as they moved on…

After walking for a minute or so, Brophy said, “Are you sure you want to go back to 1930? You could go to any time you want.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's all right," says William, relieved that he can't see it. "It hasn't attacked us yet. Maybe if we leave it alone, it will leave us alone. Let's just keep moving."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 5:37 am
by Silver Priest
"So can you, evidently." Alex replies. "So, why here? Feeling homesick, perhaps, and wishing to come to a time where no one will recognize you."

If he fully trusted Brophy it may have been a tempting offer. Alex's relationship with his family was strained, especially after he became a detective. He had few close associates. And, he supposed he could do his job in any time period. He imagined staying here would negatively affect him less than his companions, though it would take awhile to get used to. But as a public servant, he had an obligation to return them home.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 8:52 am
by jp1885

“C’mon mate, let’s keep going. Hold your nerve,” Sean tells Georges, not unkindly.

“No sudden movements now…”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 8:13 am
by Bullfrog
"What would I want in other times, Brophy? This isn't where I'm meant to be, just like a fish isn't meant to be on land. I belong in 1930, and it's as simple as that." Lawrence dismisses Brophy's offer with no hesitation; the future was an amazing curiosity, but everything Lawrence owned and cared about resided in 1930. History would be messy, but the young farmer would just have to weather through it just as everyone else does; it certainly was better than being stuck as a castaway of time.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 4:23 pm
by Philulhu
Georges managed a nod before hesitantly stumbling forwards, his eyes not leaving the ghoul lurking menacingly in the trees. Sean and William continued to support Baz towards the car park. They heard a sharp ‘crack’ in the undergrowth but if anything was following them, they could not see it.

In the distance they saw the familiar figures of Alex and Lawrence. The ambulanceman was with them.

- - - - - - - - -

“You know there’s going to be another war?” said Brophy to Lawrence conversationally, as they walked through the woods. “Make the last one look like a picnic! You’re probably not too old to get called up - you could leave all that behind and start afresh... I think that’s what I’ll do.” He looked around and smiled. “Somewhere peaceful where I can just tend my garden and not have any concerns…”

He nodded down the path. “That’s your friends isn’t it?” he said, and further down the path they could see Sean and William helping Baz, while a clearly frightened Georges kept looking around nervously.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:09 pm
by Mr. Handy

William waves to the others as he hobbles along.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 7:28 pm
by Silver Priest
"Somehow I'm skeptical that is your plan," Alex notes. Anything else he was going to say was cut off by seeing the others. He returns William's wave. "We found Brophy. He attacked Lawrence and held a child hostage, but I was able to convince him to send us back home in exchange for letting him stay here." He frowns in displeasure.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 8:17 pm
by Mr. Handy

"We ran into a couple of strange creatures," says William. "One of them bit me, but we gave it a good licking. They're still out there, but they're leaving us alone for now."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:34 pm
by jp1885

Sean breathes a sigh of relief when he sees the others. If they’re attacked now, then at least they’d outnumber the creature more.

“Don’t tempt fate, mate. C’mon, let’s all get out of here!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 11:06 pm
by Philulhu
Mr Preston, we meet again,” said Brophy to William. “You and your psychopathic friend here” - he waved dismissively in Lawrence’s direction - “seem incapable of leaving me alone. So as to get you off my back, I have offered to send you back to your own time, or any other time, if you prefer. In exchange, you leave me in peace and don’t seek to find me.”

“Do we have a deal?” Brophy asked. His eyes flickered in the direction of Alex, then Sean, but he obviously didn’t consider them a threat to his plans.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 5:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"And what happens to these other people after we're gone?" asks William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 5:37 am
by Bullfrog
"Incapable of leaving you alone? If you hadn't clubbed me over the head, you probably could have gotten away and we wouldn't have known any better!" Lawrence retorts, his tone full of resentment; the fact that Brophy had the audacity to play the victim brought the young farmer no shortage of fury after all he had been through. He hated to have to make a deal with the one man he despised above all else. "The only reason I haven't knocked more of your teeth out is because I'd like to go home, and because I don't want to cause any more harm to the poor bastard you're puppeting around. Care to explain to our detective friend what you did to James Fraser?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 8:02 am
by Philulhu
James tried to interfere in my plans!” snapped Brophy tartly. “He could have left everything well alone and stayed in his room, but he insisted in getting involved!” He seemed almost indignant.

“As for these gentlemen, they are free to go. I have no plans to stay here. Like you, I have other places that I would rather be.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 8:21 am
by jp1885

Completely bewildered, Sean tries to follow the conversation, but, while he understands the words, cannot make sense of what’s actually been said.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"How do we know you'll keep your word?" asks William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:02 am
by Philulhu
“I would refer you our previous encounters as proof of my character, but…” Brophy shrugged. “I have tried to kill you and your friends and you’re still here, interfering in my affairs again. I could try again but there are no guarantees, even with my creatures lurking in the woods. If I send you back to your time, I get rid of you and we need never see each again.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:38 am
by jp1885

“Hang on a minute; those monsters are your doing?” Sean cries, looking desperately at the others for confirmation.

“You’re going to let this bloke go, bugger off yourselves and leave him here with those horrible things, to do God knows what?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:32 pm
by Silver Priest
A look of guilt crosses Alex face. "He did say he was intending to leave as well. His cover, for lack of a better term, is blown, and he may prefer to go sew mischief in a less troublesome time. " He turns to Brophy. "Can you put down your creatures before you leave here?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:34 pm
by Philulhu
“I lived here, many years ago. Before the local people turned against us and I had to leave for your country. These creatures you have seen may be one hundred years old. They have most likely lain dormant until my recent return,” replied Brophy.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 3:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"They came after us at first," says William, "but that was because they were under your control. They learned to leave us alone after the thrashing we gave one of them. Where did they come from before you brought them here? Maybe they should just be sent back there."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:28 pm
by Bullfrog
"Why don't you teach us your little time-travelling trick, Brophy? That way, we can ensure that you won't strand us all in the wrong time again." Lawrence suggests with marked distaste at the idea of Brophy having any control over his destination.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:51 pm
by Philulhu
“Pay attention,” said Brophy, tartly. “They were local people when I lived here before. Who they were isn’t important. They’ve been dead a long time as far as any family or friends they might have had will have been concerned. They’ve been here all this time, presumably hidden in the woods.”

He turned to Lawrence. “I doubt you have the mental fortitude, farmer boy!” he said dismissively. “It took me years of study but you try if you want to. Just don’t be surprised if your brains dribble out of your ears!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 2:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"What about the man whose body you've taken?" asks William. "Can you release him and leave him in his own time?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 12:22 am
by Philulhu
Brophy studied William, as if considering the question carefully. “No, I cannot. I need a host body so I either stay here and inhabit this one or I take him with me. I cannot travel otherwise.” He shrugged.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 3:09 am
by Mr. Handy

"I don't like that," says William. "How is it you're able to steal other people's bodies, anyway?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:34 am
by Silver Priest
Alex thinks for a moment. "What if we brought you a new body? Could you release this man from your control like you did with Georges?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 8:00 pm
by Philulhu
“It is a spell I learned many years ago. I remember the spell but not from where or whom I learned it,” replied Brophy. “There is a price to pay when I use it, one I don’t want to pay too often.”

He looked across at Alex. “Who did you have in mind?” he snapped. “Or is it a job you wanted for yourself?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 4:53 am
by Silver Priest
"Honestly I was thinking a criminal of some kind," Alex responds. "Though I'm not sure even they deserve to be condemned to that sort of fate." Brophy's words are likely meant as a mockery, but he considers them for a long moment.

"If you send the rest back to 1930, release your hold on this man, and go to some other time, you can have my body." It was not an offer Alex made lightly, but he's not certain if there were any better options. Brophy seemed able to outlive even death, and as a policeman Alex felt obligated to sacrifice himself for the sorcerer's current prisoner. This man likely had a family and friends, whereas few would truly miss him. The choice seemed obvious, even if being honest it terrified him.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 8:41 am
by jp1885

Sean struggles to keep up with this weird conversation. Bewildered, he puts up his hand like a struggling schoolboy.

“Um, c-couldn’t you possess one of those creatures?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:44 am
by Philulhu
With a lavacious leer, Brophy turned sharply to Alex, moving closer to examine him. “You’re in better shape than this one. Taller and better looking too. We might have a deal…” he said, stepping back to study Alex from a distance.

His study was interrupted by Sean’s question and he rounded on him with a scowl. “Which one do you think I should I choose?” he said sarcastically. “The one over a century old or the one with the broken legs? Eh?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 3:44 pm
by jp1885

“Over a century? He’s looking good on it,” Sean mutters, somewhat sulkily.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 7:48 pm
by Mr. Handy

"It doesn't need to last you very long," says William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 10:49 pm
by Philulhu
Brophy shook his head. “It wouldn’t survive. Besides, these creatures are mindless. They’re in no shape for me to take over, unlike your friend here…” and continued to study Alex carefully, like an undertaker measuring a prospective corpse…

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 5:18 am
by Silver Priest
Alex meets his stare, trying to display more bravery than he truly feels.

"We have an agreement," He tells Brophy. "Provided you honor it you can do whatever you like. I hope, Sir, that you will accept this second chance you have been given, and decide to retire and spend the rest of your days in peace. Somehow I doubt it.

"When I let you control my body, what will happen to... me
?" He asks. He knows the prospect wasn't fatal, as Georges demonstrated. But who knew how long Brophy intended to possess him for. Regardless, he will make the sacrifice if it gets the others home, saves the currently possessed man, and gets the sorcerer far away from them all.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:20 am
by Philulhu
“You’ll still be in there,” said Brophy. “Like a silent partner, you’ll be in the background, but I’ll be in control. I’d tell you that you’ll have a ringside seat to greatness, but, well… …” he leered.

He clapped his hands briskly. “Now that’s sorted, shall we move on?” he said. “You take him back to the road and ring for an ambulance,” he instructed Georges, who reluctantly shouldered the still rambling Baz, and started towards the road while the others pushed deeper into the woods.

Brophy lead the way deep into the woods to the north of the lake, shadowed by the two ghoulish creatures lurking in the trees. Even though it seemed that every twist and turn of the path would lead to a dead end, somehow he always found a way through. As they moved deeper, the more still the woods became, with first birdsong and then even the noise of insects falling away. Nothing moved, not even the wind seemed to touch this remote place.

They walked for over an hour while Brophy cast about, muttering “It must be here somewhere” until he let out a cry of gleeful exultation. Moving lightly, he jumped up atop a low moss-covered mound and squatted down, craning his neck this way and that.

“Eureka!” he said quietly. “This is it, the mansion where I lived when I was here.” Almost excitedly he pointed out how the walls ran off into the undergrowth, almost buried under the vegetation that grew over everything. “Spread out and search! There should be an entrance to a cellar, somewhere!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 5:18 pm
by Bullfrog
Lawrence couldn't tell if Detective Reynolds was brave, crazy, or stupid to grant Brophy control over his body; those three concepts frequently overlapped, it seemed. Nevertheless, it was the detective's choice and there weren't any better options available to get home.

Silent with frustration and thought, Lawrence combs through the underbrush in search of the cellar door.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 7:52 pm
by jp1885

[41] = 41
Spot hidden 60 d%: [ 41 ] = 41

Sean pokes around the ruins, not only for the cellar door but, frankly, anything that will help him get out of this mad mess that he’d got himself into.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:32 pm
by Philulhu
Clearly the house had once been of some size but little now remained. None of the walls were more than a couple of courses high and the whole site was covered in thick, twisting brambles that snagged the men as they searched. After more than three-quarters of an hour, in the north-west corner of the plot, Lawrence and Sean found what looked to be a wooden trapdoor. The timber was mostly rotted away and the hasp and heavy padlock that secured it were pitted with rust.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 2:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"Do you have a key?" asks William. "Or do we break the lock?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 3:14 am
by Bullfrog
"Break the wood; it looks just about rotted through." Lawrence answers, seeking out a rock or other heavy object to smash through the decaying wood.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 9:07 am
by Philulhu
Brophy made an exaggerated show of patting his pockets. “Do you know,” he said, “I think I left the keys in my other body…”

He rolled his eyes. “Just break it,” he hissed.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:11 am
by Mr. Handy

"That branch should do the job nicely," says William, pointing at the one that Lawrence had.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:35 am
by Silver Priest
"You could be helping," Alex tells Brophy. "You have as much desire to get out of here as we do." He offers Lawrence any assistance he can.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 11:24 am
by Philulhu
Brophy shrugged. “Why have a dog and bark yourself?” he said.

The cellar doors didn’t take much force to open. The timber had virtually rotted away so a couple of sharp blows were sufficient to break through. Beyond were some rough stone steps that lead downwards in the darkness of the cellar.

“Who would like to go first?” asked Brophy as he peered down the steps.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:35 pm
by Bullfrog
"Why don't you show us in, Brophy? It's your house." Lawrence disdainfully suggests as he looks down into the darkness. He definitely would not be entering that place without some illumination."Has anyone got some matches or a lighter on hand?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 6:56 pm
by jp1885

Wondering why he isn’t running for his life, away from these nutters, Sean produces a battery torch from his bag.

“Here y’are, will this do?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 1:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks, that's perfect," says William. "It's a lot better than my lighter."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:56 am
by Philulhu
“We could set fire to your wooden head. That should burn for a while!” retorted Brophy to Lawrence.

He looked at William. “Lead on, MacDuff!” he quipped, standing aside to let the lawyer go first.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 2:38 am
by Mr. Handy

William lights the flashlight and reluctantly leads the way into the cellar.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:52 am
by Silver Priest
Alex will go last. Pointing at Brophy with his gun once again, he motions for him to proceed.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:57 pm
by jp1885

Sean holds back, his nerves telling him that climbing down into the cellars with these crazies might not be the best idea.

“Y’know, I might take my chances out here, if it’s all the same to you.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 2:12 am
by Bullfrog
"Where's your sense of adventure, Sean? Wouldn't you just love to descend into a dark basement with some potential lunatics?" Lawrence sardonically remarks, holding off the urge to shove Brophy down the basement stairs.
"Sorry you had to get caught in all of this, and if it's any consolation, we aren't here by choice either. I imagine you'll have quite a story to tell, if anyone will believe you."

With that, Lawrence cautiously descends into the cellar.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 12:39 am
by Philulhu
Monday May 2nd, 1973 10.30am.
Brichester, England.

Sean - go here: ... 81ee61bd0b

The long-neglected stone steps were mossy and slick with water, making the descent into the cellar particularly hazardous…

Can I have a climb skill to see if you make it down safely? If you fail, you will slip on the steps and fall, losing 1d3 points of damage (you can try jumping etc. to avoid the damage). If you fall and are carrying anything (torch, gun, etc.) make a luck roll to see if you drop it.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 2:05 am
by Mr. Handy

William slips on the steps and lands badly below, but at least he is able to hold onto the flashlight.

Climb roll (40% base skill) going down the steps:
Jump roll (33% skill) to land unharmed:
Damage from falling (1d6/2):
Luck roll (65% stat) to hold onto the flashlight:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 3:03 am
by Bullfrog
Lawrence slips on a patch of moss, but miraculously manages to land with minimal injury. He brushes himself off and helps William get up off the floor.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 3:06 am
by Silver Priest

1d100 Climb 40

1d100 Jump 25

1d100 luck 75 if needed (I believe it's pow*5?)

Alex loses his balance while walking down, but is able to jump to safety and softens his fall.
OOC:   So I slipped but was able to jump to avoid damage, but if it matters I failed my luck roll so my gun may have gone flying. :o Up to you GM!  

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 6:49 am
by Philulhu
Is there an issue with the dice roller? I can’t see any of your rolls.

Brophy (climb) 1d100
Damage (1d6/3) 1d6

Edit: I can see mine above, so not sure what the problem is.

William came down with a bump as his feet slipped on the steps, landing heavily at the bottom. Brophy’s mocking laughter was cut short as he then suffered the same fate, landing in an awkward heap. Forewarned, Lawrence and Alex were able to negotiate the steps without injury, although Alex stumbled as he landed, putting his hand out to steady himself against the wall and losing his revolver in the process, which skittered away across the floor and away into the darkness…

By the light of William’s torch, they could see that they were in a room that looked to have been hewn from the rock upon which the house had stood. It was approximately twenty feet square, with a doorway in the far corner leading further on. The walls were damp and thick with green mould.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:18 am
by Silver Priest
OOC:   I can't see any rolls unless I'm logged in, but after that I have no issue.  
Alex curses as the gun falls out of his hand, then turns a bit crimson. He won't deny a tiny bit of pleasure at seeing Brophy's misfortune, however.

"Can you shine the light over there?" he asks William, gesturing to the patch of darkness the gun had slid into. "I'd like to retrieve my weapon before we proceed."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:45 am
by Philulhu
“Oh, let me help you!” said Brophy dryly, although he made no move in the direction where Alex’s gun had disappeared into the darkness.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 3:24 pm
by Mr. Handy

"No thank you," says William, rising painfully to his feet and shining his light on the gun. "We'll get it ourselves."

I can also only see rolls when I'm logged in, but it may depend on your browser.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:26 pm
by Bullfrog
"What exactly are we looking for in here, Brophy?" Lawrence inquires as he approaches the door; the old cultist must have left something of value in the basement before he fled for the Americas.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:46 pm
by Philulhu
“Somewhere down here, my master carved a pentagram into the floor of one of the rooms. A bit melodramatic, if you ask me, but it should suit our purposes in sending you home,” replied Brophy.

Once Alex had recovered his gun, Brophy asked William to shine the torchlight around the room. He looked at the floor and shook his head. “It isn’t here,” he said. “It must be further in,” and he indicated for them to make their way into the next room.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:22 am
by Mr. Handy

William leads the way, shining the light ahead of them. "Who is your master?" he asks.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:40 am
by Silver Priest
Relieved to have possession of the gun once again, Alex proceeds on. He's trying to put on a brave face for the others, and not think about what is coming.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:37 am
by Philulhu
“A man called Thomas Lee replied Brophy. “My late brother and I were orphans. Thomas took us in and gave us a home…”. He stopped walking and looked around, sounding almost wistful.

“Sounds ideal, doesn’t it? It wasn’t! He was a vile, murdering bastard. He stole us from the orphanage and treated us like dogs. He almost beat me to death, until Robert broke his arm. He could never forgive Robert for that, so we fled because he wouldn’t rest until he had his revenge. We came by some tickets to America and that was our chance to start again in the new world. The rest…” He shrugged.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 12:11 am
by Bullfrog
"Is he the one that introduced you to that thing you worship, or did that come later?" Lawrence asks, not very moved by Brophy's tale of woe; it seemed to contrast with the story the librarian told, which called the veracity of both accounts into question. "Does the name Aggie Skerne mean anything to you?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:15 am
by Mr. Handy

"Why haven't you used your ability to travel through time to prevent that from happening?" asks William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:12 am
by Philulhu
“Yes, that was Thomas’ doing,” replied Brophy to Lawrence. “I don’t know how he first came across Gla’aki but he introduced us. I think he thought we would make good servants, like your friend James, but my brother and I were too powerful by then. Old Aggie had been teaching us a bit about the old ways but wasn’t happy when she found out about Thomas messing about with Gla’aki. She had it out with Thomas but he just laughed at her. When she tried to stop him, he murdered her niece, made it look like some sort of ritual that went wrong and pinned the blame on Aggie. Things were so bad in the town by then - crops blighted, people going missing - that the folks were all to ready to believe that a witch lived among them and had to be punished. Not really sure what happened to Thomas after that, but Aggie had a big family and they wanted revenge so Robert and I decided to start afresh elsewhere…”

Brophy tailed off as if lost in thought, seeming more human than in all the time that they had known him. After a moment, he glanced at William. “As for travelling through time, Mr Preston, it takes a lot of energy and many weeks of preparation. Because of my links to this place, I was able to travel here, but I hadn’t planned to arrive at this time. We were relatively fortunate to arrive somewhere where we didn’t stand out too much - if we had turned up in medieval times, we could have been accused of witchcraft and burned to death.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:46 am
by Mr. Handy

"Does that mean that when we go back in time, we'll arrive in this same place?" asks William. "And you can't be sure of the time at the destination? When were you trying to go?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 6:20 am
by Silver Priest
Alex listens to Brophy's story. As a detective, he's heard worse, but part of him does feel something approaching sympathy for the man, though it is dwarfed by his actions.

"You could have had that second chance, Mr. Brophy-- yet you chose to torment innocent people. I don't know how many people you've killed; I don't know if you know. Now you're being given a third chance, which is rare indeed. I hope you will make the most of it, Sir.."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 6:55 pm
by Philulhu
“If you recall, I was interrupted…” Brophy said dryly. “Without you, I could have been far away by now.” He frowned and paused, looking around. “The spell will take you somewhere you have a strong connection - I should think that’s home, wouldn’t you? We shouldn’t be disturbed so what can go wrong?”

At Alex’s question, he smirked. “I guess we’re going to find out, aren’t we?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 3:54 am
by Mr. Handy

"That would be Boston, then," says William. "That's good. I left my passport at home."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 6:00 am
by Bullfrog
"Boston or Arkham; either way, we'll be in Massachusetts." Lawrence observes; now that he thought of it, what would he even do when he got back home, presuming that Brophy even held up his end of the deal? He'd have to explain why the detective was missing, and there was no way in hell any authorities would believe a story involving time travel. It was times like this Lawrence was glad to have a lawyer acquaintance.
"Anyways, let's get going. I want this over with as soon as possible."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 11:33 pm
by Philulhu
Brophy pushed on, leading them deeper into the cellars under the house. The ceilings were low but vaulted, and at one time must have been quite impressive but were now mildewed and rotten. After a while, the brick-walked cellars gave way to the hewn-rock walls of what would once have been natural caverns until they were shaped by human hands many decades before.

Muttering to himself, Brophy cast about, looking for something he couldn’t find.“If you want to get home, I suggest you help me look,” he grumbled in an aggrieved tome. “Somewhere in here there should be a symbol carved into the floor within a ring. If you can’t find it, we’re not going anywhere.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:04 am
by Bullfrog
"Shine your light on the floor, William." Lawrence requests, crouching down to inspect the dusty stone and to feel for the indentation the carved pentagram would likely leave in the floor.
"If this time-travelling thing is a spell, that must mean that magic, or something like it, is real; it wouldn't be the craziest thing I've found myself forced to believe in the past few months."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 2:38 am
by Mr. Handy

William shines his flashlight around the floor, searching for the symbol in a ring.

Spot Hidden roll (60% skill) searching for the symbol:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 12:44 am
by Philulhu
The torch that William held cast a shadow across the floor and, when held low enough, causing the shadows of the sigils and symbols carved into the floor, to stand out in contrast.

Brophy knelt by the carvings and placed his hands upon them. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, his head hanging low, then he nodded.

“I think this is it,” said Brophy. “I can feel the vestiges of Thomas’ power here.”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"What do we need to do?" asks William.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 6:29 am
by Silver Priest
Alex studies Brophy carefully, just in case the man tries to mislead them.


Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 11:14 am
by Philulhu
“Clear the area,” said Brophy, who had tried ineffectively to sweep away some of the dirt and detritus with his hand.

“We could do with some light as well - have a look in the next room and see if you can find some candles. If I remember correctly, there were some storage cupboards down here.” He shooed them in the direction of the next room before sinking down on his haunches to inspect the marks on the floor some more.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 5:06 pm
by Bullfrog
Lawrence, presumably guided by the light of William's flashlight, heads into the other room to seek out the cupboards and the candles they possibly contained.

"Do you think he's setting us up to get stabbed in the back again?" Lawrence asks in a hushed tone.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 7:53 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex stays with Brophy, keeping watch.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 9:44 pm
by Mr. Handy

William goes into the other room and uses his flashlight to look for the candles. "It wouldn't surprise me," he whispers back.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:33 am
by Philulhu
Brophy looked up at Alex. With William taking the torch, the light in there was fading so Alex couldn’t see much more than a shadow and the gleam of his eyes. “You may as well go with them,” said Brophy. “You’re going to have years to enjoy my company… …”

Entering the next room, they found another low, vaulted ceiling, with shelving around the walls. The light from William’s torch illuminated rows and rows of glass bottles and jars, of all shapes and sizes, which had been neatly stored. Thick with dust and cobwebs, they clearly hadn’t been moved for a long time.

In the corner of the room, the floor sloped away and steps downwards had been roughly cut into the stone floor. From the opening they lead to, came the faintest of green phosphorescence, giving the area a ghoulish glow.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:01 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex studies Brophy for a moment before nodding. While he does not trust the man, he also seems to need the rest of them, especially him. "Call if you find anything," He chides, heading off to join the others.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 1:57 am
by Mr. Handy

"Looks like we have to go down there," says William, shining his light down the stairs.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 5:31 am
by Bullfrog
"Well, there isn't any alternative, is there?"
Lawrence warily steps into the glowing room, unsure of what he would find; the phosphorescence oddly reminded him of the luminescent green tubes that he had seen on that horrible train not so long ago.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 9:24 am
by Philulhu
The rough steps curved away to the right, descending another twenty yards or so, through a tunnel hewn through the rock. The glow got progressively stronger as they moved forward and by the time it opened up into a cavern at the end, it was like twilight, albeit a unnerving, sickly-green twilight that no-one would wish to see.

To their left and right, scores of glass bottles, jars and other assorted containers were perched on innumerable clefts and crevices in the rock walls, all filled with some ungodly liquid which gave off the green light. In front of them, the stone floor ran on for another ten yards until it met the edge of a large underground pool, one that stretched away to meet the sides and far wall of the cavern that was about forty yards wide in all directions.

The water eddied slightly as if pulled by an underwater current (or worse!) with an occasional bubble popping to the surface that suggested that there was life in the dark waters…

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 12:02 am
by Bullfrog
"Jesus... William, put some light on that water." Lawrence remarks, almost amazed by the sheer effort it must have taken to hew these tunnels and chambers out of the solid stone, much less that pool of water. If something managed to live in there despite the passage of decades, it certainly wasn't anything natural, and thus something Lawrence would prefer to tread lightly around.

He takes a pair of the bottles out of their alcoves and hands one off to Alex; they weren't candles, but they'd just have to do for now.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 1:32 am
by Mr. Handy

"I don't think we want to see it," whispers William, "and I don't think we want it to see us."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 3:09 am
by Silver Priest
Alex takes the bottle, resisting the urge to investigate it further. "I'm in agreement with William. Let's head on back up."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 11:31 pm
by Philulhu
The liquid in the bottle put Lawrence of a mind of the jars of liquid they had found in the Brophy’s motel storeroom, all that time ago. He couldn’t be sure, but he could’ve sworn he felt the bottle jerk slightly in his hand, as if something swam unseen within…

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yeah, let's not stay here any longer than we have to," says William quietly. "We got what we came to find."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:54 am
by Bullfrog
"That's fair enough." Lawrence states, his tone hushed. Brophy's operations at Squatter's Lake and in Louisiana must have been small fry compared to this mansion when it was still standing; perhaps this is what the motel could have evolved into, if not for the interference of Lawrence and company.

Guided by the unearthly light of his bottle, Lawrence makes his way back to the room with the pentagram.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:12 pm
by Philulhu
“Well, well, well! What do we have here?!” chuckled Brophy, snatching the bottle from Lawrence as they re-entered the room. He held up the bottle, peering at it intently, the sickly, greenish light giving his face an unholy, ghoulish cast. “This will do very nicely!” he declared, and pulled the cork from the neck of the bottle, upending it so the liquid drained out onto the floor, where it flowed like mercury, rolling around the grooves etched into the floor.

As the symbol in the pentagram emerged, Alex, Lawrence and William recognised the symbol they had last seen at the sanitarium with a shudder of trepidation. Grabbing the second bottle, Brophy traced two circles from the tips of the pentagram, the liquid again flowing like liquid metal, as if it had a life of its own. “You two will stand here,” he said to Lawrence and William, indicating the circles. “You’ll be with me, obviously!”, he smiled wolfishly at Alex.

“Now, are you ready?”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 12:24 am
by Bullfrog
"Let's get this over with." Lawrence sighs, looking defeated; at this moment, he felt a whole lot older than twenty-two. After a moment's reluctance, he steps into his circle.
"God have mercy on your soul, Alex."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 3:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"You're a better man than I am," William says to Alex as he steps into his circle. "Do we just think of home? What if we decide to return several months before we left? Would there then be two of each of us? Would we be able to change things that happened?"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 5:44 am
by Silver Priest
"I am." Alex nods. He turns to his companions and offers his gun. "Whichever of you is better with a gun, please take this. Just to remind Mr. Brophy to live up to his end of our arrangement."

"It will be alright
." he tells his friends. "Perhaps I'll be a good influence on him, or he'll take this chance to lay low. At the very least, I'll do my part to get you both home. Please take care of yourselves, gentlemen." For a moment Alex looks as though he is going to tear up, but he maintains his composure, taking a deep breath before he addresses Brophy.

"I'm ready. Let's get on with this."

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 2:32 pm
by Philulhu
William has the slightly higher handgun skill (60% vs Lawrence’s 55%)

“Stand behind me,” Brophy instructed Alex. “Put your hands on my shoulders. There will need to be contact for the transference to work.” He shrugged his shoulders, like a boxer limbering up for a fight. He paused, then looked up keenly.

“I don’t think we have much time, gentlemen!” he said briskly. “I will need to conduct the transference while you open the gate for you to return to your own time. Repeat after me, ’Gla’aki ymg' hafh nyth'drn! H' tharanak wgah'nagl l' cahf! Iä! Iä! Gla’aki! Iä! Iä!’ He repeated it, correcting their pronunciation as they stumbled over the unfamiliar words, if words was indeed what they were.

“That will have to do!” he snapped, after a few more tries. “And don’t forget you need me alive if you want to get home!” and he started his own incantation, similar but different, and Alex felt the shoulders tense beneath his grasp, as his own hands clenched involuntarily, fingers digging in…

Can I have a listen and a POW role from everyone, please?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 3:22 pm
by Bullfrog
The alien syllables feel completely out-of-place in Lawrence's mouth, as if they weren't meant to be spoken by human beings, yet he manages to pronounce them coherently nonetheless.
"Gla’aki ymg' hafh nyth'drn! H' tharanak wgah'nagl l' cahf! Iä! Iä! Gla’aki! Iä! Iä!"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:57 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex tries to ignore the terror he is feeling and focuses only on the unfamiliar words.

1d100 Listen 60

1d100 POW 75

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:27 am
by Mr. Handy

William takes the gun and tries his best to pronounce the words correctly, hoping he doesn't mess up "Gla'aki."

Listen roll (68% skill) during the ritual:
POW roll (65% stat) during the ritual:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 12:00 am
by Philulhu
From one of the rooms towards the entrance, there was a metallic ‘clang!’ and the sound of muffled curses. “Keep the words going!” snapped Brophy. “If you stop, we’ll be stuck here!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 12:08 am
by Mr. Handy

William continues chanting, gripping the gun tightly.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 1:01 am
by Bullfrog
Lawrence, having a strong desire to not continue being trapped 43 years in the future in a foreign country, carries on with the disconcerting chant. With any luck, this would be over with soon.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 8:11 am
by Silver Priest
Alex also continues to chant, hoping that he is doing the right thing.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 10:58 pm
by Philulhu
As they continued chanting, William and Lawrence noticed that hazy tendrils of what looked like green-coloured steam were starting to rise from the pentagram. Questing like a vine would climb a tree, it started to drift upwards, slowly entwining their legs, bringing with it a bone-numbing cold. Teeth chattering, it became more difficult to say the words taught to them by Brophy and they stumbled once or twice, bringing a sharp rebuke from their teacher.

Alex could also feel the cold but he had more pressing concerns of his own. Starting at his fingertips, it felt as if something was slowly enveloping his fingers, then his hands, like a firm handshake that just wouldn’t go. As Brophy’s chant continued, Alex felt the vice-like grip pass his wrists and start to travel up his arms…

From the next room, they heard a faint noise. Through gritted teeth, Brophy hissed, “Shoot anyone who comes through that door, Mr Preston!

Alex - SAN check, please. All - POW roll, please.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 11:15 pm
by Mr. Handy

William takes aim at the door as he continues the chant, but whether he fires or not depends on who comes through the door, if anyone.

POW roll (65% stat) during the ritual:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 11:36 pm
by Bullfrog
Hoping desperately that things wouldn't have to come to violence, or at the very least nobody will have to be killed, Lawrence held steady with his chanting; he spoke the inhuman words as clearly as he could, even as the icy fog left him trembling. The young farmer could hardly even believe what he had gotten himself into.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 5:12 am
by Silver Priest
Alex stumbles over the words, and it takes all his will to continue with this blasphemous ritual as he ignores the white hot terror that threatens to envelop him. Still, he seems to manage for the moment.

1d100 San 71

1d100 POW 75

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 11:42 pm
by Philulhu
As William watched, a figure stumbled through the doorway, illuminated in the ghostly green light given off from the pentagram. Average height, he had a shock of white hair and a full beard. Piercing green eyes caught the ghost light and gleamed, evilly.

From behind, Brophy hissed incredulously, almost fearfully, Master Thomas?! Thomas Lee?! Shoot him or he will kill us all!

Alex - lose 3 points of Sanity as you experience your body being taken over.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 12:12 am
by Mr. Handy

William can tell that this intruder is serious bad news, and he fires, striking him in the center of mass.

Handgun roll (60% stat) shooting at Thomas Lee:
Damage to Thomas Lee from .38 bullet:
Do I get a second shot this round?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 4:15 am
by Silver Priest
Alex's eyes widen at seeing the shot, but he is more concerned with the increasing powerlessness he feels as his body begins to be taken over. Terror fills him, but he feels powerless to stop. Maybe he was, by now.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 11:35 am
by Philulhu
“What the bloody hell!?” said Thomas, mere moments before William’s first shot caught him in the chest. It looked like he’d tried to duck out of the way, but he was far too slow…

Yes, he can take another shot.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 12:28 am
by Bullfrog
Lawrence has to hold himself back from leaving the circle to fight off this intruder; he didn't know how Thomas Lee had survived for this long, but if Brophy was terrified of him, Thomas had to be a serious threat.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:24 am
by Mr. Handy

William's second shot goes very wide due to the recoil.

Handgun roll (60% stat) shooting at Thomas Lee, shot 2 of 2:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:44 pm
by Philulhu
Thomas staggered back under the impact of the first bullet, which took him in the centre of the chest.

With an incredulous look on his face, he spluttered, “Mate, what’re you doing? It’s me, Sean!” then his legs gave way and he collapsed unconscious to the floor…

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 11:01 pm
by Bullfrog
Does he sound like Sean? This whole thing seems kind of fishy.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 11:06 pm
by Philulhu
Based on your (admittedly short) acquaintance, it did sound like Sean. The knitted tank top he’s wearing seems familiar too…

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 12:40 am
by Mr. Handy

Furious at being tricked by Brophy's illusion, William turns and points his gun at Brophy, though he isn't sure whether he has switched bodies yet. He still keeps up the chant.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:29 am
by Philulhu
If you’ve realised the identity of the person that William shot, please roll against Sanity. SAN loss is 0/1d6.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:54 am
by Silver Priest


Alex is worrying about his own fate, and seems to overlook Sean's.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 3:22 pm
by Bullfrog
Lawrence, after spending all this time keeping relatively stable and resilient when encountering horrifying and unnatural things, finally cracks under the strain of witnessing the accidental shooting of an innocent bystander.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:09 am
by Mr. Handy

William accepts that it wasn't his fault he shot Sean; it was Brophy's.

Sanity roll (current level 63) for being tricked into shooting Sean:

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 1:49 am
by Philulhu
I’ve PM’d you about Lawrence’s insanity.

As the man with the face of Thomas Lee but the clothes and body of Sean breathed his last, three more people entered the cavern. The first was the woman they had met in the library - although her face looked different. Somehow older, her gaze stern and her mouth firm. Under her breath she muttered an incantation in a language that none of them had heard before. Flanking her were a middle-aged man in a black jacket who carried a Jerry can in one hand and the leash of a large bull mastiff. As they watched, he set down the can and kicked it over, and the sickly-sweet smell of petrol filled the air as it gushed forth and started to run across the floor towards them…

On her other side, a sallow-skinned youth lifted a rifle to his shoulder, took aim at Alex and fired, but his shot went hopelessly wide, ‘plinking’ off the wall behind them…

1d4 In alphabetical order (Alex, Brophy, Lawrence, William: it’s Alex.

Rifle 1d100

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 2:08 am
by Mr. Handy

William doesn't want to shoot any more innocent people, and he is sure that these new arrivals are trying to stop Brophy, which makes them good guys in his book. Continuing the chant, he places his revolver on the floor and puts up his hands.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:39 pm
by Bullfrog
Brophy was at fault for all of this. If not for him, Lawrence would be home right now and many decent, upstanding people would still be alive.

Something in Lawrence's mind snaps; with an animalisting scream of fury, the farmer hurls himself at Brophy with reckless abandon, throwing a wild haymaker right at the old cultist's face!

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:24 pm
by Silver Priest
Wide eyed it occurs to Alex he should do something. Protect and Serve. To stop Brophy here would ruin everything,but Sean, friendly, happy, Sean was dead and a newcomer had fired on him. He had to act. But against who?

The terror of the ritual and chaos currently going on leads him to freeze. He continues to chant, feeling removed from the scene as he's unsure what to do and who to act against.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 12:01 am
by Philulhu
Lawrence’s punch caught Brophy square on the jaw and he staggered back. His hands still gripped Alex’s shoulders so Alex found himself pulled backwards, towards the edge of the glowing pentagram.

The man with the mastiff slipped the chain from its neck and it approached gleaning while the younger man nipped forward to grab William’s discarded pistol. Behind them, the librarian continued a chant of her own.

Spitting blood, Brophy screamed at Lawrence. “You’ll kill us all! Continue with the spell!”

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 12:27 am
by Bullfrog
I'm going to roll to see how long Lawrence's bout of madness lasts, now.
One round has passed, so 5 more rounds of incredible violence remain.

Brophy gets a very succinct, violent reply from Lawrence, who was screaming inarticulately and weeping profusely: another punch, this time a sharp jab to the abdomen.
"Gla’aki ymg' hafh nyth'drn! H' tharanak wgah'nagl l' cahf! Iä! Iä! Gla’aki! Iä! Iä!"

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 1:10 am
by Mr. Handy

William remains where he is, continuing the chant. He doesn't trust Brophy, but he knows that completing the ritual and getting back to his own time is his only chance. He'll leave it to the others to deal with Brophy.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:34 am
by Silver Priest
Alex also continues to chant, afraid of the consequences of stopping. Silently he stares at Lawrence, as if begging him to stop.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:23 pm
by Philulhu
Dodge 1d100
STR 1d100
Brawl 1d100
Damage 1d6 /2 = 2

Alert to Lawrence’s intentions, Brophy tried to dodge the blow but holding onto Alex was impairing his mobility. As the blow landed however, his grip was broken and he staggered back, before retaliating with a punch of his own. “You bastard!” he shrieked. “I’ll kill you!”

As Brophy’s grip on his shoulders broke, Alex felt the numbing cold begin to subside and his thoughts began to clear. In the doorway, he could see the youth with the air rifle trying to reload it while the man who had carried the Jerry can had pulled a zippo lighter from his pocket and was looking to the librarian for instruction. She had her eyes closed however, and was muttering something under her breath while her hand traced arcane symbols in the air.

William did his utmost to maintain his concentration as everything around him went awry. The dog approached with a low, intense growl but, very faintly, he could see the room in front of him begin to distort as a ragged oval shape tried to materialise. Tantalisingly, shapes seemed to fight to take shape there before it flickered and almost died away…

Lawrence can attempt to dodge Brophy’s attack.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:56 am
by Bullfrog

Lawrence is briefly knocked back by Brophy's punch, having failed to dodge it; the pain only seemed to infuriate him, though, as he lashed out with an absolutely vicious blow to the sorcerer's temple!
"This is for James!"
A critical hit, I believe? As I recall, non-impaling weapons just do maximum damage as opposed to the maximum plus normal damage; it would 7 damage, in this case.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:25 am
by Mr. Handy

William keeps up the chant, hoping that he's starting to go home.

That's with 7th edition rules, but this is 6th edition. In 6th edition there's an optional rule for critical hits on rolls of 1-5, and fists don't impale. It's still a good hit, though! It's up to the Keeper if it has any effect beyond regular damage (stun, for example).

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:35 am
by Bullfrog
I'll wait to see what Phil says before I make the roll, just to be sure.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:03 am
by Silver Priest
Alex winces as Lawrence strikes out at Brophy once again. Nonetheless he continues to chant, knowing that if he stops any chance he had of getting the others home would be lost. He holds his hands out in a placating matter, hoping all of the violence would cease.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:16 am
by Philulhu
Can I have a POW roll from everyone and then I’ll decide how it ends?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:20 am
by Bullfrog

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:15 am
by Silver Priest


Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 4:53 am
by Mr. Handy

William remains completely focused on returning home.

POW x 5 roll (65% stat) concluding the ritual:
Critical success! 8-)

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 4:57 pm
by Philulhu
Lawrence’s fist pounded into the side of Brophy’s head and he was sent staggering, his feet splashing through the mix of the sickly green liquid and the fuel that spilt from the jerry can. Worse was to come for him, however. The librarian’s eyes snapped open as her chant came to a climax and she brought her hands together sharply, then dragged them apart again, with what appeared to be a glowing white bone between them. She twisted her hands sharply and there was a sickening ‘crack’, following by an agonising scream from Brophy as he collapsed to the floor with the splintered end of his shin bone protruding from a bloody rent in his trouser leg.

The man with the lighter laughed and flicked the wheel on his Zippo, a spark flying from the flint to light the wick, before he tossed it casually in Brophy’s direction. Even before it landed in the fuel on the floor, the vapour ignited and flames blossomed around Brophy, singeing his hair and causing him to scream anew, before they started to burn across the floor in the direction of the pentagram.

The dog yelped and shied away from the flames. The shape in front of William almost disappeared as Alex and Lawrence stepped back but William’s focus was razor sharp and as he concentrated every fibre of his body the outline solidified again, hanging in the air like some unholy mirror showing indistinct dark scenes of another realm.

The youth with the air rifle brought the weapon up to his shoulder and took aim at them again. ”Kill them!” she snapped, and he pulled the trigger.

Sorry, no critical hit under 6ed rules. I’m not sure that’s going to matter much for Brophy, though.

Air rifle - 1d100 (That’s a miss).

You have one action each before the flames reach you.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:47 pm
by Bullfrog
Here's the damage, just for the fun of it.

"Gla’aki ymg' hafh nyth'drn! H' tharanak wgah'nagl l' cahf! Iä! Iä! Gla’aki! Iä! Iä!" Lawrence staggers quickly back to his circle, transfixed with maniacal glee as he watches Brophy get consumed by the flames. He no longer stumbled over the words, now raising his voice into an exultant shout of deranged joy.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:05 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex suspects that these people are rivals of Brophy, perhaps servants of his old master. Either way they did not seem friendly, and it seemed unlikely they would listen to reason. They were outgunned, and those flames were getting closer.

Having no other recourse he continues to chant, putting everything he had into it. There only chance seemed to be getting the ritual to work to send them home. He had no confidence that this new group would let them go even if they explained things.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 9:49 pm
by Philulhu
You may have to do something more than just chant… …

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:23 pm
by Bullfrog
Might Lawrence's insanity grant some insight to this situation?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:01 am
by Philulhu
Possibly, although fits of homicidal rage and clear thinking aren’t natural bedfellows ;)

Homicidal or not, however, Lawrence can see that there are just moments before the flame reaches the fuel near them, so he might think about how they might escape.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:34 am
by Bullfrog
Fair enough. Would that be an INT×5?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:35 am
by Mr. Handy
I have an idea. Am I allowed to share it with the others, or should I just go ahead and do what I'm thinking of doing?

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:36 am
by Philulhu
Entirely your call, Mr Handy. In-game time is of the essence, however, so if you stand around chatting, you will notice it getting very much warmer…

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:52 pm
by Mr. Handy

Still chanting, William leaps through the apparent portal that has opened in front of him, hoping that it will get him out of here and that the others will follow. Anywhere has to be better than here.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:36 pm
by Philulhu
As William disappeared, the shape immediately began to lose its structure and the view started to fracture like broken ice on a pond…

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:24 pm
by Bullfrog
Wait, the portal was manifested? I must have misread.

Lawrence, still screaming in inhuman tongues, throws himself into the portal with reckless abandon. He didn't know where he was going, and honestly, he wasn't in the state of mind to be concerned about his destination. He wanted out of here, now.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:53 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex attempts to follow the others, knowing that to stay here would be certain death.

Re: Ch.12b. Caught somewhere in time

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:58 pm
by Philulhu
As they dived for the fracturing portal, the petrol around them ignited and searing flames instantly roasted any exposed flesh and scorched the air in their lungs.

As the passed through the strange portal, the heat was replaced with bone-chilling cold and they felt once again the mind-wrenching sensation of travelling, blind and unseeing, while simultaneously aware of the enormity of the depths of time and space and things that lurked on the threshold of human understanding.

Even as their overloaded brains lapsed into unconsciousness, they could still hear Brophy’s agonised scream, like an ice-cold stiletto to the base of the skull, following them, haunting their nightmares as they fell… …

- - - - - - - - -

So ends the current chapter. Where will our investigators end up next?