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Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:48 am
by Philulhu
Monday, September 1st, 1930 7.15pm
Tunnels beneath 79 Power Street, College Hill, Providence, R.I.

Hearing the familiar voices was a surprise, but a pleasant one. Once the lights were no longer being shone directly in their faces, Alex and Ivy recognised William. They could also see Lawrence’s likeness in Jerry.

You’re stood in a passage just outside the room where the pipe organ is. The short passage to your left leads back into that room and you can surmise that going straight ahead leads back to the tunnel where William and Jerry saw the creatures and navigated the pit. To your right is a tunnel that you are yet to explore.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:41 pm
by jp1885

“Good Lord,” says Ivy. “I would say I’m pleased to see you William, but given the circumstances…”

She turns to Jerry.

“No need for confrontation young man, you’re among friends. I take it, given the resemblance, you are related to Lawrence?”

“I take it you’ve both seen the prehistoric carvings and that ghastly organ?”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:16 pm
by Silver Priest

Given the trauma associated with William and Lawrence, I'm going to have Alex make a san roll to see how much he freaks out at seeing William here.


Alex's eyes widen at the sight of William, and a slight tremor goes through him. William being here meant only one thing in his mind-- these events were clearly unnatural, and that brought him back to so many horrors he had tried to suppress.

"I told you I never wanted to see you again," He tells William, and for a second considers shooting him. But the insane impulse passes. "I don't know why you're here, but for the time being we can work together. But after this, I am serious, I never want to see you or Lawrence ever again.

"I've called the police and they're on their way to these tunnels to look for Ivy. I suggest we head back and wait for them to arrive; we could use the backup. Meanwhile you can tell me what it is exactly you're both doing here."

OOC:   Alex remains the most unlikely CoC protagonist.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:44 pm
by Philulhu
Shooting poor William? What has he ever done to Alex? 😢

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 2:36 am
by Bullfrog
"This has been a great day for me, Detective. I come all the way from Atlantic City because my brother, the only family member who still talks to me, is stuck as a vegetable in the asylum, and nobody can give me a straight answer why. Turns out, Lawrence is living some kind of double life where I guess he just messes around with horrible, unnatural things that shouldn't exist, like that organ covered in faces!" Jerry comes apart at the seams, just a little bit, giggling to himself about just how insane this situation was. He'd always figured that he was the black sheep of the family on account of his burning of buildings for insurance scams, yet somehow Lawrence had gotten into something worse than a life of crime.
"Joshua Winscott wanted my brother to have a look at his basement, because Lawrence had experience with something somehow relevant to this, which I am still in the dark on. Does that satisfy you?"

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:29 am
by Mr. Handy

"We came here to meet him at 4:00," adds William. "When we didn't find him here, we were concerned he might have gone into the tunnel without us and came looking for him. What brings you here?"

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 8:07 am
by jp1885

“A case of sour grapes,” Ivy interjects.

“Someone thought they should have inherited the Winscott house instead of Joshua and cried foul play, so we were called on to investigate.”

She barks a mirthless laugh.

“I think the fellow had a lucky escape.”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 8:16 am
by Silver Priest
"I don't know what's going on here, but we seem to be dealing with an unhuman intelligence of some sort, judging by the murals and the moaning wall. Not to mention the apes we've encountered. I still think we should return and meet up with the police, especially given how easy it is to get lost in here, but if either of you gentleman have any leads of what to pursue down here now would be the time to mention them." Part of Alex did not want to get the police involved, but they were already on their way and may have already come down here by now. Still, he recalls Mordiggian and how ineffective the army had been against it... could officers of the law do much against whatever horrors were down here?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:30 pm
by Philulhu
If you decide to go back, please describe in which way you are heading. I’m trusting you not to refer back to your previous posts ;)

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:03 pm
by jp1885

“If we do go back, you’ll have to lead the way,” Ivy grumbles. “I was brought here in pitch darkness, slung over some brute’s shoulder. Consequently I was somewhat disoriented.”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 4:52 am
by Mr. Handy

"I know the way back," says William. "Whenever we had a choice of direction, we went to the right. All we have to do is turn around and follow the left wall, and we'll get back to the base of the cliff. I've set up a rope there so we can get back up...provided it's still there."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 5:27 am
by Silver Priest
Alex nods. "That's a start, then. Did you gentleman find anything down here that merits further investigation?"

"Truth be told, I do worry a little about leaving this to the local authorities-- this is rather out of their expertise, though the same could be said of us.And if we are dealing with some sort of underground civilization here that predates humanity, I question just how much we can hope to do by ourselves. At least with some back up we can map the tunnels and search for Mr. Winscott more effectively."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 1:27 pm
by jp1885

“I do wonder how many officers the local department will be able to spare,” Ivy muses. “Though a wash and a change of clothes won’t go amiss.”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 5:30 am
by Mr. Handy

"I think we should go back and get reinforcements," says William. "We came this way by the main path. You've probably already seen everything we have. There was a gunshot we heard, right after we came down the rope. It sounded like it was coming from back the way we came, so we'll have to be careful."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 5:56 am
by Bullfrog
"William, there is one gun in this cave that isn't ours, and it's right in front of us." Jerry gestures towards Alex's pistol, looking quite disappointed at Lawrence's choice in legal counsel.
"We haven't found anything that you didn't, Detective, but your mention of apes really catches my interest; the lawyer and I found some cave paintings earlier, just like the ones in Spain. Do you think there could be cave-men living down here?"

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 6:53 am
by Silver Priest
Alex nods in agreement to Lawrence's assessment."I believe Ms. Ripley here fired a shot to scare the apes off when they had her. Perhaps that's what you heard. As for cave men,But the paintings we discovered seem to point to some inhuman snake people that were intelligent and may very well predate humanity. We have no idea if they're still down here or if the apes we've found are related to that. Regardless, we'll have quite a story to tell the police, and we may need to call in national law enforcement. If only there was some of organization that was cleared to deal with all of this." He mutters in contemplation.

"Ah well. Regardless,that settles it then," Alex nods at the lawyer as he also recommends heading back. "Follow me, everyone.." He still sounds unusually curt with the lawyer. It's not really his fault, but he reminds Alex of a time he felt powerless and of all the horrors that came along with that.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 10:05 am
by Philulhu
You’re at an intersection with organ room behind you, a tunnel in front and one to the left. Which way do you go?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:25 am
by Mr. Handy

Behind us to the organ room, the way we came.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 9:06 am
by Philulhu
Returning to the organ room, two large humanoid creatures could be seen at the far end, looking into the room from another tunnel. Standing on bent legs like a goat, they were still taller than anyone present, and their faces looked like badly mangled approximations of human, albeit with a flattened forehead and no actual noses, just a hole where a human nose might be.

One lifted its head and sniffed the air, before its eyes shifted in the direction of the party and it growled alarmingly exuding a foul menace that made the skin crawl…

SAN rolls, please (0/1d8).

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 11:37 am
by jp1885

[20] = 20
SAN 69 1d100: [ 20 ] = 20

Ivy holds her nerve. Perhaps she recognises the foulness; is this the same type of creature that previously barrelled over her in the dark?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:56 pm
by Philulhu
Ivy had little doubt that this was something new. The creatures that had grabbed her had been much closer to her own size.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:48 pm
by Silver Priest


Alex forces himself to remain calm and steadies his gun, planning to fire on either of these creatures if they move towards them with malicious intent. He hopes to avoid doing so, however-- he knows he has limited ammo.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 11:26 pm
by Mr. Handy

William goes slack-jawed.

Sanity roll (current level 48) for seeing the creatures:
Sanity loss:
Idea roll (80% stat) to avoid temporary insanity - failure is good:
Yay! Temporary insanity for me!

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:13 am
by Philulhu
Oh dear! Update to follow once I know what Jerry is doing!

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 2:36 am
by Bullfrog
Sanity 53: 1d100

San Loss 1d8: 1d8

Jerry is terrified beyond words, but keeps himself steady nonetheless. This couldn't be natural, it wasn't right at all, but it was as real as he was and he would have to fight. Jerry raises his gun and fires, not waiting for these awful creatures to make the first move!

Handgun 50%: 1d100

.45 Automatic damage 1d10+2:1d10+2

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 2:38 pm
by Philulhu
One of the ghoulish creatures swayed as Jerry’s bullet creased its arm but otherwise looked imperturbed. The second creature waved a casual hand in front of itself and the cavern was plunged into near darkness!

In the corridor, the only thought in William’s mind was to get out of this place. This cramped, haunted place with the tunnels and the ungodly creatures! How long had they been down here anyway? It was time they left but the way out was blocked! They’d have to leave by another way, but which? Why was everyone waiting for him to decide?! Hadn’t they been paying attention?! It was this way, wasn’t it?! At least they’d be away from those creatures!!

William is suffering from Claustrophobia and just wants to leave as quickly as possible. He won’t engage in combat unless there is no other way out. Additionally, he cannot now remember the way out so will choose randomly at every junction, starting now… 1d6

As far as he is concerned the way out is the corridor directly opposite the one to the now-darkened organ room. He won’t listen to anyone else who tries to tell him differently, nor allow himself to be taken in a different direction.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:43 pm
by jp1885

Ivy keeps a tight grip on her lantern; these are no degenerate, easily frightened ape creatures!

“Perhaps discretion is the better part of valour,” she hisses as she backs away. “Let’s find another way out.”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 6:54 pm
by Silver Priest
"Indeed," Alex nods. "These things can apparently control the light in here. Form up, as a group back to back," He says, recalling his tine in the service. "Those with guns in the front, William and Ivy in the back. We'll slowly navigate our way out of here, shifting so that whichever way we're going has the firearms in the front in case we encounter a threat."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:04 am
by Mr. Handy

"I've gotta get outta here!" cries William, turning around and running in the opposite direction from the organ room.

William has guns too, by the way.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 7:14 pm
by Philulhu
I’m going to use the chase rules from 7th edition here as William is running away.

Effective move rates are Alex (8) and Ivy, Jerry & William (all 7). Move is affected by CON (18, 13, 11 and 11 respectively). Turn order is decided by DEX - so Alex is first, followed by Ivy & William (same DEX) and Jerry. Don’t feel you have to wait for your ‘slot’ to post - I’ll work it out in the mix.

I’m not going to follow it slavishly - I might take a few liberties for dramatic effect :)

I’ll use spoilered text so you can’t see what everyone else is doing if you’re not currently next to them…

Keeper Rolls

Alex 1d20
Ivy 1d20
Jerry 1d20
William (automatic this turn)

Leaving everyone else standing, William sprinted away down a nearby tunnel…

Moments later William found himself at another junction where he quickly took a left turn into another tunnel. He could see another junction ahead…


Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 8:18 pm
by Silver Priest
"Darn it!" Alex curses--for him. William is having an episode, and despite his caution around the man the officer still felt obligated to help him. Him going off on his own would be near certain death, as he would get lost or fall prey to some dark creature.

He chases after him, hoping to catch up and restrain the man. Hopefully the others would follow him, they could not afford to get separated.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 8:39 pm
by jp1885

Hitching up what's left of her skirt, Ivy follows suit and races off after the pair.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:24 am
by Mr. Handy

William keeps running, following his instincts.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 7:33 am
by Bullfrog
"William, what the hell are you- get back here!" Jerry gives chase as best he can with his bad leg, hoping that those horrible creatures he had seen weren't coming up behind him. Those things had the home advantage in this hellish tangle of caves, and the one he'd put a hole in didn't seem to perturbed by getting shot in the arm. He had another measure to harm them, that little firebomb he'd put together earlier, but there was only one and Jerry wasn't too confident in his throwing arm at the moment.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 2:29 pm
by Philulhu


Alex (18) 1d20
Ivy (13) 1d20
Jerry (11) 1d20
William (11) 1d20

William’s desk job clearly wasn’t equipping him for running so it was easy enough for the others to keep pace. He ran past two openings on his left then ran down a short passage and into a room…

OOC:   If you wish, you can explore the openings that William ran past. If so, just say and I’ll tell you what was there. If you carry on read the spoilered text for William below.  

The passage opened up into a grotto dominated by an enormous natural column that had been carved into the likeness of a great, coiled serpent with a white crescent symbol upon its forehead formed from pale gemstones. In front of the serpent was a large altar marred by dark stains and decorated with intertwined geometric carvings and runes. Spherical golden censers on stands flanked the altar, each pouring forth clouds of perfumed incense.
OOC:   POW check, please.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 7:19 pm
by Silver Priest
"William, stop!" Alex continues to follow him, easily keeping up. Then he notices the serpent and the alter.


Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 9:43 pm
by jp1885

[44] = 44
POW 75 1d100: [ 44 ] = 44

With bulletproof inhuman monsters with the ability to control light on her tail, Ivy also elects to follow William (the alternative probably being getting lost alone in the tunnels again).

She stops up short, eyes wide, as she enters the grotto.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 4:35 am
by Mr. Handy

William is transfixed.

POW roll (65% stat) in the grotto:

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 6:29 am
by Bullfrog
POW 11 (55%): 1d100

Jerry finds a new appreciation for architecture.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:52 am
by Philulhu
Alex, Jerry and William watched as a cascade of snakes, from tiny threadsnakes to a huge reticulated Python that dwarfed the investigators themselves, erupted from the carved serpent’s mouth. Each snake bore a white crescent on its forehead and swiftly swarmed across the floor and engulfed them, crawling up their legs, inside and outside their clothes, tongues flicking across skin in hundreds of places at once.

If that wasn’t bad enough, they saw a titanic serpentine tongue pushing it’s way out of the statue’s mouth and flickering towards them, crawling over them and tasting them as if deciding which of them to consume first…

OOC:   SAN roll, please (1/1d4) and gain 2 points of Cthulhu Mythos.  

Ivy saw her companions transfixed, writhing and staring at the statue in horror. They were shying away from something but it wasn’t anything that she could see…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 12:29 pm
by jp1885

As usual, Ivy’s concern manifests as irritation. She waves her hand and snaps her fingers in front of the others’ faces.

“Hey! Stop shilly-shallying! We don’t have time to mess about gawping!”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 1:33 pm
by Bullfrog
Sanity 50%: 1d100
San Loss 1d4: 1d4

Jerry rolls around on the ground, flailing around in a spirited effort to rid himself of the snakes that were not there. He is stricken by a disturbing thought as he writhes and babbles to himself: what if the snake-men in the mural were the original serpents that once inhabited the Garden of Eden, before they were cursed by God to crawl on the earth? What if it was not man who was made in the image of God, but the serpents who lived and walked before them?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 1:44 pm
by Philulhu
There was no immediate response to Ivy. The three men continued to stare ahead blankly.

Please describe your responses to the vision in front of you.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 8:03 pm
by Silver Priest



Alex has never been afraid of snakes before, but he reacts as anyone would when hundreds swarm him possessed by an alien intelligence. He screams and backs up, trying to brush them off of him.

"No, please, get off, get off!" He trips on a loose rock and falls to the floor, eyes filled with terror as the giant one's tongue flicks out and touches him.

Mostly just for curiosity sake, given all of Alex's adventures so far should he have gotten past boosts to Cthulhu Mythos? This is the first time I've added points to it.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 12:35 am
by Philulhu
You’d normally add Cthulhu Mythos if the scenario specifically states there’s a CM gain, or if you go insane.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy

William screams in terror as he turns and tries to run away.

Was my temporary insanity Mythos-related? If so, I should gain 5 points of Cthulhu Mythos for that, as it's my first.

Sanity roll (current level 41) for seeing the snakes:
Sanity loss:
Also, I'm now indefinitely insane at this point.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 6:42 am
by Philulhu
Investigators get 5 points of CM the first time they go insane, and one additional point every episode thereafter. Did William not go insane in France (when he was catatonic)? If I didn’t award CM then, 5 points are due. If this is his second bout, then he gains an additional point of CM.

William is going to have to spend some time convalescing if/when he gets out of here but for the purposes of the game here and now, it will just reinforce his very urgent desire to get out of here so we’ll carry on as we are (indefinite insanity being a slower burn than temporary insanity, if you get my meaning). Going forward, William is going to have some very real issues with snakes and being underground in confined spaces.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 10:29 am
by jp1885

As William turns to run, Ivy grabs his arm.

“Snap out of it man!” she yells. “What’s the matter with you all?”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 5:39 pm
by Mr. Handy

I did go temporarily insane then, so that means I gain +5 for that and +1 for this time, and the +2 gives me a total of 8.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 9:11 pm
by Philulhu
Tha’s correct.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:08 am
by Bullfrog
Does my previous post count for Jerry's reaction? I was still typing it up when you made your post, Phil.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 8:54 pm
by Philulhu
Sorry, I missed your update for Jerry.



Alex (18) 1d20
Ivy (13) 1d20
Jerry (11) 1d20
William (11) 1d20

As quickly as the visions had come, they vanished again. Alex and Jerry (from his position on the floor) blinked as the room reverted to its natural state, if a huge pillar carved into a snake god could be considered in any way natural…

Before anyone else could move, William was on the move again, running pell mell from the room and back down the corridor.

Alex can react quickly enough to give chase but Ivy and Jerry are caught flat-footed. Can I have Alex’s move please? Is he waiting or chasing after William?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 10:00 pm
by Silver Priest
Confused and relieved in equal measure, Alex forces himself to worry about snakes later. For now he takes off after William and tries to restrain him if he can reach him.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 10:04 pm
by jp1885
Ivy has grabbed William’s arm. Is that enough to slow him?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 12:08 am
by Philulhu

William was able to shake off Ivy’s hand so his movement was unaffected.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 9:18 am
by jp1885

Seeing Alex running after William, Ivy rolls her eyes.

“Come on!” she yells to Jerry, before taking off after the others.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 8:58 pm
by Bullfrog
Jerry looks around for a moment, bewildered by what he has just experienced, and lifts himself up from the floor to chase after William. It seemed that William was going to get everybody lost, or even worse, killed; it might be safer for everone to cut their losses before they're all accidentally led into an ambush.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 12:29 am
by Philulhu
William ran out of the room that held the statue of the snake god and straight over the first junction. At the second, he veered suddenly right and found himself at the entrance of a large cavern, populated by strange fungi and lichen, some of which were easily as tall as him. Some of the degenerate ape creatures appeared to be tending to the growths, as if they were farmers looking after their crops. Seeing William and Alex enter, the nearest one gave out a warning growl…

Slower to react, by the time they got out of the cavern, neither Alex nor William were in sight. They came to a junction - straight on or turn right? Which way to go?!

As you’re separated, please post your updates in spoilers, using the Spoiler-Button. You can read the update of the person you’re with.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 3:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Am I still temporarily insane?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 7:51 am
by Silver Priest

"William, please!" Alex continues to yell, to little apparent use. He stops abruptly when he sees the horrid ape creatures, and points his gun at them, but makes no move to approach them. He hopes the sight of them will cause William to flee, but if he's foolish enough to venture further in Alex isn't sure what he'll do.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 9:14 am
by jp1885

Ivy pauses, tutting in irritation.

“What the devil got into all of you?” she asks Jerry. “Which way shall we go? To the right?”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 11:52 am
by Philulhu
William is still insane for now and determined to leave. The only obvious exit from the cavern is straight across the cavern from where you entered so that’s where you’ll want to head next. I’ll let you describe how you encounter any obstacles or creatures that get in your way.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 3:36 am
by Mr. Handy

William keeps running, heading for the exit at the far end of the cavern, avoiding the ape creatures if he can.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 5:22 am
by Silver Priest

"You fool," Alex mutters in frustration, then--reluctantly-- follows. If any of the apes go to attack William, he will shoot.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 6:26 am
by Bullfrog
"Right, lady, right!" Jerry replies, too hurried to argue against Ivy's suggestion; he still had bullets in his gun and a firebomb in his coat pocket, and unless those horrible monsters or apes gave him no other choice, he would not be retreating to the surface yet. Besides, if he left Lawrence's friends to die, how would he learn the truth?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 11:55 am
by Philulhu
CON rolls:

Alex (18) 1d20
William (11) 1d201d20


William raced across the cavern, sending the creatures squealing as they scampered out of the way to avoid him. With Alex close behind, he plunged into the tunnel beyond, quickly finding himself at another fork, where he turned right and ran into a dark and fetid chamber that stank of filth and odour. In corners, he could see movement as the degenerate ape-like creatures shifted warily, protecting their young, looking as if they were preparing to attack…

A long passageway lead off to the right which Ivy and Jerry quickly ran down until they reached a fork. Both passageways were dark but the left was silent, whereas from the right, a faint crying noise could be heard.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 1:52 pm
by jp1885

Ivy jerks her head towards the sound of crying.

“That could be William,” she whispers. “Let’s go that way.”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 5:52 am
by Mr. Handy

Who is more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him?
William runs onward, trying to find a way out of this place. If there is no other exit from this chamber, he turns around and tries the other fork.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 6:43 am
by Silver Priest

Alex continues to trail after William--reluctantly. His gun is out and primed to fire.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 9:54 pm
by Bullfrog
"Or it could be something else." Jerry rushes through the passage on the right with his gun raised, hoping he could catch whatever lay on the other end of the tunnel by surprise.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 10:20 pm
by jp1885

Tutting at the man’s hotheadedness but keen not to get left behind, Ivy follows.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 1:05 am
by Philulhu
Ivy and Jerry could feel them temperature change as the entered the cavern at the end of the right fork, like a steam bath but with a dank, musky smell. As they progressed into the cavern, they could see a humid mist descending from the ceiling curling around a number of translucent yellow pods that hung like stalactites.

One of the pods appeared to have burst open like an over-ripe fruit but the others were intact. As their lights played over the surfaces of the pods, they realised that something living was within - some abhorrent serpent creatures which looked to have taken the form of man…

OOC:   SAN check please (0/1d6).  

Alex (18) 1d20
William (11) 1d20

Degenerate 1d100
Damage (1d3-1) 1d6 (That’s 1 point of damage. You’re welcome to try to dodge but would need to match the attacking creatures extreme success).

Spotting an opening on the left, William ran through the chamber and out the other side. He stumbled as he did so, almost falling into on of the malodorous nests that lay in his path. The female ape-creature protecting her young snarled and sharp claws ripped through William’s trouser leg…
OOC:   How will Alex respond?  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 2:51 am
by Bullfrog
Sanity 49: 1d100

"Christ almighty..."
All things considered, Jerry reacts to this unusual sight with uncharacteristic calmness, inspecting the creatures as his headlamp shines over them. At least these things weren't awake and trying to murder him, although it looked like one of the serpents must have escaped its... Bed? That was just another thing in this subterranean hell that probably wanted him dead.
"Wrong way. Let's take the other fork, or better yet, leave this god-damned cave while we still can."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:36 am
by Silver Priest

Seeing the creature was only trying to protect its own hideous family, Alex hesitates. He will fire only if it continues to chase William and attempts to do him harm. Otherwise, he will try to follow William further on, trying to give as wide a berth to the creature as possible. If he draws its ire and it comes towards him, he will fire.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:47 am
by Mr. Handy

William takes the hit and keeps running.

Dodge roll (22% / 5 = 4.5% skill) to avoid getting hit:

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 10:36 am
by jp1885

[88] = 88
SAN 69 1d100: [ 88 ] = 88
SAN loss
1d6: [ 2 ] = 2
SAN to 67

“Oh dear Lord, they’re still alive!”
Tearing her horrified gaze from the open pod, Ivy readily agrees with Jerry’s assessment.
“Y-yes, we should go. One of them is on the loose…”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 12:39 am
by Philulhu
CON rolls:

Alex (18) 1d20
William (11) 1d20

His leg stinging, William ran past the ‘nest’ and down the tunnel with Alex following doggedly behind. They found themselves in another room of ‘nests’, but this time the intent of the inhabitants seemed more aggressive from the start…

Ivy and Jerry retreated back down the corridor to the fork, where the crying noise could be heard from the other passage.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 1:08 am
by Mr. Handy

William keeps running, though he is starting to get winded.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 4:23 am
by Silver Priest

Puffing, Alex realizes he can't catch up to William, and he appears unwilling to listen to reason. Now they were in another room of these creatures, and the lawyer was charging ahead once again. By the time Alex could catch him they would both be hopelessly lost and in hostile territory. Not to mention Ivy and their other new companion were somewhere down here, and the further away from them he got the least likely he would find them once again.If he kept chasing after William all of them may very well die.

So, he couldn't. Because sometimes you could not save everyone.

Stopping in his tracks, Alex reluctantly turns away from William and starts to retrace his steps as he tries to quickly hurry out of this place. He holds his gun in front of him for protection, ready to fire if he needs to. Hopefully the lawyer would come to his senses, but he couldn't risk saving him if it meant killing them all.But he knows that chances are good that he just signed William's death warrant, and that will be yet another sin he will have to try and live with.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 10:56 am
by jp1885

Still somewhat shaken, Ivy leads Jerry towards to sobbing sound. No wonder whoever it was was crying!

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 6:14 am
by Bullfrog
Jerry follows Ivy's lead, shutting his light off and pressing against the wall as he approaches the sobbing sound.

Sneak 60%: 1d100

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 12:23 am
by Philulhu
William found himself alone in another small cave. The animalistic smell was still present, but thankfully none of the creatures were here.

Ahead of him, the cave narrowed to a tunnel. Behind him were the caves where the creatures lived, where Alex had abandoned him to his fate…

OOC:   William can take stock of his situation and calm himself so he will no longer be running uncontrollably. He is still suffering from claustrophobia however, so will try to avoid enclosed spaces and will still want to return to the surface as soon as possible.  

Alex found himself in trouble very quickly. Ivy had taken the lantern and, once he and William had separated, he found himself in near darkness, listening to the ape creatures shuffling around him…

Keeper Roll: 1d100

As Ivy and Jerry moved towards the end of the tunnel, they could see it opened out into a lit room, from which steamy, perfumed air rolled along the corridor. Across from where they stood, they could see an square alcove set into the wall, with thick iron bars keeping some ape creatures and Josh Winscott locked up!

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:49 am
by Silver Priest

Realizing there was little light around him, Alex is beginning to wish he thought this through. But he couldn't turn back now. William was likely even further ahead, and had proven incapable of reason. He needed to get out of here, and hope to find the others.

Hearing the creatures around him, Alex is uncertain what to do. But he reasons that they can see in the dark and are already a bit leery of him; indeed, they seemed protective of their pack but not overtly hostile. The only way he is likely to find Ivy again is by making a racket anyway, which hopefully would have the secondary goal of keeping the apes frightened of him enough for the detective to retrace his steps and slowly make his way back out of here.

So, standing as tall as he can, he begins to incoherently shout and make a racket as he starts to back out using what little light he could see, reasoning these creatures may react similarly to bears. He keeps a close grip on his gun, just in case anyone thinks to attack him, but hopefully he won't need to use it.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 7:03 am
by Mr. Handy

William catches his breath and proceeds more stealthily ahead along the tunnel, hoping it leads out of this place.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 10:58 am
by jp1885

“Oh my; Mr. Winscott I presume?” says Ivy, eschewing Jerry’s caution and approaching the cages.

She inspects the alcove to see how the prisoners are locked in, and if Winscott is held separately from the ape creatures, whom she is reluctant to release!

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 2:36 pm
by Philulhu
William moved forwards through the tunnel and soon found himself in yet another small cave, albeit more elongated than the last. By the light of his headlamp he could see a tunnel ahead and two more to his left.

Keeper Roll: 1d100

His own yells and the agitated responses of the degenerate ape creatures echoed from the walls of the cave, further disorientating Alex in the darkness…

OOC:   Which direction is Alex moving? Having abandoned William he walked out of the passage and into the previous cavern. Is he moving to the left, right or straight ahead?

Can I also have a luck roll, please.  

Joshua Winscott looked up at Ivy through the bars. His gaze was uncomprehending - his fractured mind unable to process what was happening to him.

Before she could speak further, Ivy heard a voice from her right. “Another of the ape creaturesss! Have you come to ressscue thisss one? I’m afraid hisss mind isss broken!” Turning to see who spoke, Ivy was horrified to see the creature before her - a serpentine beast that stood upright like a man, dressed in white robes!

With three of the pale apes beside him, he looked at her in the same curious way that an animal might look at something when judging whether or not to eat, or not…

OOC:   SAN check, please.  

Caught on the hop, Jerry could only watch as Ivy ran into the room and across to the page. He heard Ivy speak to Winscott, then heard another voice from an unseen part of the room which caused her to jerk around with a grimace of horror on her face…

OOC:   If you wish to hear what was said, roll Listen.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 4:03 pm
by jp1885

[61] = 61
SAN 67 1d100: [ 61 ] = 61

Ivy is startled, but not surprised by the snake creature’s appearance, given the ruptured pod.

She takes a deep breath, fighting to stop herself shaking.

“Not surprising, given the circumstances. My name is Ivy Ripley. T-to whom do I have the honour of addressing?”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:07 pm
by Silver Priest
OOC:   Can I roll INT to see if Alex remembers which way he came in all this confusion to see if he can retrace his steps?  
1d100 Luck 75

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:36 pm
by Philulhu
It will require a hard INT roll.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 11:18 pm
by Silver Priest

1d100 Hard int 38

Try as he might, Alex can't remember which way he came. Slowly, he starts moving straight, reasoning it will lead to a main cavern at some point. He just hopes he avoids the apes until then.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 6:23 am
by Mr. Handy

William examines the tunnel entrances, looking for signs of recent passage.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 3:01 pm
by Bullfrog
Jerry remains pressed against the wall, slowing his breathing as he listens in on what's being said.

Listen 25%: 1d100

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 7:53 pm
by Philulhu
William studied the floor where he stood. It seemed that all three routes were regularly used, showing faint marks that resembled simian footprints, along with some larger, more human-like in among them.

Alex stepped forward carefully, his questing fingertips catching the rock wall in front of him. By his feet, there was a ’crack!’ as something snapped under his foot. He wanted it to be a branch, but he was pretty sure it was bone, and something stirred by his leg…

OOC:   I assume that Alex is walking with his hand in front of him, otherwise he’s likely to break his nose…

Left or right?  

The white-robed beast’s tongue flickered out, as if tasting the air in the manner of a lizard. “I am S’syaa-H’risss, a ssscientissst. And what isss your name, ssspecimen?” he asked.

Ivy had jumped a mile when she was addressed and had spun around looking very pale. Jerry couldn’t make out the words but whoever was speaking sounded like a leaking tyre…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 8:42 pm
by Silver Priest

Deciding that that was definitely a stick, Alex does his best to continue moving forward and trying to seem intimidating. He attempts to head right.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:05 pm
by jp1885

"Specimen eh? Is that what we are to you?" Ivy replies, suddenly affronted. "How long have you been sleeping in your pod? I think you'll find Mankind can be a formidable foe these days."

She pauses, forcing her anger to subside. This creature holds all the cards, perhaps it's best not to antagonise it too much. Although, with a well-armed Jerry presumably hiding in the shadows, maybe there's one card the creature doesn't hold..."

"As I said, my name is Ivy Ripley. Your servants-" and here she nods towards the albino apes flanking the creature, "-dragged me here against my will. Most bothersome; but it did give me a chance to admire your wall carvings. A fascinating and ancient history - you must view us as doltish interlopers, hm? Much as we view your tiresome servants."

She forces herself to look the creature in the eye. If she can establish some sort of parity, perhaps it will see her as less of a specimen...

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:26 am
by Mr. Handy

William proceeds down the tunnel straight ahead.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 4:14 pm
by Bullfrog
Jerry now knew exactly where the denizen of the opened sac was, and he wasn't going to be taking any chances by letting that ancient, awful thing live any longer.

Jerry lights his firebomb, rushes down the corridor, and hurls it at Ivy's conversation partner!

Tbrow 25%: 1d100

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 1:17 am
by Philulhu
Moving straight on, William found himself in the larger corridor, near the deep pit that he and Jerry had skirted around earlier.

An opening in the wall opposite lead to, he knew, the room with the unholy organ where they had seen the tall, deathly creatures that had earlier caused him to flee.

To his left, there were two tunnels leading deeper into the caverns but to the right was the way out, the way out of this godless place and he so wanted to be out of here… …

OOC:   William has free will but the urge to leave is very strong. Doing anything other than heading for the exit will require a POW roll.  

Keeper Roll: 1d100

Alex moved to the right, carefully exploring in front of him with his hand and foot. He caught something and there was a snarl and a sharp pain creased his thigh, but whatever it was, it wasn’t deep enough to cause a serious wound.

OOC:   Keeper Roll 1d100  

OOC:   Keeper roll 1d100  
Ivy would never know whether her attempt to be seen as an equal had succeeded for, at that moment, Jerry charged into the room and threw something at S’syaa-H’risss. It sailed past him and burst against the wall, spraying burning liquid all over the retorts and vials of strange concoctions that littered the serpent man’s work bench behind him, which promptly ignited in a fireball that engulfed S’syaa-H’risss and his degenerate helpers and send sent shards of glass, retort stands and other detritus flying across the room… …

OOC:   Damage:

S’syaa-H’risss 3d6
Degenerate ape creature #1 3d6
Degenerate ape creature #2 3d6
Degenerate ape creature #3 3d6

Ivy 2d6
Jerry 1d6
Winscott 2d6

If you take damage equivalent to more than half your hit points, roll CON to remain conscious.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 4:14 am
by Silver Priest

Deciding not to risk further antagonizing whatever that was, Alex tries to go around whatever he had gotten caught on. He readies his gun in case anything tries to attack him.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 5:12 am
by Bullfrog
"You son of a bitch! This is the age of man, you god-damned reptile!" Jerry roars, bleeding profusely from having his front half torn up by shrapnel yet taking it remarkably well, and starts emptying his gun into the burning serpent!

Handgun 50%: 1d100

Damage 1d10+2: 1d10+2

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 5:37 am
by Mr. Handy

Sighing with relief, William takes the opportunity to get out of here.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:32 am
by Philulhu
Sorry, forgot to ask you for a SAN check for seeing the lizard man.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:34 am
by jp1885

Ivy took exactly half damage. I hope that’s enough to stay conscious?

Crying out in pain and peppered with glass shards, Ivy staggers back from the explosion. Face contorted with rage, throws herself to one side to avoid Jerry’s gunfire.

“You imbecile!” she yells.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 12:39 pm
by Philulhu
CON check required, if you’ve lost half your HP in one go.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 12:50 pm
by jp1885

[43] = 43
CON 65 1d100: [ 43 ] = 43

Despite her injuries, Ivy remains conscious.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 2:52 pm
by Bullfrog
Sanity 49: 1d100

As it would happen, inhuman monsters aren't so terrifying when you incinerate them.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 5:57 pm
by Philulhu
William was able to quickly get past the pit and headed towards the exit at the other end of the cavern, entering the tunnel and making his way back towards the house.

With one hand on the wall, Alex stepped carefully forward, finding himself in a what seemed to be an alcove, before following the wall into a what felt like a tunnel. Half a dozen steps further and the space opened up again, although it was still almost pitch black…

Smoke and a sharp, acrid smell filled the space. As it started to clear, Jerry could see that his shot had caught the lizard man in the chest, leaving him slumped across the workbench in a spreading pool of blood. The ape creatures were in an equally bad way. The face of one had been shredded by flying glass and the other two lay on the floor, flames licking at their fur.

In the caged alcove, Winscott sat unmoving, oblivious to the flames running up his arm. The remain degenerate creatures with whom he shared his cage screamed as their own fur burned…

OOC:   SAN check please, for experiencing the after-effects of the explosion.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 6:53 pm
by jp1885

[50] = 50
SAN 67 1d100: [ 50 ] = 50

Ivy coughs, wincing in pain as she plucks an embedded piece of debris out of her arm.

“That’s one way of dealing with the situation I suppose…”

She rushes over to the cage.

“Jerry, help me release Winscott! We can’t leave him here!”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:07 pm
by Bullfrog
Sanity 49: 1d100

"This has got to be the worst day of my life." Jerry mutters to himself, momentarily reminded of a burning building in Atlantic City, and moves to free Winscott from the cage before the fire can spread any further. Things had gone to hell in a handbasket, but at least the worst of it had happened to that awful serpent-thing and its apes.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:09 pm
by Silver Priest

Alex is beginning to regret his selfishness. It's increasingly looking more likely that he will die alone down here, without finding the others. All because he had decided it was easier to leave William to his fate.

Summoning his courage, he continues to feel at the wall and make his way through the tunnel and beyond, attempting to continue going straight.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 4:54 am
by Mr. Handy

William looks around for a telephone.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 10:01 am
by Philulhu
William moved through the tunnel quickly, finding the tunnel that lead to the climb, where he was relieved to see the rope was still there. As he studied the ascent, a faint ‘Boom!’ could be heard from deep in the cave system…

OOC:   Sorry, my description should have been clearer. You’re not out just yet - I’m moving you in turns so the timeline doesn’t get all out of shape again.
You’ll need a climb roll to get up the rope.  

Again, Alex found himself in an empty space. He couldn’t hear anything immediately around him but knew that anything could be stood in the dark, unmoving, and just waiting for him to come within reach…

As he stood trying to get his bearings, the silence was suddenly broken by a loud ‘Boom! that echoed through the cave system…

OOC:   Listen roll, please.  

The cage was only held shut with a latch and it was the work of seconds to open it, but even as the door was opened and the degenerate creatures scampered free and up the tunnel, rolling in the dirt to extinguish their burning fur, Joshua Winscott sat stock-still, oblivious to their presence, even to the flames that blackened his clothes and caused the skin at his neck to blister and peel.

Behind them, a retort burst on the burning workbench, sending thick choking fumes into the already smoke-filled air.

OOC:   CON check please.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 10:16 am
by jp1885

[17] = 17
CON 65 1d100: [ 17 ] = 17

Ivy coughs but manages not to choke on the increasing fumes.

“C’mon, let’s get him out of here.”

She attempts to manhandle the senseless Winscott out of the chamber. While the need to flee is intense, she cannot leave the man to his fate; mind broken or not.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 5:41 pm
by Bullfrog
CON 11 × 5 (55%): 1d100

Jerry tries to say something, but breaks into a violent coughing fit as he hurriedly tries to put out the fire on Winscott.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:58 pm
by Silver Priest

1d100 Listen 70

Alex hears the loud boom and is unsure whether he should go towards or away from the explosion. After a moment of indecision, he decides that it was better to go towards it given he was hopelessly lost anyway. Perhaps the others had heard it and would head in the same direction, and they could find one another. He does his best to head in the sound's general direction.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 11:54 pm
by Mr. Handy

William tries to climb up the rope, but he isn't making any progress.
Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the rope:

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 12:25 am
by Philulhu
How is Jerry trying to put out the flames?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 3:15 am
by Bullfrog
Jerry wears gloves, so I was wondering if it would be possible to pat the fire out.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 8:30 pm
by Philulhu
Try as he might, William couldn’t ascend the rope. As it turned out, climbing up was a lot more difficult than climbing down…

Following his instincts (and the noise), Alex shuffled forwards, hands out in front of him, searching in the darkness for something but at the same time, fearful for what he might find…

OOC:   Can I have Luck and DEX rolls please.  

Jerry quickly patted out the flames on Joshua Winscott. He could feel the heat through his gloves but they protected his own hands from any damage.

Despite everything, Winscott didn’t move. Thick smoke continued to pour from whatever was burning on the bench…

OOC:   It’s going to take a successful strength check from at least one of you to get Winscott moving and to keep him moving, otherwise he will just stand still.

Jerry is choking on the smoke and takes a point of damage. Both roll CON again, please.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 8:54 pm
by Silver Priest

Trying to bury the fear, Alex attempts to get into the mindset of a soldier once again. He has an objective and he needs to accomplish it.

1d100 Luck 75

1d100 Dex 55

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 9:17 pm
by jp1885

[21] = 21
CON 65 1d100: [ 21 ] = 21

[85] = 85
STR 40 1d100: [ 85 ] = 85

Ivy manages to steel herself against the fumes, but is unable to shift Winscott.

She turns to Jerry, huffing in frustration.

"Well? Stop coughing and give me a hand: otherwise we'll have to leave him. If we hang around any longer we'll be done for!"

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 10:36 pm
by Bullfrog
Strength 13×5 (65%): 1d100

Constitution 11×5 (55%) 1d100

"Damn it, woman, I'm trying!" Jerry growls in frustration, but in his anger he summons up enough strength to forcibly drag Winscott out of the smoke-filled room.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 4:56 am
by Mr. Handy

William tries again, but he's still not making enough progress.
Climb roll (40% base skill) climbing the rope again:

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:30 pm
by jp1885

Ivy nods curtly and does her best to assist Jerry with dragging the unresponsive Winscott out of the chamber.

“Now we must find our way out of here,” she grumbles.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:52 am
by Philulhu
William’s hands were red raw from trying to climb the rope. He realised that he wasn’t going to be able to climb up without help.

To his great relief, Alex’s fingers brushed the stone wall in front of him, providing some much needed reassurance that he wasn’t just walking forever in the dark.

The only decision now was to head left or to head right…

With their help Winscott stumbled out of the smoke-filled room and along the corridor. As they reached the junction where the second tunnel ran down towards the room with the hanging pods, they heard a tearing noise and the sound of a sudden gout of liquid hitting the floor…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 2:21 am
by Mr. Handy

William waits at the bottom of the cliff, his weapons ready, and keeps an eye on the tunnel. The only way he'll get out of here is if the others catch up to him.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 5:07 am
by Silver Priest

OOC:   Can Alex determine with his Listen success which way the loud explosion came from? If he's not sure, he'll stick with the right path. Heck, it's right in the name!  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 9:22 am
by Philulhu
Not really. He just knows that the explosion came from somewhere in direction in which he is travelling.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 10:19 am
by jp1885

Ivy looks down the tunnel towards the pod chamber and shudders. Thankfully the explosion behind her focuses her attention.

“As much as I’d like to suggest we firebomb those pods, perhaps the need to get out of here is more urgent. Therefore we must press on. I only hope Alex and William can find their way out too.”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 1:30 am
by Bullfrog
"That was the only one I had, anyways, so if anything else tries to come after us, we'll have to make a run for it." Jerry says, wiping blood, sweat, and soot from his face as he leads Winscott down the tunnel. As far as he knew, those two hulking creatures he'd seen earlier were still out and about in the tunnels, and he didn't like the odds even when everyone was still together and unharmed.
"I hope you know the way out of here, because I don't like taking chances when I'm bleeding like a stuck pig."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 10:53 am
by jp1885

Ivy nods, suddenly mindful of her own injuries.

“Indeed, I too am somewhat inconvenienced. I shall endeavour to remember the way out; I’m in no mood to linger!”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 11:19 am
by Philulhu

Above his head, William saw a flashlight playing across the ceiling, before it moved closer and he found it shone in his eyes. “Hey, buddy. What you doing down there? Are you Winscott?”

Moving to the right, Alex found that the wall came to a corner, which, as far as the detective could tell, lead down a short passage to another open area. In the darkness, he could hear a snuffling noise and smell the musky stink of the ape creatures…

OOC:   Given that Alex has been blundering around in the dark for a little while now, let’s have a SAN check to see how he’s feeling.  

Ivy and Jerry continued up the corridor away from the smoke-filled room and the wet, slurping noise. Winscott seemed incapable of independent movement and required their constant help to keep stumbling forward.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 4:54 pm
by jp1885

Wincing in pain, Ivy struggles with Jerry to keep Winscott moving: dragging the comatose man along if necessary.

“We should get to the music room and hope those creatures have gone,” she suggests.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 7:48 pm
by Mr. Handy

"No, I'm William Preston," calls William, squinting in the sudden glare. "Jerry Gilman and I came down here looking for Winston. His brother and I know each other, and he's a friend of Winston's family. We came here to meet him at four to check out these tunnels for him, but he was already gone when we arrived. We thought he might have gone ahead of us, but we didn't find him. We ran into a couple other friends of ours who were looking into some inheritance issues about the house, but we got separated."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 8:47 pm
by Silver Priest

An open area gave him more room to maneuver, which Alex chose to interpret as a positive. More of those creatures were around, but hopefully they would leave him alone. They did not seem inherently hostile, at least, and making a bit of noise had seemed to keep them at bay so far. And he had his gun, if needed. He presses on into the open area.

1d100 san 55

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:29 am
by Bullfrog
"I haven't got a better idea. When we get out of here, I'm gonna come back down with dynamite. That'll clean this place out real well..." Jerry trails off, mumbling to himself some half-baked scheme to collapse the caverns and kill everything in them. As he leads Winscott down the tunnel, Jerry keeps his eyes peeled for any creatures waiting in the darkness; lacking a firebomb as insurance, he's a lot more concerned about potential ambushes.

Spot Hidden 55%: 1d100

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:52 am
by Philulhu

“We had a call from a Detective Reynolds. Is he down there with you?” The light didn’t move from William’s eyes.

As Alex shuffled forwards, he felt squirm something under his foot. There was a sudden squeal and he felt claws rake his shin.

Around him, in the darkness, he could hear things moving, with a warning, hissing, sound…

OOC:   Lose one HP for the claw attack. Can I have a spot hidden roll, please?  

Pushing and pulling at Winscott, Ivy and Jerry bundled him along the passage until they came to a point where it forked left and right.

OOC:   I’ll take a KNOW or Navigate roll, if you don’t recall (without looking back your earlier posts ;)) which way to go.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:40 am
by jp1885

[4] = 4
INT 55 1d100: [ 4 ] = 4

Ivy, no doubt driven by their dire situation, is able to direct Jerry in the right direction.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:20 am
by Philulhu
OOC:   Ivy knows that turning right is the correct way to go. Turning left would take them back to the room with the gigantic snake statue where the men took a strange turn earlier.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:35 pm
by jp1885

“We need to turn right,” Ivy announces. “Otherwise we’ll end up back at that temple and I can’t have you going all silly on me again.”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:22 pm
by Silver Priest

Alex lets out a hiss at the attack, though hopefully it was more the startled reaction of an animal than a prelude to worse. Heart pounding, he makes loud noises and just tries to appear intimidating to scare the creatures away.

1d100 Spot Hidden 75

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"Alex Reynolds was with me," says William as he tries to treat his wound. "I came across him and Miss Ivy Ripley down here, but we got separated. There are some dangerous animals in these tunnels."
First Aid roll (50% skill) treating my injury:

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:34 am
by Bullfrog
"Try not to talk. Those things can probably hear better than us." Jerry whispers, before going dead silent, as he follows Ivy's presumably trustworthy lead down the passage to the right. Oddly enough, he wasn't in much of an argumentative mood. He missed not fearing for his own life.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:19 pm
by Philulhu

The light moved away from William and shone down the tunnel behind him. “Stand aside, please. We’re coming down,” said one of the officers, who took ahold of the rope and started climbing down.

Once both officers were on his level, the second officer said to William, “Ok, you gonna lead the way?”

Alex realised that that he could actually see something, that he was no longer feeling his way around in complete darkness, but he could see a faint glow outlining the way out of this space! Probably a dozen yards or more and he’d be free!

Turning to the right, Ivy and Jerry kept Winscott moving, not letting him rest. If they stopped for just a moment, he would come to halt, trying to sit down on the floor, just staring blankly into the distance, his mind fractured from his ordeal…
OOC:   Listen roll, please.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:31 pm
by jp1885

[52] = 52
Listen 50 d%: [ 52 ] = 52

Ivy pauses... what was that? Hmm... nothing...

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:40 pm
by Silver Priest

Hope filling him, the detective hurries on ahead, praying that this leads out. But then he frowns. Even if it does, he still needs to find Ivy and Lawrence's brother. William too may still be somewhere out there, if he had not blundered to his death.

First things first, he decides. He would ascertain if this was a way out and find a way to mark it. Then he would plan his next move and how to rescue the others.
OOC:   The exclamation marks lead me to think this is dramatic irony and Alex is walking towards his death. :p  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:25 pm
by Bullfrog
Listen 25%: 1d100

Jerry's ears are still ringing from the explosion.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:46 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yeah, it's this way," says William, heading back the way he had come. "Alex was behind me when we were running away from the beasts, but he stopped following me at some point. I'd have your weapons drawn, but we should hold our fire until we're sure, and only shoot if the animals get hostile. We don't want to hit our friends."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 6:46 am
by Philulhu

The officers were letting William lead the way but he didn’t need to look back to tell they had rolled their eyes at that last remark.

“Are you from round here?” the first officer asked as they walked. “I think I’d have remembered if I’d seen you around town.”

Alex emerged from the tunnel into the central cavern, which glowed with the light from the unearthly lichen. Ahead of him, he recognised the entrance to the space that housed the strange organ with the shrunken human heads and off to the right was the way that he and William had first come in. Of his friends, however, there was no sign.

Tripping over a fledgling stalagmite, Winscott fell to the floor. He didn’t moan or cry out, he just lay there, blood running from a cut on his forehead.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 9:25 am
by jp1885

[69] = 69
STR 40 1d100: [ 69 ] = 69

“Oh come on you foolish man!” Ivy yells, venting her frustration at Winscott as she tries and fails to haul him to his feet.
She turns to Jerry.
“We shouldn’t leave him.”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 10:03 pm
by Silver Priest

Relieved he can see somewhere he recognizes-- and relieved that he can even see at all-- Alex accesses the situation. Not wanting to encounter the head orchestra again,he heads to the right. He's beginning to fear finding Ivy and Jerry once again may prove impossible. And what would he tell them if he did? He had abandoned William to a grizzly fate, just like those men back at the field hospital. Maybe he deserved to get lost down here and set upon by these creatures.

No time for self flagellation now, though. He presses onward.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"No, I'm from Boston," says William. "I'm a friend of Lawrence Gilman, Jerry Gilman's brother. Lawrence wasn't able to come here in response to Mr. Winston's letter, so the two of us came."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 3:38 am
by Bullfrog
STR 13×5 (65%): 1d100

"So much for being quiet. While we're talking, do you know how to patch up an injury?" Jerry harshly whispers as he strains to pull Winscott back up to his feet. He wasn't sure how those creatures navigated down here in the dark, but he imagined that they knew fresh blood when they smelled it...

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 1:15 pm
by jp1885

[4] = 4
First aid 65 1d100: [ 4 ] = 4

Spurred on by the noxious explosions behind her and the thought of those terrible creatures scenting blood, Ivy quickly and effectively binds Winscott’s wounds.

Her own injuries will have to wait.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 12:10 am
by Philulhu

As they headed back into the caves, one of the officers shown his flashlight on William’s gun. You expecting trouble?” he asked.

Alex made his way along the narrow ledge to the side of the pit, heading for the way he knew to lead out. Suddenly, up ahead, he could hear voices from the tunnel in the corner… …

OOC:   You could try a Listen roll to hear more or there’s the entrances to the room Alex came from or the Organ room nearby.  

Pushing Winscott a bit further, they came to another fork in the tunnel. Which was the best way to go?! Left or Right?!

OOC:   Without referring back to your earlier entries, which way are you going to go?  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 5:47 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, I am," says William. "One of the animals injured me slightly earlier when I was trying to get out of here. I didn't fire at it, though, just ran past it."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 8:48 am
by Silver Priest

Alex strains to hear the voices and identify them.

1d100 Listen 70

Regardless, he begins to call out, reasoning that the voices were unlikely to be those dreadful apes, who had shown no ability to do much more than snarl by this point.


Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:16 am
by jp1885

“We kind of stuck to the right coming in, so shall we head left going out?” Ivy whispers.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2022 2:41 am
by Bullfrog
EDU 12×5 (60%): 1d100

Jerry recalls the right way, if only barely.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2022 6:56 pm
by Philulhu

William emerged into a wider area which he recognised as the large central cavern where he had skirted the pit earlier. To his left, he heard a voice from the darkness, a human voice that called out, ”Hello?”

OOC:   Just waiting to hear if you get a response to your call…  

Ivy and Jerry seemed unsure which was the best way to go. Winscott just stood there, waiting… …

OOC:   Bullfrog - I didn’t allow your Know roll as I wanted you to try to remember which way you’d come rather than your character ;)

Can I have a Listen roll, please?  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2022 10:07 pm
by jp1885

[40] = 40
Listen 50 1d100: [ 40 ] = 40

Ivy hears something.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 3:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"Alex, is that you?" calls William, shining his light in that direction. "It's me, William! The police are with me!"

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 7:48 am
by Philulhu
Alex saw a flashlight shine in his direction and heard a familiar voice! "Alex, is that you? It's me, William! The police are with me!"

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 9:04 pm
by Silver Priest

feels visible relief when he hears William's voice, secretly glad he had not condemned the lawyer to a horrific death. What's even better, he apparently had regained his sanity as well!

"Yes, it's me!" He hurries into the light. "I'm so glad to see you. I've been unable to find the others but have been looking for them.

"I'm sorry that I stopped following you
," He tells William somberly. "But you were not in your right mind and I feared getting hopelessly lost if I continued to pursue you. I understand that's small comfort and you can--and should-- judge me harshly for it, but do know that I'm relieved to know you're alright."

"You say the police are with you
?" His eyes widen.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 3:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yeah, two officers came down here looking for you," says William. "I ran into them on my way out of here. I guess I abandoned you too when I took leave of my senses and fled, so let's just call it even."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 5:48 am
by Bullfrog
Llisten 25%: 1d100

"I think left is the way to go. If it isn't, we can just turn around, assuming something isn't following us." Jerry whispers, completely unaware of a sound somewhere in the distance as he looks over his own shoulder several times.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 4:41 pm
by Philulhu

Roll #11d100
Damage #1 1d6+2d6
Roll #2 1d100
Damage #2 1d6+2d6
Roll #3 1d100

William saw a look of confusion pass over Alex’s face but before he could ask what the problem was, he felt movement behind him. One of the police patrolmen gave out a sudden ear-piercing scream before the second collapsed next to him, his face a bloody mess…

OOC:   SAN roll, please.  

Over William’s shoulder, Alex saw the patrol men emerging from the darkness, shining their flashlights in his direction. There were three of them, which struck him as odd as he knew they usually went out in twos. As he tried to process this, he realised that the third figure wasn’t a patrol man after all - it was one of the hideous creatures they had seen earlier!

As realisation dawned, the figure struck, its hideous head darting forward and sinking its teeth into the neck of one the patrolman, causing him to scream in ear-piecing agony. His buddy tried to turn but the creature was too fast, and he collapsed to the floor, blood pouring from deep rents that opened up the flesh across his face…

OOC:   SAN roll, please.  

As Jerry made to push Winscott along the left hand path, Ivy heard a noise from that direction. A moment later, she saw a tall, dark shadow start to stretch across to the wall towards them as a figure made its way through the tunnel… ...

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 8:30 pm
by Silver Priest

1d100 san 55

Horrified by the sight, Alex retains his composure enough to raise his gun and attempt to fire at the creature.

1d100 Firearms 1d100

1d10 damage

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 9:27 pm
by jp1885

Ivy stops dead in her tracks. Her arm snaps up, palm flat, signalling Jerry to stop.

“Something’s coming…” she hisses.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:33 am
by Mr. Handy

Somehow, William manages to keep it together.
Sanity roll (current level 37) in the cavern:

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 8:22 am
by Bullfrog
Jerry wanted to run for his life, truth be told, leaving Ivy and Winscott to get torn to shreds by whatever was coming down that tunnel. However, it was about time he did something with his life, even if "something" was an ill-advised sacrifice. It's not like he had much to go back to, anyways.
"Run, or don't; I'm staying right here." Jerry stands, steadfast, and readies himself to fire at the approaching figure. He'd already injured one of the creatures and assuming that there was only two of them, there was a fifty-fifty chance that this was the one that had caught that bullet earlier. That was something to hope for, at least.

Oh, the joys of using a temporary character.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:20 pm
by jp1885

Ivy emits a grunt of extreme exasperation as Jerry leaves her to manage Winscott on her own.

“There’s no need for foolish heroics man!” she snaps. “I can’t move this dolt alone: we should retreat and take the right-hand passage.”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 6:19 am
by Bullfrog
It is remarkably easy to talk Jerry off of this metaphorical ledge, as it would happen.
"If we have to run, I'm leaving this bastard behind..."
He steps back and grabs Winscott by the arm, forcefully leading the travel writer down the tunnel as fast as he can manage with his nasty burns and shrapnel injuries.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 12:29 am
by Philulhu
Already recoiling from the heart-rending shriek of one of the patrolmen, William experienced a further moment of horror as Alex raised his gun. He had a split-seconds realisation that it was aimed beyond him, then the gun went off and he was deafened by the noise…

OOC:   What’s William going to do?  

OOC:   Keeper rolls: 1d100
The snarling creature was rocked back on its heels but the effect was only temporary, as it recovered to leap at Alex, razor sharp claws extended! One swipe missed, but the second was very much on target!

OOC:   Want to attempt a dodge? Or fight back?  

OOC:   Keeper roll: 1d100  

As Jerry pushed Winscott down the right-hand tunnel, he thought that he might trip but he somehow righted himself and kept moving forward. Behind them, however, they could hear the heavy breathing of whatever pursued them, and hampered as they were by Winscott, it seemed they might soon be caught.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 5:19 am
by Mr. Handy

William drops to the ground and turns his head to see what Alex is trying to shoot, pointing his weapon in that direction.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:45 am
by Silver Priest

Alex attempts to dodge, calling on the training he had learned in his collegial boxing team.

1d100 Dodge 49
OOC:   Hoping that is a success!  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 8:13 am
by jp1885

“Confound it!” Ivy huffs to Jerry. “We’ll have to leave Winscott behind, won’t we?”

She rifles through the insensible man’s pockets, in case he’s got something that might be used to aid their retreat.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 6:27 am
by Bullfrog
In response to Ivy's concerns, Jerry dumps Winscott on the ground like a sack of potatoes and darts off down the tunnel, searching for the fork he hadn't taken earlier. While it was possibly the most disturbing thing he had ever imagined, Jerry hoped that that horrible creature would be at least temporarily occupied with killing and presumably eating Winscott.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 12:56 pm
by jp1885

Ivy has the good grace to lay an apologetic hand on Winscott’s shoulder before hurrying after Jerry.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 12:54 am
by Philulhu
William looked around and saw one of the ungodly creatures he’d seen earlier in the organ room. Close up, it was even more terrifying, looming over him, its loathsome bastardisation of a human face with hatred in its eyes as it attacked Alex

OOC:   SAN roll, please.  

Alex only just managed to avoid being gutted by the creature’s claws! He felt his clothes torn and his stomach burned as the tips of the claws scratched his skin but thankfully nothing worse!

Winscott lay on the floor, motionless and eyes wide open, staring at them as they ran away and left him to die… …

OOC:   SAN roll, please, for the knowledge that you have in all probability sacrificed the life of a defenceless man to save yourselves.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 4:51 am
by Mr. Handy

William begins to gibber.
Sanity roll (current level 37) for seeing the creature:

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 6:08 am
by Silver Priest

Avoiding the blow just barely, Alex doesn't think-- he acts. He raises his gun and fires two more shots at the beast.
OOC:   Stats on my gun say I can attack twice a round, but if I'm wrong on that I'll edit. I'm also not sure if I get a bonus for close range here but hopefully that will not be necessary.  
1d100 Attack 1 Firearms 75

1d100 Attack 2 firearms 75

1d10 Damage 1

1d10 Damage 2

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 11:53 am
by jp1885

[26] = 26
SAN 69 1d100: [ 26 ] = 26

It’s a terrible thing to leave poor Winscott to his demise, but Ivy tries to convince herself that a quick death at the hands of a merciless creature is preferable to a long, catatonic existence in an asylum.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 2:58 pm
by Bullfrog
Sanity 49: 1d100

Guilt? What's that? Discretion is the better part of valor, and it's mathematically better for one person to die instead of three.

At least, that's what Jerry's telling himself.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:28 pm
by Philulhu
As William cowered in fear, Alex blew the hideous creature away! It spun around and collapsed to the floor, jerked and lay still, with two large exit wounds decorating its back.

William loses the following Sanity:


The urge to run away returns! He won’t stop until he gets out of here!

Turning their backs on the stricken Winscott, they hurried forward where they came to a fork. Heading straight on lead further along a tunnel but the opening to their right lead through to a bigger space, which had carefully cultivated rows of fungi on the floor…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:12 pm
by Silver Priest

"Burn in hell," Alex mutters, then goes to check the officers to see if either of them remain alive.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:06 pm
by jp1885

Ivy pauses by the cavern entrance.

"I suppose this must be their garden..."

However, any curiosity is tempered by the need to escape this hellish place.

"Horticulture will have to wait I think. Let us press on."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 2:51 am
by Mr. Handy

William scrambles to his feet and flees back the way he had come.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 7:05 pm
by Bullfrog
Jerry didn't have much interest in agricultural pursuits even when he wasn't in fear of his life; he was going to dynamite the entire cave system into rubble once he got the chance, anyways. Jerry passes the fungus cavern by, frantically looking for anything that might lead up and out of the caves; the entrance in Winscott's basement was made by accident and was sealed until recently, so there had to be some other point of exit...

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 12:03 pm
by Philulhu
William hared down the corridor, trying to put as much distance between him and whatever ungodly happenings were occurring behind him…

One the patrolman was dead. His throat had been torn out and he lay in a spreading pool of his own blood, sightless eyes staring at the ceiling. The second patrolman was alive but his face was a mess. Three deep claw marks sliced through his skin, deep enough so that the whiteness of the bone could be seen beneath the blood that seeped out. His eyes were wide and his breath came in short, sharp pants. He was in shock and looked to be on the verge of a heart attack.

A few of the degenerate ape creatures were in the space but they cowered back, sensing Jerry’s mood. Across from the entrance, they spotted the only exit from the cavern, a dark tunnel that lead only God knew where…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 4:25 pm
by jp1885

Still wary of the ape creatures, Ivy motions to Jerry that they should press on; poker held tightly in one hand, lantern in the other.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:07 pm
by Silver Priest

"Stay with me, officer!" Alex says, using his most authoritative voice. He's not a trained medic but can't just let the man die, so tries to at least stabilize him, praying for a miracle.
OOC:   Doubt I can use First Aid here, but if I can I'll default to that since my Medicine is only 5 while First Aid is 30.  
1d100 Medicine 5

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:39 am
by Mr. Handy

William heads for the base of the cliff and the rope as fast as he can.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 4:44 pm
by Bullfrog
With no intention of turning back now, Jerry presses onwards, brandishing his gun at the apes and shooting them a truly evil glare as he passes by.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 7:50 pm
by Philulhu
Ignoring everything, William just ran, finding the turning to the left that he knew would take him out of there!

OOC:   It will take William a couple of rounds to get to the rope.  

OOC:   1d100  
Despite Alex’s efforts, the patrolman’s eyes closed and his body slumped. He was unconscious and possibly dying - Alex couldn’t be sure…

Moving swiftly across the cavernous space, Ivy and Jerry plunged into the tunnel they had spotted. The air was warm and fetid, with a rank, overpowering smell…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 7:56 pm
by jp1885

"I'm guessing we're at chez apeman..." Ivy mutters tartly. "Vigilance is paramount."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 8:23 pm
by Silver Priest

Alex's shoulders slump in defeat as he sees the patrolman fade. He knows he can do nothing else for him. Hopefully he could hold on until help arrived, but Alex was not optimistic.

Forcing himself to rise, he speaks. "It's no good. We should find Ivy and Lawrence's brother and get out of here. If the police are ill equipped to handle this mess, so are we." Seeing that neither cop would gain much use from their pistols-- and being down to one bullet now himself-- he takes both of their guns. Then, he shouts.


Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 4:57 am
by Mr. Handy

William keeps running.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 4:13 pm
by Bullfrog
"Be ready for a fight. Animals don't like it when you waltz around in their house." Jerry observes, recalling some of his brother's hunting advice, before beginning his descent into the foul-smelling tunnel. If only he had made more firebombs...

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 5:11 pm
by Philulhu
William skidded to a halt in front of the rock face. To his relief, the rope was still there!

OOC:   You can have a bonus die to try to climb the rope, given how desperate he is to escape.  

Standing up from having picked up the pistols, Alex realised he was on his own. William had run off again!

They moved forward carefully, coming across a fork in the tunnel. One fork lead right, the other left.

OOC:   Can I have a Listen roll, please?  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 6:08 pm
by jp1885

[19] = 19
Listen 50 1d100: [ 19 ] = 19

Ivy's ears pick something up.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 8:47 pm
by Silver Priest

"We'll need to--" Alex turns around and sees his companion has vanished once again. "Oh, for the love of God!" He wonders briefly how William had survived all their adventures being this skittish. But perhaps that wasn't fair; he was a man of books rather than action.

Alex assumes William has gone to wherever he met the police, which may actually be beneficial in that it prevents more from wandering in here unprepared. He'd like to join him being frank, but he can't leave without the others. Yet he finds himself unable to go after them either at present, given the lack of lighting in much of these caves.

He decides to wait for a few moments, hopeful that he'll get a response from one of the others. If not, he realizes with a heavy heart that he might have to venture deeper into the cave system-- an action that fills him with dread.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:50 am
by Mr. Handy

William tries to scramble up the rope, but without success.
Climb roll (40% base skill) trying to climb the rope:
Bonus die:
That's a failure. Even with the bonus die, it's 45.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:47 am
by Bullfrog
Listen 25%: 1d100

Are ears supposed to ring for that long? Jerry really needs to get his hearing checked.

Sorry for the delay. Had to celebrate some guy's birthday.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 10:17 am
by Philulhu
Try as he might, the necessary skill and upper body strength William needed to escape continued to elude him!

OOC:   William is desperate to escape this place, so what is he going to do?  

Alex stood for a moment, listening out for any noise, or a response to his earlier shout, but none was forthcoming.

Ivy cocked her head and listened. Was that her name she had heard shouted? It was faint, but it sounded like it had come from the direction they were heading. Jerry on the other hand, had heard nothing, but he had been distracted by the movement of the ape creatures in the shadows between the beams of their torches…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 12:07 pm
by jp1885

“This way!” hisses Ivy, rushing off in the direction from which the voice calling her name originated.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:49 pm
by Silver Priest

Alex hoped for a reply, but hardly expected one. If three gunshots hadn't drawn their attention, he doubted a shout could. He waits another moment, working up the courage to continue deeper into the caves, heading in the direction William and the officers were coming from when he had encountered them. But he goes very slowly and carefully, and when and if his vision starts to dim he will reassess.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 11:24 pm
by Mr. Handy

Desperate to escape, William keeps trying to scale the rope.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 1:44 am
by Philulhu
You can try your roll again.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:01 am
by Bullfrog
"Don't even dare... Don't even dare!" Jerry acts as rearguard for Ivy, spitting harshly whispered threats at the apes, both real and imagined, lurking in the shadows. He knew they didn't understand his words, but they'd surely understand the pain and fear a gun produced if they tried anything funny...

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:08 am
by Mr. Handy

William's terror makes up for a lack of skill, and this time he succeeds.
Climb roll (40% base skill) trying again to climb the rope:
Bonus die:

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 12:58 am
by Philulhu
Relief flooded through William as he finally managed to haul himself upwards and over the ledge! Ahead of him, the tunnel lead to freedom!

OOC:   Again, it’s going to take William a couple of rounds or so to get through the tunnels and back to the house.  

Working only by the light given off by the fungus in the cavern, Alex only made it about 20 yards or so before he found himself in virtual darkness, with only a hand on the wall to guide him…

OOC:   Is Alex left- or right-handed? Which hand does he have on the wall?  

Ivy pushed on quickly until she came to a folk in the tunnel. There were snuffling noises and a rank smell coming from both of them.

Jerry followed on behind, grumbling and snarling, cursing under his breath and threatening to shoot anything that got in his way…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 2:41 am
by Mr. Handy

William runs for the tunnel, relieved to have finally gotten up the rope.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 4:28 am
by Silver Priest

Alex's heart drops as vision fades away. He can't continue on. He needs to go and retrieve some sort of light. At the same time however he feels great hesitation at doing so; he doubts the creatures lurking down here would be willing to wait for him to find a light and come back. Never mind he'd have to explain to the police what was going on,which will likely only delay him further.

He has one final hope before he must make a difficult decision. Retracing his steps, he searches both police officers to see if either of them have some sort of lantern or light on them. It was a slim chance but worth a shot.
OOC:   We'll say right handed. He has his left on the wall, right hand holding his gun. He wants his best hand holding his weapon.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 11:20 pm
by jp1885

Ivy pauses at the fork.

“HELLO!” she yells, before turning to Jerry with a shrug.

“They know we’re here anyway…” she mutters, before listening for a response.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 5:43 am
by Bullfrog
"Whatever you say. If things get bad, I'm running again."
While Ivy awaits a response, Jerry takes the opportunity to reload his pistol's magazine with some loose ammunition he'd thrown in his pockets for the journey. He hadn't been keeping count of his shots, but he had no desire to run dry of bullets if one of those horrible creatures paid him another visit.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 10:48 pm
by Philulhu
William saw white bone in the light from his flashlight up ahead and he realised it the was junction where they had found the pile of bones earlier. It wouldn’t be long before he was back in Winscott’s house!

Moving slowly in the darkness, Alex’s fingers found a sudden gap in the wall. Was this the way out? Did he dare turn left or carry on instead?

There was no reply to Ivy’s shout except for a pause in the snuffling noise, which shortly resumed with increased vigour…

OOC:   Which way do you want to go? Left or right?  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 11:10 pm
by Silver Priest

resists the temptation for the moment. First he goes and checks the officer's bodies, just to make sure neither had a flashlight.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 11:40 pm
by Mr. Handy

William keeps running, not able to wait to get out of here.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 8:14 am
by Bullfrog
Emboldened by getting some fresh rounds in his trusty pistol, Jerry decides to take the lead and go left. He'd gone right a few times while entering the caves, so going left seemed like the sensible option on a return trip; Jerry wasn't entirely sure how sound his logic was, and he was by no means a spelunker, but standing still seemed like a worse idea than taking any of the two forks.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:03 am
by jp1885

Ivy follows, alert for any more voices.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 7:30 pm
by Philulhu
As William stumbled forward, he saw that the worked stone of the tunnel walls gave way to brick. Just ahead, he could see the entrance to the cellar illuminated faintly from within. He was almost free!

Both the patrolmen had been carrying flashlights. One had clearly broken, with shards of glass where it had been dropped, but the second worked when he tried it. Much to his relief, Alex had light again!

A few more steps and Jerry could see the tunnel forked once more. With his flashlight, he could see the left fork opened into a wider area, where shapes could be seen moving in the darkness. To the right, the tunnel continued into the gloom.

OOC:   Which way do you want to go? Left or right?  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 8:10 pm
by Mr. Handy

William runs faster now that he's so close, not wanting to be down here another second.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 12:24 am
by Silver Priest

Alex feels relief at the unexpected break. Turning it on, he heads back to investigate the area he was just at. Even if it was away out, he knew he couldn't leave yet. Not until he found the others. He'd have to trust that William could find his way out and have the presence of mind to tell the police what was going on.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 11:48 am
by jp1885

Ivy turns to Jerry and shrugs.

“Left again? There’s movement, but it could be Alex and William.”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:44 pm
by Bullfrog
"Apes, more likely. They know better than to pick a fight with us." Jerry hisses, taking the left passage without so much as a pause. The apes were just animals, as far as Jerry understood with his admittedly limited knowledge, and hopefully wouldn't attack unless he antagonized them too much; as for those other creatures, Jerry wasn't sure. It was just important to keep moving.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:18 am
by Philulhu
William ran on and found himself in the cellar beneather the Winscott house, with the same crate as a makeshift table and a now-cold cup of coffee. More importantly, in the corner of the room were the steps up to the kitchen!

Can I have a listen roll?

With the flashlight illuminating the tunnel, Alex could clearly see his way back up the tunnel and to the opening on the left. From that point he could see the way towards the entrance but also towards a dead end straight ahead, where, presumably, the ghoul-creature had hidden in the darkness before ambushing the patrolmen.

Entering into the space on the left, the room resounded with a cacophony of simian screeching! Clearly their presence had aggravated the ape-creatures sheltering there, one of whom charged towards Jerry and Ivy, its fists raised to pummel the interlopers!

OOC:   With higher DEX, the creature attacks Jerry first.

To hit 1d100

But misses!  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:44 am
by Mr. Handy

William hears something.
Listen roll (68% skill) near the stairs:

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:47 am
by Silver Priest

With a heavy heart, Alex turns and starts back up deeper into the tunnel, knowing he can't leave without the others. He calls out for Ivy yet again, reasoning that stealth was secondary to getting them all out of here. Though for all he knew they were dead... but he refuses to think that. Ms. Ripley was made of sterner stuff, and Lawrence seemed able to hold his own as well.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 4:07 am
by Bullfrog
The apes, in fact, did not know better. Jerry reflexively fires off a round at the ape and bolts away, not looking back to see what effect his shot had on the thing.

Handgun 50%: 1d100

Damage 1d10+2: 1d10+2

I believe this would count as an impale if we're doubling Jerry's handgun skill due to the shot being point blank, but I leave that judgement to the keeper.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:34 am
by jp1885

Ivy has no other choice but to follow Jerry, keeping close to his heels!

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 5:03 pm
by Philulhu
Somewhere ahead, William heard a creaking noise. Glancing at his watch, he saw that they had been in the cave system for more than three hours! Could it be the house cooling down as the evening progressed, or was it something else?

His flashlight playing across the lichen-covered walls, Alex moved forwards into the tunnel again. The torch beam played across a slight opening in the wall and he thought he saw movement, but then he heard a gunshot from deeper in the cave system!

There was an dying, animalistic scream from whatever creature Jerry had shot and anguished cries from the rest of the ape-creatures as they fought to escape from the human interlopers.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:23 pm
by jp1885

Ivy keeps running onwards, the remnants of her skirt flapping around her calves.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 5:10 am
by Silver Priest

As soon as Alex hears a gunshot he hurries forward in the direction of it, reasoning that someone is in danger. But after a few steps he forces himself to focus, and turns the light towards where he saw movement. The last thing that would help anyone would be him rushing forward and getting ambushed by one of those creatures, as he had seen how easy they could take down a man. If he sees no immediate movement he continues in the direction of the gunshot.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 5:28 am
by Mr. Handy

William proceeds carefully, trying not to make any noise. If others are here, he wants to see them before they see him.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 4:27 am
by Bullfrog
Sure that he had dissuaded the other apes in the room from giving him and Ivy chase, Jerry takes the right fork he had passed over before, listening for the sounds of any other inhabitants ahead.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 10:54 pm
by Philulhu
Crossing the floor of the cellar, William approached the stairs that lead up into the house. He couldn’t hear any further noises from the house and the kitchen above was in darkness.

As Alex stepped forward towards the noise, he heard a cacophonous screeching as a host of the ape-like creatures burst out of a tunnel at the far left of the central cavern he was traversing. Howling, they saw Alex and charged towards him!

OOC:   I think that calls for a SAN check.  

Taking the right hand tunnel, Jerry lead Ivy forward. Ahead, there was a vague fluorescence that suggested one of the bigger spaces lay ahead, but as they moved up, Jerry became only fleetingly aware of another opening on his left before one of the white-furred creatures leapt towards him, fangs bared in attack!
OOC:   It has the better DEX so attacks first.


That was a successful hit. Do you want to try to Dodge before I roll damage?  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:00 am
by Silver Priest

1d100 san 55

Keeping his cool-- as much as he can given the circumstances-- Alex fires the officer's handgun at the creatures.
OOC:   Going for three shots, but if it's a type of gun that shoots less per round happy to delete a roll.  

1d100 handgun 75

1d100 handgun

1d100 handgun

1d10 damage from (one) successful attack.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:38 am
by Mr. Handy

William quietly ascends the stairs with his light guiding the way, figuring that it must now be nighttime.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 6:05 am
by Bullfrog
Dodge 54%: 1d100

Jerry's been in his fair share of fights. Unfortunately,
none of them were against furious apes.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 2:28 pm
by jp1885

[66] = 66
Dodge 25 1d100: [ 66 ] = 66

Ivy is similarly unable to dodge the attack.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:37 pm
by Philulhu
Night had fallen and the house was in darkness. There was no further sound as William ascended into the kitchen until three faint shots rang out from the caverns below.

Alex’s second shot caught one of the creature’s straight in the chest, stopping it dead and spraying its fellow creatures with a red mist that did nothing to improve their appearance as they swarmed towards him…

OOC:   There was no SAN loss but there are at least half a dozen creatures charging Alex.  

The creature’s claws snagged Jerry’s pant leg and the material tore but fortunately didn’t catch the skin beneath. Jerry found himself wrestling with the creature in the darkness - it was like fighting his brother after lights out when he was a kid, except his brother hadn’t had razor-sharp claws and fangs!

In the light from her flashlight, Ivy could see Jerry and the ape-creature grappling, each searching for an advantage over the other!

OOC:   Damage 1d3-1 1d6  
No damage!

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 7:11 pm
by Mr. Handy

William looks around for a telephone.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:24 pm
by Silver Priest

Alex empties the rest of the policeman's gun at the apes, in a moment of (perhaps misguided) bravery.







Then, he turns and tries to run.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:55 pm
by jp1885

“Oh for crying out loud!”

Thoroughly fed up with lurking through these confounded caverns and shrinking from doltish monsters, Ivy yells. Brandishing her poker, she joins the fray!

[17] = 17
Brawl 25 1d100: [ 17 ] = 17

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 4:51 am
by Bullfrog
Kick 55%:1d100

Damage 1d6+1d4: 1d6+1d4

In the scuffle, Jerry manages to feed the ape some of its own teeth with a well-placed kick.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:38 am
by Philulhu
William strode through the dark house, shining his flashlight in all the places where he thought someone might have a telephone but there wasn’t one to be found.

Alex winged a couple of the creatures but that wasn’t enough slow them down and he was knocked off balance and trampled underfoot by the ape creatures as they raced over him and through the cavern…

OOC:   Can I have a DEX check please.  

The creature couldn’t withstand the combined assault from Ivy and Jerry. There was an audible ’crack’ as his boot connected with the creature’s jaw, followed by a second as Ivy brought the poker down its skull. It instantly collapsed to the floor, twitched a couple of times and lay still, but not before voiding its bowels as a final insult to their senses…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:40 am
by jp1885

“Let’s keep going!” hisses Ivy, as if Jerry needs any encouragement.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 7:59 pm
by Silver Priest


Alex goes down with a yell.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 12:46 am
by Mr. Handy

William heads for the front door, hoping there will be at least one officer waiting outside.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:52 am
by Bullfrog
Jerry hurries onward after Ivy, leaving the befouled corpse behind to rot in the dust.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 12:41 am
by Philulhu
The front door was closed but not locked. Looking out into the dark street, William spotted a police patrol car parked at the side of the road. The lights were off and there was no one at the wheel.

Alex felt the creatures stampede over him, sharp claws scratching at his hands and face as he was repeatedly pounded against the stone floor. Their passage was brief but brutal, respite soon came but he still felt like he’d been run over by a truck…

OOC:   Damage: 1d6  

Heading quickly along the passage, Ivy and Jerry heard the sound of gunfire as they emerged fin to the central cavern once again. From their right their was a cry of pain and they could see a mass of the ape creatures fleeing towards a nearby tunnel.

OOC:   Spot hidden, please.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 1:23 am
by Silver Priest

His body growing intimately familiar with the hard floor, Alex lays there for a moment. He decides that here perhaps discretion would have been the better part of valor.

But he was alive-- in a sense-- and still felt he could move, so he slowly gets to his feet, groaning as he does so. He pulls out the other officer's gun, hoping it would serve as a deterrent against anything else he saw down here. Then he starts moving in the direction he heard the gunshot in. Though given he had just fired six shots of his own, he's hoping he won't have to go far before he meets someone investigating his own in turn.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:40 am
by Bullfrog
Spot Hidden 55%: 1d100

Jerry is distracted by the fleeing apes. He had an idea of what they could have been running from, and he did not like it.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 5:24 am
by Mr. Handy

William knows that without a telephone, there is no way to contact the police unless he were to go to the station, and he has no idea where it is. He remains on the porch, glad to be in the open air.
Are there any neighbors' houses within sight, and are lights visible within them?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 10:40 am
by jp1885

[50] = 50
Spot hidden 65 1d100: [ 50 ] = 50

Ivy is a little more alert.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:45 am
by Philulhu
The area was reasonably affluent so the houses were quite spread out, but in the immediate vicinity, William could see lights on at the neighbouring house to the right, and a smaller house across the street.

Moving forward on unsteady feet, Alex saw two figures emerge from a tunnel further ahead and to his left. Was that Ivy and Jerry? He kinda hoped so as the latter was armed and heading his way.

Emerging from the tunnel, Jerry saw movement off to his right. Someone was pulling himself to his feet, his normally immaculate clothes all dishevelled. Was that Detective Reynolds?!

As they emerged from the tunnel and Jerry headed to the right, Ivy’s attention was drawn to movement in one of the tunnels to her left. With fresh blood dripping from its maw, one of the taller, bestial creatures emerged from the shadows, it’s red eyes fixed upon her…

OOC:   SAN check, please.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 9:30 am
by jp1885

[99] = 99
SAN 69 1d100: [ 99 ] = 99

We’ll, that’s a big fail…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:40 pm
by Philulhu
Oh dear! A fumble results in maximum SAN loss, in this case 8 points :o

I think Ivy’s going insane! I’ll set out what happens when I do the next update.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:55 pm
by jp1885
Why do you have to sound so gleeful about it? You're supposed to be on our side! :D

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:41 pm
by Silver Priest
"Ivy? Jerry?"" Alex stumbles forward a few feet, relief removing the ache if only for a moment. "Good to see both of you. I think I've found the exit."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 5:24 am
by Mr. Handy

Leaving his weapons and other equipment on the porch so as not to alarm the neighbors, Wiliam goes over to the house on the right to knock on the door, hoping they have a telephone and will let him use it.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:26 am
by Bullfrog
"God almighty, I've never been so glad to see a complete stranger in my life. Let's get the hell outta here before something else comes after us!" Jerry urges, looking ragged, exhausted, and even more burnt than usual. With another armed man and possible knowledge of the way out, there seemed to be a light at the end of these hellish tunnels, or so Jerry hoped!

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:52 am
by jp1885

Ivy doesn’t respond. Staring into the darkness she shakes, terrified.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:55 pm
by Philulhu
The curtain twitched then a light came on over the porch when William knocked on the neighbour’s door. The door was opened and a middle-aged looked out. ”Can I help you, sir?” the man asked politely.

Alex saw Jerry and Ivy emerge from the tunnel. As he watched, Ivy paused, seemingly distracted by something, then hurried up, apparently trying to make up the distance between them…

Can I have a Spot Hidden roll, please?

Ivy was frozen to the spot, unable to move, unable to speak. Her skin crawled as she felt the creature brush past her, smelled its rank breath, every fibre of her being wanting to scream as it closed in on Jerry

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 12:47 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, sir," says William. "Do you have a telephone? The police are next door, and they need help." He points at the patrol car parked outside the house.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:26 am
by Silver Priest


can't spy anything, but something about Ivy's behavior-- which is most unusual, especially for her-- makes him nervous. He keeps his gun ready. "Let's go."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:37 am
by jp1885

Ivy says nothing; does nothing…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:58 am
by Bullfrog
Jerry, off-put by Ivy's strange behavior, scans over the cave with his makeshift headlamp in search of whatever spooked her. Those apes had to be running from something...
Spot Hidden 55%: 1d100

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 12:07 pm
by Philulhu
What was your result? It’s not displaying properly!

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:07 pm
by Bullfrog
It isn't showing up for me, either. I'll give it another try:


Looks like it finally decided to show up. A success, either way.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:46 pm
by Philulhu
Attack #1 1d100
Attack #2 1d100

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:00 am
by Philulhu
”Oh, of course,” replied the neighbour, opening the door to admit William. ”Please come in. The telephone is just there,” he said, pointing to a telephone table at the foot of the stairs. ”Is everything all right next door? Poor Joshua, it’s a big house to manage on his own.” A dark-haired young man looked out into the hallway as he spoke.

It occurred to Jerry that it must have been he and Ivy that the ape creatures were running from, for the hulking creature that emerged from behind the frozen-in-terror Ivy was approaching from entirely a different direction. That thought had barely time to form in Jerry’s mind before it pounced, claws slashing through the air towards him!

The creature has caught Jerry by surprise and those claws are going to connect. What is he going to do?

As Alex looked on, a tall creature with a blood-soaked maw leapt forth from behind a motionless Ivy, its wickedly sharp claws slashing through the air towards Jerry!

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:22 am
by Silver Priest

Does this look like the creature that killed the two officers?

Alex raises his gun and squeezes off three two shots, hoping to kill or at least throw the creature off track.

1d100 Firearms 75


1d100 Disregard
OOC:   Not sure what an extreme success gets me, I'm going to assume just double the damage?  


2d10 Disregard
OOC:   Only have two shots a round, my mistake, so I sadly must discard the last attack (and extreme success. :( ) Please excuse the error.  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:25 am
by Bullfrog
Jerry screams like an animal as he tries to throw himself out of the path of the claws, his brain too pickled in adrenaline to articulate words.

Dodge 54%: 1d100

Rest in peace, Jeremiah Gilman. He came into this world screaming and covered in blood, and came out in much the same way.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:44 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says William as he heads for the phone. "He wasn't there when we came by at 4:00. I'm hoping he didn't head down into the tunnels beneath his house. It's dangerous down there." He picks up the receiver and asks the operator to connect him to the police.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:40 am
by Philulhu
Damage #1 1d6+2d6
Damage #2 1d6+2d6

The telephone rang for about twenty seconds before it was answered. ”Providence Police Department, good evening. How may I help you?” came the voice at the other end of the phone.

Alex’s bullets caught the creature as it sprang forward! As its claws tore the life from Jerry, both it and he were sent tumbling backwards, landing in a heap on the floor. Rooted to the spot in terror, Ivy could only stand there as the blood spray from the bullets’ impact splattered across her back.

Alex could see both bodies lying in a rapidly spreading pool of blood. Jerry’s injuries were catastrophic; he had two deep cuts across his throat which no man could’ve survived. The creature’s lifeblood was also draining away from a large exit wound in the upper part of its back.

That’s the end of the road for Jerry. He took massive damage and there was no way to survive that :o

SAN roll, please. I didn’t ask for one when you saw the creature jump Jerry but I think instincts will have taken over at that moment. You have just seen someone ripped to pieces so I think that calls for a roll.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:27 am
by Silver Priest

1d100 san 55

Alex rushes forward, but he does not need to go far before he realizes Jerry's fate. No one could have survived that. He wishes he had been a bit faster; this was his fault. He should have seen the creature before it struck!

But his training kicks in. They'll be time for self flagellation later. For now, he and Ivy needed to get out of here. "We need to go, Ms. Ripley." He demands, his voice authoritative. "I don't know how many of these creatures are down here, but I know I cannot handle them all on my own." With a final look at the grizzly body of their newest companion, he sets off, assuming Ivy follows.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:30 am
by Bullfrog
Jerry was only a temp character, but he was a lot of fun to play. The brightest housefires burn for half as long.

Needless to say, it's going to be an unpleasant reawakening for Lawrence.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 8:37 am
by jp1885


Ivy screams… in her head.

Frozen with terror, all she can do is watch as Alex disappears into the shadows.

OOC:   Shame about Jerry; I liked his robust response to the supernatural!  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 5:59 pm
by Philulhu
Yeah, sorry about that. They really are deadly opponents! 😬

Thinking ahead, what will Lawrence’s response be to the death of Jerry? Just trying to plan for a future scenario…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 5:14 am
by Bullfrog
At 30 SAN, if Lawrence wasn't already a hollow shell of a man, his brother's death makes him into one; he is an outside observer of his own life, watching himself speak, act, and go through the motions of his existence. It is the final confirmation that he can't keep going on like this, and to either tie up loose ends and try to put himself back together from what little he has left, or die trying.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:24 am
by Mr. Handy

"My name is William Preston," he says, and gives the address of the house next door. "Two of your officers need help there, if it's not already too late. They came to find a friend of mine, Detective Alex Reynolds. We had been in the tunnels under the house, and there are some dangerous animals down there. I barely managed to get away with my life!"

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 8:46 am
by Philulhu
The voice on the phone had a new urgency about it. ”Wait there, Mr Preston! We’ll have officers with you as soon we can!” As William replaced the receiver in the cradle, he could hear the officer shouting instructions.

”Is there anything we can do?” asked the neighbour, who had been standing by as William had used the telephone.

Alex started making his way towards the exit, gun in hand. There was no further sign of any of the ape creatures, who had disappeared off into the cavern somewhere.

Lose one point of SAN for witnessing Jerry’s fate.

Screaming inwardly in terror, Ivy could hear Alex as he walked away. What made it worse was the animalistic groan behind her! She sensed movement - the creature that killed Jerry wasn’t dead after all!

One way or another, we’re approaching the end of this scenario so you shouldn’t be out of the game too long.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 11:36 am
by jp1885

Petrified with fear, Ivy can only cry soundlessly as the creature rises.

OOC:   I assume there’s nothing she can do?  

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 2:06 pm
by Philulhu
Her fate is in Alex’s hands… 😬

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 3:09 pm
by jp1885
Well, that’s Ivy buggered then! Let’s hope Alex returns :D

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:56 pm
by Silver Priest

Alex continues forward, glancing back frequently to ensure Ivy is following him. The last thing he wants is to get separated again.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:57 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's wait on the porch next door for the police to arrive," says William. "I've left my equipment there. I don't like the idea of going back down there, but I'll have to guide the officers when they arrive. I've been down there before. I wouldn't ask you to go down there with us, though."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:11 pm
by Philulhu
Attack#1 1d100

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:18 pm
by Philulhu
”If there are people in trouble, then we need to help,” said the neighbour firmly. He looked over at his son, Jim, fetch your flashlight.”

He turned back to William. ”Are you going to lead the way?”

As Alex turned around to see if Ivy was following him, he saw the ghastly creature dragging itself to its knees. It lurched forward to take a bite out of her leg but missed by mere fractions of an inch!

Ivy could feel the hot breath of the creature on her leg as it lifted itself of the floor and tried to bite her. As a result of the damage it had taken, its aim was off, but only just! She felt the silk in her stockings give way as the creature only just missed sinking its teeth into her leg!

Can I have a SAN check please? Ivy knows that she has just avoided almost certain death by mere fractions of an inch.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:38 pm
by jp1885

[2] = 2
SAN 61 1d100: [ 2 ] = 2

Either Ivy’s nerves are veering wildly from one extreme to another, or she is as terrified as it is possible for a human to be.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:07 pm
by Silver Priest

Alex's eyes go wide as he realizes the creature is not dead and very nearly takes a bite out of Ivy. He raises his gun and shoots it, hoping to put it down for good.




Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 5:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks," says William. "I'll lead the way, yes. Are either of you good with a shotgun? I'm better with a pistol, and I have one of each."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 9:33 am
by Philulhu
Given his recent experiences and his bout of madness, would William be willing to go back into the caves?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 5:16 am
by Mr. Handy

William is not looking forward to going back down there, but he knows he has to help his friends, so he'll reluctantly go down once the police arrive.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:13 am
by Philulhu
”Err, no,” replied the neighbour. ”You’ll have to forgive me but I don’t believe that firearms are the answer. We’re happy to come along and help you, but we won’t carry a gun,” he said firmly.

Alex saw his shot blow a hole in the creature’s shoulder, throwing out blood and bone onto the floor. Unable to support its own weight, it collapsed and rolled to one side, where it lay panting heavily. Its foot scraped against the floor spasmodically but there was no energy or purchase in its efforts.

Ivy flinched as two gunshots rang out from behind her! The first shot blew a hole in the creature’s shoulder and the joint collapsed, sending the creature tumbling off to on side. It flailed weekly, trying to reach out for her but it no longer had any strength, and she felt its talons weakly scratching at her shoe unable to get any purchase…

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"That's all right," says William. "I didn't use them myself down there, but I'll carry them all the same." He leads the way back to the other house's porch.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:00 am
by Silver Priest

Not wanting to take any chances this time, Alex gets as close as he can to the creature and puts another bullet in it to make sure it's really going to stay down this time.

1d100 75


Then he turns to Ivy. "We need to go, Ms. Ripley. If I hadn't turned around when I had.." He pauses, not even wanting to imagine what would have happened.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:14 am
by jp1885

Frozen with terror, Ivy can barely manage a whimper in reply.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:10 pm
by Silver Priest

"Sorry, Ms. Ripley." Seeing her reaction, Alex reaches out and attempts to roughly shake her out of her stupor. "Pull it together!" He says sternly.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:32 pm
by Philulhu
Though very shaken, that brief human contact was enough to break the paralysis that Ivy was feeling and she found that she could move again.

I’ll let you describe what you do then do my update.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:42 am
by jp1885

Shaken out of her paralysis, Ivy screams, long and loud.

“My God! My God!”

Fuelled by the sheer, simple adrenaline joy of being able to move, she launches herself forward and envelopes Alex in a hug.

“Thank you! Oh My God! I couldn’t move! That thing!”

Recovering her wits, she disentangles herself, smoothing down the remnayof her dress.

“We should get out of here. Poor Jerry - we should take his gun.”

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 6:10 pm
by Philulhu
William lead the way to the Winscott house but as he approached, he could feel a nervous tremor in his legs and a cold sweat broke out across his back. The thought of going back into the caves filled him with dread and his purposeful stride faltered.

The front door of the house was open. Had he left it like that? Was that a noise he heard in there? Was it a trap?!

The neighbour looked at him carefully. ”Perhaps we should wait until the police get here?” he suggested.

You’ll require a successful POW roll for William to overcome his fears and venture back inside the house.

Alex found himself gripped by a screaming, hysterical Ivy, her nails digging into his arms! She was babbling about being unable to move, staring about wild-eyed, then she grabbed Jerry’s gun and started making for the exit, pulling at her clothes with jerky movement and babbling away but not making a lot of sense!

Given Ivy’s insanity, I think there’s a disconnect between what she thinks she’s doing and saying and how that’s perceived by someone else (Alex, in this case).

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 6:20 pm
by jp1885
Great idea - I wasn’t sure how to play it (I always struggle with roleplaying insanity in CoC!)

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:38 pm
by Silver Priest

"Ow." Alex says as Ivy grabs him. She seems... better? Maybe. In either case, she was able to move now, which he'd count as a success. A good thing as well; his next move would have been to slap her, and he was dreading her reaction if he had to do that.

"Perhaps I should go first," He offers, eying the gun with some alarm. "We could switch weapons if you like. I'm nearly out, but am likely to be a better shot if anything else attacks us."

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:16 pm
by jp1885

Ivy’s knuckles whiten as her grip on the gun tightens. She shakes her head vehemently and gibbering incoherently, staggers towards the exit.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:28 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, we'll wait here for the police," says William. He gathers his equipment and shines his light through the open door.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 3:09 pm
by Philulhu
Tuesday, September 2nd, 1930 6.10am
79 Power Street, College Hill, Providence, R.I.

Alex had endured a difficult journey back through the caves with Ivy who babbled gibberish, shouted and jumped at shadows. At one point she suddenly screamed out loud, spun around and fired her gun at some imagined threat behind them, narrowly missing Alex in the process. He had to physically lift her up to the ledge when she refused to try to climb with the rope, and another thirty minutes had passed before they were back in the cellar under the Winscott house. As Alex helped Ivy up the stairs and through the kitchen, he found William talking excitedly and being carefully disarmed by two patrolmen, while two ambulance men and some of the neighbours looked on.

The patrolmen had been listening to William with visible disbelief but when the bedraggled but thankfully lucid Alex showed his badge, explained the situation and told them the fate of their comrades, they sprang into action. Reinforcements were summoned and, as William and Ivy were helped into the waiting ambulance, Alex found himself leading a group of heavily armed policemen back down into the caves beneath the house.

Any living creatures had disappeared, leaving behind the dead bodies of Jerry, the patrolmen and the ungodly creatures that they had killed. As they moved deeper into the caves, there was a sudden ‘crack’ followed by a rumbling noise and a gout of dust and debris spat out from some of the tunnels at the far end of the central cavern, at which point the Sergeant leading the search refused to go any further for fear of putting his men in danger.

The bodies of Jerry and the patrolmen were carried out to a waiting mortuary wagon and the bodies of any creatures were covered in kerosene and set alight, setting up a thick, choking smoke that forced them all to retreat to the house. As sun started to come up over the neighbouring houses and Captain Lawrence of Providence PD arrived to take over the investigation, Alex could only wonder at what he had seen and how he had managed to make it out alive… …

—- —- —- —-

That was The Darkness Beneath the Hill from Doors to Darkness. I hope you enjoyed it. The investigation didn’t exactly go to plan - Jerry’s firebomb destroying the lab was somewhat unexpected, and those ghasts were lethal (as Jerry found out!)

We have three investigators who are currently insane (Ivy, Lawrence and William) so they are all going to need a period of downtime to recover. I was thinking our next investigation might be in a sanitarium where they are recovering but that might be too similar to All Unquiet on the Western Front. Alternatively, I’m happy to explore something else instead, after everyone’s had a chance to recover. If you have a preference, just let me know.

SAN rewards:

Leaving Josh Winscott to his fate 1d6+1 (SAN loss)
For escaping and defeating S’syaa-H’risss 1d6 (SAN gain)
For defeating the ghasts 1d8 (SAN gain)

Overall, a loss of two points of SAN. Failure to get Winscott home must way heavily upon our investigators.

I thought you might also like to see the maps:


I had copies of the maps on Roll20 so I could follow where you were.

Having carefully tried to plot your route through the caverns, Mr Handy, it struck me as too good a chance to miss when William went insane and I had him run headlong through the cavern. Just too good an opportunity to miss ;)

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 5:32 pm
by jp1885
That was quite a ride! Thanks for running it Phil; I had a great time. Having just also completed Death on the Reik for WFRP, that’s two deadly dungeon crawls under my belt this week!

Ivy’s descent into madness was inevitable I think, considering how much of an option she had of herself. I’m happy to play an sanitarium-based scenario, or pick things up after everyone has recovered (or indeed play a different character - there’s a camp-as-Christmas occultist in my files somewhere).

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:36 pm
by Philulhu
Thanks, JP. We’ll see what everyone else wants to do :)

WFRP is one of my favourites although we ended up with a TPK in Shadows Over Bogenhafen last year. The PCs were trapped on a boat by someone sniping at them with a crossbow. They tried shooting back but had no clue as to what else to do (erm… go over the side and swim to safety anyone?) and they all just got picked off. I kind of felt like I should have done better as a GM but at the same time, they’re not novice players so I felt they should have done better than just get used for target practice :oops:

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 7:01 pm
by jp1885
We got lucky in that scene. One of our players, a halfling, somehow managed to one-shot the assassin with his sling. That enabled us to finish off his mates and for my character, a budding bounty hunter, to nick his crossbow!

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 8:39 pm
by Silver Priest
I must protest that san loss, Alex did not even know Winscott! :P Jk, That's how the game goes. Alex will be taking some time to try and recover mentally--and physically-- whether or not that does anything mechanically.

I quite enjoyed the scenario and how Alex kept his cool throughout it. He has a good head on his shoulders. And it was fun being a bit of the pulp hero. We won't talk about being run over by the apes. I do sort of regret making him gay, because IMO he and Ivy have such great chemistry. I suppose there relationship is more of a sibling one. If Ivy ever dies I'll probably opt to have Alex take full san damage because that would be the ultimate failing for him.

No major preference for what we do next. The sanitarium could be great. There's also that weird cult William met down south that could be interesting to follow up on.

But great work as always Philulhu, and thanks for all the hard work in running this. Do we roll for our skills now?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 10:22 pm
by Bullfrog
I had a ton of fun with this, especially playing Jerry. It's a shame he died, since I would have loved to play him again, but he did pretty well so I can't complain. Imagine spending untold eons in your underground laboratory complex, studying the arts of magic and alchemy, only to get incinerated by a bomb-throwing ape.

As for follow-ups, I'd prefer something set after everyone's (somewhat) recovered their marbles. I like having more freedom with investigation, and after all, Lawrence has some unfinished business down in Louisiana...

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:44 am
by Mr. Handy

Thanks, I enjoyed it too. The random running worked out okay for me, as I did manage to find my way out of there. Going insane and running away actually turned out for the best for me. I'm fine with an adventure set in a sanitarium, but I'm also okay with something different.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:18 am
by Philulhu
Hi all,

Pleased to hear you enjoyed it, and yes, please roll for skills (Bullfrog - did you roll for Lawrence’s skills last time?)

I’m in two minds which way to go next. Both would be home-brewed so I’ve got some writing to do. Give me a couple of days…

Thanks, Phil.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:07 pm
by Silver Priest











Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:09 pm
by Bullfrog
Lawrence did indeed improve his skills after All Unquiet. He may be 29 SAN points poorer, but at least he came out of 1917 as a (somewhat) more skilled man.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:23 pm
by jp1885
[88] = 88
Climb 20 1d100: [ 88 ] = 88

[3] = 3
1d10: [ 3 ] = 3

[20] = 20
Fighting (Brawl) 25 1d100: [ 20 ] = 20

[21] = 21
First aid 65 1d100: [ 21 ] = 21

[91] = 91
Listen 50 1d100: [ 91 ] = 91

[7] = 7
1d10: [ 7 ] = 7

[82] = 82
Navigate 10 1d100: [ 82 ] = 82

[5] = 5
1d10: [ 5 ] = 5

[58] = 58
Psychology 60 1d100: [ 58 ] = 58

[60] = 60
Spot hidden 65 1d100: [ 60 ] = 60

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:33 am
by Mr. Handy
Spot Hidden (64% skill) XP check:
Listen (68% skill) XP check:
Listen increase:
First Aid (50% skill) XP check:
First Aid increase:
Climb (40% base skill) XP check:

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 4:41 am
by Silver Priest
Do we get any Cthulhu Mythos from this adventure?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 1:08 am
by Philulhu
If your character went insane for the first time, then you gain 5% to your Cthulhu Mythos score. Gain a further 1% for any subsequent bouts of madness.

In other news, coming soon…

(No) Southern Comfort… ...

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 6:28 am
by Mr. Handy

Thanks, I hadn't given myself an extra point for my final insanity.

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 2:30 pm
by jp1885
Do we roll for luck improvement?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 4:20 pm
by Philulhu
I think that’s a 7th edition thing, to offset spending luck. We’re still (nominally) playing 6th Ed. so I don’t think you’ve spent luck to replenish it?

Re: Ch. 14c. Together Again (all)

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 5:05 pm
by jp1885
Fairy nuff!