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Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:27 pm
by Philulhu
The preservation of the heads left the skin leathery. It was impossible for Ivy to determine how long they had been there.

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 7:44 pm
by Silver Priest


"Oh no," Alex says, because this gives him flashbacks to other events, Brophy and the horrible creature that fed on the wounded like chattel. It seemed as unnatural as them, and all but confirms that what they were dealing with was beyond the evils of man. This was no longer the work of a knowable evil but something much worse.

It's only a new purpose entering him that prevents him from giving into terror, and he looks at Ivy with steely resolve. She's handling this well as well, better than a lot of men the detective knew. But then, this was not her first rodeo either.

"These men are somehow still alive and suffering for who knows how long. I think we need to end their pain." He motions towards her poker. "It will be grisly work, but I think we need to put them out of their misery."

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:13 pm
by jp1885

Ivy nods, not having considered the fact that these heads were actually alive.


She swings the poker at the nearest head.

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:23 pm
by Silver Priest
Alex was going to suggest he do this unpleasant task, but before he can voice this Ivy swings. He respects her commitment, and stands ready if he needs to step in. There are after all a lot of heads.

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 12:12 am
by Philulhu
There was a sharp crack as the poker broke the skull of the nearest head. It seemed to make no difference to the moaning noise emitted.

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 3:21 am
by Silver Priest
"Is it possible the sound is not coming from them?" Alex asks, profoundly disturbed. "But no, their throats seem to be moving...

"I'm not sure we can do anything to stop them at present.Perhaps we should be on our way." Though if they survived this, the detective planned to come back and find away to silent their cacophony.

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 7:26 am
by jp1885

Ivy steps back from her grisly vandalism.

“I suppose their throats could be used as valves? Reeds? Whatever one uses in organs to make different notes. Maybe they’re not alive after all; just reanimated in some way.”

She sighs, deeply perplexed.

“Yes, let’s move on.”

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 9:05 am
by Philulhu
Oops! I’ve realised that I’ve described the room from a different perspective than the one from which you approached. The organ was at the far end when you entered, not on the left. I’ll amend my original post (23 Oct @ 9.29) although it doesn’t materially affect your situation.

Where are Ivy and Alex heading next? They can return to the corridor from where they came or they notice a passage to the left of the organ.

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 9:21 am
by jp1885
Seeing as we’re standing near the organ, shall we take the passage to the left?

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:03 pm
by Silver Priest

Sounds good to me.

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 12:25 pm
by Philulhu
Turning into the tunnel, Alex and Ivy were immediately confronted with two blinding lights, shining straight in their eyes!

Spot hidden, please.

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 1:00 pm
by jp1885

[92] = 92
Spot hidden 65 1d100: [ 92 ] = 92

Blinded by the lights, Ivy puts her hand up to shield her eyes. With the other hand she brandishes her poker menacingly.

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 6:42 pm
by Silver Priest


Alex sees nothing either, but raises his gun. "Stay where you are, I'm armed!"

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 2:04 am
by Philulhu
"So are we, so unless you and your lady friend have a shotgun stashed away, you're out-gunned," came the snarled reply. Under the bright lights, Ivy and Alex could see the barrel of a shotgun, glinting menacingly in the light.

"Now, I don't see any reason we should start shooting, unless you want to change that. To start with, I'd like to know what you're doing in the caves under Joshua Winscott's basement, and if you have any idea where he's wandered off to."

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 2:59 am
by Silver Priest
"I'm a police detective," Alex says as calmly as he can, slowly moving the gun away to show he meant no harm. He wanted to deescalate this situation, especially because this man could kill them both, and still seemed capable of reason. "We were following up on a routine investigation and had to interview Mr.Winscott as part of that. Upon arriving we were alerted by a neighbor that someone with a rifle had entered the home. We investigated and eventually found our way down here. We've seen no sight of anyone human since we got here, including Mr. Winscott."

"I don't know who you are, but there are apes down here and they may be dangerous.You should head back up to the surface."

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:54 am
by jp1885

“My colleague is correct,” Ivy adds as she lowers her poker.

“For my part, I was captured by these ape creatures and dragged down here. Luckily i had borrowed a pistol and a shot was enough to scare them away. Until Detective Reynolds here found me, I was left stumbling around in the dark, so I’m in no mood to have shotguns pointed at me!”

Re: Ch.14a. Inheritance (Alex & Ivy)

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:53 am
by Philulhu
"It's all right, everyone," came a familiar voice. It was William, lowering his gun! "This is Jerry, Lawrence's brother. Jerry, these are two more of Lawrence's friends: Ivy Ripley and Detective Alex Reynolds. Funny running into you two here."

We’ll continue in this thread: Together Again