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Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:31 am
by HoneyDog
OOC,I already stated Howard's intentions above.

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:37 am
by Bullfrog
Lawrence rushes over to the flaming wreck to go help put out William.
OOC,Would First Aid be of any use here?

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:36 am
by Mr. Handy

William fights to stay awake and put out the flames.
OOC,CON X 5 roll (55% stat) to stay conscious: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:48 am
by Philulhu
As his colleagues rushed to help him out and quickly extinguished the flames, William continued to feel the burning heat and the smell his scorching flesh. He screamed and flailed around, desperately trying to put out the flames that only he could feel...

Behind them, the truck continued to burn, with thick black smoke roiling into the night air. On the flat bed, James was no longer moving. He was slumped over, his skin was black and crispy, except where it had cracked and the red, raw flesh was visible beneath. A rank burning smell filled the air, adding to everyone’s discomfort.
OOC,Due to SAN loss, [b]William[/b] has gone temporarily insane, thinking that he is still on fire. All - Spot hidden, please.

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:57 am
by Bullfrog
Spot hidden 26%,[dice]0[/dice]
Despite being preoccupied with attending to William, something still catches Lawrence's attention.

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 1:58 am
by Mr. Handy

As William screams in agony and tries to put out the fire, he sees something clearly through the flames.
OOC,Spot Hidden roll (60% skill) on the road: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 12:08 am
by Philulhu
Spotted beyond the burning truck, William Brophy could be seen dragging himself across the rutted track. As they watched, he rolled over and disappeared into a ditch with a faint splash.

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 3:25 am
by Mr. Handy

"James!" cries William, pointing. He leaps up and runs in that direction after hearing the splash. "The water! That can put out the fire!"

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 3:20 pm
by HoneyDog
Spot Hidden,Spot Hidden 35: [url=]Spot Hidden[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]35[/b]
Enraged by the sight of Brophy, Howard takes off in pursuit, determined to end the vile creature's life, once and for all.

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:20 am
by Philulhu
William broke free of Lawrence’s attempt to help him and ran towards the truck. As he got closer, however, the heat and sparks being thrown out by the fire made him recoil in panic and he was forced to check that he wasn’t on fire again.

Having spotted Brophy trying to escape, Howard moved over to ditch, where he could see the old man trying to pull himself along, though the sluggish, brackish water.

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:59 am
by HoneyDog
OOC,Howard will attempt to drown Brophy in the water. Should he roll?

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 4:33 am
by Bullfrog
"Brophy!" Lawrence furiously bellowed as he charged towards the escaping old man. Once he reached the marshy ditch, he took a violent, reckless swing at his enemy, determined to knock that decrepit devil's teeth out.
Fist 50%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 5:14 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Gah! :oops: I misread the above post and thought it said [b]James[/b] instead of [b]Brophy[/b]. I was trying to follow him to the ditch, where there was presumably water so that I could put out these infernal imaginary flames.

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 12:25 pm
by Philulhu
OOC - Honeydog,Can you roll Grapple, please?

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 4:07 pm
by HoneyDog
Grapple,Grapple 25: [url=]Grapple[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]79[/b]
His heart filled with hate, Howard leaps after Brophy, intent on finishing his life. But as his feet enter the water, he slips on the slimy bottom of the ditch and pitches backwards.

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 12:53 am
by Philulhu
Brophy looked back with fear and alarm as Lawrence landed in the ditch behind him. The young farmer’s foot slipped in the mud as he went to strike Brophy and he missed. Howard went one better, losing his footing as he dropped into the ditch and ending up sat in the stinking water.

Thomas ran across the road to help William, who was shying away from the flames and imagined sparks that were threatening to set fire to him again. With the young policeman’s help, he tried again to get past the flaming truck so that he could bathe in the cooling waters of the ditch.

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 1:18 am
by Mr. Handy

Without hesitation, William scrambles into the ditch and plunges into the water, which also helps soothe his burns.

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:50 pm
by Bullfrog
Lawrence lifts himself from the fowl ditch before throwing another wild haymaker Brophy's way, wild-eyed with murderous wrath. However, his punch proved imprecise, thanks to a combination of blood, sweat, and swamp-water in the farmer's eyes.
Fist 50%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:07 am
by HoneyDog
Howard is still attempting to gain his footing, intent on going after Brophy.
Grapple,Grapple 25: [url=]Grapple[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]56[/b]

Re: Ch. 9 Copperhead Road

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:16 pm
by Philulhu
As Lawrence and Howard scrambled along the ditch, Thomas walked up the bank behind them, the shovel in his hands. He swung it high above his head and brought it down hard on Brophy’s back, leaving a bloody gouge across his shoulder, though which broken bone could be seen. He dropped the shovel on the old man and turned back to help William, who was lying face down in the ditchwater, a few yards behind them.
OOC,Thomas - Improvised weapon [dice]0[/dice] Damage [dice]1[/dice]