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Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 12:41 pm
by jp1885

Ivy points to the poor Jacob’s neck with a pencil.

“Look at how ripped and torn the neck wound is. I’m no expert, but I’d say this was certainly no accident. We need to call the police, but in the meantime, has anything been taken I wonder?”

She peers over the corpse and tries to recall what was in the cabinet.

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 11:38 pm
by Philulhu
As evidenced by the broken china around the cabinet, it had held some ornate plates and bowls, most of which had been broken when Jacob fell into the it.

Keats knelt next to the body to look closer at the wounds that Ivy had described. He shook his head and stood again. ”I think I’d better get one of my men up here,” he said, and he headed off to the study to make a phone call.

In the distance, the wailing ambulance siren could be heard approaching from the direction of Arkham town.
OOC,Anyone want to do anything before the Keat’s summons his detective?

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 1:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"The intruder was very brazen, to break in and kill in broad daylight," says William. "Whoever it was probably fled but could still be in the house somewhere. We should all stick together until the detective arrives."
OOC,There's nothing more I can think of to do.

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 2:03 am
by Bullfrog
"Do you suppose anyone could have seen the intruder as they came and went?" Lawrence contemplates, waiting for the arrival of the detective. A professional could really shed some light on this terrible situation, or so he hoped.
OOC,I'm ready to move on, myself.

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:02 am
by jp1885
OOC,Ready to move on.

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:48 am
by Philulhu
Wednesday March 12th, 1930 12.15pm.
Fraser Mansion, Arkham, Mass.

The friends and Ivy were ushered into the library by Captain Keats who rang the station to summon on of his detectives. Shortly after the ambulance crew arrived, there was a knock at the door, and Keats went out into the hall, where he could be heard talking to whoever had arrived.

He returned with a clean-cut young man in tow, who he introduced as Detective Reynolds. ”The ambulance crew have checked and there are no signs of life,” said Keats. “I’ve asked them to hold off removing the body until Detective Reynolds has had an opportunity to start his investigation.”

Behind the desk, Fraser Snr. sat drinking the latest of a number of brandies...

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 3:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"What can we do to help?" asks William.

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 5:16 am
by Silver Priest

Detective Alexander Reynolds is a conservatively dressed man of around 30. He somberly looks at the scene, taking his hat off as he enters the building and sees the grizzly site.

"I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you all, but I'm afraid that would be a lie under the circumstances." To William he responds, "I'll need names and information from all of you as to whom the victim was and everything you know concerning his demise. For now however, I need to examine the body." He kneels down and looks it over.
Philulhu,Hope I was supposed to post, I assumed this was a good time to introduce my character. What roll should I make for examining the body? With my 5 in medicine, I may be looking more at a Chief Wiggum than a Columbo. :cry:

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:43 am
by jp1885

When questioned, Ivy will recount how she was with the others when she heard a screech and a crash from the hallway, followed by how she found the butler lying head-first in the display cabinet with his throat torn.

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 3:02 pm
by Philulhu
Silver Priest,Yes, that was your cue :) Spot Hidden would seem appropriate in the circumstances.

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:50 pm
by Silver Priest
Spot Hidden 75%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:28 pm
by Philulhu
OOC,Oh dear... ... :o
With everyone’s eyes on him Alexander found himself at a complete blank.

After a moment, Captain Keats said, ”Detective? What can you tell me? A burglary or not?”

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:22 pm
by Mr. Handy

William gives his name and tells the detective what little he knows.

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:16 pm
by Bullfrog
Lawrence watches on in anticipation, awaiting the detective's answer.

Once asked, he gives Alexander his name and tells what he saw, which isn't any more information than what the others have said.

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:41 am
by Silver Priest
OOC:   I can't push rolls in this, right?  
Alex looks over the body intently for a moment, before shaking his head in frustration.

"I'm afraid it's hard to say. Our killer was clever-- there's very little evidence left behind that I can see, which suggests this was the work of a methodical mind rather than a mere crime of passion." He looks to Fraser. "You're the owner of the house, sir? Do you know if anything is missing?"

"I'll have to take a look around the house, see if any of the doors or windows suggest forced entry."

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:00 pm
by Philulhu
Alex,No, sorry. That’s 7th edition rules only.
Fortified with another brandy, Fraser Snr. came out, went up the stairs and returned a few minutes later. “I can’t see anything missing or out of order,” he said.

He looked around the hall. “There doesn’t appear to be anything missing here, either,” he continued. “And Jacob always locked the door after anyone came in or went out. We had some petty thieves try to take advantage of an unlocked door a few years ago and he was fastidious about it ever since.” Keats confirmed that the door had been locked and the key was on the inside when he had gone to let in the ambulance men, who were stood by the doorway.

“Can we get on?” one of them asked. “We need to get the body to the morgue and then back on duty.”

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:35 am
by Silver Priest
If no one else wanted to examine the body(Alex knowing on some extent he had done a subpar job) He nods to the paramedics.

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Is there a chance the killer could still be in the house?" asks William. "If he has any sense, he'll be long gone, but not everyone does, and he might not have been able to slip away."

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:54 am
by Silver Priest
"I will do a thorough examination of the premises," Detective Reynolds says. "In the meantime you should all stay together. If you wonder off and the killer is still here you could be in grave danger.

He starts to go through the first floor rooms, gun drawn.

Re: Ch. 11. Paper and Ink

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 5:56 am
by Philulhu
It didn’t take Alex long to go through the house. As Fraser Snr. had said, there didn’t appear to be anything out of place and any windows and doors he tried were locked.

As he checked the door in the kitchen, one do the ambulance men approached him. “We found something when we moved the body. You might want to take a look.” He lead Alex back through to the hall, where Jacob now lay face up upon the rug adjacent to the cabinet. The ambulance man knelt next to the body and pointed to a blood-stained envelope that had previously been obscured.

“He also appears to have something in his hand, but I didn’t want to move that until you’d seen it.” Alex could see something tightly gripped in Jacob’s right hand. It looked like a piece of cloth...