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Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 9:37 pm
by Rooter
"Did your late husband have any interest in the supernatural?" Percy asks between mouthfuls.

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 12:38 am
by Philulhu
Captain FitzWilliam said little as he turned over what they had found out in his mind. Something was going on, but he was at a loss to explain the cause. He would sit watch tonight and see what they could learn.

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 5:21 am
by HoneyDog
“Yes” says Lady Amanda to Isolde and Alexander. “All of those are good suggestions. After lunch you might like to tour the grounds before you prepare for this evening. Tell me” she continues. “Will you attempt a séance?”

She turns to Percy. William had no interest in spiritual matters. To be honest, I myself was not particularly concerned until after his death.”

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 6:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Your Ladyship," says Alexander. "I would like to see the grounds this afternoon before I stand a watch tonight. Have the disturbances been limited to the house, or have there been any outside?"

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 7:46 am
by HoneyDog
”I don’t believe anything has happened outside” replies Amanda. William would undoubtedly concentrate his energies inside the house anyway.”

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:05 am
by Philulhu
”I too would like to see the grounds,” said Captain FitzWilliam. ”I feel the need of some fresh air.”

The air of paranoia and suspicion in the house was giving him a headache and a walk outside would do him good, even if was to look at the place where his Lordship died.

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 8:34 pm
by aine
"I have brought with me the necessary items for a seance. I want to be sure your Ladyship is ready and prepared for one, it can be an emotional ordeal for loved ones of the departed. I had thought tomorrow night would be suitable after we spent tonight on a general watch but if your Ladyship would prefer tonight then I can prepare this afternoon." Says Isolde.

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 2:52 pm
by HoneyDog
“No Miss Beauchant, you should proceed according to your plans. Howard will show you the grounds after lunch is finished.”
OOC,I will move the action outside tomorrow unless anyone continues the conversations.

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:51 pm
by aine
Thank you Lady Amanda. We do have to discuss amongst ourselves who is going where this afternoon. Unless places are close by I doubt we can cover all the ground together before the light goes." Isolde replies.

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 8:29 pm
by Raiko
Melody,[quote="HoneyDog"]In attendance with [b]Melody[/b] are again the coachman [b]McKenzie[/b], [b]Smith[/b] the gardener, and assorted other servants. [color=#4000BF]“Find anything interesting, Miss?”[/color] asks [b]McKenzie[/b]. [color=#4000BF]“I don’t suppose you’ve got to the bottom of our little mystery?”[/color][/quote] [img][/img] [color=#fF0040]"We've barely had chance to look around the house yet to be honest, but I'm sure that we'll get to the bottom of it all when [b]Miss Beauchant [/b]holds her seance." How many strange events have occurred since [b]Lord Allingham's [/b]death? We know about the library and the kitchen last night, and also the study, but where else has been disturbed? Have staff been keeping watch most nights? It's weird that the disturbances still happen despite the watch." "Oh! And has there been any damage, other than in the study?"[/color] [ooc]Sorry, I've been dead busy. [b]Melody [/b]isn't rude and so works the above questions into the conversation one at a time, rather than blurting them all out. LOL.[/ooc] After anyone has replied, even if no one has anything helpful to say, [b]Melody [/b]will also ask, [color=#fF0040]"Who found Lord Allingham's body? Was he missing for long?"[/color] [ooc]If I get an NPC response to these questions, and perhaps the chance to say one more thing when I've seen what the other servants have to say, then I'm happy to move on. I won't hold your game up any longer.[/ooc]

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:34 am
by Philulhu
OOC,Happy to move outside.

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 2:18 am
by HoneyDog
Melody,[color=#FF00FF]“Oh, the disturbances have happened all over the house, but not usually where someone is sleeping”[/color] says one servant. [color=#FF4000]“I saw the door handle turn one night!”[/color] exclaims another young man, but his companion gives him a scornful look. [color=#0000BF]“There’s been a few things broken, like dishes, but no wanton destruction” [/color]says [b]McKenzie[/b]. [color=#0000BF]“As for his Lordship’s body, it were a few of us, me included, who found ‘im”[/color] he continues, a grim look on his face. [color=#0000BF]“He was late to rerun from his evening walk. Knowing that he wasn’t too popular with the villagers, [b]Lady Amanda[/b] insisted we go look for ‘im.”[/color]
“The site of His Lordship’s… demise…” states Howard delicately, “is nearer to the village. Unfortunately the carriage is indisposed this afternoon, I do apologise. It will be easier to visit Bargrove village tomorrow as it is a couple of miles walk. There should be many people there you can question” he adds, with a sidelong glance at the grim-looking Lady Amanda, who frowns every time the village is mentioned.

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:49 pm
by Rooter
"A stroll around the grounds sounds fine," Percy says, finishing his lunch.

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:56 pm
by Raiko
Melody,[color=#FF0040]"Have you noticed anything disturbed in the grounds [b]Mr. Smith[/b]?"[/color] [b]Melody[/b] asks the gardener. [color=#FF0040]"I assume that his Lordship is buried in the family graveyard outside?"[/color] To everyone she asks, [color=#FF0040]"Is there anyone in particular who would have a reason to do this to Lord Allingham? I mean, the other victims of the curse, from what we have learnt all died young, but of various causes. Riding accidents, war, illness. "So it would seem that even if the curse is somehow to blame, someone must still have killed his Lordship."[/color]

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:37 am
by HoneyDog
Melody,[b]Smith[/b] shakes his head. [color=#008000]"I haven't noticed anything. There was a funny scratching on the roof of my cottage the other night, but it could have been an animal I suppose. Of course, [b]Sir William[/b] is buried in the graveyard. It’s well tended, too” [/color]he adds proudly. [b]McKenzie[/b] frowns. [color=#0000BF]"Of course someone killed him. I'm sure you've heard [b]Lady Amanda[/b] suspect the villagers, but even though there was nae love for the master there, I really canna see them doing him in so brutally, burnin’ ‘im an’ suchlike. We really don't know.”[/color]

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 7:37 pm
by aine
"Thank you for lunch, Lady Amanda." Isolde then turns to the others. "Shall we visit the graveyard first? We may need the best daylight to read the inscriptions. I'd like to find the graves from the 1600s."

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 2:25 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, thank you, Your Ladyship," says Alexander. "The food was delicious. I agree, the graveyard is an excellent first stop."

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 2:32 pm
by Raiko
Melody,[color=#FF0040]"Thank you,"[/color] says [b]Melody[/b]. She helps the other servants to tidy up before going to join the rest of the society.

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:02 pm
by HoneyDog
After lunch is finished, the investigators their winter garments and assemble with Howard outside the kitchen at the rear of the house. To their surprise, Ursula and Josephine are in attendance, Josephine stating that Ursula wanted to get some fresh air after being inside all morning.

The gardens are quite an expanse of lawns and flower beds and look to be carefully tended, although now there is little growing and the soil is hardened by frost. A light covering of snow lays over the ground. Dotted around are carefully pruned hedges and trees.

To the left is a large building which Howard, shivering in his coat, announces to be the stables. Over on the right is a smaller cottage which is the abode of Smith, the gardener. In the distance an ornamental lake, to which is next the cemetery, can be seen.

Re: Chapter 4: Bargrove Hall

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:03 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Good afternoon," says Alexander to Josephine and Ursula. "Are your lessons going well?"