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[IC]Chapter 1.4b - Millie's House

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 11:57 pm
by Raiko
The Adams' House – 163 West 131st Street, Harlem, NY
7:30pm - Wednesday 14th January, 1925

Amy, Cynthia and Marcus make their way to the address of Hilton and Millie Adams, a brownstone rowhouse on West 131st Street, close to 8th Avenue.
As they crunch though the snow and approach the front steps of the house, a train can be heard clattering south on the 8th Avenue elevated railway, but the street itself is mostly deserted. Most residents are staying warm indoors, out of the snow.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:02 am
by Silver Priest
Marcus lights another cigarette, relishing the small amount of warmth it gives off in the cold night.

"So, guess you gals had better take the lead here. I'm not expecting trouble, but keep an eye. It's entirely possible whatever bad apples framed Hilton are keeping an eye on his wife- and her visitors." He looks around, trying to appear casual as he does so. He's not expecting to find anything but it paid to be cautious.
Spot Hidden 66%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:15 am
by jp1885

"Yeah, we gotta play this real easy."

Cynthia saunters up to the building. Following Marcus' lead she pauses to light a cigarette, looking around casually and listening out for anything unusual over the sound of the trains.
Spot hidden 51% FAIL,[dice]0[/dice]
Listen 55% PASS,[dice]1[/dice]

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:57 am
by Mr. Handy

"Okay," says Amy. "You should speak to her first, since you met her husband." She too takes a nervous look around.
OOC,Listen roll (55% skill) outside the brownstone: [dice]0[/dice] Spot Hidden roll (69% skill) outside the brownstone: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:00 pm
by Raiko
None of the investigators notice anything unusual. The street is quiet, and so even with the falling snow limiting visibility and damping noise, it should be relatively easy to spot a tail.

There are lights on downstairs inside Millie Adams' house, but the curtains are all drawn, so nothing can be seen inside.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 2:54 am
by Mr. Handy

Realizing that there is nothing for it but to knock, Amy does so.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:18 am
by jp1885

Confident that no-one is lurking nearby, Cynthia stands next to Amy and tries to look friendly.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 8:56 pm
by Silver Priest
Marcus tries as well, though he suspects this is a failing battle. Still, he tries to go for "bodyguard" more than "thug."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:47 am
by Raiko
The door is opened by an elegant African-American woman, she is wearing a neatly pressed blouse and woolen skirt and her hair is perfectly styled.

She looks a little surprised to see her three visitors outside the door.

"Hello, can I help you?"

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 9:15 am
by jp1885

Not wanting to be overheard in the street, Cynthia takes a step forward.

"Hello, er, Mrs. Adams? Your husband asked us to swing by - may we come in?

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:45 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Good evening, ma'am," says Amy with a friendly wave and smile.
OOC,Charm roll (67% skill) meeting [b]Millie[/b]: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 4:11 am
by Silver Priest
Marcus gives a nod.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:49 pm
by Raiko
"Yes, I'm Millie Adams," she replies.

Millie steps back to make room for the investigators to step inside, out of the cold.

"I've been expecting you, I think, but I'd been told to expect a young lady and two men?"

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 10:30 am
by jp1885

"Oh?" Cynthia is immediately suspicious, but tries to remain casual. "I didn't think anyone rang ahead. Who told you we were coming?"

She scrutinises Mrs. Adams' reaction.
Psychology 79% hard pass,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 4:55 am
by Mr. Handy

Amy realizes what must have happened. It had been Cynthia, Marcus, and Atauchi that had visited the prison, so whoever told Millie about their visit must have told her there were one woman and two men.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 7:20 pm
by Silver Priest
"Cynthia gets that alot," Marcus says casually. He shoots her a ghost of a smile to ensure her he means no harm.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 7:38 pm
by jp1885

For a split second, Cynthia glares at Marcus. Then, realising the good humour behind his comment, rolls her eyes and supresses a chuckle.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 11:36 am
by Raiko
Marcus' comment breaks the ice, Millie smiles and leads the investigators inside the house and into the living room, speaking as she walks.

"Yes, a friend told me that you'd probably be visiting, she's waiting inside."

There is a lady sat on the living room sofa, she is a small Caucasian woman, with a dark complexion and long wavy black hair. She's pretty and probably in her mid-twenties. Millie introduces her friend:

"This is Rebecca Shosenburg, she works for The Times and she said that you'd been to visit my husband."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 1:18 pm
by jp1885

Cynthia's suspicions are put at ease at the mention of the journalist's name and she smiles in greeting.

"I see, looks like we get to kill two birds with one stone. You probably already know that I'm Cynthia Vallier, psychology student and researcher at Columbia, and that I interviewed Mr. Adams today as part of my research - accompanied by my associate here."

She nods to Marcus.

"And this is my pal Amy."

"So yeah, research. However, you might not know that we have, shall we say, a deeper interest in the case. Millie, I'm convinced that your husband has been framed. These killings and disappearances are, I think, linked to a wider conspiracy that my friends and I have had some experience of."

She pauses, wondering how much information to give away considering how reticent she'd been with Mr. Adams.

"The least you know about that the better I think - suffice to say we're on the same side here. We'd be interested to hear your side of the story Mrs. Adams, and yours too Miss Shosenburg."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:04 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Hi," says Amy with a smile. "Pleased to meet you. I didn't visit the prison yesterday, but Cynthia filled me in on it. You obviously know more about the case than we do. If you share what you know, maybe we can help."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 8:37 pm
by Silver Priest
Marcus nods in greeting, but for now keeps silent. He does not want to say too much at the moment; he knows how curious reporters can be.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 3:32 pm
by Raiko
The reporter looks intently at Cynthia, "I understand why you might feel that it's best to keep Millie safe, but I can assure you that her own investigations have probably already put her in danger.

And as well as the fact that we are trying to uncover evidence that will free an innocent and very brave man, and a war hero, from execution, I've got a story to research. I'm staking my professional future on uncovering the truth about Hilton and the real Voodoo murderers."

Rebecca smiles back at Cynthia, "So before we share what we know, perhaps you could tell us a little about your conspiracy?"

Millie says, "I'll go make us all a warm drink. We might be talkin' fo' a while."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 8:49 pm
by jp1885

Cynthia settles herself in a chair and ponders for a second before deciding she can trust the journalist.

"Alright then, you wanna know? Well it goes back to around five years ago. For various reasons a bunch of us found ourselves in Peru and, long story short, got mixed up with this guy called Larkin. He ran around with a bunch of... murderers... monsters... cultists I guess. They were all nasty pieces of work and had some bad stuff planned."

"We got together with a guy called Elias who knows all about death cults and stuff and we put a stop to it. Suffice to say Larkin didn't survive and on his body we found some weird tattoo - a guy with a spiral head. Remind you of anything? Cult of the Bloody Tongue?"

"Jump to a couple of days ago and our pal Elias writes his fiance,"
she winks at Amy, "that he's coming back to New York after researching the doomed Carlisle expedition. As you well know, Victoria Post, one of the victims of the voodoo murders, is also linked to this, which brings us, via Mr. Adams, to here. Clears as mud huh?"

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 3:30 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, he hasn't formally proposed yet," says Amy, "but I'm sure he will when he returns. I admire your courage, Millie. I'd do the same thing if Jackson were in your husband's situation."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 3:37 pm
by Raiko
Rebecca Shosenburg smiles at Amy, "Jackson Elias sounds like a very brave and resourceful man, I'd very much like to meet with him when he arrives. I have heard of your fiancé, although I've not read any of his books."

Turning back to Cynthia, she says, "I mean, you all sound like you had to be very brave, I'm glad you're investigating the same case, perhaps we can work together?

"I've honestly never come across this Cult of the Bloody Tongue, does that relate to Doctor Lemming's theory about the symbol on the bodies?

"I've also not come across anyone called Larkin, although that's not surprising if you killed him five years ago in Peru."

From the expression on her face, Miss Shosenburg isn't too sure that killing someone is such a good move, but she does her best to act unfazed.

"And I wasn't aware that the Voodoo murders had any connection to the Carlyle family, and the death of Roger Carlyle, I did know that Victoria Post and Erica were friends though. Have you tried to talk to Erica Carlyle? Not an easy woman to get an interview with."

Millie returns from the kitchen with a tray full of steaming coffee mugs, which she passes out as Rebecca continues talking.

"All of Hilton's soldier friends have given up their investigation, they've been intimidated by the police and fear that they'll be framed just like Hilton if they continue. I'm afraid that the police captain who investigated the Voodoo murders is either completely incompetent or corrupt and working with the murderers.

"Millie has followed up some of the leads that her husband found, but now she's being watched. I've not got enough evidence yet to get a story past my editors, they've not stopped me following up on the Hilton Adams story, but they're not exactly fully supporting me either.

And as I've been tipped off that you visited Hilton in Sing Sing, you can bet that the cops and maybe the murderers know as well."

She shrugs, "So, like I said you're obviously all very brave, but so was Hilton Adams are you sure you want to know more?"

Both Rebecca and Millie look hopefully towards the investigators, they're both in over their heads and need all the help they can get.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 3:40 pm
by Raiko
OOC:   I've given Cynthia the benefit of her earlier psychology roll. Rebecca is being truthful.  

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 7:25 pm
by Silver Priest
Marcus is mostly silent, but raises an eyebrow as Rebecca drops what he believes is an important admission so casually.

"Sorry Ms. Shosenburg. You're saying she's being followed?" He looks to Millie. "Can you tell me anything more about the people trailing you, ma'am?"

"I won't lie, you'll need to be careful. If these guys are the same ones we encountered in Peru, they have no qualms about tying up loose ends. Your life may very well be in danger. Yours too, Ms. Shosenburg. Take my advise, and never go anywhere alone."

He picks up a coffee mug and sips the drink, leaving the others to calm down the two women he has likely just traumatized.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 8:32 pm
by jp1885

Cynthia mulls over the journalist's warning as Marcus administers his. After a moments reflection, she smiles a grim smile.

"If, as you suggest, someone's keeping tabs on us, it'd be too late to pull out now, even if we wanted to. Tell us everything you know and we'll see where that takes us."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Amy smiles back at Rebecca. "Thank you, Rebecca," she says. "I would like to work with you. I and a couple of my other friends did try to contact Erica Carlyle yesterday while the rest went to the prison, and you're right, she is hard to contact. The guards wouldn't let us in, and few men can say no to my smile. They did at least tell me that I could contact her lawyer, Bradley Gray, so I called him and arranged a meeting for Friday morning with myself, Jackson, and a couple of other friends."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:15 am
by Raiko
The Adams' House - 163 West 131st Street, Harlem, NY
7:40pm - Wednesday 14th January, 1925

Rebecca takes a couple of sips of steaming coffee from her mug while considering all the investigators' questions.

"Millie met with Captain Robson at the 14th Precinct building, protesting that they had got the wrong man and explaining what little she knew about the investigations that Hilton and his friends had been making into both the murders and the much larger number of disappearances over the same period.

"Robson was quite dismissive of the information, he said there was more than enough evidence to convict Hilton and that 'Negros come and go all the time' from Harlem, so it's hardly surprising if a few disappear now and again."

Millie takes over the story, "I insisted that Hilton was convinced that these killings were ritual and that many of the disappeared were also victims, Captain Robson just said that the ritual killing theory was just the ravings of 'some old crackpot with too much time on his hands', meaning Dr Lemming. He said that those crazy ideas had distracted from the investigation and helped cover up my husband's actions, and that it's probably best all round if I kep' my nose out of police business from now on.

"Then that same day Hilton's old army buddies got given the same message delivered by Robson's men. They took poor Jackie Wallace down a back street an' they beat the daylight outa him. Told him in no uncertain terms that if they carried on pokin' around then they'd be joinin' my Hilton."

Millie shakes her head, "Would have jus' made Hilton more determined to find out the truth o' things, but those buddies o' his ain't made o' the same stuff. They took the warning and stopped lookin', so I had no choice, but to make my own enquiries.

Hilton had tol' me that another man agreed that this was ritual killin's, an old man called Silas N'Kwane who runs Ju Ju House. Sells 'genuine African magic stuff' and other junk. So off I went to visit Mr N'Kwane at his shop, but when I got there, there's a couple o' nasty lookin' fella's waitin' outside who would not let me past.

"Then outa the shop comes this big man, looks right at me and smiles like he knows me an' says, 'give my regards to your husban' Mrs Adams', then he just walks off wi' those two thugs, smilin' like he ain't got no cares in the world, while my Hilton's waitin' for the chair.

"When I got inside Ju Ju House old Mr N'Kwane don't want to speak to me, he jus' say to go home an' forget about helpin' my Hilton. Says there ain't nothin' can be done.

"Since that day, everywhere I go, seems there's always some bad man keepin' their eye on what I do."

As Millie Adams pauses, Rebecca takes over speaking again, "From Millie's description I'm sure the big man is Mukunga M'Dai, a local mobster who runs a numbers racket out of Fat Maybelle's, a sleazy little speakeasy on 139th Street. M'Dai is one of the most dangerous men in Harlem and I suspect he's got Captain Robson in his pocket, so he's near untouchable. He's the last lead that Hilton was investigating before he was framed."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 11:10 am
by jp1885

Cynthia listens intently to the two women, occasionally glancing out of the window as they describe what they've been up against.

"If we didn't know to watch our backs before, we sure as hell do now..." she muses.

"But on the bright side, if we catch any goons following us or get leaned on by the cops, we know we're on the right track.

She smiles a grim smile.

"I guess the Ju Ju House will be watched, but we should try and speak with this Silas guy. I also wanted to speak to Needham Johnson, but if he's been silenced like the rest of the old army guys... That still leaves the folklore guy, Dr. Lemming - have you spoken to him?"

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:20 am
by Silver Priest
"That would make sense," Marcus responds. "Hilton mentioned he was looking into Mukunga M'Dai the night he was framed. We're probably looking at our killer; of course, we'll need to do enough investigating to prove it, and pinning this on a man like Mukunga seems to be is no easy task.

He nods at Cynthia. 'I'm pretty much in agreement that this Silas N'Kwane knows something, but I'm guessing he's also been given a stern talking to and told in no uncertain terms to keep his mouth shut. I can't imagine he'd be all that happy to see us, or talk to us for that matter." He muses quietly for a moment.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:51 am
by Mr. Handy

"He must have something on Captain Robson," says Amy. "Either he's bribing him, or he has some other proof that the captain is dirty. Maybe we can speak to Silas at his home instead of the shop, unless he lives above the shop or something. We should definitely talk to Dr. Lemming. It sounds like he knows more about this than any of us."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:23 pm
by Raiko
jp1885 wrote:That still leaves the folklore guy, Dr. Lemming - have you spoken to him?"
"No," replies Millie, "Hilton met him once, but I haven't."

Rebecca adds, "I intend to meet with him, but no, not yet. I do know that he's not really a doctor, his research into folklore and the occult is a hobby, rather than a profession.

"He lives at the Murray Hill Hotel, in Midtown. From what I know, he's a wealthy old bachelor who's managed to set himself up as being New York's foremost expert on African folklore. Still my editors seem to believe in him."

Raising an eyebrow she says, "I could probably get someone to arrange a meeting - they don't like me spending too much time on this though - everyone at The Times thinks this story is a dead end except me."

"When do you expect your friend Jackson to arrive back? I'm curious to know how he thinks this all connects to this guy Larkin in Peru."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:13 pm
by jp1885

Cynthia lets Amy reply about Elias' return, but when the chance presents itself she will ask Rebecca what she's learned about the murder victims.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:36 pm
by Silver Priest
Marcus has nothing to add currently, at least not in front of a reporter, no matter how well intentioned. He continues to sip his drink.

"Pardon me for saying ma'am, but this is some damn good coffee."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 3:17 am
by Mr. Handy

"His ship comes in tomorrow," says Amy, unable to suppress her excitement.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:57 am
by Raiko
"You must be very excited Amy, how long has he been abroad?"

When Amy has replied to Millie, Rebecca says, "I could meet you for lunch tomorrow with the information that I've gathered. Several of the victims have visited Fat Maybelle's at some time or other, or have links to gangsters, including Erica's friend Victoria.

"But there's more than just those victims. There are dozens of mysterious disappearances over the past few years. Hilton had documented many of them in his notes, but the cops took all that when they arrested him, before I really got involved in the story."

A look of fury flashed across Millie's face and she shouts, "Took his notes at the same time, dey took his knife to frame him with!"

"I've done my own checking," continues Rebecca, "and I have a few details of people who have disappeared, but sadly not as extensive as Hilton's notes.

"They always vanish just before the new moon though."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:24 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, yes!" Amy gushes to Millie. "He left months ago. I've missed him so much! I had asked to go with him, but he insisted that it was too dangerous and that I stay here and continue my education."

In response to Rebecca, she adds: "That's when the eclipse will be, in about a week and a half. I've heard that the eclipse is even more significant to them than an ordinary new moon."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:29 am
by Silver Priest
"That would be nice," Marcus tells Rebecca. "But as I've said, you're both targets. The killers know who you are. I'd like to think they'd be more likely to come after us, but you may be in danger as well. I suggest neither of you go out at night if you can help it, and when you do go out, make sure you stick to crowded areas. And if you have a weapon or can get one, do so. "

"I don't know what's going on here, but it gives me a bad feeling." He gives both ladies his number. "If you think you're being followed or something feels wrong, give me a call, and I'll get the gang together and come check it out.'

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:46 pm
by jp1885

Marcus, do you have any contacts in the NYPD that could get us a look at those notes?”

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:34 pm
by Raiko
"Thank you, I'll do that," Millie takes Marcus' number and puts it into her pocket, "I don't have a telephone in the house, but I appreciate your care."

Rebecca also takes the number, but her expression grows more serious. "Thank you, I will take care. I'm not going to be scared into dropping my investigation though. I've managed to look after myself so far."

She takes out a business card and offers it to Amy.

"Give me a call when you hear from Jackson, I'd really like to meet him."

Smiling at Marcus, Rebecca says "I'm sure I'll be safer with you and your friends than alone.

"I'll fetch the information that I have on the murder victims and some of the missing, and I'll ask around the news room to see if anyone has ever heard of this Larkin guy."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 2:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, I will," says Amy, accepting the card.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 6:40 am
by Silver Priest
"I might know someone," Marcus responds, though he's not willing to offer his name in front of a reporter. "Don't want to promise anything, though."

He makes a note to call Michael McGrath tommorow and see if there was anyway he could get a look at the notes.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 9:41 am
by jp1885

”Peachy.” Cynthia nods to Marcus. ”If you need to mention any names, you could always pretend you’re being employed by Erica Carlyle.”

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 8:18 pm
by Silver Priest
"I could, but I'd be reluctant. If the guy finds out I think he'd be cross with me, and I'd rather not risk destroying a relationship with a contact. Hopefully Amy can use that nice smile of hers and get us into Ms. Carlyle's graces, and I can actually play that card if need be."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 4:24 am
by Mr. Handy

Amy beams. "Thank you," she says. "It didn't work so well on the guard at her estate, but he's just trying to protect her. I think it'll have a better effect on her lawyer, and on Miss Carlyle herself if we get the chance to talk to her."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:38 am
by jp1885

Cynthia can’t fault Amy and Marcus’ logic.

”Good point - let’s try to get into their good books before playing that angle then. So what’s our next step: the folklorist and the Ju-Ju guy?”

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 8:23 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yes," says Amy. "I think we should speak to the folklorist first. Then we'll have a better idea of what questions to ask the Ju-Ju House guy, and we'll need to talk to him away from the shop if we can."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:04 pm
by Raiko
"Great, I'll be waiting for your call Amy." Rebecca grins, "I'll gather that information from the Times offices."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:09 pm
by Silver Priest
"I agree," says Marcus. "This Silas guy is almost certainly intimidated by the killers, so getting answers from him are going to be very difficult. The folklorist might be easier. Let's meet up with the rest of the gang and plot our next move."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Millie's House

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 11:51 am
by jp1885

"Okay, Dr. Lemming it is then. I could swing by the Murray Hill Hotel in the morning - that's where the guy's staying according to Mr. Adams."