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[IC]Chapter 1.3 - Back in the City

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 11:57 pm
by Raiko
Columbia Café – West 113th Street, New York City
6:00pm - Wednesday 14th January, 1925

By 5pm both groups have arrived back in the city on trains from Westchester County. An hour later, the investigators meet back at Columbia Café, a block away from the university.

Inside the café, their favourite table is free, and they are greeted warmly by Cora the owner and by the aroma of fresh coffee and homely cooking. Outside, it's not snowing tonight, but the clearing skies have allowed the temperature to crash well below freezing. Sidewalks still piled high with snow shovelled from the roads yesterday are treacherous to those commuters and students who brave the wintery conditions.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 4:37 am
by Mr. Handy

Amy is bundled up against the cold, glad to be indoors and to get some hot coffee and hot food inside her. She fills in the others on what she has learned and the appointment she has set up with Bradley Grey, Erica Carlyle's lawyer.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 7:53 am
by Anatomist
"As far we got, we mmst wait for tomorrow to meet Miss Carlyle" Dr. Sánchez glances at Cynthia
"How did it go in the Prison?"

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:06 am
by jp1885

As soon as Cynthia alights from the train, she heads back to her apartment and takes her sword from it's place atop the mantelpiece. Maybe she's being paranoid, but she doesn't like the idea of being fitted up for murder.

Looking up a friend from the history department, she arranges for the rapier to be temporarily loaned for study, ensuring that she gets a dated receipt in return.

That done, she joins the others at the cafe. After listening to how the others fared, she answers Sanchez.

"Well, I'm pretty sure Adams is innocent..."
" that's why I've gotten rid of my sword for the time being. I don't know if we can prove Adams' innocence, but he's given us plenty of leads:- Dr. Mordecai Lemming, the folklorist; Silas N'Kwane, African magic expert at this Ju Ju House and Needham Johnson, one of the Hellfighters. Also Millie Adams and the reporter Rebecca Shosenburg. Oh, and of course Maybelle, she of Fat Maybelle's and her charming pal Mukunga M'Dari - suspect number one I'd say."

"I'd reckon we speak to Shosenburg and Millie first - they've gotta be on top of the Bloody Tongue's hit list now - maybe Shosenburg can link all the other known victims to Maybelle's speakeasy."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:50 am
by kabukiman
"We must be very careful. That group seems to be very dangerous; they seem to attack only people of low profile, but it's still risky."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:32 pm
by Silver Priest
"Some of us might also want to stake out Fat Maybelle's. I doubt the ones behind this are aware of us yet, but if we keep digging that's gonna change real quick. So this might be our best chance to get a look at the place, which could prove useful later.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:35 pm
by Anatomist
"The wife first i think, spouses have lots of insights in their husbands affairs, even if the husband know it or not" he chuckles "my brother's wife know him better then he do himself"

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 3:17 am
by Mr. Handy

"The meeting's the day after tomorrow," says Amy, "and it's with Bradley Grey, Erica Carlyle's lawyer. I don't know if she'll put in an appearance, but we have to go through Mr. Grey before we can see her. I could talk to either Rebecca Shosenburg or Millie, but none of us should go anywhere alone. If these killers are out there, and they're after these folks, they could easily strike while we're there. We could talk to them this evening."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 8:36 am
by jp1885

"Oh yeah, we need to stay in pairs at the very least," Cynthia grins, but there's no mirth in it. "Just like old times."

"I'll come with you Amy. We could maybe catch Millie this evening - make it look like we're doing background research for my supposed study of Adams. If we run out of time we could speak to Shosenburg before Jackson gets in tomorrow."

OOC,Can I assume we got Adams' home address during his interview?
"Say, anyone know when the next dark moon is? If the cult is more active then, we'd best be extra careful huh?"

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 8:58 am
by Anatomist
jp1885 wrote:"Say, anyone know when the next dark moon is? If the cult is more active then, we'd best be extra careful huh?"
Dr. Sánchez reaches into his inner pocket taking out his almanac. "Says here waning crescent 22'th of January, new moon, and at its darkest 23 through 25, and waxing crescent again the 26'th. So The 24'th the moon will be at its darkest"

"I rather go and spend the afternoon at the library looking for information on this new shortlist of names and places. I feel im rather safe at the library so im fine with going alone, we can meet up again here 23 hrs?"

Dr. Sánchez snaps his fingers "and of course, i almost forgot, solar eclipse falls on the same date" the rest of the group can see he tenses up for a split second "that might have a lot of connotation tho folks like this, we better work fast as hell, as if the Devil himself is after us"
OOC:   added the solar eclipse info  

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:06 am
by Silver Priest
"I'd be fine going to Maybelle's, though preferably with a date." Marcus says. "But I'm not sure what I'm really expecting to find there apart from getting the lay of the land."

"I could also go talk to this Johnson about his friend, if he'd be willing to open up to a white man. See if he's making an effort to help Adams or has any further leads about what's going on. I could make some inquiries with the cops and see what further information they have about the case, but I'd rather have some proof we could offer them as to Adams innocence before I went that route, and even then I suspect they'd be less than helpful. Them having to admit they got the wrong man would be an embarrassment for them."

"There's also this N'Kwane fellow at the Ju Ju House, but I admit I'm not too well versed with the occult mumbo jumbo, despite what happened in Peru. Someone with a better idea of what to ask would be better served there, though I'm of course fine going there or anywhere you folks think a bodyguard might be needed." At this he offers a brief flash of the revolver on his side, showing them that all these years later he's still packing wherever he goes.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 5:02 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, yes, the eclipse!" says Amy. "I've been looking forward to that. I've never seen one before, Solar eclipses can only happen when the moon is dark, because the moon is directly between the earth and the sun. The sun can only shine on the side of the moon we can't see."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:06 am
by Zero
Atauchi ordered a steaming black mug of coffee and then joined his companions at their table. He listened as the day's events were recounted. At the moment Cynthia suggested staying in pairs, he felt the need to speak on the issue of their safety.

"Si. Very important we stay in pairs. This cult seem very dangerous. Strong caution needed. We go everywhere armed from now on." he said in response to the young woman's recommendation.

He turned towards Marcus as he spoke on two of the leads they received from the prisoner. "If they get right man, the embarrassment as you say will be lesser. Little doubt guilty man one of these cultists." he replied to his companion. The man paused for a moment, then added, "I will speak to the occultist, my friend. Field is interest of mine since Peru.".

Lastly, as the discussion moved towards the subject of the coming eclipse, Atauchi's stomach knotted. Truth be told, this occasion made the Quechua man rather uneasy. His ancestors believed such events were signs of impending disaster.

"As for eclipse, it may be significant to cultists. They may have something big planned for event. Another sacrifice, maybe. One of us if we not on guard." he said, bleakly. He had a bad feeling about this.
OOC:   Don't usually like to write such lengthy posts, but I was already pretty far behind. Caught up now though.  

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 8:38 pm
by jp1885

"Yeah, I'd put money on the next eclipse being siginficant." Cynthia gulps down her coffee.

"Okay, if we're gonna speak to Mrs. Adams tonight Amy, we'd best get going."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 8:54 pm
by Anatomist
"Marcus, Atauchi, please go with the girls, I don't really think either a white man or what would be taken as a Hispanic will do well making questions in Harlem" Dr. Sánchez turns to Mr. Anderson "what do you say Michael? You and me turning pages at the library as we do best?"

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 4:35 am
by Mr. Handy

"Will the library even be open late enough to use it?" asks Amy. "It's already past six."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 10:57 am
by Anatomist
Mr. Handy wrote:Image

"Will the library even be open late enough to use it?" asks Amy. "It's already past six."
hard success Luck 65%,[dice]0[/dice]
"I know one of the librarians, im sure he might be helpful if they have closed to the general public"
OOC:   Raiko, up tp you if my buddy can be helpful  

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:28 pm
by Raiko
OOC:   I'm sure your librarian friend can help.  

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 9:15 am
by kabukiman
"I'm interested to go to the library to, I feel more comfortable reading books that meeting a lawyer and a socialite."- says Anderson.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Back in the City

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:00 pm
by Zero
The Quechua man sipped his coffee and considered Dr. Sánchez's suggestion for several moments. Despite the other man's assertions that he and Anderson would be completely safe at the library, Atauchi was not so certain. It was entirely possible that their activities have already gotten the attention of the death cult. Someone should watch over the two academics.

"No señor. I think it best I come with you. Marcus good to watch ladies on his own." he replied.