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Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 11:06 am
by Raiko
ooc,It's actually a single roll where success against either Law or half-EDU is a success. So Amy gets to tick Law skill with her 02% roll.

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 11:17 am
by Mephistophilis
OOC,Law 5, hard EDU 24, [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 11:24 am
by jp1885

“Uh, hi. My name’s Cynthia Vallier and I’m a friend of Jackson Elias. I believe he wrote to you asking about a certain book; I have your reply dated November 7th 1924. I’m sorry to say that Mr. Elias was murdered last night. We’re trying to put his affairs in order and wondered if he ever did obtain the book? If so we can arrange to return it to you. May I ask which book this refers to?”
EDU 66 big fail!,[dice]0[/dice]
Cynthia is too busy talking to Atwright to think of anything else.

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:25 pm
by Anatomist
failed EDU 94%,[dice]0[/dice]
Dr. Sánchez is absent-minded thinking about breakfast.

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 8:36 pm
by Mr. Handy

"No, we won't be breaking in," says Amy.
OOC,Oh, thanks! 8-)

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 4:51 pm
by Raiko
<<Jackson is dead? Oh my...>>

The line goes quiet for a few seconds, when she speaks again Miriam's voice is shaky, clearly she knew Jackson well.

<<How did this happen Miss Vallier? Oh this is terrible news..>>

<<Oh, the book? It was called Africa's Dark Sects, and no I'm afraid we never got the book to Jackson, it mysteriously vanished from the library several months before Jackson requested it.>>

<<I even remember the day, there was an unspeakable odour in the library that morning when we noticed that the Sects book was missing.>>

ooc,Those bits of information always cause some surprised looks from players in tabletop sessions. Read 'em out loud. Heh! "It's called what?"

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 8:16 pm
by jp1885

Cynthia thanks Miriam, after sombrely summarising the grisly events of the previous night.

“Do you know of any other copies in existence? Maybe here in New York?”

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 12:30 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,That book also just cropped up in [url=]another game[/url] I'm playing in here. Apparently the author was making a double entendre. ;)

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 1:44 am
by Raiko
Miriam listens to Cynthia explaining the previous night's events and then answers her question.

<<No dear, I'm afraid the book is very rare, perhaps unique. The author - the English explorer Nigel Blackwell - disappeared in the Belgian Congo in 1919 and is presumed to be dead.>>

<<His notes from his African safaris were compiled for publication in 1920 as Africa's Dark Secrets by one party while Blackwell's estate was contested, probably in an attempt to profit from them. A law suit by the family halted publication through, and most or probably all copies of Africa's Dark Secrets were destroyed. It's possible that one or two copies might exist in Great Britain, with private collectors or the British Library, but I doubt it.>>

<<This copy - with Blackwell's original title of Africa's Dark Sects - was likely a proof, and we believe to be the only copy that actually made it to the United States.>>

<<I've never read the book, but I understand that the author documented the practices of a number of supposed African cults during his travels. He was quite obsessed with such practices and this is why his heirs wanted publication to be halted.>>

Miriam sniffles a little bit, then offers to help

<<I can look into this Cult of the Bloody Tongue for you if you like? If these killers in Harlem are masquerading as an old African cult, then it's possible that we have books other than Nigel Blackwell's memoires that might discuss them. Could you describe this symbol?>>

<<Jackson was a good friend, I'd like to help you if I can.>>

OOC,I've assumed that Cynthia has mentioned the Bloody Tongue Cult and the ritual scar to Miriam when describing tonight's events. [quote="Mr. Handy"]That book also just cropped up in [url=]another game[/url] I'm playing in here. Apparently the author was making a double entendre. ;)[/quote] Lol, uncanny timing.

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:10 am
by jp1885

“Sure, your help would be much appreciated.”

Cynthia describes the symbol, trying hard to keep the feeling of bitterness rising within her out of her voice.

“Please be very careful though: some folks may not take kindly to this.”

“Oh, one last thing: does your library have a signing-in book? Any indication who might’ve been around when the book went missing?”

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:14 am
by Mephistophilis
OOC,[quote="Mr. Handy"]That book also just cropped up in [url=]another game[/url] I'm playing in here. Apparently the author was making a double entendre. ;)[/quote] An uncanny coincidence, and since it's my first time playing Masks I had to wing it describing the book in my game!

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 10:25 am
by kabukiman
"Cynthia, ask if she knows anybody else that has read the book that could help us".- says Anderson.

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:06 am
by jp1885

Nodding, Cynthia relays Anderson’s excellent question.

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 1:42 am
by Raiko
<<I'll look into that for you Cynthia>>

<<If you phone me back this afternoon, I'll let you know what I can, or I can phone you this evening if you prefer?>>

OOC:   Apologies, I've run out of time today and need to get up very early tomorrow, so I've got to get to bed.
I will get those new threads up tomorrow.  

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 4:18 pm
by jp1885

“I’ll try to call this afternoon, but if I’m waylaid then please call me this evening,Cynthia says, hedging her bets.

Re: [IC]Chapter 1.7 - The Unfinished Tales of Jackson Elias

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 3:20 am
by Raiko
OOC:   Cynthia, Marcus and Michael: Please continue posting in [IC]Chapter 1.8a - Emerson Imports.  
OOC:   Amy, Nemesio and Luther: Please continue posting in [IC]Chapter 1.8b - Legal Matters.