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[IC]Chapter 1.4a - Night at the Library

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 12:11 am
by Raiko
New York Public Library
7:30pm - Wednesday 14th January, 1925

Dr. Sánchez's friend Samuel McConnell meets the investigators at the staff door of the New York Public Library, and ushers them in out of the heavy snow.

"It's a good night for reading Nemesio, but the weather is awful outside. This must be very important for you all to brave the elements."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:14 am
by Anatomist
"Well you know me, when i first get an idea stuck in my head, im willing to even go out in a blizzard" Dr. Sánchez takes of his fur coat, cracks his knuckles and lights his pipe "Soo, im trying to research some names... What can we possibly digg up one Dr. Mordecai Lemming he's a the folklorist, maybe that helps, Silas N'Kwane, an african magic expert of some sort, he resides in Harlem at the moment and all information on Mukunga M'Dari, hes also a Harlem resident. He hangs around the Fat Maybelle's establishment, supposed close friend to Maybelle the owner of the joint."

hard success Library use 70%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:21 am
by kabukiman
"Hi, I'm Michal Anderson, and I'm helping Dr Sanchez in his research".

Library use: 60%


Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:25 am
by Zero
Atauchi gazed about him as he removed his fur adorned coat. On occasion he had assisted the Professor with his research, but this was still very much his area of expertise. That being said, from what he knew of Michael Anderson, he was no slouch in the academic arena himself. No, the Quechua man was merely here in a protective role should the band of cultists make a move against their group.
Spot Hidden (70%),[dice]0[/dice]
Library Use (20%),[dice]1[/dice]
OOC:   That's a critical success at the Spot Hidden, hopefully there's something to spot this time. I got closer with the Library Use than I thought I would, but alas, not close enough.  

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:15 pm
by Raiko
None of the investigators notice anything usual, and Atauchi is certain that they are not being tailed.

Once everyone is inside Samuel shuts the door and leads the way to the stacks.

"I can't stay much longer myself tonight Nemesio, but you know your way around the place well enough, take as long as you like. I'll let the night watchman know to let you all out when you are done. We have archives of all the New York newspapers, perhaps there's information in there about these people."

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:24 pm
by Raiko
OOC:   I'll use the library use rolls that you've already made when you do your research. Didn't want to post the results immediately, as the other thread is likely to involve more interaction.  

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 4:32 pm
by kabukiman
"Thank you anyway for letting us doing our research". - says Anderson already preparing himself for a long night.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 1:53 am
by Zero
Atauchi followed Samuel McConnell towards the night watchman's desk. Once there, he took a fair amount of time to confer with the guard about the museum's security measures, number and location of points of entry, and any past attempted break-ins. He wouldn't be doing his due diligence if he didn't perform this mundane task. With the possibility of renewed death cult activity, he couldn't be too cautious.
OOC:   @Raiko If you want to rp the discussion between Atauchi and the watchman, feel free to take it in that direction. I'm game for it.  

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 2:50 pm
by Raiko
The night watchman is called Robert, a stocky, balding ex-cop, he looks a little surprised by Atauchi's questions.

"Can't say I remember any real break-in attempts, just the odd bit of trouble from kids. Most o'the time if you wanted to steal a book, it would be easier during the day.

"Most o'the books can be borrowed anyway. I can show you around all the entrances and exits though, if ya like? I'm due to make a walk-about now anyway."

**** ****
Meanwhile Samuel leads Sánchez and Anderson to the reading room, almost deserted at this hour and lit only by a few of the table lamps, the huge room is spookily shrouded in shadows and the three men's footsteps echo across the vast hall. There are a still couple of librarians in here, but they look like they are preparing to leave, and a scholarly looking old man sits at one of the reading desks at the far end, engrossed in one of a collection of books piled on the table in front of him.

"That's Professor Fowler from Cornell, he's been in here the last few nights. He'll probably still be here after you've gone.

"I'll be going myself now, got to get back to the family. You know your own way down to the stacks. Hope you find what you're looking for."

Samuel offers a handshake to Sánchez and Anderson in turn.
OOC:   He'll be gone in the next post, unless you need to ask him anything else.  

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:06 pm
by kabukiman
"Well, thank you. I hope so to found what we are looking for, instead of going to my bed"

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 9:17 pm
by Anatomist
"God night Samuel"
Dr. Sánchez says moving a chair and looks towards Professor Fowler at the end of the room.

Dr. Sánchez will ask Fowler about his research if in searching for his own books happen to pass close to the old man.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 6:49 am
by Zero
Atauchi nodded as the guard spoke and agreed to accompany the man on his rounds. He surmised that it was prudent to better familiarize himself with the library's layout, just in case the cult was aware of their activities followed them here.

"Where books that can't be borrowed kept?" he asked, casually.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 3:14 pm
by Raiko
Robert shows Atuachi around the library building, it seems secure enough, it's a huge building though - much smaller than the Natural History Museum, but far too big for one man to keep secure from determined criminals or cultists.

The watchman explains that the vast majority of the library's collection of books are stored in the extensive stacks underneath the reading room, the stacks extend unground beneath the building itself and cover a larger area beneath ground than the footprint of the actual building. Particularly valuable old books are locked away in separate sections of the underground store and can only be viewed by obtaining written permission from the library administrators.

Normally readers request books be brought to them by the librarians at the back desk of the reading room and the books are sent up to the librarians by a clever system of elevators. Non-lending books must be returned before leaving the reading room.


Dr. Sánchez and Anderson's research is a little frustrating, they turn up several small mentions of Dr. Mordecai Lemming in newspaper articles about the Voodoo murders (few of which give any details that they don't already know), the doctor seems happy to share his views of the killings to reporters.

He is repeatedly quoted as linking the marks cut into victims' heads as being African and occult in origin and originally belonging to an ancient death cult from Eastern Africa. Newspaper coverage of the Lemming quotes varies, the more conservative newspapers tending to offer the doctor's view that a criminal or a gang is using the symbol to create fear. One or two more sensational papers opt to ignore this, and sensationalise Lemming's words - "Voodoo Murderer from Ancient Cult Says Expert!" and the like.

It is notable that despite extensive searches there is no evidence anywhere that Dr. Lemming has ever had anything published, academic or otherwise. Amongst all the newpaper articles though, there are some more details about the Voodoo murder victims themselves that weren't turned up last time.
You locate articles from the dates of the murders, which include more details of the victims.
  • Fredrick Marshall: Small time hoodlum, thought to have ties with a local numbers racket in Harlem. Very few details in the press.
  • Roberta Barlow: Waitress at restaurant and suspected Harlem speakeasy Fat Maybelle's. Last seen leaving work, her body turned up two blocks away. Again, there are very few details in the NY press.
  • Rev. Elijah A. Johnson, A Harlem Minister and activist who preached against immorality in Harlem. The third murder with the same MO, this finally generated more than a single paragraph in the press, although most still suspected that Rev. Johnson had been killed by local gangsters.
  • Michael Conley: A longshoreman from the docks in the Hell's Kitchen district. Michael disappeared on a night out in Harlem, his body only turned up a week later in reeds on the bank of the East River in Queens, two days after the murder of Richard Cederecci.
  • Richard Cederecci: reputed to have connections to Charlie Luciano, a known associate of Giuseppe "Joe The Boss" Masseria (reputedly one of NYC's most powerful mafia bosses). Body found in a back alley in Harlem the morning after he was murdered. Due to the delay finding Michael Conley's body Cederecci's corpse actually turned up first.
  • Victoria Post: Wealthy socialite Victoria was a regular at Harlem's famous Cotton Club. Victoria's father Richard Post III offered a reward of $10,000 for information that lead to the arrest of her killer. Victoria's murder finally convinced the NYPD and the majority of the press that the Voodoo Murders were not gangland slayings, as neither her nor her family had any suspected connections to organised crime.
  • Walter Van Buskirk: Brooklyn based private investigator Van Buskirk was murdered while visiting Harlem. Rumours in the press are that he was investigating the murder of Victoria Post. However Anderson finds an article that suggests that Van Buskirk was actually investigating the disappearance of the wayward son of an unnamed wealthy client.
  • Adolf Thurmond: Wall Street stockbroker, out for the night in Harlem. Police responding to Adolf's screams found Hilton Adams standing over his fresh corpse holding a bloody knife.
Nothing turns up about Silas N'Kwane or his Ju-Ju House shop - other than a small ad in a newspaper:
Newspaper Ad wrote: JU JU HOUSE
Finest African Traditional Art Objects
Ransom Court, off West 137th Street
Harlem, NY
The only mention that might be Mukunga M'Dari is a brief mention of a Mr M'Dari as being a "representative" of Maybelle's in news of the last of several raids on the speakeasy by the NYPD. This raid was over two years ago, but from what Hilton Adams said, the speakeasy has continued to operate.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 4:21 pm
by Anatomist

Hey Anderson, this Fat Maybelle's is turning up alot. They might need us if they go from Millie's house to Fat Maybelle's. " he lits his pipe "If i any time have seen a shady place, Fat Maybelle's matches its description perfectly, must be the hub of operation i guess.
The others went for Millie's place, I really think we should hurry over there, just in case...

But before we might go. Do you see this?"
he points at Victorias Post's article Richard Post III offered a reward of $10,000 "rich father and another 'societé' person, maybe party raging youth?, maybe some boyfriend of Victoria Post?... Anyways 'someone' hires Walter Van Buskirk yet some rich people involved, and then Walter Van Buskirk gets killed by the The Bloody Tongue, if i get a chance i want us to Investigate this more" he organizes the articles, nice and tidy on the desk.
"Im convinced we also should visit Dr. Mordecai Lemming. Seems to know lots of this case"

Nemesio Sánchez whistle like only a man from the Andes could, loud and clear "Atauchi! Amigo mio! we should hurry to the others i think" he turns to Anderson "what you think Anderson, do we leave in a hurry or do you want to stay?"

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 9:30 am
by kabukiman
"I think we should go. I doubt we find anything useful unless we read all those damned book. But look at the mo: they always attack isolated people. We should stay in groups and always be armed".

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 3:52 am
by Zero
Atauchi lost track of how much time he spent on patrol with the night guard, but eventually he made his way back towards the reading room where he had left the two academics. He had nearly reached the door when Sánchez's piercing whistle reached his ears. The Quechua man barely reacted at all to the sound then entered the room and affixed his eyes upon his two companions.

"¿Encontraste lo que necesitabas?" he directed towards the Peruvian.
OOC:   The translation for the above is "Did you find what you needed?"  

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 3:42 pm
by Raiko
Looking at his watch Nemesio sees that nearly four hours have passed in the library and it's close to midnight.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:07 pm
by Anatomist
kabukiman wrote:"I think we should go. I doubt we find anything useful unless we read all those damned book. But look at the mo: they always attack isolated people. We should stay in groups and always be armed".
"Yes, armed and ready... your right though as far we know they only attack lonely people "

Zero wrote:Atauchi

"¿Encontraste lo que necesitabas?"
"At least enough to help further our investigation into the Bloody tongue"

"Its almost midgnight, let get going to Millies house"

Dr. Sánchez will go outside and fetch a cab.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:04 am
by Zero
Atauchi nodded in understanding. He then quickly retrieved and donned his heavy fur-adorned coat before he joined the professor upon the snowy sidewalks outside the museum. He maintained a vigilant watch over each of the academics while they waited for a cab to appear.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:21 pm
by kabukiman
"So, in a night like this you think we will actually get a cab?"-says Anderson half frozen..

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 9:46 pm
by Zero
Atauchi maintained his stoic appearance, in spite of the chill which had begun to creep beneath his overcoat. He glanced at his two companions in an attempt to see how they were faring against these harsh conditions.

"Don't know, señor. I not usually out this late." he replied.

The truth was, the Quechua man typically kept to himself most of the time, unless Marcus suggested a visit to some new speakeasy he had heard of.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 8:32 am
by Anatomist
"Hang in there guys... this chill reminds me of the altiplano and im starting to miss my alpaca poncho alot"

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:15 pm
by Raiko
It seems to take an age to get a cab, as the weather is bad enough that even central Manhattan is almost deserted at this hour. After about ten freezing minutes though Dr Sanchez manages to hail a passing cab. The driver was finishing for the night, but doesn't pass up the chance to pocket a final fare.

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 10:14 am
by kabukiman
"Finally! I thought I would die outside!"

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 6:25 am
by Zero
Atauchi opened the passenger door for his two charges and waited for them to enter the vehicle. In spite of the late hour, he was still intent on maintaining vigilance with regard to their safety and kept watch until each of them was secure within the cab.

"After you, señors." he said.
Spot Hidden (70%),[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC]Chapter One - Night at the Library

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 10:09 am
by kabukiman
"Thank you!".
Anderson quickly enter in the taxi.