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Re: H-Cell, safe house #1

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:14 pm
by SweeperAZ
"Naw, Holdon ain't here yet."
Halphoh looks over the newcomer's shoulder.
"Hey' where'd Shaw run off to?"

Re: H-Cell, safe house #1

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:20 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The Shaw woman is gone from the address for now.

Re: H-Cell, safe house #1

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:02 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OOC:   HARRIS has assumed the role as team leader for H-cell. Refer any questions you had to HOLDEN directly to HARRIS from now on.  

Re: H-Cell, safe house #1

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:38 pm
by carnage_lee
SweeperAZ wrote: "Hey' where'd Shaw run off to?"
"If you mean the woman that was watching the foyer.. she said that she was going on a 'smoke break'. he shrugs. "I guess we better make sure the front door's secure..."

Francis heads back to the front door to lock it, if anyone else wants to get in, they can knock.

Re: H-Cell, safe house #1

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 10:32 pm
by Airbornexo

HUSKER leaps out of his chair as the woman enters the room and clutches her in a amiable bear hug before pulling away sheepishly, “Hot damn it’s good to see you Mel, how have you been?”

Re: H-Cell, safe house #1

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 1:06 am
by Henderson

HARRIS seems to have gotten another message. He frowns as he reads it. Interesting, but not particularly well-boding... But first things first. He waits until HUSKER and the other person have finished their greeting. He's a bit wary of a person with no H-themed name presented, but HUSKER seems to know her and if he is tagged, hes willing to assume she is as well.

"Well, I don't know whether we're complete yet or not, but I guess before we go into further planning and details, we can shortly get a general overview of who's here and do a general introduction to get an idea how we can mesh our abilities best... So, as some of you might already know, my codename is Harris. For the time being, I have taken over responsibility for this mission from Holden. I guess we can dispense with some formality here, as we're all in the same boat. People normally call me Harry of Frank, both works. I am with the IRS and thus like to think I'm somewhat good with numbers. I also got some weapons training in the Navy, should that become necessary."

That was, from his perspective, the most important part, smaller bits could still be added if necessary. He looked around if someone wanted to pick up here. Also because they might be able to figure some things out from who came from what agency.

[OOC: Dunno if this is the place, but thought, a small introduction wouldn't hurt ! We'll get back to facts and figures quickly enough, I guess... :mrgreen: ]

Re: H-Cell, safe house #1

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 1:50 am
by SweeperAZ
"Like I said, I'm Halphoh, becuase alliteration sucks. And I'm a local homicide detective."
OOC:   This is my first DG/Mythos game so I don't quite spretchin ze lingo yet.  
"If we need anything the NYPD has on Sandman, I could probably get it; me and Marney, my buddy in records, go back a bit, so he wont ask too many pointed questions unless it's something restricted, then I'll have to bribe him.

Re: H-Cell, safe house #1

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:48 pm
by kabukiman
"Well, do you mind that I wait then?"- says Mel still smiling.

Re: H-Cell, safe house #1

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 1:25 am
by Mr. Handy

Kathryn Petersen has been sitting in her car, watching the bookstore and, more importantly, looking for anyone else watching the bookstore. It strikes her as risky to have their safe house just down the block from the target building. Sure, it lets them better keep an eye on the place, but it also means that they could be observed in turn. It doesn't fill her with confidence that nobody in the safe house has noticed her observing them, though she is good at what she does. Maybe she's just being paranoid, but paranoia has helped her stay alive all these years, and considering that that building was involved, it was certainly warranted. She has watched both Marcus and Melinda arrive, pleased to see them again. Now that they're here and she's satisfied that the bookstore isn't being watched, she goes up to the front door and knocks.

Re: H-Cell, safe house #1

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:54 pm
by Airbornexo

Hearing the knock at the door, HUSKER gets up from his chair and walks briskly to the door, peering out into the street. A flash of recognition crossed his weathered face and he snaps open the lock and yanks the door so hard it almost comes away from the frame. He checks, realising he is making an ass of himself and then smiles warmly, "Hi Kat, how ya been?"

Re: H-Cell, safe house #1

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 3:56 am
by Mr. Handy

Kathryn folds her arms around Marcus and gives him a squeeze. "I'm all right," she says. "How've you been, Habs? It's good to see you again."