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Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 12:19 am
by Spookymizu
The plane touches down in Lufkin, at the nearby Angelina County Airport, at around 7 pm.

Oddly, as the passengers disembark, you notice a number of different law enforcement officers nearby. There are a couple each of sheriff deputies, Texas Rangers, and Lufkin police. They are very intently and wordlessly watching the passengers disembark, and you can feel the gaze of one staring right through you. They don't seem to give much notice to the Priest formally known as Feltch.

As promised, there is an unmarked van awaiting your arrival. It has everything you would have had in your van back home.

You do have a hotel room reservation in your names over in Leland. It would probably take you about 20-30 minutes to drive there.
OOC:   Let me know if there is something you wish to do while in the airport. Otherwise, let me know what the plan is. 8-)  

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 2:49 am
by Feltch
The priest, formerly known as Feltch, stays clear of the others heading to the van and takes a cab to the hotel.
OOC:   This priest gig might open a few doors for an inside story....and we know it's ALL about getting the story  

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 12:36 am
by Watakushi
Group Text from Noble:
"Are the rest of you getting the stink-eye from the cops? I'll catch a taxi and meet you all at the hotel...and Filch, when's your plane get in? BTW: were any of yiou able to find out anything on Pastor Ted Weaver, Kelly Landrom, or The Leland Free Evangelical Church? I came up with nothin'"
OOC:   Noble hasn't noticed the incognito Felch.  

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 8:50 pm
by Squidlyn_King
Once we get to the hotel Jacob will take the van and head out to a local gun store and buy some ammunition for his .45 and Deagle.

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:40 pm
by Feltch
When you arrive at the hotel, there is a note from Felch waiting for Jacob (the most stable? remaining member from our previous adventures). He is expected to share it with the group so I will share it below:

To my prestigious(?) colleagues,
I have decided to go into deep cover as a priest interested in expanding the use of "Hell Houses". This first hand experience will be a perfect counterpart to your investigations from outside. I intend to immerse myself in the daily details, intentions, and methods of those who would use extreme fear to serve their faith. I will NOT, under any circumstances, come out of Hannah can attest. I will not interact with the GNS party except when it fits into my role. My behaviors may seem more abnormal than usual.....yeah, insert jokes here..... Tell Noble that my apped up phone is back in Cleveland providing entertainment....

I will be completely out of communication for unknown periods of time, and I will report when I can either via Vince and/or Gertrude; who will share what they feel is pertinent. Occasionally you may receive time sensitive information directly from me; likely in the form of some cryptic note so as not to spoil my persona. Should we meet, it is extremely important that you NOT treat me as a colleague. This could not only spoil our story, but could be dangerous.

This story, if we carry it out properly, will be a story for the ages. It will be epic! It will be award-winning! Hah! IT WILL BE BIBLICAL!
OOC:   Yes, I did just let out a maniacal laugh.  
Gordon Felcher
OOC:   Okay! I have set my path. Thomas, give me a list of rolls I need to make and I will attempt them on Roll20 if necessary. As I said in my letter, I will communicate when I can, but due to the depth and nature of my cover, I may need to only communicate with the Keeper. If I do not communicate or make the necessary rolls in a timely manner, Thomas has my permission to play Felch as he sees fit when needed. Based upon past scenarios, I have a feeling that this story will be Felch's swan song; he will likely end up dissapeared, dead, insane, drawn completely into the cult, or worse. However, stranger things have happened, and Felch may just survive.  
Soiler Alert,Thomas, don't forget the little surprise I set up. It should provide some good content for the story.

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 7:35 am
by Watakushi

Once everyone is done perusing the letter from Felch, Noble takes a picture of it and says, "I didn't know GNS stood for Going-rogue News Service. Enough rambling from the 'talking head' ...let's get to work. I see a few options:
one, dig up some dirt on Pastor Ted Weaver, Kelly Landrom, and The Leland Free Evangelical Church...City Hall? Local Library? County Courthouse? whatever.
two, get our asses over to the Hell House to see what's up and what can be dug up.
What do ya say? Jacob, the van fully-loaded?

GM eyes only,Noble folds up and pockets Felch's letter. [url=]Stealth (50)[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]28[/b] That's a Regular Success

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 7:54 am
by Squidlyn_King
Jacob says to Noble " Yeah I'll drive you guys, and the van should be filled up, but don't disrespect Felch's way of getting the story. He did good work for our last story."

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:02 am
by Feltch
OOC:   I know...I'm sorry for going somewhat rogue....It seemed to fit for the situation in real life and gametime....I must say; Feltch is not fond of being spied upon (ahem, phone app)....Maybe I should have had a party member punch Feltch harder before going incognito to visit the crazy priest?....ouch! Too soon? That was probably uncalled for.... I'm sure Feltch will get what he deserves, and I promise he will feed you info when possible. Nothing personal; it's all about the story baby!!!  

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:45 am
by Watakushi
Squidlyn_King wrote:Jacob says to Noble " Yeah I'll drive you guys, and the van should be filled up, but don't disrespect Felch's way of getting the story. He did good work for our last story."
Noble: replies to Jacob, "Don't get me wrong, man. Felch's got mad-skills--obviously--when it comes to disguise...I didn't even guess that he was the wonky priest on the plane...Noble sincerely smiles and gives "two thumbs way up"..."...It's just that he bailed on us and dumped the one way he'd be able to stay in 'incognito communication' with us; his cell phone. Either way...let him do him, and let us do us. Let's get movin', man.
We cool?

So what's it gonna be? Church or research?

Todds eyes only,[ooc]No problem, señor. I totally get the in-game dynamics--especially with the sporadic contact you'll have from the deep South. Also, don't worry about Noble's in-game, in-character jibes at Felch... ...and "spied upon?" I'd turn that right around and suggest that some spying has already been happening...maybe from your end...hmmmm? Maybeeeee? :P[/ooc]

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 1:20 am
by Squidlyn_King
Jacob says to the group " I'll drive anyone to the church who wants to go."

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 1:49 am
by Spookymizu
Watakushi wrote:Noble:
GM eyes only,Noble folds up and pockets Felch's letter. [url=]Stealth (50)[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]28[/b] That's a Regular Success
Noble,acquisition noted

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:01 am
by Spookymizu
OOC:   I'm going to start playing the characters that are being ignored. Noble keeps asking for help from the other characters, but is getting little help. I'm not saying that I'll purposely put those characters in harm's way, but y'know - this is CoC! :twisted:  

"Well, I think we should get some rest since it's so late, and the flight really wore me out." Hannah winks at Noble.

"Mr. Preacher-guy kept talking to me about the sins of fornication the whole time! And then he would just stare at me. He just kept on with the Jesus stuff the whole time!

"I think we should start out in the morning doing some research, and then head out to a location after that."

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:21 am
by Spookymizu

In his slow drawl, Stuart says, "I must say, I do admire the stones that Feltch is showing here. He is going straight into that den of vipers. I was raised around this sort religious treachery, and I find it completely vile. I can't see how he'll be able to stomach their rhetoric for very long. I'd have to bow out of that sort of assignment. It cuts a little too close to home.

"I'd like to suggest we find a local watering hole, get ourselves socially lubricated in proper fashion, and then I am willing to do some late night research on my laptop."

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:28 am
by Spookymizu

Hannah gets a pained look on her face. "Go to a bar, eh?"

She determinedly digs through her purse and pulls out a purple-colored coin. She flips it into the closest trash can.
"To thine own self, I will be true. Let's get hammered, folks!"

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:53 am
by Squidlyn_King
Jacob says " I'll go with you guys but I won't drink, I get paid to drive you guys and how would I do that drunk. I'll bring my laptop and do some research while I wait for you guys in the car."
OOC:   library use:20 role:06  

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 4:38 am
by Spookymizu
Squidlyn_King wrote:Jacob says " I'll go with you guys but I won't drink, I get paid to drive you guys and how would I do that drunk. I'll bring my laptop and do some research while I wait for you guys in the car."
OOC:   library use:20 role:06  
OOC:   Ya wanna tell me what you're researching there, sport? ;)  

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 6:11 am
by Watakushi
Noble fishes the coin from the trash and hands it back to Hannah.

”I’ll go but will want to call it quits early. Wanna get an early start.”
Hannah only,[color=#0000FF]It’s really none of my business but maybe you want to call someone?”[/color]

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 6:15 am
by Squidlyn_King
Spookymizu wrote:[/ooc]
Squidlyn_King wrote:Jacob says " I'll go with you guys but I won't drink, I get paid to drive you guys and how would I do that drunk. I'll bring my laptop and do some research while I wait for you guys in the car."
OOC:   library use:20 role:06  
OOC:   Ya wanna tell me what you're researching there, sport? ;)  
OOC:   The Leland Free Evangelical Church.  

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 8:05 pm
by Spookymizu

Watakushi wrote:Noble fishes the coin from the trash and hands it back to Hannah.

”I’ll go but will want to call it quits early. Wanna get an early start.”
Hannah only,[color=#0000FF]It’s really none of my business but maybe you want to call someone?”[/color]

Hannah puts her head down, puts the token back in her purse. "Let's just go," she mutters.

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 8:18 pm
by Spookymizu
Jacob drives the team over to Watson's Wild Ride, a notable bar in Leland, according to Yelp reviews. Notable for what, you're not sure. It's as dark as the inside of a cow in this establishment, and that cow has been smoked. The level of cigarette smoke in the air is unlike any other place you've been, and everything seems to be covered in a layer of nicotine grime. The lack of conversation when you walk in adds to the gloomy feeling.

The conversations start to pick up. There is a balding bartender, with some barflies seated in different parts of the bar. Additionally, there are groups of mostly older customers at various tables. There is also one table with a younger, more boisterous group at it.

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 8:42 pm
by Spookymizu
Squidlyn_King wrote:
Spookymizu wrote:[/ooc]
Squidlyn_King wrote:Jacob says " I'll go with you guys but I won't drink, I get paid to drive you guys and how would I do that drunk. I'll bring my laptop and do some research while I wait for you guys in the car."
OOC:   library use:20 role:06  
OOC:   The Leland Free Evangelical Church.  

Here is what you find out about the Leland Free Evangelical Church (LFEC) while you wait in the van:
  • The LFEC is the predominant church in the small city of Leland
  • It's pastor for the last 27 years has been Ted Weaver.
  • You find some chatter online about some hostile feelings or jealousy about a recent church opening its doors for worship in nearby Lefkin. It's called the New Life Church, one of an increasing number of "megachurches" that has been springing up all over Texas. It has an auditorium that can hold 3,000+ people, has a professional choir and musical acts, and frequently advertises about charismatic guest speakers.
  • In May, the LFEC bought "The Angerstein House" for only $10,000 at an auction.
  • Weaver conducted a high profile blessing of the house in July, promising that "light of Jesus will cleanse the house."
  • He announced that the house would be Leland's first Halloween haunted house.
  • The "Hell House" is supposed to be open for admission on October 24-31. Admission will be $15

Edited for embarrassing grammatical errors.

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:32 am
by Feltch
OOC:   Text to Jacob from an unknown number  
We're dealing with the Passover Angel again....

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:56 pm
by Watakushi

Noble "Top-Guns" Hannah at the bar Sing-30: 1d100 10 That's a hard success.

'You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips
And there's no tenderness like before in your fingertips
You're trying hard not to show it
But baby, baby I know it...'

["Back me up Stu"]

'You lost that lovin' feelin'
Whoa, that lovin' feelin'
You lost that lovin' feelin'
Now it's gone, gone, gone, woh'

OOC:   Venting: I'm getting increasingly frustrated with the levels of game-play. It seems more and more that the game is running on more than one platform/medium/whatever. If I'm wrong, please set me straight. We've got this format with Spoiler Buttons (which don't seem to amount to crap), Out-of-Character bubbles, font colors, etc. Then there is (it feels to me) that there's some kind of back-door, under-the-table communication stream that's undermining my confidence in continuing. Like I said, set me straight if I'm wrong, and I'll shut up about it. Otherwise...I don't know...  
GM eyes only,If you're not the GM, and you're sneaking a peak at Spoilers, at least have the decency to role-play as if you hadn't. When we get back to the hotel, I spend and hour scanning the Don't Panic feeds, looking for what the rest of the crew has been up to.

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 6:54 am
by Esmdog66
Stu backs up Noble in that song I recall from Top Gun. While singing, Stu scabs the audience looking for any closer cropped haircuts and mustaches, the tell tale signs of off duty police.

I can’t get on d20 but my spot hidden is a respectable 25.

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 4:56 pm
by Spookymizu

Hannah seems to work hard to not smile, but you can see a little crack of one when Stu comes in on background vocals.

"I really prefer the Hall and Oates version, but that will do." A little bit more of a smile.

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:23 pm
by Spookymizu
Esmdog66 wrote:Stu backs up Noble in that song I recall from Top Gun. While singing, Stu scabs the audience looking for any closer cropped haircuts and mustaches, the tell tale signs of off duty police.

I can’t get on d20 but my spot hidden is a respectable 25.

You notice that there are a lot of men with close cropped hair and thick mustaches. Your "cop radar" isn't tingling.

Of course, y'all are getting a bunch of looks due to the song. A few people even clap when the two of you get done singing.
OOC:   Never thought I would see a SING roll used significantly ...nice, Jeff.  

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:34 pm
by Spookymizu
Watakushi wrote:
OOC:   Venting: I'm getting increasingly frustrated with the levels of game-play. It seems more and more that the game is running on more than one platform/medium/whatever. If I'm wrong, please set me straight. We've got this format with Spoiler Buttons (which don't seem to amount to crap), Out-of-Character bubbles, font colors, etc. Then there is (it feels to me) that there's some kind of back-door, under-the-table communication stream that's undermining my confidence in continuing. Like I said, set me straight if I'm wrong, and I'll shut up about it. Otherwise...I don't know...  
GM eyes only,If you're not the GM, and you're sneaking a peak at Spoilers, at least have the decency to role-play as if you hadn't. When we get back to the hotel, I spend and hour scanning the Don't Panic feeds, looking for what the rest of the crew has been up to.
OOC:   First, regarding the different levels of gameplay. That was my fault. I've encouraged a couple of different players to message me privately, kind of like whispering on Roll20. I was thinking it was kind of like how we used to take players in a separate room to discuss things. I now see that I haven't been treating everybody on a equal footing. From now on, I'll set up individual threads for investigators/players that have gone solo for one reason or another.

Also, keeping everything up front allows our viewers at home to have some idea what is going on. The big thing, folks, is if you are a player, please don't read spoilers that aren't addressed to you, and don't read threads that are for a specific player that isn't you.  
For Noble only,I believe that everybody but Feltch is at Watson's Wild Ride with you. When you check Feltch's phone, it is pointed to a MeTV marathon of Golden Girls episodes.

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:26 pm
by Squidlyn_King
Jacob will share what he learned about the church but he won't share the text he got.

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:03 pm
by Watakushi
OOC:   When the team awakens the next morning, what is the date?  

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 1:05 pm
by Feltch
OOC:   I leave for Machu Picchu today. No internet for 2 days.....I will try to respond when I get off of the mountain  
For everyone,Drink More Ovaltine

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:19 pm
by Watakushi
OOC:   So what you’re saying (if I’m understanding your coded message correctly) is that we’re facing Ralphie and the Radio Orphan Annie Secret Society cult?

Everyone grab your Red Rider BB guns and prepare to meet the enemy.  
907E3C4B-5A09-414F-8213-7574A17B900E.gif (9.78 KiB) Viewed 1236 times
OOC:   ...and Todd, whatever you do, stay above ground. We don’t need you running into a den of cannabalistic humanoid underground dwellers. Just say “no” to CHUD.  

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 5:45 pm
by Spookymizu
OOC:   I will out of internet range as well over this weekend. I'm driving out to help Dave empty his father's house in Challenge. If I don't melt, you'll hear from me again early next week. If I get a chance, I might be able to scribble something out to y'all sometime today, but it's unlikely.  

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:31 pm
by Spookymizu
The rest of the evening at the bar is tame, and everybody gets a little bored. Y'all head back to the hotel for some rest.

Stu spends a couple of hours doing some research (results coming soonly).

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:45 pm
by Spookymizu
While researching, Stu finds out information about the Leland Free Evangelical Church that is similar to what Jacob already found.

In addition, he also finds an East Texas Reddit thread about Kelly Landrum.
OOC:   You will find it at the following link: ... 30#p210330
It is also posted to the Roll20 site (Where Merrold is STILL logged on - he's putting in some serious hours over there). :lol:  

Re: Chapter 1: Arriving in Leland

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 10:22 pm
by Spookymizu
Noble has done some researching on the Angerstein House. This is what he finds from looking at online reports:
  1. Augustus Angerstein discovered the Corsicana oil field in 1894
  2. He retired ten years later for health reasons
  3. He built a house in Leland in 1905, settled there, but then committed suicide in 1912
  4. His son, Beauregard, lived in it for a year, then sold it and moved to Louisiana
  5. The Page family moved in afterwards, staying until 1925 following the unexplained deaths of two of their teenaged children
  6. The Buckner family moved in during 1926. Three generations lived there until 1989 when Samual Buckner killed his wife and infant daughter with a shotgun, before turning it on himself
  7. The Angerstein House has remained empty since. Realtors have struggled to sell it.
  8. The house was bought in May by Ted Weaver, pastor of the Leland Free Evangelical Church, at auction.
  9. A blessing was put upon the house by Weaver in July
  10. A Hell House has been announced to occur at the house from October 24-31