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Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:43 pm
by evil_scientist
The car comes to a screeching halt. It's 3 AM, and Salton City General Hospital's neon-lit entrance is like a ray of hope in the dark, sleeping city. The emergency rooms are ready to accept those who seek aid - but are they prepared to deal with Elizabeth's condition?

Ray jumps out immediately, and with a final feat of strength, runs towards the building, carrying Elizabeth's limp body. An orderly, who's been smoking next to the entrance, drops his cigarette and follows Ray, with a "hey, man, slow down!"

When Julie and Nat enter the building, they see that Elizabeth is lying on a gurney.

Ray, exhausted from this final run, is nearby, on a bench. The orderly is taking his pulse.

A bald, middle-aged doctor leans above Elizabeth, examines her with a stethoscope. When Julie and Nat enter, he looks up. His name tag says "Dr. Dale Jacobson". His face says he is tired, and has many questions, but no answers so far. "Are you friends of hers, too? What happened?"

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:45 pm
by aine
"Hi Doc, thanks for seeing Liz so quickly. I'm Nat and this is Julie who is Liz's friend; Ray over there and I are Julie's friends, we helped bring Liz in." Nat then looks at Julie.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:55 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, thank you," says Julie. "Liz got taken into a cult, and they brainwashed her. I think they drugged her too. Check out the black stuff around her mouth and nose. We were lucky we were able to get her out of there."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 8:43 am
by evil_scientist
"Damn hippies," Dr. Jacobson murmurs and shakes his head. "They are all around here, communes in the desert. They experiment with everything they can get their hands on."

Dr. Jacobson puts on latex gloves, and carefully touches the area around Elizabeth's mouth and nose. He looks concerned. "If her state is drug induced, then it is an uncommon substance. She doesn't have needle marks, at least not on her arms. LSD shock is different too."

He puts the stethoscope against her chest a couple more times. Elizabeth's breathing is ragged and heavy.

"She swallowed... something. And there's liquid in her lungs. Was she in the sea? Did she drown?"

He gives some instructions to the orderly, who then wheels off Elizabeth down one of the corridors.

"How long has she been in such a bad condition? Physically, I mean. Her muscles atrophied, she is clearly malnourished and very weak. And these rashes and burns also look bad.

"She needs intensive care, and constant supervision now. We are putting her on IV and artificial respiration. And running tests. Hopefully she will wake up herself after some time."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 7:56 pm
by aine
"Thanks, Doc. We don't know how she took the drugs. I thought maybe she drank it. Hey, Ray, did you see anything in that hanger?" Nat looks at his boss and then worridly after the gurney as it is pushed away, "Er, would it be okay if one of us stayed with her? She might panic when she wakes up. She's been through a lot."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, thank you, Doctor," says Julie. "She was nowhere near the sea. It was out in the middle of the desert. Yesterday was the first time I'd seen her in months, and she sure didn't look like this before. The others there were in similar shape. Those rashes and burns are caused by radiation. I'd like to stay with her, if I may. I'm her best friend."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 1:37 pm
by evil_scientist
"Radiation? Yes, such burns might be the result of that, sure... And there were others?" Dr. Jacobson stares at Julie with a mix of surprise, unease, and a hint of disbelief. "Have you contacted anybody? If there are others, and they are in a similar condition, we must immediately evacuate them."

The doctor takes a deep breath.

"All right, kids. I'll go now and finish the examination, and help set your friend up for the night. After that, we must contact the emergency services at El Centro. You will have to give a location and all the information you have to them.

"You can stay, indeed it will be better for her to see a familiar face when she wakes up."

He hurries out of the hall, towards the intensive care unit. The investigators are alone. The neon lights hum and flicker.


Ray, who's been awfully quiet through this conversation, finally looks up at his two younger helpers. His face is pale, and there is a twitch to his left eyelid.
Then he starts speaking, without any introduction. Not a report - a confession. His voice is bleak, monotonous, a barely audible murmur.

"I parted the curtain. There was a pool, a black, dark pool. Around the rock, in the middle of the hangar. A perfect circle, pitch black. A tar pit. People were all around, helpless, lying. Unable to escape. Chanting. Submerged in the darkness. Pulled towards the bottom. Drowning."


Everybody, roll Sanity (1/1d3)!

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:48 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Poor Liz!" gasps Julie. "So that's how she almost drowned. Thank you so much for getting her out of there."
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 47) for hearing [b]Ray[/b]'s description: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:38 pm
by aine
"Hey Boss, you're going crackers!" Nat exclaims. "Jules, he's in a bad way too; definitely hallucinating." He hunkers down and looks at Ray carefully. "I think you'd better see the Doc too, Boss." He looks around at Julie, "Do you think that black stuff was tar then? Maybe radioactive tar?"

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 4:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"I've no idea," says Julie, "but I don't think he ingested any of that stuff, whatever it is."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 7:29 pm
by aine
"No but Liz has. And the other cult members too. Maybe Ray's just inhaled something in the hanger. Whatever he thinks he saw it's real bad. Maybe there's a great hole on the ground leeching radiation. But why would Cavendish be worshipping that?" Nat scratches his head. "I'm going to get a cola; you want one?"
Sanity roll,Roll: 9%

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 2:46 am
by Mr. Handy

"Sure. thanks, Nat," says Julie. "It's a good idea to stay hydrated."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:53 pm
by aine
Nat wanders down the corridor looking for a vending machine.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:56 am
by evil_scientist
Nat returns with a couple of cans of soda. Ray, too, accepts the drink, and downs it in one go.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about this earlier. I just couldn't. What I saw seemed impossible. But at the same time it wasn't a hallucination. Everything was completely, maddeningly real," Ray tells the others.

"If there is a radiation source there at the compound, we all need to get checked up. Even if we weren't there for long, like poor Elizabeth. Do you feel nauseous? Vomiting is usually an early symptom."

At some point, Dr. Jacobson returns. "Elizabeth is still unconscious, but we started the IV and artificial respiration. Took blood and saliva samples. Tomorrow we will learn more about her ailment. And she is not in a coma, so she is going to wake up soon," he reports.

Dr. Jacobson proceeds to place a call to the emergency services. He is sympathetic to the small group, and is clearly concerned for Elizabeth's health, and possibly for the others at the compound. Ray gives him the location of the Temple, and the approximate number of people there. "Well, they are heading out soon with an ambulance and a deputy sheriff to take a look at the matter. In the morning, I will also contact the head of the Imperial County Medical Department, to get updates on the situation."

The doctor then invites the investigators one by one into his cabinet, for a quick examination. Nat is healthy as an ox. Ray needs lots of rest, and the doctor recommends he stays the night at the hospital. Julie's condition, however, baffles and concerns him. He takes blood samples, and sends them to analysis. "A kind of muscle atrophy..." he says, after the physical examination. "Has it been going on for long? It is similar to Elizabeth's, but, as far as I understand, you weren't there with her at the compound?"

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:31 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, I was there for a day," says Julie. "I went in early to find Liz and scout out the place, and Ray and Nat came at night to get us out. I've only been feeling weak since tonight." She describes the layout of the compound to Dr. Jacobson and the people she met there.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 7:14 pm
by aine
Nat is glad he's alright but he's worried about Julie.
"It's that strange woman isn't it? She did something to you. Doc, there are some weird people in that cult; maybe the radiation has affected them somehow.

And the main dude, Cavendish, he's a snake, as slippery as they come. The sheriff will need a warrant and a way with words if he's going to talk his way onto the ranch. Personally, I don't think the team will have much luck."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:46 am
by evil_scientist
Mr. Handy wrote:She describes the layout of the compound to Dr. Jacobson and the people she met there.
OOC,Let's say Julie gave this information to the Doctor before he called the emergency services, and relayed it to them too.
aine wrote:"It's that strange woman isn't it? She did something to you. Doc, there are some weird people in that cult; maybe the radiation has affected them somehow.
"This strange woman, you mean the one who is called 'N? Julie, what did she do to you? Did she inject you with anything?" Dr. Jacobson asks, earnestly trying to piece together all the information the group provided so far.

Next, he addresses Nat's concerns about the possible success or failure of the emergency team.

"If there is measurable radiation in the area, the emergency services can force evacuation and quarantine procedures. Of course, people often resist these procedures. Sometimes things get messy. But let's hope for the best."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 7:05 pm
by aine
Nat looks at his boss first before saying, "Well if they need any help, I can lend a hand. I'm also a bit concerned that Cavendish might attempt something here at the hospital.
I mean, we've got evidence here that his cult is dangerous and he ain't gonna be happy about that. We've got to protect Elizabeth. And Julie for that matter." He smiles rather worriedly at Julie and Ray.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 9:42 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks, Nat," says Julie. "I don't think she injected me with anything. She never laid a finger on me, but it seemed like she was trying to use hypnosis or something on me. She was trying to make me sleepy."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 6:30 pm
by aine
"Man, you were super heavy! Did she hypnotise lead weights into your feet?" Exclaims Nat. "Do you think she was one of Cavendish's head honchos? By the way, did you meet Cavendish? And did you go into the hanger?"

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 3:09 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yeah, I met Cavendish," says Julie. "He's really creepy, but it wouldn't surprise me if N' is the real leader. I went into the entryway of the hangar, but only Ray looked behind the veil. I didn't realize you could feel the extra weight. I thought it was all in my head. Maybe I should weigh myself on a scale here."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:56 am
by evil_scientist
Julie's physical examination included weighing. If anything, her body weight got slightly less then usual, probably from the physical stress.

The only thing Nat can think of is that when Julie felt heavy, it wasn't as much her weight, but perhaps Nat had to combat another force, that was pulling Julie's body in the opposite direction.

When Julie theorizes about 'N being the real leader, Nat recalls that after the "meditation" session in the hangar, 'N had to physically support Cavendish, who seemed weakened and spent.

OOC,Sorry, I'm still very busy at work and in general in life! Next, I want to move on to the next scene, which will be your night-time vigil over Elizabeth's sickbed! Stay tuned!

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 7:01 pm
by aine
Nat sits down and ponders last night.
"Whatever they were doing inside the hanger seemed to drain their energy; maybe it was just the effects of the radiation. But then that weight on you, some sort of force pulling you back towards N; that was energy sapping too, no wonder you felt weak afterwards. It was totally weird, man.
Look, we've got another long night ahead of us, why don't you get some sleep and then I'll have a nap too." He has a rummage through the magazines and pounces on a copy of 'Easyriders' lurking under all the Readers' Digest.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks, I could do with a good crash," says Julie. She gets in the other bed next to Elizabeth's, pulls the blanket up, and shuts her eyes.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:41 am
by evil_scientist
Julie lies down, and falls asleep quickly. Exhaustion and, what now seems the literal draining of her strength, knock her out.
Julie,Julie cannot resist the uncanny gravity, and falls forward --- she sees the black void closing in --- then the blackness extends, it becomes malleable, a warm, tar-like substance, and takes Julie in its welcoming embrace. Then there is no more ground or up or down, just a lightless void. [b]Elizabeth[/b] stands there. [i]"The guiding light is gone. The others are all gone too. I've never been alone here before,"[/i] Elizabeth whispers. Her lips don't move. Her eyes - glassy, unblinking. [i]"Have I crossed the threshold? Is this the final stage? Am I to proceed alone?"[/i] She is just an arm's reach away. [b]Julie[/b] is paralyzed - or her body is not even present. But perhaps if she talks, or thinks hard enough, Elizabeth might hear her...
Nat takes a chair, and keeps watch over Elizabeth and Julie.
Nat,Nat thumbs through the journal, and tries to concentrate on the fascinating world of motorcycles and the occasional topless model. In this issue of [i]Easyriders[/i] ("Bikers protest mandatory helmet laws!!!"), a young lady called Valerie is posing in the desert, next to a shiny chrome chopper. She holds up the skull of a bull (complete with horns) against her chest, and stares into the camera with hazy eyes. There is something menacing about the whole scenery. Nat's attention is drawn towards the rocks in the background. The cracks in the rocks call out to him, vibrate before his eyes--- No, no! His eyes are just fine, and the magazine isn't spiked with LSD either. But the lights in the room start to flicker. The dimmed overhead lamps go out then come back in quick succession. The indicators on the artificial respiration unit standing next Elizabeth's bed blink out of rhythm. All the wires in the room start buzzing, and the noise grows louder every second... [b]Elizabeth[/b]'s body thrashes on the bed --- [b]Julie[/b]'s body thrashes on the bed ---

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:54 am
by Mr. Handy
Julie,[img][/img] [color=orangered]"You're not alone, [b]Liz[/b],"[/color] says [b]Julie[/b]. [color=orangered]"It's me, [b]Julie[/b]. I'm right here with you. Come with me."[/color]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 1:02 pm
by evil_scientist
Julie,Elizabeth's silhouette vibrates against the darkness. [i]"J-Julie? Here? But how? Without initiation? Without going through the steps? "Where do you want to take me?"[/i]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:54 pm
by aine
Nat,Nat leaps to his feet, the magazine falling to the floor. His first thought is that a bad electrical storm is hitting the hospital but why are the girls thrashing on their beds? "Nurse! Doctor!" He shouts. He grabs first Liz and then Julie, "Julie, wake up!" He holds her by the shoulders but also watches Liz trying to ensure they don't fall off the beds and hurt themselves.
ooc,And Nat was just getting into that magazine too!

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:52 pm
by Mr. Handy
Julie,[img][/img] [color=orangered]"I don't know how I got here,"[/color] says [b]Julie[/b]. [color=orangered]"I want to take you home, [b]Liz[/b]. Your family misses you. I miss you."[/color]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 9:28 am
by evil_scientist
OOC:   Read the spoiler with your name first, then the "Everybody" section!  
Julie,[i]"No. I want to know what's further, even if the others didn't make it. Or maybe I will meet them on the other side. I worked so much to get here ---"[/i] A ripple runs through the void and distorts Elizabeth's image. Her head and hands seem bloated, like in a funhouse mirror. Her voice (or thoughts?) reach Julie's consciousness in distorted, jumbled echoes. [i]" --- this must this this this this must be the inner inner this must be the inner this be the inner wake sea up inner WAKE sea UP sea --- "[/i] [b]" --- WAKE UP!"[/b] There is a sudden shock, and Julie is yanked out of the void's embrace. Her mind is reeling, and she feels the pull of the void; she sees the blackness on the edge of her vision... She is back in the hospital room. [b]Nat[/b] is leaning over her, holding her by the shoulders, trying to wake her up. Julie instinctively glances to her right: [b]Elizabeth[/b] is there, on her bed, her body shaking and thrashing around in convulsions! --- Make a [b]Sanity (1/1d3) roll[/b] for the crash-like transition between the unknown void and the unstable real world... [attachment=0]Void.jpg[/attachment]
Nat,When Nat grabs Elizabeth, a sudden current or electric static runs through his body. The girl does not respond. Her seizure intensifies. Nat jumps over to [b]Julie[/b], shakes her by the shoulder --- --- and Julie's eyes pop open, and Nat can swear that he sees a weird black oily film dissolving on the surface of her eyeball --- [color=orangered]"...the inner sea!"[/color] Julie blurts out, heaving, then looks at Nat with bewildered eyes - luckily, these eyes are hers... Then she looks to her left, where Elizabeth is struggling on her bed... --- Make a [b]Sanity (0/1) roll[/b] for the weirdness... [attachment=1]Void Eyes.jpg[/attachment]
Everybody,The emergency care unit is becoming a nest of chaos. The dim overhead lights are flickering, and there is a growing hum coming from the medical machinery. [b]Dr. Jacobson[/b] comes running in, followed by the orderly. They go straight to Elizabeth's bed, and try to restrain her. The poor girl's body is still shaking. [color=#4000BF]"Elizabeth, can you hear me?"[/color] he shouts, but there is no response. Dr. Jacobson barks a few commands, calls for a tranquilizer, and the orderly hastily starts preparing an injection. Elizabeth starts coughing violently, and there is a burst of dark vomit out of her mouth. The substance splatters Dr. Jacobson's coat and the floor between Elizabeth and Julie's beds. [color=#4000BF]"No, no,"[/color] Dr. Jacobson mutters, and tries to hold Elizabeth's head so that she doesn't choke. Then he suddenly pulls back, startled. [color=#4000BF]"What is this?!"[/color] He looks at Elizabeth's arm. In the flickering lights, you all see black drops forming on her skin, the same pitch black substance oozing out of her pores... Dr. Jacobson stares at the drops in disbelief. The orderly stands next to the bed, with a loaded needle in hand. He is frozen by the shock. --- Make a [b]Sanity (1/2) roll[/b] for seeing the black substance... [spoiler]NPC rolls,Dr. Jacobson SAN 50 [dice]0[/dice] Orderly SAN 40 [dice]1[/dice][/spoiler]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:50 pm
by aine
Sanity rolls,San:60 Roll: 87,27 sanity loss:1+1 Nat is horrified and sickened to see that Julie has somehow been affected too- does this mean she's going to become an automaton like the cultists? And then he pulled into the present by the rush of medical staff."
Nat's ears are buzzing from all the crazy electronics. He sees the orderly just standing there but Nat's seen this black ooze before. He tries to grab the needle and inject Liz's arm at the same time shouting, "We need to get her out of here; away from the electronics- into the corridor! Julie, are you with me?" Nat looks to see if Julie is coherent and aware of what's happening.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:19 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Liz!" cries Julie, springing out of bed and trying to help Nat with her.
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 46) for the transition: [dice]0[/dice] Sanity roll (current level 45) for seeing the black substance: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 9:07 am
by evil_scientist
With the medics in shock, Nat takes matters into his own hands. He grabs the syringe and plunges it into Elizabeth's arm without hesitation. Nat feels a strange prickling sensation on his skin. He looks down to find that while administering the tranquilizer, the black substance got on his hands. The drops stick to him in perfect little spheres like dark, dark quicksilver...

The hospital bed is heavy and screwed to the ground... So Julie and Nat try to lift Elizabeth to move her, but she is still connected to the machines by wires and a breathing tube. Nat knocks over the IV stand.

"Wait! Careful, damn it!" Dr. Jacobson shouts. He finally snapped out of the shock. For a split second he hesitates: on the one hand, Elizabeth is hooked on to the life support equipment for a reason. On the other, the machines are clearly unstable... He finally removes the tube from Elizabeth's nose - its end is covered in the black slime.

The orderly regains control too, and grabs the stretcher that's next to one of the walls. The four of you quickly transfer Elizabeth and wheel her out of the emergency unit... The girls is still shaking, but maybe her convulsions are getting less violent?

Outside in the corridor... the neon tubes on the ceiling start flickering...

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:56 pm
by aine
Nat tries to wipe the ooze onto the bed sheet. As He helps push Liz into the corridor he looks at the light and mutters, "I thought the power was somehow causing Liz to convulse but it looks like it's the other way round - Liz is causing a power surge!"

He reaches over and lifts her eyelid: what are her eyes like? Is she still Liz even with a body full of black pus?
"Doc, can you monitor her lifesigns without the machines? Julie, do you think she is better off without the electronics? How are you feeling by the way?"

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:42 pm
by evil_scientist
aine wrote:Nat tries to wipe the ooze onto the bed sheet. As He helps push Liz into the corridor he looks at the light and mutters, "I thought the power was somehow causing Liz to convulse but it looks like it's the other way round - Liz is causing a power surge!"
"Wait, what? What do you mean she is causing the power surges?" Dr. Jacobson stares at Nat - but it looks like that after the eruption of the black substance he is likely to accept this theory.

Nat wipes off the ooze -- but the sickening feeling of its touch is not going away...

The orderly starts cleaning off the still trembling Elizabeth's skin with a towel.
aine wrote:He reaches over and lifts her eyelid: what are her eyes like? Is she still Liz even with a body full of black pus?
"Doc, can you monitor her lifesigns without the machines? Julie, do you think she is better off without the electronics? How are you feeling by the way?"
"Monitoring is one thing, I always have this..." he lifts his stethoscope. "But I can't risk keeping her off the artificial respiration too long. Especially after the injection of the tranquilizer."

The tranquilizer starts taking effect. Elizabeth's convulsions turn into trembling. Her muscles contract and relax in quick succession.

Julie is feeling nauseous and weak.

When Nat lifts Elizabeth's eyelid, Dr. Jacobson leans over right away, and shines a small penlight into her eyes...

...which are covered by an oily black film...

"What on Earth?!" Dr. Jacobson gasps.


Roll Sanity (0/1) for seeing the black eyes!
Rolls,Dr. Jacobson SAN 48 [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 5:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Julie gasps when she sees Elizabeth's eyes. "I don't know if the machines are making things worse or not," she says. "I still feel weak, and like I have to throw up. I had this dream. Liz and I were on the edge of the void. It reminded me of N's face. I couldn't do anything, but I could still talk. I tried to convince her to come back with me, but she wanted to keep going into the void."
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 43) for seeing the black eyes: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 7:05 pm
by aine
Nat sees Liz's eyes, "Liz's eyes too!" He mutters and then casts a guilty glance at Julie. "Er look, hopefully you can hook her up again once she's quietened down, Doc, she seems a bit better already." He goes to rub his eyes and then remembers the ooze that was on his hands and doesn't.
"Julie, did Liz actually step into the void or is she still standing there, do you think? Your dream could symbolise a point of no return for Liz's health; it sounds fantastic, I know, but you seem to be connected to her somehow."
sanity,(58) roll:53... lose 1 point.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 7:25 pm
by evil_scientist
There is a final electric discharge, and one of the neon tubes on the ceiling fizzles out... But then power stabilizes, and the lights stop flickering. The hum goes away, too.

Elizabeth's condition seems to normalize, at least for the time being. The black substance stops oozing forth from her pores... But her body is still trembling, as if she's indeed seeing nightmares.

Dr. Jacobson gives a strange look when Nat and Julie start discussing dreams and other rather obscure matters. "I don't think I follow," he says. "And I have a feeling you have been hiding something from me."

He double-checks Elizabeth's eyes - the blackness is there, unchanged.

Dr. Jacobson turns once more towards the investigators, and wants to ask them more questions, but he is interrupted by the assistant from the front desk, who approaches them. She is surprised to see the patient wheeled out into the corridor, but instead of asking, just relays a message: "I've got Mr. Nolasquez on the line. He says it's urgent."

Dr. Jacobson pauses for a second. "It is the head of the emergency services," he explains to Julie and Nat. "I'll be back soon." He commands the orderly to push back Elizabeth into the room, and reattach the IV (but not the artificial respiration). The orderly gets this done, then leaves Nat and Julie alone in the room once more.

OOC to aine,If you rolled 53 under 58, you are not losing any SAN! The roll was a 0/1.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 4:32 am
by Mr. Handy

"I didn't see her touch the void, no," says Julie, "but it might have happened after I woke up. Maybe if I go back to sleep, I can get back into the dream and help her."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:49 pm
by aine
"This is some weird shit, Jules." Nat shakes his head and sits down. "Do you really think you can reach out to her in a dream? I mean, it doesn't seem possible and yet..."
He looks at Liz and then Julie, "You know, you had those same black eyes, just for a moment as you woke up. It scared the bejeezers out of me."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"I did?" says Julie, surprised. "I don't know if I can reach her in a dream or not, but it's the only way I can think of. I've got to try." She gets back into bed and tries to go back to sleep.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 11:19 am
by evil_scientist
Julie is still in a highly agitated state, and sleep doesn't come easy. Elizabeth on the next bed is lying still, with only occasional tremors running through her body...

There's a knock on the door, and Dr. Jacobson returns. He is pale and... Scared?

"I was on the phone with the head of emergency services. There have been... Developments, " he glances at Elizabeth's unconscious body, as if anxious that she might overhear something. "Why don't you step outside?

In the corridor, he closes the door of the intensive care unit, and starts speaking after a long and heavy pause.

"By the time the officials arrived, the leader and certain members of the cult have already left... The rest, I'm afraid... Are dead. I cannot tell you the details yet. I shouldn't be telling this either, but I thought you should know. I'm sorry..."


This is a Sanity (1/3) situation. However, alternatively to making a roll, you can opt to fail or succeed, depending on how your character takes this information, what is their emotional and rational response.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 7:17 pm
by aine
"So the creep just cut loose and ran?" Nat puts his face in his hands. "He'll just start over again and recruit another load of poor innocent smucks." Nat's wholesome ranch upbringing has not prepared him for this and something clicks inside him. As he looks up he seems suddenly much older,
"I'm not gonna stop until I get this son of a gun." He turns away and goes to check on Liz. He comes back, looking sad.
Sanity,Seems a good point for a life changing decision by Nat so I'll take a fail.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 3:59 am
by Mr. Handy

"We got Liz out of there just in time," says Julie with a shiver. "If we'd been any later, she'd have dead like the others."
OOC,I'll automatically succeed, as knowing that we managed to save [b]Elizabeth[/b]'s life is very reassuring, in spite of the fact that the others died. Sanity reduced to 41.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 4:25 pm
by evil_scientist
Dr. Jacobson gives Nat and Julie some time to digest the news.
aine wrote:"So the creep just cut loose and ran?" Nat puts his face in his hands. "He'll just start over again and recruit another load of poor innocent smucks." Nat's wholesome ranch upbringing has not prepared him for this and something clicks inside him. As he looks up he seems suddenly much older,
"I'm not gonna stop until I get this son of a gun." He turns away and goes to check on Liz. He comes back, looking sad.
"A state-wide warrant has already been issued, and the Bureau will surely get involved too... They will catch them, kid. Tomorrow the police will come and talk to you, so you can give more information to aid the investigations..."
Mr. Handy wrote:"We got Liz out of there just in time," says Julie with a shiver. "If we'd been any later, she'd have dead like the others."
"Yes, Liz is safe here. I mean, that cult leader, Cavendish, you say? Well, he doesn't know you are here. But a police patrol will arrive soon and stay at the entrance all night.

"But now get some rest. You need it."

He goes into the room and checks Elizabeth's vitals once more. "By morning we will also have the results of the blood tests. And we will consider transferring her to El Centro, to a better equipped hospital," Dr. Jacobson says, then leaves the room.
OOC,I assume Julie will try to enter Liz's dream again?

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 6:36 pm
by aine
"Man, I don't trust that Cavendish; and what use is a police escort against this kind of thing? Maybe you should try to contact Liz now while it's still quiet. I'll keep watch on you both. If you start acting weird, do I wake you up?" Nat feels better with something to do.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:35 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'll give it a try," says Julie, tucking herself back into bed. "Last time you woke me up, but that cut me off from Liz. Yes, wake me if you see me acting like she was, or if my eyes go black again. You can lift up my eyelid to check, I guess. Otherwise, I should stay asleep if I can." She shuts her eyes and tries to fall asleep and get back into the dream.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:41 am
by evil_scientist
Julie,Sleep doesn't come easy. Julie lays for some time in a strange half-asleep, half-awake borderline condition. In her mind, she is replaying and imagining conversations with Liz, like we do when our concerned about something. But then exhaustion takes over. Nightmares come first. Julie is out in the desert, chased by an unseen force. It's getting closer and closer. A dark voice echoes in Julie's mind. [i]"I'm lost... where are the others?[/i] The horizon is no longer fixed in the distance. It is the edge of the world, overhanging the abyss, and it's getting nearer. The unseen force is extending its warm appendages. The void is calling. And she is suddenly in the black void again. But her position is different. Directions don't make sense in this space, but Julie's feeling is that she is suspended, as she sees Elizabeth from above. The girl is slowly turning around her axis, whispering [i]"I'm lost... where are the others?[/i] Then she looks up, straight at Julie, although her eyes --- black, like the void all around --- don't focus. [i]"Is... is that you, Julie? You came back! I thought you were gone too, like the others."[/i]
Nat,Julie goes back to the bed. It takes quite some time for her to fall asleep properly... But eventually, she stops wriggling under the cover, and her breathing becomes more stable. About 30 minutes pass. Then suddenly Julie's body twitches - violently, but just once. Nat jumps over to check on her, and carefully lifts her eyelids... The black oily film is back, covering the whole surface. But Julie (or Elizabeth for that matter) seem to be calm, they are not in convulsions.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:31 pm
by Mr. Handy
Julie,[color=orangered]"Yes, [b]Liz[/b], it's me, [b]Julie[/b],"[/color] says [b]Julie[/b]. [color=orangered]"I didn't want to leave. I was pulled away, but I came back for you. I won't leave you if I can help it. I found out what happened to the others. Most of them died, and the rest ran away."[/color]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:35 pm
by evil_scientist
Julie,[i]"Died?! How? And ran away? What happened? Where is ---"[/i] the last name remains unsaid, just a tangible pause. A ripple runs through the void.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 6:34 pm
by aine
Nat,Nat shudders as he sees the black pools again, "Jeez, what dreams must she be having!" He thinks. But as she is calm he leaves her be. He looks around to see if a stethoscope is lying around, failing that he takes Julie's wrist and feels for her pulse as an indication of her stress levels. He also keeps an eye on Liz.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:16 pm
by evil_scientist
Nat,There are no stethoscopes lying around, but Nat's First Aid training is sufficient to monitor one's heartbeat. Julie's pulse is... erratic and off-beat. When Nat touches her, he feels that (although it is not visible) she is slightly trembling. But nothing as violent as previously. Elizabeth seems to be in a similar state.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 1:53 am
by Mr. Handy
Julie,[img][/img] [color=orangered]"I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it was bad,"[/color] says [b]Julie[/b], [color=orangered]"Come with me, and we'll find out what happened to them together."[/color]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:38 am
by evil_scientist
Julie,When Julie submerged herself into the black void, she saw Elizabeth from above. But now Elizabeth floats and turns to face Julie completely. Her face is devoid of emotions, but her voice - or thoughts? - vibrate with sadness and dread. [i]"Julie... I don't know how to leave. The guiding light is gone. Can... Can you take me with you?"[/i] She reaches out towards Julie. --- Julie can attempt to concentrate her will - make a [b]POW roll[/b]!

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 6:36 pm
by aine
Nat,Nat runs his hands through his hair, the stress is almost unbearable. How long does it take to find someone in a dream? How would of he know when it was time to wake Julie? What would happen to her if he left it too late? He takes both girls' pulses again and then sits watching. He looks at his watch to see how long it's been so far.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:37 pm
by Mr. Handy
Julie,[img][/img] [color=red]"Yes, I will guide you back,"[/color] says [b]Julie[/b], reaching out to [b]Elizabeth[/b] and focusing her will on bringing them both back to the waking world. [spoiler]POW roll (50% stat) to concentrate her will: [dice]0[/dice][/spoiler]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 8:03 am
by evil_scientist
OOC:   Read under the spoiler with your name first, then the "Everybody" section!  
Nat,An hour passes... The girls' pulses remain normal, but sometimes with irregularities... At one point Nat even risks shaking Julie a bit - but she just cannot be roused. [b]Dr. Jacobson[/b] is summoned. He examines both of them, and declares, that they are now in a very similar coma state. He tries to comfort Nat, tells him that everything's gonna be fine, but when he sees that both girls' eyes are [b]black[/b], he collapses into a chair and just sits there for a moment. [b]The morning comes[/b], and there is no change. Dr. Jacobson's colleague arrives, a stern, older man, [b]Dr. Tate[/b], and takes over. Then the county sheriff arrives, with a small army of deputies and county legal specialists. [b]Ray[/b] and [b]Nat[/b] are questioned, both separately and together. The police examination is long and exhausting, but [b]Nat[/b] cannot really keep it together - he is still tired from the night's ordeals, and very, very concerned about his friends. The sheriff is quite hostile towards the Investigators. He openly accuses them of provoking the situation at the compound. Luckily, [b]Ray[/b] has already called one of his lawyer friends, so any accusations are cut short. The sheriff cannot charge you with anything - but he is NOT about to let you off in the future. Then two Federal Agents show up. Circles under their eyes from driving all night to get here. One of them, [b]Agent Holmes[/b] is skeptical about anything you say. But his partner, [b]Agent Russo[/b] takes notes meticulously, and she spends quite some questioning you about the details the sheriff dismissed right away - like what Ray saw in the hangar, or what the black substance is like... In the evening, [b]Elizabeth's parents[/b] arrive, followed shorty by [b]Julie's parents[/b]. The [b]Sandovals[/b] are extremely grateful for bringing their daughter out of the church, and won't stop hugging Nat and shaking Ray's hand. But then their mood is of course ruined when they learn about Elizabeth's and Julie's unstable condition. [b]Day two.[/b] Everybody takes up residence in a dingy hotel near the hospital. Everybody takes turns staying at the girls' room, in case one of them wakes up. There is more questioning by the authorities. The doctors are considering moving the girls, who are still unconscious, to another, better equipped hospital. The first news item about the cult appears, then it spreads quickly nationwide. They are calling it the [i]Salton Sea Cult Mass Suicides[/i]. [b]Day three.[/b] Journalists learn about "a potential survivor of the cult", and start sniffing around the hospital. The county sheriff turns out to be useful for once, and sets up deputies to guard the entrances. No change in the girls' condition. They are fed through tubes, and are constantly on IV. Electronic monitoring devices malfunction near them, although not as violently as before. The Federal Agents set up a couple of their own machines, with dials and little screens, but take them away after a while too, shaking their heads. You talk to the girls, play their favorite songs while they sleep. [b]The night of day three.[/b] [b]Nat[/b] is on duty. He has a spanking new issue of [i]Easyriders[/i], but instead he tries to study a law book. He wants to understand his legal responsibilities better. But it's just making him sleepy. He starts drifting into sleep... ... ...And wakes up, suddenly, startled --- Only to see that at that very moment both [b]Julie[/b] and [b]Elizabeth[/b] take a deep breath, like when somebody emerges from underwater, and sit up on their beds, simultaneously!
Julie,Elizabeth reaches Julie. Their touch is like static electricity. No softness or bodily sensations. Julie concentrates. The void resists. Julie and Elisabeth move through the blackness, but it doesn't give way, just stretches like resin. Then the substance changes. There are currents and whirling spirals. Julie swims through the void, but at the same time she feels that the void is flowing through her as well, tainting her from the inside... Everything is still black - but there are different shades of it, sometimes Julie can discern silhouettes or shapes in the stygian mass. Huge, skeletal structures. Buildings? Remnants of creatures? Inhabitants of this void, or prisoners? Julie hears [url=]voices, garbled, distorted talking, and chopped up sounds of music[/url]. Finally, there is a warp in the blackness. A soft spot. Julie floats towards it, dragging Elizabeth along... --- Even with concentration, traversing the black void takes its toll. Make a [b]Sanity (0/1d3)[/b] roll!
Everybody,Julie suddenly sits up in her bed. Nat drops his book, and jumps up from his chair. Julie looks to the side --- Elizabeth is there, awake, sitting on her bed, shaking!

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 6:43 pm
by aine
Nat jumps out of his chair, "Julie! Liz! Dr Jacobson! Jules, you did it- you brought her back! I was just about to sleep to try and find you in the dream; I thought you were both lost!
Are you okay? How are you feeling? What happened in there? Dr Jacobson, they're back!" He sticks his out of the door and calls down the corridor then he comes and sits between the two girls. He takes Liz's shoulders,
"Liz, can you hear me, you're back!"

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:46 am
by Mr. Handy

"I managed to get her away from the void and back here, that's what matters," says Julie with a shudder, not wanting to recall the experience. She climbs out of bed and goes over to Elizabeth, hugging her. "We're all right, Liz! We made it back! How are you?"
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 41) from the void: [dice]0[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:08 pm
by evil_scientist
Mr. Handy wrote:"I managed to get her away from the void and back here, that's what matters," says Julie with a shudder, not wanting to recall the experience. She climbs out of bed and goes over to Elizabeth, hugging her. "We're all right, Liz! We made it back! How are you?"
Julie wants to go over to Elizabeth and comfort her, like the "big sister" she always is.

But instead of doing and saying all this, Julie remains sitting upright in her hospital bed. She stares at the opposite wall...
Julie,The terrible, inevitable, unquestionable [i]reality[/i] of the void dawns on Julie. What she and Elizabeth experienced wasn't a hallucination or a fever dream. That black substance exists. It had always existed, before humanity, before everything came to be. An infinitely deep tar pit, containing the memory of every consciousness it ever swallowed; and much, much more, dark, cosmic secrets. And Cavendish sought access to this darkness, by bringing it the bodies and vitality of others as sacrifice. This is not something one can simply learn. Julie filtered the black matter through her own body. This is not knowledge. This is residue. --- Julie gains [b]5 points of Mythos[/b]. Having lost more than one-fifth of her starting Sanity, she enters the state of [b]Indefinite Insanity[/b]. For a couple of minutes she will now be catatonic, unable to move or speak while she ponders the terrible nature of the void.
Nat is not a psychologist, but his natural empathy tells him that Julie is NOT doing well. She is catatonic. Her eyes are glassy. Only her lips are moving, as if whispering something.

The doctors and orderlies come rushing in, and start examining the two girls. For a few minutes, Julie and Elizabeth barely respond... Nat peers over their shoulders when they shine their little lights into the girls' eyes --- and the eyes are normal.

Slowly their breathing normalizes.

They are back, but things will never be the same.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:34 pm
by aine
Nat realises that not all is well and becomes much more subdued as he watches the staff take over. He feels relief as the girls' eyes return to normal but Nat still has a gnawing worry. When the Doctor has stopped rushing around for a minute, Nat asks,
"Doc, er, what happens when they need to sleep again? Will they be okay? Shouldn't they see a specialist immediately? I'm really worried."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 12:25 pm
by evil_scientist
Julie finally snaps out of it. She is surrounded by doctors and nurses. There's a bunch of flowers and cards next to her bed - she doesn't remember them being there when she fell asleep.

She carefully climbs out of her bed, and goes over to Elizabeth. She looks at Julie - and it seems that it takes her a second to recognize her friend.

"So it was you..." she says, finally, with a faint smile. "They tell me we were in a coma for several days... But I don't remember much before that." Her smile disappeares. "You told me when we were... there... that my friends from the circle are... dead. Is that true? What happened to them?"
aine wrote:"Doc, er, what happens when they need to sleep again? Will they be okay? Shouldn't they see a specialist immediately? I'm really worried."
While the orderlies check the girls' blood pressure, Dr. Jacobson steps aside with Nat.

"Their blood cell counts are very low, due to the radiation damage. Especially Elizabeth's. But we couldn't demonstrate any traces of that unknown black substance. In my opinion, the crisis period passed."

Dr. Jacobson sighs.

"But this is in regards of their physical condition. I am afraid that their mental condition was also severely damaged. I talked to Mr. Sandoval, Elizabeth's father, and he says he has the financial means to provide quality mental care to both Elizabeth and Julie."

The doctor starts scribbling something on his notepad.

Nat notices that while he was talking to Dr. Jacobson, a man and a woman arrived, and are now seated outside the room in the corridor. They are waiting patiently... but Nat can't help but see them as vultures circling their future prey.
Nat,It is the two FBI agents, [b]Holmes[/b] and [b]Russo[/b]. How did they learn about Julie and Elizabeth regaining consciousness and get here so quickly? The girls' parents aren't even here yet, although they were notified as soon as it was possible!

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 6:43 pm
by aine
In a low voice Nat says,
"Thanks, Doctor Jacobson, that's good news that they'll both get good treatment. I see the Feds are back soon as. Have they been hanging around the canteen waiting? I bet they want to interrogate the girls; are you able to minimise the interview time?
Those jackals don't care about the girls' health, just answers and the girls need no more stress. I'll field them as best I can now. You've been great, Doc, thank you for saving Julie and Liz."
Saying that, Nat takes a deep breath and goes out to face the FBI, closing the door quietly behind him.

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 4:51 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm sorry, Liz, I only know what Dr. Jacobson told me before I went back to sleep to bring you out," says Julie, hugging her friend. "He told me that Cavendish and some of the others were already gone by the time emergency services got there, and everyone else was dead. I think Cavendish and that woman N' must have been responsible, but I don't know the details."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 11:07 am
by evil_scientist
Mr. Handy wrote:"I'm sorry, Liz, I only know what Dr. Jacobson told me before I went back to sleep to bring you out," says Julie, hugging her friend. "He told me that Cavendish and some of the others were already gone by the time emergency services got there, and everyone else was dead. I think Cavendish and that woman N' must have been responsible, but I don't know the details."
Elizabeth's reaction is... strange: "So --- and 'N are not dead!" Her eyes light up. Then she drifts off for a few seconds. "I don't understand... Why would they want to hurt us? They always took care of us..."
aine wrote:In a low voice Nat says,
"Thanks, Doctor Jacobson, that's good news that they'll both get good treatment. I see the Feds are back soon as. Have they been hanging around the canteen waiting? I bet they want to interrogate the girls; are you able to minimise the interview time?
Those jackals don't care about the girls' health, just answers and the girls need no more stress. I'll field them as best I can now. You've been great, Doc, thank you for saving Julie and Liz."
Saying that, Nat takes a deep breath and goes out to face the FBI, closing the door quietly behind him.
Dr. Jacobson shakes his head. "No, there will be no questioning. As the doctor in charge, I won't allow the interviewing of my patients. They are not in that condition, neither physically, nor psychologically.

"These two have been hanging around here. I gave them the information I must - but they need to come with a court order before I even consider showing them medical documentation or test results. Because that's what they wanted, which is out of the question."

Nat,Nat walks out into the corridor. The two agents stand up, but when Nat shuts the door, they take a step back. [color=#800000]"Ah, Mr. Waldon! Nice to meet you again,"[/color] says [b]Agent Russo[/b]. [color=#800000]"How are your friends?"[/color]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 3:38 am
by Mr. Handy

"I don't really know," says Julie. "I think they were just using everyone, and I think N' was using Cavendish. I saw her face when she confronted me. It looked just like the void."

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 6:36 pm
by aine
"Agent Russo, Agent Holmes." Nat nods to the FBI. "They are alive, just. Which is more than can be said for the other poor cultists. What was going on there- did you find out? And Cavendish and the 'N' woman have you caught them yet?"

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 8:04 pm
by evil_scientist
Julie,Elizabeth shakes her head. [color=#00BF00]"No, no, it wasn't like that. True, [b]N'[/b] is strong. But ---"[/color] Elizabeth pauses, breathing out, as always when [i]not[/i]-uttering their leader's name. Then she hesitates for some time, clearly going through some inner conflict. [color=#00BF00]"...the man you know as [i]'Cavendish'[/i]? I was so stupid to believe him. He preyed on us, used us. He was our guiding light. The center of it all. "N' gravitated towards this center. She achieved a deeper state than most. She is the first of us to enter the inner circle... But her face being like the void? I don't know... Are you sure it wasn't just you, maybe, uh, hallucinating? I've never seen her like that..."[/color]
Nat,[quote]"They are alive, just."[/quote] [color=#800000]"Well, we are glad to hear that. Actually, we were hoping to talk to them, you know, get a first-hand account."[/color] [quote]"What was going on there- did you find out?"[/quote] [color=#800000]"This is still an ongoing investigation. Forensics have turned up some rather... interesting details. But so far our guess is as good as yours. By the way... What is your guess? You know, strictly off the record? I'm not judging you if you, you know, have 'weird' ideas. I have a holistic approach,"[/color] Agent Russo says, and Nat recalls her taking meticulous notes during every second of their initial interview. She took in every detail with equal interest. [quote]"And Cavendish and the 'N' woman have you caught them yet?"[/quote] "Cavendish and Anne Spencer - oh, by the way, that's N's real name, are still on the loose. They went underground. But don't worry. There's a nation-wide search going on. Some departments of the FBI have a long-going interest in Mr. Cavendish's activities... But this is not something I can disclose. Sorry."[/color]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 4:31 am
by Mr. Handy
Julie,[img][/img] [color=orangered]"That's what I saw,"[/color] says [b]Julie[/b]. [color=orangered]"I didn't take anything that would cause me to hallucinate. Maybe I'm going crazy, but that's what it looked like to me. And there's more. She weakened me and robbed me of my speed somehow. I was like an old woman trying to get away from her, not a star jammer."[/color]

Re: Chapter 6: Echoes of a Nightmare (everybody)

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 6:57 pm
by aine
Nat,Nat scratches his head, "Id like to help but I don't know that much; I was on look out mostly. You could speak to Ray. All I know is that a whole heap of people got ill from that radiation. There was something else funny going on though. That Anne Spencer was really strong, you know, like a weight lifter. And she did some odd hypnosis thing on Julie so Julie couldn't walk. And then Julie had a dream about a big black void and she saw Liz there and then they both woke up. I haven't spoken to them either so I don't know exactly what happened. Can you meet someone in a dream if you're sleeping next to them?"