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Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:57 am
by HoneyDog
London, December 9th, 7pm
The Army and Navy Club in Pall Mall is exclusively for the use of serving and former officers of the armed forces. It has a library, a reading room, a bar, a dining room, and a billiards/game room which is popular for card games. Of course, there are innumerable sporting and battlefield trophies donated by members scattered around. There is an annual membership fee, and it is a good place to catch up on gossip regarding the progress of Britain’s colonial endeavors, to reminisce about old campaigns and glories, and to seek contacts and opportunities for use in civilian life.

After having the afternoon on their return from Kent to pursue their own interests, the companions meet at the appointed time of seven pm. The non-members are directed to a waiting room until they can be escorted by a member.

Paice arrives and rubs his hands in anticipation. “Right then. Let’s see if we can find Colonel Hollingsworth or Major Gower. We might see some other old friends too.”

He looks at Helena apologetically. Although not an officer, Reg won’t stand out although he might have to endure some snobbery. Helena, however…

“I’m very sorry about the rules. We’ll try not to keep you too long.”

Helena,You can wait around or you can act on your own initiative. You never know, you might turn up something.

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 4:47 am
by andyw666
Harry arrives by Hansom cab, resplendent in formal evening wear, top hat, cape and his ever present cane. He waves genially to a few friends and acquaintances as he ambles over to join the others.

"Dinner, drinks, cards. What say you all?"

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"That sounds good to me," says Reg, who is wearing his best suit, a dark gray one.

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 4:54 pm
by Rooter
Dr. Francis Preston

"Fine. Paice, we're relying on you or Norton to point out the right chaps to us, since I don't believe any of us have met them before."

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 4:21 am
by andyw666
Harry leans closer to Reg and has a quiet conversation. "Sar'nt, you're kept me out of the high grass many times in the field. Perhaps this evening you'll allow me to return the favour? May I suggest you let me do the ordering at dinner, I have established the best meals and wines available through prior reconnaissance."

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 5:07 am
by Mr. Handy

"Quite right, Captain," says Reg with a smile. "I trust your palate."

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 6:53 am
by HoneyDog
The club is quite busy as it is a Saturday night. The companions might well recognize someone from their own army days. They get drinks and something to eat, with Harry ordering some fine wines.

All the while, Paice is looking around for his former commanders. He asks several acquaintances if they have seen Colonel Hollingsworth, but the answer is always negative – “Haven’t seen him in a while”.
Francis,Roll Luck at half - so you need to beat 38.
Meanwhile, Helena is enduring the curious glances of assorted interested cads and bounders as she lounges in the waiting room. Frustrated, she steps outside for some fresh, if cold, air.
Helena,Roll Spot Hidden

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:05 am
by Rooter
Dr. Francis Preston
Half Luck 38[dice]0[/dice]
Preston fears luck may not be with them. "When was the Colonel last seen?" he asks. "We can only hope something awful has not befallen him also."

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 3:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"Has Major Gower arrived?" asks Reg. "He may know where the colonel is."

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 4:55 am
by HelplessBystander
Spot Hidden 45%,[dice]0[/dice]
Frustrated, Helena missed something as she blindly wandered around outside. The day wasn't going very well for her. Nothing really seemed to work.
OOC:   Sorry about the irregular posting. I have no clue as to what to do next. :(  

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:46 am
by HoneyDog
OOC:   Don't worry, things have a way of resolving themselves.  
Paice has made some other inquiries, but unfortunately Major Gower too has chosen not to make an appearance tonight. Norton is also nowhere to be seen.

Their meal and card game finished, the men join an extremely bored Helena back at the entrance to the club.

“Well, I’m sorry you weren’t able to meet anybody” sighs Paice. “It’s very grand of you all to take such an interest in these unfortunate events, but honestly, I don’t think you should concern yourselves unduly. I hope the Dover police will turn something up regarding Crouch. I had an enjoyable evening though, I hope I’ll have the opportunity to see you again.”

He shakes hands and shares a warm farewell with James, before boarding a cab to take him back to the flat above his bookshop.
OOC:   Oh dear. It wasn't such a productive evening. You can have a chat among yourselves if you like but I'll assume you'll return home. I'll start a new thread for the morning.  

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 8:32 am
by HelplessBystander
"How's the Talk?" Helena said, feeling slightly frustrated.

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 9:00 am
by andyw666
Harry feels enlivened by French Bordeaux and Scottish scotch.

"Perhaps we should beat the bushes a bit, flush these gentlemen out?"

He approaches the club reception. "I say, my good man, I rather urgently need to get in touch with either Colonel Hollingsworth or Major Gower. Would you be able to tell me if either gentleman is regularly checking his messages here at the club?"

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 9:54 am
by HoneyDog
The man consults a ledger.

"We'll, we haven't seen the Colonel for a while, but the Major is a regular visitor. You're welcome to leave messages for them, sir".

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 11:40 am
by Rooter
Dr. Francis Preston

"Didn't Norton say he was working here tonight?" Preston wonders.

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 3:12 pm
by HoneyDog
“Norton?” The man frowns. “You mean Toby Norton? Yes, he’s working, but he generally works down in the kitchens. He’s not serving staff, he’s more of a uh… dogsbody.”

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:59 pm
by andyw666
Harry borrows pen and paper and writes each of the colonel and major a short message - please contact Capt Addison care of the Army & Navy Club, at your earliest convenience.

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:13 am
by HelplessBystander
"I don't suppose Mr. Norton would be able to talk with us at the moment?" Helena asked.

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 2:48 am
by Mr. Handy

"I do hope they're all right," says Reg. "It is rather odd for them all to be gone at this time."

Re: Chapter 3: The Army and Navy Club

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 3:35 am
by HelplessBystander
"Indeed. It's curious why they are all gone at the moment." Helena said, agreeing with Reg.