Chapter 3: The Chapochaug Tunnel

A student has gone missing and the investigators have been tasked to find him. What is the connection to the mysterious abandoned railway tunnel at Chapochaug, which is rumoured to be haunted?

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Re: Chapter 3: The Chapochaug Tunnel

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC,That'll work!
Evidence of the mysterious spores is found in Albert’s nostrils, which are taken by Dr. Winside to study. He and the police are effusive in their praise for the companions, and in the following days they receive many congratulations, and accordingly their reputations in Arkham are enhanced. Alice is awarded $200 for her services, which she is free to share among her friends. She is highly regarded by the university now, and in the following weeks is encouraged to renew her studies if she wishes; the university will help with costs.

Norman’s reputation also experiences an uplift. Owing to his cold-environment experiences, he is invited to consult and possibly join the university’s planned expedition to the South Pole…

Henry's heals without problem, although he has a nasty scar. He is granted free access to the university library, except the restricted collection of course.

Once rested and free of the spores, Albert does undergo a gradual improvement. Before he is able to talk candidly about his experiences though, after a few weeks his family bring him back to Germany to make his recovery, and he transfers his studies to a university there.

Dr. Winside makes a study of the spores, finding them to indeed be a new species. Whether there is indeed any truth in the rumours of their properties, well, he keeps that to himself. The last thing the university need is a new Herbert West

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