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IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:40 am
by HelplessBystander
It was nighttime as the train whistle tooted with a cheerful vigour, and slowly shambling towards the final destination: Peking City. Taking an express train from Shanghai, William Isaac Hewitt busying himself with putting on some of the best clothing he had prepared for the impromptu dinner party that was hosted on the train and smiling into the mirror with a self-satisfied smile as he anticipated his eventual arrival and the meeting with Gang Wei's family for the first time and all the other miscellaneous events that he'll encounter in a country as exotic as China.

On the other side of the train, Miss Vivienne Grey was in thrall of a dark fitful nightmare, an ominous feeling molested her entire being as she lay trapped in a restless slumber. The feeling had been with her for almost as long as she's been in China. She couldn't quite describe what the feeling is, and she always forgets the contents of her dreams the moment she wakes up. The only thing she could truly confirm is that she feels...uncomfortable. Maybe going to the dinner party the next carriage over will cheer up her mood.
OOC:   Alright, feel free to role-play however you wish, feel free to explore the train if you want to. There's not a lot of limitations to what exactly you could do in this situation and it's a good chance for you guys to meet IC. Have fun!  

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy

Vivienne Grey gets out of bed, not wanting to go back to sleep after such a disturbing experience. She puts on her white sleeveless dress and applies makeup, then collects her purse and ventures out of her compartment to head to the next carriage. She loves a good party.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:27 pm
by crawlingchaosfan
It had been a long but enjoyable journey. William Isaac Hewitt's first time on the Orient express and his first time in Asia as a whole. He had spent most of the journey reading, relaxing and talking to the other passengers. The party invite was just the welcome icing on the cake.

As he exited his carriage he noticed a young woman heading down the aisle toward the same destination. Despite her pristine appearance he noted the slight look of strain on her features and wondered what could be the cause. Waiting for her to almost pass him he left the cabin and doffing his cap, greeted her with a friendly yet polite "Zǎo shàng hǎo." (Mandarin for good morning)

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 4:35 am
by Mr. Handy

"Zǎo shàng hǎo," echoes Vivienne, who knows a decent amount of Mandarin herself. She extends her hand with a smile. "Vivienne Grey."

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 1:06 pm
by HelplessBystander
The Train Conductor looked at the two and sighed deeply, "nǐ men liǎ gè zhēn shi yí duì bái chī." He muttered to himself darkly, hoping the two didn't hear him before he forced himself to smile cheerfully at the two and guided the unfortunate pair of passengers towards the 'party carriage'. "Good even, my fair sirs and madams! You two are absolutely gorgeous in these clothes. Are they the latest fashion in Europe now? Come in, come, our little complimentary soirée is just getting started. We wish you a happy night partying and a bright and happy entrance to the mystical lands of China! Our train express are simply, too-too!"


The room was relatively large, with some tables propped up vertically against the wall in the far corners to make way for the guests. In front of you stood a few tables filled with small desserts and drinks, meticulous placed in such a way that it is possible to acquire food and drinks from almost any direction. The floor, you noticed, was made from a distinct hard wood with it being more lavishly furnished than the average room on the train. The tables appeared to be made from robust oak with florid designs on its legs. A small music stand at another corner of the room was relatively obvious, with a few seats already laid out. It might be a safe assumption, at this point, to assume a few high-profile guests may be expected and that there may be a minor concert.

The evening meet-and-greet didn't quite start yet, you were among some of the early few to arrive, but there's a few individuals already mingling in midst of things as their chatted indistinctly. The sounds all blended together to form some hazy buzzing noise over the background as the train continued its melodious symphony of rambunctious noise exuded from the train engine and the clatter of railways.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 5:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"My, how lovely!" exclaims Vivienne as she takes in the scene.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 3:24 am
by HelplessBystander
OOC:   ...Alright, it seems like Crawlingchaosfan isn't going to post a reply anytime soon. Anyways, Crawling, if you're still interested please respond...  
For the next twenty or so minutes, Vivienne took in the scene, enjoying herself. William loitered around, but otherwise did not interact witht he other in any meaningful manner. The train conductor was heard making an announcement, "Ladies and gentlemen! In a few moments, our little party will start. We hoped you enjoyed our complimentary desserts, as more will be on the way. A very special guest will be making an appearance soon, for he has been a proud sponsor of our railway for nearly five years! We hope you'll give him a warm welcome."

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 4:07 am
by Mr. Handy

"I wonder who he is?" says Vivienne, eager for the party to start.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:03 pm
by HelplessBystander
The party starts uneventfully, with most of the passengers offering polite greetings and nodding along. A man of wearing a tuxedo walked in, smiling, with an intricate mustache. He smiled and said, "Hello all, apologies for my untimely arrival. I sure hope that I didn't interrupt anything, eh? My name is Cadjost Usairi Waters, you may have heard of me before."
Cadjost Usairi Waters,He was a famous oil magnate who has frequently made the headlines as a media darling for his daring investments and foreign origins. Recently, due to unknown reasons, he had removed himself from the limelight for some reason or another. It is a pleasant surprise to see him here.
OOC:   Alright...It's seriously depressing that no one's interested in my scenario here. I had originally intended this scenario for a larger group, oh well, it seems like I'll need to rewrite key events of the scenario to be smaller in scale then.  

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"Pleased to meet you," says Vivienne. "Thank you for hosting this splendid party. I'm Vivienne Grey,"
OOC,New players may show up eventually. People join the site all the time.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:03 am
by HelplessBystander
Cadjost smiled brightly at Vivienne, "Grazie, mia signora, I'm here for nice relaxing time in Peking. The media hounds were getting on my nerves. And may I politely enquire after the reason you happened to be visiting China for? It sure seems like a place not suited to the genteel tourists."

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"I daresay I'm not a typical tourist," says Vivienne, smiling back. "My father, Sir Arnold Grey, is a diplomat at the British Embassy in Peking. I'm on my way to visit him and my mother."

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:44 am
by HelplessBystander
"That sounds like quite the story, young lady. Now, if you'll excuse me...there's a few more linin' up to greet me. Can't keep 'em darlings waiting, now, can I?" Cadjost Usairi Waters grinned patronisingly at the young woman, not quite taking it at face value. The party continued at leisurely pace for a while. Several of party-goers were whispering indistinctly at the presence of Waters. To he eyes of Vivian, it had appeared that some of the guests wore a slightly sour expression as they looked at the man.
OOC:   Roll listen if you want to engage with the socialites' whispers.  

Professor Endymion Porter was chatting with a man of well-educated background during the party about the ongoing political tensions in China on the other side of the room. He looked at the interactions of Cadjost Usairi Waters and the other train guests with indifference, after all, what's a wealthy man or two in the grand scheme of things?

"Good Professor, are you listening to me?" the man in front of him asked, looking slightly bored and unimpressed with the party so far. One could tell that he had expected something more. It was unfortunate that his expectations were dashed.
OOC:   Hello DrPeterson, you're up. Welcome to the party. So, feel free to look around and see if you want to talk with some of the socialites and/or other people. Again, you're welcome to do whatever you want for a while, since I want to keep the story interesting, I'll be wrapping up the scene in a few more posts. If you're okay with it, I would prefer it if your character has yet to awaken their psychic powers yet. The encounters further down the road shall do the trick quite well.  

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:19 pm
by DrPeterson
Endymion lets out a small groan and leans heavily on his cane, offering his conversation partner an apologetic smile.

"Terribly sorry, old boy, it's the changing of the climes that's wreaking havoc on my gout, you see."

He looks around the room and back, grinning wolfishly.

"But it seems that despite my gouty reverie, we're still the better conversation of the room. I daresay it may improve with a refreshment of our refreshments."

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:37 pm
by HelplessBystander
DrPeterson wrote:Endymion lets out a small groan and leans heavily on his cane, offering his conversation partner an apologetic smile.

"Terribly sorry, old boy, it's the changing of the climes that's wreaking havoc on my gout, you see."

He looks around the room and back, grinning wolfishly.

"But it seems that despite my gouty reverie, we're still the better conversation of the room. I daresay it may improve with a refreshment of our refreshments."
"Right you are, good professor! I had thought this place would've been more interesting, alas, nothing's exactly as it is advertised, eh?" He chuckled, raising a cup of wine. "The name's William, 'suppose it's a bit rude of me to have forgotten to introduce meself. William Hewitt to you, fellow traveller. Not your first trip to this place?"

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:23 pm
by DrPeterson
"A good conversation is the best introduction a man can wish for, Mr. Hewitt. The name is Endymion Porter. and no, I have lived in China for quite some time." He grins, with twinkles in his eyes. "I might even guess since before you were born. What brings you to the Orient then, you seem rather well informed of the goings on here."

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:51 pm
by HelplessBystander
"I was a part of the British forces during That War, and a good chap by the name of Gang Wei did his job alongside me. As a proper gentlemen, I delivered the news to his family, and now here I am, on the express hurtling towards Peking. Funny how life seems to always take sudden, unexpected turns, eh?" William Isaac Hewitt said, sighing slightly. "The lady over there chattin with Waters came in with me, and now, she off her head with some goshdarned rich bloke. The service here is terrible and the train conductor seems to be mocking behind my back. I swear, if it wasn't because of the fact that this was the advertised as 'the best there is' I shudda taken a rail line."

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 5:08 am
by Mr. Handy

Vivienne cannot resist the urge to eavesdrop, and she is well-practiced enough that she can make out the words.
OOC,Listen roll (55% skill) to eavesdrop: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:09 am
by HelplessBystander
Vivienne,The passengers of distinctive American origins muttered indistinctly in the background. You heard tiny, fragmented snippets of their conversations. It is interesting, to say the least. You determined that the subject of the conversation is [b]Waters[/b]. [color=#000000]"Have you heard the rumours they were false."[/color] [color=#400000]"The book auction...could he...yes, I've heard the rumours...may be inapporpriate to discuss it now."[/color] [color=#000000]"...Unsure. Never liked the man anyways..."[/color]

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:01 am
by Mr. Handy

Vivienne mentally files away the fragments of gossip, keeping an ear open for any more juicy tidbits.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:00 am
by DrPeterson
Endymion laughs heartily.
"That's the way of the world, my dear boy. Women will move on and the Oriental will mock you incessantly."
His eyes narrow to conspiratorial slits and he smiles.
"That's why I learned Mandarin in the first place, you know."

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:51 am
by HelplessBystander
William laughed dryly, "Well, I suppose so, I suppose so. On an unrelated note, what do you think of the Festival of death coming up? I've heard it's a long tradition here, I'd certainly say my interest is piqued."

Edward Carver was reading the papers in his carriage as the train rattled closer and closer to its destination. As a journalist, keeping up with the current affairs are as much a right as it is a responsibility.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:45 pm
by Mallet
Edward Carver

After being satisfied that he is up to speed with the current affairs, he decides to now join the impromptu meeting.

Edward slips quietly and unobtrusively through the people assembled here. As he passes by by, he takes note of all the conversations around him.

Listen Roll (25%): 88 (The Dholes House)

Since nothing catches his interest at the moment, he moves towards Cadjost Usairi Waters, with the evident intention of striking up a conversation.

As soon as he has the chance, he will introduce himself: Edward Carver, Foreign Correspondant for the Vancouver Guardian.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:17 pm
by DrPeterson
Endymion nods, smiling warmly.
"Not just here, I might add, my boy. the Hungry Ghost Festival, or Zhongyuan Jie, is celebrated through most parts of Far Asia, anywhere with a Buddhist tradition, really. We can trace its origins to a Mahayana scripture known as the Ullambana Sutra. In it a disciple of the Buddha ask about how he can relieve the suffering his mother is enduring in her present incarnation as a hungry ghost. Prior to his enlightenment, both of this parents had died. His clairvoyance had found his father's new incarnation in the heavenly realms but his mother had been greedy with money he had left her, refusing to help the monks who passed by, and she had been reborn into Avīci, the Realm of the Hungry Ghosts. These had ravenous appetites but could not eat, either because food burst into flames upon their touch or because their throats were too thin and fragile. Mulian, that is the name of the disciple, is informed that a tray of food offered to the community of monks and nuns at the time of their return from the summer retreat will prompt them to offer prayers that will benefit 7 generations of his ancestors."

He laughs heartily.

"In his case, his mother was raised from the status of a hungry ghost and was reborn as a dog owned by a rich family. He then raised her to human status by giving food and new robes to 500 monks. So you know what to do if you've any recalcitrant relatives."

OOC:,Source: Consulted on 2.01.2018

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 1:09 am
by leestriter
William is impressed by Endymion's knowledge of the festival. "Sounds like you' really know your stuff"


"Cadjost Usairi Waters, pleased to meet you Mr. Carver, I never miss a chance to make the news. What can I do for you?"


The band has arrived and begun to play a slow, beautiful melody. Soon, a few people have paired off and begun to dance. A handsome, well dressed young man approaches Vivienne. "Miss, is there anyway I could have this dance? I'd kick myself if I didn't ask."

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 2:06 am
by Mallet
Edward Carver

The pleasure is mine, Mr. Waters. The interest of our newspaper is politics, in all shapes and sizes. According to your lights, in what direction is heading China at the present time ? Are you confident that it will be able to create it's own brand of Asian-specific democracy ?

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:59 am
by Mr. Handy

Vivienne smiles and extends her hand. "I'd be delighted," she says. "My name is Vivienne Grey. And yours?"

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 5:23 am
by leestriter
"I believe that China is a land of opportunity. I have managed great things here, expanded my already considerable holdings and wealth thanks to its people. The future is bright for the Chinese people, but more importantly, the future is bright for business and that means the future is bright for me, Mr. Carver."


"Simon Chen, pleased to meet you." He takes Vivienne's hand. She notices he hesitates after saying his name. Vivienne might've thought he was white at first glance, but he has subtle Chinese features she didn't notice before she heard his name.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 6:18 am
by Mr. Handy

"Likewise, Mr. Chen," says Vivienne, allowing him to lead. "What brings you here?"

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 6:32 am
by Mallet
Edward Carver 02.png
Edward Carver 02.png (41.67 KiB) Viewed 1824 times
Edward Carver:

A commendable ambition for sure, Mr. Waters, coming from an astute businessman like yourself. Our newspaper would be delighted to have the exclusive rights to be the first to announce to the world the concrete measures that you intend to take in the very near future to improve worker's wages and working conditions in your various business ventures. May we count on you in that respect ?

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 1:25 pm
by DrPeterson
"Now, if you'll excuse me, my boy, dancing isn't all that with a cane and a limp. I think I'll get myself a refreshment."

Endymion orders another drink and watches the dancing for a while.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:57 am
by leestriter

"I'm here to visit my paternal grandfather, he's the only part of the family still here in the old country. My father moved to Georgia to live the american dream, but my grandfather would never give up his life as an herbalist. I haven't seen him since I was a child. What brings you here?" Mr. Chen is a talented dancer, he moves gracefully.


Edward Carver:

Mr. Waters look flustered, even slightly angry. "Well, I have some big projects that I know are going to be big earners. The more my businesses earn the more I can grow them, and the bigger they grow the more jobs become available. I make sure my workers are well cared for, but business is business, if I started giving money away I wouldn't be the tycoon I am today." "Is there anything else?" He adds annoyed. He seems uncomfortable and is trying to politely exit conversation.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:02 am
by Mallet
Edward Carver 02.png
Edward Carver 02.png (41.67 KiB) Viewed 1810 times
Edward Carver:

Mr. Waters, I am sure that you have many projects up your sleeve, and our newspaper will always be happy to report about them, and about their economical, political and social impact, as soon as you find that the time is right to reveal them to the world. Please accept my card. Do not hesitate to contact me at your leisure.

And, with that, Edward Carver breaks off tactfully the conversation, a polite smile on his face. He then turns towards the rest of the party, trying to see if anything or anyone will catch his interest.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm likewise visiting family," says Vivienne as they glide across the floor. "My father works at the British Embassy, and I am on my way to visit him and my mother."

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:24 am
by Mallet
Edward Carver:
Edward Carver 02.png
Edward Carver 02.png (41.67 KiB) Viewed 1803 times
Edward Carver approaches Dr Porter and introduces himself:

Hello, I am Edward Carver, and I am with the Vancouver Guardian. This is my first trip to China, and I look forward to it being a pleasant one.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 5:14 am
by HelplessBystander
Laughing pleasantly, William also introduced himself, shaking Edward Carver’s hand. “Ah, a journalist! I do suppose it is always a great pleasure to talk with cultured people, much like The Professor over here; my name’s William Isaac Hewitt, former pilot, dapper Brit. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:06 pm
by DrPeterson
Endymion smiles warmly and shakes Carver's hand.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Carver, and welcome to China! You have come at a most auspicious and eventful time! What business brings you here, if I might be so straightforward and rely on the privilege of age to slake my curiosity?"

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:02 am
by Mallet
Edward Carver:
Edward Carver 02.png
Edward Carver 02.png (41.67 KiB) Viewed 1770 times
Edward Carver: The May Fourth Movement of 1919 appears to have triggered a strong anti-imperialist, cultural, and political movement in China. People are talking about a rejection of the feodal ways and a move either towards democracy as we know it in North America and Europe, or towards a socialist type of state like the one in Soviet Russia. My newspaper wants to cover theses events as they unfold. Contacts have been made with the current president, Xu Shichang, and my aim is to secure an interview with him when arriving in Beijing.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:33 pm
by DrPeterson
Endymion harrumphs.
"Fascinating, though I daresay China is ready for neither, but that may lead us into the field of abrasive speculation, and I'm sure the times ahead will prove surprising enough on the political front. "

He coughs and readjusts his pose with a deep moan.

"Damn drafts in these trains... I'm sorry, I have not properly introduced myself. Endymion Porter, at your service."

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:24 pm
by Mallet
Edward Carver:
Edward Carver 02.png
Edward Carver 02.png (41.67 KiB) Viewed 1761 times
Edward Carver:: Nevertheless, significant historical events can take place, regardless of the fact that some, or even most, people are unprepared ... As you say, we shall see ... Glad to meet you, Mr Porter. May I enquire what is your field of work ?

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:42 am
by DrPeterson
Endymion smiles warmly.

"Mine is the dusty field of academia, dear boy, you might say I'm a bit of an expert on this country's past peoples and their traditions, a great many of which persevere to this day and withstand the turmoil of the new century."

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:05 pm
by HelplessBystander
11:40PM, 8th of July
After a few more hours of chatting and general party-going, the party trickled to a stop. The band stopped playing, after they had enough for the night; the train staff started assisting the more...unfortunate ones towards their respective cabins. The refreshments were all gone, as with the food. Cadjost retired to his room accompanied by a team of men wearing suits and jackets.
OOC:   You could choose to end here by going to bed, as there precious little more that you discover at this point, or follow note that however,
since it's a brightly-lit train carriage with no hiding places, with every member of that group alert and making are that they aren’t being're going to take a -20 penalty to Sneak. Anything else you want to do?  

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:21 pm
by Mallet
Edward Carver:

Retires to his bed.
OOC:   At 15 %, Sneak is not worth trying.  

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 3:10 pm
by DrPeterson
Endymion retires for the night as well.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:50 am
by Mr. Handy

Vivienne returns to her compartment and goes back to sleep, hoping that her dreams are not disturbing this time.

Re: IC - Prologue -Train to Peking, 8th of July

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 1:31 pm
by HelplessBystander
OOC:   Alright: people can hope into this thread now: viewtopic.php?f=423&t=6260