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Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:28 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Gordon wakes from troubled dreams; or is it back into dreams? It all seemed so real.

Shaken but unharmed, he makes himself as presentable as possible and leaves his room.

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 2:16 am
by Mr. Handy

Diane untangles herself from the sheets and throws on a robe before venturing downstairs to see who is it the door. I wonder if it's Godfrey Williamson? she thinks. Could he have had the same dream?

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:08 am
by Rooter
Miss Siddons' suspicions are proved correct when a pale and unsteady Godfrey Williamson all but falls over the doorstep. Between copious pinches of snuff the psychic recounts his dream of the night before, and it is indeed in all details the same dream as that experienced by the other guests.

Spying a bottle of brandy left over from the party he gulps a glass shakily then sinks into an armchair.

"And the visions," he moans, clutching his head. "I see a great yellow dragon, snorting fire, bathed in blinding smoke. And there are the faceless men again, watching me. There is one among them with blood on his hands, but the others constantly move to shield him."

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 1:01 pm
by Mister Ginge
Cecil Copeland

Cecil is still trying to understand the events of the previous night. None of this is making any sense. Mesmerism? Hallucination? Reality?

"What is the significance of the yellow dragon and these faceless men? Have you encountered the like or any reference before?" he demands of Williamson.

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 1:36 pm
by Rooter
"I am at a loss," the psychic wails. "Nothing is clear to me. I feel there must be some connection to last night's dream and to Mr. Bidwell's death, which is why I came here looking for answers. What were those ... those unearthly creatures?" He shudders and takes another gulp of brandy. "I can find no reference to any such beings, nor of this 'Juk-Shabb' or 'Yekub', among the occult volumes in my own library."

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 3:10 pm
by HoneyDog
Ann Veronica

“Whatever is going on, it seems that we are all involved to the finish now. And it might well cost us our lives. So I suggest you tell us everything you know about Bidwell, the cube and everything else, including why Chinese men are looking for us” Ann Veronica tells him sternly.

She still has the knife she took, and she is tempted to use it.

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:05 pm
by Rooter
"Bidwell ... I first met him on the night of the party after he invited myself and a number of other notable psychics. He told me he was interested in the occult and wanted to perform a seance. He seemed passionate although, looking back, perhaps a better word is desperate. He told me nothing more of his intentions. The cube seems to be an object of occult significance but, again, I can find no mention of such in my own library of reference works. Perhaps Mr. Bidwell had some rarer volumes, he did mention that he had been doing much research into occult and spiritualist matters. I know nothing of any Chinese."

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, Mr. Bidwell's library may have what we need," says Diane. "He was practically obsessed with Yekub. You know, Mr. Williamson, I had a feeling that was you at the door and that you'd had the same dream the rest of us did. Perhaps I have some psychic abilities myself. Tell me, do you believe it is possible for people to swap bodies? We've seen some indications of that, and that could explain the faceless men in your vision."

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:24 am
by Pastiche
Finally, James manages to muster enough courage to roll out of bed. He slips into his by now very rumpled suit, and starts making his way down the stairs, rubbing his temples.

When he arrives in the kitchen, he pours himself a cup of tea which starts to perk him up a bit. He listens to the ongoing conversation with Williamson, but does not yet intervene.

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:28 am
by Rooter
"Indeed, transference of the soul into other bodies and even inanimate objects may be possible in the realms of the spirit. Yet I sense that the faceless men I see are more earthly in their reach. They are like some vast conspiracy, secretive and powerful."

While this discussion is taking place there comes the sound of a carriage drawing up outside the house. A few moments later the door is opened without announcement and Inspector Cleveland enters.

"Ah, I suspected I would find all of you here."

The Scotland Yard detective glances dismissively at Godfrey Williamson, who is beginning to doze off in his chair.

"Well, there have been some strange and worrying developments. For one thing, the coroner's inquest on the body of Constable Baker has revealed that he was poisoned before being tossed into the Thames. Oddly, the suspected poison used is cobra venom.

Furthermore, there was a break-in at the British Museum last night."
The Inspector looks sheepish. "The trinket discovered in the warehouse, the cube, has been stolen."

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 12:12 pm
by Priest
Absolom Peredue Somerhayes

Absolom listens to the psychic’s speech still finding it impossible to accept the idea of the transmigration of souls. Of course he accepts that some faiths teach of reincarnation, but as a member of God’s true church he sees this as nothing more than the ideas of unenlightened heathens. However he is willing to listen, after all it costs nothing. Yet whatever the cause of last night’s nightmare he doubts it has anything to do with the transference of souls or dragons, yellow or otherwise.
At the Inspectors rather shame-faced admission of the cube’s loss, he shakes his head and “Tsk’s” gently in disaproval

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:31 pm
by Mister Ginge

"Who's investigating the break-in at the Museum Sir? It wouldn't be Detective Sergeant Mulverhill by any chance?" Cecil asks sceptically.

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:58 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
While this conversation is going on, Gordon wanders in. "I suggest that this house needs to be searched thoroughly, officer," he says. "It's a large place, of course. If we can be of any assistance?"

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:01 pm
by Rooter
"Mulverhill? Not at all, sir, Detective Sergeant Craig handled the matter. Indeed, after you and your companions informed me that Mulverhill had been here and confiscated Bidwell's journal yesterday, I spoke with Dr. Anderson, the Assistant Comissioner of the Metropolitan Police CID himself. He assures me that Detective Sergeant Mulverhill is engaged in a highly sensitive investigation and is not to be interfered with."

Despite these assurances, Inspector Cleveland appears troubled.

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:06 pm
by Rooter
Victoria Silverwolf wrote:While this conversation is going on, Gordon wanders in. "I suggest that this house needs to be searched thoroughly, officer," he says. "It's a large place, of course. If we can be of any assistance?"
"A thorough search of the premises was performed on the night of Mr. Bidwell's death, sir. Nothing suspicious was found. If you believe we have overlooked something then by all means, proceed."

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"There can't be too many places one could get cobra venom," says Diane. "That sounds like an important clue. I'm sure your men did a thorough job searching this house, Inspector, but they might not have known what to look for. I suggest we start in the library."

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:27 am
by Rooter
"Indeed, Miss Siddons, most perceptive." Inspector Cleveland pauses before continuing. "Murder by cobra venom is rumored to be the method favored by a secret Chinese tong known as the Si-Fan. Little is known for certain but they are supposed to be a fanatical organization of Oriental criminals, thugs, dacoits, and assassins. Still, their very existence is only a rumor and we have never been able to discover any of their hideouts. It seems most who know the truth about the Si-Fan would rather die than speak against or about the organization. In any case, their suspected master, a certain Dr. Fu Manchu, is known to be in the Orient at present.

Well, I must continue with my investigation. Let me know if you find anything of interest."

The Inspector departs.

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:55 am
by Pastiche
James is not too keen to revisit the scene of last night's events just yet. "What about the British Museum?", he says, "Perhaps it might not be such a bad idea to check for clues there ourselves. I have to admit, my faith in the police's confidence has been thoroughly shaken. With the cube back in the hands of who knows who, things don't look to good..."

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:35 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"There can't be too many places one could get cobra venom," says Diane. "That sounds like an important clue. I'm sure your men did a thorough job searching this house, Inspector, but they might not have known what to look for. I suggest we start in the library."
"I quite agree, Miss," Gordon says. "Shall we proceed?" Besides his obvious interest in pursuing this bizarre mystery, he wouldn't mind spending some time with this bold and unconventional woman.

Re: The Eyes of a Stranger

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:45 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, let's go," says Diane, leading the way. "Time is of the essence."