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[IC - CHAPTER TWO] An Unexpected Journey (Kurt, Andreas)

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:01 pm
by Overlord87
7 May, 1945. RAF Hawkinge, near Dover.
You arrive at the air base early in the morning of a clear day of may. The order arrived just a couple of days ago, barely the time to prepare what you needed for the journey. Southern Atlantic, of all places. With all the talk on the upcoming assault on Fortress Europe, you surely weren't expecting to be assigned so far from the front. Still, the order was signed by no less than Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd - veteran explorer of Antarctica, first man to view both of the polar ice caps. Such an order, coming from so high in the command chain, it's definitely more than enough to stir your curiosity.

You two meet at the entrance base. A slightly overweight academic and a mediterranean - greek? spanish? certainly not italian - military. A stern-looking sergeant calls your names: "Kurt M. Donnely? Andreas Vaslopoulos?" , he waits for confirmation before adding: "Follow me". He leads you to a military car and signals you to get on board, as he takes the driver seat and ignites the engine.
OOC:   You can start introducing your investigators ;)  

Re: [IC - CHAPTER TWO] An Unexpected Journey (Kurt, Andreas)

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:13 pm
by loke
Andreas is the mediterranean, short and slender with British uniform He wears a tool vest and the insignia of an engineer, as well as a standard riftle, side arm, and a trunk on his shoulder.

«Aye, sergeant,» he says, saluting, «I am Andreas.» The accent is as Mediterranean as he looks. Recognisable, but not likely to hamper communication. Quickly, he follows the sergeant who seems to be rushing.

Presumably, Kurt and Andreas have travelled together. Andreas has introduced himself as being from Thessaloniki, in Greece, but he came to England just before the war to study engineering. «But I am more use in the field, than in college, I think,» he says ruefully.

Re: [IC - CHAPTER TWO] An Unexpected Journey (Kurt, Andreas)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 5:12 am
“It’s funny. I would say I’m the opposite. Although a good friend did teach me how to shoot a Luger during my first assignment before leaving the states.” Kurt Replies.

He throws his bags on the car while keeping his leather satchel on his person close by.

“I wonder if they’ve found an enemy research base down here. That’s usually why they send me”, he says with excitement in his eyes.
His expression quickly shifts back to something more formal as he follows up, “The Allies will want a thorough record and explanation of course. Mr. Andreas, I see you’re no stranger to electrical engineering. Correct?”

Re: [IC - CHAPTER TWO] An Unexpected Journey (Kurt, Andreas)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 5:54 pm
by loke
«That is true. Repairs is what they usually send me for, be it electric or mechanical. If not, they want me to blow it up,» he answers with a grin. «If it needs shooting, they usually send somebody else. I take it, you do not know any more than I do, about this assignment.»

Re: [IC - CHAPTER TWO] An Unexpected Journey (Kurt, Andreas)

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:15 pm
"Not any more than you. At this moment, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. In any case, if you need an assistant in tinkering or repairs, I carry a masters degree in electrical chemistry. It has always been a passion in addition to my work with the military."

Re: [IC - CHAPTER TWO] An Unexpected Journey (Kurt, Andreas)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:28 pm
by Overlord87
The sergeant stops the car near a large hangar: "End of the ride, gentlemen. There's an airplane ready inside to carry you to HMS Atlantic Isle", he stops to scratch his head, "God knows why. You'll receive further orders once you arrive there". He stops again. "It'll be a long journey", he adds finally, as a farewell of sorts.
OOC:   I suggest you choose a color four your character's spoken parts :D  

Re: [IC - CHAPTER TWO] An Unexpected Journey (Kurt, Andreas)

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 8:58 pm
by loke
Electrical chemistry? That's how you make batteries, isn't it? Interesting.

OK, sergeant. Thank you. Andreas scratches his head and looks around as he leaves the car. As the sergeant leaves, he turns to Kurt. Well, we had better get inside, haven't we? I wonder if we have the right equipment for this excursion. I fear this may be very different from anything I have ever done before ...

Re: [IC - CHAPTER TWO] An Unexpected Journey (Kurt, Andreas)

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:09 pm

"In my experience, you never can tell what they're throwing at us here." I follow along with him.

Re: [IC - CHAPTER TWO] An Unexpected Journey (Kurt, Andreas)

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 11:53 am
by Overlord87
You board the airplane, that takes off just a few minutes later. It's a long, long and definitely uncomfortable journey. You can barely relax and sleep, and the food is the worst the army can offer. After more than 24 hours of hell, finally, the airplane starts its descent towards the airbase of HMS Atlantic Isle, your final destination. The aircraft lands without issues, and as you disembark, you get ready to discover why in the world you were sent in this far and forgotten corner of the world.