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Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:21 am
by andyw666
Stogie slowly and quietly attempts to wheel the door hatch open...

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 6:22 pm
by Mister Ginge
Tom sets his machine gun, ready for what could be on the other side..

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 8:56 pm
by Overlord87
The door opens easily and leads into a long corridor. Your steps echo faintly in the darkness as you move ahead warily. Still no noise, no light - except for your flashlights. No sign of life. After twenty meters or so, the corridor takes a turn on the right, revealing a second door up ahead. After making sure you can't hear anything through the steel, you turn the wheel and push it open.
On the other side, a large space seems to open up, as your flashlights fade off into the darkness and disappear before hitting any wall. In front or you, at least, this room seems to stretch for quite some distance. On your left and right, the room extends for at least fifteen meters. This place definitely is - or perhaps "was" might be a more accurate word - a working space. There are work benches lined up, with spare parts, and tools, and all kind of mechanical and electrical junk on them. Shelves line up on one side, full of various components and boxes of all dimensions. Nothing seems to be damaged, and there's no trace of a fight. Still, the place looks abandoned, and might have been so for quite some time.
Mechanical Repair,These are differents from the ones you know, but you recognize mostly of the pieces as spare parts for large engines.

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:17 am
by Mr. Handy

Oliver doesn't know much about the stuff in this area.
OOC,Mechanical Repair roll (20% base skill) about the parts: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 7:56 am
by andyw666
OOC,[b]Stogie's[/b] [i]Mech Repair[/i] is 50% and he rolls... [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:22 pm
by Mister Ginge
Mech repair 20%

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:36 pm
by Steveoknox24
Amadeus scans the abandoned fortress and is reminded of the various stories he's heard of ghost ships and mysterious disappearances. Whispering, he asks, "Anyone here heard ze story of ze Mary Celeste?"
Mechanical Repair 20%

OOC:   Getting married in a few weeks, sorry for the lack of posts. Planning has ramped up.  

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:01 am
by Mr. Handy

"I've heard of her," Oliver whispers back. "She was found adrift with no crew, but her cargo was intact - or at least what was stated on the manifest was intact. Always wondered if maybe there was some smuggling going on, and the smugglers fell afoul of pirates. There was no sign of a struggle, but they could have surrendered without a fight. Not what happened here. It's possible that the Jerries decided to bug out via U-Boat while the getting was good, especially if they thought we might be coming. With Germany in tatters, they may figure that the end is only a matter of time, and safe haven in Argentina is so close. Still, we can't count on that, so be on your guard."

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:16 pm
by leonardolad
Smalls Kemp

"Yeah, I bet they all swam for their lives when they heard our friend Amadeus here was coming." He says with a grin.
Mechanical Repair,Mechanical Repair 70% . . [b]73[/b]

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 7:58 am
by Steveoknox24
"Zat was ze official report, yes." Amadeus glances quizzically at Smalls. "Zough many believe ze official account iz nozing more zan a cover. I'm a little concerned it comes to mind so readily here.

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:04 pm
by Dr. Bloodworth
Nick furrows his brow and hoists his rifle. "This is a little eerie," he whispers. "Maybe they got the orders from Berlin to withdraw, but... why not take any of their equipment with them?" He looks over the parts, shakes his head and moves on.

= fail

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:20 am
by Mister Ginge

"Let's check the rest of the room" says Tom. "See what else we can find.."

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 11:50 pm
by Steveoknox24
"I agree. Let's see vhat clues ve can find."

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 9:45 am
by andyw666
Stogie starts navigating the perimeter of this big room, keeping the wall to his left shoulder, flashlight and 1911 in hand, particularly looking for doors and listening for the enemy. He chomps on an unlit cigar.

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 8:06 pm
by Overlord87
Stogie leads the way in the darkness. Time passes, moment after moment, step after step. Still no sound pierces the silence, apart from your steps. Nothing breaks the increasingly eerie atmosphere. Finally, the large workshop area opens up into an even larger space: the docks. The flashlights allow you to see three docks, each one capable of accomodating a huge submarine - bigger than the one that carried you here, bigger than anything you know from the allied naval forces. And there's one of these behemoths in the water, crashed underneath a collapsed loading derrick. It lies on its starboard size, stretching out in the darkness beyond the reach of your flashlights. You can't see much from where you are, but there seems to be evidence of a serious fire near the conning tower and the forward hatch.
Around you, the docks are full of broken crates, looking in disarray, although the derricks and gantries that criss-cross over your head seem to be mostly intact and functioning.

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 3:49 am
by Mr. Handy

Oliver peers at the wrecked U-Boat, shining his torch on it as he carefully approaches it. He inspects the crates as he passes, looking to see if there are any labels or contents.

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:29 pm
by Dr. Bloodworth
"This is more than just folks who disappeared," says Nick, furrowing his brow at the broken crates. "Unless the Jerries sabotaged this stuff 'fore they left. That sounds like somethin' they'd do." As they reach the submarine, he peers up at the mostly-intact walkways above, scanning around for gunmen. "Perfect spot for an ambush."

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:19 am
by andyw666
Stogie growls, "OK, what the heck is going on here? This ain't some tiny sub base in the middle of the ocean. This is huge. These subs are huge. How come we didn't get a briefing on this? And why is Jerry so dumb as to build all of this here, so far from Europe? Is he planning a full scale attack on Argentina? It doesn't make any sense."

"And the real kicker has got to be - where is Jerry? This is all wrong and wronger."
His usual dump-truck voice conveys serious frustration.

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:31 pm
by Overlord87
Oliver walks closer to the submarine, gun at the ready. His flashlight now illuminates the name of this submarine: UX-824. Perhaps more interestingly, though, the forward cargo door shows sign of explosive damage, and he can now see a few Panzerfaust 60s abandoned on the docks. Checking the crates, some of them are empty, some of them still half-full of supplies, ammunitions, and the like. There's no trace of human presence whatsoever, though. Still the ominous silence looms over everything.

Re: [IC - Chapter Three] Saxemberg

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:33 pm
by Mister Ginge
Tom picks up one of the Panzerfaust 60s, testing it's weight. "Might come in handy.."

He scans the sub, wondering if there's any easy access.