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The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 6:37 am
by Silver Priest
The next few weeks pass by uneventfully. MAJESTIC seems to have made enough trouble for now, and contacts none of the agents. All three of them try to resume their day jobs, and they perform them adequately enough that no one comments. Jose is shaken by recent events however, and at home he realizes he's being somewhat neglectful to TUM. The dog is empathic enough to realize it, and it gives him more than one sad stare. Jose tries to repair the relationship, but he still finds his pup a little less willing to play with him. A few vigorous scratching sessions and plenty of belly rubs gets his tail wagging, but there's a distance there's that's a little wider than it was before.

But there's little time to think about it before he gets another phone call.

September 5th, 2000

The three agents receive messages instructing them to go to a certain bench at Central Park. The messages are addressed to their Delta Green code names but are otherwise sparse with information, perhaps leading to fears that this is another MAJESTIC ploy. But when they show up, they find McRay at the designated meeting place. He is bundled up in a heavy coat and sipping a coffee. He's left plenty of room on the bench for all three agents.

When the first one approaches, he speaks. "Sit down and look ahead. Do not interact with me." Once all three agents have done so, he continues. "Bullshit security measures, not that it's liable to help much. But we're not supposed to meet at headquarters until further notice. Something has the highers ups spooked... best as I can determine, there was an incident between our two agencies. We're not expecting full hostilities, but things are safer if we meet in public until all this is sorted out."

"We've got a new job for your cell. Could be nothing, could be something. A woman by the name of Abigail Wright was reported missing on Saturday. A Friendly on the local police thought it seemed weird and passed me these pictures." He removes a beige folder from his coat, and removes a set of pictures before passing them over, still without looking at the agents.

The pictures themselves seem to show a modest apartment unit, but one that is a hoarder's dream. Every available surface is covered in junk, glued or taped to the walls. Only the floor remained clear, the rug yanked up to reveal a battered linoleum surface. Among the junk was sets of dentures, partial dentures, a 1940s wheelchair, some modern and antique artificial limbs, dozens of shirts, shoes and briefcases, assorted radios spanning several decades of various eras, and all manner of jewelry, earrings, rings, and necklaces, and thousands of papers. Various photos of the room show that every angle is covered in random junk-- there is not a single empty space in the room.

"This freaked out our Friendly, and they reported that several of the papers had symbols on them related to Demonology and the Occult. We've pulled some strings to get the case assigned to the feds; Wright's credit card was recently used down in Maryland. Police have already investigated and we suspect it's a dead end, but it's enough to allow us to take over this case as a possible inter-state kidnapping. You've all been assigned to be the FBI task force investigating this case. You're to go to Wright's apartment. Catalog the evidence and determine if any of it is Unnatural. If it is, collect those items and report them to me, then deliver them to a storage unit an hour upstate. Determine if Wright had her hands in anything Unnatural and if it was responsible for her disappearance. If it was, locate the threat and ensure that it's taken care of or can't harm anyone else."

?" He asks, taking a long sip of his coffee.

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:45 am
by HoneyDog
Nik shrugs.

"Looks straightforward enough. I presume you don't have anything else on this Abigail Wright?

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 4:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"With whom did she associate?" asks Vanessa. "Who reported her missing?"

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:37 am
by Anatomist
José nods in confirmation to McRay. 'I got my car here and im ready-packed' he pats his fanny pack at his waist and pats his shoulder holster from outside his coat. 'Haven't left home without all my gear either on me or very close by'

Looking at vanessa and Nick 'you guys need picking something up?'

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:39 am
by Silver Priest
"Not too much. Wright's 27,and some sort of artist in the city; I don't know the specifics. She was reported missing by her father, Thomas. He apparently hadn't heard from her for a few weeks and called the police to do a welfare check on her. They did, and found her apartment in that state. As for associates, you'd have to figure that out for yourself. Ask her father, or perhaps her neighbors-- from what I heard the entire building is some sort of subsidized housing for artists, so some of them may be close to her.

He hands over a paper that has her address scrawled on it. It's someplace called The Macallistar Building and located in the Rose Hill section of Manhattan. Along with the address are keys to the building and Abigail's unit in particular. Finally, he offers the agents a Polaroid picture of a young brunette woman. It's a little blurry and out of focus, but writing on it indicates it's Abigail Wright, taken a little over a year ago.

"Hopefully this is just a run of the mill mental collapse and she took off to parts unknown, but we need to be vigilant. Good luck on this one, Agents."

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:12 am
by Anatomist
Silver Priest wrote:"Not too much. Wright's 27,and some sort of artist in the city; I don't know the specifics. She was reported missing by her father, Thomas. He apparently hadn't heard from her for a few weeks and called the police to do a welfare check on her. They did, and found her apartment in that state. As for associates, you'd have to figure that out for yourself. Ask her father, or perhaps her neighbors-- from what I heard the entire building is some sort of subsidized housing for artists, so some of them may be close to her.

He hands over a paper that has her address scrawled on it. It's someplace called The Macallistar Building and located in the Rose Hill section of Manhattan. Along with the address are keys to the building and Abigail's unit in particular. Finally, he offers the agents a Polaroid picture of a young brunette woman. It's a little blurry and out of focus, but writing on it indicates it's Abigail Wright, taken a little over a year ago.

"Hopefully this is just a run of the mill mental collapse and she took off to parts unknown, but we need to be vigilant. Good luck on this one, Agents."
José grabs the address, photo, and keys from mcRay.

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 3:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, sir," says Vanessa. "We'll get to the bottom of it." She nods to Jose. "I brought my usual equipment to the meeting. I knew something was up. I don't think there's anything special I'll need for this, so I'm ready to get started now."

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 6:49 am
by HoneyDog
"Let's get going, then" says Nik. "I want to pick up a digital camera from the office on the way, and some cartons."

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"All right," says Vanessa. "After that, we can go right to the apartment."

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 6:27 am
by Silver Priest
After retrieving the tools they want for this assignment, the Agents head to the Macallistar Building Just after 1 in the afternoon. The building itself looks to be rather old, though none of the agents are well versed enough in architecture to tell the exact era when it was constructed. It is a classic three-story and basement
brownstone structure with a faux-castle design. A fake portcullis hangs above the large double doors, artificial ramparts encircle the windows and ledges, and cheap
concrete gargoyles watch from the rooftop. Attached to the front door is an intercom system that allows visitors to be buzzed into the building. Of course, the agents have the keys for it so this may not be necessary.

Outside the front door is a man, dressed in a crisp suit. He's in his early 40's, tall and well built, with classically handsome features and an approachable air. When he sees the agents approach he moves to meet them and offers his hand.

"You the feds here about the Wright case? Detective Graham Giuradanda, NYPD. I'm in charge of the investigation on our end. If there's anyway I can be of assistance let me know." He pauses. "Sorry to call you all in on this, but it's a damn strange case. Never seen anything like it."

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 6:46 am
by HoneyDog
Nik shakes.

"Nice to meet you Detective" he says. "I'm Siivasluo; this is Marchand and Lopez". He hopes Jose's lack of credentials will escape notice.

"Why don't you tell us about it, and then we can take a look? We really only have the basics of the case right now."

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 6:11 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks, I appreciate it," says Vanessa, shaking the detective's hand.

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 5:08 am
by Silver Priest
Detective Giuradanda appears not to notice Jose's lack of credentials, or at least does not chose to comment on them.

"Right. This is a strange one. I'll show you the crime scene-- if that's what this is."

He leads the agents inside to a hallway enveloped in a plush burgundy rug. To the left are a set of 12 mailboxes for each of the 12 apartments within the building.
Alertness roll,Only 5 of the mailboxes have names written on them.

In the middle of the hallway is a staircase leading up to the next floor. Down either side of the hallways are two apartments, one on each side of the wall.

"Place has four floors. Basement is down below, and seems fairly bare bones; not much down there. Then there's the ground floor. Ms. Wright's unit is on the first floor." He leads the group up to the first floor, and heads down the west part of the hallway before taking out a key and unlocking one of the apartments. "Just a warning-- it's weird in here." Then he opes the door.

The pictures were not lying. The apartment is a mess of random junk and objects. The walls and ceiling are covered in layers of materials: papers, small items, and larger things epoxied in a bizarre and seemingly meaningless pattern of strata. There's everything from random sheets of paper and pencils glued to the walls and other objects, up to radios and work desks . A few minor parts of the walls have casting removed, as though someone tore off an object or two before giving up.

"It was like this when we found it, more or less. We removed a few items to try and trace the serial numbers and see if there was a connection, but nothing's turned up so far. Then we got the word you were taking over, so," Giuradanda shrugs. "What we have confirmed is that all of Ms. Wright's furniture is gone. Maybe she took it with her. But from what we've seen none of this was registered to her.

"There's four other tenets in the building currently. One's on the other side of this floor, Two upstairs, and one down on the ground level. All of them reported Ms. Wright seemed friendly enough and showed no sign of trouble. They all said they heard no signs of racket when she was putting all of this up, and reported seeing no one else enter or exit her apartment. None of them could give an exact last time they had seen Abigail, but we're thinking it's been more than a week since anyone has seen her. She was reported missing three days ago, but we think it's likely to have been longer, since her father was trying to get in touch with her for a few weeks before then and could not, which is apparently unlike her."

"In addition to the main room of the apartment, there's a modest bathroom to the left. Oddly, that room's still in working condition; the furniture is still in there, and nothing seems out of place in there. She seemed fixated on this particular spot."

He points out a small cardboard box on the floor, the only thing to mar its surface. It's labeled “EVIDENCE, FBI WHITE PLAINS, WRIGHT-A, 5-
." Inside it are four polaroid cameras and 100 packs of film, which allows them to take 800 photographs( apparently Delta Green had also seen the wisdom of taking photos). In addition, there are latex gloves, evidence bags, stickers, and seal-tape, along with a notebook to identify everything within the apartment.

"Frankly I really appreciate you taking this off our hands," Giuradanda continues. "Cataloging all this stuff would take a hell of a lot of manhours. I know it's not the most exciting job, but if there's a needle in this haysack, we have to find it. Just let us know when you need us to pick some stuff up, and we'll come and collect the evidence bags and bring more, if required. If you need anything at all, here's my card. I'm your liaison on this case, and whatever I can do to help I'll be glad to, but we're overworked in the city and I unfortunately can't spend my full time on it.."
OOC:   Please excuse the very long post. If you'd like you can make a bureaucracy roll to see just how long it will take to catalog all of this evidence.  

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 6:41 am
by HoneyDog
Alertness,Alertness 54: [url=]Alertness[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]86[/b]
Nik sighs as he surveys the room.

“Looks like we have our work cut out for us” he says. “Thanks Detective”.

He takes the proffered card and shakes the man’s hand again.

“This is gonna take a week” he complains, but secretly he’s glad the assignment appears so mundane.
Bureaucracy,Bureaucracy 14: [url=]Bureaucracy[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]32[/b]

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 4:24 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Then we'd better get started," says Vanessa. "We'll also want to see what's in her mailbox. Maybe someone was communicating with her."
OOC,Alertness roll (53% skill) entering the building: [dice]0[/dice] Bureaucracy roll (44% skill) cataloguing the evidence: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 6:32 pm
by Anatomist
Alertness 50%,[dice]0[/dice]
José stays quiet and follow the cues of Nick and Vanessa

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 5:39 am
by Silver Priest
Looking at all this stuff, it's impossible to determine how long it will take to catalog everything in Abigail's apartment. The agents do realize that this is likely to be more than a day's affair. It's already a little after 1 in the afternoon. they've been given no timeframe the job needed to be done in, and the agents day jobs are over at 5. They could finish up then and return early tomorrow to continue it, or opt to work through the night.

The question must also be asked if all three agents intended to catalog the room. There were other leads they could follow-- Abigail's father, her neighbors in the building, or other avenues of research they could think of. Of course, that would mean more work for the other two.
OOC,If any of you chose to work on cataloging the apartment, One of you should please roll 1d3 to determine how many hours you work. Then[i] all of you[/i] can roll search to determine if you find anything of note.

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 6:06 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'll definitely start going through this stuff," says Vanessa. "I'm good at finding needles in haystacks. The trick is to sit on the haystack. You'll find the needle, all right. If either of you want to help, or if you have other leads you want to pursue, that's up to you."
OOC,Hours spent searching: [dice]0[/dice] Search roll (57% skill) cataloguing the evidence: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 6:57 am
by HoneyDog
"No, I want to help" says Nik. "I bet there's some interesting stuff in all this junk".

He starts to prepare the equipment left for them.
Search,Search 44: [url=]Search[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]15[/b]

Re: The Vanishing of Abigail Wright

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 8:31 am
by Anatomist
1hr search with extreme success roll,hrs: [dice]0[/dice] search 20%[dice]1[/dice]
Jose says nothing and just gets on with it.