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Re: See No Evil

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:36 am
by HoneyDog
The hint means nothing to Nik.
Idea,Idea 60: [url=]Idea[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]71[/b]

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"Hmm," muses Vanessa. "Maybe it's the surname of a fictional character whose first name is Reginald, and W. is part of the author's name."
OOC,Idea roll (55% stat) about the password hint: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 5:22 am
by Silver Priest
Vanessa is struck by inspiration, and she consults the bookcases. As she thought at first glance, all of the texts are of conspiracy literature. but not all. Just as she's about to give up and check the books in the living room, one book catches her eye. It's The Jeeves Omnibus. It appears to have nothing to do with conspiracies, and looking through it it does seem to be fiction, telling the humorous story of a young heir and his ever reliable valet and butler. A check at the author lists him as P.G. Wodehouse.

Feeling inspired, Vanessa quickly finds that the character's first name is Jeeves, and she tells Nik to put it in. He does, and to both agent's pleasure the password is accepted. A long text file follows, seeming to be something of a diary Colm started just over two years ago.

March 23rd, 1997

I am beginning this file to keep track of the nefarious tentacles of Them, the ones who want to destroy me. After Their recent attempt to silence me, I have decided to keep a file on all of Them I know of and ways to stop Them.

March 31st, 1997

An old woman came into my office today. She seemed perfectly pleasant, but I noticed she was ruffling through her bag. I suspect that she is one of Them and was recording my conversation. She was trying to poison me, because she offered me a mint. Then she wanted to shake my hand at the end of our meeting, but I was too clever for her, and refused. She left in a bit of a huff, clearly knowing I was onto her. They are many, but I am too clever for Them.

A few months later:

I feel so alone. Not even my fellows in the Review understand. I've mentioned it to Drinkwater at times, but he just laughs and says I am paranoid. Mentioning it to Hames led to him ranting about Jewish influence. And yes, they are a part of Them, but this goes beyond. Why can't any of them see?

February 15th, 1999,

Called Wilhelmina today. She threatened me and told me to leave her alone. Perhaps she is working for Them, or has even been threatened by Them. I will have to be careful.

It goes on and on. Colm seems to think there is a large conspiracy out to get him, and it seems to grow larger with each entry. About the only ones he seems to trust are his elderly neighbor, (a woman by the name of Mrs. Golwin) and his dog.

Near January of this year something seems to change.

Others know of Their influence! I am in correspondence with one of Them. He feels as I do and understand the grave threat They pose to America, if not the world! He has told me that soon enough we shall meet, and he will show me the tools He and his allies have developed in the shadow war they fight against Them. But first I must prove myself worthy. I await His forthcoming letters and hope that they shall offer me a way to be free of Them.

The last entry is dated yesterday:

July 19th, 1999

The organization has reached out to me for recruitment. Herr Stromm says that he will contact me sometime soon and provide me with all the proof I could want. It may even happen during this conference, so I must be vigilant. It would be inconvenient to be called away from the conference duties, but this is not an opportunity I can let slip by.

I will soon be free of Their reach, and must remain calm until then.

OOC:   Both agents can make HUMINT rolls. Success indicates that Colm has a severe paranoia disorder, and it seems to be getting worse. If not treated it will continue to escalate. He likely needs severe psychiatric help.  

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 5:39 am
by HoneyDog

“Well done Marchand! I’ve never heard of this guy".

He looks through the files. “Now we’re getting somewhere” says Nik. “He’s obviously extremely paranoid but there might be something to this. We should get these letters translated as a priority.”
HUMINT,HUMINT 71: [url=]HUMINT[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]41[/b]

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:59 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks," says Vanessa. "I have heard of Wodehouse. I've never read his books, but there's a British TV series called 'Jeeves and Wooster' that stars Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie that I've seen on PBS. It's really good. I never knew Jeeves's first name was Reginald, though. Yeah, he's really paranoid, and this Stromm guy looks like he's playing on it to recruit him for something. The letters should have more details. Let's see what's on the disks."
OOC,HUMINT roll (53% skill) about [b]Colm[/b]: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 5:58 am
by Silver Priest
The disks are interesting, but in a mundane sense. Colm has taken to constructing a detailed list of every Review related activity over the last four years. Each month is broken down and expenditures are carefully laid out. The finances of the group seem healthy, and Colm seems to make notes on areas where the group could make improvements.

In addition to this, there are breakdowns on membership, which seems to be growing slowly but steadily. Colm is keeping a list of every member, along with addresses, phone numbers, and email accounts. The Review's membership is not public, so information like this could be quite useful in learning more about the group and its activities.

Other than that, there seems to be nothing on the disks that are related to the letters or any hidden conspiracy that is aiming to recruit Colm.

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:25 am
by HoneyDog
Nik stands up. “Isn’t there one more room to search?”

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:21 pm
by Silver Priest
The last room seems to be the bedroom. Knickknacks line the dressers, among them a set of WW2 toy solders( all from the Axis powers, by the look of them) His closet contains a set of off the rack suits and ties.Nik also finds a cardboard box in the closet. Inside is a folded up karate GI- Colm seems to be a blue belt- and underneath that is a revolver,a Smith and Weston by the looks of it. A small case nearby contains 50 bullets for it. Another bowl of peppermints can be found on the nightstand, along with a few pictures of what seem to be Colm with his children and Bernard.

Other than that, nothing else catches Nik's eye.

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 3:51 am
by Mr. Handy

"That membership list is gold," Vanessa says, following Nik into the bedroom and looking around.
OOC,We'll need a copy of the membership list. The best choice would be to photograph it. Failing that we could print it out, but [b]Colm[/b] might be paranoid enough to notice a few sheets of paper missing. Search roll (53% skill) searching the bedroom: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:29 am
by HoneyDog
Nik takes photos of the screen and the list of members.

“When you’ve finished in here, let’s get back to the office”.

He takes out his phone and calls McRay, asking him to locate a German translator for them.

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 5:33 am
by Silver Priest
As before, Vanessa locates a few rudimentary devices designed to detect intruders. She points them out and all are easily avoided.
OOC:   Feel free to photograph or print out the list as you desire. If there's anything else you want to do before you leave, let me know  
The team leaves, fairly confident that they have avoided any signs that they intruded inside the apartment. Of course one could never be sure, but hopefully their bugs would clue them in on if Colm seemed more alarmed than usual.

As the agents return, they phone McRay and fills them in. He listens intently.

"Good work. It certainly seems like Colm is a target of recruitment for some sort of group, and I'm very interested in learning who is behind this. We don't have any agents in the area who are fluent in German, and I doubt I can get someone here with such short notice. You'll have to use one of our friendlies for this. Try Dr. Jensen Wu at the Museum of Natural History. Keep him need to know on this."

Nik recognizes the name. Dr. Wu was the one who provided support on their last case.
OOC:   Heading there now? If you do, you probably won't be around in time to catch Bhrunt's arrival, but you have an agent assigned to that already.  

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:23 am
by HoneyDog

“Does Wu speak German?” asks Nik doubtfully. Nonetheless, he calls the Museum to ask after the Doctor’s availability.

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:06 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,The only thing I wanted to do at [b]Colm[/b]'s place was to double check that we've covered our tracks and left everything exactly as we found it, including locking the door behind us. There is the option for only one of us to see [b]Dr. Wu[/b] while the other stays, but I don't think it's strictly necessary, since one of the rookies can keep an eye on [b]Bhrunt[/b] (preferably the one who did the research on him). We should have two of the rookies tailing [b]Colm[/b], considering how paranoid he is. He may try to lose them without even being sure he's being followed. That leaves one for [b]Drinkwater[/b] and the other for [b]Bhrunt[/b].

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:42 am
by Silver Priest
OOC:   Currently you have two agents on Colm and two on Drinkwater. When Bhrunt gets closer to arriving, Agent Udagawa will split off and tail him.  
As far as Vanessa can tell, everything looks exactly as it was before they entered.

Their first task done, Nik calls Dr. Wu once again. The man seems to remember them.

Ah, of course. S-Cell, yes? I assisted in that nasty business out in Glendridge. I'm free this afternoon, so feel free to stop by and I'll see if I may be of assistance. Just ask at the front desk.”

And so the agents set off to the Museum of Natural History.
The banner out front currently advertises a new archaeological discovery that had taken place in Egypt. See the tomb of the Lost Pharaoh! It procalms.

Either of the agents who are familiar with the museum may be expecting to walk through some of its more famous displays, such as the dinosaur exhibits or the majestic Blue Whale that hangs above the entrance. But instead, the first guard they see directs them to a side hallway and down a long set of stairs. Gradually the museum decor gives way to bare white walls and flickering florescent lights. The security guard hums a tune as he walks, but that, along with the sounds of their shoes on the floor are the only sounds the agents hear.

They go down a few more hallways and flights of stairs before they arrive at a closed door that requires a keycard. The guard swipes his and the door opens, and the agents find themselves in a cramped room filled with what look to be stacks. Some books line the shelves, but many knick-knacks do as well. It all seems rather random, but oddly organized in a way.

Before the agents can do much investigation they are accosted by a man. He's a short diminutive gentleman dressed in a dark blue vest and black trousers. He appears to be in his 60's, and his long white hair is pulled back into a ponytail. He smiles disarmingly at both agents and their escort.

Thank you Barry, I believe I can take it from here.”

Sure thing, Doc. Just let me know when you're done. I know how difficult it is to find your way around down here.”

Wu waits for the guard to leave before holding out a hand, first to Vanessa, then to Nik. “Get here alright, I trust? Good to hear. I'm Dr. Jensen Wu. I run the D Stacks here, a sort of collection of things that... elude our natural understanding of the world. From time to time I've consulted with your organization, though I am not, strictly speaking, a part of it. Hopefully I may be of assistance, or at least point you in the direction of someone who can.”

He gestures to a room at the other end of the room. “If you would follow me into my office, we can discuss this further. Ah, please refrain from heading off on your own. Some of these pieces can have quite the unforeseen effect on the unwary.”

He leads the agents into his small office. It too is cramped, and he forces himself behind his cluttered desk and gestures to the other seat. (There is only one.)

Before we begin, I must ask about Glenridge and your operation. It is not customary for your agency to discuss the results of their operations with me, but I assume you both took care of the matter? Would you care to fill me in on exactly what happened? I'd like to make a note of it for future reference.”

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:12 am
by HoneyDog
Nik looks around him with interest. “Well, the thing, I forget its name, flew up to the heavens with the kid who summoned it riding on its back. And no-one saw either of them again. Some local nutjob confessed to the murders, and the police were only too happy to close the case.”

He looks directly at Doctor Wu, and throws him a curveball. “Now, Doctor, would you mind telling me who Steven Alzis is, and why you told him who we are? He contacted us directly before we left Glenridge. I’m guessing he got our names from you.”

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:43 am
by Mr. Handy

Vanessa sits down in the chair after Nik doesn't take it. She waits to hear Dr. Wu's response before telling him why they've come.

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:20 am
by Silver Priest
Nik sees even in here a few artifacts are crammed into the side cabinets. These are contained behind glass.

The pieces I'm most interested in currently,” Wu explains, seeing his interest.

Ah yes, the Ai-Apa. It just left with its summoner? Fascinating. It's a shame you could not retrieve the tool being used to summon it, as I'd have loved to have examined it. Regardless the threat sees to have been resolved. Well done. I hope you and the rest of your team came to no harm.”

Nik's next words do certainly catch the professor off guard. He blinks, twice, then speaks.

Stephen Alzis runs a nightclub over on Lexington Avenue. He's also a crime lord and the head of an occult organization that uses many of the things I study and you fight for its own benefits. As you can imagine, your agency has never much cared for him, and there was some...unpleasantness some years back. But after a time both groups allowed to leave each other be. I've done business with him and his organization from time to time, and it's always proven useful. Unlike many of the cults I've studied his goals seem a good deal less immediately threatening, and can occasionally be beneficial.

As for talking to him, I never gave him your names. I believe I suggested you consult him while dealing with the Glendridge business, but I never told him of you. It may have been someone within your organization. Alzis has an interest in your agency, and I've known more than one of your cells which he has interacted with in the past. It could be that someone else tipped him off and he wanted to meet you for himself.”

“Of course, it cannot be discounted that maybe he just knew you were in the area
.” It does not seem like Wu's joking.
OOC:   Feel free to do a HUMINT roll. Success indicates Wu seems genuine in what he's telling you.  

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:03 am
by Mr. Handy

"We've acquired copies of some letters written in German," says Vanessa. "Would you be able to have them translated for us, Doctor?"
OOC,HUMINT roll (53% skill) about [b]Wu[/b]: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:51 am
by Silver Priest
Wu seems happy to get down to the business at hand. "Let me see here." From his desk, he plucks out a pair of bifocals and gestures for the copies of the letters.

"I should warn you I've not studied German since College, which was some time ago." He smiles self deprecatingly. "But research is what I excel at. I should be able to have a translation for you within the next few days Is that acceptable?"

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, but please get the translation done faster if possible," says Vanessa. "The letters are from a German named Stromm to a Stephen Colm. Stromm is apparently trying to recruit him into some sort of organization. The more we can find out about him and his organization, the better."