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Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:41 pm
by Silver Priest
OOC:   There's no VHS or even a television around here. The nearest hotel with them is around twenty to thirty minutes away. Up to you guys if you want to take the detour to do that.  

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm curious about what's in the septic tank," says Vanessa, "just not curious enough to take a look inside when he specifically warned us not to. By all means, we can find out exactly what this is about before we torch whatever's in there. It's kept for all this time, it'll keep another day, and the family isn't going to find this place any time soon. Why don't we spend the night at the nearest hotel? That way we can watch the videos, read the journal, and review any other evidence. Besides, I'm a fan of indoor plumbing."

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:39 pm
by HoneyDog
Nik stands up, holding the journal and the paperback books. “Yeah, I wonder what the hell is in there?” he muses.

He looks at the note attached to the Betty and Barney Hill book. “I heard about these two. They claimed they were abducted by aliens. But we all know there’s no such thing right?” He laughs, but there’s no humour in it.

“What’s a ‘grey’? Do I even want to know?" He sighs. "Jesus, maybe all of that alien abduction shit is true after all." He shivers involuntarily.

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 7:40 pm
by Silver Priest
The team makes it to the nearest hotel. Hotel is generous, it's a motel, a bit rundown but not enough to send alarm bells through anybody's heads. It also has a tape player and television in every room, which suits their present purposes just fine.

The bored clerk greets the agents and gives them as many rooms as they'd like, and soon enough they find themselves in them. They're cramped and very much no frills, and there are a few stains on the bed no one cares too much to identify. But after the long day, they can't help but look appealing.

Still, work calls, and they have a few different things to look through. The question is, did they want to put off sleep to do it?
OOC:   It's nearly midnight. Let me know what each of your characters decide to do.

There's one drawback, however. If the Agents opt to continue their research instead of sleeping they risk exhaustion.

"An exhausted Agent suffers a −20% penalty to all
skills, stat tests, and SAN tests, and loses 1D6 WP. The
exhausted Agent loses another 1D6 WP after going
another night without sleep, after working hard for a
few hours, or after running or fighting for a few minutes.
A full night’s sleep cures exhaustion."

If you chose to research despite the risks, give me a con*5 roll. Pass and you're able to keep working and hold off the fatigue for now. Fail, and exhaustion sets in.  

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 3:19 am
by HoneyDog
Nik wants to study the journal but he knows he needs to sleep. "I'll be up at 5" he tells the others.

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 3:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"Good night," says Vanessa. "I'll meet you for breakfast." She heads to her own room to get some shuteye.
OOC,I'm calling it a night. The stuff will still be there in the morning.

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 6:40 am
by Silver Priest
OOC:   I'm assuming Rue will also call it a night. If I'm incorrect, let me know and I'll happily retcon.  
The beds are not the most comfortable the agents have ever slept in, but they all almost immediately go to sleep. The day has proven tiring.

Each of them wake around 5, and for a moment their lives are carefree. Then they remember the mission is still not yet done. Worse, they have little idea what is to come.

The only breakfast provided here comes from inside vending machines. The agents chow down and get back to work. There are some leads to consider.

The first is Baughman's journal. It's densely packed with unlabeled entries. Even to skim it will take some time. Or they could try just reading a certain part of it, hoping for clues.

The second lead is the tapes. There are three of them, all seeming to be a few hours long. With some fast forwarding it might be possible to get through them all by noon, the time for checkout.

Of course, there are all the other things Baughman kept in the footlocker. Perhaps one of them could prove useful? And they also have the number for a Delta Green contact, if they'd like to try and get in contact with them.

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:40 am
by HoneyDog
Nik will skim the journal for now, and read it in more detail later. He'll pay particular attention to anything about 'greys' or what is in the septic tank. He'll save the paperbacks for another time.

He settles down with a coffee to read.

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 3:55 pm
by Cearlan
Edmund Rue
Edmund sighs and picks up a tape.
OOC:   Are there any distinguishing features on the tapes such as 1, 2 and 3; dates or whatever. f there is then he will start with the first one, otherwise the top one  
"Might as well start with this one I guess, Anyone coming to the flicks with me?" he says with a wry grin.

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 4:53 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'll watch the videos too," says Vanessa. "There's no reason we all can't. We could even multitask, looking through the books while we watch, but we don't have to. We can read the books back at the cabin, after we check out. We can only watch the tapes here."

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:40 am
by Silver Priest
Rue and Vanessa,The tapes are not labeled, but are arranged on top of one another. It's very likely the top tape is meant to be viewed first, so the pair put it in first. The first tape starts in September of 1992. It seems to be showcasing The Church of the Holy Redeemer's sermons. It's a large building, looking capable of seating a hundred or so people. The pews are packed with families wearing their Sunday best. They listen as a man gives a sermon. He's middle aged, with dignified white hair and a pronounced deep south accent. He wears a nice suit and looks very charming, and the crowd seems to be eating out of his hand. At several points during his sermon "Amen's" erupt from the pews. And truth be told, he is in fact a very compelling speaker. The sermons start off mostly boil point. The minister talks about the power and glory of the Lord, and how belief in Him is necessarily in order to be saved. The sermons are intermixed with music, and people leave the pews and begin to clap and dance faithfully in time with it. But as the sermons continue, the agents notice something odd. There are no real signs of overt Christian imagery, and Christ Himself is never mentioned. The preacher refers to their god as "the most blessed Holy Redeemer. He who will judge the world and find it wanting. Gradually the sermons take on a darker turn. There's less talk of grace, more of war. The preacher begins to tell the crowd how the world is rotten and how things will need to change soon. It was up to His worshipers to prepare for his arrival. Despite the bleaker subject matter , the crowd continues to seem enthused, and the first tape ends. The second tape starts off in early 1993. After a few more sermons the preacher begins to tell the crowd that more is needed. "[color=#0040FF]He demands your sacrifice. You cannot just come here on Sunday and expect to be saved. I tell you this; you need to devote everything to our Lord! Your money, your health, yes even your life! My friends, we are the chosen few who will survive the day of reckoning, and feast in Eden reborn! Prove to me you're worthy[/color]!" A snake is brought out. It's rather big, of a sort neither of them have seen before. The preacher takes it and continues his sermon. "[color=#0040FF]Prove you are faithful, my brothers and sisters! Allow Saint Yig himself to free you of your sin. Come forth and receive his blessing[/color]!" Many do come forward, though a few of the congregation seem nervous. This nervousness increases after the snake is handed from one person to another. The snake bites several of them, seemingly at random. Many reach as though they have entered a fit of ecstasy, moaning and raising their hands above their heads. A few stagger. One woman, an elderly gray haired matron in her late 70's cautiously takes the snake. No sooner do her hands touch it then it bites her neck. Unlike many of the others, she reacts like one would expect a person bitten by a snake to. She screams and nearly drops it. Quickly the snake is ushered away from her, and the woman herself is pushed away from the crowd. She looks to be in deep pain, pleading for someone to help her. No one does. "[color=#0040FF]Look here brothers! See the effect our Lord has on those unbelievers[/color]!" Gradually she loses strength, and soon she is moaning on the ground. Soon after her feeble attempts at movement stop entirely. Throughout it all none pay her any attention, even the other members of her family. The tape ends soon after. The last one begins in June of 93, a few months later. The congregation seems notably thinned out. These new sermons make it easy to see why. Everyone seems to feature acts of pain inflicted on them. From whipping to stabbings, every week seems to feature some new punishment. And just like before, every time someone falls they are left to suffer without assistance. Each new week the people who fall do not appear again. Others seem to have left on their own, perhaps unwilling to continue. The last scene features around forty people, half of the original congregation. Just as before the preacher is leading things. "[color=#0040FF]Now my Brothers, the time of His reckoning is almost here! Our Redeemer has judged us and found us worthy. We are to be the bringers of a new age! But the flesh is weak! It is corruptible. And to fully embrace the Redeemer, it falls on us to eliminate the hold it has on us[/color]." He takes out a pistol, and points to a girl in the crowd. She looks to be a teenager; it's frankly amazing she's made it this far. "[color=#0040FF]You there, Selena! Come up here and prove your love for your Lord[/color]!" Selena seems reluctant, but her father is with her in the pew. Her mother had been previously, but had fallen victim to one of the earlier sermons. After looking up at him she gets up and makes her way up to the stage. The Pastor hands her the gun. With shaking hands, she receives it. "[color=#0040FF]The flesh is nothing before our creator! There is no man or woman, no race or creed. There are only sinners and saints. Are you a sinner, Selena[/color]!" "[color=#008000]No, Pastor Michael[/color]." [color=#0040FF]"Then prove you are a saint! Reject the flesh! Perform the ultimate rebellion against it[/color]!" Selena looks torn, but a few of the congregation have now approached the stage. Though their stances are relaxed, none of them seem willing to allow her to pass. Finally she nods. She places the gun to her head, takes a deep breath, and fires.It's a grisly blow. A large part of her head is instantly destroyed, and blood and brain tissue can be seen, even in the somewhat poor quality of the video. She slumps to the ground, clearly deceased. Pastor Michael pauses for dramatic affect. The agents are starting to realize he has a share for showmanship. [color=#0040FF]"Selena has taken the final step. And now, I will reward her with the gift[/color]." He leans down and caresses her corpse, almost like one would a lover. [color=#0040FF]"In the name of the Lord who rules over all, bring this girl back into this plane! Fill her with your spirit Lord, and make her a vessel of Your will[/color]." Then he reaches down and kisses her. It's long and passionate. But when he pulls away, the girl begins to stir. A cry goes out through the crowd. Michael steps back, as if overcome by emotion, and Selena rises unsteadily to her feet to the cheers of the crowd. She reaches out and embraces her Pastor. Half of her head is still missing, but this no longer seems to inconvenience her. [color=#0040FF]"The new age is almost upon us, Brothers! The time is now! Cast away your humanity and become something greater! Something pleasing to our Lord! We few are the ones who will escape the death of humanity and emerge upon the other side[/color]!" Selena smiles and is drawn back into the awe struck crowd, all of whom touch her. Abruptly, the tape ends. [ooc]Phew. And this post is only half done. ;) But few things here. Let's get a 0/1d4 san roll for violence. It would be more but it's on tape. We'll also need a 1/1d6 Unnatural san check. Also give yourselves 1 point in Unnatural, as you've been confronted for the first time by something that could not be completely rationalized scientifically (even the parasite could sort of be understood as an alien creature.) Finally, the agents can roll HUMINT. Success allows them to pick up on the fact that Selena seemed a bit... unfocused after her revival. Almost like she had been drugged in some way.[/ooc]
Nik,Nik settles down and begins skimming the journal. The first thing he discovers is that Baughman seemed paranoid even within it. He never gives real names of people or locations. One of his first assignments seemed to be to investigate a free love colony in California. He never says where exactly it was located, or why exactly he was doing so. He drops enough hints though that makes it clear that the colony were sacrificing men and "unliberated" women to their Mother Patron. Clyde offhandly mentioned that the colony no longer exists. [i]It's gone. PATRICK and PENNY took care of that. We burned what was left of the thing. PETERS is confident we got most of the group, but a few of them slipped through the cracks. We're sending it up the line of communication, lest they try to rebuild their powerbase. All in all, it seemed like a win. Shame about PARKER though. But God help me for saying this, it's a miracle we only lost one.[/i] The journal seems to follow in these footsteps. Clyde's roll with the group seemed to be largely tax work and requisitions. He bragged about freezing the assets of suspicious groups, but he apparently also participated in the more physical side of their operations. [i]The abuse was a failure; Fucker got my shoulder good with that shot. Bad enough I had to miss the boy's birthday, but I also had to wait in our safe house as PENNY fixed me up. If it's any consolation, you don't want to see the other guy.[/i] The greys are mentioned occasionally that Nik can see. [i]"I'm supposed to be out of this line of work. They said I no longer needed to be on the front lines after last time. Mostly I've been working on tax law for them; you'd be surprised how many of these groups do most of their work above board. But we went to the base. PETERS said it was urgent. It was a killing field. They had all gone insane, each in their own way. It was the frequency, I think. PAUL took care of it. Had to take down two solders, one of which was the commander Even after the frequency they were gone. But at least we prevented it from spreading. Or infecting us. The Greys were there. I thought they were a myth. Only PAUL claimed to have encountered them, but we all thought he was a bit off after his last team died. But they were there, in their crashed UFO. I don't remember it all. None of us do. But what does it mean? I saw the Greys. They were walking towards us. And what was that thing on their ship? Animatronics? And Majestic. Family Feud? I've been reading about the Hill case recently. Betty Hill was a well regarded witness when it came to this. For years she was a passionate arguer for abductions. Yet why was it before the biggest conference of her life did she come across as doddering and close to senile? And her last book on the subject was a mess. Was it dementia? Or did they get her to? Like they're getting us?[/i] [i]It hurts to think about. But I made it clear to PETERS in no uncertain terms that I'm out of active duty. Until I'm not, anyway I know I'll go out there again. God help me, someone has to.[/i] Other entries seem more mundane: [i]The kids both love their mother more than me. I can't blame them. I know I've never been all that affectionate towards them. Still, being unable to walk my little girl down the aisle hurt. She did not even ask. I want to tell her why I was like this, why the only person I can ever be caring towards is the woman I fell in love with. She's the last vestige of my childhood innocence. But she wouldn't understand. None of them would.[/i] One near the end of the book is particularly grim: [i]Cancer. After all I've seen, it's hard to believe something so mundane could scare me more than any of it. My wife's a fighter. But I spoke to her doctor. She has six months, at most. I told her we'll spend everything fighting this, but she wants to leave something for the kids. Selfless to the end. I'd like to believe even in a universe like this that there's hope. But it's hard to imagine. [/i] The next few entries don't mention his wife at all, instead focusing on a mission Clyde was apparently called in for: [i]I hate to do field duty, but PETERS told me this church was bad news. We're the only ones left in our cell. It's all a bunch of newbies besides us. Anyway, I did some digging. Turns out this church is pretty wealthy. We've set up surveillance. Some of the cell wants evidence before we act, lest we endanger innocents. They're already doomed, the damned fools.[/i] And a later entry: [i]The operation went off without a hitch. The church is destroyed and the cult is scattered. Most of them are dead, it was just like the old days. The girl is still alive though. She's harmless, or seems to be, despite the gunshot wound. She seems frightened and did not fight back. PETERS wants her liquidated, and the rest of the team agrees. But I don't want to. She reminds me of my daughter. We also captured Michael. After seeing what he did, I'm going to enjoy interrogating him. But there are other reasons behind it. The powers he wields... I want them. I know that none of the others would understand, but I can do good with them. And I'll kill him afterwards.[/i] The next entry: [i]He gave in very easily, I hardly had to torture him. So much for the worthlessness of the flesh. He told me how to do everything. I already feel different. I know it will work, I've seen it work. With this, I can fix everything. The team insisted Selena needs to die, if they can even figure out how to kill her. After the ritual, nothing seems to stick. I'll do what I must.[/i] The last entry was abrupt. [i]Never again.[/i] Beyond that, the rest of the pages of the journal have been torn out, as if someone wrote something down and later thought better of it.

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:57 am
by Mr. Handy

Vanessa is far more disturbed by the girl's gruesome death than by her apparent resurrection, though it does bother her that she isn't herself afterwards.
OOC,Violence Sanity roll (current level 75): [dice]0[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]1[/dice] Unnatural Sanity roll (cuurent levell 71): [dice]2[/dice]

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 7:59 am
by HoneyDog
Nik puts the journal down and rubs his eyes. Baughman was nuts, but Nik believes what he has just read. He takes the notes he made and goes to see Marchand and Rue, who appear dazed.

“I’m guessing those videos don’t make for fun viewing? Take a break and listen to what I’ve found out.”

He sits down. “There’s a lot of wild stuff in this, but what’s most pertinent for us is Baughman’s description of taking down a cult, which he was called in to do. It seems to be the most recent activity, I don’t know when, but perhaps after his wife’s death. I’m guessing the tapes are surveillance? He talks about surveilling the church.”

“They captured two survivors. One was a girl, perhaps called Selena. She was wounded and the cell wanted to finish her off, but Baughman didn’t. I’m not sure if she’s still alive.”

“The other was called Michael. Baughman describes torturing him in order to acquire his ‘powers’, whatever they might be. It seemed to work.”

“There doesn’t appear to be any direct mention of what is in the septic tank. Could it be this girl? What did you guys find?”
OOC,Should HoneyDog read the information for Vanessa and Rue?

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 8:34 am
by Silver Priest
OOC,Sure you can. Though try not to bring any of it up until either agent tells Nik what the tapes contained. For Vanessa and Rue, remember your bonds if you suffer more san loss then you're comfortable with. I also see on Vanessa's sheet that she has two checks against violence, though I'm unsure if you've counted this one yet. Remember that If Vanessa suffers any san loss due to violence for the third time(without going insane or hitting breaking point), she can become hardened to it.

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:10 pm
by Cearlan
Edmund Rue
Edmund turns his head slowly at the mention of the name Selina.

"I think Selina is dead Nik. This is some serious shit man. Now I seen some screwed up shit in my career, we all have, but this is on another level, even ahead of that thing that brought us all together. The tapes show a Pastor Michael too, so there's another link, as well as torture and even killing. The first tape seems fairly innocuous at first, showing a church of the Holy Redeemer and it's sermons. They start off pretty mundane stuff but soon turn to darker fare in preparation for His arrival, presumably this Holy Redeemer." Edmund rubs his hand across his face, clearly disturbed by what he and Vanessa have just witnessed.

"By tape two, he introduces a snake that waspassed around and killed one old woman who was totally ignored as soon as the snake bit her. The last tape shows him giving a young girl, a Selina a gun and exhorting to make the ultimate rejection of the corruption of the flesh. so she shot herself in the head - point blank! You gotta see the rest of the tape to make sense of it. I won't tell you what happened next, you gotta see it for yourself."
OOC:   Made both San Rolls so that's my San now down to 69% and made my HUMINT roll too  

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 7:59 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe we should just tell him," says Vanessa with a shudder. "He's really better off not seeing it. She died, but she didn't exactly stay dead. We need to find out what happened to her in the end. Maybe our contacts can find out for us. I have a suspicion about why Baughman wanted Pastor Michael's power. This was shortly after Marlene had died, and he must have been grief-stricken. He would have done anything if he thought it would bring her back."
OOC,The roll I just made was the second Violence check. I don't need to use my Bonds at this point. I'd forgotten that I could roll HUMINT, so I did that below. HUMINT roll (51% skill): [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 8:44 pm
by Silver Priest
OOC:   If Nik believes what he read/is hearing, he can make a 0/1d4 roll for Unnatural. He can also add +1 to his Unnatural skill.

We'll say it's nearing check out time now, maybe 11:40 or so. What are your guy's plan going forward?  

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:11 pm
by Cearlan
OOC:   How far away from the cabin is this flea-pit? It may be worth a second night's stop-over.

For now though I suggest heading out to the cabin again to see if there are any more surprises in store for us.  

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:19 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I think we should go back to the cabin. We can place the call to Delta Green to ask them to find out about [b]Selina[/b]'s and [b]Michael[/b]'s fates in the time we have remaining.

Re: Last Things Last

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:52 am
by HoneyDog
Nik lets out a long, low whistle.

"So maybe it's his wife stashed away in the tank? He brought her back but something went wrong? Maybe it was too long after she died? Judging from the journal, he loved her very much, I could see him doing something crazy like that. And I think he was probably crazy.”

He thinks for a moment. “Did you see who this Holy Redeemer dude was? Was it a guy, or a erm… thing? Maybe we should call DG, ask for their input. Shall we head back to the cabin?"