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Re: Convergence

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:08 am
by Anatomist
José is quick to agree to meet at O'Malley's at once, he pets his dog on the way out.

Re: Convergence

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 3:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"We should check out O'Malley's today, but let's meet somewhere else first," suggests Vanessa. "O'Malley's is their turf, and we won't be able to speak freely amongst ourselves there. They're sure to have the place wired for sound and have their own people concealed there, considering they want us to meet them there. Clearly, they intend to recruit us and get people on the inside of our organization."

Re: Convergence

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:16 am
by HoneyDog
"Okay, we'll play it safe for now" Nik replies. "Let's get a coffee or something".

Re: Convergence

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 8:03 am
by Silver Priest
The team heads off to a local coffee shop where they can discuss their next move in a semi-private. There seemed little reason to rush-- their meeting was not until tomorrow afternoon.
OOC:   Feel free to flesh out your plan if you guys have one. Posting may or may not be slightly delayed-- my internet has been terribly slow these past few days, but I'm hoping the problem is with my provider and not anything to do with my computer.  

Re: Convergence

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 8:10 am
by HoneyDog
Nik puts a lump of sugar into his espresso.

"I'll say right out" he begins as he stirs his coffee, "We should report this contact to McRay. We're already on the shit list, and we don't want to antagonise anyone any further. Personally, I don't want to meet those bastards. We cannot trust them."

Re: Convergence

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 8:58 am
by Anatomist
HoneyDog wrote:Nik puts a lump of sugar into his espresso.

"I'll say right out" he begins as he stirs his coffee, "We should report this contact to Derringer. We're already on his shit list, and we don't want to antagonise him any further. Personally, I don't want to meet those bastards. We cannot trust them."
José nods at Nick 'seems the right thing to do'

Re: Convergence

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:53 pm
by Silver Priest
Derringer,Just a quick note of clarification, Derringer was only the agents handler for the Convergence op. He's down in Tennessee and they're based in New York, so there would be no need to report to him. The agents "official" handler if such a thing exists, is Agent [b]Curtis McRay[/b], who Nik and Vanessa first met during See No Evil, and who they have been officially assigned to shortly after that. (He's also the one who warned Nik off them contacting Alzis.)

Re: Convergence

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:10 pm
by HoneyDog
OOC,I edited the earlier post.

Re: Convergence

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"Agreed," says Vanessa. "If we use a phone, we'll have to make sure it's a secure connection, and not from our cell phones, but even so, I expect Majestic will know who we've called. Probably better if we visit him in person, but they're still probably watching him. We still have to tell him, though."

Re: Convergence

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:25 am
by HoneyDog
"You think they're able to monitor our calls?" Nik looks dubious. "But sure, we can visit him in person. Do you agree with me then? No meeting with Majestic?"

Re: Convergence

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"It wouldn't surprise me," says Vanessa. "I've been around the block enough times to know that the NSA has the capability to record every phone call in the country, and I'm sure Majestic has their people there. They're already interested in us, so any calls we make they'll be sure to listen to. I agree that we don't meet with Majestic, unless McRay actually wants us to. We could make very useful triple agents."

Re: Convergence

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 5:59 am
by HoneyDog
"And become victims of some other bullshit experiment."

Nik grimaces and finishes his coffee.

"Let's talk to McRay. Jose, we 'll get you a visitor's pass. You can come see how your tax dollars get wasted."

Re: Convergence

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 5:58 am
by Silver Priest
The team head to the FBI headquarters. Jose's presence raises some eyebrows, but the agents spin a story about him consulting on a case they're working on, and McRay confirms it. This obstacle overcome, they meet up with their FBI supervisor and Delta Green handler, whom they brief on the matter.

McRay receives the news with a grimace. "That's never good, frankly." He gestures to Vanessa and Nik. "I seem to recall you both are already aware of the sorts of things they like to do to our agents when given the chance. I don't believe you're in danger of that now-- they know your identities and could easily have abducted you if they felt the inclination-- but this is till a dangerous situation. My guess is they think they can flip some or all of you and gain information on our activities as well as other members of the agency. I sincerely hope you've all seen enough to know working for MJ-12 is tantamount to selling out humanity. They have a dangerously self serving and naive view of the things we fight.

"Ignore the contact. You've already broken the instructions they gave you by speaking to me, and I'm sure they have ways of finding out. I don't believe it's within their interests to take more direction action targeting any of you; the truce between our groups is rather uneasy and open warfare would just expose all our dirty secrets to the general public, which even they don't want. That being said, remain vigilant. Especially concerning your friends and family. There's a good chance they know about your loved ones, and while I don't believe they'd openly harm any of them, they may want to send you a message about their reach that cannot be traced back to them. Above all, keep in touch and inform me of any updates or attempts at contact
OOC:   The team has been given their instructions. Will they all obey them, or do any of you want to attend the meeting or do something else?  

Re: Convergence

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 6:03 am
by HoneyDog
OOC:   Nik regards it as too dangerous to meet with MJ12, and so will just carry on as normal, though with heightened sense of alertness.  

Re: Convergence

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 6:03 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, sir," says Vanessa. "That's more or less what I thought."
OOC,I have no problem obeying the instructions.

Re: Convergence

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:00 am
by Anatomist
José will look to Nick for guidance. As seeing he goes back to normal life but on alert, José will do the same thing. He will ensure that his dog won't be alone outside the house and invent a story to James Hut that he had a nuttcase at work that might be a threat. José instructs James Hut to call him if he spots ANY suspicious activity.

Re: Convergence

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 11:52 pm
by Silver Priest
As instructed, the agents do not go to the meeting. Days pass. They wait for a reprisal, either against them or their loved ones. But nothing seems to happen.

And then two weeks later, each of the agents finds a unmarked folder in their mail. Inside is a single sheet of paper that looks like a government memo.
July 4th, 1970



To the Delta Green Executive Committee,


The failures of the past year, most notably Operation OBSIDIAN, are inexcusable. It resulted in hundreds of American casualties and served to warn greatly hinder recent military actions in Cambodia. Along with this, the exact objective Colonel Wade sought to achieve is yet unknown, the information he relied on sketchy.

In light of these failings POTUS has authorized the official dissolution of Delta Green as a governmental agency. All personal assigned to the project are remanded to their previous posts. In the future, all prenatural phenomena encountered should be reported to the government and dealt with on a case by case basis by the agency deemed most applicable. Any contacts with alien intelligence are to be referred to MAJESTIC-12 for further study and analysis.

The government thanks you for your service.

The report is signed by President Nixon and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

A handwritten note is scrawled on the bottom of all three copies:

Thought you'd like to know.

Re: Convergence

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 4:04 am
by Mr. Handy

Several possibilities occur to Vanessa when she sees the report. The document could be a forgery for all she knows. Or it could be genuine, but the contents of the memo could be false. Nixon was hardly known for his honesty. Or they could be true, but even if they were, she would still side with Delta Green over Majestic. What disturbs her most is the possibility that she was lied to when she was recruited, though she realizes that it's possible that her recruiter was equally deceived. She is also curious about what Operation OBSIDIAN was and what went wrong with it. She consults with Nik and Jose about it. "Obviously, Majestic sent this," she says, "in an effort to undermine our loyalty." She shares her thoughts. "I think we need to show these to McRay and ask him what he knows about it."

Re: Convergence

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:23 am
by HoneyDog
Nik agrees, disturbed by what the document implies.

"Yeah, let's talk to McRay again. I know that we're operating off the books, but this implies that the organisation went renegade. I'd want to know why. I thought we had official blessing."

Re: Convergence

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 1:49 pm
by Anatomist
HoneyDog wrote:Nik agrees, disturbed by what the document implies.

"Yeah, let's talk to McRay again. I know that we're operating off the books, but this implies that the organisation went renegade. I'd want to know why. I thought we had official blessing."
José will agree. Even the president was the president, he probably had good reasons to use Majestic-12 if this letter was legit.