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Re: Vanessa's Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:32 pm
by HoneyDog
Nik sits in silence during this rant.

“I’ve heard enough, Vanessa he finally says. “I’ll arrange for a psychiatrist to interview you. I think we can successfully plead for diminished responsibility. It will keep you alive, at least.”

He picks up his briefcase and walks to the door. Banging on it, he asks for the guard.

Re: Vanessa's Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:58 pm
by Silver Priest
OOC:   I'd like to pause us here until Nik's thread is done. I think it more thematically appropriate to end both scenes at once. :)Should not take too much longer Mr.Handy.  

Re: Vanessa's Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:57 am
by Silver Priest
But the door does not open, and no one comes for Nik.

Instead a voice comes up from somewhere overhead. Almost certainly an intercom.

"Impressive,Ms Marchand." It's an older male voice, raspy but still powerful. "I can see now that I underestimated you. Clearly this simulation requires further tinkering.

"I'll be meeting with both of you very soon. But first, you and Mr. Siilasvuo will need to take a brief rest while I prepare. Until then. Oh, and Mr. Siilasvuo: I suppose there is no reason to continue this charade: THUNDER GREMLIN.

As soon as Nik hears these words,all traces of his confusion vanish, and he realizes once again just who he is. But he only has a moment to reorient himself before a yellow gas begins to fill the room. There's no escape from it, and within a few minutes, both agents find themselves passed out on the floor unconscious.
OOC:   Nik can make me a san check, 1/1d3 for helplessness as he realizes he was just brainwashed.

We'll be back in the main thread tomorrow.