See No Evil

The year is 1999. A group of agents with the FBI quickly discover a routine case is anything but. Thrust into a world that's as incomprehensible as it is deadly, can this team hope to hold back the darkness?

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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


While Nik distracts the housekeeper, Vanessa tries to surreptitiously switch her room's keycard for the master key.
OOC,Stealth roll (30% +20 = 50% skill) to swap a room keycard with a master keycard from Housekeeping: [dice]0[/dice] Really?! :shock: Actually, there's a way this can still succeed. In the last adventure, I succeeded at a Stealth roll with a bonus in the lighthouse, but I would not have succeeded without the bonus. I didn't think this meant I would get a check in that skill, but if it does, then my skill increased to 31%, which this bonus raises to 51% and would thus be barely a success.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

ooc,Your read on skill progression is correct, so sadly Vanessa did not gain a point and she technically failed a roll. However, being far too nice for my own good, I'm just going to give it to you. Remember this when your character inevitably dies a grisly death. :D
The team finds McRay sympathetic, but unwilling to act. "It's too soon, I'm afraid. I can't swing something like that without questions being asked, and the last thing we need is a trail here."

Undeterred, Vanassa tries to steal the master keycard from housekeeping. Nik's on hand to distract, and he does his job admirably. Vanessa swipes the card and barely avoids detection, and the team retreat and proceed to set up their surveillance equipment. They start with Bhrunt's room, then Drinkwater's ,then Hames. Care is taken to ensure all three rooms are breached only after housekeeping has left the floors but the agents also know that time is of the essence. Still, within a few hours they have managed to bug each of the rooms and will be able to see and hear much of what goes on within them. There's likely to be a few blind spots, but nothing to do about it now.

The team enjoys a nice dinner before getting ready for bed, and their first day of their job. They'll have to both conduct their first FBI mission while working undercover to serve Delta Green. Hopefully they were ready for it.
OOC:   I'll move us forward to tommorow, tommorow. Good work both of you. First major hurdle cleared.  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC:   Did we do the phones too?  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Thanks! We wouldn't even have need to put taps on the lines themselves, though we certainly could do that. There's also the old spy's trick of putting a listening device in the phone itself, near the microphone, so that it picks up every word that's said.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

OOC:   Yeah, you got the phones as well, and should be able to hear every conversations these folks have and who they have it with.  
August 19th, 1999
The next day finds Nik and Vanessa heading back to headquarters, where the rookies report on what they've learned about the targets.

Agent Faulkner speaks first. "I've been studying Peter Hames. His books are rather dry historical tellings of Nasi Germany and the Luftwaffe. Not much to go on as far as Holocaust denialism, which means he either did not seriously explore the subject until after his last book came out in 74, or he kept quiet about it. But he has been interviewed on several television programs, and there was a notable scandal that saw him forced out of his chairmanship of his area's veteran association after his views became known. Based on what I've observed, he's a rather short individual. He has a temper and snapped at the reporters questioning him. He seems to have trouble differentiating between attacks on his views and personal attacks, and views them all as the latter. He especially seems to dislike being questioned by women. Real steller prize this guy is." That earns some laughter from around the table.

Agent Lynn speaks next. "Michael Drinkwater is an interesting case. His books are overt apologia for Nazi Germany, but it's all meticulously sourced. His television appearances are the same way. But I did some digging into his citations, and he seems to either misquote his sources out of context, or he's quoting other sources sympathetic to the arguments he's making. It's a very circular form of logic, but it seems to be effective at making him seem to have more evidence than he actually does."

Agent Udagawa goes next. "Mr. Bhrunt is a showman. He seems more interested in flash than substance. He doubles down on claims when pressed and seems to prefer high dramatics than reasoned arguments. One flaw I have noticed is that he never backs down, and this has led to more than one occasion where he made himself look ridiculous. He does not seem able to stop himself, however. If challenged I suspect he cannot help himself."

Lastly came Agent Taylor. " We don't have enough on Colm as the others, who have all written material. But he's spoken at several of these conferences before. He looks to be a stickler for procedure, and likes to ensure things stay on schedule.More than once he's interrupted a speaker who was going over their time. He's efficient certainly, but I can't imagine he'll all that popular even within The Review."

Now the ball was in the agent's courts.Drinkwater was not due to arrive until nearly 5. The agents may want to send someone to meet him at the airport and tail him until he arrived at the hotel. And then there was Colm to consider. according to his background he had an apartment within the city, and it might be worth keeping watch on him. The question was, how much of this would they rely on the agents for, and how much would they do themselves?
OOC:   Here's where the managing of the agents comes in. All 4 are available for any assignments you might have for them, though do keep in mind that some of them may be more likely to pretest than others when it comes to illegal orders.

Especially with only Colm and later Drinkwater in town, you may not feel that all four are necessary currently, so don't feel the need to assign them all to a task. But you could send say Lynn and Udagawa to tail Drinkwater, Taylor and Faulkner to watch Colm, and both of you could keep an eye on Drinkwater when he shows up at the hotel. Or you could send the agents out to investigate anything on one of the targets backgrounds you'd like more information on, or try that yourselves.

We'll say it's a little past noon, so you still have some time before Drinkwater arrives. What would you like to do?  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Pairing up the agents to surveil the two targets the way you described sounds good to me. That way the agent who did the profile on each target is doing surveillance on the same target. If [b]Nik[/b] can think of something better for one or two of the agents to do instead, I'm open to that. I'd like to find out what I can about [b]Bhrunt[/b]'s criminal record, particularly the current investigation into him for mail fraud.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC,Sounds fine. But Nik and Vanessa also need to check out Colm's place, and possibly wire it.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

ooc,Sounds good. If you want to figure out more about Bhrunt's criminal activities, make a bureaucracy roll( you need to get through some red tape and know who to contact to get answers, especially in a speedy fashion.) Or you could hand it off to the rookies, but know that I'll be rolling for them as well. You guys could certainly swing by Colm's house, though in the interest of keeping us moving I'm going to let you know that today's a Sunday and he may not be out. You could still try if you like though, or send some agents to keep tabs on you and give you a call if he does decide to leave.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


Vanessa is easily able to access Bhrunt's criminal history.
OOC,I think the best way to do that is to have the agent(s) watching [b]Colm[/b]'s house let us know if he goes out, and then have them follow him to see where he goes. Then we can show up at the empty house and bug (and search) it. Does he live alone as far as we know? Bureaucracy roll (42% skill) to find out more about [b]Bhrunt[/b]'s criminal activities: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

It takes the better part of her work day, but Vanessa learns more about Bhrunt. It turns out that in addition to running The Review's newsletter and website, the man was the suspected mastermind behind a fake insurance scam. Primarily targeting the elderly, the scam purported to offer insurance to seniors for cheap rates. The only issue was that the company and the money it promised was entirely fake. Bhrunt had apparently raked in a few million, and threw enough money around to avoid suspicion. But even this was not enough to save him, and within a few months the FBI was confident it would have enough of a case to arrest him and his associates and throw him away for a long time.

As for Colm, from the group's research he seems to live alone. His wife and children both live several states away, and it seems he is estranged from them. Taylor and Faulkner are assigned to keep track of the man, but both report he stays at home all of Sunday. The only time he leaves is for a brief walk with his dog around the block a few times. It would seem that he is something of a homebody.

Drinkwater's flight is delayed, but he arrives a half hour later. Agents Lynn and Udagawa report that he stops at a newsstand, buys a pack of cigarettes and a newspaper, and then hales a cab. They follow him back to his hotel, wherein they pass the investigation over to the Delta Green Agents.

Nik and Vanassa have prepared for this possibility, and they setup surveillance equipment in their room. Very soon, they overhear their first call.

Drinkwater: It's me sweetheart. i just landed and traffic was awful, I just arrived at the hotel.Just letting you know I arrived.'

His wife responded. "Good to hear. Have a good trip dear. Do keep in touch, would you? I get anxious when we go too long without speaking."

"Yes dear, I know," Drinkwater seems to be a bit impatient. "I'll keep in touch. Love you." He terminates the call. Five minutes or so go by as he gets settled in before he makes another call.

"Stephen! I just wanted to let you know I landed."

"I trust your trip was alright?"

"Yes, though the service... well I've had better. Never fly budget." He laughs, Stephen joining in half heartidly.

"Are you prepared for Friday's conference?"

"I still have to make some revisions on my speech, but I'm planning to iron much of that out tonight. After a few drinks at the hotel bar, of course."

"Just make sure it all flows nicely. This is a big event for The Review."

"There's no need to lecture me, Stephen. I am a historical scholar. This is my job."

Stephen says nothing, so Drinkwater continues. "Anyway, surely we can meet for dinner some night? My room is..."

"I'm very busy preparing for the conference. Glad to hear you arrived. good night." The call terminates.

There is a brief pause before the team hears a muttered 'Jackass." Drinkwater spends a few more minutes going to the bathroom and freshening up before he leaves his room.
OOC:   Any plans, or shall I proceed to the next day?  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC:   I can't think of anything. Moving on seems fine.  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


Vanessa smirks at Drinkwater's comment at the end. "Good to know that there's some tension between Drinkwater and Colm," she remarks. "Could be useful."
OOC,I'm good to move on too.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

Drinkwater is gone for a little over an hour. When he returns, He gets out his laptop from his luggage and begins to type. He seems hard at work for the next two hours, stopping only occasionally to look things up in various texts. He stops around nine and orders a movie (Shakespeare in Love) from the hotel selection, then settles down for bed.
August 20th, 1999
Monday morning activity starts early for the agents. Drinkwater heads out of the hotel just before ten in the morning. Colm's tail meanwhile informs that the man has headed off to work.
OOC:   Do you guys want to follow Drinkwater, or leave that to the rookies? Colm's place should be free now, and the agents assigned to watch him are observing him at his workplace now. Keep in mind Bhrunt will be arriving later tonight, so you may want someone around to keep an eye on him.  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC:   Have a rookie follow Drinkwater. Nik and Vanessa can check out Colm's place, and one of them if necessary can shadow Bhrunt later.  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,That sounds good to me too. One of the two rookies we have following [b]Drinkwater[/b] could later be diverted to tail [b]Bhrunt[/b] from the airport once his plane arrives. The ones following [b]Colm[/b] can alert us when he leaves work. That way, we'll know when he might be on his way home. We also know approximately how long it would take him to get home if he goes there directly from work, as we know what time he left, and the agents tailing him will tell us what time he reaches work. When we're done with [b]Colm[/b]'s house, we may want to go to [b]Drinkwater[/b]'s room and see if we can access his computer and find out what he's typing if he's still out at that time.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

Agents Lynn and Udagawa Continue to trail Drinkwater, and will report to the agents at the end of the day, or sooner if anything pressing emerges. Agent Udagawa will also trail Bhrunt once he arrives later in the day.

Agents Taylor and Faulkner tracked Colm . They reported he walked his dog again in the morning, then left at 7:15 in the morning. He stopped to buy a newspaper and a danish at a local newsstand, then headed directly to work. Taking the opportunity, Nik and Vanessa head to his place. Colm's apartment is on the second floor of a six story apartment complex. It's in a quiet working class neighborhood, but a few people are nonetheless out on the street on this busy Monday morning. A fire escape branches around the building and seems to offer access to many of the windows, but it is also in full view of the street.

Colm's unit is 201, and his only neighbour on this floor is directly across the hall from him, so It seems likely the apartments are fairly spacious. Unsurprisingly, the door is locked.
OOC:   I rather wish DG still had lockpick as a skill. It's in a different set of rules to learn that I did not chose to include, but it would be helpful right about now. If I run the game again I think I'm going to just add it to the skill list.

For now, if you want to try and get inside one of you can make a luck roll. Succeed and you manage to get the door open without trouble. Fail and you incur a complication. Crit fail and you'll be caught in the act by someone and have some serious explaining to do.  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC,Do you want to try Mr. Handy? Vanessa's luck is higher than Nik's.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


Vanessa pulls a pin from her hair and fiddles around with it in the lock for a few seconds before she trips it. She probably wouldn't have taken any less time to open it with the key.
OOC,Luck roll (75% stat) to pick the lock: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

"Nicely done!" says Nik, admiringly.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Thanks," says Vanessa. "My uncle taught me how when I was a little girl. Guess I never forgot. Let's get inside." Slipping on a pair of latex gloves that forensics experts wear to avoid contaminating crime scenes and giving another pair to Nik, she heads into the apartment.
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