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Re: See No Evil

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 5:25 am
by Silver Priest
"From what I heard it was a minor shoulder wound. He's good to go. I'll make the arrangements."

The agents soon find themselves in the armory. As fortune would have it, there is body armor available that should protect them a little more than the gear they have currently. They also have full SWAT gear here, but it's very noticeable and likely to slow them down. There are also a few different guns that along with the agent's sidearms, might pack enough of a punch to see them through.
OOC:   Few things. Below is a list of equipment agents might find useful. Chose wisely, because only one type of body armor and gun can be selected by each of you. There are only three grenades to go around as well. Mark your selections and their stats down and we'll move on.  
Weapons,Reinforced Kevlar Vests+ Helmets 5 Armor (can be concealed) Swat Armor: (8 armor, cannot be concealed) Heavy Rifles: 76.2 mn NATO (150 meters, 1d12+2, 10 shots, can burst fire) SMG: 5.7×28 mm (50, 1d10, 30 shots, can burst fire) For game purposes, assume there is enough ammo for... 3 refills. 3 hand grenades (4d6 damage, requires Throwing roll to land where the agent wishes)
OOC:   Also, quick clarification on McRay. Are you sending him to stall Galt with the book, or did you want to have him on hand as well?  

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 5:29 am
by HoneyDog
Nik picks out a Kevlar vest, rifle & ammo and grenades.
OOC:   McRay goes to see Galt.  

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 2:53 am
by Mr. Handy

Vanessa also takes a Kevlar vest and helmet, an assault rifle, and grenades.
OOC,Agreed. Throw isn't on the Delta Green skill list, but Athletics should cover it. That's what we used in the first scenario when I threw the flashbang. Since I actually have points in Athletics, I should take 2 grenades and [b]Nik[/b] should take the other one. That reminds me, I never did get an increase after I missed with it, so I fixed that. Is night vision gear available?

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 5:54 am
by Silver Priest
ooc,[ooc]Forgot about throwing, I'll have to check but athletics seems like the best representation. For simplicity sure, night vision gear is available for all of you, as are lights on the helmets.[/ooc]
Soon after the two agents suit up, Agent Taylor arrives in toe with McRay. He waves off their concern. "Shooter only nicked me. Besides,when I heard kids were in danger I had to help." He takes a vest, helmet and SMG.

"I explained to Agent Taylor the basics of this mission," says McRay. "In short of it, we have an international terrorist threat on our hands. We've located the kids in an abandoned subway tunnel. We don't know what to expect in there, but we have reports of a strange animal like creature down there. We think the terrorist group has bred them and unleashed them to guard the prisoners. Put them down with extreme prejudice.

"Understood, sir," Taylor nods, the odd story apparently not phasing him.

"As you know, the group here is assembled because of their general competence in the face of... unusual threats. Threats even our normal colleagues would buckle under. Consider this a training mission, Agent Taylor. Prove yourself, and we'll see about making you a full member of this group."

That explained it. Both agents knew Taylor was eager to be in the know, to feel like he was making a difference. McRay had to have played on that.

The phone rings once again. McRay answers it, this time not putting the voice on speaker.

"I saw. I'll be delivering your book, where do you want to meet? ... You cna't expect us to send an entire cell, especially given past events. If you want your damn book back, you'll have to accept just me. ... Fine. I'll be there." He hung up and looked at his team. "The place is set. If I don't make it back..." he shakes his head, dismissing the thought. "We've come so far. Make sure you save those kids."


The subway station Alzis told them about is only fifteen minutes or so away. It's packed with afternoon travel, and it's a bit hard to believe the Karotechia could have smuggled so many kids through here. But maybe they had come another route.

The trio find their way to a nearby service door off the main line. It leads deeper down into the subway and presently is listed as out of service, but Vanessa has already proven adept with a lockpick. She gets it open and all three get inside. Then it's a simple matter to change into their armor and bring out their weapons( none of them wanting to have done so when there a possibility of panicking civilians.) The first few turns they take are nothing unusual; aside from the absence of foot traffic and trains, nothing about this section seems all that different. But gradually the path becomes more rundown and rough, and it seems that the agents are some of the first humans down in this area of the subway in some years. But not the first creatures. The ground is covered with strange footprints that are like no animal any of them have ever seen.
As they continue deeper underground into the dark and twisted tunnels, The agents grow a bit uncertain of Alzis' instructions. Was this the turn he meant, or was it the one just ahead?

From above comes the rumble of a far away subway train. And then in the distance they heard an unearthly howl. It seemed far away though, and nowhere near them.

For now.
OOC:   Both of you can make a navigate roll, with a+20 for the instructions given to you. Only one of you needs to pass this to ensure you stay on the right path. But it's easy to get lost down here, and if you both fail you may very well be led astray.  

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 7:16 am
by HoneyDog
"Shit" mutters Nik. "Which fucking way is it? I have no sense of direction underground."
Navigate,Navigate 10 +20: [url=]Navigate[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]48[/b]

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 4:36 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Well, I've got no idea where we are," says Vanessa. "Ordinarily, I'd stop and ask for directions, but that's not an option here."
OOC,Navigate roll (10% base skill +20 = 30%) to follow the directions: [dice]0[/dice] Does [b]Taylor[/b] get a roll?

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 4:58 pm
by HoneyDog
OOC:   Taylor never heard the instructions. But he would still get to make a guess though. Maybe he can roll Luck or something? (Unless he has a massive Navigate ability.) Could we all roll Luck? :)  

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 7:25 pm
by Silver Priest
Despite the initial confusion, Vanessa soon realizes she does know which way to go. Their was a a pathway off to the right. It was obstructed by rubble, so surely Alzis had not meant for them to go that way. He must have meant the next path to the right, so they should continue walking and take the next turn.
OOC:   I normally would, but that was a fumble on Mr.Handy's part, so I'm going to say that Vanessa instead is certain the wrong path is the right one. :( Hope you're okay with this Mr.Handy.  

So the agents take the next right, and after a few minutes, they realize they've made a mistake. The directions are not lining up with what they now see in front of them. After some time walking, the team decides to cut its loses and head back the way they came. Every second counts, and they need to hurry.

As they begin to head back, they run into another figure. The silhouette is vaguely human at first, but as it comes closer in the tunnel it is clear it is anything but. It has unhealthy looking grey skin and a bulging belly that suggests it had fed very recently. It's facial features are dog like, and it has long pointed ears and elongated teeth that look more like fangs. It's also completely naked, though has no recognizable genitalia. It gapes about on its feet, both of which are constructed like hooves. Both of its sinewy arms end in claws that look quite sharp.
pic,[img][/img] Credit:
The thing stops in a crouch as it sees the three agents, and its mouth opens in a horribly mimicry of a smile. "Are youuu Lossssst, little humans?" As of yet, it takes no offensive action.
OOC:   Unnatural san loss for seeing this is 0/1d6. let's see how Taylor does.  

Taylor's eyes go wide, but the man does a good job of keeping his inner shock suppressed for the moment. His hand does grow more secured on his SMG, however.

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 11:44 pm
by HoneyDog
SAN,SAN 65: [url=]SAN[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]93[/b] SAN loss: [url=]SAN loss[/url]: [u]1d6[/u] [b]6[/b] Idea 60: [url=]Idea[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]71[/b]
Nik couldn’t have imagined the sight of this creature. It is grotesque, and to hear it actually speak! His legs feel like jelly and he wants to throw up.

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 1:49 am
by Mr. Handy

Vanessa remains calm. "Yes, we are lost," she says. "Could you please give us directions?"
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 64) for seeing the ghoul: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 2:37 am
by Silver Priest
ooc,Before we continue I should note that Nik's lost enough to go temporary insane. It works a little differently in DG, and there's no int*5 roll. Instead, when someone loses 5 or more san in a single roll, they lose control of their character and have to decide to pursue one of three actions until they feel safe. The actions are: [b]Fight[/b]( Just start shooting at the thing until one of you are dead) [b]Flee[/b] in the opposite direction of the horror, or [b]Submit[/b], aka collapse on the ground in a catatonic state or sobbing. I'll go ahead and post these descriptions in the rules. If Nik wants to avoid such a fate, he can project on his bonds. As long as the san loss goes under 5, he can keep it together. Also, I see on Nik's sheet he's adapted to Violence. If that's the case, please make sure you remove 1d6 CHA from him and the same amount from each bond. (no worries if you've done this already, just thought I'd mention it.)

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 5:41 am
by Silver Priest
Sorry, missed your first post HoneyDog.

Neither Taylor or Vanessa show any of the surprise or inherent disgust they have upon seeing the creature. Nik however does, and it's only on summoning his willpower and thinking about the important people in his life that he's able to avoid losing control.
OOC:   Remember to subtract 2 from one of your bonds, if you've not already. ;)  

The creature laughs at Vanessa's inquiry. Or at least the wheezing sound that emerges from within its maw could be charitably taken as one. "Your tooolls and your reactionsss... you knew what you were getting into. Or thoughttt you did. The Enlightened One Ssssaid you would show up, but not yet. The tribe is not ready for the feast yetttt. But I'm hungry now."

And without warning, the creature begins to hop forward at an incredible speed, its posture now revealing it's aggressive nature!
Combat and order,Combat order is as follows Ghoul 14, Vanessa 12, Nik 12, Taylor 11 Ghoul attacks first then you both can act.
The ghoul strikes out at Nik, seeming to notice he's the most affected by its appearance. Raising one of its bone talons, it slashes at the agent's chest.


But the Agent is too well trained (or perhaps just too terrified), and avoids the blow.

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:29 am
by HoneyDog
OOC,What kind of rifle are the agents armed with?

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 6:38 pm
by Silver Priest
ooc,You both have a heavy rifle, such as 76.2 mn. Stats are (150 meters, 1d12+2, 10 shots, can burst fire 3 or 5 rounds)

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:32 pm
by Mr. Handy

Knowing that these creatures are resistant to firearms, Vanessa fires a long burst, but someone every bullet misses.
OOC,Firerarms roll (70 + 20[point blank] - 20[long burst] = 70% skill) shooting at the ghoul: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 4:45 am
by HoneyDog
Trying not to panic, Nik opens up too. The noise is deafening.
Firearms,Firerarms roll (70 + 20[point blank] - 20[long burst] = 70% skill) shooting at the ghoul: [url=]Firearms[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]43[/b] Damage 1d12+2: [url=]Firearms damage[/url]: [u]1d12[/u] [b]8[/b] +2 = 10

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:17 am
by Silver Priest
ooc,Do note that Nik now needs to rill 1d5 to see how many of those shots hit. I'll go ahead and roll it to save time. [dice]0[/dice]
Vanessa is nervous, or perhaps she's unused to the weapon, and her shots go wide. It helps that the ghoul is incredibly fast, far faster than any human could be. It cackles as the shots whiz by.

Nik however has better luck. His bullets strike at the creature. Taylor manages to shoot off a burst as well, but only one of his bullets finds purchase in the thing's flesh. The agents are surely thankful for their earplugs.

All told, five shots strike the ghoul. They tear off small pieces of flesh and a few drops of a grayish ooze also spray out from the creature, but it's clear the bullets don't have the same effect on it that they would a normal human. Nonetheless, It seems wounded, and it yells out in anger if not in pain. Mouth open, it lunges towards Nik, apparently blaming it for most of the pain it is currently experiencing.


The blow connects with Nik's Kevlar, but finds no purpose on it, and Nik is able to shake the thing off. He's no worse for wear, save a bit of saliva from the creature.
OOC:   round 2, agents are up.  

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 5:43 am
by Mr. Handy

Vanessa empties the rest of her magazine at the ghoul, but only a single round hits.
OOC,Firerarms roll (70 + 20[point blank] - 20[long burst] = 70% skill) shooting at the ghoul: [dice]0[/dice] Number of hits: [dice]1[/dice] Damage to ghoul: [dice]2[/dice]

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 6:23 am
by HoneyDog
Recovering from the attack, Nik lets rip.
Firearms,(70 + 20[point blank] - 20[long burst] = 70% skill) shooting at the ghoul: [url=]Firearms[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]12[/b]Number of hits 1d5: [url=]Number of hits[/url]: [u]1d5[/u] [b]4[/b] Damage 1d12+2: [url=]Firearms damage[/url]: [u]1d12[/u] [b]4[/b] +2 = 6 4x6= 24 damage.

Re: See No Evil

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 6:36 am
by Silver Priest
Vanessa blows another hole in the thing, but it's still up. It seems as though the ghoul is struggling though, and Nik's attack is enough to send it over the edge. With a final hiss of... something, it falls tot he ground, gives a final twitch, and is still.

Taylor leans down and inspects it,then gets up and nods. "It's dead. But what the hell was that thing? It wasn't due to some radiation incident, was it? That thing could talk and wanted to eat us. And there are more of them?" He seems greatly concerned by this, and it seems for the first time the horror of wha the just saw is catching up to him. He looks towards the others for some clarification.