See No Evil

The year is 1999. A group of agents with the FBI quickly discover a routine case is anything but. Thrust into a world that's as incomprehensible as it is deadly, can this team hope to hold back the darkness?

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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

“It’s okay with me. But tell me something Mr. Alzis, if you’re willing – I assume you know what was in the bottle. Do you know how it got in there, and why?”
Last edited by HoneyDog on Sun Sep 24, 2017 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

ooc,I'm fine with Nik having the bottle on him. IIRC he never gave it to McRay. Unless yous specifically don't want Nik to have it we can assume he has it with him.
"Agent SALLY has the right of it. We all need some assistance at times. I am offering it to you. In exchange for a fair trade. There are certain things you and your agency encounter that I'd very much be interested in, such as the bottle. So if you ever find yourself in trouble, do feel free to give me a call."

"Ah yes, the bottle. I'm afraid I cannot tell you much for free, but i see no harm in giving you this small nugget. The Karotechia for a long while has been interested in bolstering their ranks. There are arcane rituals that can reduce an individual to their essential salts. As immortality goes it is rather ineffective, but most who go through it find themselves beholden to their summoner, if only to avoid being turned back into dust. As long as the process goes off effectively, anyway. I'm given to understand this one did not. As for why, well what could be a more effective recruitment tool then bringing back one from the dead?
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC,I edited my post above.
“Fantastic” says Nik. “I guess Stromm was using it to prove his power to Colm. Doesn’t seem very fair to the guy in the bottle though.”

He reaches into his pocket and takes out the bottle, and places it on the desk in front of Alzis.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


"For dust thou art," quotes Vanessa in a musing tone, "and unto dust shalt thou return."
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

Alzis chuckles. But when Nik places the cork bottle in front of him, he picks it up and his eyes turn curious.

"Quite a marvelous tool. Yes, this will do nicely." He examines the bottle for a few moments, though to the agent's eyes it seems like an ordinary one, entirely free of the blue dust that had once been held within it.

Eventually he puts it down, and presses a button on his desk. "An arrangement has been made. Fetch Agent McRay and escort him and Mr. Colm to one of the back rooms." Then he looks up at his guests.

"I believe we are done here. Once again, I'm heartened we could come to an understanding. may they be the first of many. If you ever have need give me a call. You know,should Delta Green ever prove too stressful, I believe a position could be found for you here. And if you are in the area do feel free to stop by. Drinks are always on the house."

If there is nothing else, the two agents are free to go. Outside, Megan is waiting for them.

"Nice to see you again. If you would follow me..." She leads the agents back down the hallway and down the stairs back onto the dance floor. This time though she guides them through the dance crowd to a side door that leads deeper into the club.
OOC:   Can both agents please make me pow*5 rolls  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


Vanessa resists the urge to dance.
OOC,POW x 5 roll (75% stat) on the dance floor: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

Power,POW x5 55: [url=]Power[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]45[/b]
The beat of the music and the rhythmic movements of the dancers are strangely enticing, but Nik keeps his head down and follows Vanessa through the crowd.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

As they progress through the crowd the music seems to grow louder and more insistent. Both agents find themselves briefly unable to control their own bodies, and filled with the sudden irresistible urge to lose themselves in the revelry of the dance. But just as soon as the feeling comes it fades away, and if the agents lie to themselves just a little bit it can be passed off as a more or less normal urge.

The doorway leads to several private rooms in the club. Megan opens the second one, and inside are both McRay and Stephen Colm.Both men sit on opposite sides of a wooden table, and McRay gestures the agents to join him.

"If y'all need anything just give a holler." Says Megan, allowing a slight deep southern accent to slip into her tone. She closes the door, and all sounds from the club are cut off. There seems to be a dry reddish substance in one of the corners of the room. This, along with loose shackles laying on the floor, seems to suggest the room has been used for interrogation before. Colm at least is presently unrestrained.

"You can fill me in on your meeting later. For now, we'll need with the task at hand." McRay turns to Colm. "Alright, Mr. Colm. You were at the scene of a shooting earlier today. It's in your best interest to tell us everything. Such as why you were hanging around with terrorists."

The agent is a skilled interrogator, and soon the story begins to spill out. Colm had been researching conspiracies for years, most specifically holocaust denialism. About a year ago he started receiving letters from Stromn, who said that many felt like he did and were committed to fighting the unseen puppet masters that controlled the world. Colm went along when he suggested a meeting. But then he had seen a man arise from dust, and everything changed.

"Whatever powers Stromn had were unnatural. Only those who already run the world could do such things! He was sent to silence me and my inquiries, I just know it! He sought to gain my trust but he was plotting to kill me. but I was too clever for him. When those two," and he nods at the agents here, "Distracted him I ran for it! You have to help me, he's going to try to ill me! I know too much."

"So how did you end up here?"

Colm blinks. "I was in my car when I heard a tap on the window. It was a homeless man. He said that they could protect me and I needed to come with him. For some reason, I felt like I had to. But that's not right, I would never have gone..." his eyes widen. "They're in on it too! They did something to me! You have to get me out of here, please! I need to tell the others what's going on, before it's too late!"

McRay shakes his head. "You're clearly delusional, Mr. Colm. I suspect Bellevue will have a field day with you."

"No, I know what I saw," he protests. "They were there!"

McRay rises from his seat. "Stay therefor a second, Mr. Colm." He motions the agents to follow him outside.

"He knows nothing of interest. The question becomes what we decide to do with him. While I don't think he poses any threat, he's seen too much. We could arrange to have him taken care of. Alternatively, I'll pull some strings and have him institutionalized somewhere. Hopefully once he's on medicine and has some therapy he can be convinced it was all delusions on his part. How charitable are you feeling towards the scumbag?" he asks.

"In the meantime, we also found this," He holds up the book for them both to see. It's a hardback book and looks to be over 500 pages. The cover is a tasteful dark grey with golden details. In the center of the book is its title, Mein Triumph. Even more alarming are the words directly under it.

Adolf Hitler

Above the title is a swastika and above it, some sort of barely visible winged creature. Neither of the agents can even hazard a guess as to what it may be, and its utterly alien shape is entirely concealed in a silhouette.

"If nothing else, this was worth playing Alzis' games. I suspect A-Cell will be very interested in whatever we can gleam from this."
OOC:   Once you all decide what you want done with Colm and give any final questions to McRay, I'll move us on.  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


"I'm good with having him institutionalized," says Vanessa. "He is genuinely paranoid, extremely so. I'd rather not kill someone unnecessarily. Also, during our surveillance of Bhrunt, we got photographic evidence of him conducting a drug deal. We can provide it to the prosecutors investigating him, and that should be enough to put him away. With both of them out of circulation, that should cripple the Review."
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »


“I agree. A stay in an institution should be enough to discredit him and his stupid ideas.”

He spreads his hands.

“What now though? Are we done with this thing? Can we go back to our regular jobs? We killed a nazi wizard and found the sequel to Mein Kampf. Seems like a good days work to me.”
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

Fair enough. Normally I'd err on the side of caution, but my gut tells me he's not going to be a problem any longer. Good point about Bhrunt. A few weeks from now I'll pass the information up the line and that should take him out of the picture. With those two out of the way, and with the Karotechia burnt once, I don't expect they'll seek to infiltrate The Review again.

“It's a success. As much as any of our missions are. Good work
.” McRay smiles. It's an odd look on him. “As for the rest of your mission, We'll want you monitoring the conference tomorrow,if only to keep up appearances. Finish the newbie's training exercise. If you think Agent Taylor is worth bringing into the organization, I'll take that into consideration and recruit him, at least as a Friendly.

“As for this book, normally I'd send it Wu's way. But something of this caliber ALPHONSE will probably insist on checking out himself. Bastard's one of the few of us still active that fought the Karotechia the first time around. I'll see if he can gleam anything from it.

“In any event, you both can go back to your hotel. You'll be sent home on Monday, with a glowing recommendation. If you decide to take a job offer we can arrange a more permanent position here. Give it some thought. Until then, consider the rest of the trip a vacation.

He drives the team back to their hotel. The reports from the other agents detail the remaining three targets, but none of their behavior seems even slightly suspicious. The agents retire to bed, having the rare luxury of a unequivocally successful mission. San Carlos had ended with a sympathetic law enforcement officer silenced by a rival agency. Clyde Baughman had instructed them to put down the monster wearing his wife's skin. And in Glendridge, they had stopped the killings but been unable to kill the monster behind them. It was nice to have a win.


August 24th, 1999

Both agents are awoken just after eight the next morning by the ringing of the phone. It's McRay.

Turn on the tv,” he says, by way of greeting.

The local news is covering it. “Once again, we want to caution our viewers that this is a very disturbing video...”

The black and white video is taken from a security camera located at a busy New York intersection. A school bus can be seen pulling up to a light and stopping as it turns red. Things proceed normally for about ten seconds before a van swerves from across the street and pulls up alongside the bus. Four masked men (armed with assault rifles and body armor) emerge from the vehicle. Two of them force their way onto the bus, while the other two take up positions on the sides of the bus and begin firing warning shots. The streets quickly clear, cars and pedestrians scattering for cover.

A fifth man emerges from the van. He wields only a pistol, wears no apparent armor, and his face is visible. He has a strong athletic build and strolls casually towards the bus as if he's out for a Sunday Stroll. Once he reaches the bus, he stops,turns to face the camera, and gives a chilling smile.

Then he turns and shoots one of the other attackers in the leg. The man goes down, visibly distressed, while his shooter and his partner both move onto the bus. A few seconds later it speeds away, out of sight.

The scene cuts back to the station, where a pretty female reporter is somberly delivering the news. “The bus that was hijacked was from Jefferson Elementary. According to reports, an estimated twenty four students are currently missing. The bus was found a few blocks away just a short time ago, but the only person on it, the bus driver, was found shot to death. The hunt for the assailants is continuing at this hour.”

Seen it?” McRay asks. “You have five minutes. I'll pick you up and explain on the way.”

And just like that, it seemed as though the agents were back on the case.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

"Shit!" mutters Nik. He thought it was over. As he dresses, he wonders what connection this has to the Colm case, if any.
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

McRay is waiting for them outside.

'It's connected,” he says by way of getting when they enter into his car. “The ringleader of the group is an identified Karotechia asset. One of the originals, in fact.” This may be surprising news to the agents, as the man on the recording did not look to be much older than his early 30's.

Reinhard Galt. We first encountered him when he was an agent for the Karotechia during WW2. He held the rank of Oberfuhrer and was a promising young figure amongst the SS before he joined up with the Karotechia. Delta Green encountered him on several operations during the war, but he always managed to slip through our fingers. And after the war as best as we can determine he left Germany. There's no record of us encountering him during any of DG's mop-up operations against the remains of the Karotechia. We received a few scattered reports on him during the early 50's suggesting he was working for various Arab countries as a mercenary and advisor against Israel, but our resources were limited in that part of the world and he never stayed in place long enough for us to confirm. What limited Intel we had suggested he was not one of the hardline true believers of the group that would continue the fight. Indeed in the last years of the war there are no records of him, suggesting he may have left the group by then. Eventually his file was indefinitely closed, and it was assumed he had gone to ground or died.

Until about six months ago. The details are classified, but the short of it is that a cell was investigating a Neo-Nazi group in Arkansas. The group had previously been a bunch of losers on the local scene, but someone with major money and connections had recently started supplying them with high grade weapons and alien artifacts. The latter part is what caught our attention, so we sent our agents in. They went in armed to the teeth and managed with the subtle help of local law enforcement to break the organization. Interrogation revealed that a man they knew only as 'The German' had been their supplier. Researching that name turned up its affiliation with many far right groups. This 'German" was seen as  a near mythical figure, an Ubermensch who possessed magical powers and did not age or die. It was enough to get the cell's attention, and some research turned us up a picture. Cross referencing that with what we had got us Galt. Based on this, we sent in a cell to eliminate him. S-Cell.” It was the name of Vanessa and Nik's cell.

All three agents were combat trained. They've neutralized prenatural threats before. But they simply vanished on assignment. Galt called their handler's private number and elaborated in great detail what he did to them. I'll spare you the details.

'It's not as bad as it could have been, considering he already knew of the organization, but it was still a disaster. After this, arrangements were made to see if Galt was working alone or if the Karotechia truly had resurfaced. That's where this operation arose, and confirmed they have.

“Based on what we've seen, we don't think Galt is like the solder Stromn brought back from the dead. We think he's been around since WW2, and for some reason has not aged. Rumors talk of him being unkillable. Propaganda or not, we've not been able to so far.

As for the lone assailant the police arrested, he's likely to be bait for us. He's a low level drug dealer who belongs to a small hate group in the area, the Aryan Alliance. He's been taken to the hospital for observation, but refuses to speak to anyone except those 'Who know of the Verdant rivers of the Delta.' It's a clear reference to us, and suggests Galt wants to talk. So we're heading there now to see what he wants.”

Whatever happens, be on your guard. Alzis is more dangerous, but Galt is brutal and cunning. It's very likely today's attack was designed to give him leverage on us..”
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »


“Has there been any ransom demands for the students?”
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

"Not yet. We're going to see what the one holed up in the hospital has to say. No doubt he'll tell us anything the Karotechia wants us to hear."
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


"I hope we don't need help from Alzis," says Vanessa, "but we may end up not having much choice if we're going up against Galt."
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

"I'd sooner take help from Majestic." Says McRay. "I don't intend to make anymore deals with Alzis or The Fate."

The hospital is soon arrived at, and a quick flash of the badge finds the hospital room of Todd Phelps, the assailant Galt shot. His room is currently being guarded by an an armed police officer, but a flash of the badge gets the trio in. The cop out front confides that no one was able to get anything useful out of the guy.

Phelps lays inside. He's not an attractive man, with bad skin covered with acne and less than a full set of teeth. Cuffed to the bed, he grins arrogantly at his visitors.

"More guests, I see. Tell me, do you know the verdant of..."

"We're with Delta Green."

"Finally. It's about time you showed up. I've had to put up with the uneducated for an hour now."

"Where's Galt?"

"You know of him? Good, this makes things easier. He's very interested in your group.I'm not sure why he cares for a bunch of race traitors, but you should feel honored he bothers to take the time to address you." Phelps grins. "He thought that action earlier would get your attention."

"Just tell us where he is, or I swear to God I'll..."

"I can't tell you that." The man laughs. "Mostly because I don't know. Herr Galt thought you might try to drag me off to some blacksite and get answers out of me. Instead he gave me a number and told me to give it to you." He recites it. "Call that, and you can talk to him. Such a great honor. Maybe he'll even kill the three of you personally. He's been doing it since the war." He cackles.
OOC:   If either of the agents have anything to add, feel free. You can also roll HUMINT for general impressions of the man.  
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Re: See No Evil

Post by HoneyDog »

"What an asshole" thinks Nik.
HUMINT,HUMINT 71, [url=]HUMINT[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]88[/b]
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Mr. Handy »


"You've met Galt," says Vanessa. "Tell us what he's like."
OOC,HUMINT roll (53% skill) about the prisoner: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: See No Evil

Post by Silver Priest »

"He's the future. He is Hitler's chosen, and has ascended the bounds of humanity and become something more. So to through our service will we become Ubermensch. Your resistance is futile, and the day is soon coming when you, your families, and all the weak and the decadent will be swept away!" He goes into another fit of laughter. McRay shakes his head in disgust and turns to leave, signaling for the others to join him.
OOC:   Though if you have anymore questions, by all means ask them.  
They return to FBI headquarters and confer in McRay's office.

"I don't see any other option but to make the call and see what Galt wants. Both of you, be on your guard. we can't discount Galt or one of his men attempting a prenatural assault over the phone." Taking a deep breath, he picks up the phone, dials the number, and puts it on speaker so all will be able to hear and respond.

The call is answered on the second ring. "Let us begin with getting pleasantries out of the way." The voice is male, a d the speaker has a strong but understandable accent. even over the line the agents can hear his smugness. "What is the name of the organization that I work for?"

"The Karotechia."

"Ah, very good. You see, you could have tortured the name of Delta Green out of the Bauer I entrusted with speaking with you. But I did not tell him of my own. Good. This means that I am dealing with those in the know. I do not wish to waste time with others."

"We're here, Galt. Now what do you want?"

"First things first. I wish to speak with the agents that's killed Herr Stromn. Is that you?"

McRay hesitates, before answering. "Yes."

Galt chuckles. "Do not lie to me, your pause gave it away. I wish to direct then ext part of my message to the 'heroes' within your group who foiled our mission. Have one of them speak up within the next ten seconds, or I will see how well my knife cuts though the supple flesh of one of these children."

McRay looks back to both agents and silently nods,granting them permission to answer.
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