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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:09 pm
by Silver Priest
As the Santana thing approaches, Nik fires. The shot connects with his right leg and blows a chunk of it away, the bone hanging out from it in a unhealthy angle. Yet still he continues forward.

Stanyard grabs his shotgun and slams into the Apache, knocking him over and onto the ground. The man flails about wildly and ineffectively. But he retains control of the knife.
OOC:   Santana is now pinned. All attacks have a +20 bonus against him. Along with point blank if you get close, so I imagine just about anything would hit.

Santana does not act this round, so we go to a new one. Both Stanyard and two others can attack. Santana goes last, and can only attempt to escape the pin.  

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:02 pm
by Cearlan
Edmund will get over to wherever Stanyard has him pinned and shoot at one of his knees

Kneeling down he places the barrel of the gun against the Apache's left knee and pulls the trigger. The smell of cordite fills the air and looking at his handiwork Edmund sees that Santana's knee has all but exploded (8 points worth), Blood and bone fragment have flown in many directions.

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 6:29 am
by Mr. Handy

Vanessa presses the barrel of her shotgun to Santana's other knee and fires, kneecapping him.
OOC,Shotgun roll (70 x 2 [point blank] + 20 [prone] -20/40 [called shot] = 120/140% skill) shooting [b]Santana[/b] in the knee: [dice]0[/dice] Damage to [b]Santana[/b]'s knee from shotgun: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:25 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Stanyard tries to keep Santana pinned during the capping process. "Grab a sheet or something!" "Let's tie this up!"

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 6:36 am
by HoneyDog
Firearms roll,Firearms roll (70 x 2 [point blank] + 20 [prone] -20/40 [called shot] = 120/140% skill) shooting Santana in the face: [url=]Firearms[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]32[/b] Damage: [url=]Shotgun damage[/url]: [u]4d6[/u] [b]12[/b]
Nik places the muzzle of his shotgun in Santana’s face and pulls the trigger. It disappears and blood and bone fly everywhere. Santana’s head is gone now.

“We need to get away from him now. Let’s find something to torch this place”.

He goes into the kitchen to look for something to start a fire with, shouting “FBI! Don’t shoot!” in case any police start to open fire.
Search,Search 40%: [url=]Search[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]10[/b]

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:44 am
by Silver Priest
Vanassa and Edmund effectively ruin Santana's kneecaps, and it will be very hard for him to walk now. Yet still he shows no signs of stopping. He continues to struggle. Until, that is, Nik fires and his head dissolves into a gory mess. Abruptly, the movement stops.
OOC:   Anyone can make a medicine roll. A success indicates he's dead. Even without the roll though, that seems obvious.  
As Nik searches for an accelerant, the front door opens and Colorados and another officer enter. Both look stressed and have their guns raised. When they see Nik though, relief flashes upon their faces.

"Is he dead? He took out three of my men. We had to have shot him at least a dozen times."

Nik finds a half full bottle of hard liquor. Shuffling through a few more drawers he finds a box of matches. Combined they should get a good fire started.

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:59 am
by HoneyDog

“Yeah, he’s down.” Nik waggles the bottle and the matches. “Get your men out of here Sheriff, this place is going up”.

He returns to the body and the other agents. “Did anything happen? Did anyone touch him?” he asks. “You all should leave and let me do this. The responsibility falls on me then, if we have to answer for this.”

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:48 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"No, I'm fine.", Stanyard says and backs away, wiping the shotgun clean with his coat sleeve.

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 3:34 pm
by HoneyDog

Nik upends the bottle over the corpse of Santana, saving a bit which he splashes over a bed. He lights the bed, and then drops a match on the body.

“Get out of here before the virus does whatever it does” he says, thinking “Unless it’s already spread”. But he can’t afford such thoughts, without going crazy.
OOC:   I'll assume everyone else is going to clear out too.  

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:53 pm
by Silver Priest
"Now hold on a second," Colorados protests as Nik begins to pour the alcohol on the corpse of Santana. "We need a body. All this talk of viruses, I've not seen any evidence to suggest that's what's happening here. Emmanuel's dead I say we get him back to the morgue and do an autopsy. See what he was hopped up on that let him shrug off so many bullets."

He looks towards the other agents. "What do you all think?

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:03 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Stanyard, having just wiped the shotgun clean, double grips it again, and forcefully propel Colorados out of the cabin. "Stay clear Sheriff! The area is contaminated and must be sanitized. Agent Siilasvuo will deal with that. You will get the reamins to analyze, when we have secured the area. No need for you to get infected, Sir. We've already inhaled THE VIRUS." Stanyard shouts the last bit, with spit flying at the sheriff.

He pushes the sheriff out of the way, if he should try to pass the 'mad' agent.

"START the process, Siilas!"

He stands in the door frame and looks at the carnage outside the cabin.
Stanyard turns his back to the outside and nods to his fellow agents.

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:29 pm
by Silver Priest
OOC:   That's going to take a roll. You can either force Colorados out of the cabin, in which case, roll str*5 and he will oppose with his. Or you can try and persuade him.  

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:32 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OOC:   Done & failed persuasion.  

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:35 pm
by Silver Priest
OOC:   Changed my mind. You can try str*5 as well. Just know if you fail he's going to be pissed. ;)  

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:51 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Seeing his raised voice is having little effect on the sheriff, Stanyard physically tries to shift the police out the doorway.
OOC:   Success with 13 point to upper target of 60.  

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:57 pm
by Cearlan
Edmund shouts up - "Sheriff, you know this needs to be done, and needs to be done right now. The less chance this virus has of spreading the better it will be for everyone. Do we really wanna have another case like this on our hands - I think that you do not - I KNIOW that I certainly don't!"

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 10:25 pm
by Silver Priest
Stanyard's words fall on death ears. "We have protocol to follow. I'm not budging on that."

He does budge when Stanyard begins to move him towards the exit. The deputy follows, seeming to want to intervene but intimidated by the fed. Stanyard gets them both outside the cabin, and blocks them from returning or seeing what is going on.

Nik begins to pour the alcohol on the headless corpse. As soon as the liquid hits the body though, there comes a sound much like the ripping of a sheet. Something tears through Santana's chest, splitting it open and lashing out. The thing seems like a large worm, the size of a snake. It's pale white and looks to be about two to three pounds. It has no eyes or other distinguishing features except at the tip, where some needle like point resides. It is this point that aims directly at Nik and pierces his leg, the tip pricking his flesh for just a moment before extracting. Immediately Nik feels his body shut down, and he collapses onto the ground, fully aware of what is going on but powerless to act.Even as he tries to the paralaysis spreads, and soon he finds himself unable to do anything at all.

The worm retreats into Santana's ruined corpse.
OOC:   Sorry Honey Dog, but he rolled really well so no chance to even resist it. Nik's not not dead, just paralyzed until further notice.

Everyone but Stanyard can make an unnatural san roll for seeing this thing, 0/1d6. Nik also gets to make a special san roll for Helplessness, 0/1d3.

Stanyard did not see this, though he undoubtedly hears the commotion it causes. If he chooses to intervene he'll need to make the san roll for seeing this thing as well. Stanyard though can make an Alertness roll right now.

The round started with this worm attacking first. Everyone else can now act. The thing's currently hiding in Santana's ruined chest, but you all have an approximation of where it is and can attack it. Due to the protection it might have an armor bonus.  

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 10:34 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Having staged the scene for Nik and the others, Stanyard is quite oblivious to what happens. "You guys just stay out there. We'll cover this." He tells the sheriff and deputy.

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 10:44 pm
by Cearlan

Edmund is further shaken by the snake-like thing that has just attacked Nik and dropped him in one attack.

"F&%k, We gotta assume Nik's been infected now," he almost screams to anyone who'll listen. "We know how the thing get's passed on now anyway. Anyone got a match?" Edmund asks as he looks around for the bottle of spirits, hoping there will be enough left to finish the job. "Get Nik outs here agents- NOW!"

Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:39 am
by HoneyDog

Despite the horror of his situation, Nik is strangely calm.

So this is how it happens he thinks. It all makes sense now”.

He tries to shut his mind down and not think too much, there’s nothing he can do but hope that the others are able to defeat – whatever it is.