Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

The year is 1999. A group of agents with the FBI quickly discover a routine case is anything but. Thrust into a world that's as incomprehensible as it is deadly, can this team hope to hold back the darkness?

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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Silver Priest »

The reporters are disappointed and make their displeasure known. Though they continue to shout questions, a few pointed looks prove they're unwilling to push things much further, and the agents all make it inside the station unmolested.
Stanyard,Stanyard notices a reporter who is wearing Phenomen-X' gear. The "reporter" is a pox marked young man with unkempt brown hair and wild blue eyes. He's nowhere near the front of the crowd, struggling to shout questions from the back.
Inside the station Deputy Paul greets the party.

"You managed to get through that battlefield, huh? It's crazy out there. Sheriff Colorados ain't too happy with all this attention." He leads the party back to the same room as last time. Inside are Garrett and Colorados as well as a third man.

"'Bout time you folks decided to show up," Garrett drawls.

"Let's get down to business." The sheriff nods in greeting to the third man who steps forward. He's a heavyset gentleman who looks to be in his mid to late 30's. Balding, he wears ill fitting spectacles that do him no favors. He shakes hands with each of the agents, asking for names.

"Joseph Gutierrez. I'm the ah, medical examiner for the reservation. I did the autopsy on Mr. Braverman." he pulls up some notes and begins to read. "Mr. Braverman's autopsy was unusual in a variety of ways. To begin with, the cause of death appears to have been disembowelment. Based on the type of cuts, I'm rather certain that they were self inflicted by Mr. Braverman. That is.... most unusual. It would have taken quite a bit of willpower to work through the pain, as they will. Most men would have passed out, but his were perfectly accurate. He must have been in enormous pain as he made the cuts, but he managed to push through.

"The oddest part was that Braverman's lungs were removed after death. This and the lack of blood suggests he had an accomplice. Likely someone with an iron stomach
." He laughs, but no one else does.

"We were able to get prints from the car that might help with that," says Garrett. "Two sets, Braverman and his wife Elaine. Seems like a match made in hell."

"We also recieved reports on the crimes he is alleged to have committed. You're welcome to look them over, but in short, Kenneth Braverman is suspected of murdering seven prostitutes and his own children. All of the victims were filled with the same paralyzing agent of the Begays, and all were at least partially eaten."

The men take a moment to collect themselves, allowing the agents to make any comments they'd like.
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by HoneyDog »


For Nik, this case is just getting stranger and stranger. He really wasn't expecting this.

He doesn't have anything to add, but he makes a mental note to check with Braverman's captain as to his whereabouts last July when the Berkeley County killings took place.
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Silver Priest »

Colorados continues. "We also found two of the other missing pairs, the Fisherman and German tourists. Like the Begays, they were located in partially dug up holes around the reservation. Time of death is yet to be determined, but they've been dead for awhile, and were in the same state as the Begays."

"Braverman himself has been dead for around two weeks. I suppose he's not your killer, at least of the later victims." Gutierrez adjusts his glasses. "His wife is yet to be found. I suppose she's your main suspect at this point."

It is at this point that Nik's phone begins to ring. If he steps outside the room to answer it...
Nik,"[color=#0040FF]Got the information you wanted. This Mack Tooley was a real monster. Some sort of mountain man. He targeted drifters and the like. They don't have an exact count of his victims, since not all of them were found and he's in no position to talk. But suspicion fell on him after the last victim was discovered. Apparently he and Mack were good friends and had been out drinking the night before. And yep, I'm seeing evidence of drugs injected in all of them here. Unknown precisely what type. Police went to talk to him, and he shot himself. The autopsy confirmed his guilt. It's mentioned here that the medical examiner, a Dr. Clark, abruptly resigned after performing the autopsy. The stress was apparently too much for him; he killed himself in Nashville a week later[/color]."
Colorados looks conflicted, but continues. "There's something strange about this case, and I think we could benefit from speaking to Shaman Valor."

Garrett snorts. "Oh c'mon Chief. I thought you were a rational fella. You buy into all that mumbo jumbo?"

The sheriff turns on him, his eyes flashing. "Can you explain why all of a sudden our victims graves are being uncovered for us? Or why the tracks of the coyote in each case have disappeared into thin air?"

"No, but I know it's not because of ghost coyotes or whatever you're suggesting."

Colorados ignores him and turns to Vanessa. "I've sent one of his apprentices to Shaman Valor telling him we are coming. He is supposed to return later today from his retreat with the other shamans, but this case has convinced me it cannot wait. Any of you who wish to come with us to consult with him are free to do so, but show him proper respect. I will not have our ways mocked."
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Thank you, Sheriff," replies Vanessa. "I'll be respectful of Shaman Valor. About the method of suicide - it's similar to the Japanese ritual of seppuku. When a samurai is dishonored, he is supposed to disembowel himself with the shorter of his two swords - the wakizashi. It's an extremely slow and painful way to die, and they regarded it as suitable punishment for their disgrace. Not all samurai had the willpower to go through with it, but many did, so it's not unheard of. Dr. Gutierrez, do you have any idea what sort of instrument Mr. Braverman used to kill himself? Was it found at the scene?"
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by HoneyDog »


Nik returns to the meeting, deeply troubled by what he has learned. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’ve just learned that a series of murders which mirror our situation was committed in West Virginia in July.”

He proceeds to fill the others in on the details, and then addresses Marchand.

“The person who left the articles knew about the connection, and wanted us to look for it. I think it’s vital that we learn who that person is – they could even be one of the killers. Why don’t I go back to the casino and review the surveillance tapes again? Perhaps one of the deputies could help me identify any locals too?”
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Stanyard lifts his hand as if in school and waits on being noticed. "Ehem, I've heard that a show called Penomen-X, something like X-files is doing something on the murders. Have you interviewed them about their sources, Sheriff Garrett? I spotted one of them out here in the media crowd. Could be worth our while to pressure him on what and where he's been getting his intel."
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Silver Priest »

"As a matter of fact, we do have the murder weapon. Or suicide, in this case. It was a long knife. Found underneath Braverman's seat. We tested it, and the only prints onthe blade were his."

All three men listen in concern when Nik returns.

"It does sound eerily similar," says Colorados. "And what's more, the suspected killer killed himself in that case as well."

"So what, are we 'dealin with a cult or something?"

"I am unsure, but am more convinced than ever that Shaman Valor is worth speaking to. Anyone who wants to come with us are welcome.

"Aw, what the hell," Garrett says. "I'm in."

"Still, someone leaked this information, and they're our best lead at the moment. Agent Siilasvuo, I think you should try and track this source down."

Garrett waves off Stanyard. "Those loonies think this was the work of aliens or some such nonsense. If you want to waste your time interviewing them feel free. But I'm confident they ain't got no information on what's really 'goin on."
OOC:   Okay, let me know what each of you guys are doing, and I'll start the next scenes.  
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Dave Syrinx »

OOC:   Stanyard will invite the Penomen-X on an interview. He'll be open to have someone joining him.  
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Mr. Handy »


Vanessa nods to Nik. "Yes, follow up this lead. I'll meet with Shaman Valor." It's just as well he doesn't go along to meet the Shaman, considering, she thinks. "Stanyard, if you feel the Phenomn-X angle is worth pursuing, you're welcome to do it. Rue, you're welcome to join whichever of us you like."
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by HoneyDog »


Before returning to the casino, Nik gets the number for Braverman's precinct in Houston. Asking to speak to the detective in charge of his case, he tries to ascertain whether Braverman had been away from work at the time the Berkeley County killings took place.
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Silver Priest »

OOC:   Edmiund can feel free to join any of the groups when he returns, and I'll gladly slot him in.  
Stanyard,It's not difficult to get the attention of the Phenomen-X reporter. Getting him away from the rest of the press is a good deal harder, but Stanyard eventually manages. The reporter, perhaps thinking he's getting the scoop of the century, comes along quietly to wherever Stanyard takes him. "[color=#0040FF]Alright man, you're giving me an interview, yeah[/color]?" Says the young man. His eyes are wild and swing from side to side, and he continuously licks his lips. "[color=#0040FF]Oh man, I can't believe I'm actually getting a Fed to go on the record with me. Wait until the guys here this! Maybe Sonja will actually go out with me finally, now that I've shown I'm a real reporter." "So um, Let's get started. I'm Harold. What do you know about this case? Is it true that aliens are involved? I've heard a lot of reports of that[/color]." [ooc]Stanyard can make any rolls he wants here if he wants to try and read the man.[/ooc]
Vanessa,The group make their way out to the Shaman's retreat. Along with Colorados and Garrett comes the young deputy Paul. They all drive out in Sheriff Colorados squad car. As they do so Colorados fills the agents in. [color=#008000]"There will be three Shaman out here. They should know we're coming, and will hopefully prove receptive to our presence. Just stand behind me and let me do the talking. It may take a bit of time to get them to open up, but they are all good men. I know they will assist us rather than allow innocents to suffer[/color]." It's about a half hour drive before the group has to get out. They've long gone off road, off into the very depths of San Carlos, and now find themselves at a narrow canyon opening. Colorados gets out and points. [color=#008000]"It's just through here[/color]." "[color=#0040FF]'Bout time[/color]," says Garrett, walking ahead of the group. "[color=#008000]This is sacred ground, Frank[/color]," the sheriff warns, but follows. Past the opening is a narrow path leading up to a cave. The path is narrow, allowing only one person up it at any one spot, and rocks line the walkway and down the other end. A small stream of water flows out of the mouth of the cave, cascading down to a small pool beneath it. It's very quiet, almost serene. "[color=#0000FF]We're comin up, Geronimo! Get the peace pipes ready[/color]!" " [color=#008000]Frank[/color]!" "[color=#0040FF]Hush now, Chief. These folks can take a little good nature teasin. Why, I bet that[/color]..." [size=150][b]Bang[/b].[/size] The loud crack of a rifle shoots through the air. Garrett is struck in the chest. He jerks back and collapses onto the ground, his cowboy hat falling from his head. Vanessa catches a glimpse of a rifle in the cave entrance, but already it is disappearing back inside. [ooc]So, our first combat. First let's take care of turn order: Vanessa: 12 ???: 12 Garrett: 11 Colorados: 10 Paul: 9 As best Vanessa can tell Garrett's still alive, but he is currently sprawled out on the middle of the ground, far from any cover. From the cave he's a sitting duck. Vanessa( and Rue if he's here) have a few different options. 1. There are several rocks around. They can make it to any of them and have very good cover this round. 2. They can try and drag Garrett to safety behind one of the rocks. This will require a full turn and a STR* 5 check. Failure finds them stuck in the middle of their surroundings. 3. It will take three full turns to get to the cave entrance, and characters can act on the 4th. There are three rocks spaced out on the path leading up to it, so characters can rush from one to the next per turn without a roll. Or they can make an athletics check to make double the progress in one turn. Going from either their current location to rock 2 halfway up the path, from rock 1 to rock 3, or from rock 2 to the entrance. Failure means they end the turn without any cover. 4. They can try to shoot the assailant now, but he has good cover. Right now all their shots would be made at -60%. Once you reach rock 1 this drops to -40%, Rock 2 -20% Rock 3-0%. Actually reaching the cave entrance doubles your skill. Hopefully this is enough information to plan out your actions. If you have any questions let me know.[/ooc]
Nik,The answer comes back quickly. Braverman was working at that time. He could not have committed the West Virginia murders. Nik's soon back in the casino, viewing their tapes. It's a long time period though, and they can't really pin down when the package could have been delivered. For all Nik knows it could have been anytime since he went to bed last night to when he emerged from his room this morning. This is going to take some time. [ooc]Let's have Nik make a Search roll. I'm going to say he has a -10% penalty due to the long time frame he's looking at here and lack of any real clues. If you fail it's just time wasted. You can roll as many times as you want, but each failure is another hour of fruitless searching.[/ooc]
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC:   Search 40% -10 Rolled Search: 1d100 45  
Nik spends a couple more hours searching through the surveillance videos but comes up with nothing. Frustrated, he concludes that this angle is a dead end.

“There must be some connection between here and West Virginia” he thinks. “We have exactly the same M.O., even down to mysterious lights in the sky. Perhaps someone is looking out for meteor showers, and then moving to that location and beginning to kill? While they are there, they also recruit an accomplice. Perhaps they have some kind of other weird drug which they can use to control minds?”

As a result, he makes two phone calls. The first is to the National Weather Service office in Houston, to see if there had been any meteor sightings before the time of the Braverman killings. The second is to the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Department. He wants to question the officers handling the Tooley murders. He particularly wants to know if they think Tooley might have had any accomplices.
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Interrogation Room 4-
Stanyard starts a small recording device and places it on the robust but plain table in the small room. He takes a seat in front of Harold. "Son, it's the other way around. I need your inside source to how you retrieve your information. Is it from the police department here? Or is it one of the abductors who fill you in on details?" Stanyard unclips a set of hand-cuffs and slaps one part around the wrist of Harold. The other end he cuffs to the table where a metal handle is fitted.

"You see, if you have a plan to see Sonja again for a date, you really need to give us your in."
Roll Persuade,@50% [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,My action depends on whether or not [b]Rue[/b] is with me. If he is, we'll try to get [b]Garrett[/b] behind cover, as we'll have an excellent chance of success by pooling our STR scores. If he's not, I don't have much chance of doing it on my own.
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Silver Priest »

Nik,After fifteen minutes on hold Nik gets an answer from the National Weather Service. There had been no meteor showers seen at that time in Houston. Disappointed, Nik calls the West Virginia PD. [color=#0040FF]"Oh, that case[/color]." says the detective he's transferred to. "[color=#0040FF]Yeah, that's gonna haunt me for a good long time. "We never considered an accomplice. Tooley's prints were the only ones found on all the victims. Frankly, the crime was so out there I doubt anyone else would willingly participate. Yet you say you're investigating similar? "I really wish I could help you, but no, I'd stake my badge on Tooley acting alone. But perhaps your guy is a copycat? It's fairly common for infamous crimes to attract some, and this one certainly was[/color]." [ooc]Where to now? Nik can try examining the tapes again, making Search rolls as before. He might have better luck now. Or he can make an Idea roll and see if any other options present themselves.[/ooc]
Stanyard,[ooc]We'll say you're doing this in the Police Station.[/ooc] Harold sits there slack jawed, easily allowing Stanyard to cuff him. The poor guy seems rather shocked. [color=#804000]"H...Hey! First Amendment Rights! This is illegal imprisonment. Someone help[/color]!" He shouts. "[color=#804000]I don't have to answer any of your questions, Mister FBI[/color]!" The mention of Sonja sobers him however. "[color=#804000]Okay, I'll talk. Just let me go afterwards, alright[/color]?" [color=#804000]"My source is very reliable. Old Apache by the name of Richard Eskaminzim. He told me about the lights he saw in the sky on the nights of the disappearances. They're a common sight in alien abduction cases. You should ask him[/color]." He gives an address. "[color=#804000]He's a spiritual teacher here in San Carlos. Now let me go, will ya[/color]?"
Vanessa,[ooc]I'll give it until tomorrow for Cearlan to post. If he does not by then, I'll say Rue accompanied you and you can direct him accordingly.[/ooc]
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Stanyard gets up. "Harold. I'm going to get a cup of coffee. When I'm away, you may further add to your testimony. That way you can tell your friends you did not tell the FBI anything incriminating. When I arrive back, I'll end the interview." He moves for the door. "Do you take milk?"
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by HoneyDog »

Nik isn’t very satisfied by the detective’s explanation. "How the hell could this be a copycat?" He continues his questioning.

“I’m guessing that the substance injected into the victims couldn’t be identified by the M.E.?”
he asks. “Was that your finding? Our M.E. tells us that the substance they detected is like nothing they’ve seen before. That’s like, unknown to science, man. There’s no way some mountain man could have cooked up this shit.”

“I’d like to get the autopsy reports on the victims, I’ll have our office put in a request for them. I understand that your M.E. killed himself over this case. That’s goddam awful and I’m real sorry to hear about it.”
Nik suddenly feels very tired about the whole thing. “I hope we can get this guy soon.”
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Silver Priest »

Stanyard,[color=#804000]"Go fuck yourself, you fascist goon! And yes. With two sugars.[/color]" When Stanyard returns, Harold takes the drink wordlessly. Then he sips it immediately, letting out a pained shriek. An annoyed look is given before he sighs. [color=#804000]"Look, I don't know anything else. Eskaminzim was my main source. Go talk to him. Oh man, he's not going to give me anything after this... keep my name out of it, alright? "Now let me go, alright? I helped you out, didn't I?[/color]" [ooc]If you want to make a HUMINT roll feel free, but Stanyard's basic impression is that Harold seems sincere.[/ooc]
Nik,[color=#0040FF]"Indeed. It baffled our experts. We actually sent samples up the line to the FBI. We were never told the results, so I'm not sure if they found anything. "Although[/color]...' his voice goes quieter, and Nik has to strain to listen to him. [color=#0040FF]"About two days later some folks from the CDC showed up. They confiscated the remaining bodies, said they needed them for further research into the drug. Not heard anything from them since either. Our M.E. questioned them a few times but was stonewalled. My guess is that either they don't know anything or they don't want us to learn anything." "Dr. Clark. A damn fine man. Worked for this department twenty years. Yet as soon as he did Tooley's autopsy, he did a total 180. Walked right into the chief's office and announced his resignation. His personality changed as well. I remember running into him in the hall afterwards and wishing him well, but he just... looked at me with distaste before giving a curt nod and walking away. Doc was always a friendly guy. I think whatever he saw in there spooked the hell out of him. Enough so that he tried to escape it by moving halfway across the country to Nashville. I followed up on his death, consulted with the police down there, but they're convinced it was definitely suicide. He disemboweled himself with a knife. What a way to go. "I hope you get him to. If you want my advice, don't try to dig too deep into all this. Something feels very wrong about the whole thing[/color].
Vanessa and Rue,[ooc]Alright, I'm going to NPC Rue until Cearlan returns. He has a dex of 15 so would technically get to act first. Just let me know what you'd like him to do.[/ooc]
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Help me get him to cover!" Vanessa calls to Sheriff Colorados and Paul as she rushes for the fallen state trooper. Once they have him safely behind the rocks, she can work on his wound there.
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Re: Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays

Post by Cearlan »

OOC:   I was with Stanyard in the chopper so it would make sense for us to team up again.  
All the while Stanyard is quizzing the young reporter, Edmund just stands in the corner staring at him - trying to unsettle him further. Sauntering over to the table where Stanyard and Harold are as he switches the recorder off before he leans on the surface with his fists and says in a low voice;-

"Oh we'll be sure to mention your name to this Eskaminzim - and to anyone else who is willing to listen if anything you have told us you don't pan out. Y'see, we can play these games as well - you want us to be fascist goons? Just be careful what you wish for is all I'm saying."
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