Rules and Info

The year is 1999. A group of agents with the FBI quickly discover a routine case is anything but. Thrust into a world that's as incomprehensible as it is deadly, can this team hope to hold back the darkness?

Moderator: Silver Priest

Silver Priest
Posts: 4322
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Rules and Info

Post by Silver Priest »

Delta Green is a lot like Call of Cthulhu, but there are some differences. I'll try to list them all here, each in a separate post for ease. As always, feel free to ask questions if you need anything cleared up.

Willpower: "Willpower Points are mental fuel. Agents require
Willpower Points to keep going despite exhaustion,
to resist unwanted persuasion, to resist the effects of
terror and mental disorders, and, on rare occasions, to
resist or enact unnatural rituals.
LOW WILLPOWER POINTS: An Agent whose WP hits 1
or 2 has an emotional breakdown. The Agent suffers a
−20% penalty to all actions until WP rises above 2.
whose WP hits 0 collapses, completely incapacitated
and perhaps unconscious. The Handler controls your
Agent until WP returns to 1 or higher. An Agent with 0
WP cannot succeed at any tests—including SAN tests.
gets a full night’s sleep (but no more than once in a
24-hour period), he or she regains 1D6 WP. If you play
up one of your Agent’s personal motivations (see OTHER
MOTIVATIONS on page 38) in a way the Handler finds
compelling, your Agent regains 1 WP."
Silver Priest
Posts: 4322
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Rules and Info

Post by Silver Priest »

San loss: There are three types of San tests in Dg. They are Violence, Helplessness, and Unnatural. Violence might be seeing a dead body, or seeing someone shot in front of you. Helplessness might be something like having a dead body fall on you, or being captured. The Unnatural might be seeing a Deep One, or having a spell cast on you.

Over time, characters can become hardened to Violence and Helplessness. If your characters loses at least one San to a Violence or Helplessness event three times in a row without reaching their breaking point or going temporary insane by losing five or more San in one roll, they become adapted to that particular source of trauma. This means that you always succeed on a San roll for this type of trauma. Do note that sometimes even success causes San loss, but your agent will always suffer the minimum. Keep note on your sheets how close you are to being hardened to them. Unnatural can never be adapted to.
Adapting to either causes some problems though. If your agent gets adapted to violence, they lose 1d6 CHA and that same number from each bond. For Helplessness, they lose 1d6 POW.
Insanity: There are three types of Insanity.

Temporary Insanity: If you lose 5 or more SAN in a single roll, the agent goes insane for a short time. A player has three choices for their character. They can Fight, Flee, Or submit. Fight means they attack the thing that's causing them the trauma, disregarding their own well being. Flee means they run, potentially miles away. Submitting may mean the Agent passes out in shock, or goes catatonic.

Indefinite Insanity: This occurs whenever your agent goes under their breaking point in San. At some point in the future they develop a disorder. This could be anything from erotic fixation on fire to fear of cramped places. It all depends on the situations. "A disorder is a chronic, ongoing condition. It lurks under the surface, threatening to erupt when things get bad.Any time your Agent loses SAN, and any time your Agent faces a trigger that pertains directly to his or her disorder, you must make a follow-up SAN roll. If that fails, your Agent’s disorder takes over. If your Agent suffers from more than one, the Handler
decides which comes to the fore. As long as the Agent is in the crisis or in the presence of the trigger, he or she succumbs to the disorder’s internal logic and must act accordingly."

Permanent Insanity
: Happens when your character's San hits 0. At this level the character becomes an NPC. Highly likely they are no longer in play.
Silver Priest
Posts: 4322
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Rules and Info

Post by Silver Priest »

Projecting onto Bonds: Bonds can help your character avoid San loss.

Whenever your character suffers a SAN loss, they can spend Willpower to try and reduce the loss.
Roll 1d4. If your character has at least one WP left, they can reduce their SAN loss by the amount rolled. Then reduce Willpower and a single Bond by the amount rolled.
This can also work if your character suffers enough to go either temporarily insane or has a disorder about to manifest. Roll 1d4 and if you have at least 1 WP remaining, make a San roll. Succeed and you stave off the insanity. Regardless of outcome reduce both Willpower and SAN by the amount rolled.
Silver Priest
Posts: 4322
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Rules and Info

Post by Silver Priest »

Improving skills: Keep track of every skill you fail at using during an adventure. After it's over, each of them automatically increases by one.

There are other ways to increase skills during downtime. If we get that far I'll elaborate on those rules.
Silver Priest
Posts: 4322
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Rules and Info

Post by Silver Priest »

Lethality Rating: Some weapons are so powerful they can kill a target outright. Instead of normal damage rolls for these weapons, the Lethality rating is rolled. Success means it kills the target(provided they're human, anyway.) Failure has the die result added together. (0's are 10.)

Example: one of your agents is attacked with a machine gun. It has Lethlaity Rating of 20%. If this is rolled at or under, your agent immediately dies.The roll results in a 30, meaning your agent takes 13 damage from the attack(3+(1)0=13)

If the attack roll is a crit success, both the lethality rating and damage done if lethality fails is doubled.
Silver Priest
Posts: 4322
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Rules and Info

Post by Silver Priest »

Crit successes and Fumbles: A Critical success is any roll at 01 or a success where the numbers match. A Fumble is a 100 or any failed roll where the numbers match.
Example: your Agent has a skill of 55%. They crit succeed on 01, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55. They Fumble on 66, 77, 88, 99, 100.
Silver Priest
Posts: 4322
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Rules and Info

Post by Silver Priest »

During a turn, a combatant can attempt one of
the following actions.

RAPID FIRE (−20%): Make two attack rolls. Both must be on
the same target. If two potential targets are close enough that
you could hit either one, randomly determine which one takes
each hit. Not an option with bolt-action or one-shot weapons.

FLESH WOUND (−40%): A hit inflicts half damage (round up).

HEAD SHOT (−40%): A hit is critical without matching dice.

Sacrifice one turn to aim and gain a +20% to your
attack next turn. Aiming requires no roll. After the
next turn, or if your Agent suffers any damage before
attempting it, the bonus is lost.

Standard Attack.

Point Blank
If an enemy is within 3 meters of a gunshot, it is considered a point blank shot and you receive a +20 bonus to the attack roll.

Called Shot
A called shot is an attack to a particular body part
(the head, the hand, the leg). A called shot allows your
Agent to roll a grenade past cover to explode on the
far side, or to shoot someone in the leg and avoid
body armor. If the attack is automatic gunfire that can
hit multiple targets, the called shot affects only the
first target.
A called shot is more difficult than a standard
attack, so it has a penalty:
PARTLY COVERED (−20%): The target is partially covered
(half the body).
MOSTLY COVERED (−40%): The target is mostly covered
(all but a limb or head)

An attempt to knock an object from the target’s grasp
using the Unarmed Combat skill. This is possible only
if your Agent has both hands free and is in hand-tohand
range. If your roll succeeds, the target drops the

This is a Dodge skill test to get out of the way of an
attack (or a disarm or pin). This opposed test pits your
Agent’s Dodge skill against the attack roll. If your roll
overcomes the attack roll, your Agent avoids harm.

A roll to escape a pin. Roll either STR×5 or Unarmed
Combat, whichever is better. This acts as a defense roll
against the character pinning your Agent. it’s opposed by the pinning
character’s attack roll against your Agent. If the
pinning character is not attacking, the escape is opposed
by either Unarmed Combat or STR×5 (whichever
is better). If the escape roll succeeds, your Agent is
no longer pinned—and the escape roll defends against
other attacks until your Agent’s next action. If it fails,
your Agent remains pinned and cannot defend against

Fight Back
If someone attacks your Agent with a melee weapon
or unarmed combat (not a ranged attack or an explosive),
your Agent can fight back with Unarmed Combat
or Melee Weapons to block and counterattack. You roll and try to score a higher numbered success than them or a critical one. If you do, you make an attack roll and inflict damage on the target.

You can fight back against multiple melee attacks with one roll per turn. All attackers must score a higher success than your agent to hit you. However, you can only chose one target attacking you to suffer damage per turn, no matter how many you manage to avoid hitting you. This is also your action for the turn; if you've attacked before, you can not attempt it that round, nor can you attack after you've fought back.

An action that moves your Agent a significant distance:
10 meters jogging, 20 meters running, or 30
meters sprinting (or you can move about 3 meters
while performing some other action).
Usually moving requires no roll, but if Agents
are running or sprinting, players may need to make a
DEX×5 test to keep their footing. Fail, and your Agent
falls prone and must spend a turn recovering.
If there’s cover at the end of your Agent’s movement,
getting behind it provides protection (and give armor points).

An attempt to immobilize a target, either on the
ground or up against something, using Unarmed Combat.
This is possible only if your Agent has both hands
free and is in hand-to-hand range. If it succeeds, the
target is pinned.
All unarmed or melee weapon attacks against a
pinned target are at a +20% bonus. An Agent pinning
a target can attack the pinned target in later turns.
A pinned target can attempt escape once per turn
(see the ESCAPE action) but nothing else.

Agents can choose to wait to take any action after
their DEX order comes up. At any time before your
next turn, you can insert your Agent’s action before
the next action in DEX order. Your Agent can’t wait
until another character acts and then jump in before
it’s resolved, but your Agent can jump in before the
other character’s turn comes up.

Other actions can be attempted if they make sense in the current situation.
Silver Priest
Posts: 4322
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Rules and Info

Post by Silver Priest »

After a mission is concluded we enter the Downtime segment of the game. This represents the time in between Delta Green missions. Players should take the opportunity to roleplay out any changes that have occurred, such as bonds weakening or explaining injuries gained during the operation to loved ones.

Unless otherwise noted, Agents can pick two from the following pursuits. The same pursuit can be picked twice.
Spoiled for length,[i]Fulfill Responsibilities[/i] If your Agent focuses on day-to-day obligations and relationships, describe something the Agent is doing at work or at home to support one Bond. Roll a SAN test. Success improves the Bond by 1D6 (up to your Agent’s CHA); a critical success also adds 1 SAN (up to your POW×5). A fumble means some disastrous conflict—probably related to your Agent’s involvement with Delta Green—reduces the Bond by 1D4 and your SAN by 1.Describe how the relationship has improved because of your Agent’s efforts or worsened despite them. (This is the default pursuit. If it's not successfully performed by an agent as one of the two pursuits, reduce one bond by 1d4.) [i] Back to Nature[/i] Your Agent can spend time in seclusion, minimizing stress, distractions, and obligations. This isn’t a vacation with the family; it’s extended time alone, or mostly alone, in an environment that’s physically active but places few other demands on the Agent. Roll a SAN test. Success adds 1D4 SAN, or 4 for a critical (up to your Agent’s POW×5). A fumble costs 1D4 SAN. [i]Establish a New Bond[/i] Your Agent attempts to create a new Bond with a character or group. This is not done lightly. It means this new character or group is developing into an essential, important part of your Agent’s life. Attempt a CHA×5 test. Success establishes a new Bond with a score equal to half your Agent’s CHA (round up). [i]Go to Therapy[/i] Therapy is a systematic deconstruction of mental trauma. It is an ongoing process requiring honesty and commitment. Your Agent must decide whether to truthfully tell the therapist what caused the SAN loss. If your Agent tells the truth, there are risks. If the SAN loss came from confronting the unnatural, the therapist attempts to treat your Agent for schizophrenia. Or if the therapist believes your Agent, he or she may lose SAN from the Agent’s stories. If your Agent described unnatural events and the therapist thinks they’re delusions, the roll is at a −20% penalty. If it fumbles, your Agent loses 1 SAN. If it succeeds, your Agent regains 1D6 SAN (or 6 with a critical success), up to his or her POW×5. If your Agent shares tales of terrible, illegal violence and it sounds like further violence is imminent, the therapist may report it to the authorities. Whether that happens is entirely up to the Handler. If your Agent doesn’t tell the therapist the truth, healing is limited. Make a Luck Roll. If it fumbles, your Agent loses 1 SAN. If it succeeds, your Agent regains 1D4 SAN (or 4 for a critical success), up to his or her POW×5. If your Agent suffers from a disorder, a critical success with the therapy’s Luck roll cures it (whether your Agent told the truth or not). Your Agent also develops a Bond with the therapist equal to half your Agent’s CHA (or add 1D4 to it if your Agent already has that Bond), and loses 1D4 from one other Bond of your choice. Write a note saying “cured” next to the disorder on the character sheet—but do not erase it. The next time you gain a disorder, you must roll another SAN test. If that fails, the “cured” disorder returns in full force alongside the new one. The Handler may substitute the therapist’s Psychotherapy skill for the therapy’s Luck Roll. [i]Improve a Skill or Stat[/i] By training or studying extensively, your Agent can try to boost a stat or a skill. Describe what your Agent is doing to improve the stat or skill: taking night classes for INT or a skill, lifting weights for STR, meditating to strengthen self-discipline for POW, socializing or taking leadership courses for CHA, going to physical therapy to regain stat points permanently lost from an injury, etc. Attempt a test of the stat × 5 or the skill. If the test fails, your Agent has improved. Add 1D10 percentage points to the skill (to a maximum of 99%) or one point to the stat (to a maximum of 18). [i]Personal Motivation[/i] Your Agent indulges in the things that he or she finds meaningful. Roll a SAN test. Success adds 1 SAN, or 1D4 for a critical (up to your Agent’s POW×5). A fumble costs 1 SAN. [i]Stay On the Case[/i] Your Agent can spend nights and weekends poring over an old operation’s evidence and case files. The Handler secretly rolls Criminology or Occult for your Agent. Success means you uncover some pertinent clue of the Handler’s devising, an especially valuable one with a critical. Failure means you find nothing. A fumble means you think you find a valuable clue but it will turn out to be dangerously wrong. Either way, your Agent gains 1D6–3 SAN in coming to terms with what happened—or in obsessing over it self-destructively if the roll means a loss of SAN.
I'm fine with roleplaying these moments out and playing family and friends If you guys want to spend a little more time in the downtime segments. I'm equally fine with you all just writing a paragraph or two detailing your pursuits and how they turn out. Do whatever you prefer. ;)
Silver Priest
Posts: 4322
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Rules and Info

Post by Silver Priest »

Players can chose some equipment going forward. It's assumed all characters have a medium pistol (1d10, 15 shots) But they can also take other weapons out into the field. If they feel the situation warrants, PC's can make requests for bigger weaponry or equipment. So if you guys suspect you're going to be raiding a cultist compound, feel free to request weapons and gear. As long as you can justify it( a bureaucracy roll helps, but I'll also allow it for good roleplay) you might get more assistance, either from the FBI or Delta Green. Remember that if you're in the field and the situation escalates.

The team is always assumed to have extra ammo and a spare shotgun (2d6, 5 shots) in their car, along with medical equipment necessary for first aid, flashlights, and perhaps some rope. In addition, each team member gets kevler vests and a helmet. The vest protects against 3 points of damage. The helmet 1.
Silver Priest
Posts: 4322
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Rules and Info

Post by Silver Priest »

Some small arms, like submachine guns and assault
rifles, have selective fire. The shooter chooses how it’s used; each pull of the trigger can fire a single shot, a
short burst, a long burst, a short spray, or a long spray. A short burst fires three bullets in one trigger pull. It affects a single target. A long burst fires five. Short and long sprays empty the magazine faster but cover a larger area and can hit multiple targets.

Burst Fire

There are two types of burst fire, short (3 shots) and long (5) To attack using burst, the agent must have an applicable gun for that type of fire and declare their intention at the start of their turn. They then roll firearms once.
Silver Priest
Posts: 4322
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Rules and Info

Post by Silver Priest »

Temporary Insanity:

Agents who lose 5 or more san in a single roll go temporarily insane, and must undertake one of three actions:

Your Agent must move away from the SAN-affecting
stimulus at top speed in any direction. Your Agent
must do this for a number of turns equal to his or
her CON, whereupon your Agent falls to the ground
exhausted (see EXHAUSTION on page 47), or until your
Agent feels “safe”, whichever happens first.


This is lashing out randomly at the nearest threat, no
matter how insurmountable it might be. Once this
course is set upon, your Agent has no choice but to
fight until he or she is killed, unconscious, or restrained.

This is shutting down or passing out from shock. If
conscious, your Agent is catatonic and paralyzed
until the Handler decides he or she snaps out of it.
When your Agent comes to, it’s likely he or she has
suppressed the trauma that caused his or her collapse.
Remembering details requires an INT×5 test and is
terribly stressful.
Silver Priest
Posts: 4322
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Rules and Info

Post by Silver Priest »

Adapting to San loss

Adaptation to Violence or adaptation to Helplessness
occurs after your Agent has lost SAN from that
kind of trauma three times in a row without going
temporarily insane from it or hitting the Breaking Point.
The character sheet has spaces to mark your Agent’s
progress toward adaptation. Each time Violence or
Helplessness reduces your Agent’s SAN by 1 or more,
mark a box on your character sheet to keep track of it.
If your Agent suffers insanity from Violence before all
three boxes are marked, erase all the “Violence” boxes
and start again. If your Agent suffers insanity from
Helplessness before all three boxes are marked, erase all
the “Helplessness” boxes and start again. If you fill in
all three boxes for Violence or all three for Helplessness,
your Agent becomes adapted to it.

ADAPTING TO VIOLENCE: Unfortunately, being adapted
to Violence means your Agent’s empathy suffers.
He or she permanently loses 1D6 CHA and the same
amount from each Bond.

ADAPTING TO HELPLESSNESS: Being adapted to Helplessness
means your Agent’s personal drive suffers. As
soon as your Agent becomes adapted to Helplessness,
he or she permanently loses 1D6 POW.
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