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The Loopers - Who are we? Player character introductions.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 6:09 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Here you give us a rough idea to who you are. Interests and such. Maybe a photo?

Re: The Loopers - Who are we?

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 4:48 am
by Mr. Handy

Sven Bergström is twelve years old, and he's really into roleplaying games. He started with Dungeons and Dragons, but he recently started playing a relatively new roleplaying game called Call of Cthulhu. He creates adventures that he runs for his friends. He is also interested in comic books. He is good at math and enjoys it.

Re: The Loopers - Who are we?

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:29 am
by Dave Syrinx

Living at the archipelago had its dangers. The gravtitron core beneath the lake made the sea-line fluctuate causing flooding reshaping our landscape. With some impractical side effects. This time, in -83, dad was not yet talking about finding another place. He simply had said he'd find a way to raise the house. He said he'd seen buildings further downtown where they had unconventional solutions.

A few years ago, when the building of the Loop had started, Sven had been walking across the meadows and been hunted by Karl and Filip from 6th grade. They are now in high school. When Sven walks to school and sees the Fire-Guard robots he remembers being chased by the older boys.


Across the lake, at Munsö, communications arrays beam up at the sky and provide the Stockholm area with a wireless computer network to keep all personell at RIKSENERGI up to date on news from the company. They aren't really wireless. Sven has seen cables digging into the ground at the bases of the arrays. Talk about false advertising. George in Sven's class says he knows how to tap the arrays to get American television channels. The Bergströms have two channels as everyone else. Channel 1 and TV2. And the radio of course. The Night Talkers at program 4 is a favorite. They talk about crazy stuff. And play great music between the madness.

The Call of Cthulhu RPG has just released a press release about an upcoming campaign, Fun guy from Yoghurt or something. The names in that game made no sense. The current plan was to introduce the game with The Haunting. Maybe Rhona in 7th grade would be interested? She usually plays at the arcades. He might be able to get a spot at Dragon's Lairto sneak a question in about a game.

Re: The Loopers - Who are we?

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:27 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Sitting Prime Minister Olof Palme states that relations between the Soviet and Sweden have to be bilateral and that whatever the countries share in technology and resources must be made visible to the public. A line of transparency is what is needed for trust to be gained. Too many times, actions have been hidden by those in power. To enforce a neutral line of politics, PM Palme invites US President Ronald Reagan to discuss Magnetrine deals with the US. A deal that has reached eastward but yet not stretched west.

Talks with Soviet leader Leonid Brezjnev are scheduled for the next months regarding the final steps of the tunnel between Stockholm and Leningrad.

Re: The Loopers - Who are we?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:34 pm
by Rooter

Heidi Andersson is eleven years old. An only child, she lives alone with her mother, her father having walked out on them when she was a baby. Her home life is somewhat unhappy as her mother works long hours (and has a drinking habit) and Heidi often spends her spare time hiking by herself in the woods (against her mother's wishes). She loves animals, particularly the stray cat she has adopted as a pet, Dusty, whom she is never far from. She plays sports like football, hockey and tennis, preferring them to academic subjects, at which she often struggles. She has a small number of friends such as Karin and Nina who she plays sports with but has never formed any very close attachments (except with Dusty). She enjoys listening to pop music on her Walkman and has a fondness for science fiction movies.

Re: The Loopers - Who are we?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:49 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Heidi has heard about the machines they have down in the tunnels. Machines that are like humans. Like pets but made out of metal. Pretty much like the novels she reads and those movies where the machines take over the world. For the weekend, she has planned to rent The Ninth Passenger at the 7-11 along with a moviebox.

Karin and Nina had just laughed when they all overheard Nils telling the team about when he practiced penalty-shots on a derelict power-sphere from the construction of the Loop.


The sphere had had the hatch open and he said that when he scored - he heard a satisfying thump from within. Then he retrieved the ball and repeated until.... the ball went inside and there was no thump. He claimed that the ball had vanished. But Heidi knew it must be somewhere or ... sometime. It's elemental that those spheres must be gates or time-travel-devices. Cross my heart.
OOC:   Welcome Wruter!  

Re: The Loopers - Who are we? Player character introductions

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:08 pm
by RonaHattingh

Amelia Thompson, 13 years old. A real tomboy, likes to play rugby with the boys and to hang out after school at the Arcade, playing Asteroids and Donkey Kong. Father died when she was very young, so it is only her and her mother, who works two jobs to keep the pot on the stove cooking.