The Condemned (Was: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper)

Please post here if you're trying to gauge interest in a NEW game, which you'd like to run on Play@YSDC
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The Condemned (Was: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper)

Post by amarriner »

New description of adventure is here:

Hi all,
I'm pretty new here, but I've been bitten by the Keeper bug and was considering running a game/campaign. It would begin in Arkham with the "Edge of Darkness" adventure from the rulebook and then (assuming the players want this) continue on to other unknown stories.

I realize that "Edge" and Arkham itself is nothing earth-shattering in terms of originality, but I'm a new Keeper (see caveat below) and would like to get my feet wet with something I'm a bit more familiar with. Arkham, in Lovecraft's stories, was always appealing to me so setting adventures there seems like a good fit for my tastes.

So on to the caveat: As I mentioned I'm a new Keeper. I've played pencil and paper RPG's ages ago and have just recently gotten back into the swing of things here. The games I'm playing here are my first actual play experience with CoC so I'm bound to be a bit rusty on rules and such. I don't pretend to be particularly skilled, but I hope to learn some and have a good game.

If that's not a problem, and if whomever reads this is still interested at this point, please let me know. As I mentioned, the "campaign" would start off with the "Edge of Darkness" adventure from the rules. It wouldn't be a problem if one or two people had already played through it, even. We'd need at least four, I think, and could probably take five or six if there's that many interested. I'd be posting on weekdays primarily and every once in a while on the weekends. This probably wouldn't start immediately (perhaps in a week or so). So, anyone want to put up with a hapless new Keeper? ;)

EDIT -- This would be set in the 1920's
Last edited by amarriner on Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper

Post by OathinBlood »

I'm interested in playing it, but I have my hands a little full right now, plus I've read through it once or twice already. I was going to run it after my 'The Haunting' game finished. I'd be content to sit back and watch, but if you're strained for players, I'd be happy to join.
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Re: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper

Post by amarriner »

Hi Oath. I certainly don't want to step on any toes. If you were planning on running it after your Haunting scenario then by all means go for it. I suspect it's probably better to keep your existing and established game going rather than try to get a new one off the ground (especially with a less experienced Keeper! :)).

By the way, I'm enjoying watching your Haunting game. Looks like a fun one!
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Re: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper

Post by OathinBlood »

No, don't let me get in your way. It wasn't so much of a planning as an idea in my head. By all means, go ahead and do it, The Haunting still has to finish. Thanks, by the way.
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Re: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper

Post by amarriner »

Oh okay, thanks. I suppose there's no harm in having two separate runnings of the game. Heh, if I don't get any players the point might be moot anyway!!! ;)
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Re: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper

Post by amarriner »

Looks like there might not be much interest in this game. :(

I'll keep watching this thread for a little while to see if anyone pops in. If there were people who thought they might want to play, but something about the setup didn't seem appealing, feel free to let me know (might be good for me to know why there isn't interest, too, in case it's something I can alter or fix). I can be pretty flexible. If players just don't want to put up with a newbie then that's fine, too! :)
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Re: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper

Post by Zombiedla »

I'd be interested unless Oath got the time to 'keep' the game. I really wanna keep playing with my group in The Haunting :) But if Oath don't have the time I'd be happy to let you be the keeper. And as you said, it's possible to have two games running at the same time!
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Re: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper

Post by amarriner »

Okay great! I think Oath said he probably would continue on which certainly is fine. You seem to have a good game going so I don't want to interfere with that. If not, though (and we maybe get one or two more players) then we can see about getting something going. Incidentally, if you guys continue your adventure and you still want to play I wouldn't mind switching to another adventure. It doesn't have to be Edge of Darkness. I'd still like it BRP, Arkham, 1920's, but other than that I'm flexible.

Thanks for responding! :)
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Re: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper

Post by OathinBlood »

I'm not going to be the Keeper for this, since I'm going to Keep Dissonance instead, plus I don't want to squash any other Keepers. I'm still an interested semi-player in this, though. It took a couple days for my Haunting thread to pick up people, so hang in there, amarriner.
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Re: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper

Post by amarriner »

Okay thanks, Oath. If the players of The Haunting game want to continue their characters and are interested in playing through 'Edge' with me (which it seemed like Zombiedla was hinting at) , I'd be more than happy to do so. I'll just have to re-read their backgrounds so I know who I'm dealing with. :) And I'm sure we can work Oath in as well (or any other new characters/players that weren't in the Haunting).

Again, remember that I'm a newbie Keeper in the strictest sense of the word. Just don't want us going in under false pretenses. :) I will do my best to give you guys a good game, though.

I've got another backup adventure we could do if 'Edge' isn't appealing. Or we can just save that for after if there's still interest.
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Re: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper

Post by Mr. Handy »

I'm up for playing Edge of Darkness, but take your time reading through The Haunting to get a feel for our characters. OathinBlood was a new Keeper for that one too, and he did a great job. OathinBlood could play Stan Burke. Stan's player abandoned him, and Oath has been running him as an NPC for most of the game.
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Re: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper

Post by amarriner »

Hi Mr. Handy. Thanks, yeah I had been following it but will definitely read through it again. However, I saw in the Haunting OOC thread that Oath mentioned he did want to run Edge which is a-okay by me. He's the incumbent keeper anyway and I'd prefer not to make waves. You guys have a great game going so you may as well continue! I can always run a different adventure.
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Re: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper

Post by amarriner »

----- An update -----

Oathinblood is going to run "Edge" with his current Haunting players so I'm going to set aside that adventure for now. That said, I'd still like to run something (BRP) in Arkham in the 1920's. I'm thinking of running "The Condemned" from the Arhkam Unveiled book with an eye towards a continued campaign if there's player interest (or just a one-shot if not). So is anyone interested?
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Re: The Condemned (Was: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper)

Post by OathinBlood »

Thanks again for letting me run the Edge, I really appreciate it. I'm am interested in this new scenario though, can we have a run-down of the premise? I've never heard of it.
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Re: The Condemned (Was: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper)

Post by amarriner »

OathinBlood wrote:Thanks again for letting me run the Edge, I really appreciate it.
Not at all. Glad you're continuing your game!
OathinBlood wrote:I'm am interested in this new scenario though, can we have a run-down of the premise? I've never heard of it.
Oops yeah of course. Duh! I should've given that before, sorry!!! Here goes:

The Condemned
On a Thursday morning, two students from Miskatonic University, Richard Cardigan and Henry Atwater, hiked a few miles west of Arkham to a spot on the banks of the Miskatonic River. Their intent was to camp for a few nights and then return Saturday morning, but never did. Atwater appeared in the streets of Arkham Sunday morning raving deliriously. Cardigan was nowhere to be found, and Henry gave no clues as to what may have happened to him.

Initially the police brought Atwater to St. Mary's hospital, but he was transferred later that day to Arkham Sanitarium where he continued to babble nonsense. The authorities believe that the two had been struck by lightning Friday night as there was a large storm that evening.

Police went to the campsite off of Bowen Rd and found no trace of Cardigan. No signs of a lightning strike was apparent, and all of the camper's equipment was still there. The only thing they found of note was a shovel smeared with blood ...

So what happened to Richard Cardigan? Where is he now? And what caused Henry Atwater's delirium? If it wasn't lightning, as police initially concluded, then what?

This will be an adventure centered in Arkham in the 1920's and use the BRP system. It could take pretty much any number of investigators. I imagine we could start with as little as two or three, really. Oathinblood says he's in so we just need one or two more people to join up! Any interest?
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Re: The Condemned (Was: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper)

Post by Greene »

I'm in. I'm new to the game as well, as you've already read, but I know some of the basics of making a character.
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Re: The Condemned (Was: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper)

Post by amarriner »

Greene wrote:I'm in. I'm new to the game as well, as you've already read, but I know some of the basics of making a character.
Welcome, Greene. Assuming OathinBlood is still interested that brings us up to two players. We could probably play with just two, but it might make sense to hold out for at least one more (hopefully two more). I know Zombiedla had some interest, but I'm not sure he (she?) was ready to commit to it yet.

Anyone else out there want in? :)
the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep.
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Re: The Condemned (Was: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper)

Post by Zombiedla »

Put me on "Maybe". I don't know how much time I'll have on my hands around christmas and all but I love to play classic 1920's adventures :D (I'm a guy btw). I'll wait and see 'til Oath gets Edge upp and running and we'll see how much time I can spare! And I take it you want us to play investigators as in detectives and such?
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Re: The Condemned (Was: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper)

Post by amarriner »

Zombiedla wrote:Put me on "Maybe". I don't know how much time I'll have on my hands around christmas and all but I love to play classic 1920's adventures :D
Okay sure, no problem. I figured you just weren't sure you had the time so I wasn't counting you in the total just yet. However there's definitely a spot for you should you decide you want it!
Zombiedla wrote:(I'm a guy btw).
Okay. That's what I thought, but I didn't want to assume. :)
Zombiedla wrote:I'll wait and see 'til Oath gets Edge upp and running and we'll see how much time I can spare! And I take it you want us to play investigators as in detectives and such?
Sure thing, just let me know whenever you decide. No rush. I'm still re-re-re-reading the adventure a lot so that's no problem.

Actually you guys can kind of be any sort of investigator you'd like. Students from MU would be fine (as would a professor, really), a private investigator, whatever suits you. We can get more into that as we get the game started, but I don't really plan on having a set list of occupations to choose from.

So right now we're two with a possible three. I can definitely take at least one and maybe two more if there's interest.
the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep.
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Re: The Condemned (Was: Edge of Darkness -- New Keeper)

Post by FalafelKing »

I'd like to play if you still have room. I am fairly new to CoC, so this sounds like a great way to get my feet wet.
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