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A Cool and Lonely Courage Playtest: the women of the SOE

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 5:11 pm
by Mr. Handy
I recently ran a playtest of A Cool and Lonely Courage with one other player. It's a story RPG set in World War Two France, where the players each play a female operative of the Special Operations Executive, sent into Nazi-occupied Europe to, as Winston Churchill put it, "set Europe ablaze." I'd like to run a second, longer playtest if I can get enough interest. It takes 2-5 players, and I'd be one of them. This is a GM-less game, but I'd be facilitating it as I'm familiar with it. The rules are very simple to learn. At the start, we have all been captured by the Nazis and are awaiting our fates, and we are sharing our stories with each other as a series of flashbacks. Card draws from a standard deck determine the theme of each scene (spades for death, hearts for love, diamonds for success, and clubs for failure). We can add supporting characters to our scenes, which can return in future scenes. When one player has a scene, the other players can roleplay those supporting characters. After we've played out all of our scenes, we'll each have one card left. What it is and what we choose to do with it will determine our fates. This is not a Mythos game, though there is often all too human horror in it. However, we could always put in Mythos references along the lines of the Achtung! Chtulhu - Fate game that was played here a few years ago but sadly did not get very far.

Re: A Cool and Lonely Courage Playtest: the women of the SOE

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 5:39 pm
by evil_scientist
I'm interested!

Re: A Cool and Lonely Courage Playtest: the women of the SOE

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 5:51 pm
by Mr. Handy
Awesome! We have two players now, so this is definitely happening. I'll give it some time to see if we can get more players.

Re: A Cool and Lonely Courage Playtest: the women of the SOE

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 2:41 am
by Mr. Handy
I've sent you the playtest rules in a PM, and I've brought back the game from the Hall of Fame, so you can get started reading the rules and creating your character while we wait to see if others want to join. We'll just add our characters to the same thread that has the characters from the first playtest.

Re: A Cool and Lonely Courage Playtest: the women of the SOE

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 3:39 am
by Mr. Handy
If anyone is interested, the Kickstarter for A Cool and Lonely Courage has launched!