Tatters of the King

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Tatters of the King

Post by normski »

Any takers?

Set initially in London late 20's (does this qualify it as Pulp or more likely as classic era.

The interested party will be arrayed against ..... well that would be telling.

What about me? - Well I have been activley role playing in I'd say 10 out of the last 20 years, I rejoined the hobby about 6 month ago and have played loads of different games throughout my "role playing career". Cthulhu, I first stumbled across when V2 came out (bought it from some company in the States iirc as the US had it first). and have had this as my favorite game ever since. Best campaign, has to be the fantastic Masks of Nyarlathotep (sad how I don't even have to check the spelling - lol) Best scenario hmm so many good ones. I always enjoyed the old "Watchers of Walberswick" from an old White Dwarf. I adapted it slightly for the group I was Keeping for at the time and it was a pleasure to sit and watch as their hair turned white, the phobia count mounted and they were jumping at shadows.

Happy Days
Take Care,

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Re: Tatters of the King

Post by kafkonia »

normski wrote: Any takers?

If I hadn't just read through the adventure and thus spoiled it entirely for myself, I'd say yes. :?
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Re: Tatters of the King

Post by lordof1 »

I'd love to play this game - slightly committed with a few others, but I'm sure I could find time. If there's lots of other people I'd bow out but I've heard great things about Tatters of The King.

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Re: Tatters of the King

Post by OathinBlood »

Count me in for sure. :D
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Re: Tatters of the King

Post by normski »

Looking good so far

but, there is always a but though isn't there!
I'm away training which I cannot get out of - I know I tried - from now till Thursday night, sorry for any inconvenience, and am out Friday night so maybe won't be able to respond till Saturday. Keep e'm coming
Take Care,

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Re: Tatters of the King

Post by Mavrides13 »

id like to join if i could !
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Re: Tatters of the King

Post by Lobbsung Ludd »

I'm game for this.
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Re: Tatters of the King

Post by normski »

Right it looks like a go-er then

Lets see some investigators and begin fleshing them out a bit.

It is October 1928. London: the capital of an empire that covers a quarter of the globe and contains a quarter of the human race. The population busies itself with its concerns of politics and government, finance and production, work and recreation. But how fragile things are. What ignorance there is.

For there are those who are engaged in quite different pursuits. Those who would see an inhuman power come to Earth that would make such activity seem merely a last dance before dying.

Over this winter the taint emerges as never before. The sensitive and the weak feel it first; few can know the source, but some welcome it anyway – experience in it a thrill. Artists find their work strangely influenced, and they mine this vein of creativity. Many exhibitions this season feature the same images: a social gathering gripped by a repressed panic; a lake or marsh cloaked with mist; the presence of something that stands just off canvas. New fiction and theater bring scenes of upheaval and confusion that are never allowed to reach a climax. Seances and mediumistic exhibitions bring untoward results and end in disruption. And other people are susceptible to variations in mood: they feel new lines of communication opening. Some claim God is talking to them.

All feel the lure of the stars. Artists, musicians, and writers work at their windows after sunset, their curtains thrown open to the sky. The troubled walk the streets by night conversing with themselves, railing at interruptions. Madmen sit in their cells gazing where the Hyades will rise.

Tatters of the King is a complete campaign for Call of Cthulhu. Visited locations include Milan, Suffolk, London, Nepal, Scotland, the Severn Valley, and Bombay, Events here are best met with 4-6 investigators.

Characters can be rolled randomly and the honour system being imposed. However, skill variety and number can be determined by yourself, or by using a template, so those with high education can have a large number of occupational skills, if you would like. Basically you can have a free hand, though I don't want "super-characters," What makes a character super is how he's played! What is necessary, though, is a well-thought-out and fully-fleshed-out character. A good knowledge of the rules isn't important on your part and I'm willing to help out with character generation as required, but this will be more guidance as opposed to here's one I did earlier.

With the above in mind the characters should be able to leave wherever they work with some degree of impunity, if not sanction. The party will have to travel to exotic locations so funding may be an issue as well. (Though maybe something like the Penhew Foundation - oops sorry wrong story - but some organisation like this might be able to assist in some small way).

I use 6th edition, though the differences between this and my last edition (4th) are minimal, so I don't predict too many concerns. I'd probably suggest say 100 point spread for creating investigators main stats. Or use Byakhee which you can download from here http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/ ... akhee.html which does it all for you and best of all is free.

Can't think of anything else to come up with off the top of my head, but there probably is - lol

Hear soon

Take Care,

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Re: Tatters of the King

Post by matt »

Any places left? I haven't played for about 15 years so I may be a little rusty! Just dug out my most recent Rule book - 4th edition.

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Re: Tatters of the King

Post by normski »

Yes - the ideal number of players is 4-6, we currently have , with you, 4 and 2 possibles who have not got back to me yet. I'm away on another course the first full week of June and am hopefully looking to get it all set up and underway the following week (week commencing Sunday 10th).

I asked for characters a couple of days ago but not had any yet, though an author looks like it's (he or she) being made by Lordof1.

Mainly British characters as the majority of the adventure will take place in UK / /Europe
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Re: Tatters of the King

Post by abominable_yowie »

Hi normski, I hope there is still room for players, especially since you have maybes. I am Definate want to play. I have been playing PBM CoC here as Geoff Whateley in The Darkness Inherent. Sadly, that game has gone into bit of hiatus atm. I am desperate for some gaming.

Briefly; Character I was thinking of playing would be Ex-soldier/outdoorsman. Basically a third son of a large Australian sheep-station well funded but with no chance of inheriting the farm, so independent and world wandering looking for niche in life. Participated in the Great War, in the Australian Light Horse in the middle east and later on Western Front. During the war consolidated pre-existing outback skills eg: Ride Horse and Rifle. (We don't all have to be yellow cravat wearing poofters, do we?)

(Alright, if you insist...) He preiously got a good education at some of the Empire's best institutions. That past education, and his credit rating, has him socialising with some of the finest social circles in the old-country; mainly fox-hunting and searching for a wife.

I can post quite regularly during week and weekend. Mid June start sounds fine by me. I will be generating charcter over next couple of days (aww, what no 110 pts for character :( !!) and will send in. I want to generate/develop this character even if not allowed in this game.

With hope, A. Yowie
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Re: Tatters of the King

Post by normski »

Due to drop outs and non appearances of investigators - I am left with the sad fact that not enough people fancy this one enough.

Sorry but game closed unless anyone can tell me otherwise.
Take Care,

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