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Multi Time-Frame Game

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:33 pm
by Cearlan
Someone posted on Yoggie that they would like to see a game that spanned different generations, like the cursed Whateleys or Marshes, but in reverse. One family that held / holds back the tide of the Mythos in their particular locality, well that got me thinking - I have a rough draft of such a game and was wondering if there is any interest in such a game?

As I am based in the North East of England, that would be my preferred location, though this is by no means set in stone. Ideas please people.

Re: Multi Time-Frame Game

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:00 am
by Mr. Handy
I'd definitely be interested in this! I sort of did a similar thing with the Carpenter family I play in some of the games here, though moving in reverse chronological order. I made Sarah Carpenter first for Ash, a modern game. Then I added in her father, Dr. Lionel Carpenter, to that same game. His father Dr. Oliver Carpenter figures importantly in the background and did some very interesting things in WWII, though I never actually played as him. I am, however, playing as Oliver's sister Irene Carpenter in Home Front Mythos, set in 1941. I also created an uncle of hers and Oliver's, Major Jeremy Carpenter, for Operation: Fallen Reich, but that game never got off the ground. I could extend the family tree back to play Carpenters in the 1920s, the 1890s, or even further back. I also like campaigns that span multiple eras, though my Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu campaign goes back and forth in time rather than going in order.

I like the northeast England setting, and it's something with which you're more familiar. I'm not as familiar with it as I am with London, but that can be a good thing, as I'd like to explore new regions.

Re: Multi Time-Frame Game

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:39 pm
by Cearlan
I like the idea of going back in time as well Mr H. The main reason I suggested going forwards in time either generational, or whatever, was that the family's history would already be in place and could be easily referenced by the players. whereas going backwards you are making the history as you go, so significant details may alter the previous investigations history.

(I phrased that in a much more complicated manner than intended I know, but I'm sure you get what I mean).

Re: Multi Time-Frame Game

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:28 pm
by Mr. Handy
I definitely agree with going forwards in chronological order. The only reason I did it in reverse was that I created my first character in a modern game and ended up working backwards. However, I had to make side branches to the family tree to avoid temporal paradoxes. I could never actually play Oliver Carpenter without making this a possibility, as I couldn't guarantee his survival so that future generations would exist. By going forwards, we don't have to worry about changing history.

Re: Multi Time-Frame Game

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:42 pm
by Cearlan
Because we make history ... though no-one outside the family would ever be allowed to be aware of it ... until they are in our clutches ... err I mean until they marry into the family of course

Re: Multi Time-Frame Game

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:22 pm
by tormsen
Sounds interesting. What time period would you start from? It might be fun to do a full-on Cthulhu Invictus=> Dark Ages=> 1890's=> 1920's=> Modern romp. And fill in a few of the gaps, with things like Atomic Cthulhu and such.

I had an idea, which might be a bit too pulpy depending on how it was executed, of having PCs as working as agents (possibly against their own will) for the Yithians. Kind of a Quantum Leap kind of thing, perhaps, though working for a terrifying agenda.

Re: Multi Time-Frame Game

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:25 pm
by Cearlan
I had considered the Yithians, but thought they would be too clichéd for the overall story arc of "our family holds back the dark tide" kinda thing.

Re: Multi Time-Frame Game

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:24 pm
by DrPeterson
The idea sounds lovely!
I'd be keen to participate!

Re: Multi Time-Frame Game

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:24 pm
by Cearlan
tormsen wrote:Sounds interesting. What time period would you start from? It might be fun to do a full-on Cthulhu Invictus=> Dark Ages=> 1890's=> 1920's=> Modern romp. And fill in a few of the gaps, with things like Atomic Cthulhu and such.
Sorry Tormsen, I missed the first part of your post. I was thinking of starting in pre Romanesque times and moving forwards as the story progresses. An self contained, yet part of the overall story arc investigation in each time. The action may not be confined to north east England, just involving members of the <insert name here> family. This would help with character death / replacement as well as there would always be a ready supply of willing, errm I mean dedicated family members to call upon to carry the torch.

Re: Multi Time-Frame Game

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:00 am
by Cearlan
So we have DrP, Mr Handy and Tormsen signed - or ready to sign up. Still looking for another couple to make it more viable

Re: Multi Time-Frame Game

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:40 pm
by Garrett
I could probably do this, especially if were starting way back in the past, I always wanted to play an old timey cthulu setting.