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Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 11:44 am
by Ash
Hi Joe and Luke,

This is the place for online Cthuhlu rpg. Please post here if you are interested in continuing our game we started in February.


Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 3:03 am
by ruku
Lance Dirigible checking in!

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 3:16 pm
by lazyman
Hello this is Joe and Kate we are keen to try this out. Joe

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 2:54 am
by Gaffer
lazyman wrote:Hello this is Joe and Kate we are keen to try this out. Joe
You'd probably do better with separate accounts.

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 2:14 pm
by lazyman
Ash knows Kate is my Daughter she is 8 and enjoys some of the games, but may be not up into keeping up with her character.

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 4:47 pm
by abominable_yowie
Hah, I love it! Kiddies and Cthulhu. 'Tis a good mix.

And what better way is there for them to learn history, geography, foreign cultures, extinct languages, barbarous incantations, and what truly is that thing lurking in their bedroom closets.

Welcome Joe and Kate.

Cheers - Yowie.

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:47 am
by Ash
Ok cool so I'll start the first post tomorrow.

We last saw our adventurers heading off on an expidition into the Himilayers. Lance had been bitten by a mountain dog and you had avoided the locals selling trinkets.

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:49 am
by Ash
Just a quick recap.

The party of investigators are on the trail of a missing piece of manuscript from the Tibetan book of the Dead. This is your assignment from the British museum who are funding everything on your journey. They are currently camping in a small shanty village in the Himalayers on the way from their meeting with the British council in Leh to a monastry named Gyangdrak Gompa.

The party they are traveling with are a caravan of Tibetan traders who were originally arrested by the British and questioned about the first half of a manuscript they found. This first mauscript they found was on the body of a dying travelling monk. Before the monk died he asked the leader of the caravan traders to deliver the first half of the manuscript to his Abbot at the monastry. The manuscript they found which you now have gives details of where to find these missing pages from the Tibetan book of the dead. The pages the museum has employed you to find.

The site lays in the direction of the rising sun from Mount Kailash between two Holy lakes and two sacred mountains.[i

Lance was bitten by a dog and may want to get his right leg looked at before continuing the journey with the caravan to the monastry. You may want to shop for other things too but your party already have food and everything you need for the journey. He can visit the local witch doctor. If he wishes to, roll 1 six sided dice and let me know the result. If you don't have a dice you can roll online here and post me the link.

There are only trinkets and good luck charms made of hair and mud for sale from the local villages. Nothing that interesting.

Let me know your thoughts or actions concerning what you want to do next.

It is morning now and the caravan will set forth once more in about an hour.

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:59 pm
by lazyman
I will just refer to Kate by Strawberry Shortkate and myself as Kumal Jumblatt

Strawberry has a 45 in medicine and we used our 100 sided dice and she rolled a 31

Kumal wants to get the caravan group together and start heading off to Gyangdrak Gompa I tried to use my history to think of something about it I have a 40 but rolled a 79

I think we should try to make a copy of the manuscript for our own use if we are parted with this one.

Strawberry want to use her natural history to investigate the local grasses and stuff to see if there is anything good.

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:09 pm
by lazyman
Kumal also want to ask the locals if they know any prayers I cn use occult 15 or bargain 55 something for spirits and such

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:52 am
by ruku
lance is not keen to see the local witch doctors but thinks better of letting the wild best be his last foe so he rolls a 5.

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:40 am
by Ash
Stawberry manages to heal Lance by 1d6 of hit points. Strawbery can roll for this. His wound is now dressed and ready for travel. Lance add the number rolled to your hit points on your character sheet.

The locals know a few buddhist mantras. They give you simple Tibetan blessings for your journey and wish you luck.

Stawberry doesn't really find anything of interest in the grass, just heather and gorse.

Kumal cannot recall the name of the monastry and is totally in the hands of the caravan in terms or trusting to their knowledge of the direction.

The morning hike goes well. The Himalayers are beautiful. The air feels thin as you climb but the morning mist winds it's way from the town of Leh in the distance behind you up above your heads. A cool wind blows as the morning sun warms the spirits of the party. A few of the porters start a song as you climb. The yaks are peacefully swaying by the guide of their ropes and harness. Heavy luggage is well packed for the journey on their thick wooly hides. An associate of the British Council is travelling with you. His name is Paul and he is a friend of Brandon who met you in Leh when you first met the prisoners who are now your caravan party.

"Not bad for all expenses paid holiday right chaps, bet you are glad you signed up for this one." He tries to be as chirpy as possible and make you feel at ease. He is a short fellow with jet black side parting and pale skin. He looks a little like an out of work matinee idol. "Cigarette?" He offers Lance and Kumal a Rothmans roll up from his red tobacco box.

Finally after around 3 hours of hiking you stop for a short rest. This is a good chance to eat food, drink water and chat with other party members or each other. It is also a good time to take a pencil and paper and try to make copy of the Tibetan manuscript. Roll a d100 to see if you can make a good copy of the characters or not.

As you talk with each other about the coming journey you notice the caravan yaks have strayed off the path and their ropes and are grazing on some grass very near to a precipice to your left. One false move and they could fall. A very long way. Make a party luck roll 1d100. Whoever has the lowest luck use theirs.

Or think of a plan.

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:53 am
by lazyman
Strawberry shortcake want to do a yak call to bring them back biology 20 skill rolls 67
Kumal and Strawberry roll luck rolls

Kumal rolls 72 Strawberry rolls 16.

Yaks are known for their love of yellow flowers and also like the smell of fermented milk see if there is anything.


Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:57 am
by lazyman
Strawberry rolls 4 points for Lance

Kumal rolls 37 on occult has 15 in it for trying to copy the text

I say, That is the deal with Yaks always moving to the edge. Can't trust a Yak if you bit one.

Kumal also tries to sneak around the yaks to get them safely back while strawberry does her yak calls 50 skill in sneak roll 29

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:12 am
by Ash
The yaks pay attention to your whistle and stop and turn. You find yellow flowers in the grass to tempt them back. The plan is working.
The text is copied succesfully.

The journey moves onwards.

Lance is healed enough to go on.

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:22 am
by Ash
After about half a days travel you stop for a rest. The air is growing thinner.
In the distance you hear movement. It sounds like a whole army is on the move. Do you wish to hide from the path and see what comes around the corner or stay and meet your oncoming guests? It looks in the distance like a great procession of travellers is heading your way.

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:00 am
by lazyman
We wish to confidently meet whatever group is coming our way. Being unfamiliar with the area and not knowing much about guerilla movements it is best to act like an acedemic group and have our proper passports ready that were given to us from the Lamma leader before. We wish to look non threatoning but act like we should be there and exude an aurora of confidence. Both strawberry and Kumal use our listen sjill 45 for starberry and 55 for Kumal. Strawberry rolls a 04 Kumal rolls a 32.

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:18 am
by Ash
The caravan heading towards you is huge. It seems to be a group of explorers. One man is being carried like a prince on a platform. He wears travelling clothes but they are very clean and of bright Indian colours and fabrics. He has red hair and a moustache that curls up at each corner. He is smoking a huge Turkish pipe whilst lying down eating grapes and drinking wine much like a Roman from the past. The party stops and the man addresses you through his armed gaurds.
"And what pray are you?"

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:45 am
by ruku
Lance steps forward and does his best not to show evidence of his wound in case this meeting goes awry but tells them his name "My name is Lance Dirigible. We are travellers in academia, making our first journey in this country in search of texts and trinkets for our scholarly brothers. Do you have anything to trade?"

Re: Mysteries of Tibet.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:04 am
by Ash
"Well met Mr Dirigible. Allow me to introduce myself, Joseph Rock of Great Britain. Explorer, traveller and daredevil. We have many things to trade, food, water, blankets, pipeweed. What do you wish? Where are you bound on your journey?