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The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:48 am
by Mr Zombie killer
November 18, 1932:

Earl Howe, Prisoner Number 452345 of Joliet Prison set in his cell as the morning roll call took place. He read the latest book by John Dos Passos called "1919" and waited for the cells to be opened for breakfast. His cell mate Richard Loeb looked down from the top bunk and smiled. "Its always good to see another prisoner educating himself. You should go to the class that Nate and I teach." Earl snarled at Richard, "Leave me alone you queer unless you want to be knifed!" Richard simply smiled back. Before a fight could break out the cells opened and he lined up and then marched to the dining hall.

In the dining hall he was served his food and took the tray to the table where his friend Harry sat. He stared in distaste at the runny eggs, rubbery bacon, moldy biscuit and tepid coffee. Earl tried to eat some of the food only to become sick. He pushed the tray away and stared at the window where the blowing wind and rain showed that he was not getting a chance to go outside today. Earl lighted up a cigarette and contemplated spending the next 19 years in this hellhole.

As he did so a guard came up to him, "Earl you have a visitor. Lets go!" Earl wondered who it was as he stubbed out his smoke and was led not to the visitors room but to the lawyer conference room. As he was led and forced to sit down he stared at the visitor across the way. The lean scarred face and oily black hair led him to realize quickly that he was looking at a member of the Chicago Syndicate. "Who the hell are you?" Earl asked. The man smiled, "Call me Anthony, last name not important. We have a job for you."
"In case your blind I am in prison here."
"Not to worry, care to hear about the job or not?"
"Tell me, I got nothing in here but time anyway."

"As you can figure I work for the Syndicate. Our brothers in arms who are back in Italy were recently approched by the Nazi SS. They are tired of waiting to take power and they want us to look for something for them. You see back in the old days there was a religion that worshiped the old gods in India. There spells and ritural was all written down in a black book which was stolen by a French explorer sometime during the 1650's or 1660's. The explorer then turned over his loot to the French court of Louis XIV who did not really know what he possessed. It molded in the archives of the court and sometime during the early days of the Revolution it was stolen by a member of the mob who ransacked the palace. Somehow the book passed from hand to hand and ended up in England around 1812 and then was sold in the late 1800's to J P Morgan who placed the book in his library. Anyway somehow the book has ended up being held in a bank in St. Paul and the Nazi SS want that book and will pay dearly for it. So, are you up to stealing it for us?"

"We were secure your release of course."
"And those of my gang members still alive? Harry my git man is serving 4 years here, Ryan my lobby man is serving 40 years for kidnapping in Angloa State Prison, Dave my getaway driver is retired and living in Texas, and Vinnie is working for another gang."

"You will have everyone you need and more besides. Think on it and I will be back tommorow at this time for your answer."

Earl watched as Anthony left and then stared off in space and said, "Will you join me my dear comrades for one final job?"

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:51 am
by Mr Zombie killer
As stated above in the introduction I am looking for players to play a new game where they will be robbers in a gang set at the time of the War on Crime. What they will rob will lead to Cthulhu monsters being unleashed. I am looking for all the characters I can get. I will roll them up and can accept your ideas or if you want pre made that can be done as well. Let me know in this thread.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 2:50 pm
by royya
Sounds interesting. let me throw my hat into that ring.
I will come up with a concept and post it soon.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:15 pm
by Gaffer
I'd be interested. Ryan or Vinnie would be my first choices, but I'm adaptable. And if you're looking for new talent to fill any gaps, that's right with me.

I'm okay with pre-gens, but would like to help with the background at least.

One question, what is a "git man?" I've never seen that term.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:55 pm
by Mr. Handy
It might be a typo for "hit man" - the G and H keys are right next to each other.

I'm interested in playing Dave.

One important historical note: Mussolini and the Italian mob were bitter enemies, and were at war with each other. There were, however, secret ties between the Mafia and the Fascists, though these were covered up and would not be told to a new recruit, especially to an outsider (the recruiter almost certainly wouldn't know either). It does make perfect sense for the Irish mob to support Mussolini - there was much bad blood between the Irish and the Italians at this time, and their organized crime outfits often fought each other.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:27 pm
by Voodoo
Count me in

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:57 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
First of all the characters I meantioned in the intro are not the only characters that will be played, just his old gang members.

Second of all yes you can get your say in background and maybe even secrets the latter we will go over. Just remember that your character had to be involved in crime somewhere which meant at least one term in a prison. Prisons of that time that were open included Joliet, Statesville, US Penitentiary in Atlanta, US Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Eastern State Penitentiary, Ohio State Reformatory (where Shawshank Redemption was filmed), Kansas State Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Indiana State Prison in Michigan City, Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester, and Texas State Penitentiary in Huntsville. I am sure there were others. If you can find me evidence of other prisons that were opened at the time in the US then I will accept them.

Third of all yeah I know that the Italians and the Chicago Syndicate were bitter enemies so unhistorical but 1) I had to figure out a way for an outsider to be hired in and 2) one of the people the group will be dealing with in St. Paul was the Irish Godfather who had some simple rules: no crimes in St. Paul, register with the police every time you moved, and bribe them with a share of the profits. However he was murdered in 1928 and the game starts in 1932 so a bit of historical license.

Fourth of all there was no typo. Some terms of the time:
Yegg was slang for a bank robber
Git was slang for the getaway maps used by bank robbers so therefore Git man was the person who could draw these maps up really well
Other slang terms of the 1920's and 1930's can be found here.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:49 pm
by gregghelmberger
Hey! Being a (nearly) lifetime resident of St. Paul -- and quite familiar with its sordid history as a gangster safe zone and haven in the 20s and 30s -- I would be DELIGHTED to play, if you'll have me.

St. Paul has a really interesting history in the period, which the characters would likely know about given their criminal natures. Information can be found at

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:27 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
your welcome to join. I just ordered a book which should get here tommorow called John Dillenger slept here: a history of St Paul 1920-1936.

As stated i can pre gen characters with backgrounds, without backgrounds for your choice, or you can make one up competly using the rules from the 6th editon of Call of Cthulhu although I may add a few skills. I will be making traits/secrets for all of them with suggestions of course

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:29 am
by gregghelmberger
I'm fine with playing a pre-gen, and anything is good with me. I'm all flexible ans stuff.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:44 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Okay I am going to be rolling up pre gens in the next few days and hopefully get started sometime next week depending on how my surgery goes and how much pain I am in. Just a quick note..I have changed the background of the story and the year is going to be 1930-1931.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:36 pm
by gregghelmberger
I just have one request -- can my character be a Mason? There's no reason for this other than that I think it's kind of fun and "period" to have a guy who knows secret handshakes and can talk in code to other men from the lowest ranks of society to the highest.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:53 am
by Voodoo
I don't mind using a Pre-gen. I would prefer something like a safe cracker though and also does anyone mind me using Gordon Ramsey as my character picture?

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:34 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Ok it seems we have dibs on a getaway driver, lobby man, and safecracker. My NPC will be a vault man. We still need the following at least:
inside man
git man

This means that Greg while I can roll up a character for you can you pick one of the above jobs please, and royya while you can roll your own up can you please pick one of the jobs as well. First come is first served. That way I only need to have 1 more player to round out the gang although I am willing to take more then that.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:51 am
by gregghelmberger
I'll play the inside man.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 3:58 pm
by Gaffer
Am I in? If so, as what?

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:22 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Yes your in. Your going to be the Lobby man. I am making up characters most likly tonight and tommorow so before I go into surgery that can be complete and I will PM you with your character for final notes Sunday I think

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:09 am
by Gaffer
Great, thanks. Best wishes for your surgery.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:21 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Okay i have managed to get Mr. Handys character done and have pmed him a copy of it. I am not sure if I will get the rest of yours done tonight as I have to pack for hospital and go to be early as i have to be up at 4:45 AM! So if I do not get it done understand that I will work on it later this week/next week when I can.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:53 am
by Mr Zombie killer
ok am back from hospital but am very weak. will continue making characters as i can n send them to u all

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:43 am
by Gaffer
Hope your convalescence goes well.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:48 pm
by royya
Now that people took their part of the share.
What is left for me?

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:53 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
We need a lookout man still. And of course these are just your "jobs" during the heist. Trust me you can be geared to that but still be doing other stuff as well

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:51 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Okay Vodoo's character is about done and will be pm'ed to him tommorow. After that once i recieve Royya's character and look over it we should be able to start this weekend sometime.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:01 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Ok all characters are done. Still waiting for Royya to send me his. We now have a thread to play at and I am putting stuff in there tonight so go take a look.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:23 pm
by royya
OK, I will take the lookout man.
Mr. Zombie killer - do you want me to prepare something since I'm OK with you generating a character to me as you see fit (I mean the stats and I'll place the personality on him)

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 6:00 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Royya go ahead and create the character because the way I see it personality and stats tend to lend themselves to each other. I will be starting the game either today or tommorow but there is plenty of time to do this still as we will only be in intro for a few days at least.

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 6:26 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Royya I have set up the page for the game. Would you simply like me to go ahead and make the character and have you simply approve it?

Re: The Life and Times of a St. Paul Yegg

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:28 pm
by royya
Mr Zombie killer wrote:Royya I have set up the page for the game. Would you simply like me to go ahead and make the character and have you simply approve it?
Yep, thanks.
I'll go over the game threads.