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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 7:56 am
by Ged
Oh and he's connected to Irene Lamond as she was a firend of his mother's (he is originally from Buffalo but moved to New York). They were not overly close but attended social functions etc and Irene always asked after Donald.

Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 1:34 pm
by Ged
Here is my first go at a character concept, tell me what you think.

Donald Bender is a 52 year old ex-Cop originally from Buffalo, New York but for the last 30 years a resident of New York City. Before joining the Force Donald had a variety of jobs in Buffalo, delivery boy, shop worker, factory worker all jobs with no real prospects, all jobs that held no interest for him. At the age of 18 Donald applied to join the police force and was accepted despite his relative lack of schooling. By no means stupid, Donald always preferred to be out in the woods or at the ball park than at school and was a good baseball player in his day.
After spending a year in the Buffalo PD he put in for a transfer and was accepted to NYPD, moving to the city 30 years ago. It was there that he met his (now ex-) wife Jocelyn. There was a happy union, though never blessed with children and they maintained a comfortable, but not luxurious life style on his beat cop wages.

Donald was never really accepted, seen more as a ‘country bumpkin’ by the more streetwise city cops and he was often passed over for promotion. Despite this he maintained a positive out look and really enjoyed his job, especially dealing with people, helping them overcome adversity. It all went wrong a few years back. One night on patrol in lower Manhattan he saw a man mugging a woman, he blew on his Police whistle for back-up, giving chase, Donald trailed the criminal through the dark alleyways was until they came to dead end. As Donald closed in on the criminal a strange, unearthly creature climbed down the wall of one of the buildings and grabbed the man, impaling him on long, razor like talons and dragging him up as bird of prey takes a mouse. At this point Donald collapsed.

He was found by his colleagues and taken back to the station. After ribbing him about losing the mugger, he colleagues openly mocked him when he gave them his account of the events in the alley way, constantly reminding him ‘the bogeyman’s out there Don and he’s gonna get you’. Little did they know that this traumatic experience with the unknown creature had really affected him, he was having strange dream, and he couldn’t concentrate at work and started to withdraw into himself. Donald had become a shadow of the man he used to be and his captain in the force soon realised and had him off the streets and behind a desk, pushing paper not catching criminals. The dreams continued and so did Donald’s state of mind, constantly fearing the creature would come for him. After 28 years of service he was discharged from service owing to ‘ill health’. Ashamed of her husband’s outbursts and paranoia, Jocelyn left him, without money Donald soon ended up on the street, doubting his own sanity.

Donald found shelter with the Salvation Army, slowly rebuilding his life. One evening he recounted his story to one of the hoboes at the shelter, who listened intently and treated him like a sane man. The hobo had dark skin and a Middle Eastern accent and never revealed his name to Donald but he did tell him that he would find the answers to his questions if he looked hard enough. The hobo gave Donald a book on the occult and that started his journey to recover, finding there was more to what he’d seen than a weak, delusional mind.

After the death of his mother Donald got a reasonable inheritance and used the money to get back on his feet. Renting a modest room in the Bronx, Donald uses his new found interest in the Occult and his Police investigator skills to look into strange, inexplicable events and goings on and one day, hopefully confront his demon.

What do I do next, do we roll up actual character sheets as per the rulebook?



Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 11:01 pm
by Caporegime
Hey Ged,

Everything looks good to me as far as the background and character concept goes. If you want to start putting an investigator sheet together next that would be great. I'm going to see if I can get a thread started for the game next as I hope to get underway early next week.

If you need any help, give me a shout.


Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 7:35 am
by Ged
Cool I'll get rolling later on then. I'm assuming we use Invisible Castle for the dice rolls?

I wanted my character to be quite flawed, but trying to find some meaning in life. That is what is drawing him in and exposing him to the mythos. I aslo thought it might be useful to have some police contacts ;)

Cant wait to start.

Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 9:41 pm
by Howerd Phillips
I am reading this to run as a Skype text-based, once-a-week game. I look forward to following your process. It looks like this will be a challenging one to run as well as to play.

I wonder, how does this compare to the updated version?

Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 7:50 am
by Dave Syrinx
Hi HP! I´ve sent a PM with the plot of the remake.

Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:51 pm
by zielonobrody
Interested :)

I am officially cursed, as every game I come to is dead in mere days ;) So I'd like to transfer this to my player to lift the curse off of my person :D

Frederick Loemund is cursed. At least that's what he thinks. Actually he's very clumsy. He's never had the nerves to get a profession, so he's been hopping around all of them for the last 20 years since his parrents passed away. Currently nearing 40, his friends if you could call them so, call him Frederick the Pale. He used to take out the laundry for the Missus and she always had freshly baked buttercakes to cheer him up. He talks about her fondly whenever he gets a chance to.
Traits: Clumsy, thinks he's cursed, gets scared easily, nerve wrecked, on the brink of insanity his whole life, good with books and finding information in them, as they have never hurt him, to balance off the clumsiness which he calls "cursed" he's actually very lucky, although has never noticed it.

So am I in? :D

Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:01 pm
by Caporegime
Hi zielonobrody,

I can just about squeeze in one more person! :)

Can you try and get me a character sheet within the next day or 2 as we hope to start very soon? Think about How Frederick may know Mrs LeMond but otherwise having a bit of a clutz around sounds like it could be fun.



Sorry but this game is currently closed to new interest going forward. Please feel free to lurk and you never know, we may need replacements going forward.

Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:35 am
by Ged

The smell of dead investigators is in the air! :lol:

Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:59 am
by zielonobrody
Caporegime wrote:Think about How Frederick may know Mrs LeMond but otherwise having a bit of a clutz around sounds like it could be fun.
I already wrote that ;)
He used to take out the laundry for the Missus and she always had freshly baked buttercakes to cheer him up. He talks about her fondly whenever he gets a chance to.
I'll get back to you with a char sheet asap.

Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:10 pm
by Black Goat
On Mr Handy's advice, I'm posting to ask if I can be put on the waiting list for this one (assuming you're full up). Thanks!

Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:47 pm
by Caporegime
Ahh, sorry zielonobrody, I didn't realise you meant Irene LeMond when you said 'The Missus'.