Aartri Asylum (Modern) now hiring staff / admitting patients

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Aartri Asylum (Modern) now hiring staff / admitting patients

Post by Laraqua »

I'm looking for people to play both patient and staff member investigators, though we don't technically, have to have members of either. This means that there's potential therapist, housekeeper and attendant roles open.
The Aartri Asylum is a beautiful building with a well-tended garden but there's just something about it. Visitors will attest to the abnormal quality to the light that enters through the windows, the window bars that seem sculpted out of oddly angular lines that somehow defy visual logic, and those who enter seem to grow steadily more insane, complaining of terrible hallucinations and supernatural occurences...

Something is not quite right at Aartri Asylum.

Types of patient roles open are those who aren't specifically insane but come seeking a place of rest (it's a privately owned asylum that largely admits patients who can't afford to pay, run largely by donations from some rather generous people, but as it's quite beautiful, it has had a few rich people decide to make a stay there - though they have to make a large donation to do so). Those who are committed here for insanities, both real or constructed (such as by a jealous family member or ... some other entity), can also be brought here, but take care not to pick someone with a violent insanity, since it's no fun being a patient in a high-security ward, or those hear for investigatory reasons (such as researching whether an asylum can recognise when a person is faking insanity, or to investigate what occured to a family member).

The adventures all surround the asylum. This is not a published scenario though I am hoping to submit it as a monograph if it seems fun enough.

If you do wish to join, be aware that you must be open to crafting some sort of back story detailing private guilts, shames, secrets and joys, for your character. This doesn't need to be very long but is nonetheless quite important. Just make it reasonably convoluted and juicy and even half a page will do.
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Post by jabonko »

I've always wanted to play in an Asylum game, so I'd love to join! I'll do my best to participate fully while at the same time running my own game (Hurricane Cthulhu).

I think I would like to play an inmate. If you'll have me in the game, I'll PM you my character concept.
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Son of Yog-Sothoth
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Post by Laraqua »

Okay so I've got two patients. Anyone else up for it? C'mon, deep-seated conspiracies, dark histories, curses, hauntings and, of course, the Mythos.

You can have any back story you want (and half a page isn't actually how much you'd need, a concise paragraph could work) - so you could play the Queen of England, a ghost researcher, KGB or someone hunting for information on a long-dead sister who used to be at the asylum. Your character might be indefinitely insane, but they could also be right.

C'mon, there's a lot of intriguing things to investigate. Twisted angles in the architecture. Oddities in paintings. Weird gaps in people's personal histories. There are chances to die, go insane or even find some twisted form of redemption.
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Post by SkippyDude »

(Here is what I originally tried to post before the forum bug fiasco)

Definitely interested in joining!
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Post by SuAside »

i might be interested, but be warned, i'm rather new at this CoC stuff (while i've been a fan of the original stories for years, i've only recently picked up the PbP games and i've never played any of the tabletops).
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Son of Yog-Sothoth
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Post by Laraqua »

New? I could have sworn you were involved in one of these other campaign.

Sure, you can join. I've got a few newbies here myself.

Just decide what concept you want to play (heck, you could play the Queen of England). What equipment would you want to bring?
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Oh, also, check out my new blog on roleplaying and running games: http://stwildonroleplaying.blogspot.com/
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Post by SuAside »

i'm in Lure of the Nile & Terror on the Orient Express, but in neither of which i've seen actual action till now. :wink:

i was thinking of a guard as a primary character. (not a nurse, mind you, an actual guard)
probably an ex-soldier that came out of service & was looking for an easy job (but got turned down by the cops). atm i dont think he has any special motive to be there, other than employment.

patrolling the grounds, guarding the gate, checking who enters and leaves, helping the nurses if there was serious trouble in the wards. i bet there is plenty of disturbing stuff to see and hear at night when everything is dark and the shadows play tricks on you. :twisted:

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