The Dark Tower

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The Dark Tower

Post by Seppuku »

I want to run a Gigantic Dark Tower Campaign using the Cthulhu BRP system. I have almost worked out all the factions, exclusive classes, and special abilities, but I think it will run great with these rules. It will have some character creation rules that are a bit different. I am going to finish up my special rules, and type them up in the next couple of days.

This will be a fun game that covers many different eras, and genres, You can make as many characters as you want, alot of PVP. There will be a Civil war going on in In-World, a battle for survival in the Ancient City of Lud, and The fight to reach The Dark Tower in End-World. Some regular characters like Ranchers, Blacksmith's, and Barkeeps in the Calla's to Pawnshop Owners, Policemen, Gangsters, and Artists on Keystone Earth would be great too.
Keystone Earth will be on current world date, and time it will be alot like a modern day Cthulhu game, and once you hit the Highways in Hiding there is no telling where the story will go. You may want to finish your adventure, and return home, or you may want to continue on to The Dark Tower.
The Highways in Hiding connect Keystone Earth with All-World. On Keystone Earth, and in All-World Death is permanent, and time flows in one directions. On the Highways in hiding where reality is thin you may awaken in another world with choices to make that will effect the life you thought you had lost, and the lives of those who may be lost because of your actions.
All-World will contain 3 sections:
In-World - A civil war rages between the Line of Eld, and John Farson(The Good Man) The Timeline will be locked here, and if you leave to another world you can never return . (Manni included)

Mid-World - A Post Apocalyptic Wasteland containing the city of Lud. Where a War for survival between two rival gangs (Grays, and Pubes) in an ancient Dieing city is being fought, and also The Borderlands where the Callas team with life, and End-world lies just over the horizon.

End-World - A fould place where not even Devil grass Grows. Demons, and ghosts infest the land, Taheen, and Can-Toi work with Lowmen, and Vampires to capture those strong in The Touch, and force(sometimes bribe) them to become Breakers.

So if you like Western, Post Apocolyptic, Cyberpunk, Horror, Fantasy, War Epics then let me know.
“Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'”
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by SuAside »

seems like a very ambitious project.

are you sure you're not underestimating the scope of this? :)
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by Seppuku »

I hope not. I have alot of free time, and I really like the Dark Tower series. It will be rough at the begining, but I'm hoping to work with everyone playing to tweak the game mechanics. To make it a bit more balanced. I've set up a percentage chance roll needed to choose certain classes for both The Red, and the White. That way everyone won't be a gunslinger or strong in The Touch. it can all start in In-World, and branch out from there, or I can let people create characters in Keystone Earth, and let them develop some skills while the war takes place. I have beefed up the stats of the players for more survivablility. I am almost halfdone with my special rules. I finished all the World, Races, and Faction information lastnight. Now i just have to do classes, skills, NPC, and Powers. I haven't decided if I want to play in the actual storyline of the books, or make it happen after the Final book.
No matter what I decide on that though the war in In-world has already happened, and there is no going back there.
I'm gonna get back to reading about how the type-b vampires work in wolves of the calla.
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by Seppuku »

Ok so here is what I've got so far... This should cover the In-World Campaign

Worlds of the Dark Tower:

All-World consisting of three zones:

In-world which exists 100 years in the past for our story.

During this time a great Civil War is being fought between The

Affiliation, and "The Good Man"(John Farson). This is the only place

that a true gunslinger can be born. In-World was destroyed by the

Civil War so if you ever leave In-World you may never return.

Mid-World which lies just beyond "the Clean Sea" is a

Post-Apocalyptic Alternate United states. Inside Mid-World is the

Ancient city of Lud which closely resembles NYC. In this Dieing city

two rival gangs fight for survival, and do not welcome outsiders. On

the far side of Mid-World somewhere past Kansas are the Borderlands

which hold The Calla's. The Calla's resemble the old Baroni's of

In-World. Just past the Calla's lies Thunderclap; a poisonous mountian

range that marks the begining of the End-World.

End-World is a place of wretched evil creature's, and deadly

plague. Just on the edge of Thunderclap is Castle Discordia. Inside

the castle are 595 doors; some magical some technological that lead to

many other worlds, and locations in time. Deep within End-World is the

Minimum Security Prison known as Devar-Toi. This is home to the

Breakers. These Breakers were either bribed, or kidnapped. They now

work to destroy the Beams that hold up the Tower.

Time always moves forward in All-World, and Death is Final. Time flows

more slowly in All-World than it does on Keystone Earth. It's abou ta

4/1 ratio. ratio

Earth consisting of two realities: Keystone & Highways in Hiding

Keystone Earth is our world right to the most exact detail.

Time is the same to the minute. Time flows only one way on Keystone

Earth,but it does not flow at the same rate as in All-World. Death is

final. In this world the Rose(The physical embodiement of the Tower in

Keystone Earth) is protected by the Tet Foundation from the Evil

Sombra Corpration. North Central Positronics seems to be stuck in the

middle since they take contracts from both corporations.

Highways in Hiding symbolize unseen portals to Non Keystone

Earthworlds. In these worlds death is not always final, and an

infinite number of other worlds extend between Keystone Earth, and

All-World. The Laws of Time are not so rigid in these worlds as well,

and players can end up forming a paradox, or visiting another time

period. Reality is also extremely thin in some of these worlds.


The following races will be playable in The Dark Tower RPG. Certain

Races must start in certain zones.

Humans (All-World, Earth-Worlds)
Manni (All-World)
Ghost (All-World, Earth Worlds)
Vampire (End-World)
Can-Toi (End-World)
Taheen (End-World)
Slow Mutant (Mid-World)
Robot (Mid World, End-World)

Humans: +5 Bonus to all Attributes - Only Race that can be Gunslingers
Manni +10 Int Attribute Bonus - Start with Knowledge of Ka 33% -

Limited Classes
Ghost: - 3 Penalty to all Attributes - May Posses Structures, and

Vampire: +7 to all attributes - +3 to all Attributes per year +

Allergic to sunlight - Limited Classes
Can-Toi +7 to Str and Stam -7 to Int and Charisma
Taheen +5 bonus to all Attributes - +2 Bonus to Size - Limited Classes
Slo Mutant +6 Bonus to Str Stam, and Agi - 4 penalty to Int, Char, and

Wis - Limited CLasses
Robot +10 Bonus to Str and Int - Programming limitations


A faction will be chosen after choosing your race.

The factions for All-World are:

In-World - White (Affiliation, and Manni) Neutral (Ghosts) Red

(The Good Man's Army)

Mid-World - White (Calla Folken) Neutral (Pubes, and Grays in Lud

Only, Slo Mutants, ghosts) Red (Minions of the Crimson King

End World - White(N/A) Red (Minions of the Crimson King)

The Factions for Earth-Worlds are:

Keystone-Earth - White (Tet Foundation) Neutral (ghosts) Red

(Sombra Corporation)

Highways in Hiding - White (Tet Foundation) Neutral (ghosts) Red

(Sombra Corporation)


The New Classes will be Gunslinger, Manni Seer, Manni Walker,

Priest/Shaman, Affiliation Soldier,Exile, Big Coffin Hunter,Type 1,2,3

Vampires, Farson's Soldier, Farson's Spy, Vengeful Spirit, Restless

Soul, Low Man, Pube/Gray Scout, Pube/Gray Brawler, Pube/Gray Ranger,

AI, Program Reliant

White Classes of In-World:

Gunslinger - +50% to pistols, +50% Ride, +25% Sneak, +25% any 2 skills (Must Roll vs 25% to choose Gunslinger)

Abilities - +25% "Kill with your heart"(A guaranteed Critical hit, but

takes 2 rounds to complete) +25% Face of the Fathers (a save roll on

all non physical attacks)

Manni Seer - +50% Tower Understanding, +25% Library +25% Occult +25%

any one skill

Abilities - +25% Todash (A form of Astral Projection that is much more

dangerous) +25% Manni Chimes (A device used by the Manni to aid in

summoning Mystical gateways.

Manni Walker - +50% Tower Understanding, +50% Occult, +25% any one


Abilities - +50% Todash, +25% Manni Chimes

Priest/Shaman - +50% Faith, +25% Occult, +25% Library Use, +25% clubs

Abilities - +25% Word of Gan(a powerful attack against Vampires, and

Ghosts Causing a ring of blue fire in a 2m radius of the Caster. Those

within 2m will be horribly burnt, and will back away.) +25% Increase

Faith (Used to inspire faith in others, and to Reaffirm your own when

needed.) On succesful casting All characters of the White within 7m

Will be Given +25% Faith)

Affiliation Soldier - +25% Rifle, +25% dodge, +25% Spot Hidden,+25%

any 2 skills

Abilities - +25% Call to Arms(Calls for backup. On a succesful roll a

npc soldier will join the fight. This soldier will have a 33%

reduction to all attributes, and skills compared to those of the

Soldier who called him)

Neutral CLasses of In-World:

Exile - +50% pistols, +50% hide, +25% Sneak, +25% to any two skills

Abilities - +25% Kill with your Heart (Exile's may not benefit from

Ka, and suffer a -5% penalty to all of their rolls)

Red Classes of In-World:

Big Coffin Hunter - Big Coffin Hunters are Exile's who have enlisted

with The Good Man. The 5% penalty is lifted, and they are granted an

extra ability.

Abilities - All exile abilities, and +25% to Bloodlust(A savage

ability that when succesful doubles your attack per round for 4

rounds, but you are unable to stop attacking for the duration of the


Farson's Soldier - +25% Rifle, +25% dodge, +25% Spot Hidden,+25% any 2


Abilities - +25% Call to Arms(Calls for backup. On a succesful roll a

npc soldier will join the fight. This soldier will have a 33%

reduction to all attributes, and skills compared to those of the

Soldier who called him)

Farson's Spy - +50% Fast Talk, +50% Sneak, +50% Hide, +25% any one


Abilities - +25% Without a trace (Spy's hide skill is fortified

against spot hidden, and listen rolls)

Magician/Witch - +50% Occult, +50% Other Language, +50% +25% any other

two skills

Abilities - +25% Dark Pact (Caster can increase any one skill to 100%

for one round.)

The Touch, Ka, and Glamour

The Touch is the name for all telepathic abilities. Most people are

not gifted in the touch, but those who are rarely are proficient at

more than one form of it. The different schools of The Touch are from

most common to least... Telepathy, Telekenisis, Pyro-Telekenisis,

Psionics, and Teleporation. After you choose your class you get to

roll to see if you are gifted in the touch. If you roll a 25 or under

you have The Touch. Dependign on what you rolled you get certain

powers...25-21 Telepathy, 20-16 Telekenisis, 15-11 Pyro-Telekenisis,

10-6 Psionics, 5-1 Teleportation. You may choose any power that your

role qualifies you for. If you roll a 3-1 and do not choose

teleportation you may choose telepathy and one other.

Ka is the Universe at work. It is the force of destiny that flows

through all things. The red don't like to think about Ka, and are not

skilled in it's use. For the White it can be the greatest asset you

have. As you progress , Ka will guide you, and protect you if that is

the will of Gan. Ka can be used at almost anytime as a saving throw,

or to guide a bullet to it's mark. Ka is not some super power that

works wonders, but If you have enough faith in it, and knowledge of

your own destiny than it is invalueable. I will use Ka instead of

Cthulhu Mythos rules. Ka can drain away your sanity jsut as fast as

seeing your best friend chopped to pieces, but at least now it will be


Glamour is the Dark magic used by the Minions of the Crimson King. it

uses the same base roll system as the touch. A character who chooses

the Red may roll for Glamour before choosing a class. Glamour may only

be used by Witches and Magicians. the Breakdown for glamour abilities

is ... 25-21 Alchemy, 20-16 Healing Magic, 15-11 Illusion Magic, 10-6

Hexes, 5-1 Time Manipulation, and again if you roll a 3-1 and do not

choose Time manipulation you may choose alchemy along with any of the

remaining skills.
“Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'”
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Wow! That does sound like a huge scope. What fun. Could you play one of those bird face creatures from that part from the book where Susannah had her baby?
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by Seppuku »

Yes they are the Taheen. They are limited to being servants of the Crimson King, but I've only got enough written out for the In-word war so far. I would love some input or ideas on how to make this a more accurate Dark Tower conversion. I was considering letting people make Demons even, and Givin them sex magic. Back to the Taheen... I am kind of having trouble thikning of classes for them. Throughout the book they seems to be in middle management leadership positions. I'm thinking of just making them able to call some NPC for their powers, and make them tougher than humans. It's a shame to make only one class for an entire race though. The Can-Toi are the Animal Men who wore the human disguises. They are The "Low Men" of the Crimson King. I'm going to have to read through the books again to catch all of the details. I have thought of a crazy Highways in Hiding campaign involving Black 13... You remember where they left it right?
“Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'”
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by SuAside »

wasnt that the WTC?

(lockers in the subfloors)
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by DSIGFUSS »

well if your bring Black 13 intro the fray, better get ready for some serious sanity loss. Sounds like fun. When are you starting . What phase are you at?

How bout a robot character like Andy? So many great character ideas. Or some chick who can throw the plates, or one of the super stong mentally challenged kids.
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by Seppuku »

Ya I had robots, and the Sisters of Oriza would be good along with roont children. All three good ideas. I've gotten myself stuck now. I also am starting a All Flesh Must Be Eaten Game on myspace. I will get back to the tower sooner or later, but those were great ideas.
“Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'”
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Hey Seppuku...

You startin' this one soon?
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by coffee demon »

Sounds neat - I might be tempted.. my only comment is that I only read the first two books, so I have no idea what Keystone Earth, and all the other weird terms mean.

When you play the game, are you going to describe it for the players, then let them discover the universe for themselves?

i.e. I'd hate to have to say "I'm going to be a Sister of Oriza from the In-World, who is a servant of Lud" or whatever.

I'd rather see something like "You're starting in a world much like 1950's earth. Make up characters, they need to be related to each other, I'll introduce the world of Dark Tower through the game."

I think you'll get more player interest that way, and it will probably make for better storytelling.

Just my two cents!
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by DSIGFUSS »

That's a good idea coffee. If you've read all the books and are familiar with the world then you should make a Dark Tower character. If you aren't it would probably be more fun to play an out of time character. There are many ways into In-world and there are doors leading to many times. So you could make basically any character you want from any point in human history. Sounds really fun. Me personally, I've read all the books so I'd make In-world crazy ass character. Every story needs an Eddie (from the books ) and he didn't know squat about In-world before Roland brought him. If you haven't finished the books yet, I'd go for it. Book three blow chunks but the rest are really good.
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by coffee demon »

I think Book Three is where I stopped, because of the chunk-blowing.
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Did this idea just die?
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by trixie »

I think Seppuku just left the site altogether as he also quit Ash quite some time ago. He was playing in the Cinemaplex thread.
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by Mr. Handy »

Yeah, he last logged on on September 6, nearly 11 months ago. I remember him from the Cinemaplex thread in Ash. His friends who had been in that thread too disappeared around the same time.
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Re: The Dark Tower

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Somebody else with a similar passion for the Dark Tower and time to kill should start it up. I got the passion and would certainly play but I don't have the time to run it.
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