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Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:01 am
by Victoria Silverwolf
Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony; Or, Rites and Revelations

Upon their return to Harcourt House, the four guests discover that Mister Harcourt is still in seclusion within his locked room. After the frenzied activities of the previous evening, the relative calm of the manor house is a relief.

Davros, nearly fully recovered, offers a written message from Mister Harcourt.

Please forgive my inability to be address you in person. I will join you late tonight. It is vital that you be ready just before midnight to perform certain actions exactly as directed. I cannot emphasize this point sufficiently. Failure to follow my instructions to the letter may result in consequences harmful to all of us. I fully expect you to be faithful to your tasks.

Yr obt srv,

Wm Harcourt, Esq

As a matter of interest, the gypsy camp has moved on, leaving the tracks of its wagons behind. The guests may spend the day and the early evening in any manner which they choose.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:09 am
by Mr. Handy

While Henry has yet to concoct the formula he has learned, he isn't so sure that's what he should do today. It's unlikely to be of immediate use, and he can always do so at his leisure later. He knows that he could test it out by killing a small animal and bringing it back to life, but the effect would be temporary. The animal in question would be alive to start with, so killing it only to bring it back seems wasteful. Besides, what would Elizabeth think of him if he did that? He cannot bear the thought of her disapproval, nor does he want to be apart from her. Elizabeth...Not since Julia's passing has he ever felt this way about a woman, and he had thought he never would again. He has to accept the fact that he is falling for her, though to admit it to himself is daunting, for then he has to consider the danger of losing her. To admit it to her would be even more difficult, but if he never does, what chance does he have? For in that case, he would have lost her already. But how can he broach the subject with her? One thing is certain, he cannot do so unless he is with her. He goes to see what she wants to do today.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:45 am
by Rooter

Lila, still recuperating from her injury, is forced to spend the day resting in the house. "Would you care to join me for a game of whist, which requires two pairs of players, to help pass the time?" she inquires of the other guests.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 12:54 pm
by maelstrom
Duncan awakes from a restful night after the previous evening's troubles. He rises early and seeks any news of his companions, but they have not returned yet.

Wishing to find out any news on Mary and the mysterious stranger from last night, considering the early hour, he heads to where he knows there will be life, the kitchen.

His sudden appearance at the kitchen door seems to upset cook. “ oh sir you shouldn't be down here, it's not right”. He smiles and waves her concerns aside. “ I have come seeking three things from you. Firstly to check on Mary to see if she is coping with the trauma of her kidnap and detention. It is one thing to seek adventure in your life and quite another to have it thrust upon you. Secondly to enquire if there is any news about our mysterious guest from last night, has he woken yet? And finally and nearly most importantly could I please have one of your fine cups of coffee.”

Later whilst enjoying his coffee, Duncan see the carriage return and heads outside to meet his companions,eager to find out how miss Davenport fairs after her injury and to find out what occurred during the rest of the night. Whilst regaling their tales of the Dupray's, the door opens and Davros enters, looking much recovered, bearing a letter from Mr Harcourt.

After the company has read the note and are deciding on how to spend their day. Duncan sits thinking” so tonight's the night. And yet still so many unanswered questions and unexplained events. There is more to this than is apparent”. His thoughts are broken as miss Davenport asks if anyone is interested in playing whist? “ if you are willing to teach me the rules, then I will gladly play”

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:58 pm
by Priest

Despite being unable to recall the particulars of the night's dreams, Elizabeth is overjoyed at the prospect of returning to Harcourt Hall especially given recent events at the Dupray household. She is saddened by the departure of Antoine, but it is a temporary sadness. Soon she is delighted to find herself, once again, the object of attention from Henry.

To Lias's request she readilly agrees to making up the numbers for cards, though she confesses to having little skill in that direction. Posing in, what to many might seem an amateurish seductress manner behind her laquered Japanese fan, she flutters her eyelids at Henry, smiles, and in her sweetest tone says, "Dear Doctor North, could I prevail upon you to partner me in this game of cards. If you can spare the time of course?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:35 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Mary seems to be of stout heart, and is not unduly troubled by her misadventures. For the moment she is allowed to perform only light duties, kept company by her particular friend Davros.

The mysterious gentleman has not yet fully recovered from his injury. Most of the time he remains insensate. Once in a while he can be heard to murmur a few words in German. Doctor North is able to translate these as "find him" and "stop him" and similar phrases, devoid of specifics.

After the disturbing events of the previous evening, it is enjoyable to spend time in frivolous activities and light conversation. The game of whist, in particular, requires a high degree of concentration which allows one to escape from other concerns. It is, of course, a game which involves both luck and skill.
All four adventurers will please make Ability Checks on both Wisdom and Intelligence. Everyone except Miss Carrow herself may increase these abilities by 1 because she is present. These three may also decrease their Perversity to 11, since they are spending a full day in her company.

Later that evening, as the guests await the long-delayed reappearance of Mister Harcourt, Mister Dupray's servant arrives on horseback with a note. It is addressed to Miss Carrow, but it is not sealed and there is no indication that it is meant to be private; in fact, its contents reveal that it is to be shared with her companions.


The sight of poor Violette among the other miserable wretches confined to the hospital for lunatics has left me in a state of despair. Alas, now I comprehend all too well those immortal words of the greatest of all Italian poets. Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate!

It is no doubt due to my current state of melancholy, as well as my recent bout with brain fever, that I have been subjected to uncanny visions. I see translucent figures in the shape of two young women, pleading with me without voices.

Enough! I must trouble you no longer with my delusions. I merely wish to thank you and your friends for offering me a ray of light in the midst of darkness. Certainly you and they are welcome in this lonely house at any time. I request also that I be allowed, on some happier day, to call upon you.


Your Antoine

The hour is too late to make reply at this time. Mister Harcourt is about to appear.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:33 am
by Mr. Handy

Henry had returned Elizabeth's smile and had been delighted to be her partner at whist. While he had played a clever game, he had still been a little distracted by her presence.
OOC,Perversity reduced to 11. Wisdom roll (11 stat + 1[True Innocent] = 12): [dice]0[/dice] Intelligence roll (12 stat + 1[True Innocent] = 13): [dice]1[/dice]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:48 am
by maelstrom
Duncan listens as miss Davenport explains the rules, then they all settle down to play. Still not entirely sure he comprehends the game, Duncan is glad of the distraction.
wisdom 17 + 1[dice]0[/dice]
INT 9 + 1[dice]1[/dice]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:03 am
by Priest

Elizabeth does her best, but the recent drama and the note from Antoine distracts her slightly.
Wisdom and Intelligence,[url=]Wisdom: 8[/url]: [u]1d20[/u] [b]18[/b] [url=]Intelligence: 8[/url]: [u]1d20[/u] [b]19[/b]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:15 am
by Rooter

Lila is happy to be distracted for a time from the discomfort of her injury and the unsettling events of the past few days, not to mention their host's ominous instructions. In spite of her own habitual standoffishness she finds herself enjoying the company of the other guests, in particular that of Elizabeth, whose cheerful, virtuous manner lifts her spirits.

She has a bit of luck with the cards, which makes up for her middling skill at the game. Despite his claim to be unfamiliar with the game, she notes that Mister Rachman outplays them all with both uncanny luck and skill. She observes too Doctor North's frequent glances in Elizabeth's direction.
Wisdom check re whist: 12+1[dice]0[/dice]

Intelligence check re whist: 11+1[dice]1[/dice]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:02 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
It would appear that there is some truth to the old superstition of "beginner's luck." Mister Rachman has outplayed all the others, and he and Miss Davenport are triumphant. Miss Carrow and Doctor North do not seem overly disappointed by their loss, being more interested in each other's company.
Mister Rachman may add the Asset "Good at Games" [which I just made up] to his profile, and add three to any Ability, when an Ability Check is made involving a game of luck and/or skill.
At last Mister Harcourt appears. He seems more afflicted than usual. His skin is nearly dead white. Even with his cane he walks with great difficulty. When the remarkable events of the last two days are related to him, he is astonished, yet somehow does not seem overly concerned. Rather his attention is focused, almost to the point of monomania, on the procedures which he demands of his guests.

"A few minutes before midnight," he explains, pointing at the large clock in the great hall, "you must enter my room ready to act as I instruct you. I will be prostate on my bed. Miss Davenport must enter first. She will find the Hand of Glory above my head. She must light one of the fingers with a taper. This will place me into a sleep deeper than natural slumber.

"Doctor North must enter next. He must place the vial containing the preserved pineal gland -- the essence of humanity! -- by my right shoulder. Miss Carrow must enter next, and place the sprig of monk's hood by my left shoulder, to repel all that is inhuman.

"Mister Rachman must enter last. I am afraid that his task will be the most terrible, and the most important, of all. At precisely the last stroke of midnight -- not a moment sooner or later! -- he must take his dagger and plunge it into my chest. Do not be alarmed! I assure you that you will be not be performing an act of violence, but one of benevolence.

Please trust me, and do as I say. Do not allow whatever you may witness to weaken your resolve. My fate is in your hands."

As if to emphasize his words, Mister Harcourt removes his unique spectacles for the first time since his guests have seen him. His eyes are glowing red orbs, without pupils.

After this astonishing sight, the host retreats to his room. The four guests have an hour or so to discuss what they have seen, and what they will choose to do.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:31 pm
by Rooter

Though perturbed by their host's condition, Lila can readily understand his desire to be free from whatever supernatural curse afflicts him. "For my part I am willing to carry out our employer's wishes," she says to the others. "Though it would seem the crux of the matter lies in the hands, so to speak, of Mister Rachman."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:01 am
by Mr. Handy

"I have no problem with doing my part either," says Henry. "It seems a harmless enough action. It is only Mr. Rachman's task that will require a difficult decision. I cannot be sure why our host has asked this of us. Perhaps he has decided that death is the only cure for his affliction, but then why the other tasks? He must believe they will have some other effect, that he will in fact be cured of his condition. Either that, or he has gone to great lengths to convince us of it."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:50 am
by maelstrom
Surprised by the deed required of him and at Mr Harcourt 's revelation , Duncan sits quietly pondering his actions. Suddenly he realises the others have stopped talking and gave turned to look at him.
“ It is not the deed,in itself, that greatly concerns me. The ceremony is not one I have come across before, but the components required would seem to make some sense. But we have had warnings from our mysterious stranger, specifically in the form of the cards. Mine saying not to trust him.
It is the result of completing the ceremony that we do not know. Do we free Mr Harcourt and destroy his , demon for lack of a better word? Do we kill Mr Harcourt and free his demon? Or do we save Mr Harcourt but free his demon to take host elsewhere? Does not completing the ceremony bring about some dire event?
Duncan sighs deeply, “ It is times like this that I miss my Grandfather, he would have known what to do. It is my deed to carry through, but it could put us all at risk.”

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:12 pm
by Priest

Elizabeth, who had seemed distracted all evening and had continued to be so during Mr Harcourts speech, followed a few moments after his departure with a shrug as though awakening from a daydream. If she had noticed his eyes or colouring she gave no sign, "For my part, my actions in this...ritual...are small it seems but a small matter to simply carry the flower to his chamber and place it accordingly"

She gently closes the volume of romantic poetry that rested open yet unread on her lap, "However, I am not sure that Mr Rachman's part is proper. It seems to me that the strange requests of our host borders on a madness possibly worse than that of Violet Dupray. Surely none here believe that there can be any other outcome from this other than our host's death?"

She pauses in her speech as if thinking for a moment, "I give you that we have seen some strange things during our stay at this place, but to return from death? Surely this is a madness of the most dangerous sort?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 9:50 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
We have heard the chimes at midnight

-- The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth, Act 3, Scene 2

There would seem to be general agreement that little, if any, harm can come from the required activities of Miss Davenport, Miss Carrow, and Doctor North, and that they may possibly be of some use.

Mister Rachman is left to the dictates of his own conscience.

The hour approaches.


Miss Davenport enters Mister Harcourt's room. It is a small, spare chamber, containing a narrow bed and little else. There is one large window, through which the moon, which reaches complete fullness this night, shines brightly. As Miss Davenport approaches, she can see that Mister Harcourt is awake. His eyes are open, and without the spectacles they glow like coals in the darkness. When the Hand of Glory is lit and placed above his head, he immediately falls into a deep sleep. The reddish glow of his eyes, now closed, are replaced by a dim, eerie green glow from the lit finger. If it were not for the very slow and shallow rising and falling of his chest, he might be thought to be dead.


As Doctor North enters, he notices Mister Harcourt's state of uncommonly deep sleep, which resembles that seen in certain individuals who have consumed an excess of opium. Perhaps the gruesome artifact at his head produces a similar substance when exposed to heat. In any case, it is a simple matter to place the preserved gland at his right shoulder. Remarkably, once it is near the slumbering man, it dissolves into a fine mist, which, seemingly of its own accord, drifts through the air languidly. It enters Mister Harcourt's nostrils and vanishes.


Miss Carrow enters with the sprig of monk's hood. Like any ordinary flower, it is no longer in the same perfect condition as when it was first cut. (One cannot help but be reminded of the black rose, whose unnatural ability to remain fresh and fragrant remains unexplained.) As she places it at Mister Harcourt's left shoulder, it suddenly blossoms into its original state, and fills the room with an earthy, herbal, spicy scent.


As requested, Mister Rachman enters last, his dagger in hand. He bears a great responsibility, and faces a terrible decision. Perhaps if he used his knowledge of the preternatural to consider the situation in more detail . . .
Mister Rachman may choose to cast the Detect Magic Incantation. As it is a level one Incantation, casting it costs one-fifth of a Hit Point, which will heal naturally in a few hours. Obviously there are magical objects within the room, but a successful Ability Check against Wisdom (with the bonus for being near the True Innocent) made after the Incantation is invoked will reveal the general nature and purpose of these objects.

Whether or not he is able to learn more, Mister Rachman must make a decision. There is so little time left!


To the surprise of all, a fifth person enters the room. It is the masked highwayman, again with a pistol in his left hand. He raises the weapon and aims at Mister Rachman.

"Do not use that weapon, if you value your life!"
The four adventurers have a moment to act before the last stroke sounds. If Mister Rachman chooses to strike at Mister Harcourt with the kris, he may not take any other action.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:28 am
by Mr. Handy

Henry has many questions for the masked highwayman, but he only has time for one right now, so he asks the one that is most likely to distract him in case things turn violent. He recalls what Magda had said about her other son by Mr. Harcourt, the one who had gone bad. "Is Mr. Harcourt your father?" he asks.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:28 am
by maelstrom
As the tension in the room starts to build and Mr Harcourt slumbers under the influence of the hand, Duncan quietly casts detect magic, to see if he can gain any insight into the ceremony.
wisdom 17 + 1[dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:16 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
maelstrom wrote:As the tension in the room starts to build and Mr Harcourt slumbers under the influence of the hand, Duncan quietly casts detect magic, to see if he can gain any insight into the ceremony.
wisdom 17 + 1[dice]184856:0[/dice]
Mister Rachman gains a great deal of insight into the nature and purpose of the magical objects in the room. Mister Harcourt is under a curse which is transforming him into something inhuman. In a desperate effort to avoid this metamorphosis, he has researched possible ways to avoid such a fate. The Hand of Glory is used to induce a state of preternatural sleep, to withstand the pain of the procedure. The pineal gland, thought to be the seat of the human soul, is meant to strengthen his own. The monk's hood -- perhaps better named wolf's bane under these circumstances -- is intended to weaken the transformation. Mister Harcourt also hopes that the enchanted blade will drive away the curse entirely, although it is indeed a dangerous option.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:24 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:[img]

Henry has many questions for the masked highwayman, but he only has time for one right now, so he asks the one that is most likely to distract him in case things turn violent. He recalls what Magda had said about her other son by Mr. Harcourt, the one who had gone bad. "Is Mr. Harcourt your father?" he asks.
Without turning his aim away from Mister Rachman, the masked highwayman replies "If you already know so much, you must know why I am here."

The moment has fled!


Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:18 pm
by Priest

Throughout this entire exchange Elizabeth has kept quiet in fear that her slightest movement might cause the masked figure to fire his pistol. Now she awaits developments with a growing sense of trepidation.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 5:17 pm
by maelstrom
A cacophony of thoughts pour through Duncans mind, then as the final chime sounds,a peace settles on his mind, like the eye of a hurricane and the answer seems clear.
His dagger lowers slowly " Never is a curse cured with the edge of a blade, only ended." looking at Mr Harcourt lying in his unnatural repose " I am sorry to have failed you here, but this was not your answer. I will find a cure if there is one to be had."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:28 pm
by Rooter

Lila regards the masked highwayman warily. "Sir, we know not why, if Mister Harcourt is truly your father, you should wish to see him remain afflicted so."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:31 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
"You are a wise man, magician." The highwayman drops his pistol to the floor. "It would have been a shame to have killed you." He walks calmly to the head of the bed and nods at the Hand of Glory. "I believe this belongs to me. Thank you for recovering it, huntress. As for my reasons, you shall learn of them soon enough."

With his left hand he removes the glove from his other hand. It is a crude wooden prosthesis. "I lost it during an unfortunate disagreement with a party of His Majesty's soldiers." He removes his mask. The right side of his face is a mass of scars, the right eye socket empty. "They left me with reminders of our encounter. Fortunately, they now lie where they will never disagree with anyone again."

With a mighty blow of his left hand he knocks the Hand of Glory to the floor, snuffing its flame. "The enterprising resurrectionist who absconded with it after I had disposed of the brave troops was clever enough to hide it in a place where my dear father dared never go, lest he be reunited with his late wife. I believe you are acquainted with the lady. I imagine he neglected to relate the whole story; how their child was born dead, how she went mad with grief, how she devoured part of the infant's corpse, how he slew her in rage!" He bows to Miss Carrow. "Is that not a pretty tale, little songbird?"

During this impassioned speech Mister Harcourt is slowly returning to consciousness.

"If that story does not amuse you, perhaps this will. The bastard child of a Gypsy, despised by the race that fathered him, driven to thievery because he was hated as a thief as soon as he was born! He learned early to loathe his mother's broken English, and taught himself to speak so there was no trace of his shameful background. It is ironic, is it not, that his dear brother, so clearly one of the Gypsy race, was born without a trace of their supernatural power, while I, who never wished for it, have strength enough to curse the one who caused me to be born.

"Behold my curse!"

Mister Harcourt rises from his bed. His eyes glow more brightly than ever, as if he is consumed by an inner fire. His clothing rips apart as his body is twisted into bizarre shapes. Thick, dark fur appears on his skin. His face expands into a large snout, with crooked fangs. With a howl of agony he runs from the room, half-man, half-beast, and disappears into the night.

The highway man drops to his knees and laughs. "Do with me as you will, my friends. Vengeance is mine!"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 5:24 am
by Mr. Handy

Henry is still shocked by the transformation he has witnessed. Caterpillars turn into butterflies of course, but a man into a beast? How was it even possible? "I will not take your life, young man," he says at last when he recovers himself, "and not just because you would then be unable to answer questions. My next one is a simple one: Why?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:46 pm
by Priest

With a growing feeling of horror Elizabeth listens to the masked man's story, gasping with each reveal of scars. By the time the disfigured highwayman finishes his tale she is balancing on the edge of consciousness, and with the sudden, and unexpected, transformation of Mr Harcourt into something all together impossible, her grip on consciousness fails and with a despairing wail she crumples to the floor in a dead faint.

OOC: This seems like the kind of thing that would send her into the black oblivion of a faint.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

Henry again rushes to catch Elizabeth when she swoons, as if on cue.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:55 am
by Rooter

"So this explains the presence of the Ghoulish Revenant from the churchyard we slayed," Lila murmurs upon hearing the highwayman's dark tale. Concerned lest the creature which Mister Harcourt has become should turn attacker, she hurries from the bedchamber to ensure that the house's other occupants are safe, calling for Davros to inform him of events.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:23 pm
by maelstrom
Duncan listened as the highwayman spat forth his tale, his word bitter with bile t and venom for the man starting to writhe in the bed before him. As the hideous transformation takes place, Duncan looked on with dismay. Thinking to himself Did i make the wrong choice, could I have saved Mr Harcourt. For certain this fate, he did not deserve. glancing at the highwayman he see the almost maniacal delight gleaming in his eyes as his curse comes to fruition.

In that moment Duncan feels an animalistic snarl rise from the back of his brain and he can picture plunging his dagger into the highwayman’s heart over and over. The thoughts are broken as Miss Davenport dashes from the room calling for Davros. He blinks coming to himself and sees Miss Carrow swooned in the Doctors arms. He kicks the highwayman’s pistol towards the doctor “ If you wouldn’t mind making sure he doesn’t leave” and he heads out the door following Miss Davenport.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 3:15 am
by Mr. Handy

Henry sets Elizabeth down gently in a chair and retrieves the discarded pistol. Though he has his own, two are better. They take a long time to reload.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 11:14 am
by Priest

The faint passes and Elizabeth, eyelids a flutter, awakens as if from a strange dream. A dream in which a tall masked man with horrendous scars grinned madly over the barrel of a long pistol while the familiar figure of their host seemed to blur into something resembling a wolf. As her vision clears she sees that Henry, dear Henry, now holding two pistols, faces the disarmed brigand. She slowly gazes around the room, of Lila and Mr Rachman there is no sign. Likewise Mr Harcourt's bed lies empty.

"Henry, did I dream or has something awful occured?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 11:57 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:"I will not take your life, young man," he says at last when he recovers himself, "and not just because you would then be unable to answer questions. My next one is a simple one: Why?"
"You are an educated man, Doctor. Surely you are familiar with the words of Adam to God:

Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay
To mould me man? Did I solicit thee
From darkness to promote me?

Meditate upon them, and you shall find all your answers."

The highwayman makes no effort to defend himself, and seems grimly amused by the whole situation.

Meanwhile . . .

Miss Davenport and Mister Rachman find most of the servants awake in their nightclothes, alarmed by the howling of a beast, which seems to shatter the night. Davros is found in working clothes, a "Brown Bess" musket in his hands.

"What happens?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:35 am
by Mr. Handy

"I regret to say that something awful has indeed occurred, Elizabeth," says Henry somberly before replying to the highwayman. "Now I see. You wanted revenge upon your father for bringing you into the world unbidden, where you have suffered greatly. I too am well acquainted with sorrow. None of us has asked to be born, but here we are, and we need to make the most we can of our lives with what we have, while we can. Death comes for us all soon enough, and there is no need to hasten it or to cause others to suffer. You hate your father, but I loved mine, and he was taken from me too soon. What I wouldn't give to bring him back from the dead! Or my mother, or my wife and our baby..." He is on the verge of tears, but he holds them back. "Which brings me to my next question: the mystery of the black roses. How is it that they remain alive and fresh after being cut?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 3:29 am
by Victoria Silverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:""Which brings me to my next question: the mystery of the black roses. How is it that they remain alive and fresh after being cut?"
With his left hand the highwayman produces another of the strange flowers. Perhaps it was concealed under his sleeve, and this is merely a clever act of legerdemain.

"Examine it as you will. You will learn nothing. They belong to me, and I alone can supply them.

"Shall I tell you a fable? Once upon a time there was a man who fell among enemies. They left him wounded and dying. After a time another man came along, accompanied by a thunderstorm that seemed to tear apart the heavens. He was young, tall, and handsome, dressed in fine black velvet. His eyes were bottomless pits of blackness, his skin whiter than starlight on snow.

"'Come with me," he said.

"The dying man fired his pistol at him. It passed through his body without effect.

"'Come with me," he said again.

"'I am not yours to command," the dying man said. 'Go play your games elsewhere.'

"At that the stranger's eyes seemed to glow. 'I cannot resist a challenge.' He waved his hand and a chess set carved from bones appeared. 'You may have the first move. If you win, I will leave you, for now. If I win, you will come with me.'

"'And if there is no winner?'

"The stranger smiled. 'That very rarely happens.'

"The dying man felt strength return to his body. The game began. The stranger was a bold and clever player, and the dying man knew he could not win. He played cautiously. After many moves he manipulated the stranger into a stalemate.

"'Very well,' the stranger said. 'Now you are one of those who bear my mark.' A black rose blossomed from the blood-soaked ground. 'Remember me, and call upon me when you are ready to follow.'

"With that the stranger vanished. The man who was no longer dying took the rose with him. No matter how often he gave it away, another remained with him.

"Now was that not a strange dream the man had, Doctor?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 4:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"Strange indeed," muses Henry. "All the more strange for being true." If I cannot defeat Death, he thinks, perhaps I too can fight him to a standstill. I must be ready for him when he comes. "Is there any way your curse can be broken?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 11:02 am
by Priest

Elizabeth understands none of this but she realises the tenseness of this situation so keeps her council. The tale and the black rose fascinates her, as does the story of Henry's loss which would explain his sometimes sad moods.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 11:06 am
by Rooter

Lila quickly informs Davros of what has occurred. "Perhaps it would be prudent to mount a search of the grounds," she suggests to he and Mister Rachman.
OOC:   I'm unsure if Lila is recovered enough from her injury to be able to ride or otherwise mobilize? If she is then she will go with any search party, if not and if nothing else happens then she will return to the bedchamber.  

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 7:31 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Strange indeed," muses Henry. "All the more strange for being true." If I cannot defeat Death, he thinks, perhaps I too can fight him to a standstill. I must be ready for him when he comes. "Is there any way your curse can be broken?"
"Only when I am ready to follow that stranger into His kingdom, and that moment has not yet arrived. I understand that He never refuses invitations, although He may come in another shape. Make of that what you will."

Meanwhile . . .

Miss Davenport is well enough to resume vigorous activities. The only concern is that, if subjected to violent dangers, she may not be able to survive quite as serious a wound as when she is in perfect health.

The mysterious gentleman who was attacked by Miss Dupray's sling has recovered sufficiently to leave his bed. There is not much time for conversation, once he learns of the escape of the thing that was once Mister Harcourt.

"We are both hunters, Fraulein," he explains, "although I am not so skilled as yourself. My name is Friedrich Hoffer, and I have tracked the one who has injured us both across Europe for years. He has currently returned to England, and I had hoped to enlist your aid. But now it seems we have another task to perform."
Miss Davenport may attempt to track Mister Harcourt. She may add one to her Wisdom and make an Ability Check. She may also add one to her Intelligence and make an Ability Check to see if her skill in Demonology allows her to know more about the type of creature she is attempting to track.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:42 pm
by Rooter

Though her curiosity is piqued by this gentleman Hoffer's words Lila agrees that there are more pressing concerns at this moment -- the nature of Mister Harcourt's transformation and where the creature might now be headed yet eludes her.
Wisdom check re tracking: 12+1[dice]0[/dice]

Intelligence check re demonology: 11+1[dice]1[/dice]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:26 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Unfortunately the creature who was once Mister Harcourt does not resemble any preternatural being with whom Miss Davenport has had previous experience. Herr Hoffer, strictly an amateur, if a passionate one, at this business, is unable to be of much assistance. Nor has the creature left anything but a confusion of tracks.

It might be possible to request the aid of the other adventurers in attempting to track the creature, but that would take time, and the trail might grow cold. There is some possibility, although it is by no means certain, that the creature retains some memory of its human form, and seeks someone familiar to it. If so, it is likely to head either in the direction of the departing gypsy caravan, or to the Dupray cottage. A lucky guess could head off the creature, but an unlucky one could lose it completely.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 3:02 am
by Mr. Handy

"What stratagem did you use to force the stranger into a draw?" asks Henry. "The same trick might not work twice, of course, but then again it might."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 3:51 am
by Victoria Silverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"What stratagem did you use to force the stranger into a draw?" asks Henry. "The same trick might not work twice, of course, but then again it might."
The highwayman finds this amusing. "You are no player at chess, it seems! There are more possible variations of that game during even a small handful of moves than stars in the heavens! To force a stalemate against such a player, you must be ready to consider every possible move in every possible situation. I can advise you no further, as we have not eternity to discuss the countless ways in which to lose.

"One thing more. The One you seek to best is honor-bound to accept all challenges of luck or skill. Those who lose, lose all. Those who triumph, triumph only for a while. Think upon that before you call Him."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:04 am
by Mr. Handy

"I have no intention of calling upon him any time soon," says Henry with a wry smile. "I'm sure he will call upon me in due time, and I will need as long as I can get to prepare."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:34 am
by Rooter

Outside, Lila realizes that, right or wrong, a quick decision is called for while the creature's trail is still fresh. "Given our host's evident acquaintance with the Gypsy leader Magda, and that those folk are known to have a troubled relationship with abominations of the night, we might try our luck by heading in the direction their caravan took," she suggests.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:42 pm
by maelstrom
" My very thoughts, Miss Davenport. Maybe he hopes Magna can aid him. No time to be wasted though, for I am sure the beast will be fleet of foot."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:15 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Miss Davenport and Mister Rachman are quickly supplied with horses. Davros and Herr Hoffer insist on coming along as well.

It is a simple task to follow the ruts left by the wheels of the Gypsy wagons. They have reached open country, and are in the process of making their camp. A small fire illuminates the brightly painted wagons. Beyond the reach of its welcoming light, the full Moon paints the fields and woods with silver.

Davros dismounts and engages a few of the Gypsies in their own language. He nods at what he hears, and heads off into the surrounding forest without another word.
The adventurers may make an Ability Check against their Intelligence, with the 3 point bonus for Gift for Languages, to determine if either or both are familiar with the Romany tongue.
Herr Hoffer examines the wagons. "Silver crosses, strands of garlic, wolf's bane. The traditional protections against evil. These people are obviously not unacquainted with unnatural beings."

The camp seems to be quiet. The inhabitants are wary, but not unwelcoming.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:50 pm
by Rooter

"Indeed, Herr Hoffer," Lila murmurs, recalling her and the other three guests' previous meeting with the formidable Magda. She glances around the firelit camp, wondering where the Gypsy queen might be. Lila has picked up enough words of the Romany language over the years to at least follow the gist of the traveling folks' speech.
Intelligence check re language: 11+3[dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:05 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Wruter wrote:
Intelligence check re language: 11+3[dice]185127:0[/dice]
Miss Davenport is able to understand that Davros asked where his mother had gone, not seeing her about the camp. The other Gypsies responded by telling him that she had gone into the forest to gather herbs.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:33 pm
by Rooter

Lila quietly relays to her two companions that she has overheard of Magda going into the forest to gather herbs. Uneasy, she peers off at the dark trees. "She has left the protection of the wagons, and with a creature whose nature we are unaware of on the loose. Perhaps we should go after Davros to ensure that he and his mother return safely."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 3:58 am
by Victoria Silverwolf
Wruter wrote:
Lila quietly relays to her two companions that she has overheard of Magda going into the forest to gather herbs. Uneasy, she peers off at the dark trees. "She has left the protection of the wagons, and with a creature whose nature we are unaware of on the loose. Perhaps we should go after Davros to ensure that he and his mother return safely."
Miss Davenport may attempt to track Davros, but will NOT receive the plus one bonus to her Wisdom, as she is not attempting to track a preternatural being. However, she may take a bonus of two for tracking through an infrequently traveled area. If Mister Rachman attempts the same thing, he may take a bonus of two points for the same reason, but will have to subtract ten (net loss of eight points) for lack of tracking experience.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:42 am
by maelstrom
" I think that would be prudent Miss Davenport, Magda my well hold some answers towards curing the curse and we have no idea how much control, if any, Mr Harcourt has over the beast."
Heading towards the tree line, Duncan starts scanning the ground looking for signs of recent passage.
wisdom 17 - 8 [dice]0[/dice]
Spotting signs Duncan calls out " Miss Davenport, this way I believe" and heads off into the woods following the trail.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 5:08 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Not far into the woods Magda and Davros are found engaged in earnest conversation. It is evident that the young man is concerned for her safety. As the two adventurers arrive and relate the extraordinary transformation they have witnessed, the Gypsy woman shows signs of distress.

"Poor William! The beast-man can only be created by Gypsy curse. Who has done this thing?"

"I not know," Davros says. He turns to the other two with a questioning look.

In the distance, the howl of a wild animal fills the night.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:46 pm
by Rooter

"It was a disfigured highwayman who claims to be your son and Davros' brother," Lila replies. She is about to continue when the sound of the howl freezes the words in her throat. Perhaps it is regular wolves but perhaps not. "Come, madam," she says urgently to Magda. "You should return to the safety of the camp at once while we attempt to subdue the beast." A sudden thought strikes her. "Unless you know of a way to lift the curse?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:05 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Both Magda and Davros are struck with shock to learn the source of the curse is of their own blood. From their excited comments, in a broken mixture of both English and Romany, it is evident that neither expected to hear from their lost relative again.

"I kill him," Davros swears.

"No!" Magda pleads with her son, but to no avail. Davros rides back to Harcourt House in a fury.

When the Gypsy woman has been restored to a relative state of calm, she denies knowing any way to lift the curse, short of death or divine intervention.

Herr Hoffer takes the two adventurers aside. "I am not a great scholar of atavistic metamorphoses," he says, "but I believe that certain obscure methods have been suggested to reverse their effects, known to but a few. Discovering them would take a great deal of time devoted to research, I'm afraid. Meanwhile, Mister Harcort -- or, rather, the thing that once was Mister Harcourt -- must be captured and controlled, or destroyed."

Another bestial cry fills the air.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 10:18 am
by Rooter

"Herr Hoffer is correct," Lila says. She looks over at the Gypsy woman. "Since the beast may be seeking Magda perhaps it would be best if we stayed with her. She may lead the beast to us and could also be of help in controlling it. We must be prepared to destroy it if necessary but let us not tell Magda of our intentions since I fear she would not react in a happy manner."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:46 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Loud barking interrupts the conversation. The sound seems to be that of a pack of dogs confronting their prey. A few times a sharp yip is suddenly cut off, as if one of the curs has been slain.

Upon investigation, it can be seen that, not far away, the Gypsy dogs are engaged in battle with what at first seems to be a human figure. When the adventurers move closer, it can be seen that it is dressed in Mister Harcourt's torn clothing. Its eyes glow like fire. Its arms -- or perhaps one should say forelegs -- are longer than those of a normal human being, and end in hairy paws with sharp claws. Its face, as well as all areas revealed through the ripped clothing, are covered in fur.

When it catches a glimpse of Magda, it attempts to speak, but the fact that its mouth is full of large fangs renders its speech unintelligible. The dogs snap at it furiously, as if they are enraged, but appear to do little damage. When it is able to strike at one of them with its claws, the animal is nearly torn in two, its body thrown a large distance away, revealing enormous strength.

Magda rushes to it. As if it is unable to control its savage urges, it strikes at her with the back of a paw, avoiding the use of its claws. The Gypsy woman is tossed on the ground as if she were no more than a child's doll and is rendered insensate. It turns it attentions to the others.

Meanwhile . . .

Davros arrives back at Harcourt House. He rushes into Mister Harcourt's room, where he finds the two guests and his brother. He aims his musket at his brother. Trembling, he seems unable to decide whether to fire the weapon or not.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:35 pm
by Mr. Handy

Henry extends his hands slowly in a calming gesture. "Davros, do not do this,' he says. "What your brother has done is terrible, but shooting him would be terrible as well, and it will not make things better. Believe me, you do not want to take a human life, especially not your own brother's. I've only taken a human life once, and I have no intention of doing so again. That was self-defense, and I feel awful enough about it, but this would be cold-blooded murder. You are not a murderer, Davros. Do not become one now. If that is not enough to persuade you, I must remind you that you owe me a debt. I saved your life after your brother's band held up your coach. In return for giving you your life, I ask only that you spare your brother's. A life for a life, and your debt shall be paid in full."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:41 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Doctor North:
Because you are using Reason in an attempt to persuade the highly conflicted Davros, please make an Ability Check against your Intelligence to see how convincing your arguments are.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:26 am
by Mr. Handy

Henry can see that his words have had the desired effect.
OOC,Intelligence roll (12 stat +1[True Innocent] = 13) to convince [b]Davros[/b] to spare his brother: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:44 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Davros lowers his weapon, unable to deny the wisdom of Doctor North's words.

"My dear brother has not the heart to play Cain," the highwayman says. He rises to his feet. "If you will excuse me, I have other business to which I must attend." He walks slowly, almost languidly, as if merely out for a stroll.

Davros spits out a few words in Romany.

"Ah! My goodhearted sibling wishes me to Perdition. No doubt his request will be granted soon enough.

"I have accomplished my purpose here. If we ever meet again, it will be merely a matter of economics."

With that he exits the room.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:02 pm
by maelstrom
Turning to Miss Carrow and Herr Hoffer,
“ My Grandfather used to tell tales of the Anjing ajak, the wolf man. But I always believed they were tales, now I know he was teaching me as always. But I only remember them as tales of black magic and death. I hope that one of you has knowledge of how to contain this beast, for it would lay heavy on my soul if there is no redemption for Mr Harcourt.”

Duncan lowers into a low crouch, his dagger raised at arms length, in preparation of beasts onslaught. The beginnings of an incantation murmur in the back of his throat.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:24 pm
by Rooter

Lila tenses as the man-beast turns toward them. She has her dagger quickly drawn but, having witnessed their quarry's inhuman strength against the dogs, realizes any direct physical attack may be foolhardy, especially in her already-injured condition. She edges toward the unconscious Magda. Perhaps, since the man-beast has retained enough humanity to seek out his Gypsy lover, she can appeal to that vestige of conscience? "Mister Harcourt!" she shouts. "William!"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:52 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Duncan lowers into a low crouch, his dagger raised at arms length, in preparation of beasts onslaught. The beginnings of an incantation murmur in the back of his throat.
Is there a particular spell you wish to cast?
"Mister Harcourt!" she shouts. "William!"
Please make an Ability Check against your Wisdom to see if your appeal is able to pierce the curse's effect on his mental faculties.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 3:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"I did not give you leave to depart," says Henry, hurrying after the highwayman. "What exactly is this other business of yours?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 3:42 am
by Victoria Silverwolf
The highwayman pushes Doctor North back roughly. "That is none of your concern. Now, shall we break company amiably, or must I resort to force?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:19 am
by Mr. Handy

Henry backs off, not desiring to shoot him, especially not after having just kept Davros from doing so. He has his doubts about how effective it would have been, anyway. We should have bound him when we had the chance, he thinks. "No force is necessary," he says. "You know I wish you no harm. I ask only that you reconsider what you have done to your father. Vengeance is not worth the cost."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:02 am
by Rooter

Lila can see that her entreaty has had no effect on the man-beast and she braces herself for an attack.
Wisdom check re curse: 12+1 danger bonus[dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:20 am
by maelstrom
Duncan will prepare daze, but will only cast if the beast moves to attack any member of the group. Hoping it will daze the beastial side and allow Mr Harcourt a measure of control

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 3:38 pm
by Priest

Despite her obvious confusion at the turn of events, Elizabeth watches as the tall scarred highwayman departs the room swiftly pursued by Henry. Alone other than the brooding Davros she looks to where the window looked out into the night. "So sir, is there news of your father's location, and his state of being?"

In the other room she can hear the subdued tones of Henry in conversation with another, and realising who this other is feels she must attempt to prevent Davros from pursuing and acting out of hatred...

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 8:20 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
In response to Miss Carrow's inquiries, Davros at first only shakes his head, apparently too distraught to answer. He makes no attempt to pursue the highwayman further. A moment later he says "I go to him. Follow if you are brave." He returns to his horse, waiting only a moment to see if the other will accompany him.

The highwayman lifts his hat and bows low to Doctor North. "I take my leave. We shall see how true a prophet you may prove." He pauses to look at Miss Carrow, and seems to lose some of the arrogance in his manner. "Think of me what you will, but remember this: I have never harmed a woman." With that he disappears into the night, no doubt to a place where his own steed is hidden.

Meanwhile . . .

It is apparent that whatever part of Mister Harcourt remains rational is beyond the ability of Miss Davenport to reach. He snarls savagely at the dogs and humans. It would appear that there is no way to predict what his next action will be.
1 = the dogs
2 = Magda
3 = Herr Hoffer
4 = Mister Rachman
5 = Miss Davenport
6 = runs away
With a sudden burst of rage the beast-man moves to attack Herr Hoffer. Mister Rachman gestures at the creature as it launches itself at the man.
A saving thrown against the target's wisdom negates the effect of daze. In his current form, Mister Harcourt has a wisdom of 9.
Before it can make its intended attack against the German visitor, the creature is brought to a halt by the effect of Mister Rachman's actions. It seems confused and stands still, as if mesmerized.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 8:57 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Elizabeth, if you wish to accompany him, I shall go with you," says Henry. "If you would rather not, then I shall remain with you."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:05 pm
by maelstrom
Duncan sees the wolfman pause,
"HARCOURT " he yells, " Remember yourself, this is not who you are, Remember!"
If possible Duncan will try to use sanctuary on Mr Harcourt's presence, to seperate him from the attack of the beast within.
With all the mental strength he can muster Duncan pictures himself grabbing the snarling maw of the wolf, burring his fingets into the fetid fur and tearing it away, as if a mask, to reveal the face of Mr Harcourt.He calls something in a foreign tounge.
"Lord Barong, show him your light!".

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:27 am
by Victoria Silverwolf
Congratulations on coming up with a very imaginative way to use the Sanctuary spell. The beast-half may still be able to negate it with a successful ability check against wisdom.
The attempt to restore Mister Harcourt to full rationality has failed. The stubborn beast-soul is too powerful, it seems.

However, the effect is enough to render the creature stunned for a moment. The adventurers will have time to perform further actions before it does anything else.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:14 am
by Priest

"As you wish sir" calls Elizabeth after the departing Davros, "But pray give me a moment to fetch a coat"

As she pulls the heavy woolen riding coat on she glances over at Henry, "Please do dear Henry, for we may have need of your pistols I fear"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:09 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Then let us be off, Elizabeth," says Henry, helping her on with her coat. He offers her the pistol that the highwayman had dropped. "You are welcome to this one, if you like. It is generally a good idea to use both hands when firing it, or one is likely to break one's wrist."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:47 am
by Priest

Elizabeth takes the large horse pistol pistol with as much delicacy as she can, making certain to avoid the trigger. Both length and weight make it look ridiculous in her small hand, and she eyes the thing nervously. "Thank you, but I decline for I am afraid that I would prove as dangerous to my friends as I would to some enemy. Perhaps it is best kept by yourself or handed to Davros, though I think he would be loathe to fire upon his father whatever the reason"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:39 pm
by Mr. Handy

"You're quite welcome," says Henry, taking the pistol back as he heads out after Davros with Elizabeth. "In that case, I shall hold onto it for now. Perhaps Miss Davenport can make use of it when we catch up to her."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:40 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
When Miss Carrow and Doctor North arrive, they find a troubling scene. Their fellow adventurers quickly narrate the night's extraordinary events. Miss Davenport will gladly accept the pistol. For a moment events seem at an impasse. Then the man-beast emerges from from his confusion and takes action.
1 = dogs
2 = Magda
3 = Herr Hoffer
4 = Mister Rachman
5 = Miss Davenport
6 = Miss Carrow
7 = Doctor North
8 = runs away
As if he bears some strange hatred for the German visitor, once again the creature strikes out at him.
The creature has a dexterity of 15 in this form.
Fortunately for Herr Hoffer, its sharp claws barely miss his flesh, tearing only his coat instead. The creature halts its attack for a time to howl at the moon.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:31 am
by maelstrom
The beast is winning
Duncan thought with a sinking heart.
The Soul of the land was First Born, then, that of the Animal and finally there came the lives of Men. The Land is the Eldest, Duncan, Never forget that. The Mountains, the Earth and the Sky. They hold the privilege, of an ear to the God. Behold to your Elders in all things, and in all things you will better.
He herd the resonant voice of his Grandfather Prounounce.
"HENRY, for her souls sake, get Elizabeth out of here"
“Lila, look to Hoffer, I will take care of Magna. Nobody shoot unless he attacks” He cries.
Duncan moves over towards Magda’s inerert body. Shielding Her body with his, he removes his jacket and carelessly, tosses it aside. Reaching up he grabs the collar of his shirt and rips it down, buttons shedding like chaff in the wind. His Shirt cast aside, he seeks, and grabs hold of one of the gypsy’s dogs collars and draws it to him.

Duncan’s eyes meet with that of the Wolf.

It Lifts it head and howls at the Moon. Despair, rich in It’s voice, Hunger it’s master.

Slowly Duncan draws the sacred blade across his bare chest. The Tattoo’s on his back, thirsting for his Sacrifice, to the Spiritual force of Java. Fresh Blood spills forth and Duncan smears it across the head of the dog.
He throws His knife down and takes hold of the dogs collar and flings it towards the Wolf.
“ Feed if you must, WOLF. But Remember you are a MAN. We Stand here, Guardian’s of your fragile soul. Be the Land, be the Sky, BE THE SOUL OF MEN AND STAND WITH US ”

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:46 am
by Mr. Handy

Henry positions himself between Elizabeth and the beast that was Mr. Harcourt to shield her. He holds his pistol ready, but he holds his fire until and unless the creature tries to attack.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:16 am
by Victoria Silverwolf
It would seem that the combination of human blood, whose scent is no doubt irresistible to the creature, and an easy victim in the form of the Gypsy cur make the beast-man forget all else. With remarkable speed it seizes the animal in its forelimbs and devours it in a matter of seconds. When this gory task is completed it collapses to the ground. Like fog melting in sunlight, the creature's fur, claws, and fangs vanish. Limbs reshape themselves into human form. Mister Harcourt, his clothing torn, filthy, and bloody, lies before them, completely insensate.
Given this astonishing and horrifying sight, Miss Carrow should make an Ability Check against Charisma to avoid fainting. The adventurers will have either two or three insensate persons to deal with.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:02 am
by Rooter

Though somewhat taken aback by Rachman's strange ritualistic actions, upon seeing the beast vanquished Lila sheathes the pistol Doctor North had provided and, after ensuring that Herr Hoffer is unharmed, considers the prone form of Mister Harcourt. "We should restrain him until he comes round, for his own safety as well as ours. I will ask the Gypsies for assistance." She hurries back toward the nearby camp, trusting that Davros and Hoffer will stand guard while the doctor looks after Elizabeth and Magda.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:25 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Agreed," says Henry. After making sure Elizabeth is all right, catching her again if she swoons, he goes to look after Magda.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:18 pm
by Priest

Elizabeth struggles to take in the blur of events. So much blood and horror.
Charisma,[url=]Charisma roll to avoid fainting: 11[/url]: [u]1d20[/u] [b]10[/b]
For a moment all seems to swim and begin to grow black, yet Elizabeth steels her nerve, takes several deep breaths and holding tight to Henry's sheilding arm keeps her feet.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 4:09 am
by Victoria Silverwolf
The Gypsies seem reluctant to have anything to do with the unfortunate Mister Harcourt.
Miss Davenport may make an Ability Check against Charisma, adding the one point for the presence of Miss Carrow, to see if she can persuade the Gypsies to assist her.
Doctor North is able to determine that Mister Harcourt has suffered no physical harm other than his disheveled state. Medical aid does not seem called for, and all efforts to bring him back to consciousness are without result.

Magda, on the other hand, has clearly suffered a severe blow to the head, although there is no external bleeding. It would seem likely that her condition is the result of excessive blood in the brain.
Doctor North may attempt to bleed the patient to restore her to consciousness. This would require an Ability Check against Dexterity, with the addition of three points for the profession of medicine and one point for the presence of Miss Carrow. Success will bring Magda to her senses. Failure, however, will inflict 1d6 of damage.
Herr Hoffer offers an observation. "It cannot be mere coincidence that I was twice the target of the creature's attack. It seems possible that there is some connexion between the curse borne by this unfortunate personage and the enemy whom I have sought across the continent and onto this isle. It would be a long and difficult task to find a cure for this unnatural affliction, but the effort may enable me to track down the mutual enemy of Miss Davenport and I."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy

"She is suffering from blood on the brain," says Henry after examining Magda. "I'm going to have to bleed her. It's not without risk, but I believe I can revive her." He knows that he still has the Cauteriser to stop the bleeding if anything goes wrong, so he feels confident about this - and wrongly so.
OOC,Dexterity roll (10 stat + 3[Profession(Doctor)] + 1[True Innocent] = 14) to revive [b]Magda[/b]: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 5:46 am
by Victoria Silverwolf
Although bleeding is the standard procedure for many different ailments, it cannot be denied that it is a risky procedure at best. In this particular case, it seems to have done more harm than good.
Magda has six hit points, now reduced to four.
The loss of blood renders the Gypsy woman's dark skin a paler shade. It is evident that she will require a great deal of time to recover her senses. The injury caused by bleeding is not severe enough to require the use of the Cauterizer, but it may be possible to render First Aid, although even basic medical care is not without risk.
"Bind Wound" (the Cauterizer) only works on a person whose hit points have been reduced to zero or less. Doctor North may attempt to render First Aid, using the same procedure and bonuses as Bleeding. Success restores one hit point, failure loses on hit point.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 10:17 am
by Rooter

Lila's attempts to request the Gypsies' aid prove in vain and she returns to the others to inform them that they will have to remain vigilant while transporting their host back to Harcourt House. She watches with concern as Doctor North attempts to treat the evidently weakening Magda. At Herr Hoffer's observation she nods and says, "I would be quite willing to assist in this matter, sir."
Charisma check re Gypsies: 6+1[dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 10:40 am
by Victoria Silverwolf
The Gypsies definitely do not wish to have anything to do with these strange events. In fact, from what Miss Davenport can understand of their language, it is clear that they would rather abandon their "queen" and move on, as they consider her to have been marked for bad luck. Several of them make traditional gestures against the Evil Eye as they depart.

It would seem that the adventurers must deal with the two insensate persons on their own.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:27 pm
by Priest

Elizabeth watches the departing Gypsies, horrified that they would show so little concern to one of their own, especially she who had been their leader until now. Pulling he gaze back to her immediate surroundings, she looks with a growing sense of trepidation toward the sleeping pair. "What can I do to help?" she cries aware that they need to return to the Hall, if Mr Harcourt is to be healed.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 1:59 pm
by Rooter

"Let us fetch the horses and make ready to depart," Lila says, hoping to calm a clearly unnerved Elizabeth. "Perhaps we will need to bring back a carriage if they cannot be supported in the saddle. Doctor North, will Magda be well enough to undertake the physical stresses of the journey to Harcourt House this night, or must we seek an alternative arrangement?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 10:22 pm
by maelstrom
Duncan, looking pale and drained, rejoins the group. His shirt bound around his chest, crimson with his blood and his jacket fastened back in place.
Turning to the Ladies,
" My applogies for my brusque and savage actions, I hope the sight has not offended too much. I had to try, the Beast was raging and Mr Harcourt's voice was lost in the tempest of hunger, the distraction worked and Mr Harcourt found his way back to us,...this time."
" What is your opinion Doctor, can Magda be moved safely? Im sure we would all feel better back within the walls of Harcourt House, if that is possible."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:48 am
by Mr. Handy

"I think she can manage the journey," says Henry. "She's tougher than you might think. Of course, we'll have to carry her. She isn't going to wake up any time soon. Davros should be able to help us with his mother. Let me just see if I can minimize the damage." He attempts to treat her and undo some of the damage the bleeding has caused. Duncan looks as though he has been bled too much as well, but he is well enough that he can wait for now.
OOC,Dexterity roll (10 stat + 3[Profession(Doctor)] + 1[True Innocent] = 14) to treat [b]Magda[/b] with First Aid: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:02 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Basic medical care has restored Magda's color to some degree. With some effort, the adventurers are able to carry both insensate persons back to Harcourt House. Of course, since they must proceed at a slow walking pace, this takes most of the rest of the night.

Upon arrival, Herr Hoffer suggests that it would be best to ensure that Mister Harcourt be restrained, lest the transformation recur. There is general agreement that this is wise counsel.

After a long, deep sleep, well into the morning, the adventurers spend a mostly unremarkable day. There is much suspense as to what the night will bring. As forecast, the metamorphosis holds the unfortunate gentleman in its grip once the Moon has risen. Fortunately, the restraints hold fast. Careful examination reveals that the creature is somewhat less formidable than last night. Herr Hoffer speculates that this may have something to do with the fact that the Moon is no longer completely full. Be that as it may, it is evident that Mister Harcourt no longer constitutes an active threat to the safety of those around him, as long as the restraints are secured each evening. The next full Moon may prove a different matter.

Herr Hoffer has a notion. General Charles Rainsford, equerry to the Duke of Gloucester (the King's brother, of course,) besides being a distinguished military commander, is also known to be a enthusiastic student of the occult and esoteric. Not only is he a very high-ranking Mason and a member of the Order of the Rosy Cross, he has also conducted alchemical experiments with his close friend Hugh Percy, the Duke of Northumberland. If an audience could be arranged with that august personage, it is possible that information relevant to Mister Harcourt's condition might be obtained.

Magda's condition improves slowly. She is occasionally lucid, and is able to take small amounts of nourishment.

Besides the concern over Mister Harcourt's condition, thought by the staff to be some sort of debilitating disease, the kitchen gossip mostly concerns Mister Dupray. According to his single servant, who keeps ears, eyes, and tongue active, he continues to suffer from disturbing dreams, and has entered a state of languid melancholy.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:08 pm
by Rooter

"I believe this may be worth the attempt," Lila agrees at Herr Hoffer's notion. "However, my own reputation among the societal elite is somewhat tarnished by past circumstances. Perhaps if the request for an audience with General Rainsford were to be issued by Doctor North, at least in name, we might enjoy a better chance of acceptance."

Upon hearing of Antoine Dupray's sad state in the wake of troubling recent events she feels a momentary tug of sympathy for the lovelorn romantic, but it seems to her there are others better suited to offer comfort than she.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy

"Dukes may outrank an Earl," says Henry, "but I still might warrant their attention. They may even have heard of me already - though that could be somewhat of a disadvantage. Still, it is worth the effort. I shall write a letter at once requesting an audience."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:10 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Dukes may outrank an Earl," says Henry, "but I still might warrant their attention. They may even have heard of me already - though that could be somewhat of a disadvantage. Still, it is worth the effort. I shall write a letter at once requesting an audience."
Please provide a description of the contents of the letter, particularly outlining the reasons for the request.
It will, of course, require some time for a response to the letter to arrive, General Rainsford having a great deal of correspondence to which he must attend.

The four guests may choose to return to their London lodgings and await a response to the appeal for an audience, or they may choose to remain at Harcourt House. Mister Harcourt's transformations should not prove more than Herr Hoffer and the servants can deal with, until the next full Moon.

In either case, the passage of time and the extraordinary experiences they have shared will prove to be not entirely without benefits.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:24 pm
by Priest

Upon hearing of Antoine Dupray's malaise, Elizabeth is griefstricken that she might be the cause of it. Listening to the views of the others she interposes, "If I might be allowed to call upon Monsieur Dupray. I might be of some use in helping him to overcome this affliction. An affliction for which we are, no doubt, in a small way responsible for" She is of course referring to the recent occurence with his sibling. "I would welcome the accompaniment of any of you willing to come with me" She looks straight at Dr North, "However I will understand if other business is more pressing and will go alone if needs be"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"I would like to accompany you, Elizabeth," says Henry. "I've already written the letter, so there is no reason to remain here. I may be of aid to him too, especially as I am no stranger to melancholy. I can't blame him for falling in love with you, of course. How could he not?"
Text of the letter,[color=purple] "Dear [b]General Charles Rainsford[/b], I humbly request your assistance in arranging an audience with the Duke of Gloucester for myself and my colleagues, as we have need of his expertise. We are currently staying as the guests of [b]William Harcourt, Esquire[/b], and he is suffering from an unusual affliction that is beyond my ability to cure, but perhaps the Duke with his vast knowledge and wisdom may be of aid. The matter is of some urgency, as [b]Mr. Harcourt[/b]'s condition will take a turn for the worse within a month if nothing is accomplished. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Your obedient servant, [b]Dr. Henry North[/b], Earl of Dunwich [/color]

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 12:13 pm
by Rooter

"I had intended to return to my lodgings in the city to await the good doctor's reply, trusting that you will notify me should our request be granted," Lila tells the others. Touched by Elizabeth's virtuousness, and perhaps a little guilty, she adds, "However in the meantime before I depart, I should of course like to accompany you to visit Monsieur Dupray, if our company might lift the poor fellow's spirits."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 6:25 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
Text of the letter,[color=purple] "Dear [b]General Charles Rainsford[/b], I humbly request your assistance in arranging an audience with the Duke of Gloucester for myself and my colleagues, as we have need of his expertise. We are currently staying as the guests of [b]William Harcourt, Esquire[/b], and he is suffering from an unusual affliction that is beyond my ability to cure, but perhaps the Duke with his vast knowledge and wisdom may be of aid. The matter is of some urgency, as [b]Mr. Harcourt[/b]'s condition will take a turn for the worse within a month if nothing is accomplished. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Your obedient servant, [b]Dr. Henry North[/b], Earl of Dunwich [/color]
Just to clear things up, although General Rainsford is equerry to the Duke of Gloucester, it is actually the Duke of Northumberland with whom he has performed alchemical experiments. I will interpret your letter in this sense, to avoid delays.

A reply will arrive within a fortnight. To be precise:


In exactly one week you will have your response. That is about the time expected.
There appears to be general agreement that a visit to Mister Dupray would not be amiss. Upon arrival at his lonely cottage, the servant announces the arrival of the four visitors, and they are welcomed in. Mister Dupray is a bit thinner, a bit paler, and somewhat more subdued than previously. He cheers up slightly upon seeing Miss Carrow, but remains quieter than normal. After the usual preliminary subjects of polite conversation are exhausted, Mister Dupray is encouraged to discuss the current state of health of his sister and himself.

"Poor Violette is as well as can be expected. She no longer suffers from fits of violence and melancholy, and even seems reasonably happy. However, she has succumbed to the delusion that she is a French aristocrat of the male sex. She insists on wearing men's clothing. I am afraid that she will have to be confined for the rest of her natural life, and I have taken measures to ensure that she is as comfortable as possible.

"As for myself, I must confess that I suffer from bad dreams and restless sleep. Each night I seem to hear the voices of women, but I cannot understand their words. In my dreams I see a pair of shadowy figures, their arms extended as if they are pleading with me. As I am entirely unskilled in oneiromancy, I am unable to discover what these visions may portend. In an attempt to come to terms with this phenomenon, I have composed a sonnet based on my experiences."

Servants of Morpheus, why come thou now
In guise of mortal flesh, to haunt my nights
With images of woe and gloom? I vow
To understand thy nightly, dreary flights
Into my brain. O Furies, spare my sleep!
Why wear these masks of beauty, sweet and fair,
Then moan to me, as if from durance deep
And dark thou howl for freedom? From what lair
Of Hades must I rescue thee? What shades
Or spirits are thou? Ghosts or demons, speak!
Before the ebon curtain of night fades
And daylight steals thee away I seek
To know thy purpose. Will I never rest
Within the arms of Nyx, where all are blest?

"Enough of my worries. I trust you are all well? And how is Mister Harcourt? Has he recovered from his affliction?"

At this, the maid of all work, who has been attending to the needs of the guests, raises her eyebrows.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 5:24 am
by Mr. Handy

"His affliction is under control, for the present," says Henry. "It is not cured yet, but I'm hopeful that further research will enable him to overcome it permanently."
OOC,Thanks, I misunderstood that. That's how I would have phrased it in that case.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 6:03 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
"I am pleased that his condition has not worsened, at least. If there is any manner in which I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to request my aid."
Miss Davenport may make an Ability Check against her Intelligence, with the one point bonus for Demonology, to determine if the description of the dreams suggests anything to her. The other players may freely speculate.
In any event, whatever else may occur during the week, the adventurers will discover that their extraordinary experiences, as well as the rewards promised by Mister Harcourt, the awarding of which was arranged before his unfortunate transformation, have resulted in several benefits.
All four characters are now second level.

Miss Davenport's hit points are now 8 + 1d8. She also has a +1 damage bonus during combat. In addition to the blessed rosary, she may select another special weapon (supplied by Mister Harcourt) which she does not yet possess; an iron dagger, silver bullets, a stake of ash wood, or anything else within reason which is designed for use against preternatural creatures. Be aware that, at second level, she will draw the attention of her Nemesis.

Doctor North's hit points are now 4 + 1d4. He also has a +1 damage bonus during combat. In addition to the formula for temporarily reanimating a small, recently deceased animal, already supplied by Mister Harcourt, he may also select one Mad Invention of level one, or one Monstrous Servant of level two, or two of level one. Be aware that, in either case, its use will run the risk of attracting an Angry Mob.

Mister Rachman's hit points are now 4+ 1d4. He also has a +1 damage bonus during combat. He may also choose any new Spell of level 1 or 0. He may also choose another of either level, thanks to esoteric knowledge gained from Mister Harcourt's library.

Having spent a great deal of time with the True Innocent, these three adventurers may also adjust their Perversity to any level from 7 to the current value of 11 (by my calculations.) I will judge that no further lowering will occur, since 6 or below is an inherently Good character, and these characters were all created as neither inherently Good or Evil.

Miss Carrow's hit points are now 4 + 1d4. She also has a +1 damage bonus during combat. She also now has two Grace Points which may be used to redo dice rolls. Some time before a reply to Doctor North's letter is received, she will obtain the manuscript from Herr Mozart which was promised by Mister Harcourt. (It is a preliminary version of the aria "Der Holle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen" [Hell's vengeance boils in my heart], sung by a character called the Queen of the Night, from a work in progress to be called "Die Zauberflote" [The Magic Flute]. It is a remarkable work, difficult and striking, almost frightening. Learning it will give Miss Carrow the Asset of Musical, in addition to the Good Singing Voice she already possesses.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:33 pm
by Rooter

Lila puzzles over the significance of Monsieur Dupray's dreams.

Noting the maid's reaction, she quietly excuses herself while the others are talking to make use of the convenience - but instead slips into the kitchen, and privately confronts the maid when she re-enters. "Madam, do you know something of Mister Harcourt's condition?"
Intelligence check re dream: 11+1[dice]0[/dice]
New hit points calculation: 8+[dice]1[/dice]

Lila's new Perversity will be 11.

She will take the iron dagger as a new weapon.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 8:21 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Wruter wrote:Lila puzzles over the significance of Monsieur Dupray's dreams.
Unfortunately, she is unable to recall a similar circumstance. It may be nothing more than the result of an irregular diet, as far as she can tell.
Noting the maid's reaction, she quietly excuses herself while the others are talking to make use of the convenience - but instead slips into the kitchen, and privately confronts the maid when she re-enters. "Madam, do you know something of Mister Harcourt's condition?"
"Condition? Damnation sent by Old Scratch hisself, says I. What he's done to earn it, I'll not guess. Not a soul be safe while he's alive, that's for sure."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 8:54 pm
by Rooter
Unfortunately, she is unable to recall a similar circumstance. It may be nothing more than the result of an irregular diet, as far as she can tell.
Nevertheless, Lila makes a mental note to avail herself of the library at Harcourt House once more before she departs for London, on the off-chance she may find a pertinent reference.
"Not a soul be safe while he's alive, that's for sure."
"Pray, what do you mean by this?" Lila asks, thinking of what happened to Harcourt's wife.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 9:11 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Wruter wrote:
"Pray, what do you mean by this?" Lila asks, thinking of what happened to Harcourt's wife.
"Word be that you've seen him yourself, running wild through wood like savage beast. No rest while that's loose, by my word."

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 9:26 pm
by Rooter

"I see," Lila says, realizing there is nothing more to be learned here, and goes to rejoin the others.
OOC:   I try.  

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 2:59 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Additional Hit Points on top of my original 4: [dice]0[/dice] At some point during the week, I'd like to prepare the formula for reanimating a small dead animal. I'll choose to lower my Perversity to 7. I was looking at the sections for Mad Inventions and Monstrous Servants. While the maximum total levels of each is equal to your character's level, and you can take one or the other at each new level, it isn't clear that you can only take them at level one. How does one get higher level Monstrous Servants or more powerful Mad Inventions if that is the case? Am I able to take a 2nd level Monstrous Servant, as that is the maximum number of levels I can control at 2nd level (since I currently have zero levels). With Mad Inventions, I could take a second level 1 Mad Invention, which would take me to my maximum, but from my reading of the rules it seems I could also exchange may existing level 1 for a level 2 Mad Invention, essentially cannibalizing it. I wouldn't want to do that, though, as I want to keep the Cauteriser, but perhaps at 3rd level I could take a level 2 Mad Invention and still keep my level 1.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 3:56 pm
by maelstrom
New hit points [dice]0[/dice]
Duncan listens carefully as Mr Dupray tells of his sisters fate and then of the troubling dreams he has been suffering from himself.
The spirits have not been kind to this family and now even his sleep his plagued. surely there must be a way to ease their suffering. But without knowing the cause, how can a resolution be fashioned. The thoughts spiral around Duncan’s mind, entwining with those surrounding Mr Harcourt’s terrible transformation.
Duncan’s thoughts are interupted as Mr Dupray begins the recital of his dream sonnet.

Duncan listens and is sure there must be some clue lost amongst the words, but maybe it is lost on him, maybe his lesser knowledge of western phraseology. Maybe it is something else He can research.

It has occurred to him, that whilst they wait for a response to the Doctors letter, a brief trip back to London could be in order. A chance to resupply his meagre stock of Javan coffee and a few other supplies. Time to do some research in the many library’s available in London and a word with a few others wise in such matters. Lastly some time to conduct some ceremonies of his own in light of recently gain knowledge.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 4:24 pm
by Priest

Elizabeth listens to Antoine's tale with a growing horror. Had she been the cause of the poor man's malaise? She gazes with an imploring look towards Henry, "Is there nothing you can do to help Sir?"
With a bow of her head which allows the light to fully illuminate her golden curls she turns her smiling face to Antoine, "Dear Antoine tell me what I may do to bring peace to your mind? For I feel I am to blame for this situation you currently find yourself in"
Hit points,[url=]Increase in Hit Points: 4+1d4[/url]: [u]1d4[/u] [b]2[/b] So Elizabeth now has 6HP

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 4:45 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
OOC,Additional Hit Points on top of my original 4: [dice]185564:0[/dice] At some point during the week, I'd like to prepare the formula for reanimating a small dead animal. I'll choose to lower my Perversity to 7. I was looking at the sections for Mad Inventions and Monstrous Servants. While the maximum total levels of each is equal to your character's level, and you can take one or the other at each new level, it isn't clear that you can only take them at level one. How does one get higher level Monstrous Servants or more powerful Mad Inventions if that is the case? Am I able to take a 2nd level Monstrous Servant, as that is the maximum number of levels I can control at 2nd level (since I currently have zero levels). With Mad Inventions, I could take a second level 1 Mad Invention, which would take me to my maximum, but from my reading of the rules it seems I could also exchange may existing level 1 for a level 2 Mad Invention, essentially cannibalizing it. I wouldn't want to do that, though, as I want to keep the Cauteriser, but perhaps at 3rd level I could take a level 2 Mad Invention and still keep my level 1.
I had to look this over myself, and I was in error.

Take a look at the "Mad Scientist Advancement Table" (page 77.) The column "Max. Mad Invention Level" limits you as to what level of Mad Invention you can claim at your level. At level 2, you can still only claim a first level Mad Invention. However, your level 2 status, as you say, allows you to possess two level one Mad Inventions without having to destroy one. (The reanimation formula is a free one.)

However, I was wrong about the Monstrous Servant. (See page 75.) At level 2, you could have two level one Servants or one level two Servant.

However, it does seem clear that you can claim a new Mad Invention or a new Monstrous Servant (or two), but not both (not even one level one of each type.)

I hope that's confusing enough. I'm not one to rigidly enforce rules, so anything within reason is OK with me.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:14 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Priest wrote:Elizabeth listens to Antoine's tale with a growing horror. Had she been the cause of the poor man's malaise? She gazes with an imploring look towards Henry, "Is there nothing you can do to help Sir?"
With a bow of her head which allows the light to fully illuminate her golden curls she turns her smiling face to Antoine, "Dear Antoine tell me what I may do to bring peace to your mind? For I feel I am to blame for this situation you currently find yourself in."
A brief examination reveals that there does not appear to be any medical cause for Mister Dupray's disturbed mental condition.

He does seem to be cheered by the use of his first name by Miss Carrow.

"No, no, blessed angel! You have brought me nothing but delight. Surely this will pass away with time."

There is a long pause.

"If you truly wish to bestow a boon of exalted beneficence upon my unworthy self, there is one act -- I blush to mention it! -- which would doubtlessly relieve my troubled soul. That act which awakened Galatea from her stony sleep! Dearest Elizabeth, dare I request the favor of a single kiss?"

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:20 pm
by Priest

Elizabeth reddens at Antoine's request and for a moment considers refusal. However the idea of her guilt in being in some part resposible for the circumstance that he now endures, softens her heart, "As you desire a small kiss is the least I can bestow" she steps forward her resolve complete, and even though the shame of her wanton action burns within her, some deeper part yet flutters with excitement - a forbidden excitement.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:35 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I shall do what I can, Elizabeth," says Henry, trying to restrain his jealousy, "but there is a limit to what I can do. You are not responsible for his condition, so do not blame yourself. He suffered from it before he ever met you." He regards Antoine. "The imbalance in your bodily humours has led to a surfeit of melancholy. From what I've been able to determine about your situation, you have a tendency to fall in love with various women. It is no surprise that you have fallen for Elizabeth, as she is a paragon of virtue and an unending fount of kindness and compassion, not to mention exceedingly beautiful. She is not the first woman you have loved, nor will she be the last. The best thing for you would be to find a woman who loves you in return, who feels the same way about you as you do about her. It is not an easy search, as well I know, but it is well worth the effort. I was lucky to find my wife, and when I lost her I too was overcome with melancholy. My heart was broken, and I believed I would never fall in love again. However, I was mistaken. You too can find happiness."
OOC,I'd like to recruit a Monstrous Servant, a second level Brute. Strength is one area where I severely lack, so it might be helpful to have an assistant who excels there.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 10:09 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
"I will meditate upon your wise counsel, Doctor. I am also certain that the precious gift of which I have been the most undeserving recipient will restore my spirits."

After various farewells have been made, the guests return to Harcourt House for a final evening before returning to London.
Miss Davenport may make another Ability Check against Intelligence + Demonology bonus to determine if Mister Harcourt's library contains a relevant volume of dream interpretation.
As good fortune would have it, the manuscript from Herr Mozart arrives that evening. Doctor North is able to provide a translation of the German libretto.
Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen,
Tod und Verzweiflung flammet um mich her!
Fühlt nicht durch dich Sarastro
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr.
Verstossen sei auf ewig,
Verlassen sei auf ewig,
Zertrümmert sei'n auf ewig
Alle Bande der Natur
Wenn nicht durch dich!
Sarastro wird erblassen!
Hört, Rachegötter,
Hört der Mutter Schwur!
The vengeance of Hell boils in my heart,
Death and despair flame about me!
If Sarastro does not through you feel
The pain of death,
Then you will be my daughter nevermore.
Disowned may you be forever,
Abandoned may you be forever,
Destroyed be forever
All the bonds of nature,
If not through you
Sarastro becomes pale!
Hear, Gods of Revenge,
Hear a mother's oath!
Although the music is undeniably extraordinary, and Miss Carrow's performance, even on a first reading, masterful, the grim lyrics must give one pause.

After a good night's rest, the four adventurers are eager to return to their familiar lodgings in the great city. No doubt they will soon be reunited to face new experiences.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 10:33 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
OOC,I'd like to recruit a Monstrous Servant, a second level Brute. Strength is one area where I severely lack, so it might be helpful to have an assistant who excels there.
This will require some thought.
Brutes are strong men who are employed to lift, carry, move, or break things. The stereotypical Brute
is exceptionally strong, with a 13 Strength at 1st Level. Unfortunately, the typical Brute is also dimwitted,
with an 7 Intelligence. To make a Brute, replace one of the character's Class Special Abilities
with “Feat of Strength” (as the Demon Hunter Special Ability).
Since this is a level 2 Brute, I assume its strength should be at least 14. I would say that you should be free to increase that to 18 -- the "normal" human maximum -- but for each point above 14 decrease intelligence by one point.

Besides the "Feat of Strength" ability, I'd say that the Brute should be an Everyman character; the other classes don't seem to really fit. With that in mind, I'd say that the basic characteristics besides Strength and Intelligence should be 9. Given the Everyman class, you would be free to increase one of those, of your choice, to 11. The brute should also have the Everyman abilities -- profession, avocation, affection, inheritance, social contacts -- and weaknesses -- phobia, prejudice -- of your choice. Obviously these should be reasonably appropriate to the character. Its Hit Points will be 6 + 1d6. If you want to give the Brute Assets and Afflictions of an appropriate kind, that would be fine; just be sure that it has the same number of each.

It would helpful to give it some kind of back story; name, description, how it came to serve you, etc.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:19 am
by Rooter

That evening, after Miss Carrow's haunting performance of the libretto, Lila peruses the house's library in search of a reference to Antoine Dupray's strange dreams.
Intelligence check re library: 11+1[dice]0[/dice]
OOC:   Hooray!  
The following morning, she bids what she hopes is a temporary farewell to her companions. On impulse she gives Elizabeth a quick hug. "Take care, innocent one," she murmurs. "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?"

Or women, she adds silently to herself.

Re: Chapter the Fifth: The Ceremony

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:08 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
A curious volume in Mister Harcourt's library, which appears to be an anonymous addendum to Sir Thomas Browne's famous essay on dreams, suggests that the type of recurring dream experienced by Mister Dupray might be the result of a haunting by Phantoms; these being defined by the unknown author as incorporeal Ghosts with no ability to produce physical manifestations, but capable of creating the illusory appearance of such. They may be benign or malevolent, but generally have some motivation, the which being attained, they will depart from the material plane. The other method of dismissing them is through the use of enchanted or blessed objects, or those made from iron or silver, or, in certain cases, simply through a powerful demonstration of Faith.
The Patient Reader will soon be able to proceed to Chapter the Sixth.