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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Ninth: An Orphan Misplaced

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:57 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Let's see if the Servant can distract the creature at all, and thus delay her next attack. Based on her DEX of 15[dice]0[/dice]
Bits of dirt fly, as if by themselves, into the eyes of one of the creatures, causing her to flap her enormous wings in a frenzy, rendering her incapable of harm, for the moment.
Adjusted DEX = 12 again[dice]1[/dice]damage[dice]2[/dice]
Steeling his stomach against the monster's stench, Lepus strikes a mighty blow against the temporarily blind being, directly into her evil heart, releasing a flood of hot, black blood; then, in an instant, she vanishes, leaving no trace of her body nor her hideous ichor, as if she had never existed at all.
Adjusted DEX = 13 as before[dice]3[/dice]
Slashing away at the bird-thing, which seems intent on carrying Ivan away to Tartarus, William is, of course, careful not to injure his ally. It may be this caution that causes his blade to miss its target.
Adjusted DEX 11 as before[dice]4[/dice]damage[dice]5[/dice]That's enough, but just for the record, Ivan's adjusted DEX of 6[dice]6[/dice]damage[dice]7[/dice]
Fortunately, not all is lost, as both Master and Servant strike at the monster, eliciting screams from her carrion-scented mouth, as they render her as lifeless as her sisters, and, in less time than it takes to tell, causing her to disappear.

After some time is spent in recovery from this heated battle, the adventurers witness the female creature glancing about, as if seeing the place for the first time. Turning her gaze upon those gathered about her, she makes inquiry of them.

"Who are you? What is this place? Who am I?"

Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Ninth: An Orphan Misplaced

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:42 pm
by jp1885

Breathing heavily, Lepus points to Henry.

“Him... He will tell you,” he declares in between taking lungfuls of air.

Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Ninth: An Orphan Misplaced

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:25 pm
by SunlessNick
William glances ruefully at Lepus. "It seems the gods themselves have lent their support to his Lordship's claim."

Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Ninth: An Orphan Misplaced

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:52 pm
by jp1885

"Aye, well 'tis their prerogative, I s'pose. 'tis not the first time ol' Lepus has disagreed with them."

Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Ninth: An Orphan Misplaced

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 6:06 am
by Mr. Handy

Henry bows to the female creature. "I am Lord Henry North, the thirteenth Earl of Dunwich," he says. "You called me father earlier, and I suppose that's accurate enough. I do not know your name, but I can give you a new one if you like. You lived in a nearby village, but you died of consumption while under the care of myself and Miss Mary Ravenscroft. Together we revived you through the power of science. She has gone now, but she has provided for your future education. This place was the home of a hermit who used a device to make you forget and keep you as a servant, but my friends and I have set you free from him. He called those birdwomen to attack us in revenge, but we all fought well against them, and now they are no more."

Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Ninth: An Orphan Misplaced

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:12 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"I understand little of what you say," she responds, "but it seems I must place my trust in you. From what little I can recall, I know that I am not like others of my sex." She gestures at her visage and limbs. It must be admitted that these do not resemble the features of ordinary women. She is of unusual size, for one thing, towering over all but the tallest men. Upon the visible parts of her limbs (her current frock being far less than new, with more than one rent area permitting viewing of her skin) there are multiple small white scars. These may not be noticeable upon a causal glance, but would certainly draw attention with closer inspection. Similar marks are found upon her face. More striking are her eyes, which are very large and of two different colors, one so deep a brown it is nearly black, the other a deep green. Drawing attention away from even these is her hair, a wild tangle reaching to her waist, and, startlingly, consisting of strands of many shades, from pure white to raven black, with no little amount of other colors, from pale blonde to flaming red. The overall effect is both beautiful and frightening; what the poets deem sublime.

"Fa . . . Father," she addresses Doctor North, somewhat uncertain of the proper use of the term, "what shall I be called? How shall I live?"

Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Ninth: An Orphan Misplaced

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:18 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick has expressed some interest in playing the role of the Reanimated Wretch.
I will leave this to the consensus of the players.

Meanwhile, the Patient Reader will please proceed to Book the Second, Chapter the Tenth.