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Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 5:52 am
by Laraqua
This room is lit only by a faint glow coming from beneath the overhanging bed covers on the narrow double bed. The quilt itself looks quite warm and there is a radiator nearby for those who like things warmer. Though it would doubtless aggravate those from the Ministry of Fuel, the warmth in this room and the tick-tick-ticking of the radiator shows that it is currently on in an empty room which is considered quite a problem in a rationed economy. In the soft glow from beneath the bed, you can make out the silhouettes of the other furniture in the room. There is a lamp on the bedside cabinet, whose drawers are currently opened, a wardrobe facing the bed which has its doors open and is bulging with clothes, and the floor is covered in crinkly paper.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 6:49 am
by Charlie Hagan
Charlie flips the bed covers up to check beneath the bed.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 6:57 am
by Laraqua
There is an old and heavy flashlight, slightly rusted around the edges, lying on its side beneath the bed. It looks like it's batteries are failing….

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:02 am
by Charlie Hagan
"Handy." Charlie takes the flashlight and searches the room, rummaging through drawers full of clothes, lifting the mattress and checking both its weight and if it seems to have been cut into at all along the sides and bottom.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:19 am
by Laraqua
That paper underfoot appear to be pages from a Bible, often placed in the bedside cabinets of these places. The clothing within the cabinet and the wardrobe appears to be both male and female, rich and poor, height of fashion and terribly frumpy, and everything in between. There's a stack of hat boxes in the corner of the wardrobes that feel heavy, but when he opens them he sees something grotesque, horrible, utterly unthinkable. (Stability roll). Large bulging eyes, human-but-not-dark-leathery-face framed with shorter hair, scales along the lower torso, strange pelvis, and was that a tail it had ended within?

NOTE: You can get more of a look at the creature but it is assumed that the shock would make you drop the box or otherwise close it for the moment. Please state if you wish to investigate it more thoroughly. I haven't responded to the mattress search yet as at this point he hasn't managed to do so. The hatboxes would have been searched first.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:27 am
by Charlie Hagan
Charlie slams the lid back down on the hat box and holds back what would have been quiet a loud expletive. He laughs nervously and says to himself, "Well, that's definitely not gold." Putting the box down and out of the way, he continues his search.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 11:23 pm
by Laraqua
Charlie manages to shake off the shock and turns his attention to the other areas. It looks like this place has been turned over, some of the clothes are hanging a bit out of the bedside cabinet, including a scandalous variety of different underpants, male, female, attractive, plain, cotton and silk. There's nothing underneath the mattress other than a few disturbingly large, but not insanely so, blood stains. Slightly wet.... And only visible from underneath.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:07 am
by Charlie Hagan
Perturbed, Charlie drops the mattress. He sighs and checks the time on his pocket watch.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:21 am
by Laraqua
8:30. He then hears something heavy thudding against the wall downstairs, four times, and the soft chug-chug-chugging of a train approaching the station. Seems like his rise has arrived and he still hasn't purchased a ticket. Oh dear.... And no sign of the gold in this room. Perhaps another room? But then he'd miss his trip.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:27 am
by Charlie Hagan
"Shit." Dropping the flashlight he hurries downstairs.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:36 am
by Laraqua
This room is lit only by a flashlight which lays discarded by the narrow double bed -- its feeble beam revealing its low level of batteries. The quilt itself looks quite warm and there is a radiator nearby for those who like things warmer. Though it would doubtless aggravate those from the Ministry of Fuel, the warmth in this room and the tick-tick-ticking of the radiator shows that it is currently on in an empty room which is considered quite a problem in a rationed economy. In the soft glow from beneath the bed, you can make out the silhouettes of the other furniture in the room. There is a lamp on the bedside cabinet, whose drawers are currently opened, a wardrobe facing the bed which has its doors open and is bulging with clothes with a stack of three hatboxes to one side, and the floor is covered in crinkly paper.
Looking at the shredded paper,reveals that they have been pulled out of a Bible that would typically have been kept in the bedside cabinet.
Looking over the clothing,some of the clothes are hanging a bit out of the bedside cabinet, including a scandalous variety of different underpants, male, female, attractive, plain, cotton and silk. The clothing within the cabinet and the wardrobe appears to be both male and female, rich and poor, height of fashion and terribly frumpy, and everything in between.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:42 am
by jimjam
Ilona stumbles through the low lit room, accidently knocking the lamp of the bedside cabinet, which prompted her to scramble for the flashlight near the bed. She flashes the torch around the room and across the wall to find a window.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:45 am
by Laraqua
The window sits over the bed, black out curtain within the frame securely in place beneath the lacy curtains. It should be easy enough to prise it loose, however.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:35 pm
by jimjam
Ilona, turns the torch off and places in by her feet and attempts to pry the window open.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 1:02 pm
by Laraqua
The black out curtain frame comes out easily, revealing glass that radiates cool air from the outside world. There's a vague outline of something large out on the tracks, shrouded with a heavy fog that seems to flowed in out of nowhere. The moon out there still seems heavy and full, but it can't quite pierce the gloom. It's hard to tell from this angle, but there's no real sign of movement. In fact, if anything, it looks deserted. The train would be sure to leave soon, however. It would only wait a few short minutes before moving on.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:58 am
by jimjam
Is there a latch or anything to open the window?

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:21 am
by Laraqua
The window seems to be painted shut, but if you sliced the dried paint you could easily pull it open. Well, with relative ease. It may be a bit of an old window and the wooden frames may be slightly expanded with moisture. But you could wriggle it. There's the hard sound of wood splintering down below. Perhaps a door being broken open?

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:01 am
by jimjam
Ilona reaches back down for the torch and turns out on, looking around the room quickly for something sharp, or at the very least, pointy.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:00 pm
by Laraqua
Nothing appears obvious to her eyes.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:48 pm
by jimjam
Ilona rummages through her handbag and pulls out a pen. Torch in one hand and pen in the other, she cuts around the paint of the window frame, then tries to open it.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 1:31 am
by Laraqua
It takes a bit of jiggling, but she finally manages to pull it out, allowing the thick fog to billow into the room. The air smells like wet leaves and smoke from the train. It's cold out here and the train is a mere silhouette in the darkness that her penlight cannot reach. There's no sign of anyone out there, but she can vaguely make out her pile of cases sitting on the platform.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:46 am
by jimjam
Ilona calls out the window, going there's someone out there. Someone from the train maybe? "Hey! Hey, help us! We're stuck in here!"
Is there anything underneath the window? Like a shelter or a ledge or is it a straight drop down?

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:26 am
by Laraqua
It's a straight drop. Maybe 10 - 12 feet? If she could dangle from the ledge, she'd only have to worry about the 6-7 feet worth of landing.

There's no response to her calls.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:24 pm
by Laraqua
She hears an unfamiliar man's voice out in the hall, "Miss Aston? Is everything OK?"

Then again all the men downstairs are unfamiliar.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:40 am
by jimjam
Ilona takes off her shoes and starts climbing out the window before she hears the man calls out. She pauses, one leg hanging out the window, and responds. "Everything's fine... I managed to get the window open." She tries to climb back inside and falls into the floor. "Would there happen to be a ladder around here, do you know?" She sits up and checks her stockings for runs. "Oh gee..." she mutters as she finds one, she then stands up, brushes herself off.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:27 am
by Laraqua
There are three male voices out in the hall. With only a little bit of ear straining, Ilona could hear them.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 2:46 pm
by Ritterton
Artemis walked into the room, the window was partially opened and the room itself looked like it had been ransacked. There were cloths strewn about, and papers strewn about on the floor. The bed itself seemed to have been shifted from its regular place. He pulled back the quilt and looked for bed sheets that he could begin tearing into strips and tying those into a length of rope. Hearing the conversation out in the hall about keys, he yelled back over his shoulder, "I don't recall seeing keys in the Station Master's office, but they could be on him. He should be somewhat recovered down below."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 4:31 am
by Laraqua
Beneath the bed sheets sits a suspicious reddish brown stain, visible even in the gloom, and lightly damp. The silence out on the platform is uncanny through the open window. The silence and the tendrils of fog that writhe into the room from the gap.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 6:27 am
by Ritterton
"What the hell," Artemis exclaimed as he saw the reddish brown stain on the bed. "Anyone have a...a...oh what do you all call it, a torch, yes, that is it. Anyone have a torch? Need to see what is going on in here and outside."

He gazed about and tried to get a sense of the jumble of things about the room. What in hell has happened in this place over the past few days? None of this is making any sense. He shook his head from side to side. No sense at all.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:16 am
by Ritterton
Artemis turned and stepped back into the hallway after Charlie offered the flashlight, "Thanks. What the heck was this room used for I wonder?" He took the light, fiddled with the switch, and when it came on, shook it and headed back into the room. "Ok, Jonathan, let's see what we can find to make that rope."

As he stepped back into the room, he flipped the flash light's beam across the bed and the rest of the room. The spot on the bed had to be what he feared it was, but he didn't think it would be beneficial to say it aloud. Why would there be blood on the mattress? This place is not making any sense? He shook head clearing the thoughts that were building upon themselves and turned to the bedsheets that were now piled on the corner of the mattress nearest the door. Jonathan was standing there looking about the room.

"Alright, let's try tearing these into six inch wide strips length ways. We can double each strip up on itself, then use a square knot with the folded ends. We'll need to think about a good strong knot for the loose ends, but I should be able to remember something from my Army days." Artemis grabbed one of the sheets and measured out with his hand six or so inches and pulled at the edge of the sheet to rip it. The sheet was less than cooperative, so he bit into the edge and worked a weak spot with his teeth, then pulled at it, ripping the fabric. He nodded at Jonathan to do the same with the other sheet.
I will spend a craft point to work on this rope. It may be useful here or elsewhere. I thought I had typed that I would do that earlier, but it doesn't seem to be anywhere. Sorry about that.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:25 am
by Laraqua
The crafts spend ensures that the rope is skilfully made but it will take a few minutes to do so. Being in this room with the blood stain and the creepy fog tendrils coming in is bad enough but the crumpled papers are torn off pages from the hotel Bible. A vicious and shocking act of blasphemous significance anywhere in Great Britain.
Stability roll to avoid 1 stability loss,namely because your character has already been through enough to cause some minor loss anyway but I'll give you the chance to avoid it.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:20 pm
by Overlord87

Jonathan gets to work as instructed by Artemis. "Let's finish quickly. I'm sick of this place".
Stability roll: rolled a 6.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 5:36 am
by Ritterton
As Artemis finished tying the rope with Jonathan, he kept seeing the torn bible pages on the floor and the blood stain on the mattress no matter how much he tried to avoid looking at them. He could feel the tension growing inside, the knots in his shoulders returning. His mind was starting to race and his breathing increasing. With the finished rope in his hands, he turned to Jonathan and said,"well done, and I agree, we need to get out of this room, the sooner the better."

He walked back out into the corridor trying to calm his mind and steel his nerves.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 6:02 am
by Laraqua
Artemis Stability Roll

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 4:16 pm
by Ritterton
Laraqua wrote:Artemis Stability Roll
So, Laraqua, I rolled this before in the Chit Chat section of this game, and got a two (2). So, I would love to use yours, but lol, I think I got a two!

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 4:53 am
by Laraqua
The dark room sits empty and disturbed. bed has been stripped and the quilt lies in disarray on the floor, partially covering the crumpled paper that is spread across the ground. There is a radiator nearby for those who like things warmer. Though it would doubtless aggravate those from the Ministry of Fuel, the tick-tick-ticking of the radiator shows that it is currently on in an empty room which is considered quite a problem in a rationed economy. To make matters worse, the window is open and tendrils of fog are slowly entering the room and sucking the head out. The lamp has been knocked off the bedside cabinet, whose drawers are currently opened, a wardrobe facing the bed which has its doors open and is bulging with clothes, both men's and women's, and from a variety of different styles.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:29 am
by Ritterton
Artemis walked into the room and stopped at the open door. He looked at the open window, then at the bed, and then at the rope in his hands. He focused on the bed and devised a plan to tie one end of the rope around the the bed frame and shift it against the radiator wedging it into place. Then Jonathan could climb down to the platform and go to the door to see what was blocking the door, and why the train was still at the station.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:28 am
by Laraqua
Frank yelled up, "Hey, is everything alright up there?" There's the sound of footsteps, as well, from the stairs. A ladies heel.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:37 am
by Overlord87

Jonathan gets ready to climb down the rope.
OOC:   Do I need to roll something?  

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:40 am
by Laraqua

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:54 am
by Ritterton
Artemis watched Jonathan climb down the rope and come to rest on the platform outside the building. He watched the man as he looked about and began to to move away from below the window. Well, we can get out at least, that is something to be thankful for, he thought to himself.

"Countess, he's outside on the platform. Maybe you could run down and let folks know in the waiting room that we have a way of getting out of the building if we want or need to do so." Artemis turned away from the window and spoke back over his shoulder towards the upstairs corridor.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 6:14 am
by Ritterton
Artemis turned back and stuck his head out the window trying to determine what Jonathan was doing and where he had gotten to.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:30 am
by Laraqua
Jonathan runs back under the window and tells Artemis: "I don't know how to open the door... I'd need tools and... there's no one around here, not a soul. It's better if you all exit through the window. I don't see any other way."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 2:21 pm
by Ritterton
"Alright, let me go tell folks what you have found out, is the train no longer even there?" Artemis answered while standing with his head out the window.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 10:28 am
by Laraqua
Jonathan answers back: "The train is still here, and for the moment doesn't look like it's going anywhere".

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 3:41 pm
by Ritterton
"Ok Jonathan, I am going to share this with the others and we can figure out how to get folks out of this place," Artemis responded back to Jonathan. Then he turned about and walked out of the room and back into the corridor to see who was still about.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 10:48 pm
by jimjam
Ilona makes her way through the dark room to the window, she follows the wall next to the window down to the floor and feels around for her shoes. She picks them up and tosses them out the window, then looks out, seeing that they only narrowly missed Jonathan. "Sorry!" She yells, leaning out the window.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:53 am
by jimjam
"Ok... I'm coming down now!" Ilona calls out before attempting to climb out.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 6:18 am
by Laraqua
It's awkward, but easier than she had assumed to get down to the platform.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:02 am
by Laraqua
This room is lit only by a flashlight which lays discarded by the narrow double bed -- its feeble beam revealing its low level of batteries. Though it would doubtless aggravate those from the Ministry of Fuel, the warmth in this room and the tick-tick-ticking of the radiator shows that it is currently on in an empty room which is considered quite a problem in a rationed economy. In the soft glow from beneath the bed, you can make out the silhouettes of the other furniture in the room. There is a lamp on the bedside cabinet, whose drawers are currently opened, a wardrobe facing the bed which has its doors open and is bulging with clothes with a stack of three hatboxes to one side, and the floor is covered in crinkly paper. The black out frame has been removed from the window and all of the glass within it has shattered leaving only a few small pieces caught within the frame. The quilt has been tossed to the floor and the sheets pulled off the bed, revealing a suspicious stain. Those sheets have since been tied together into a rope that dangles out the window, anchored to the bed.
Looking at the shredded paper,reveals that they have been pulled out of a Bible that would typically have been kept in the bedside cabinet.
Looking over the clothing,some of the clothes are hanging a bit out of the bedside cabinet, including a scandalous variety of different underpants, male, female, attractive, plain, cotton and silk. The clothing within the cabinet and the wardrobe appears to be both male and female, rich and poor, height of fashion and terribly frumpy, and everything in between.
Forensics at the window,reveals that the window was broken from the inside. 1-pt spend available.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 2:37 am
by Ritterton
As he stepped into the doorway and moved the flashlight he had been given earlier in an effort to see what had taken place in this room while he had been gone. He looked to see if the rope was still tied to the bed, the window still open, and for any sign of Ms. Aston.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:32 am
by Laraqua
The rope is still anchored to the bed. The black out frame has been removed from the window and all of the glass within it has shattered leaving only a few small pieces caught within the frame. There is no one in this room now.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:52 am
by Ritterton
What the hell happened here? Artemis looked about and tried to understand what had taken place in his absence. He walked across the room and looked out the window following the rope out and downward towards the platform.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 4:00 pm
by Ritterton
"Frank, what's that, who's yelling?" Artemis turned his head behind him when the echoes of the sounds caught his attention and pulled his eyes away from his efforts to see who might be outside on the platform.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:30 pm
by RhinoRat
Frank Durant

Frank walked into the room, briefly looked around, and asked "Where is everyone?"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 9:15 pm
by Ritterton
"Good question Frank, did you hear someone out in the hall?" Artemis turned back to the open window and leaned over looking down at the platform and into the night.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 10:56 pm
by Laraqua
There are two shapes out in the gloomy fog-shrouded platform below. The cold air out there is pretty miserable, slowly draining the warmth out of this room and out of his face. At least there are people below.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 5:12 am
by Ritterton
"Jonathan, is that you down there? Who are you with?" Artemis yelled towards the shapes in the mist.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 5:35 am
by Laraqua
"Hey!" shouts Ilona Aston from the platform below, looking up at you with terrified eyes. "You need to get out right now! We have to leave! Hurry!"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 6:16 am
by Ritterton
"Is the Countess down with you and Jonathan? We are trying to get everyone to get out, but the station master has come too yet." Artemis yelled back down to her.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 12:04 pm
by Laraqua
Jonathon shouts back from the platform below, "That man is NOT the station master. Artemis, can you year me? He's not the station master! Get out of that building!"

This room is lit only by a flashlight which lays discarded by the narrow double bed -- its feeble beam revealing its low level of batteries. Though it would doubtless aggravate those from the Ministry of Fuel, the tick-tick-ticking of the radiator shows that it is currently on in a room which is now cold due to the opened window. There is a lamp lying on the floor by the bedside cabinet, whose drawers are currently opened, a wardrobe facing the bed which has its doors open and is bulging with clothes with a stack of three hatboxes to one side, and the floor is covered in crinkly paper. The black out frame has been removed from the window and all of the glass within it has shattered leaving only a few small pieces caught within the frame. The quilt has been tossed to the floor and the sheets pulled off the bed, revealing a suspicious stain. Those sheets have since been tied together into a rope that dangles out the window, anchored to the bed.
Looking at the shredded paper,reveals that they have been pulled out of a Bible that would typically have been kept in the bedside cabinet.
Looking over the clothing,some of the clothes are hanging a bit out of the bedside cabinet, including a scandalous variety of different underpants, male, female, attractive, plain, cotton and silk. The clothing within the cabinet and the wardrobe appears to be both male and female, rich and poor, height of fashion and terribly frumpy, and everything in between.
Forensics at the window,reveals that the window was broken from the inside. 1-pt spend available.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:38 pm
by Ritterton
"Frank, we need to get Kate and Charlie up here and out the window. Jonathan says that that man isn't the Station Master." Artemis turned back to the door looking at Frank. "The rope should hold and make the climb easier. Once outdoors, we can walk back into town and get the Constable to come and get into this place."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 6:10 am
by Laraqua
A female voice calls out from downstairs.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 6:28 am
by Ritterton
"Frank, what was that?" Artemis turned towards the door and slipped about Frank as he made his way back into the corridor. When he got back out the corridor, he paused seeing Charlie.

"Charlie, who was that? What's going on out here? We need to get everyone out the window."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:45 am
by Charlie Hagan
Charlie enters and, after taking a moment to assess the room, bundles up a bit of the quilt to slide it under the improvised rope and over the bottom of the window frame. While doing so he sticks his head through the frame to peer outside.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 11:33 pm
by Laraqua
There's no one outside in the platform, or at least no one visible. The fog is thick and cold and he can only just barely make out the sight of a bundle of luggage sitting upon the corner of the platform.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 5:37 am
by Charlie Hagan
Charlie calls out, "Miss Aston? Lady Bathory? Um... Gentleman who's name I have yet to discover? Are you all down there?"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:34 am
by Mr. Handy

Kate enters the room and looks around.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:19 pm
by Laraqua
There's no response to Charlie's words.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:54 am
by Mr. Handy

Kate cannot resist inspecting the torn scraps of paper and the clothing before turning her attention to the window. Looking outside and below, she carefully removes the pieces of glass that remain in the frame so as not to risk injuring herself when she climbs out of it.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:37 pm
by Charlie Hagan
"Ah, Miss Lacey, allow me to assist you," Charlie says, offering a hand to steady her as she climbs through. "I'm not sure where the others are, presumably they've all made it down already."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:56 pm
by Laraqua
Artemis out in the hall, "Charile, help Ms. Kate out the window, we are coming up to talk about what the three of us should do next. Folks, where is everyone? Charlie? Ms. Kate?"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:59 am
by Charlie Hagan
"We're up here," Charlie calls back, "I haven't seen the other three."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:03 pm
by Ritterton
Hearing Charlie's call, Artemis walked into the room. His face showed his relief that the two of them were still in the building and safe. "Let's get Ms. Kate down there first, I am assuming that Jonathan and the others are still out there to help stabilize the rope if necessary? Charlie, then when we get her down, we can come up with a plan on what the three of us are going to do?"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:33 am
by RhinoRat
Frank Durant

"I am going to stay by the doorway and cover the hall unless you need me", he says to the group in the room then takes up position at the side of the door where he can keep an eye on the hall.

"Where is the Countess? And who is left in the building?"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 7:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Mr. Hagan," says Kate with a smile, accepting his hand. She swings her leg over the windowsill and takes hold of the makeshift rope with her free hand, tugging on it to test its strength. "I heard there was a lock on those chains. Can any of you gentlemen pick a lock? I've got a hairpin you can borrow. Once we get those doors open, it will speed up getting out of the building and allow us to get the Station Master - or whoever he is - outside." She pulls her other leg out of the window and begins her descent.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 7:58 am
by Laraqua
Kate has no trouble climbing down the rope.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:58 pm
by Ritterton
"Alright gents, now that she is out, I think we have a couple of options." Artemis turned from the window and spoke to both Frank and Charlie. "I think we can continue to explore this place andn try to figure out where the Countess went, and while I am worried no one has seen her, I also feel I have had enough of this place. " He shivered at the thought of going through more rooms of the Station. "Or, we all work our way down the rope and join the others on the platform. Then we figure out how we get the building opened up and that guy down there out. What's your thoughts Charlie? Frank?"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 3:47 am
by Charlie Hagan
"I can go down with Miss Lacey and see if I can open up the place while you look for Lady Bathory." Jovially he adds, "I'm sure we'd all appreciate getting our luggage without having to throw our bags out the window."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 4:43 am
by Ritterton
"I think when you get down, there is probably a way to break one of the first floor windows that we can use to climb back into the build, if the chains can't come off the doors. Head on down, and we'll see you shortly." Artemis turned back to the door to check on Frank. He poked his head out into the corridor and shouted, "Countess, if you are still up here, we need to get you outside? Countess?"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 4:18 pm
by Charlie Hagan
Charlie nods and climbs his way through the window frame and down the makeshift rope.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:47 am
by Laraqua
No response. The room is dark and cold, chilling to the bone.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:21 am
by Ritterton
"Frank, it's just you and me, so you first or me?" Artemis turned from the corridor to the gun wielding guard. "I just have to believe that the Countess is already down on the platform."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:57 pm
by Laraqua
"I found Miss Aston's coat!" Kate shouts back up to the window. "It's all bloody! She's not in it, but there's something moving under it!"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:51 pm
by RhinoRat
Frank Durant

"Crud" Frank thought to himself upon the realization that the Countess might still be in the building.

"I hate to say it Artemis, but I just don't feel right about assuming the Countess is outside. Especially with the mention of threats and now bloody coat. What happens if we get outside and can't get back in and the Countess is still looked in here? On the other hand, what if Ms. Aston is injured or in danger outside? I guess Charlie and the other fellow are down there with her.....What do you think?"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 11:24 pm
by Laraqua
"The chains across the door are coated with sulphuric acid!" she calls up to the window. "It's not enough to dissolve the metal, but it would sure hurt whoever touched them! We might be able to get them off with big tools if we were careful not to touch them with our bare hands, but there aren't any out here! There's a shed, but it's locked! Maybe there are some inside that you could use to remove the door from its hinges, but you'd have to be careful when ducking under the chains! Otherwise, you'll have to find some other way to get the Station Master outside! The only other way out is through the restaurant, but there's someone hostile in there!"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:14 am
by Ritterton
"Frank, I want to agree with you, but I have to say the rooms up here aren't that inviting." Artemis looked at Frank and then glanced back out to the corridor. "Let's head down, find a way to break back into this place and then search it again as a group. "

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:04 am
by Laraqua
There's a creak in the room beside them. The first hotel room from the corridor.

A creak, then a thump.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:34 am
by Ritterton
"What was that Frank, did you hear that?" Artemis looked in the direction of the noise that was coming from the other room. 'Damn it, Frank, we need to check that out. Alright, follow me please."

Artemis headed out of the room into the Corridor and tried to determine where the noise had came from.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:59 pm
by RhinoRat
Frank Durant

"Hang on Artemis, do you even have a weapon?" Frank asks as the other man pushes past him.

"This is such a big mistake", he thought to himself. But his pride and stupid curiosity were getting the best of him so he followed along.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:53 am
by Laraqua
They left the hotel room behind.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 3:20 am
by Ritterton
"Countess, the rope there can be used to keep your balance as you work your way down the window, I think you need to go first, then I can send Frank down after you. " Artemis crossed the threshold and moved towards the window with the makeshift rope. "Please, Countess, time is of the essence I fear."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:12 pm
by RhinoRat
Frank Durant

Frank shook his head to clear the cobwebs....he had been lost in some sort of trance or fugue...
He looked around and heard Artemis.

I am with you Artemis. But you follow the Countess down. I will handle the rear guard," Frank said still covering the hall, but moving into the doorway.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 3:02 pm
by Ritterton
"Countess, let's get you down to the platform. Thanks Frank, maybe we could lock the door to the room and add a bit more between us and what ever else is in this place?" Artemis took a place next to the window so he could help the Countess out of the room and down the rope.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 2:22 am
by Laraqua
Those who are present may see if they can sense where the trouble is coming from and just how under threat they are (remember you can spend points on this roll).

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 2:42 am
by Ritterton
Artemis tried to focus on what was going wrong in the building and in the room, but his mind was distracted by his sense of duty to get the Countess out of the building. "Please Countess, let's get you out of this place..."
Spoiler: um spent a point and got a 2...what trouble, this is a wonderful place to spend the week... ;-)

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 4:27 am
by Ejstricker
"Very well, I'll see about this rope," she says, sounding uncertain about her ability to clamber down a rope.


Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:02 am
by RhinoRat
Frank Durant

"Please Countess, the sooner you get started the sooner we are all out of this accursed place."

He turns back to the door straining to see if he can determine if anything is going on in the hall or on the steps.
Die Roll,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:02 pm
by Laraqua
Rhinorat,can hear that the battering is occurring on a door that lets out onto the station platform. It also sounds like someone's coming up the rope!

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 3:25 am
by Mr. Handy

Kate climbs back up the rope and into the room through the window. "Oh, good, you're here," she says. "We'll all be able to get out the front doors in a bit, there's just a slight complication. That horrid man locked in the restaurant nearly broke out when Mr. Hagan started breaking the chains with the bolt cutters I found, so my plan is to go down to the waiting room, then pound on the interior restaurant door and shout to draw him away from the exterior door. Then Mr. Hagan will be able to get the rest of the chains off. They were coated with acid, by the way. Someone really wanted to keep us in here."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:44 am
by Ritterton
Artemis stepped away from the window as Kate climbed back up the rope and into the room. He listened and shook his head confused.

"Miss Kate, I am sorry, but I really think we need to get you and the Countess out of this building and down on the platform. I am sorry, but we really need to get out of this place - and I don't think we want to go deal with anyone locked up in any part of the downstairs."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:26 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's not like to be any safer outside," protests Kate. "Whoever locked us in here may have thought they were doing us a favour. There's a dead woman on the roof of the shed out there. Look, once we get the front doors open we can all go out together, including the Station Master or whoever he really is. I'll not leave him in here to die. But for Mr. Hagan to use the bolt cutters, we've got to get whoever's in the restaurant away from the front."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 3:10 am
by RhinoRat
Frank Durant

".....a dead woman? On the roof? Who...?"

He shook his head in disbelief.

"Are we SURE we want to take the chains off? doesn't matter...everyone back out the window now. Let's just get out and figure out things from there. We can hold the doors shut while they cut the chains off if that is what we decide to do, but let's move."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 4:04 am
by Mr. Handy

"We'll never get the Station Master upstairs and out the window," says Kate, crossing her arms. "I mean it, I'm not leaving without him. We have to get the front doors open."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 4:28 am
by Ritterton
"I am with Frank, we do't know who that is down there and we don't know who is in the restuarant," Artemis agreed with Frank and nodded towards the window. "We got to get out of this place and getting the door cut open can be done with more of us out there than everyone coming back into this place."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"You don't seem to understand," says Kate. "If we just break the rest of the chains, the chap in the restaurant will bust out onto the platform and attack us! We've got to draw him away to the door between the restaurant and the waiting room so Mr. Hagan can get the front doors open safely. Also, someone needs to stay with the Station Master. If nobody else is willing to do it, I nominate myself."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 3:23 pm
by Ritterton
Artemis shook his head and sighed. He looked back to both Frank and the Countess. "Miss Kate, I think we need to get you and the Countess back out of the building. You said Charlie is outside, I don't see why he even needs to worry about the restaurant, when he could just cut the chains on the main door into the lobby? "

Artemis just shook his head and then walked to the open window and tried to see if he could find Charlie below.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"You're still not listening!" says Kate with an exasperated sigh. "He can't break the rest of the chains off now, or the bloke in the restaurant will break out and kill him! It's the noise that gets his attention. That's why we've got to lure him away from the restaurant's door leading outside by making a commotion at the restaurant's interior door."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 4:45 am
by Ritterton
"And then what? The danger in the restaurant is on the loose? I don't see what that does to help us at all? But, I will suggest this. Frank guards the stairs and the Countess gets out of this place. I can go with you down to the waiting room and we can bang against the walls.

Artemis took his walking stick and smacked the wall underneath the window. He shifted the flashlight into the same hand as the knob of his walking stick and fished into his pocket. He took out the weird pendant he had found earlier and held it aloft. "We have some strange cult leaving its jewerly, its pamphlets, and apparently it's members locked in restaurants, and you want us to continue to play in this place. As I recall you wanted us to get out because of the gas. So, lead on, and I will go make noise with you."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:05 am
by Mr. Handy

"I do want to get out of here," says Kate, "but I'm not leaving anyone behind. The man in the restaurant won't get out. The door held before when I attracted his attention. We just need to temporarily get him away from the exterior door. Let's go." She leads the way into the hall.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 6:02 am
by Ritterton
Artemis surpressed his want to yell at the woman, and followed her shaking his head in frustration. "Frank, can you take up a guard point on the stairwell and near the door? Countess, I would really urge you to head down to the platform. I feel this is a fool's errand."

Artemis stepped out of the room and into the corridor, his walking stick hitting the floor harder than before.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:28 am
by Laraqua
This room is lit only by a flashlight which lays discarded by the narrow double bed -- its feeble beam revealing its low level of batteries. Though it would doubtless aggravate those from the Ministry of Fuel, the tick-tick-ticking of the radiator shows that it is currently on in a room which is now cold due to the opened window. There is a lamp lying on the floor by the bedside cabinet, whose drawers are currently opened, a wardrobe facing the bed which has its doors open and is bulging with clothes with a stack of three hatboxes to one side, and the floor is covered in crinkly paper. The black out frame has been removed from the window and all of the glass within it has shattered leaving only a few small pieces caught within the frame. The quilt has been tossed to the floor and the sheets pulled off the bed, revealing a suspicious stain. Those sheets have since been tied together into a rope that dangles out the window, anchored to the bed.
Looking at the shredded paper,reveals that they have been pulled out of a Bible that would typically have been kept in the bedside cabinet.
Looking over the clothing,some of the clothes are hanging a bit out of the bedside cabinet, including a scandalous variety of different underpants, male, female, attractive, plain, cotton and silk. The clothing within the cabinet and the wardrobe appears to be both male and female, rich and poor, height of fashion and terribly frumpy, and everything in between.
Forensics at the window,reveals that the window was broken from the inside. 1-pt spend available.
Return to the corridor.
Climb down the rope to the platform.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 2:46 pm
by Ritterton
Artemis entered the room quickly, the beam of his flash light bouncing about as he walked in with a saddle in his hands. He dropped the saddle on the bed, scanned the room quickly and then walked back out to the corridor.

"Countess, where are you? Are you in up here?" Artemis projected his voice back down the corridor as he came back to where Kate and Frank were.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 12:43 am
by Laraqua
No response. And no sign of the countess either.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:39 am
by Ritterton
Artemis walked to Room 1 and opened the door. "Countess, are you in here?"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:43 am
by Ritterton
"Good lord, now where the bloody hell has she gotten too? COUNTESS" Artemis turned and yelled down the hallway. He looked about and stepped back out into the Hallway. "Countess, COUNTESS?"

Artemis looked back and wondered - She wouldn't have gone back into that one room would she? He sighed and walked back into the hall and set his sites on Room 1's door.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy

Kate enters the room and goes over to the window, looking down to see if she can spot any movement on the platform.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:13 pm
by Ritterton
Artemis followed the Countess into the room, "Countess, I don't honestly know. Yet, I don't think everything inside this station is safe either."

He shut the door behind him and looked about the room to see if there was any sign that Mr. Durant had been in the room.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:07 pm
by Laraqua
There is no clear sign of Mr. Durant, but then there is no mud on the floor to mark his steps so unless he were bleeding there wouldn't be. The window shows little of the platform below and much of it is swamped in darkness and fog. The rope still dangles down, as it had before. Perhaps if they probed the gloom with their lights? Of course, to do so during an air raid would be poor form indeed.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:05 am
by Mr. Handy

"I can't see a bloody thing down there," whispers Kate. "We can't use our lights, not with an air raid coming. That horrid man who was in the restaurant may still be out there. Who wants to go first?"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:17 am
by Ritterton
"Part of me feels you all should get out first, but without knowing what is below, I feel I should probably go down first." Artemis sighed and shook his head in uncertainty. "I also am a bit worried about where Mr. Durant and his gun have gotten too."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"All right, you go first," says Kate. "Countess, would you like to go next, or shall I?"

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:18 am
by Ritterton
Artemis walked over to the window where Ms. Kate was at and looked out into the darkness. He listened to see if he could hear anything unsual and began his effort to work on to the window ledge holding the rope made of sheets.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:41 am
by Laraqua
Artemis,only the soft slow slap-slap-slap of bare feet against the concrete below.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:56 am
by Ritterton
"Thoughts on what that might be Miss Kate?" Artemis turned his head back over his shoulder and whispered to Miss Kate.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:17 pm
by Mr. Handy

"What what might be?" Kate whispers back, confused.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:52 am
by Ritterton
"It sounds like footprints, but as if they weren't wearing shoes - it's faint though," Artemis held out his walking stick to Ms. Kate for her to take before he descended the rope.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"Be careful," whispers Kate, holding the walking stick for him. "Once you're down, I'll haul the rope up, tie the stick to it, and lower it to you."

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:37 am
by Laraqua
He can feel the fabric bite into the palms of his hands as he climbs down, the weight of his body pulling at his forearms, though being able to brace his feet against the wall does help his downward journey. The world is gloomy out here, thick with swirling fog and shadows, and the train lies steaming and chuffing quietly behind him, its engines slowly cooling. Those above can see him reach the platform below rather safely before something clatters past him....

Platform for those who are already down there.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:03 am
by Ejstricker
"I don't think we should go down there," whispers the countess, staring down through the open window.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"I don't know as we've got much choice," Kate whispers back, shivering. She tugs on the rope to make sure Artemis is no longer on it, then pulls it up to tie the walking stick to the end so she can lower it down to him.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:42 pm
by Laraqua
Moments after she has lowered the walking stick to the platform below, someone starts screaming. It's not Artemis, but it is a man. The chilling screams come from somewhere out there in the foggy gloom ... somewhere in or near the train.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 3:32 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'll go next," whispers Kate, suppressing a shudder. "Someone might be hurt." She climbs out the window and down the makeshift rope, swallowing her fears.

Re: Upstairs Hotel Room #2

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:47 pm
by Laraqua
This room is lit only by a flashlight which lays discarded by the narrow double bed -- its feeble beam revealing its low level of batteries. Though it would doubtless aggravate those from the Ministry of Fuel, the tick-tick-ticking of the radiator shows that it is currently on in a room which is now cold due to the opened window. There is a lamp lying on the floor by the bedside cabinet, whose drawers are currently opened, a wardrobe facing the bed which has its doors open and is bulging with clothes with a stack of three hatboxes to one side, and the floor is covered in crinkly paper. The black out frame has been removed from the window and all of the glass within it has shattered leaving only a few small pieces caught within the frame. The quilt has been tossed to the floor and the sheets pulled off the bed, revealing a suspicious stain. Those sheets have since been tied together into a rope that dangles out the window, anchored to the bed.
Looking at the shredded paper,reveals that they have been pulled out of a Bible that would typically have been kept in the bedside cabinet.
Looking over the clothing,some of the clothes are hanging a bit out of the bedside cabinet, including a scandalous variety of different underpants, male, female, attractive, plain, cotton and silk. The clothing within the cabinet and the wardrobe appears to be both male and female, rich and poor, height of fashion and terribly frumpy, and everything in between.
Forensics at the window,reveals that the window was broken from the inside. 1-pt spend available.
Return to the corridor.
Climb down the rope to the platform.