Watch your step as you explore this dimly lit and disturbing railway station and its buildings beneath the bomber's moon.

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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Ritterton »

Artemis peddled fast, and glanced down at his watch, it's black hands on the golden face only prompted him to pedal the old bicycle faster. He had returned from the auction in town, not finding anything other than a few books that he could send back home for the library he hoped to return to when the war was over. Though the sounds of the German bombers increased his concern that the terror that was Hitler's Germany had only begun to spread across the world. When he got back, he asked about the bike. His land lady directed him to her neighbor for that needed form of transport. His land lady's neighbor let him borrow the ancient thing, but it took a bit longer to part from its owner and then a bit to readjust his traveling case and brief case on the rack above the back tire. He headed off in a hurry, already later than he wanted to be.

As he pedaled frantically, he was passed by two vehicles heading over the hill and down to the station. He pressed on, peddling faster as he crested the hill. Nearly 8:10, he sighed and peddled faster as he headed down to the old station. The same vehicles passed him as he had crested the hill, now going in the alternate direction. He stopped peddling and coasted towards the platform. The red brick building had a blue tiled roof and black out windows, now standard to nearly every building and home in southern England. When he came towards the platform, he could see some figures on the station.

He glanced at his watch and realized it was a nearly 8:15, he had to hurry. He parked the bike against a tree and rushed in getting his briefcase and traveling case. With both hands full he dashed to the platform.

"Oh, thank heavens, I haven't missed it." Artemis took a deep breath as he took his fedora off and fanned his face. He took another and calmed his breathing. Then opened the door to the waiting room where he heard voices inside.
Last edited by Ritterton on Tue May 31, 2016 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Mr. Handy »


Kate slips through the blackout curtain, being careful not to let any light escape.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Laraqua »


The long winding road stretches out across the flat and grassy expanse to the lonely railway station surrounded by green grass, fringed with yellow within a few feet of the railway lines themselves. The two-storey red brick building with its blue-tiled roof and two chimneys seem cozy enough as you approach. There is no sign for the railway station, as would be expected, since all such signposts were taken down at the start of the war to confuse paratroopers, spies and fallen German airmen.

The bomber's moon shines brightly through the wispy grey clouds above you, heavy with the promise of more fighter planes coming in over the continent in the Battle of Britain. The white-lined windows, doors and platform stripe (designed to help people stand back from the edge of the platform in the night) seem softly luminescent in the moonlight. Naturally all of the windows are heavily blacked out and there isn't a chink of light.

The platform is narrow, crouched over by the stationhouse itself, and lined with Victorian lamps, converted to electricity only a decade or two ago, pressed against the station's brick walls and sitting unlit. Benches line those same walls, empty of fellow passengers, crowding more thickly beneath the blue awning that stretches before the station restaurant.

A dozen yards away from the spot where cars typically park, near an unpainted fence where a rusted bicycle leans crookedly, stands a large shed.

The Southern Railway runs this Appledown (Kent) station. Passenger trains run once every sixty minutes during the day in each direction, north to Ashford and south to Hastings and beyond to/from Brighton via Lewes and Eastbourne. The last passenger train for today should be leaving for Ashford at 8:30PM. Luckily you have come a few minutes early, just in case.

Places to Go:
Craft Knowledge,The shed would be full of tools, wood and coal for both the stations' and passing trains' needs.
Architecture Knowledge,During the war very little has been invested in the railways and they have become increasingly run-down. With only essential maintenance work being carried out during the war, the maintenance backlog increased even further. This railway station would have been constructed in the Victorian Era and likely has seen very little change since. It's pretty typical for small stations of its era.
History Knowledge,The Appledown Railway Station has a rather ordinary history. Built in the Victorian era, it has seen neither horrific murder nor terrible scandal. There have also been no bombs dropped from passing planes on this little spit of countryside, which is unusual for Kent, as incessant bombing raids are already beginning to leave their devastating mark on Kent's landscape due to its proximity to the rest of Europe. The Luftwaffe have embarked on a heavy bombardment of the country's airfields, harbours and naval bases, presumably to clear the way for invasion. In many places you can spot the debris of fighter aircraft from both sides.
Outdoorsman Knowledge,The soil near the railway lines looks quite healthy. It's unusual that the grass is dying so close to it though perhaps some form of pesticide is being used to keep the lines clear of grass. It is also strange that the yellowing stretches a full meter from the tracks, however, as that seems a bit over-zealous for pesticide. The sudden yellowing also suggests that it's a relatively new situation, perhaps only a few days old.
Evidence Collection Knowledge,The brickwork beneath the roofline has strange symbolism carved into them but they are too far away to read. (1 Point Spend available).
Photography or Art History Knowledge,The current station master, Declan O'Donoghue, is a locally renowned photographer who has managed to accomplish great things from this small town. Many of his photographs are haunting depictions of rundown architectural anomalies, some of which show this very train station, though always from such angles as show these train stations to be in a state of disrepair. (1 Point Spend available).
NEW DETAILS: There are two piles of cases on the platform, one consisting of two large cases (the countess) and one of a variety of differently shaped and mismatched cases (Miss Ilona Aston's). There is no sign of the two men who had been set to guard them, though their cars remain.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by RhinoRat »

Frank Durant had arrived about three hours ago on an earlier train. He had immediately obtained a ticket for the last train of the night so he wouldn't have to hurry later, and since then he had been spending time talking with the station master, Declan O'Donoghue, about their common interest of photography. Frank's normal subjects differed greatly from O'Donoghue's haunting photos, but Frank found them to be mesmerizing and hoped to pick up some tips that would help him in his side career.

Whenever a train was due in, or the station master seemed to have pressing responsibilities, Durant made himself scarce. But when things died down again he would find the station master and engage him in some additional small talk, trying to turn the conversation back to photography or the unique architecture O'Donoghue liked to capture. His train was due shortly, so Frank figured he better head outside for one last cigarette in the open air before boarding a potentially packed train to head toward his final destination. He shook O'Donoghue's hand, thanked him for the conversation, wished him luck in the future, and headed outside.

Once outside, he stayed close to the station and paid attention for any sign of the approaching train (ready to race back in) while enjoying the peace and quiet of the countryside.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Laraqua »

While he went for his stroll, three vehicles had arrived - one disgorging a tremendous amount of additional baggage that would certainly require some special baggage fees. The first left immediately, but the other two drivers hung around for about five minutes in quiet conversation with each other, having a cigarette, before finally turning and hurrying off. Rather than return to their cars, they simply hustled quickly back up the dirt road in the direction of town and caught a car that sat about a mile off without a backward glance at their abandoned vehicles. Strange behaviour indeed. But it's cold and it's dark, and the last train should be due soon. Perhaps it's time for Frank Durant to return inside to where those three women and three men had entered. Perhaps he could pick up some last minute tips before the train arrived.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by RhinoRat »

Strange behavior indeed....

His mind started wandering as to why anyone would drive a car down, then scurry off to meet a waiting car up the road instead of having the car drive down to get them. Yes, rationing is in place, but that seemed a bit over the top.

He absent-mindedly looked at his watch and realized it was later than he thought. He crushed his cigarette and quickly headed back inside to make sure he wouldn't miss the train.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by jimjam »

Ilona shivers as she steps outside, she looks around and sighs. "Oh honestly." She mutters, walking over to check her bags. "Driver?" She calls out as she looks around the platform, trying the locked doors.
She steps back over to her bags, and crosses her arms with a huff.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Laraqua »

A cute little sparrow lands on some of the cases, and hops about, tilting its head from one side to the other.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by jimjam »

"You find those interesting ey? You should see what's inside those cases." She says in amusement as she watches the bird hop about.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Laraqua »

The bird squawks, a hoarse and painful sound, then flies straight up into the awning. With a thock, it rebounds and hits the ground. Only to hop up again, tweet a bit, then fling itself skyward once more to hit the awning. Again it falls, landing with rapidly beating heart upon the concrete station floor.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by jimjam »

Ilona jumps back in shock, her hand covering her mouth. As the bird falls the floor a second time, she walks over and kneels beside it. She takes off her coat and wraps the bird in it.
"Oh you poor silly thing. I hope you're happy, I'm awfully cold now."
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Laraqua »

As she kneels beside it to offer it her coat, a larger bird - a crow - slams into the wall inches by her head. It wobbles awkwardly on its talons, one wing out for balances, and utters an awful hoarse cry.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by jimjam »

Ilona shrieks and falls backwards in surprise as the second bird flies into the wall. She sits there in stunned shock, wide-eyed, watching the crow.
What are the chances that two birds would just fly into this station wall just now?
She can’t help but wonder if she broke something in her shop that were actually cursed for all this recent bad luck to happen. She’s clumsy but not forgetful, she can’t think of a time where she had... What is with these birds?
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Laraqua »

The crow flings itself against the wall again and again, not bothering to fly up to do it, just flying headlong into it. Battering its head against it until its skull cracks.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by jimjam »

Ilona watches in horror, not able to bring herself to move until the bird stops, presumably dead. She stands up slowly, takes a deep breath, forgetting her jacket and forgetting how cold she is, and heads inside.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Laraqua »

Stability check,6 on another online dice roller. You don't lose your grip due to the shock of the situation, at least.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Laraqua »

The fog is thick and dense around you, cold tendrils snaking into your clothing and tickling your skin almost as though it were a live thing. The bright roundness of the moon can still be somehow glimpsed through the cloud which surrounds you though you can barely make out more than a few yards ahead of you. You can primarily see the concrete platform and the stripe of paint declaring how far you should stand back to avoid being sucked under the train's wheels, and the red brick building behind you with its white-lined windows and Victorian lamps pressed against the station's brick walls and sitting unlit. Benches line those same walls, empty of fellow passengers, crowding more thickly beneath the blue awning that stretches before the station restaurant. You can smell the smoke slowly dissipating from the train itself and see it mainly by its dark silhouette, somehow darker than the space behind it. You can hear the sounds of its engine slowly, ever so slowly cooling, as though the train were parked here to stay. Perhaps with a flashlight you could see further, as it is, you have to walk and look about.

Places to Go:
Evidence Collection,There are twin scrape marks across the platforms. 1-pt Outdoorsman or Crafts spends available.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Overlord87 »


Well, this is just getting better and better, uh?, Jonathan thinks, looking around at the creepy station. He then rushes towards the door, trying to remove the chains.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Laraqua »

There are five chains, four of which are bolted to the corner wall by the door with quite large bolts, and a fifth chain looped through the middle. All chains are also bolted somewhere upon the door. There's no way these could be removed by hand. The chain rings are thicker than your thumb and the bolts are almost as thick. Large tools would be required to cut through these chains. There seems to be some kind of odd stain to them, and a chemical smell, but it's impossible to see what it is without playing a light across it.
Chemistry smell for those with chemistry,it smells like a dilute sulphuric acid. Clearly not strong enough to melt through the chains but likely enough to leave a rash or otherwise damage the skin.
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Re: Platform BEGIN HERE

Post by Overlord87 »


"Damn, I'll never get this thing open by myself!"

Jonathan runs back under the window and tells Artemis: "I don't know how to open the door... I'd need tools and... there's no one around here, not a soul. It's better if you all exit through the window. I don't see any other way".
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