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new to roleplay and relatively new to lovecraft

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:12 pm
by masonstone
Hi I'm completely new to roleplaying of any kind and I have only recently discovered Lovecrafts work. At this time I have only read Call of Cthulhu, Mountains of Madness and Dunwhich Horror so I'm pretty green about the mythos. However I find the characters and setting fascinating and would welcome any and all games that are available, although Ideally I would like to do something in the 1920s era, I could create a character or simply pick up a character that you have already made yourself...

Re: new to roleplay and relatively new to lovecraft

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:37 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Well, well, Mason Stone, very welcome indeed!
I´m sure you´ll find a game to join. This site is stuffed with goodies! I´m not going to recommend any specific campaign to join. Simply read the outlines and see what catches your fancy. Good hunting and keep away from squid like entities.

Re: new to roleplay and relatively new to lovecraft

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:57 pm
by masonstone
thanks for the warm welcome! and as you say, from the look of this site I'm sure I'll find loads of great oppertunities to improve my roleplaying and enjoy myself! (and Cthulhu spawn too)

Re: new to roleplay and relatively new to lovecraft

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:54 pm
by Mr. Handy
Welcome, Masonstone! I'd be glad to have you join either or both of my games. Zombie Apocalypse has been going on for over three years, and Chapter 5 is going to start in a little over a week. There are five new pregenerated characters to choose from, and you can also create one or two characters of your own if you wish. The new characters require no prior knowledge of the first four chapters. Zombie Apocalypse is intense and highly lethal modern-day survival horror, not the sort of traditional investigative horror you may be expecting (there's still some investigation, but much of your efforts would be devoted to simply staying alive), and it does not involve the Mythos as such, but it does have similar elements.

My other game, Space Oddity, started in April and is inspired by Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes (but with Mythosy twists). It's set in Philadelphia in 1969, and we're currently early in Chapter 1. There's still some room to squeeze in someone new. You could either create a new character, or you could take over an existing NPC or one of the abandoned PCs (though those options would require a little back reading).

You can also check the I'm Thinking of Running a Game board, as there are a couple of games that are going to start soon where you could join in at the beginning.

Re: new to roleplay and relatively new to lovecraft

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:03 pm
by masonstone
Thanks Mr. Handy, I'd be honoured to join your Zombie Apocalypse game and if I feel up to it maybe your Space Oddity too!

by the way, how should I go about joining the Zombie Apocalypse game?

Re: new to roleplay and relatively new to lovecraft

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:18 pm
by Mr. Handy
You've just done it! :) I'll reply to your post in the Zombie Apocalypse thread that you just made with further instructions.

Re: new to roleplay and relatively new to lovecraft

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:21 pm
by masonstone
kk thx

Re: new to roleplay and relatively new to lovecraft

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:13 pm
by welsh
I run a fairly CoC lite game. We're starting a new campaign- Horror on the River of No Return, a Wild West Cthulhu game. Rules and various attachments are on the game forum (in Other Eras). Feel free to stop in. We've got lots of characters in need of players.