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Looking for a Game - knows CoC 5+, first time play by post.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:01 am
by Cuchulain
Greetings, potential Keepers! I'm new to play be post, but am keen to have a go. I'm usually keeper for my group (when they deign to play CoC, my favourite system/setting) so I'd like to play a game rather than master one.

I'm already familiar with BtMOM, MoN, HotOE and the one-shots in the V.5 book, so would prefer something else, but am perfectly able to dissociate player knowledge from character knowledge and will take whatever is offered.

Let me know.


Re: Looking for a Game - knows CoC 5+, first time play by post.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:23 am
by Mr. Handy
Zombie Apocalypse still has room for new players. All characters are pre-generated, but there are still some available that were added at the start of Chapter 3, so there isn't too much catching up required. More new characters will be added when Chapter 4 starts, but that's months away.

Re: Looking for a Game - knows CoC 5+, first time play by post.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:52 am
by Cuchulain
Sure, sign me up! What characters are available?

Re: Looking for a Game - knows CoC 5+, first time play by post.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:08 am
by Mr. Handy
In this game you can have multiple characters, and it's recommended because this is a very lethal game and characters will die. The only IC threads you are supposed to read are the ones that your characters are in or have been in. Check the Character Sheets thread for full details on each one, and the Locations thread to see each character's thread history. Each character has secrets as well. Once you choose your characters, I'll send you their secrets in a PM. When you receive them and you've caught up on the character's threads for Chapter 3, you can start posting. You can always start by choosing one or two, and then picking more at a later time (such as when Chapter 4 starts). Three is the normal number, and while you may pick four, you should probably leave some for others and wait to see which new characters will be added later. Post your choices in the Character Selection and Discussion thread.

The new characters available in the Over section are Dr. Bernard Smith and Lucy Armstrong, but they won't have much to do besides talk until Chapter 4 begins. Only characters from Chapter 1 are still available in Under. You would need to read the first two chapters to play them, and those are very long. The Through section is where you'll want to choose characters. The new ones still available are:
Senior Airman Roger Coltrane
Airman Greg Applebee
Amanda Deeds
Lewie Newton
Ernest Granger

There are other characters whose players haven't posted in a long time, and I may make them available eventually too.

Welcome aboard, and have fun!

Re: Looking for a Game - knows CoC 5+, first time play by post.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:15 am
by Cuchulain
Looks like I'm in for some reading! Good fun.

I shall select a few and post in the appropriate forum.

Re: Looking for a Game - knows CoC 5+, first time play by post.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:43 am
pm sent